The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 25, 1922, Image 1

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cui '
Tonight unit 'Ihlilstlny, mill In
Went unit Huilhfiist port liiin, mil so
Kilil lunliilit In rant portion! strong
siiiltliiuistoily winds, inn lilmt it kiiIii
In Iikii uloiiK lliu ('until.
Member of the Associated Preps.
iii.amatii i'.u,is, oitiwu.N. i:ii:sin, .im uv -!.-, 1112:)
mux tivK cum
riru h Viir,-N y U
Wf '
Intention to Press Claims
for Division of Tribnl
Assets Declared
AhrrnililiiKi', nf (It lien liiilliiim ul
It. nlly, .limitary '.'o. mill ul CIiIIdiiiiIii
Jiitiiniry 33, nii wend ('lii)lnn Kirk,
.left ('. Itlildlu mtit Jen Hull n their
li'l'ri'inliilli' In miikn it (imtrnrl
with iinr ullorniya they limy p III
In employ In proiipi'iltn In nil) court
of tnmpeti'lit Jiirladlitlnn tlix ilulnm
nf the pltlien I ti 1 lit it of the Kliimnlli,
Mmliir mnl Valine kln band of Hnnkr
tribes tlinl Jusllrn mnl ciiully itn
iiiuihIh division nf surplus timber, ea.
Iliiuiliil at tiMi lilllliin Net mnl Mil
licit nl i:.'., IIOII. 0i)li, mining Indians
Iiii linvn acquired pati'iit rlghlr mnl
Tin' uutlmrltutlon la contained In a
m'iipIiiIK'M which ni' In forth llmt liy
nrt nf I'lingrnsa (if Mity K. IPOO. man)
Indiana liuvi' liucnum vnlcra mnl tnv
payers, mnl should Ikivp u mlru In
llm rout rul of their ostnle. wlilrli nl
pirn rn I In foininiiniil property mnl
iiitinlnlterr.d by the govrriimctit
Hlgmira n( I tin resolution undertake
to pit) llm expense til lltlgullm
lirimnlit ly their ntturnos. who will
bp retained f n n rnntliigcht fro basis-
Tim resolution sny In part.
"Wp tin hereby deilam nnil re
sohn Hint It In unr liilrnlliin mnl
purpose lo inukr on pffort to secure
tiiif rliilit mnl shnrea lo tlm trlhsl
estate In crder that n may enjo)
llm full ami fslr portion nf tur In
hcrllunre nml enjoy uur rights us
rlllifiu nt tlic fulled States."
II I, rallmntcd lliul there nn about
3'iti In mlii tf families on llm reservn
tlnn. f whrm 3.V) urn cllln-ns The
Inlal Inillmi piipiilntlun Ik ulniiit 1 1 TO
High Sfliixil Mliiilriil, Present I'rll.
Ilmi tit t'. of '. Tomtit
A pelltlffiPtn tlm clllifim of llir
rlly f r butler athletic furllltli was
volrnl Ix-tnrn tint Climtilier ol ('out
iiiithi Inriint Iml.iy hy n rrinp of mhonl nlinloiitH
Tim or lolil llm lncmlMtr ttint
Ulilini. nuppi'it u. iiuim In mli. It'll
tttiil rymnui'luin farlllllm protliKI
llm I'lllH'im on Id lint only ItiPin
eld's In tilnmn if Ik Xm friiiiiititctl
pool li.illn llr unkeil mipporl fir llir
ICIaiiiitttt Am.ilmir Allilcllr umiicl.t
lien. pnlntliiK out that IliU nicnnlia
lion n, mukliiK mi nttPinpt to ilewl
oti Mtlili'lUn nnil driroil llm tnninal
Iflnl npproul of mrryono
, It. II. Ilunliar totil tt tin' work ar
rpniplUlicil liy llio Itcil Cron lierr
lit)liiK llm nrxmilmllon nlmnlil
do chin aiipporl tin lirlofly nulllncil
tlm pntt iir:niiilllnliiiM'iilrt ami tclil
of tlm flnitnrlul ntntim of the local
I'ruil I'lii't. lm prcalili'il. Intro
ilm nt "M. I'rtM'o". tho cinlnont
I'rcmli iirtlHt. wlio pi'rfrtrnird IUi
CrJM'na M l'ottrt. II turned out.
WOK It Httl'lll'.
