The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 28, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mft'ltDAV, JAXUAm 28, I01
Page Two
jrvk.! oi-v.Vy4Jiii
TheEvcninf Herald
K. J.' HURRA V K.!l(nr
K. 1. HARRIOT .... . Clt) EJItnt
Published dally except Sunday, by
Tbe Herald rubllsblng Company ot
Klaiaulh Fall, itlll Eighth Street
plo.xcc. this resulting tn tho trout
being planted til th n proper places hi
I llin rlRlit lime, nml It Ik bcitovcd ttint
I much better results will ho nlilalnrtl
from plnntltiR of till Mini.
Spoilsmen llllll'nvo
lite rosiiurir. IMucjUlon in necessar-lt-
n slow process, nml In tin- nit'iiti-l
llinii it pnlrvl service In iimx.iry in I
prolCI our wild reoiuce pending'
tlio lime iiudllr sentiment hn.i tench i
I'd o limit where the etifi rriimiit nf!
Within tho lust 2n jciitK the num. ! rational game Icrlshttnn will li do
her of liuntcrw nnd tlliermi'U haxe tnauded In exorx locality A pat ml
American People Living on Bettor Settle thnn in 1921
. . tofflr t .. lrftall Increase (cn-foM. and ill tlio sorxkn will always lm ih,ccsut . Inn .
i, Ore., for transmission i"" ll' rood roads and uiodorn will bo clfcctlxo only In sn fat- twj- jciJW Y
ath Fall
rough the mall
tier. -7i .conmiTL-n in lnto and penetrate ull portions Somo i f the mute, rpiiulr thai wr aiiu noowvinibu - ,. .... . . ..... i ..... ... . . .I..I t ...... I.... I.... it... t ..... i ...
PJll.SS u uni muuiiimn I.1HP.V". hi . .v.. i-i'iiiiiu vimij- imuous earn wciik 00 p.mmihi ...m. Mw"n '"' ..i. .. i-v
tecond-clat transportation make. It possible filrilitral sentiment will sttippt rt nurli pa
tlio sportsmen to reach any recite :i oil trol rerxlce.
I'UUK. Jim 2". No' wllli.
standing tlio general Imprcislon Hint
tho consuming public has horn ah-
The Associated Press Is exclusively hour's drlxo from any of cur center. 'devoted to n study of tlio wild mime xlnxr of retail Undo, imtv eoninleieil
!Mllt.tVliMirhelWedVt!.rtlto fV tf "olu,1",l"" ' . "' u, "Ul"- " ,,,1r', ' ho' ", tv tlio Nml. nl Itotull Dry'lionds As-
Sir' Sr.&lrXde,l.,0tb& W.h .ho ndvont or ,h? .,,,,,,,,,!,, rent., the enormous of ll. ,6tA,,M; AmAnw ,,' flir
iuir anil dIio Ihn local n nnh. nun inuiicrn iiiiii.i. i, nv hik riiihv , nfnui inn n liorion i'oti uil to ilicii t i .
Illier heroin. of Oroson. nidro ivirtlcnlarh- deer ytudy would lm an oxrrllont mnlinor
llllltAV, 4ANTAUV 1!
would Imvo Ixcti rapidly nxlrrmlnnt-, In wlileh to niwll In oditrntlnK tho
od had not thr IKUlaturo In l!M3 iimKor ptMicratlon on thl Hiilijort
passed what W commoiiM km wn n Tho po.llillltlo of the
CONSERVATION " "l,l'k '-" ' ttiuo which win llfo roonrrc- aro improclatoil ti
proMdpji that fomalo derr nhall lo ory fpiv. Tonrlft tiafllr lia.v In
' pritccled at all tlnios. In spllo of thr CullfcTiila annually $40rt,ooo no', hi
Hy A. K Itnrcliilnff, ' tact that hunter linvp Incn-ajod irnd OroKtiu upproxlmitob,on0.
StatoRaiii? wiinlcn cur mountain .tncc opened up li) DurliiK tho siiminor neanou UroKon
month punt, Alio Amerltati pooph' boon Iiiij'Iiie; niiiro. nt lower
price hno. n fnti. been IIvIiir
much moro Kiiuroiili than the)
dtd In the latter part or 192H
DurliiR NmomWr. tH3l. rolnll
irtMsi'n mo rociirilod fi r oiral other
clause of retail elitorplin'it, lull
chain of croiory alotei RalliliiK ! 0
per rent. flo iltuTj trro clnilii4 ciiln
Iiik IU. I per, four Ac and 10
rent chalni, 22 per runt and liner
cluar Moio cIiiiIih, 2.1 1 per lout
Mull OiiIcm I'iiIIIiiu v
The relalltely nllRht decreute i'i.
