S I I 'i r- Eutifttg ItoraUi WEATHER FORECAST ToiiIhIiI ami Wednesday, ruin In "rut, niwiw In mini portion; not so I'lllll llllllKllt In mutt porttiiii. NEWS OF THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press. i .... .' . I'lli'Vnili Vciir. -.V (KLAMATH 1'AM.H, OIH'OON, 'MTSDAt JANTAIIV !l, I'K- pRiosnvacMrai he ''-229 - SEASON ILL 8E OPEN D OURiNG WINTER Stntc Gnmo Warden Will Recommend Change in Existing Ruling m AMtirnncn Hint lin would recom mend in I lie statu Huh niul gnmn com iiiIIoii I Iiu opening of ull I'lamntli H'lltlTN In winter fishing wan given lni'iil sportsmen nl ii riirotltiR nt Out chumlicr (if riiiiiini'rco rnnnw lust it Ik Ii t by A. II. lliirKlnluff, nlnli gam unrilen. Rurghdiiff until ln would recom mend Dm fishing scusnn hereafter lie f lined from February I In May I.', lusleud or frcni lleriunliPr I lo A rt I 1 1 an at pri'in'iit This remedy seemed lo meet t ho approval uf nil pri'snut i Tin Mule warden said lm (Hit not think It iirnrttral tn setum any ihnnge In tln hunting npitmin until ii mriiiKiT public sentiment ilslii. llo declared. ImiMurr. Ill belief I tluit I ho lime nn cimlng wIipii u thirty iluy irnum und utut-hurk limit! would hit enacted liy Hut legislature., DurKhdiiff gutn mi Interi-atlng tulk J nn Hut iivdiitldn ft fishing nml limit-1 Ing, nml iIip nro III mill need of run nation. Prior to III address Chorion F Stone. J. J Furbrr, Dert Wlthrnw. Hurry Piolit nml srternl other lneiiL men expressed their Men, in tho need (if I'lumsth ii ii ii If iilonK pro tection unit propagation Hiip ) -According lo W. V .McNcally. sorretnry of Hie Klniuntli Sportsmen's lumorlallon, tha chnngit In thu closed flhlng sense n will remedy ninny ! (ling tll. ami satisfy Ihn majority of sportsmen. II Mill prrtcr. llili during thi heavy spawning nensnn In a I'cr-, - loil whrii -thiiy -went heroloforit uo- prntrrted. front April 1st lo May 16.; nml It "III allow winter fishing It) tint tipper Luke by those who us Hut fUli a ford. I lliirRluliiff left today for Medford. ' llo iirrlvril Imrn Salurtta)- ami visited! the Crnkpd Creek hatchery Sunday nml Mnnilay. I CARUSO BACK AGAIN i Ul.roiriril liy I-egloii In Wild of. Pellrnn City j The Legion special entertainment committer) ha inado u find tn one It. W. Drowning, who, In n given length of lime, can prodiiro more harmony, vocal or Instrumental, thnn tiny man Hint ever did squads right. At least this In the committee's ntnlemeut. Drowning, It Is claimed, wan discovered III tho Wild of Pell enn City, lie was captured nfler n hard struggle and brought to the minstrel practlco nt ih club rooms lust night. When Drowning unllmbered bin vocal chords und Ills iikcloln thoso present knew that hero wan Caruso reincarnated. At leant llint'n what tho commlltco nnld. BOND ELECTION SETj Kecoiul Petition Tiled When llrror I'uiinil In First The potltlon for calling n special election to voto on u routl bond Issuo of Jfido.OOO, was returned to tho county court yesterday with tho re qulsllu number of signature and thn court has ordered Hint thn election b set for Tuesduy. 1'ehrunry 21. The bond- would run from seven lo iilno- tonn yenrn mid curry II per (cut In-' torcst. Thin Is tho second cull made for thin election, owing to the fact Hint an error hull been ml ' lMn first petition, vi:atiii:u piiodaiiilithx Very llttlo rlmngo han taken placa In tho barometric prcssuro alnco Hie roport of yesterduy, tho Cycln-Storm-ngriiph at llndorwood'H Pluirmacy, showing u nllitlit rlao during tho night und this morning, follnwud by n downwiird innvomont that iniitln uoH up to tlio tlmo of going lo press. It is itulto likely, lliernfore. that there, will ho llttlo change In weather conditions. A