' Page Two fMBAT, JANUARY M, II THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i i:h n ! t 1 I Tbm Evening Herald E. a, MURRAY M . a, HAHMrrr , city MHol Pblla4 dally xcept 'Sunday, tor Taa Hrld Publishing Company at Klamath rlli, at US Eighth Btrt. Bsttred at tb po.toflie at Kla atb rallf, Or., (or transmission through tb mail aa cond-clau attar. MXMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED i PRBSS. The Associated Ptm la axclu.lveli ntltlad to tb us for publication of II nawa dlMtcha crditd to II or not otMrwIa eradtted In thli aapor, and alio tb local usw. pub Usher hrJn. KIUBAT, JAMJAHV SO, 1P2S COLORED CHAMP NO MATCH FOR DEMPSEY, SAY SPORT WRITERS Harry Willi won a decision over Bam Langford In their 10-round bout at tbo Milwaukee arena Tuesday night bat be would stand little chance with Demp.ey. Till, Is tho unanimous opinion ot Portland sport writers who witnessed the affair. Wilts landed on Langtord SO or tnoro times, with both rights and lefts of unchecked power, but beyond a temporary shaken? tbey left tho ancient "Tar Baby' little the worse tor wear. One cannot Imagine Dompaey htttlng a man ao otten with out dlsastroua results to the recipi ent - ' vrpnji Didn't Vmr Will Lancford displayed no (ear of Wills. There were 'frequent periods when "Tham" waa on the aggressive and bad his larger opponent backing Into the ropes under fusillades of abort lefts and rights, most ot which were blocked. Wills outboxed Lang ford at long ranee, and tb latter couldn't do anything effective nntll he got to close quarters, when he would manage to rip through a fow of the abort punches which once mads him "the bad man" of the prlre ring. Wills took an edge In most ot the rounds,- particularly In the seventh, when ho spun Sam about the ring with" barrago o( long range lefti and right. For a moment It looked as l( Sam was going to be rocked to sleep, but he weathered the storm without taking any count. Just before the bell rang. Wills shot a terrific right to Sam's jaw and "the Tai Baby" didn't know what corner he belonged In. He stood in the middle of the ring until he got his bearings. Sam Blocks Many That wa the neaerst knockout of the contest Before, and after that Sam contrived to parry many of bis opponent's most ridoua leads, occa alonally slamming hi own right orer. Each round waa virtually a repeti tion of the other, with Will's lead piling up gradually. In the fifth round Referee Tom Loutltt thought W'lllg waa Inclined to make a waits ing match of It and was holding bis punches.. He warned-Wills and the big fellow did better work In tt SIxtb, which was a fast and thrilling round. Wills afterward explained that his 'lack of eagerness to finish Sam wns due to an Injury to his right mitt In one of the early rounds. It was plain that Wills didn't care to tako too big a chanc of Sam slam ming him to the jaw and spoiling matters for the rest ot the evening. Ills respect for the "old man" stood out In full view. Shame On You, Says Sam After the fight' JLangford (said: "There's your champion for you, just getting a decision over an old man Ilk me. That fellow can't beat me, because he can't punch hard enough, With more time to train and In a loagor fight, say of 20 rounds, I think I could put Wills out." The crowd waa with Langtord, but realised that he had been outpointed and outpecked and consequently re ceived the decision "well. Langtord weighed 190 and Wills JOS. The preliminaries were fast and exciting. Prankl Richie and Alvla Landon fought a four round draw, Willi St. Clair took a six round de cision from Soldiers Woods, a clumsy boy whose only asset Is his ability to absorb 100 punches to the minute. The seml-wlndup between Eddie Richards and