tnliivd by the ilepartinent More I,, ,i
trllnitcd in .ln'lr oxietillonal furlll
Ilea for abrwlnit the rooiU, their
couriiRei lit adbertuio to the pollev of
cUcnaUo aiUertlKliiK. and their w-ry
Rcneral ronponre. even nt the niil i f
Tho nrlRlnal forcata of the I'nlt- ayatPin of Reed roads and trnll. our. hiu tmiiii more to Offer the tourln
rd States contained, npproxlinaifly'dcer In OroBon l.axo boon c:i tho In-j than any other to. tlnu of tbo ctmii
833,000,000 aero Today there re- crea.o rlnco thlM.iw went Into cf- try. If by u vlo nml am roRulaCon
ih.Ih. n..lw ..I.Al.t II.OllllOnn M.M. ' fl It Id ..... l,..1l.1'kil I. f lMt.'.r ... ........f . ....
iiiuiiin .hi... ,,ri.i(vTF wk..i. ..... .. .o ..... .-....... ...... ...."iui .ii iv!.u.iriv wr run ua I , . , i i t i.i i
of vlrRlti tlmbtr. thrcp-flfthi f the ratlc ran ho maintained with tho pre uCl. the tonrlst m tnrry for a iwrlo.l , raBn n"rc ninch n JO per j "H K"" romlilneil w itn rentrli ii..n
Umber once prowlnp In tho Tnltpd; cent i'.ion and Imr limit on deer.dn OriRon nnd enji y nol only i.-atlront. Tho I. 7 por ronl rnlurttrn In
trade foil off in.: per cent in i;res l'"K" illrect, in tho popular
valuo ;, compared with' N.i,nn.r. ,,;,'i":," '' l",tt,;rl'', l"' I'"""
.. , .... which resulted III public confldeiire
10-0. but price dcllntnl to far ' xrf ,,, ,,, vv T
Brcaler oMcnt. In tji'l'M dry Ruola I toitinlliiK dm line In mnll-nriler irwdo
ataplos moro t tut n t ne-lhlrd ami lull attributed to Inherent Imilillln ii
Impairing .v' oAficiuncy through ilofoctivo
vision, when
will semi you through life siniliiij;.
Htates havlni; been cut away. Wn arc! In tho not ilfflant future. It will ln'cnory but uitr flahlus and uunltnnRruaa value of aale. toknn In mnnoe. j iTlel' "
unlnn nnntially tvar time, aa mdrh . nil probability be notary t. .r.; ,i10 ,0urUt trarol woul.Uoon bee no lon w lno ,orv ,;iuru , , "' ''
timber as wo cr w, lleni-e. nt this xldo a 30 day season for deer with the greatest Individual ns't In nUrl .
rato of consumption It la easy to see jit 1
that our ft rests will oon bo oxluubt-! era
nt liurrhasliiK power In rural dl
Tln lurroiio In chain ti.r..
709 Mnin
Phone 133-W
Imr limit of one main deer ea-b Stnte
.ison. WSth a ftirther retrlctlnn of
rd. TIipro forests arc the mimo if SO this nature nnd the policy of the
per rent of tho same and saino f!h (iaiuo Comtiilmlnu In paying u lic-m-rpsoitrrea
tf tho rounlry, nnd as civ- ty on predatory animals and hlrliiR
been duo. In market! iii"n
Inrreaso In the nuiiilicr' Hie
diictlnn tn iiirrchamtiso prlroa. ropre-i oxlenslon of ontcrprlso'i tf llil-i itasy '
sent Btmost double tho volume r.'i Tho figure applyltiR to
Reed purchased bv the e. nsuiucr fnr ment .uiies would lw Incredlbl.. ,n
Don't fail to rvntl the I Icrnltl Clnsaifiec! Ads.
Illation ndvancpa and populatlin la- f oxirtTlcncrd trappers and polsmers u i
Imw liy carry on n rampalrn nRalnst such ,
i compared with
xlnw of the Retiornl lmpresli i tlnu
tho public had been determinedly out
nf tho rntnll mirket. pspe.'lnll) wto r
It wa. orcilsti nied to dnjl with df
Nnvomber. 1321
NVxcmbor. 1920.
