Page Four MOMMT, JAfTtJARt M, 1MB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T " '" "" - - MMsassaMSssssssssWs9sssssssssssssssssssss t The Lumber Industry NEWS OF INTEREST TO KLAMATH LUMBERMEN Red River Company May Open Plant ANDKRSON, Jan. 23: Tht tho llrJ llvcr Lumber company Intends to open It, p!nt In Anderson as soon s mnlarla has been more thoroughly eradicated and sanitary conditions Improved, waa tho under standing Riven to Mn. W. II. Tor wor by Vlco President Walker of the company In Ban Francisco this week. According to a tetter Mrs. Torroojr, the presence of ma laria hero Va given by Walker as being tho only reason that ha kept the lumber company from opening up In Anderson. Malaria has since been stamped out. The fair committee wanted to buy some pipe from tho Ued Hirer Lumber company, and Mrs. Tor wey, being secretary of tho com mittee, was sent to Ban Francisco to confer with Walker on this mat ttr. Hecontly 8. 0. noycroft. chair man of the committee-, received n' I nnnoumement ninde by tlio com plnlnt. letter from .Mrs, Toruicy, brlngim; tho good now to Anderson. Tnn letter stated that Walker n very anxious to learn nil about Ander son, and naked many questions Her letter. In part, says. "Walker docs not want to sell tho pipe, ns hut company expects to do something In Anderson It wo can curtail the malaria. Walker said, 'This Is tho only thing that keeps us from opening up In An derson' " HOITHKHX PINK MKN SIX AM- ILUMIOADS NKW OULEANS. Jan. 23. One of tho most Important and compro henshc freight rato suits brought by tho lumber Industry of tho South ha Just been filed with tho Inter state commerce commission In Washington by tho Southern I'lne association against all the railroads lu tho United States, according to operation for appendicitis and loft yesterday tor hls homo In Matin, Mrs. H, K, llanuon and her broth er, Cbnrlca Dobry, spent tho day In tho city yesterday. C. A Hawkins left this morning tor Modesto to spend tho winter with his parents who resldo there. Del Uatnmon returned from San Francisco last- night, whew tin has Won spending tho holidays with Mrs (ammnn Charles Knonk. Justice of tho peace I'f Chllmiuln, spent jrstcntay In town Clarence Hunt ntid tJoorgo Ager arn'ln from Orlndale today on busi ness. Mr nnd Mrs. Charles Hill on Sat urday left for Porthnd, whew Ihev I will mnrt tlifilr hnmA I John Cox of Merrill was n Sal urdar bulnes visitor In this clt Mm. Frank Chorpvnlng nnd Mrs Crnnt I.lncoVa were shopping In this, city Saturday from Olene. i K. W, Wllkerson Is lu town today from Lorella. 3. A, Leach, of the Dig I.akcs Hot company returned last night from a short business trip to San Francisco I and alitor California points K. K. K. Store's JanY Clearance Sale Still Continues We arc determined to dispose of our entire .lock of Winter Clothing regardless of Price or Profit. The Price listed below are in many instances below actual co.t tou.. This is your opportunity to get High-Grade Merchandise such as wc carry at a very low price. "Provide for your present and future needs now and save money. Note the prices: Vll V 1 1 i I f U. S. BUREAU TELLS HOW BEST TO CARE FOR HOUSE FURNACE NEW TODAY WANTKD Worn in for light houso work. Call 17JJ. 23-J5 WASIUNOTON'. D. C. Jan. 53. Advice to operators ot honse-heatlng furnace's, who, under tho keen urge of tho chill blasts ot January, have applied to the Ilureau ot Mines for a solution ot difficulties experienced In caring for their flros over night, given In a statement made by O. P Hood, chief mechanical engineer of the bureau. Thew are several ways of manag ing a furnace, as there aro