,--" 4 " V-Vi 4 'lf ' , - - . , , VMyi- H -. iS sn w"rV'wVw..Vr .'' .-. . " .-..;,.. WEATHER FORECAST Tonight mill Sunday, ruin In W'oul, snow cast ioillnn; not no cold to night'' In eiisl portion. iiniYMiii v'm xm. SCORES KILLED BY FALLING OE THEATRE nOOFJ Hundreds Pinioned Beneath Wreckage; Heavy Snow Brings Collapse WASIIINOTOX, II. C, Jim. 110. Tim ilnitli loll or lho Klilikcrhoikcr llicnlcr ilnlt'i- H.itimluy nlglit un luiiuulit up lo ION loilil) ullli tin' ili'iilh In ii liiipllnl o( Ml Mary A, I'olMjtlll1, Of WllklllllUlOII. lit" inri iiii Kllll hll liuullott Willi Ho' li''iiV xirikiiuc P'ft itlien III" IH)H. IiiiIpii liinf tollapiil ilili'lntf Hie dinning or a ronietly. Ililgmllcr l.'i'iiiiiil lliinillioll, tilm It imtmiii nil)' illictllng I In- uxor, until It would In III lionr lMfori It roulil In- ileriiillcly Uiiimn Mlit I toy their mo moil' Ikh1Ih Id I In vireckiigc. 'Scimfiir 1'npprr, or KniiM, n tin iiiIxt iif lln MtiitlP DUlrlrt or I'lilmithln coiiiinlltiv, today Intm-tlun-,1 a irviiliitlmi proposing no In-e-tlUHlloii by I lie senate ruoiinll. I it, Krnitliir I'rrlliiKloiUrii, of Xew Jfiu-y, In MiplMitllou lint irxiltillim, llld llli lilVfallKntloii atinillil li II vtlde.pirinl one or tin' rii 1 1 rt' RU trill government, milling tlml lie knew iiiiiij building In Whln. .Ion were lln- Irnpo. Thn tlirntrf, which cconiliioiliitcil cfoic to I. (K)0 pironi, w ulil to lie coniforlnlily filled l thn tlnio, noil Ihp roof, n It Ml, Imprisoned many unitur thn nun or wrcckuxc. llm Imlrony collipalnR nlno, whll"! concriili. pIIUm -fell over to mitt 1 thi'lr walxlit t thn ilcbrl unilrr which the woumtvd lay, (ronliliiB. .Many women who varaped ran ncrcamlnr: to thn ttreet, mid several Muted, hlln (be Injured were ru mored on stfVlcheni and taken In nmbulalicek t, hospital's, prlrule homes and nearby clubs. Tho Urn department waa called by flvn alarms and pollen reserves were rushed to th scene, the rescu., era beginning the work or hacking at thn wreckagu to liberate tho Im prisoned, "tint Itlrh quick Will llugrord" wjs being shown, and the second allow of thn evening hid just begun when Ihu roof crashed. T men wero said to havo been removed dead, and a Mis Coil ley tiled o'f Injuries alter she had been taken to n physician's office. Cor oner J. It. Nevltt nald M rlrst "guess" was (hat thero had been noli killed, Kcvural hour would perhaps elapse, however, It was In dicated, before n definite etlmate of thn Nltuatlim would bo available. Police, firemen and volunteer weru iisslsled In thn rescun work by marine who h.ivo been stationed hern during tho nrmnnient confer ence. Thuy worked III Imminent, danger of tho wall collapsing oul I hem, Wlilln they worked relatives of Ihoso who had been at thn per- i forniaure stood bareheaded In thn miiiw, fearfully awaiting word of their loved ones. Henator Hmllli, of floillli Carolina, waa mild to bo among thn rescued, III Injurlex worn desrrlhod ns silent. i U WOHHINOTON, I). 0 Jan. 30. Declaring "thorn I no much grief In Washington today." President Harding nunounred tho jpoatpono men! of tho reception tonight nt lho Whltn House, which waa plan ned by Ohio residents In honor or McKiiilcy'a birthday, Hoover, de claring lho losson hnd been taught nt n great sncrlflco, unnounced u committee of loading architects ap pointed Ip work out u building code for nil cIIIch to prevent urcldenta like ihu Knlckurbocke,. disaster. Second Arslstunt Postmaster Ocn oral Rlmughnessy, who was Injured I nthn accident, la reported 'im proved, IIOFIill (IIVKX II.XTHj THIMD.W TO VllKPAIIi: CAHK Anton llofor, accused and uiidur Indictment for uttumptliiK u crimin al iismiult on u slx-yuur-old girl, was before Judge Kuykendiill In tho clr. cult court this morning. Ill nttnr iiyoH iiHked for mi oxtonslon 'of tlmo In which to propnro thn dofensn nnd thn court gave thorn until tomorrow, nt 3 o'clock, fatf jMI'.l I 1. 