long uh tho provullliig winds uro from n Hoii.horlr dlroetlon It In quite probable (tint higher tern pnrnturen will rule, but should tho wind shift to thn North our cool wenthor will return. Koroenst for next 24 hours; Fair woathcr, lndlrntlona favornblo for Hnmo weather condltlona us lust 24 hours. Thu Tycos recording thermometer registered maximum and minimum temporuturcs, us follews: High 38 Low ,v 17 Willi,!: THOUSANDS HTItl'AM PAHT POPE'S 1111)11, ".rt- hinalm oathek to i:i,i:cr IIOMi:, Jan. 2-t. Hlfttiiri- calico In hopii In tlm ri'cnptlon nt tint vntlnin of tint Italian rnlilni't minister, mid tint half- masting of tlm flan nn tlio qulrlnul In mourning for 1'iipo llptivillrl, NnwapapnrM pxprcmi Hut linpn Hint tlm next pupii may I'liil tint Ioiik illffprpiidi lii'lwrcn tlm rlitirch ami Ihti Italian Kovprmnriit. Wlillu 4 llioimatiilii nlrcain pant I'opn llnnodlct'n hpr, Hut ranllnalif nro on tlu-lr wny from forolcn roltntrlcH tn rlprt t ho nnw popo. Onrdlnnl Maffl, arch lililiop of I'lia, U rrpnrtPit Hut , Rovornini'iit'ii rlinlcn for pnpn. PRESIDENT HOLDS AGRICULTURE MOST VITAL INDUSTRY I In .lililrr, lli'fon NiiIIomnI Cunfrr lino Itiilnri- ,M HIioiiIiI l llo Ultra I'linncm WAHIIINtlTON. It C Jnn. 21 Thp iialloiml acrliulliirul confor oiirp loiluy ronnliliTPd Kurnpo nn it farlnr In rmialtiK Hu' kpiipmI Amur- Irnn fnrui ilcpri'jiiiloii. t), V. Wat roil, of Itlilca, Npw Vurk, hark from Illtrilftlltfjllf.ll Miil.l .'ilrtti,ifi. t.Mrl.l ruliurn i VMiiinr i.nrl. in w.rm.i miiri. rupldly thun other Indumle. ' Derelopii.iht of a thorough codei of l.w un.l l.o.l... ,,i,.. ..in. Hi., proper machinery of finance to I1"'"-" ro'nmllteit la.t week mm nerrn.u, ,,-...,.. - ' ,"",'" 1 Three scparato null, were filed In n,.ur tin. farmer a supply of work- Ul'ldlrn.lnn conduct The Star ncromp l.hmenU ''ur'h" '"'; J"' the circuit court this morning by J. Ing roplt.il on n. r.Mi.onable trrm J rooming house bo refused and her np-, ended, but In nenrb nor, tata. ', A. orUotl( ovrncr r h K , . .1. granted .."e ll V." '"'""" '" '" iTJZZVZ 'llte -b" C- ' " S s- ""- - n;s;r,,fA.,,,,r,g,,I.n,o!:nrrr: if SrrBr-raKs vital than otiy other, In which near-, a..,i.,,p..i. nt Kinb.na.li. and Main. ! community, particularly In the West. , ,, ., , , ,y l,"1" "a"m''' "'" '"liiiid Henry On and Wing Wong, to vented, ran be rel f..r good nperatn a Chlnise restaurant In Hum nerurlty und certain returns." Declaring that on the matter of ""' may no eaiien iue, invest-, the former two In ponce anil ino ini-i inciory, u.n luu....,,., .. The plaliiUff sets up that ownn to incut crfpltal. the dlladvatitago of hVr"to IliVflro committee. ' - f worKshofT.-ornnrrif tlic v.irlous rhnn-4 mj crfor- ((o ll0cc- ,iail bou ;aaao" lh farmer so mpnsed public, Joe C Smith was granted n permit I nelt of trade nml commerce. pnyablo to tho Klamath Stale Haak opinion that Hie federal farm loan; lo conduct u popcorn stand at Sixth I Tho groucblett knocker living can- on(l Tno KJril 8tato & savjngB Ilank, board was oitabllshed lo meot the and Main streets. uot trump up even n lame MCtiso to bi(t w((h thg knowJeso of ,ho need, thn president said that the' A resolution nutlmrlilng payment !nhow why thin ear. 19. l"0,",' J'", ,efCuadnts. tho error had been cor farmer still needed some provision! of nn Installment on tho Judgment of b0 TIIK HIO M.Alt right In '"-Ircctcd by transfer to tho plaintiff, for supplying him with working'"" Mar,ln c,,Mo nKalni1 ,ho clty ,,1(' WKST- wU.h ll unb?u"dc'1,1 ! but tho amount of tho Insurance had capital. "Comnare.1 wlih ..thrr ln,h.. tries,'1 be continued, "the wonder Is .... agriculture. .... deprived of .., uncsa .