Rube Finn was a great battle, Richards winning after a gruelling contest. FARM BUREAU CLUB WORK SHOWS GOOD RECORD FOR YEAR FORTLANIX Jan. 28. Boy' and girls' club work in Oregon has been on a much firmer basis dur ing tb past year, than any year previous, according to H. C. Bey' mour, state club leader, and tb following report will give the peo ple of the state a general Idea of the growth of tht work during this time. Six thousand four hundred sigh-ty-vn club members in the stst actually began .work. Up to Novem- Twenty-Mri Year sP l iSw5r ,ikk'ty' SC JSlfl 7t rvrnv' tiWtUSV CttOOOETT HUSTLE n ssrnr up nxxtti ro sctc COMING ptr NBXT MONTH. br II. 4181 of thus filed their, final reporta in Us office of the state club leader. These 84 S7 members were org- anlied mto 7S4 standard clubs, with a local leader In charge of each club. Of these 724 clubs, 376 ot them finished their work, meet-, lng all requirements for a standard club. Out of these 376 standard clubs. 2S4 of them reported 100 per cent ot their members comptet ed the work. The total value of all product. produced this year by tbo club members of the state was $13 359,68 This was at a total cost ot f60.GSl.13. making a profit of I66.77S.55. Th! profit surpasses that ot last year, notwithstanding the fact the value ot products baa dropped verr muck within tho year. The real rslue ot the country clnb leader Is shown In the report ot this year, as the counties with county club leaders, Multnomah, Clickamas, Tillamook. Linn, Mal heur, Douglas and Klamath, have; made a percentage ot completion of 81 H per cent, while the rest ot the state, or the counties without county club leaders, mado 45 per cent. This demonstrates tho value of tb county club agent, who can follow the work throughout tbo en tire twelve months of the yesr. $13,000,000 TO BE SPENT BY PACIFIC EXPRESS FOR CARS PORTLAND. Jan. 30. Construe' Hon of 3300 new refrigerator cars for' ...lD,b,l!!r,W ,v-ri.-im ' the Pacific Fruit Express company at;DE,,AIlE-i7t;TdINTh,U0"-l a total cost ot 813,000.000 has been y s, Land Office st Ikerlew.l autborltod and calls har been made Oregon. Dec. 27, 1921. for hid., aecordlnr to ltformsllon re- eclved todsy at the local offices of the Southern Pacific company, which is joint owner with tho Union Pacific ot the refrigerator express company. Thls Is tbe third largo order for cars mads by railroad organizations during tbe past three months. Tbo Northern Pacific announced Its In tention to construct approximately 28,000,000 worth ot new cars this yosr and tbe Union Pacific approxi mately 810,000,000 worth of cars. Northwestern lumbor will be used In construction of all the cars. Tbe car order calls for completion of the new refrigerators In time for the summer perishable business, The company at present has 19, COO cars and, with the new equipment, this number will be Increased to 22,800. Since 1920 a total ot 233,000,000 has been Invested In new facilities, In cluding tbla now ear order. Last year the Pacific Fruit Ex press company recdved 4000 new cars art these aided Imnienaoly in relieving th congestion durl3g tbe fruit (hipping season In the North west. With 3300 more cars In serv ice next fall. It is believed tbe apple shipping problem will be overcome to a large extent. . BniPPIXO ME.V MF.ET TO FORM 3O,00O,OCI) IOOL SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30. A conference of representatives of Pa cific ports, looking to the formation of a $30,000,000 pool to operate stripping board vessels In trans-pacific trade, was opened here today. About 70 men were present. 