1, .'!!.. I III' Mil, i - , ti'mj rn.vritovKiiHV now APPEARS TO III: IMMINENT WAHIIINOTON, I). '., Jim. in. I''urllnir Indication Hint a kcIIIciiioiiI of Ihil HIiiuitiuiK cnniruvcrst I liniiilni'iil dnvel nii'il today when Japinesn niiil f bluest) delegation resumed lln-lr conversation. Every Is- iiiiii (if tint Shantung problem firi'Vlcnmly lnii been ncllleil ex- rit dclnll of lint rallrnml ills- l"""' ","1 rmimiiiin or ncgo- uuiioim with i an vii io nin.iii lliu twn group wnro rcmly bkiiIii to discus IliU question. AFFAIRS OF FIRST STATE BANK BEING CHECKED BY WAILES I'iikow Aliiy Tnkn Week or ' Trii I (njo I ,Nii Htnlrioi'ot I'nlll Wink l roinpli'liil Tlicrn In tielhlnr: nnw In tho Klrntl Hlutn mid HaiUir.it bank nil nation.) fiuld t'. C. Wnllm, ndlnc dvpulyj nliili' Imnklnr; mipi'rltitciiddit, loilny, Wiillm mill iiKfllnliuitii jim bunyi rlii'cklnr! up the nffalr or thn bunk, unit thn pridlmliiory proem will takn Ii-ii dnyii or tw(t wnk to rum pli'lc, bn until . t'ntll ihlit work U flnl.licl In, will bn In no poftltlon in makn u d o f I ii lli' Ktulnmnnt. Hit nabl Uuit Krnnk llrmutoi'll, ntuUi bank iniprrlntcinl- mil, not cipcclt'd lo come hero until tho prclliulnnry checking up l OffOlliplllllCll. I SHORTHORNS INCREASE I'oiiol) .Voir lln Out I'Iic Time .VihoIh'i- or Tlirii Vi'nm Ak" I'rtiunt thcro lira :.in head of "rthorii ratlin In Kliinmlh county over flvn limes die number or record three year aro this sprlnu when shorthorn breedliiK first was urged ,by the farm bureau. This was 'brought out at a mccllni; Saturday at llm rami bureau office of the Klamath County Hborthorn llreedern' association, orKanlied at the sounly f,,,r '""' '"" of !" "1'fHhorn breeders In the unty. li are members or thn mo- elation, It Mas shonn by a recent survey. It Is believed (hat all tho breeders will becomo members. .Since orgaulialltn of tho breeders' asso ciation Ihu work baa been left en tirely In the hands of Ha membera, mid excellent results havn b.-en ac complished. The association Is dedi cated to the breading nnd disposing "' ."'.'". "l"1' w",:" "ru "'" to bn particularly adaptable to Klam nth county becnuse or their vuluo a bee! stock a well as dairy Block. The survey showed that there will fli n number or young bulls offered this spring when It I planned to hold a slock sale, Particulars rela tive lo thn offerings nro knpt on file nt thn officii of lho farm bureau. ANNUAL STAFF CHOSEN Wink on High School Publication tu Stmt nt Omv I Tho students of the high school voted Friday on officer,, for tho an mini stnir and elected tho. follow lug: Kdllor, Dorothy Delnell; as- alstaut editor, l.etbn Miller; buKluesa manager, Frank I'lDlyon; udverllslug manager, France Humphrey; ns Hlslnnt ndvi'rtlslni; mnnnger, Charles (Irovo; Jokes, Jo tlpp; iithlntlca, Chester Krhrlvcr; exchnnge. HaroVl Worley; society, Kathor Calkins; subscription manager, draco Klllott; alumni, Funic Hanks; senior editor, Vera Tlibmpson; Junior editor, Until Newton; Sophmoro editor, Wiendel Smith. Work on lho iiununl hcIiooI pub lication will begin Immediately. JIAIIKKT ItllPORT PORTLAND, Jan. 30. Cnttlo. steady; Ifoga 2rc lo D0c higher; prime light $10 to $10.2G; Sheen Steady; Kggs, weak mid unsettled; llulter, stonily, MAONKSITr! MIMIH