() ihi... ...vt-nillll'Ilt UI1II accommodation capital, has pro- perod even so well." LAD HAS CLOSE CALL r " I at the Lyceum Hull till evening. It la-lli. Pi)lon Xmrottly cnjen ,iaH b(;CIl omolW(, nro nn enter- llrnttnliiK In laiko Kwiiuna j tnliiment of tills kind tins been given j In this city nml tlm promoter nro l-esllo IVytcn hud n cloto call Sun- hard nt work to make It bo Interest day ufterncon while skutlug on Lnkn . nc and succestful that they will be l.'wuun.i, and had It not been for tho ' como n rrgulnr ff.ituro of tho tunny prompt uctloii of Andy Connelly, Kd I popular entertainments given In tho Lawrence and several other quick-1 i.ycoum Hull. willed tiyitnmlcrs, ho would undoubt edly linvo drowned, when ho crashed through the soft Irn mid wus plunged In tho Icy waters of thn lake. Connolly wnn tlio first to hear tho hny'H cries for help. Ho skated rapid ly tn tho sreim und throwing off his coat crept out on tho leu nml .sourIiI to swing tho end of tils overcoat to the boy. The Ico crumbled under him unit hud not u youngster grabbed his hneln ho ton would huvo hail on ley bath. Thn iixiunpln set by tho boy wan quickly followed by others In forming u human chain under thn direction of Kd Lawrence, who was on. the scene almost n quickly ns Connelly. Thu latter being unable tn loach young Petcn with his coat, Law rence threw him it long stick, which ho extended to Hut ulmost fro7en Ind In thn water. The later never Inst his head for nn Instuut nml following the Instruction,, of his rescuer, held on In thn stick, while Connolly wns drag ged buck ovor tho crumbling Ice, drawing tho hoy with him, until firm I Ice wns i cached, when ho was told tn roll mid not try lo climb onto tho Ice. Ito did what hit wan told mid was soon hauled tn safety. Ills rescuers, however, wero uot yet through with him. Despllo his protests that bo wanted to llo down, he wus taken In tow, with Laurence on ino sldo nml Connelly nu the other mid the pace they set for iibout ten mlnutus, young Peyton will remember to thn ends of his days, When circulation hud been restored ho wuh taken homo und yes terday wns ut school no worse for his Impromptu bath, At tho point where ho brolto through tho Ico, there l8 it hot spring bubbling from tho bottom of tho lulto. and while tho Ico wns thick enough to sustain almost anyy weight, It wus troucherously nctt mid mushy, mak ing n vorltublo don.li trap. GAMBUNG I .15 T Police Chief Protests Al leged Charges of Protec tion; Probe Is Ordered Thn moptlnc nf tlm rlly romipll lout iiIrIiI uaA InrKPly kIvpii our In (llnPiiimliiti nml fnw itpflnltu rcnult wnrn rcnihcil. Tho nltunlloii Jn rcRnrd to nlli-RPd chatKPii Hint certnln pool room pro- prlclcrn went paying for "prnlctclon" from enfertement nf the autl-Kamh-llng nrdlmipcit wan broached by Po lice Chlpf Wllnon. I'ollrn Judge l.earitt pointed out that about two )eurn ugo thn city urillnniipit wn. nittetiileit to tilnre re tmti.lliltltv for cnmbllne In nool i room on Hid proprietor nf the place, mid milling revoPHtloii nf the licence tit n penally lln hold that enfone- . mrnt of Hut ordlnniicrt u a nuffl tlcnl nfi'Runnl. and thn vlnw wan S ICIEN COUNCIL HOLDS nliuri-d by thtt tnmicll, who were tin-, forwoni loum rii.ni ir.nirii. i provldn analitance only when reanon nnlmouii, howeter. In u nluml for in-without waiting for the command. J ntl profit If not obtained wlttout fiifAtitnnl tt Ittn Inw Tlm llltlllllltl ' ... mfprrp.! tn tint uullcit i ummllti'K I for Inve.tlgnllon. 1 Mm. Martha Kadej wan on hand , to protest the recommendation of the .m-ond story of the building nt CI9 Main, were referred to committees, ws pasicu. i no i ' approximately tt.OOO. About f 500 Is now on band to npply In pay- . ,-w - . m uxmcin' SOCIAL i ' " ,.r .v.