alue nml V'oHnno InirenM
creases It Is net difficult to ahow by' caVry on n rampalrn UKalnt such, WESTERN. STATES. "" cr" KrM' In crn
hiathrmatlcal calculation that the animals durlnR tho winter month", it N .sumption prorresacl further durlnR iwrlm-nt More, wore It not for the
caino reaourcpii qt tho pountry will la believed that the number of ilwrj uivpii .ri .- "wither, when rotnll stores In many anMouuroninut of the flmlliiRs .' the
soon become culnrt. t In the Slate will Increase nppretlablv i AN FKA.NCIh.'O. Jnn 2T-l.Mii .,rKo centsrn ot noptttotif n repurtml Uiircau of llulnes Ileseareli of 11 ir
Consorvallon di sa not mean ohstl- In nili)ltlon to tlirae added rclrlc cn'"J ca,,1j',",Kn" intrn.Pli ,r wle ' al, xalifl. u xvoll as mlo xoliimo In xard rnlvertlty. whlcli nnrtl)ed the
ute prohibition, but It means the wlto . tlons. Ranie reservations should tt 0UL " ,"J,,o1'- Illiteracy In the fan excess of Dumber. t!)20. and few- opcartlUK exponsea if 3nS iM,l ,
win nf our reKUrrer. It means liik o.tabllnhcd (u all our itiiiiwtal fc-wh. weM' 1vJUl ",' ronslderwt here Kcbru- .tores anywhere In the I'nllnd States p.iruiirnf tores U r the flsrnl ) or
Iiir from Nalurn. toro-houo Just In order that thrro may he some spot "r 0 ",,u " al " rc,on:' iimeracy experienced a demand smaller than; 1920. Harvard 1 nlversllx's i-xlim
to much ni our needs reoulro. mid to which cur wild life can retire In "'' " " 'r w nu- tn.u cl Hervnuier 11120 mo inxestirnllnn stums tun tt,..
ptlonal Inlerofct hnve common flRiiro for lotnl oximmiik i-i
our needs reoulro. mid to which cur wild life can retire In eonf"-" ," !'! under the nu- (hat cf llcrcmher 1U20
o futuro Renerallons at security. ! ",,'(,1 ot ,I,W Nnt,l!'al "MlMiwy fom- nKi,re., of exceptlona
h a. wo fouud. as tlmir' AIh ut the ame, time tlm Orexon i mlMll" nf ,,,e n"""' Kduratliin I t,e. assembled In eo
... ...... ....-.. .. ...... I AMOCiatloll. I Ihn .lUlrll.illlr.n .if Ihn
10 deleR.iles. In-
p.ioslnc on I
least as luiirh an
Ifgltlmalo hlrrh-rlRliL IRlslatiiro pasced the "lliirk l.ntc,'
-J It.airlr11mt rre4.irr i tlin mlcmlnrx xi'iitrr-tntt I. throtlKli n
Aa nur forest areas xvero depleted treaty with fiinadn. were idaced un-1 rIui"nS ,,'"'-'1 F'verni-n. and Ktnio.
hr advanrlnc clrlllzatton. tho ram der the Jurlflllctloii of the ARrlRllur I r,,J an" TO"n, ,,ln"n, "'"" "p
resourco- xvcro depleted In direct al Department Immediately there l'le "in mo even wtstern ( expcn.llluro was at Its helchl The
lire portion to a point whero It ultV aftor. rcRUlatlons xverc prbmulRated , Ma,'', or "AiilnRto:t. treRon. tall , .Ifcllm, in rross xnlite of tales for
xvhlch eliminated entirely, sprints ""'" " '" "''" ", -i vemoer. j:si. u, rompareu win;
shfx.tlnc when the mlcralnrXwater- n,1,, r,an- Wjcmlns. Mcntnna. Idahc- Noxembor. I0I. for US selected de
ronnectloti xvtlh ' such cntoriirlrps for I 2H n. 2f, !i
-. .. ....... ... .. -
j the ill'trllmtlfn of the Rrc-sn xnlile of per rent i f net snli'K. Iiirludlni: "i
rrtall trado for N'c vetnber 1921. nstnveraKo net profit cf 1 8 per rem on
compared xxltli that cf Niivnnlii r. ' every nle.
1919, when public exlrnvafeanro In
and Nevada
fowl are nn thplr northern flleht lle1
ports from ull over the country imll-j Jlori' ,Dan --'"- Hlllrrntca arc.e.t States xvas . per not hil the
cat a' crntlniious Increase In wild ,n lhc ok'TcTstatcs cnxcred by the four load in j: mall c rder home' uf
xvntcr-fowl of all kind slnro this .eonfeience. atcordlng to fli:ur. an- fcred a decrease of t;.1 S ier rent In-
nounrr.i !y .x.r i;uamucrlln
AVIicn the) rout t I0.0llo.0rt0 we
know xxhy they calfem capita
ship " Columbia Itecord
WashinRton xemton' DUruulcn b
of same protection l by edticatlns tb Im-Ucc part r.f xalor llrooklyn
the people to the value of our xvlld Kaxle
malely became necessary to provide
certain restriction coverliiR the kill '
Inn or taking of Ranie and flfh. Till,
development resulted In tho necessity
of establishing; tea me commissions for
tlm purpose of protecting the nlld
life resources. Finally It bo.-ame nec- resulatlon has been In effect
essary to assist nnturo In restocking Kdumtors cr'-tar
our forests, fields and streanij by OreRon ha 97.000 square mllea of
artificial r-ropagatlon. In order II territory and tun Impc'jslblllty of prn
provldo funds for this protection and xldlng adequate patrol service for a
propagation, tho State of Oregon pro- tbrritory fifth Is size U self-evident
vldcd a license system and establish- Tho only effectlxe-anil lasting system
ed a game prelect Ion fund to be used
under the supervision, of a game
commission lu carrying on this work
I'nder this method of organization
the game department Is self-supporting,
receiving no moneys from legis
lative apprt prlatlcn,, or taxation. The
entire revenue for maintaining this
Important state department Is dcrir-l
ed from the saloiof licenses, tho sale'
nf confiscated property and one-hnlf j
of moneys collected In flues, the oth-l
or one-half of fines gclng to tho coun
ty lu xvhlch violation occurred.