W. V .Miimliull fittrrtallicd dcllRliI
fllll) Willi llU lllllllllllllll
riiiioiiiiu .lu-iiir riniu .itiiniiti
rcinrily lor IVUy Offt'tiM'H
T. I.. Hnook. Juntlio of tlm pcurn ul
eiilliiiilu. Iiim Ii;pu iul lutil liy tlm
United HtutCH Jltilct ntlorney nt
rortliindi lliul liilmlcaniimiir on Hie
lumirviitlou, nir wlilrli no pirUhlon
h iiiuiIu lit tlm federal ntatnlen. may
liu tried mid punlnlied In Dm Htale
J'edoral law roniciilicH only tlm
moro burlnut rrlmim, mid llio mippiM'
ml Hvcuilt)- beyond H'Knl rnitrli en
couruRCtl KumblliiK ami "thpr of
foimoit of minor dcRreo, It l nnlil.
Hlnco JiiiIro Snork rncvlrud tlm
rulliiK of tlio dlxtrlct utioriuy and
uppllpil Uiu reined leu provided liy
Orecon ntutulnii, tlmro liu Iwi'ii Up
crcumi In "wild wMtmu" pndiiiirpn
nt Clillnqtiln, II l nnlil. mid the town
la vory orderly. of Clillnqiiln rereully or
Kiinlted mi nasnclutlon. nlildi mnln
IiiIiih a apnclitl imllco offli'or, Klvlim
thu pn two otflcerH with deputy
NKW1 VOUK, Jan. STi. A, llurtim
iionlnirn. nolnil flnuucliir, nuinor.
nnd oronnmUt, dlod today fnliowluK
Injurlns iiufffliod I'rlituy hm ho wn
ftlMHMMI i n.i: I'AHT
catakaloi i: 'i n:w
iiiiiiv or riii'i: nr.M.iiin
ItOMi:, Jmi 3.1 Pilgrim
riiiitliiini in rlvlnu trnin nil p.nla
of Duly, uiinpliii: In llm np"i
Initoro Ht I'tilcrK in liopi' i f rei
MllK It Klllilpaii f llm I'npe
liiid) Over r.nn.imn filed
pant llm lutiifal'lii'' In two day-Tin-
finmriil Ij in I"' Tliiirf
day uflcrnoi n nt time ti'ilmk
Hi ml of IIIk riiinllnie Miiiim'
fi.e, llil;lit llittlniik
lot- IIK1U
line iii ri'preirnlntld'H nf Mnraluill
Held nnd iiinmim) mnl oilier largr
relitlleia. Imnlnen iitiidllliiiii In tin
Kant line nlinwn n .ii.irhml turn foi
Hie lietler nlllii- Hip Hr"l i f Hie Pr
Tl'ln la the eiii'iiurar.llu: tiitoiiiclil
liroiiKlit linrli lo H.irrmimnto liy l."tili
llreniier. In. linn lieril uUcnillllK U
Xiillcniil iinvi'iillnn of llio Nallotm
Itetnll Furniture Healer" AliHirlittloi
ul llm furnllurti mnrket In drum
llunlila. Mlrliliriin llreiiner wu lion
urril by brliiR I'lpcti'it Klrat Vl
I'rt'nliluiit of tt"' fiMii'Littin. wlilfl
la rniiitumpil of till llio lilK retail fur
iiliurn dealera of I Iip rouniry
Mitel nrinmiiiodulliiiia rp ullr
hard to KCt In t'lilniKi. mid ntliei
KiiNlTrti rltlca and Hiere nppeara li
lio inurh ucllYlty. Ilreuner alnlen. nf
ler HiulinR fltnpii (ly" m tlm '
Itn Weal llelullera from other urt
of llio touniry '" iiiuimlatlp mr
Hip oiillool. for lS3 .ni'l reflerlpi
llila iittllnde In llielr nuiverwilloni
over liillliPa rrndlllona.