-.-.-.m ii.tM, A Daskel Sorl.il Is tn be given by n ennui nf Cntbolle rhurrh workers 1tlS IS Gone Tope VJORlrt ALU I GBj .1 i rmzsyr:!- vv v y i ir" f- i vO nW FTmk Xt V-1 1 y A)? vr rbjBgiiSPIJil A k THE BIG YEAR 1922 II) I, I. Iliiak, llniil.CiniMil, VkiiIiiii'ii of It Vt til (I'lthllnhril In thn "I'cnvcr Comiorr dnl" of Hop 2!l. 1021.) OI'TIMIMM U Hip mIiiii nml I'Olt U'Allll lN I ho pnrrworil, Tlm fellow who hnmi'l not It hIioiiIiI lie rfiiil I nilmlttmico. I'ltOHI'KIHTV I, In Hici mitcnotii ilPimmilliiK rPPOKiilllmi All tlm Kroiichcd, iwiro hpndn. i:nopk- cm nml iiiiiiiiiinc rniumity imwicMj on farm rnmim kitji huh iiiu. nt'y mny lorrow tronhlo nml predict dln nipr unlit tlicr urn hlark in Hip fnie: they tuny rntlrn Inliolr planit of nlinde. pull down tlfowlmlow nhnriral and rouiplaln nhoul Ibo darkiip. Ii.it i It ulll h lirlRhl and hcautlful en Hie miUlile, for ii iliirkiiuil riMiin inniini I ""'' (i,c, !( iikc mm ; miumiiiic kihiiiihi. , l'llUHi'i;itrrt w norp, ny ne: admit It? Klrlc over tho liiuhel mid let out tho llRhl and lliruURb Intclll - Kent lmrmoiUlng. of thought and nr - tlon. lm In position to (irovo Hip ef-lul forln cf olmtrintlonliitn n, futile and u liopeltvin an trying to Hop the In - coming tide rll!i u pltrhfork. I ronfcni Hint I mn not tho H- sIiIimi. roverrr or Hip (1p author of thej xD i)ai which In expected to nbovii nlognn end pannword they I form the haul of n me.i.ngo to con nrciu to linvn been rluiien by common, Krell. noxl m0t(, WOuld limit Hie tonnenl. If en Inntnnco of "Itlght j I'copln I talk wiin am conuwiiiy referring to 1 922 as Till, lilt? LAlt. , 1 "'ft In cnn.tnlit rceelpj of communl-1 cations from men of affair., In nearly , every action 01 mo roj.ur, ... -.,.. .. . m I .... Min. I inmlii nf rnaiillfsi rT In that conditions generally nro Mfor,,3i33j.0o nnJ 10 Uvorpo0 & proving rapidly and that 19 will , d , n,uranf0 Co, for ,3 Mi Ugoou jeer r, .., ,....- er. whether It bo fromhbo soil, e untold millions In livestock, mineral. coal, agriculture, ond manufactured '' """"' III luut, the Mrs! Iiiih ttli.il m- wi.r.l ttrtnt cr ttlial It mut liiiu-J r.iul U mm id-UIii fur. Our nurces,, in the romltig months, depend,) upon our being ready j "having our hnmo In order" as the conditions nhead will bo f.-itorablOj only tn tluuo prepared for compotl-. Hon, to thoio whoso salo arguments nro In tlio "front fllej. Tho day of. thn "order taKer is nt an enu. I no i day for thu man with original. Indlv- (dual thinking In at hand. To such.l at least, tho coming year will bo sue - ' ctsiful. i THE NEW NURSE 7 5 Sll-J AM vn nn mo inn i DflirriNb WILL ' BEGIVENA1DBY cnurRiuiiiiiiiT iiiii lllnll!ll IM I ' , Plan Proposes Paying Ship Operators Portion of Customs Receipts WARIIINflTO.V, Jnn. 21. I'ropon- a I, for Rovurnmcnt aid for American fhlpplnc, worked out liy the Shipping Hoard, worn prcnontPd to I'rralilnnt intriiintt today liy Chairman Uwker. int plan propotcn paylns Amcrl- can nlilp opprnlcm a percentage of cmtomn rctelptn on Reed, Importod, i make provllon for memRerslilp of 1 crown of Amprlcan veiucln In tho Say rcicrvo with reiultlng additional, ,ay m n provlnlou Hint a cprtnln ! proportion e: Itnmtgrantn coming to thn t'nlti'd tatci como on American j,ro(ti, f Amerlc.in operators and a, T.;i: .srTS ,-,M:i, rolt IMYMKXT OP IXHI'IUXCB . 5(, TlM0 fon,ian,M ,,,,. ,,. gm(( ,,,,, for tho amolml c,amcd. never been paid. TIIAXKt.