15 Mductlon on Msn's Wool Shirts and Sweaters K. K. K. Store INIUAN LAXD8ALR A special sale ot a few Indian si lotrasats oa th Klasaath Resarvatlon wU b beld at Klamath Agency, Ore gon, oa January If, 1823, These al lotments Include wild hay land, graz ing land, farra land, reel? lined marsh load aad timber land. TM appraised yaiuaiftou range iron, siuv.uv loi.rIim.n.H w.hlnmn n r. tnr In wrmi!.;tBiJl!"BH;.? ,?. ".V desired. Business demands prevent Wllllasnson River, Spnipue River and l.tonnlne at anv other nlnee In lli(. in the Modoc Point, Mar.h scstlon. Section Full Informntlon can be obtained uV-rtf .i,i,lnci i ,i,u n, hv Miiinr nnnn nr ,vin, in ... T --very statement til triu noiito XXZ.7 w.rV.r'a v;.. '"'.V.:.'"" "cm vcrirtet ueroro the Federal aauBiv vi a4l,Vl Wt Is ir)( IVIdaaf Hill Agency. Oregon. Jn-10-1 8-17-20-24, Ago in Linkville ABOUT 5rrT-. ths fcJtT.-w HOUJC TjAveJN; show iwwu -ivwre "IllDKltS OF Till: IUW.V" AT Till: STItANIi THHATIlr. I'lvo hauil-to-band, to-tho-deutli fights In one picture Is strenuous trk tor any film star. Kven husky Roy Stowart. ntl-around athlete, who l",l " university heavyweight boxing championship nnd was chnmplon InR.o-.rfuU roer on the l'aclflc for two ears. considers It oultu sufficient That Is what ho had tn do In "Hlders of tho Dawn." llrnjamln 11 Tfnmntnn'. rtll.atnf virfVillf r lrtn tt lhc famous . Bowf ..Thp IVsort of Wheat." which Is tho nt tr.tct'on at the Strand Theatre to night Hut Roy would not have complain od at Just tboso tire fights. Some of then were briefer and easier tha others. Tho thing that got the official Stewart goat was when, just as he was finishing up with another all star picture. Emerson Hough's 'The Sarebrushcr." snd starting "Riders of "he Dawn", ho had to do one of tho hardest fights In each picture on tho same day Ho win considerably bruised at the end of that perfect ' .,u I... ft ,..ln.t.ltf aa..l.A,l hlPlr Uaj, UUl ,, ftl.-l tn.ni'vn ...- n eyes tho calamity of the screen fighter. In addition there will bo two Rnai) p comedies. IMUZSnVTERIAV WOMKX TO HOLD FOOD SAM! The women of tho Presbyterian church will giro a food silo at tho, Roberts & Hank, hardwaro store. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Iti was- announced today. NOTICK FOR PUni.IC.tTIU.N .NOTIUli IS nereoy girrn in.i ..ur- trude Welt, whoso POSt-OfflC d- .!.. ! Klamath Arencv. Orcroll. did. 03 tho 23rd day of May. 1021 file In this office Sworn Statement Ud Application, No. 011730. to pur-, chase the EH NEVi, NWH NE'.i. NEW NWtt. ectlon 15 Township 3S 9, Range 12 E, WHlametto Meridian, nnd tno umonr tnereon. uniier i. provisions of tho net or June 3. IS. 8., and nets amendatory, known ns the "Timber and Htone i-aw. ai sucn ; Toiur us mi jui u nu u, i-1 ment. and that. Puant to such ap - ""fi1 ,.aLd".n.L,..,,S,J'" '?,":: . . .. . r. t'iT Vi.'-, .ik.l. .. dred Ninety nojian, the timber cs- ttaa ed 630 M board feet $1.00 Dor M. and tbe land 31C0.00; that satd applicant will offer final proof tuui ( . . Wl- ...ll...l. ...I RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Weley, Pmoiia hi this Specialty, Called to Medford F. II. Secley, of Chicago and Phil adelphia, tbe noted truss expert, will personally bo at the Holland Hotel, and will remain Saturday only, Jan, 21. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupturo perfoctly, but contracts tbe opening In 10 days on the average caso. Reins a vast ad vancement over all former mothods exemplifying Inatantanoous effects j immediately appreciable and with-, standing any strain or position no v . I ,bb ,t.A al.A ... Iil.allnn T awA ... ' in,VI ,UD DlftU VI IVVHMVII, UHIJJU U. difficult cases, or Inclsslnnal rupture trouowing operation) specially son-. cited. This instrument rorelved tho ! only award In England and In Spain, producing results without surgery, Injections, medical treatments or prescriptions, Mr. Secley has docu ments from the United State. Oov- and Htute Courtrf. V. II. Heeler. Home Office, 117 No. Dearborn St., Chicago. Adv. 19-20 i. i.min Ton the 13th da "of channels often get Irritated, obliging swom statement on tne lain any or , , " lh ,i. . March. 