several ways of driving n horse, says Mr Hood. The general pJrnclplo la quite obvious, but that principle can be applied In different ways. In the pro cess ot combustion two quantities must bo supplied coal and air. The coal we pay tor, the air wo get fof nothing, but tho quantity ot nlr re quired Inwelght Is from twelve to twenty tlmca as much n the quantity ot coal required. If we had to pay for tbe air -wo would pay a great deal more attention to the supply ot this -necessary material. (liven a bed ot coals that are red hot, tbe fire will burn Just In pro portion as air Is fed through tho fuel bed. Tho question of keeping a fire over sight Is one ot having a bed ot fuel large enough so that at least the center of It can keep red hot without being chilled by the cold side ot the furnace, or the cold ash pit below. If absolutely no air was fed through tbe fuel bed, In time the tire would go out because ot loss of heat. The problem, then. Is to teed Just air enough through the fuel bed to maintain temperature. The ash pit of most furnaces leaka enough air so that It there was a considerable draft orf (Miction above tho fuel bed produced 'by the chimney, more air would leak Into the ash pit and up through'tbe fuel bed than enough to limply maintain the temperature. Too much air ted through the fire would burn up' the coal and the fire would not keep. The problem, then, la to cut down the flow of air through tbe fuel bed. This can be done In numerous ways; one can put on a large amount of coal and cover tbe top with very fine coal, or even with ashes. This Increased the resist anco through the fuel bed, so that only a small amount ot air flows. An other way, and a good way too, Is to allow ashes to accumulate on tho grate to add to the resistance of tbe flow of air. While this Is a good way in mild weathor It Is not so good In severe weather, because ono cannot get as much coal Into the fire-box, and It ls usually best to keep the fire box completely filled with fuel Kven when tho resistance throug'i the fuel bed ls Increased, If the drift Is main tained there Is apt to be too much leakage through the ash pit and too vigorous a fire. Ily opening the check draft so that air can flow up the chimney without flowing through the fuel bod, the air passing through tho fuel bed ls greatly reduced. It makeg little difference whether this Is done, by opening the check ilrit't in tho chimney, or done by opening the damper In tbe door, allowing the air to flow above the fuol bed. In tbe latter case, however, the air Is drawn through tho boiler and helot to cool off the boiler la addition to checking the flow of air through the foci bed. Detailed Instructions regarding the economical operation of houso-heat-Ing furnaces are given In certain pub lication, on the subject, which may be obtained on application to the Bureau of Mines, Washington D. C, iurcni .itasson. no is caned -a- rou pALB Desirable corner lot- poteon, nnd gives as tho reason cenlrallr located, 6.1 x 90 feof for his uso of that name the fol-!"w,''i and water In. all paid for ic- .. i.. i. lllargcln Address A E. A Hcmld. lowing explanatien: j 13. 