-oxTlXi:NTAI KOAIl UP POIl DISCUSSION SAN I'RANCISCO, Jan. 21. ' adu und California highway of(I rials aro to meet In Ucno, Zsevada,! early next month to dtscnsn plans for Improving portion, of tho Vic- iory Transcontinental highway,' ttrotchlng from San Francisco to' uv. yorj. oaJ t(.IU have been placed along the highway as tar as Kan sas City by tho California Stato .,,,.' ,, ,. , . . ' . ... i v uimvi nui "f vutM'ivutis hi '. sign system tQ New York this year. HORWUP Ar,eeTWN qoiBTJ WOJIA.VH JMItTV l.VAltV.U .m.uiiii:h hut iiki'chkh TO CIIANfJi: IIKH .N'AMH WASMLVOTOV, Jan. 21 Kl- nto Hill, tho Woman'n Tarty leader, todny confirmed reporn nf her marriage to Albert I.oav- 0 4 Itt, a profpunnr of the University 4 0 of North Dakota, and nnnounc- nd nhe would not chnngo her name. "Why should I chnngn my name? There In no law re- 4 quiring It, and only custom han 4 cauiied people to do It, I Intend to keep my name for all legal 4 matters, visiting cards, etc' she said LONn-RF.I.i: I.IIMRFR COMPANY HEADS IN WEED CONFERENCE Ileiul of (irt-nt Concern Make Hhort Htny in Wolcni Teur: Will Couir Here Ijitep ' A meeting of the executives of tho subsidiary companies e: the Ixmg-1 Hell Lumber company In being held today at Weed, where Hobert A. !-ong will make n short stay In his western tour of Inspection of company proper tics. W. II. Kllngoribprg. manager of tho 11 Ilasln Lumber company, a sub sldary company, was unable to attend Jiecauto of tllnesa, Ho said It was Long's Intention to "make personal Inspection of tlio company plants In this region, but that road and weath er condltlona bad cabled a change of plans. Long will visit this city later In tho season, ho said. Urea. Interest has been aroused bocauie of Long's visit to the North west whero tho Long-Dell company Is operating extensively. Long Is said to hnvf confirmed tho roport that the company will erect three or incro mills In tho Northwest with an aggre gate annual output of COO, 000. 000 feot a year. Construction wilt not start. It waa reported, until the cost of labor and materials U materially reduced. In addlllon-to thc-HrsIlasl:1ttnf uor cu...i.a..7 iiaui ui-iu u ...r.w timber holdings near Vamiey moan-; tain, the Ixing-Ilell Lumber companv owns the Weed Lumber company and timber east of Dray sufficient to keep tho Weed plant running for 20 year at Its present capacity. COLDS SPEED JUSTICE AttornejH Snuffle, Jui-tlco Hnufflcns Arsumcnt'In W.tlvcU In Jutt ice Oacbagcn'n court yestcr ,jay in0 attorney's In tho suit of Alex, andcr Quick agatnst It. E. Winning' ham. fpr damages sustained In an auto collision, came Into court with tho expectation of arguing on a de murrer to the complaint submitted by tho defendant. Quick claims his ma chlno wa. Injured on December 2nd. to tho extent of $S!.4&, and that he was deprived of Its uso until Decem ber 11th. causing a loss of $150. Attornoy Marx, who repre'sontod tho plaintiff, waa suffering from a e vcro cold and Attorney Ilenner, who was looking aftor tho defendant',, In terests wns In tho same fix. When the two lawyers discovered that Jus tice Oaghagen was also suffering from n sovero cold, which njado vocal effort somowhat difficult, thoy mut ually agreed that tho ends of Justice could bo most quickly served by waiv ing argument and submitting auth orities on thalr contentions, pro and con. And It was so ordered, Tho court this morning declined to sustain the demurror and gave defendants threo days In which to m W. T. BUTCHER IS DEAD Onco Surveyor mid Well Known CllUeu of Klamath County W. T. Uutchcr, onco Klamath county surveyor and an early-day teacher here, died January 10th at tho homo of hU daughter, Miss Nan E, Dutcher, In Sacramento, uccord Ing to word received by friends. Ho waa 79 years old. Ilutchor was county survoyor of Klamath county from 1895 to 1898. llo resided hero for twelve or flf- teen years, and was esteemed "' valuable and Intellectual cltlien. After leaving hero ho lived In, Nevada, then In Plumas