TO OPIJX IX CALIFORNIA POIITKRVILI.K, fill., Jim. 30, Itoupunlng of llm magi(oslto mliion of thl Hocllon, rlosed shortly utter tho signing of the. tirmistlco, hng boon an tiouncod for early In March, Heavy domaiid lor thl nro will keop-thd mlnea ninuliii; lull tlmo, It I until., nnd cm'ploynTnnt will bo available for vcvcrnl hundred men, KLA.MA'III FALLS, OHIUJMX, BETS TOTALING E, ) Suspension of 17 College Players for Profession- alism is the Result HOI'TII lli:NI), IihI., .tun. 30. I'IkIiI Nolro Dmno iiulvnmliy nth IcIch today conrrioipd thnt tlicy hud pl.i)i'd In a nrtii.rrifi'lonnl loot ball Kamn lit Tnylnnivllli', III.. Nov iMiibcr 2T. hut. with tho Cnrlliivlllc. I III., tuaiii. Tin')' wcro Immeilflitoly illnillnllllrd from fiirllinr lilbli-llr romi'"lllion nt .S'otro DaiiH'. Nino t'nlvcmlty of llllnrl" nlhlolcn witi' dli(imlllli:d Huliirilny. Tbo ilinrRCH runic mi I lie rcnillt or li football Kill ni oo which 1100. noil Man bot, tbo huavy wiikcm rcatill I n It from bitter rhulry Imlvtrrii Ihu two mnnlk lowtiH. ,A Kroup or cltlii'UR of Cnrllnvlllli'. Ill, II wn learned today, derided Innt Inll rllimirlnlly to "clean out" thn rlvnl lown of Tuylnrvlln, by ob tulnliiR mi roli'Rn iitnrn to piny on their rooihall team, and with victory appnrnilly uimurcil, lo bet tho limit on thn mi mm I content. Hut Taylor vllln learned of ho plan, obtained nlun rolleite nlara nnd not only do reated Carllnvllle. but l ald to have I woij nearly IBO.noo by covering every j rarllnvllln bet made. TRAPPERS GET BOUNTY (ii)iitij I Tlirre llolx-nl mill Tliree I'rllx Drought In 100 0 01 FOOTBALL GIE - ! In the county scbodulu. Should atatrhmrut were the work of men Trappern brought In six pelt and,, h() wln (rom Ml,rn n,.xt Friday' who knew ihelr business. A full-fled- were paid the bounty on them by, , . , ... wlth lh Aaenry'cid rom.er coll. was within handv County Clerk l)el.ap on Saturday. u,ftm for co;lnljp iIDnor, This would! reach, and at the bottom of the tank here worn three bobcats and three ntato n play-off In a noulral' was n brass faucet, such us I ordln coyote. Under n pew law 'l'lch Kymiinilum. . . . -l tarllyWd tu draw oft coal oil or gas- govs Inloerrecl Wednesday Febru-; TUo inu.ul, wu. jollne. On the top ot tbo seemingly ary 1st, Ihoso bringing In pell ror nonanu (19) K.C.H.S. (It)' harmless can was an attachment used bounty will not only have to lunko, t.frscy (1C) F ...C. Orovo (3) to connect up the coll to carry off the affidavit thai they killed lhP "nl-j,t chaney (2) F-...F. Peyton (2) condcnsatlcn. This was so cleverly muls personally, but will havo to be t. Welch (2) C K. OoeU ()! contrived that it could be unshipped corroborated by two witnesses, who ,( . uMon o c. Schrlvcrj In an Instant and n brass cover screw- must qualify as really owners. "",. ConiwrHeld . (I... C. Hoguc! ed In. which lo all Intent and pur- foro bounty ran bo collestcd. ii:.i. t. uto.v up iiKi'em: rmcriTceriiTJi'iMii: Dean T Upton. !l year of age, under Indictment for Inducing his nlueleen.ycur-old brldo to n Ufa ot prostltutlcn, wo before Judgo Kuy kniidall In tho circuit court this morning. Ho entered no plea nnd ns ho wn without an .attorney nnd claimed he had no mean to employ one, tbo court appointed Attorney WJIIIam Omiong to took nflcr Ills defenko mid bo will bo arraigned later. QV jttr A A.s VeSCAKTGo -7 u inrittg Member of the Associated Prcs3. MONDAY, .MM LOCAL NEWSBOY AT I 12 HAS HIS OWN . PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE 1 1'linr HI ('iiiuililllly Uir tilling mill Taking dliiiil lllim Hold i In mill Dill or ItliiK ' ' Anyone wlio Iiuk iK'i'ii Melvlii At- !..,.n. lho Herald trt nUmm.' "'" i itiKillt!