Ilrpuimr antil Um lumllure iiianti
f.rliirera f llm n.'jtilry In rn-oorra
lion llli Hip 'Hull deili'M onn ll
Uunrlt a 1 1 OHO.noo rump.illtu fur lie
l.ult.lliiL' of imirp nnd butler liomw
eaperlutly lliu I'liotutmcliil! of llir ton
rtructlon of itltiKle family tlwt-iiitiK
In order lo promote lietler Iioiiip Iff
by inuklnK I" isiblc lin-r runiiu j
In llio hoiuu
" .' HhJ ls)l sW4F Bj'H MWIl"lll" ii aP..:.M-s ' 1
I- IsaaaaaBGsaBIaaaaaaaWilT jiaHsVJaaiaaaaflD JHsaBrF aP OsW BaUnKTlaV flfiJaaaafcIjaul9iaaaaaAMa!sVaHabaL jrl Mffk L SsikBaaaaaaaaBlalk9aaBKaaH K
IB lifclT C HaW HffPVsWsV "AVma MAaTSiWU! jfal QP !( ' J 1 9tHHVvPV HiJBB ft R i f l"1 a
HaVaaaaaWlll J JaaaaaaaaHaVB?BAaliaHB4aaHl9Hy tf ' Vt i ffV .SaaPialaaaBV JTMaaaaasaaWt -asafc. JaW B iW F A ' aaaaaaaLB ataLy
i4BIB3Vi .saaaaaWsaaHsMaVs'TMitNsHV'Vr jVt ik&'B&Kr 9KKKKBmBmlFKKEBUKKKKKttBKEKBKKr
I Larat aaHraaaaaaaaaaaaLHa? .aaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaHaHalaaaaUl PB1 3m (rVHt" JiM ''KlthJMSBbiBmS.Ka
TODAVH PdllTou o. Thu Herald l
printed on Ita now Twvutleth
I'.ti.ti,.- Il....l,.v llr,.uu .1 lilrtiir,.
nt which Is shown herewith, tlm on
tiro paper being printed, folded, trim
med, countod unit delivered ready for
cnnlorM or uuiIIcih In one oporutlon
ut lliu ruto of ti,uoil eopUM an hour.
The Installation of this lingo prim
ing mm-hlnn Iiuh been under way for
HftMtrul weeks. It rests 011 11 solid re
inforced ( oiicrole foundation, thu
wulls of which urn fourteen inches
In UiUkiiPHH mid fohr foot deep Unit
uriifiith Is 11 pit four feet ileup for
tlm eiinveulenio nt tlm pressmen.
Thu prrsH Is driven by 11 big 10-hurso
power inolor. Tlm luni'hlim weighs
fourteen toim.
Ah will bo seen finm tho lllustru
Hon, thu pri'Hs feeds from Papor rolls
whli'li.nre swunit underiieulh, tho
pros ut tlm "folder oud,"
An liitoicMliiK Hlglil
It Is mi InlurcitliiK slb'ht to suu thu
Suciilan Rnisc Held Due to
Depleted Supply and Is
Believed Permanent
HnVrn renin n I" nnd for prime
rleera for IVIirunry lat delivery,
with oilier r.rnilen In prnpnrtlou,
uuirka tlm flrt mlvitiirp in tattle
prices for mium time, and la not
come non lo local llveatock men,
many ut-wlimn ace In It tint bi'Kln
nlm; of nn upward tendency that
will iritorn tlm IhMiiock Indnitry
to it profllnlilv bnala.
IVotn Merrill It l reported
four cr flip carload of cat I In were.
hipped )eiterd.iy. wllli tovin brliiR
ItlK from Wt lo 6 renin, mid top
tenia C',4 renin. Thla Is tlm
et ptlre, of t lio aeaanii, r rent,, bo.
Inn lliu previous lop prlcu.
I.'. II, Tlio.'uoa. county iiKrlcnltur
lit, mild today Hut It la offlio was
rpeeiitly In rorrlpi of a wlro from
i I'ortlinil roniiulimlon , licune In
iiulrliu: ni to tho nipply or hovt
:ut(le In Kl.iiiinth.
Wlillti fen lornl men nre In a
piKlllnii tn account for tlm iiidilen
rnlie In price, llio Rcuprnl opinion
la Hint KroHpra have until rloau In
llio period of re.idjiiitiuont, nnd thu
beef upply la I to depleted Hint
prlcea nr on n permanent up
K rail p.
Another ry la tint beef la
muuntluK In aympalliy with inulton.
nhlcli hit tnKFtl n ntronc come
back In the paat few inoutha.