During Ihe year 1919. thero were'
distributed by the Gamo Commission i
In varlcuH sections of Oregon. .,25,
12 treut: duttug the year 1920, fi,-1
$24,945; during the present season,
or 192), thero wore dlclrJbutcd'.13.
C'1,990. In addition to this, thero '
xrore distributed lu 1921, G3.USU ,
black baaa fry" til, 250 raffish fry: -M,ttvvvt'H'Wvtv'H'tT-w
and 195,626 crapiilc fry, -
llatrhrry Iiumne Kliuixv
Our (laiiui Deportment at tho
ginning cf 1921 had uxallahln
UsU hatcheries for trout propag
Hon. At the opening or tho 1922 soas-1
pniunrnt stores throiiRlu it the I nit
Tho simple explanation of the
treuiely large volume of merrliutiiM.
purchased by the Amerlran mm .le
diirlliR the period xxhen the ounrt
URalnst IiIrIi tirirps wn, loudest. p
pears to bo that In practice Ii. puli
lie full) realized the extent of price
reductions and ImuKht lu tlio xten
c f It purchasing capacl')
A little money goes a lonrj wny when you buy our
Hi) nut allow rhciip pllte iiunleil by unreliable ile.ileis to mis
leml Jim. It II i limp iilie )nil xiiinl, v will ilrllxrr )nu n
lit.ul nf lllnil. nt nnv prlie fiinu M.I..1H up. We will lurel an)
lHidt pilie mi M.ili f,v lllink, iiiilllj nml iiiunlll) uiiiii'H'il.
tlilr iilie me nlwiijv llulil We vee to that.
419 Main St.
.Phone 535
If your watch any make fails to keep time,
J)ring it in and have it, regulated. There may be
no other trouble with it. Weather conditions some
times affects the works'. '
Swiss Watch Repair Specialist
622 Main St
mi thorn will bo tn operation 13 and(
possibly 14 trout hatcheries, nnd the jr
planting of trout by tho Oamo l)e-' f
pariment In tho futuro will bo limit-j J
eel only by tho supply of trout egga'
available. This treat Inticato in the I
number of trout hulchortc la okIii A'
by reaaon of tbo 1921 M-sslon of thoJ
I-rglslaturo Increasing tho Ilcrnt-o fee)
and providing tho department with i J
additional funds with which Id carry IS
mi IIh milvlilps. 'v'
.Our gamo farms produco onniiallyj
from fi.ono to 0,000 in a turn Chlmvn
pheasantH xvhlch am distributed In
those porllouii nf the Stale where It is
doslred to sick, thesn blnU, or where
they havo heenmn depleted oii'ur
count of oxcesshn hunting. Tho pol
icy of holding Chinese pheasant until-they
reach maturity Jicforo tiny
aro released from the gamo farms J
nil expensive one hut n pulley which
la Justified, morn partlrularly In
llioio sections xxhoro nn open M'Ui.on
''prevails. (
Tlio'pollcy or planting trouj Is eu
tlrelyullfforcnt from that which ue-
vailed a fow year ugo. During the
present reason all trout distributed
from our hatcheries were placed in
Ilia streams under tbo peraonul auprr
vision of experienced hatchery em-
B-i Cooking Electrically
the ideal method
- Electrically equipped kitchens hold
no terrors for the housewife. They
arc cool, cozy, and comfortable in
the summer. They eliminate the
drudgery, the grime and the nerve
' i .
racking tension caused by wood
stoves. The expense is surprising
ly low. Let us tell you about it. -
I; The California Oregon Power
"Let us be your servant"
Wherein Wolves of Wall Street engacc Wolves of tho Desert
in Deadly Combat
A Hot Blast of Realism from the Grimmest Hell Hole on' the
Face of the Earth Death Valley where this
picture was filmed
, i
2 New Comedies
.Show Starts 6:30 p. m.
20c I
Ten I
and I
Twenty I
Cents I
124 Sq. QthSt ,
Phone 87