- cirdwi --riv iti nriinii in iiiii niiiiri'ii circle, known iiu capability for kIv- lim mill t.iklni; hard blow. , Tufty, lit 12,, ban n philosophy of Itrn Hint alinnld shamn some adults In i crisis' I lie cam.', Into tho office Hnturday evening and waa the target for thl natural .iesllen: ' I "llnvn any money In llm Klrsl Hlate. Tuffy?" "Hundred dollars," was tho aomo- what Hurprlislng nnswnr. "Worried?" "N'oim. Hnd It In a year ngo.i ... , ,, , .. , ,, nnd llm bank pulled through ,11 rg.l m I let her ride nd I guci she'll come out all right thls.tltnn." And thn Interview ended. BONANZA TRIMS K. H. S. Hntbflhiill llnme llnril'I'iiuglil nnd Itoiluli; I'layrrx llniiillcnppeil Friday night Ilonania added one mom victory to the "won" aide of her percentage column In the Colin-: ty llakkctball league, when ehtj do reated tho Klamath County high schcul team by n score or 19 to 11. TTle racin woafc JiarU-rought anil! nml a ,utlon or aqua to produce rt rough. The Klamath Falls boyi tiri.ass brand or moonshine, were so handicapped by the small Thn still was something In tho way floor and the low .celling that they.0r a novelty. It was, to all Intent were simply out-Classed, a was the' and purposes, a largo tin receptacfe I Agency school team last week on' the same floor. i T,ll( Vrlry KV,.B the Ilonania ' high school six wins and ono' loss' Substitutions. P. Montcomerr fori Hogue. Converted lotlls, Ilonania; 7 out of M tries; K. C. II. S., 3 out of j. tries. Referee. Ilradbury. KLAMATH KOI.K I.KAKK .'.I norm, ix coos couxtv .liiiitntiribiiw, sjuiu i IftOIILMLM t Tan in Me finil Mrs. Win, KloUner of Klimath l-',ill. u-lin lint rerentlv arrived In .North llend, havn taken a aeven) llrown of fifteen dollars, Is on n trial yeara' lease on thn Palace hotel ln!beforo n Jury In tho circuit court that city owned by A. Ounn ot Sau Francisco. m DELAYING 'THE "COMING OUT" PARTY Herald HV HO, IIIJ IS LATEST DEVICE " """" nff. MJ-, M.tU. " - n & as mm ods Adopted in Best Illicit Circles Af"Hng to Chief of Police Wil nnl BhfrHf Low tho mocn.hlnen "" """ ,0 camouriaglng their MU- " WM "''."c'"' '" "Id they """'" " """ " ' ' - Johnson, on tbo-road to tapper Kl.iin nib Lake on tbe'wrst aldn of t.lnk ' river. Just nt thn bend of thn read, ' where Johnson hnd been ensconced In a log riiiiln, which for sonio limn . . ,. . , ' llolH l'''- till lUI'llsl 111 limits) UllllIIIIT- ., ,, lnf . '"' ."- . f ......, ... spirits that uern not occult, and at- ter he won tcKfcd In the city Jail bn hie-amn lo.'iuticlous. Under tho skill ful InlcrrogntlotiH of tbo chlnf ho yleliled up tho Information that he had a still In his cabin. Thn Chief and thn Sheriff visited tlll, iMn am, ,,, nnp of lho n)0Jl r,im,,t,.,fl moonslilnlng plants that , M)1(.C mv ,.vor faturcd. togeth- er wllh n gallon and n half or double stilled alcohol, requiring only the, Introduction of a bit of brown sugar that might easily lie taken for a gas- ollnc can of twenty gallon capacity. 