15 "My father " a shoe cobbler and second-hand doalcr who used to' Steam Heat at Colonial rooms 23 rescue dog,' and cats' bodies from' Vptch for our 8torj. hnw , pr0. thc Seine to sell for making grease long tho life of cut flowors. My mother was traveling mender MjAMATII l'lOtt'Wt SHOP of pot, nnd pans. , Phone 39 S31 Main "My mother's mother was Hosalle do Mandel, ot Spanish origin and.FOH HUNT 2 room apt furnished l tor light housekeeping Houso, 617 Klamath Ave. Oregon S3 noble. Her husband, my grand father, named Flrmln. was from Ireland. They kept an Inn t Steam at Colonial rooms 3 Clothy, In tho department of Pas dei ' ' Calais tih.M ,,,k,. rh.nj Pegulir meeting of Aloha chuutxr . Calais coaches ewj. i, 0 K 8 Masonic Hall. Titos-' horses, da) Jan SI, T 30 p m Social Vlsl- upb otciuuk me t-mporor arrivouliora welcome nyoruerct i.uun noi ai ciotny and my grandmother! "" " m. 23 .rBOu uim 10 go no lunner. as J,! week of WJntera' MuMcal Sale there were Kngllsh soldiers about. of Pianos. Phonograph and musical My grandfather fled and bid In 'lntum'n" c,h """ 23-24.26 raylne. My grandmother hid N- LAD1KS-Try a Hot Oil Medicated poleon In the lower part of our two- Shampoi for dandruff and falling storied ccllar until he could leave heir, at the lloston Ueauty Shop In safety When mv mother km' Professional work at reasonable in saieiy non rn raotner a!Pr,CM Room -09 s,-ntcrt w born, my grandfather always re-'Pnonc 3UW, 23-24' fused to recognlio her as his child, I declaring that .Napoleon was her' WANTKD Experienced Holt Cater- ll I in I uTintvi wiiu t'M'vti ix-imii father. wants position when season opens. "You will find a reference to Na-'P O, Ilox 1S2. Klamath Falls. Ore poleon's stay In Clethy In Marshall 23-25 Bertrand's Memoirs, with something 'K0lf KENT 6 room furnished about tbe child that resulted from houso gnrago walking distance It. Phono 240M 1T8J. 23-2S That's why I am better known ns Napoleon, and with reason." PERSONAL MENTION I A. J. Lawderbaugb Is expected to night from hls home In Llttlo Shns ta for a visit with his daughters. Mrs. Harry Richardson and Mrs. Everett McCollum. W. C. Dalton Is In town from Ills ranch near Malln O H. Harris Is a visitor from I'ino Grove today. R. K. Hannon has returned from Portland whero ho underwent an 1-ast week ot Winters' Musical Sale rf Pianos, Phonograph, and musical Instruments. Cash or terms. 2324-26 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Dlda are now open. Anyone wish ing to tlguro, pleaso get In touch with Otto Fuetterer. office In Win ters' Jewelry store, not later than Tueiulay, January 24. Tllds will be openod at fiacramento, January 30th. 23 Colonial ono room cabins for housekeeping, 11th near Main One cabin vacant. 23 I-at week of Winters' Musical Salt- of Pianos, Phonographs and musical Instruments. Cash or terms. 23-24-2S ....... "i-,-i-.-il--,ryirinnrtri.n.rLnrv."iL.-'.r.ri.rLj -----n '-' LAST WEEK OF WINTERS' SALE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PHONOGRAPHS and PIANOS AT UNHEARD OF PRICES $900 Player Piano $575.00 ,$550 Piano $427.50 $200..Sonora Phonograph $122.50 $115 Brunswick Phonograph $ 72.50 $150' Pathe Phonograph $ 77.50 $200 Brunswick Phonograph $127.50 $125 Oonn Slide Trombone ' $ 65.00 $125 yiolin, leather case, complete $ 60.00 v CASH OR TERMS RAG PICKER SAYS HE IS DESCENDANT OF GREAT EMPEROR PAWIJJan. SO. One of. the rag and beg Blcfctrs of Paris has Just ms kaowa kla ftajfof thtfha star u qoscMMaoi or pe great sv neror Msnolunn t Ufa .. ly ----- T- .ww . . H.wg II I-oul, Napoleon Kugede atailalletf.awua4 WRTfERS m STORE -.714 Min Stfebt tovwrvywyv fi .i. n nn jij i r " ' Suits WERE $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 NOW $ 9.85 $12.35 $14.85 $19.85 $24.85 $29.85 $34.85 $39.85 $44.85 $49.85 MACKINAWS v 25 l ' REDUCTION On all Mackinaws, includ ing the famous Patrick make. Men's heavy fleeced lined Underwear 40c GARMENT 75c SUIT Men's heavy Canton Flan nel Slurla. Regular price $1.50. Now t 98 . OVERCOATS 33V3 REDUCTION On all Overcoats; a large assortment to choose from. This is an exceptional offer. 