Utiiiba are now in utronc demand
it 9 renta. DKnlitBt it belt prlcu of
7 rent lint year
;ckimj iiiu.m: mihkks
m mi: tii.mouiiiiw
CIIICACO. Jun 3j Slnklnr
-lacklnn house w i-kera tire to )otc
nmorrow on llm mlliiiR ft of the
jtrlke betfun llcceiuber .
great whlto ntrlps of imprinted papor
titreumliig Inn tlm machine, assemb
ling nt llm "former", shooting down
over this In 11 tippling cascade to tlm
folder, where they drop Into thu do
Ill or' box ut tlm ruto of 100 romplut
ed itowspuppiH 11 minute
Onn touch of 11 sprlug lever
changes tho fold fiotu half-sheet ir
quurtrr sheet, and tho ehiingn can bo
mudu without slopping tho prcm I'.v
ury operation U performed, with tho
utmost pioeltdcn, nnd ut high
spued, Thu piess rontnlns moro
tlnui ten thoimund sopiirntn pints, Yet
so (in of nlly In thu big machine cou
nt met oil that every part fitted Into
llil,eiii't pliicu without thu HllghUiut
difficulty, When at Inst thu power
lias tinned on tho huge. ptPbs "turn
ed over" without n hitch ur, uml
run llko 11 sowing miichlno.
The lustnlliitliiu of thla splendid
ntneii i.r tirhiHnir nitielihierv 1., hoiuu.
lhln llmt Tho llerulil htw hnd under
.1. II. Klldll Itrpoltt Hie Culliu tlixxt
Oil' I'llllllltll MIIcn of
If) Hill fare
A now rl( to the Sloth - I .am
lleila wnn trlAI yulerdny by I. Ml
Kliorl, Riipurllilciident of tho County who acmmpanled by A II
.S'eAlon, woll known wool itrivAtT. ,
ntriitk oitt wralcht orroM Tulc Lake
In tils rar for t'nptaln .la I. 'a itronc-,
N'o dlfflcultlea worn imrtunterrd
aid Hliort, In llm 4. mlln trip, of
wbkh 14 mllw wero over thu len-1
bnuml aurfacu of Hid Ink. I
Thn men slopped reveral tlmoa It
tnko "noundlnp." which showed the '
maximum UilrkiiPM of Ire n, 14 '
Inches nnd tho minimum thlcknos n .
ten InchoM. ,
Tho return Jrln from tho suwib
Iniltl tn tho hcijiltal wan made In
two hours nnd forty mlnnlcj, Inelo-,
Irur u short stop si -la-rrlll
An 9f the trip was a cliast ,
lifter a coyolo that lid utraytsl outn (
tho Ito fltltl. 'tlm anlniBl proved too,
clover at dodRHiK and the motorlm
ue re tinablo tu run It down. ,
While Hie lo la arlld mtmiRli .
present, Short suya he would not ro--(
ommond tho trip If lliiiwlni? weslher
continue mi cracks In tho Ice ore ul-
ready appearing. i
J. I., hltlik Itnji Mink mnl Trm tor
In Ciilllxite l.lldll .ler i
1'rcparatlonsho farm 1,300 acres.
I pan hla own land and part land;
thai la bolus; r claimed by llm Cul-,
Ifomlu Orei;on Toner company un
der contract nl h tho Indlm bureau'
mid Indhldual' Indiana, are bcltigl
mudu by J, I.. Safrk. nho was here
today from the Williamson rlrer
section in urrnngo for cultivation'
of this pxicnslvo tract, .
Shirk -ha i JfrM -purchased fllty.
heatl of draft tjcrioa and a CO
horseponer llest tructor, with which
to lurry on operation,, when the
i cat her permits. j
One Hundred papers
a minute delivered by
modern printing ma
chinery, which makes
Th Herald's equip
ment adequate to the
demunds of its grow
ing circulation and al
lows for expansion that
is coming with Klam
ath county's increased
population in the next
few years.
(outemplutloii for some tlmo. Cor
moro thiin u )ir It has been
L'tit that summhlng would soon htivo
to bo done to meet thu demand of our
fUKt-urowliii; circulation, Although
Immediate Action on Mcs-
urc Urged; May Report
in Two Weeks
WAHIIIMSTON, Jan. !.". Call for
a i am us Thursday iiIrIiI of the lie
puhjlrnn pmmbra of I ho bruio on
Uip soldier bonus was Issued loJny
Immediate action nn nn adjusted com
liensfltlan hill ho keen demanded by
n Rroup cf membr.i,lio v.nre In the
military servlco durlnB tho war. t
At the conferesea thoy. plan to of
fer a resolution Instructing the way,
and means committee to proceed at
once to the drnftlnn of a bonus mea
nt! ro The resolution alio will provide
Hint when reported lo tho hounn the
measure Is to be Iho contluuInK busi
ness until passed.