'a el(.o ejamlnatlon however, reveal- w trial It was copper lined, and the pose would leavo it tbo same harm- j les looking gasoline can It first ap- peorance Indicated, Johnson will be brough before U. S- CommlHsloiicr this afternoon. ItOIIIICItV CASK IlKIXO AIUI'.D IX CIRCUIT COURT The rase of tbo State against Karl . Kcnnetly Orvlllo Roblnett and l.eo ' Friend, accused of robblnc Mrs. Ruth thl afternoon. Renner, Manning & ! naming appear icr me iieienuanis.. CAMOUFLAGE HIS TOWMiKV, l'T OF JAIL, HHVH IIF IH ANXIOl'H TO UFHt'Mi: "I'AltMI'.IW nflllT' JACKHO.V. Minn.. Jan. 30. A. C. Townloy, president or tho Non-Part linn league, wan relenncd from Jail today after rrlnR a 90-day aentence for violation of thn Mate enplon- age act. IIB left for HI. Paul to vlult hi wife, who Ii III there. He laid he waa eaKer to return to the "farmer' ' rinht FOREST PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION FORMED BY LOCAL T1MBERMEN Aillrlis or Incorporation I'lleil; Organization Will Deal Willi lT, H. on fteeilr Control RAI,K.M. Jan .30. The Klamath Foreat Protcctlva association, or gnnltnd wllh a vlnw to preserving thn forest of Klamath, Jackson and I-ako counties, with headquar ter In Klamath Falls, filed arti cles of Incorporation with' tho statu corporation department here Frl- !day. The capital stock of tho associa tion Is given at 14,021.01. with Jackson F. Kimball, Dert K. With- row and C. II. Uaggett named as Incorporators. The nboro association I being organized to succeed tho present Klamath-Lake Counties Forest Flro association, and the general purpose I to provide a corporate body to deal with the government on mot' ters In connection with tho pine beetle control work, an dto under take forest fire protection work, This was announced here recently hy J. F. Kimball. McMANUS TRIAL ON IIim Heariac Before V. H. Cotamls slimrr; Bermrd, Zchader, Freiil John J. McMami will be given hearing this Sfternoon before U. S. Commissioner Thomas on a charge ot raoonshlnlng. Ho wai arrested at Algoma Thursday night by Bher- m low and Chief of Police Wilson a ono of the parties concerned In the moonshine operations In Mills addition, where the police celled 175 quarts or liquor which had been cached under the rioor of the wood shed In the rear of the build ing. McManus made his escape from Indian Officer Port Summers, and wita mm disappeared a com ot moonshine which the officer had selird as evidence. Tho following day Chief 'Wilson made tho raid which resulted In tho big haul, and arrested Dick iiarrard and Ed Zender. They wera Indicted by tho federal grand Jury in Portland. PORTLAND. Jan. 30. Indict montg charging Dick Rerrard ond Ed Zehnder with violation of tho proamnion law was dismissed by tho federal court on tho motion of Assistant Federal Attorney Flegel who held that tbo evldenco did not warrant prosecution. BUYS BAMBERRY HOME lo:jner .Mai In Hunker to Retl.lo Here; Kppen,on Kills Vacancy LfluU Holdlschar, former cashier of tho Malin State bank, ha pur chased tho James Ramberry homo on Crescent avenue, and wilt be come a resident ot Klamath Folia. It U understood he Intend to open a roalty and brokerage office here, A, D. Epperson, at a director meeting Saturday, wag chosen to till the vacancy In the Malln bank caused by Doldlschar's resignation. W. I.. Valentine, until Saturday with the First State and Savings bank, will be assistant cashier. .Mr. and Mrs. Damborry are leav ing In about a week for Portland. Mr,- Ramberry hag been cashier for tho Oskur Ruber Construction com- nanv. and has resided here for tho J past two years, during completion of stato highway contracts In this county, PORTiaXD ATTOHXKY IRKS AKTKR ADMISSION' TO n.Ut PORTLAND, Jan. 30. Leroy K, Koeley, attorney, aged ?fi, who fig ured lu u lltlgatlqn with tbo .State Car-association over hi admission to practico law, Is dead here Just after,. a rompromlso had boon reached and tho bar association bad'recommunded lils admission. NEWS OF THE WORLD BY THE ' ASSOCIATED PRESS ' liA vhlvK MVK CMeiliT FARMERS' MEET GREAT SUCCESS Far-Reaching