25 REDUCTION On all IiCathcr Vests. Doz ens of different kinds. MEN'S MITTENS Wool lined, Leather faced. Regular $1.00, now at 45 c An odd lot of Glastcnburg all- QQ. wool Underwear, Garment OJ7U 5 doz. Men's Dress Caps, all sizes HtLn and colors. Values to $3.00 '"L Hundreds of other Bargains. This entire paper would not be large enough to list them all. Take advantage of these prices now. They arc not going to Inst forever. WATCH OUR WINDOWS I i j m K. K.K. STORE, Leading Ubiers Everything priced and sold just as Advertised PRE WAR PRICES The large majority of thc most popula r toilet preparation; aro now back to pre war levels. A glance over the list below will .how you that most of them aic back to normal. Our policy is to reduce the prices just as f.ust as the wholesale price is marked down. In addition to those in the list we have all the other preparations in these lines. Our stock of toilet requisites is alway at the lowest level. complete, always fresh Prices always COLD CREAMS . . . - OOC OOc 83c and 03r OOc and 40c .OOc 30c ,.,... OOc ... 50c noc v Nylotls Cold Cream . Nyals' Face Cream Pond's Cold Croum ... Daggett & Karusdells Palmollve Cold Cream S'iutbb's Cold Cream Cocoa flutter Cold Cream Colgate's Charm! Cream Ingram's Jlllkwced Croam. sji.uuancMwc VANISHING CREAMS Pond's Vanishing Croam ...... 03c and av Woodbury's Facial Cream OOc Volvotlna Vanishing; Croam ...NX" Pompclan Day Cream OOc Crolilo Klcaya 7c Mary OarUtn VanlshlnK Cream 70c ROUGE Pompclan llloom lilnl Houko . BOc nouse Dorlne a DJerklis Itougo Wc Mavis Itougo ............... ..BOc Mary Garden Itougo .... - 70c Ilosallno .. -30 Veda Iloso Hougo - &c FACE POWDERS Nylotls Faco Powder Diy Dream Face Powder DJorklss Pussywillow Pompolan Iloauty Powder Armand's 1'aco 1'owdor ... Throo Flower ............ Java Itlco Powder OOo .. 70o 03c and 1. in . ..... . 30c . OOc ,00c and 91.00 ...75c OOc TALCUMS Talcums . !&V fTnlciito Cha.MInc & Flarlent 80c Mavis Talcum ; 80c Pompolan Fragrance BOe Caro Nomo 1.00 Lady Mary o Mcnnen'a Talcum -UM f -J.JJJ.J.JJ.J.. THE SKIN REQUIRES CONSTANT CARE The cold, raw winds of winter nro try ing on sonsltlvo skins Hut, there arn many safeguards In tho form of dainty toilet preparations, Lotions, Creams, Powders, 'Talcums, Massage Prep arations, Etc. i Our stock of such goods la very com plete, and as wo fcaturo trado-murked advertised linos you may always lin sura of finding your favorite brands, ftato time by coming Mlivclly to Our Shop 4' TOILET CREAMS Ciimliuy If and l.otlun .rnl llaiul l.otlun Hind's Honey ami Almond llltid's Honoy wid Almond f.'rnnm Camnllnii Orlnntnl Cream Mnnrlna lluiuty l.mlon l)rma Viva Holinis Frostllla Kspey's Cream Cream Mum Odornnn ADS Deodora Rvrrneet Hplro Powdur Amnlln Non-Hnl . Velvotlna Poudcr DEODORANTS 91.113 and Ar AOc 7.1c and 91.30 AOc .. OAe 9AAe DEPILATORIES 80c OOc and 83o 23o. ...BOc .... 80a OOr and 80a . ....noo Demlracln N'mil I'heiorllnn Modcna X llailn's Powdor . Dolntonn Velvotlnn Dopllalory FRECKLE CREAMS Mnlvlna Crenni fitlllnian'a Frncklo Croam Velvntlnu Frnfklo Croam Purola Frccklo Croam Othlnc, Doublo Blrmigth Horry's Frockln Ointment Maiirlno Frpcklo Cream Co-Ito-Cn Frccklo firoim TOOTH PASTES 70pnnd9I.UO AOo ..91 OK .. . ooc .91.80 . OOo ....AOo AOo .830 .91.90 030 noo .... AOo Pepsodont Tooth Putto rnnico tooth Paslo Colgalo'H Tooth Posto Poroxldo Tooth Pasln Nydenta Tooth Paste Underwood PitarnQry fk1 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON wj?"' s i lAcCUWACSn PURITY WHERE PARTICULAR, PEO.PL.E BUY THEIR DRUGS - 1 c . AOc Oc 11.16 NOc AOc 91.00 ..AOo noo aAo.l .......noo OOff' & V 1 v m rM tt 'IkiUMW'