House leaders aald nn effort would
lo made ut the caucus to instruct
tho ways and means committee us t
ho tilt should provide for the ralslnr
how It should provide for the raising
nlll be determined, It irai said, by
tlm committee.
Unta on poaalbln new methods ol
taxation to raise funds for n bonus
has been prep red by the treasury
department. It wn, said for thn Infor
mation ( f congress.
WASIIINUTON. I). C.Jan. 35. t
Assurance lhat a permanent tariff
bill will bo rcportcj to the senate
cirly In February and passed bc-l
fore the rlore of tho present scs-j
Ion was Riven republican leaders'
In the house by senate republican
leaders today at i tho conference.
An agreement was reached at the
confervnto that the soldier bonus,
bill should originate In the house.'
House leaders said the measure
would be drafted Immediately by
tho ways nnd means committee, ami
probably reported to tho home In
two weeks ,
the press that um ;u: liecn dlspluced
by tlm now Duplex I n good press of
Itn kind, for morn than u year, It hus
beep only with the greatest difficul
ty that tho largo number of papers
required to meet thu demands of the
circulation department could bo do
llicred 011 tlmo. Something had to bo
done, And wltllo no worn Initialling
u new- press we, thought w'o might ns
well Install 11 good nun, cno that will
tnUo enro of thn Increased circula
tion Unit will eomn with thu growth
nf Klamath touijty In thu next de
cide, '
No pw of this typo manufactured
anywhere In thu world has u greati.
cupnilty than tho big Twentieth Cen
tury Duplex fiom which this Ibsuu
of The Heruld is dullverud." Thu pi ess
prlntg "'it beds from tho original
typo forms, which eliminates tho nu
t'oasttv for atciootyplug. thus making
for speed nnd quick dollvery or tho,
in luted sheet uftor tho forma havo
I Ki:coi cam: auai.nht
i .iritv tails to ,mi:r:
I'OIITLAN'U. Jan. 25. Tho
Jury tryliiK John V. Todd, form
er superintendent of achuda nt
Anient, on charro nf frnudillent
uao of the malls In connection
with it timber isnil scheme, dli
nRrecd at tho second trial today
and tho caso was dlamlitod.
Court atU'lid predicted there
will bo no third trial Tho tint
Jury also disagreed.
Scion .f I'loncrr Orrc'in I'mnlly l to ItrM In Aldington
Word has been recoil ctl hero 9'
Iho death In New Vorlr, January 14
of Colonel hV.wan! Cramton Ilrooki
son nf plonser JClnmntli resldpnts
and hmself a rcildont hero tn boy
head. He canto to l.tnkvlll", (nc
Klamath Kails), with hl parents It
luly 1S74, when ho was 13 years old
and resided hero until 1883. wlicr
ho was admitted to Wcit Point Mill
lary mademy. after a cnmpelltlvo ex
amlnutlcn In which ho look hitch lion
ors. Ho was graduated In 1886, wit1
tho rank of second lieutenant, am'
ihortly aftcrvard married Mlsj Mar
Caret (Irny cf ChlcaRo.
Ho was n first cousin of Mrs. Hen'
rletta Melhnso of this city. Other sur
vlrlnR rolatlies tho a widow and tw
dnURhters, both married, of Washing
ton t). C . nnd a sister. Miss llnttle .
Drooks or Rcattle.
Ueath was caused by pneumonia
Tho burial took place In Arltngtot
Cemetery. Washington, 1). C.
He was tho son of Msjer Qulnc
Adams II rooks, one of the early set
tlcra of Oregon, His father teak 1
leading part In tho affairs of lie
northwest during Iho ploueer day
and served In the Modoc Indian War
On hi mother', side t tho- Orone
ton family, early settler of the Wnl
do hills, near Salem.
Colonel Drooks was with Uenera
Leonard WocJ In tho Spanish-American
war unit did notable work Ir
been inado up
Tho big pro$.j i4ilch now forms s(
Importnnl 11 purt of Tho Hurald'i
nqulpment Is manufactured by tin
Duplex Printing Press company o
Hntllu Creek, Michigan,
Tho woik 01 erecting thu big presi
was c.irHod 011 under tho superilslot
of A. J, Dolalx, who has set up unr"
operated Duplex presses all over thi
country. Mr, Dolntx hus had u 11 um
bur of )ears experience with Duple;
presses, both the flat bed pud sitro
typing kinds and kntnv;, the pres:
llko u book.