1922. before Ilert C. Thomas. J"0" J ,"ivo 0T three tlmo' dur" U S, Commissioner, at Klamath , ""Lthn. ",'K,L ,,,.. .. H. Pniia nr.mn ' To neutralize these Irritating acids n-n.,.n'l. .. lll,.rl. tn n,nl..llnnd U,h ,bB boir' UtlnOU 1 .P efnt.?t T , L'; hirir- Salt' " n pharmacy; take a ate a contest at any time berorei , .v.'. .... ,' ' , ..., .-. patent Issues, by filing a rnynnU.: Jr.bBd ed affidavit In this office, alleging '", lJi,,hJtt,ll Srt fatts which would defeat the entry ilZluSiuZ u!" thZn .1 tVu Notice will be published for nine bIadd,or d ,"er di,,"'?ar,.,S If consecutive week. In tbo Klamath , fam''u u ' made rom u'8 ac'd .f ITerald grares and lemon juice, combined s n nr.HT nri.'.r lwlln ,llll,a' Bnd ba" boon u,e1 ,or njnj.iSMs,P?ioi'j4 generations to cloan and stimulate p 30 J F 3.10.1 ..24 '.ugg,h kidneys and slop bladder ; sJ$eiitGKiisj tt Wo enrrj tans Lint of U ' RIBBONS I 1 1 .Ml Width and (Vlor. 1 Around World in 17 Days, Flyers Predict i PARIS. Jan. 19. A trip (.round. UK.ND, Ore., Jn. to. Tlial tno Hie world In 17 days by International! United 3tatej goagraphte board will irnillplanes l regarded at ono of tho'l'O"' ou tho proposed change of tho osltiltle of tho futuro by nlrplano name in mji lane, iwemy-winm i.mv. WANTKiii school girl, work for experts. They ray 17-day schedule I from llend to "Lnko llcnd.' was bonrd nj room, llox K. II. Herald with stop for deliveries nt the chief learned hero In n communication ro- office. 1'l cities enroute may be reallied when celved from 0. a. 8lano. secretary of j trnnsatlantle flying becomes a real- tho board. The meeting at which the I Don't overlook the big prk ro ily. ' matter will come up Is scheduled lo.ducllon on mart Ofrrol and A suggestion for evon reducing the bo held It February Tho request tort'."'" " ' ' ! tlm. (n inn hmiva un. lxn.ln l.v n. ' tho ChOUfC 1 llliulo by tbn llend' iu .g.. II ),... nun, r.inllln. ... ... ww. ..wh.o ....a .......v . fov oxpert who snld this would bo pos - slbto If "airmen's Islands" or fleattnr: fuel banes were stationed nt points In the Atlantic where tho mnllplanu could replenish their fuel. Such a schemu would make possible a speed ot 100-mllcs an hour, ho estimated. It Is claimed that In n recent test n letter despatched from Now York by land nnd sea went nrnund the world In 89 dayja and that thl Is the world's record to date 100 Men's Flno Caps on sale st ".r.- if ic IC Store 1 1 Li n .. Little ami Oierronies Trouble Alnxut Over Mglit Any breaking out of tho skin, even fiery. Itching cctcma. can bo quickly ovcrcomo by applying Mcntbo-Sul-pbur. declares a noted skin specialist llocauso of lu gorra destroying prop erties, this sulphur preparation In stantly brings ease from skin Irri tation, soothes nnd hcnls the eexema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. 1 It seldom falll to rcllnvo the tor- 'menl wlfhntlt ,'.lr SnffAriira frnm ,itl trouble should obtain a small Jnr of Mantho-Sulphur from any good 'rglt and use It Ike cold cream. ' TAKE SALTS TO lit' l Men I If Ymi IVel llnikncliy r Hate madder Trouble Moat formi urc ncW wncn excite, nnU overworks tho kidneys In their Pffor8 to filter It from tho system, negulnr caters of meat must flush .re kdneyil occasionally You must fdlevo them llko you relieve your bowels; removing nil tbo adds, waste ,nnc, poI,oni e0 you fee, . du ml !F '" .n kidney region, sharp pain. " he back or sick headache, dls Ln .tomach sours, tongue li Loao am, whe tho wcatnor ,. ba( s bad you have rheumatic twlngos. The ,,. A, . ..., ...,, ..J-.. ,t.