Results Are Predictedy Head of Farm Bureau WAfllrtNOTON, D. O., Jan. 30. The formation of a live- stock loan company for flnane-O Ing sheep anil cattle men In Oregon nnd Idaho will be tin- dertaken shortly a a result or conferences nt bankora of tho west with tho War finance corporation. It wa announced by Managing Director Meyer. " Meyer said W. It. Pollman. of Daker, Oregon, had been dls- cussing livestock need In Kailern Oregon and Southern p Idabowlih tho corporation and propones to form a com- pany lo take earn of the needs of those Mates. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 30. The national agricultural confer ence, which closed after adopting recommendations designed to alle viate farm depression and proven!, recurrences ot such a condition, was halted as "the moat far-reaching conference of farmers ever held," In a statement Issued by J. It. Howard, president ot the American Farm Bureau Federation, i The 'conference recommendations wore indorsed by Howard aail were made tbo basis of study by Secre tary Wallace and other officials upon whom will devolve the -task of making thutn effective. . Referring to President Hardtag's IS PRONOUNCED suggestion ln opining the "cqafer once that tbo farmers seek, to. Mti, , In co-operative organisations, How ard said: Will Heelc Orgaadzatloa) "Tbu farm bureau wilt undertake to organize all tbe4 farmers asd unite them luto strong commodity marketing associations, which will Improve tbo distribution ot food to the lasting benefit to both producer and consumer. We want to bring the eater and the grower closor to gether. "The agricultural conference will go down Into history as tho most far-reaching conference ever held. The topmost feature, of coarso, was the address ot tho presldont ot the United States and tho commitments which it contained ot the. adminis tration's attitude toward agricul ture. Probably no chief oxecullye v of the nation has previously Indlctt ed so deep and Intelligent Interest In tho farmers' affairs. President Harding recognized the bad stato of agriculture; stressed lho outstand ing Importanco ot agrlculturo In our national life; Hbowod that tbo farm er must havo a credit system adapt. ed to hi needs; asserted that last ing Improvement la to coma, only by the development of co-operatlvo marketing- favored a sclonttfle lim itation ot production and pointed out tho dignity of the profession, AgnlUkt kxre Margins "Tho co-operatlvo marketing movement as fostered by tho Amer ican Bureau Fedoratlon Is a protest expressed In .action against excess margins and distributive costa." It l no new thing. It has been car ried on successfully In Europe for hundreds of years. Within" leas than 50 years, Denmark, through, co-operative marketing, has reduced distribution costs so that the . pro ducers receive 72 cents o fthe, con sumer dollar. More than twice aa much n we get' here, and through co-operative marketing ba rebuild ed her entire national prosperity'.') WEATHER raoaUUUTMW'""'. Tho barometric "low" that kati provulled since Thursday at mldalrtt. aim conuuues, ana me uycio-Btoraa-graph at Underwood's Pharmacy shows that a further full was taking place this morning. With suck, law pressure thero Is no chance for at tied weather. Conditions are apt to remain a, they, have for tho past several tliy. ." , Forecast for naxt 24 heurs: Umuttled weather, Increasing winds,, with moderate , temperar tures, , -' j - Tho Tyco' recording thermometer registered maximum auu.jnjMsjHi terapreatures.'to day, a foltfws; . High 24 Low m mi M ...13i " i .A""