Thu Herald U pi oud of this oxpen
sire addition to its equipment, I
meuns 11 distinct stop forward in.thi
service It can glva Its patron, an
thn oradlratloa of many annoyance!
of tho past.
Tho Heinld invltost you to ronv
aroiiud lo Its nftlco for u cull uml to
wutcli the ptrformnnco of this great
piece of mvchuuism.
Nccesiitv Brought Out for
All-Year Outlet for
Southern Oregon
MACIK)KI Jan. 2.'. tlovdlop
nient of tlm Wucd-Klamnth Kails pro
posed nil-year highway wits tho sub
ject of n special ineeltns of thn Maf
doel Chamber r f Commorco hern at
which the urgent need for a southern
Juliet for Southern Oregon and Nor
'hern California was brought out.
It wa, pointed out that thla need
hag existed for many years, and lhat
development of the proposed routs
would have great tearing on business
mil agricultural progress of this ro
tlnn. It was that !hc routs
s'ould bo AS miles shorter from Weed
to Crater Lake than tho present
"This rcuto has boon highly op
irovcd by tho Oregon" Ktatn Highway
tonimlulon ami tho California Hlste
Highway commlislon as well ns thn
California Autnmobllo aisoclatlon."
It was said.
"tt would bo tho last step In link
ng Tho Dallcs-Callfornla highway
jflth tho Pacific highway and should
bo of Interest to every person Intend
'ng to visit the cormng fair In Port
land. "Thoro Is rory urgent need for gen
ml Intorcit of other communities rs
iatlvo to this routs that It may be
Drought to a point of maturity In
llmo to meet the coming program of
Klamath couqly.
"Wo fervently hopey (bat our
lojrd of supervisors will see tno ur
gent need for such? routo and wHI
tccept the short jsjrtlon of lh rosrt
jetween Weed .-nd Itray already cost
Dieted. J1'
- "We bellrrrtiio effotUhrf-Mrr-'Wet
ml ,of Yrsl.1 In enlightening the pub
lic on this valley 'a ned for road
havo been highly appreciated and
'lave helped In bringing tho people
o a bolter spirit of co-operation,"
IMbui-M'inrnt of Timber Tumls Dae
About February l.llh
Nlnoty-tour thousand dollars, de
rived from the salo of Indian tlm
)cr. will bo distributed among the
Klamath reservation Indians about
the middle of next month, accord
ing to Clayton Kirk, t'aretary of
:io tribal council.
v The sharo of every nan, woman
nd child will ba approxlimtely
$80. With the exception of a tew
minora and aged P3rsona, for whom
bo money la held In trust by the
superintendent and spent as occa
sion arises, the distribution Is un
conditional, Tho last disbursement of funds
was made last August, wbou 117,
000 was rocelvetl by tho Indlass.
!tu,MKi:vniiiKt roits si:i:
Tho director, of iho Klamath
"rcamory held n huslncjs moutlng
ast cloning, nt which reports for thi
last your wero discussed. All mem
ters of the board look fomnrd ti a
better year's bu.ilnos3 In 1933.
Wi:.Tlli:il I'HOII illlMTIFTt
Tho barometric "high" that has
reialletl fi r a number of days still
ontlnucs, the Cyclo-Stormagraph at
'ndcrwoud' i'harmncy showing lit
lo cIuiiko since, ytistsrd.iy's report.
Tho tendency 8!n;o 10 o'clock this
nornliig is slightly downward, but
lnless this movement develops Into
1 mere pronounced full, weather con
Iltloiin will continue about the same
is during thu last 48 hours, It wind
eiuaitiK in south,
Koricast for next 34 heurs:
Kalr: rontlnucd warm
flurries or light rain,
Tho Tycos recording thermometer
eglstered maximum and minimum
omparaturei, today, us follews:
High ,. 3S
Low ,., 21
:Ioanlug up Santiago and Havaua
during the reconatructlon period,
Letor ho was auditor for the entire
sluud of Cuba, Ho likewise served
for some time In the Philippines.
About 1904 Colonel Drooks rn
ilgned from tho army and went Into
business )u ICcusdor, He was there
fo rsovoral yeurg and then became n
traveling representative of the Amer
ican Hunk N'oto company, 'divotlng
much cf hla time In South aud'Cea
tral American countries because a
'lis knowledge of the t-stl'l AlnelfMt
people, He wn associated with Uk
company at the time of his death.
lilt by lU. , ,
i .it.
1 v