& UI.IIU B VIUUU1, ,U, U. RU.,.,UMft. ftUV Irritation. Jad Baits Is Inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful ef fervescent llthla-water drink which (millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kid ney and bladder diseases. -Adv. He Will Fight Ficd Kulton. Minnesota bsavy. TRY SULPHUR ON AN ECZEMA SKIN cw KIDNEYS 1? a bout with Dempaey, who ono "plasttred" him. Tex Rtckard has promUcd Fulton a bout with Dmpey next June IF Fulton deitata few other aspirant before that Urns. , n uawraaim mist NAMIC or LOHT LAK.K MAY UK LAKi: HKNII i - i j commercial ciuu, GLASS OF SALTS GLEANS KIDNEYS If Yunr Back Hurt or llladder IVtlhrra You, llrtnk lot of Water Whit Leghorn Baby Chicks. Whu your klduevs hurt and your lUrrou-Taaorsd Strain, back feels sore, don't get scared and Matched iclsslvelf from our wu proceed to load your stomech with a',(aa (Bat averaged for lb year 1831, lot or drugs that excite tho kidneys m lt (esi fr tb whole Hock and Irritate tho entlro urinary tract This Is tb real test of msrtt, rthr Keep your kldnoys clean like you (has tb achUvtsssat of a few select keep your bowels dean, by flushing ,4 tnm large ftoek aad fad them with a mild, harmless salta pi, caa Aagsl feed at a laying ra which removes the body's urinous tt. wasto and stimulates them to their, W hav greatly atarge4 eur normal activity. The function of tho sdamt aad ar prsr4 I kales, fifty kidney la to filter the blood. In 24thad Meka lartag la . hours they strain from It 500 grains Order rly aad gat tkess whea ot acid and waste, so we can readily waaUd. understand the vital Importance of I Ptlo pr 111: Jaaiary aad Feb-) keeping tho kidneys active. Iraary 118.11; ifarck aat Anl 812.. Drink lots of water you can't C: May aad Jaa ltl.10. far brd . drink too much; also gel from any P. Rack aat R t fUt katsksd pharmacist about four ounce of Jad,slal order, I Salts; tako a tablespoonful In a glass. Maywood Pltry Fan, Csralng. ot water beforo breakfast each morn- Ing for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. Tbi famous salts Is made from the acid ot grape and. lemon juice, combined with lllhla. and hs been used ror generations to clean and stlmulato clogged kidneys; also to neutrallto tho adds In urine so It no longor Is n sourcs of Irrita- ton. thus ending bladder weakne", jau nan is ineiponsive; cannot in ure; raakoa a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which evoryon !?V,W...,?k0 nr ,nd ,,hen.1, kiap their kidney dean and active. Try this, also keep up tbn water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what become of your kidney trouble and I backacne. Adv. WITH SAGE TEA ir MliM with Hulplmr It llariu-ns rki Nalarally Nobody Han Tell Th ntil.tlmpi mtitllre of Sae Tea ati niilnhnr fnr Hapkwnlna. ariT. I streaked and faded hair Is grand mother'a recipe, and folks aro again using It to keep their hair a good, even color, which la quite sensible, aa we are living in an age wnen a youthful appearance Is of the great est advantage. Nowaday, though, we don't nave tb troublesome task of gathering tbe sage and the mussy mixing at horn. All drug stores sell the ready to-us product, Improved by tbe ad dition of other Ingredients, called "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com pound." It I very popular, because nobody can discover tt ha been ap plied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It, and draw this through your hair, taking one smalt strand at a time; by .morning the gray hair disappears, but what de light th ladle, with Wyeth'. Sags and Sulphur Compound Is that, be side beautifully darkening tbe hair after a few applications, It also pro duces that aoft lustre and appear anee of abundance which Is so at tractive. A dr. Dcmpsey, IF la tialntng hard In New Tork tot T N- -.