county, California, for many years, until fulling health compelled blm to muko his homo with his daughtor, MARKET RKPORT PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 24. Cat tlo steady; calves $1 totl,50 higher. Hogs and sheep steady. Butter and eggs steady. JAPAN AGREES TO WITHDRAWAL . FROM SIBERIA Virtual Settlement Mifc of Question at AnjM; Conference. . . V.SIIINOTt:., B.r., Jnn. ay A virtual settlement of the Hlbsrlnn qucstlcn, so far an tho Wnsblngtoa Arms Conference In concerned, win understood to hero been reached to day by tha fnr Eastern Commute with thn acceptance of the J s panose statement promising coraplctn .with, drawal from Husslan territory upont tho ettabllshnicnt of a stable govern ment. Secretary Hughes made a state- mcnl reaffirming tho American pol- KT againii territorial ngg-esston. An agreement on Pacific Island fortifications, under which tho lion In Islands, adjacent to Japan, are not to bu fortified, also was repcrtul to havo been reached. WUSII1NOTON, Jan. 24. Thn Senate with llttlo delay rejer'nr) hi Walih nesolutlon asking tho Pros dent for Information as to conversa tion relating to Shantung between Chinese and Japaneso delegations. Tho Senate niiorlud the Norrls resolution asking, .'the Attorney Gen oral whether tho Department of Jus tleo contemplates separata action against the International Harvester company for dissolution. FRENCH ARTIST HERE 31. Prtvce, ' Parts Celebrity, to Ap pear at Forum Tosnerrow I? Meet.Moiuloni; Pewcr,.tb eminent Fieh"aHUCb"r6a:ghllVtnirityarfc--" cat exnenis tn aDnear nt thn P.h.m. ber , Commcrce forllnx ,uncneoB l0 morrow noon when the Klamath Amateur Athletic asosc'atlon will have charge of affair. M. Pcwee, It was learned, come i ed to come here only because of b,r friendship for Fred Fleet, who wilt talk at the forum. Tho artist Is un able to speak English but wilt make signs. 1 Secretary Stevenson today sent a hurry call to restaurants for fro; legs for the forum luncheon, hoping thereby, he said, to please thu artlt as well as to put a kick In tho enter tainment. WOULD REVENGE IC'O. Downey Send Frisco Scrapper to llattlc Earl Illtrhlo Flght fans will have an oppor tunity to see what Earl Ritchie can do when matched with a man of bls own ability on Friday night, when be will meet Al Hogus of San Francisco, In a six-round go. Ilogue weighs 193 pounds, and Is only 24 years of ago. Ho comes hore, according to Curley Under wood, tho promoter, to avenge the beaten given his sponsor, Jack Downey, who went out In the sec ond round In the receut affair here with Itltchto. Downey has sent word that Hogue Is a comer, and a fighter Ritchie will have to extend himself to boat. Ilogue will arrive hero tomorrow night. As a preliminary, VInccat and Harrington will stage tbelr third battle. Harrington has lost to Viu cent on two occasions through nU apparently uccldental, after he had his opponont down. This timet hn hopes to tuko tho match with a clean K. O. Vincent has "lm!'r aspirations. Young WIest, ot Merrill, and Rat tling North, of Klamath Falls, and tho famous bubblowelgbts, "Tuffy" Anderson and Young Fltislmraons, will complete tho card. MAN HURT IX RLA8T 0O-: TO PORTLAND FOU TnKATMKXT Lloyd Huwltt, who recently bad his log crushed at the Oskar Huber quarry near Malln. -was taken to Port- land this morning by hi father for treatment. Hewitt bad shielded him self behind hla truck when a blut was sot off In the quarry, but one of tbo freak flight, ot a big boulder occurrod, tho rock 'falling on his leg and crushing tho bona, Tbo proces ot healing was so unsatisfactory that .. Hewitt's father came here to Uka his son to .Portland, where twsUr opportunity exist for trtML M f- A f.