-.-.-- --- OASMAMRMMENrj vWylVWA MISCELLANEOUS Will trait milk cows for beef ! tie, J .V. flrsmhall, SOU Wlnlers' nidg, KOR BAI.IS Hit Tit KUK 10,000 of stuck In good going Institution In Minmnth Kitili. Will consider cuttlo. aboeit or real estate, or what have yout J. N liramliall, 208 Winters Mlldg. ' FOR HA1.B JJry limb wood. At Key stal I'houe 109W. 1-2I KOR SAI.K One purebred Register ed Jersey Hull. 3 years old, May W U l'urdy. Merrill. Ore, ! Ljuo i-oujuii I,.".., w.. ."... .-- In curreucr. Reward, rintler pleas return to Herald Office. lSIO TO RENT 2 room apartment tCverythlug furnished, 820.00. 818 Oak St. 17-33 Fin lot of Sweaters at H price K K, K, Blor. f If you want to sell It. buy It, tradt It. or find It. try Hsrala classified o. I kUUtU Wl! An AUAIM Calif. Jl-FI RTtCAkl HKATSO reoais 88.11 per wk. Large, well llgbbsfl Isbby, shower baths. N wlnta? rstsi. Central Hotel, J, 7 Ward. Hgr. tf MB-t Ltbr Ovrooata and Bheep nil(j coatl H th, ro,uUr prCe k K, K. Store, K0R hknt oad floor ovr arssy 8lor, ,,, M.,n 8tf tiHt,ake ,or ofHs or apartmsBt. 16-21 gMMSMMMai I WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contain proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxc of 12 tablet Alto bottle ot 24 and 100 Druggist. A'Flrla It lb lrul run ot Ba-ir Muarwlar of Uoot.tlrif,lMl.r .- s.llr-lkW Unw un Co. ad Mecca Tan Co. (CemoUcUted) OPEN AND CLOSED CARS CHILOfUIN STAGE Phene 424-J i--------- ----. --r-l-ll EFFECTIVE JANUARY IS TWENTY PER CENT REDUCTION on all Ford repair work. Bring your Ford troubles to us. Repair work of all kinds. All work guaranteed R. R. R. GARAGE 831' Klamath Avenue ' aaai IWWOWUDWWIWWMWWW. il.rtj-UJULMWW"W"l"""l"11 eaasaa s Hwret Cider, 1ST N 4lh, lJ-JI 350 Toms nstr alfalfa hay far Mlt, 15.00 ton Jay Kulrcln., Merrill Mill way. 7-IS Lyceum Hall, ror. 1th A High, wall suited for select nitrites, will e rat d at nominal urlras. Apply to M. Mntsclienhsclier, I'hnne 85fr, f a prauilsss, 31-tf Slop nt AIU'Alli: IKrrKI. tu the brart of Klamath Kails, Center of shopping and thsslr dis trict. All outside rooms Hut A cold water In every room, Hteatn Heat, Iteasouabln raise 1-21 FOR HALM Iteautlfut motw ranch home In Rngu RlTr rat ley near Msdford, on paveaitit. Ilmsrtlll. 127 N 41k it.. City'. All asreage, 1I-2I f . .UISIMJ LILLIAN HIKNIIM, WILL I'llOlli: IMMKIHATIO NKW YORK. Jau, 17 Lillian Russell, famed American beauty, sailed tor Kuropo today with her hus band, Alexander I' Moore, editor of the Pittsburgh Leader, as a special agent for the government to lnvll galo Intended Immigrant to America and report to Secretary of l.abor Dav is for her return. '.... .. ' .ins Feeling Grippy? Cold Coming On? DRY, tlrMIng sensation In th throat, lir.silstlie, IrM-flih, eyes aclir . Don't Jjv witli I lut on-coming olJ. Get lr Mne' New Dlicovrrv at oner. You will like tlie way It tsVrs I10I1I ami rav-s tliomujb, loovnt the nhlrimand trlirits tho rooitrstiisi lit the rvr nnd lir.id, and soon Ixisks up the most cbvltuta attack ol cold nd sr!p. Cl.ltilrrn and c")nu alike uh it. No Imnifiil ilingr, but Jtut tool t.-wiltrlne fur culcU, colIi and grippe. Sold hy )our tlruuiit Inr 60c. Dro Kind's New Discory For Colds and Coughs priiiimiii w "TlTcrfbut in HaTf n tvy You wouldn't lie II vur lowrh were art lag irii.4ily l-v IV l.'lny's litis fcr lurcMi lowrl, Yotill keep f.t lor v.-3tk, At .11 1 ijtit :Jc T PltOMtTI WONT crura Dr. Kind's Pills mi Main Street i ---ii-Minrinnn.nni AMaMaaMMaMiaaaMMai ... ..,. n-nnfiniiiijiArftiifi.ni1 BAUD STRAW MURPHEY'S FEED STORE i S ?:- 2-i