The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 20, 1922, Image 1

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Tonight, ami Saturday, rnln or snow
In went, nnuw In imnt portion I tint
no coil mutlnralo winds, mimtly
atfyj umtttg BraUi
Mft-nlli V'iiiv.Nh, lllai
h.vm auiiitum: oiki:ih:ii
llllllli: .')II Ki:v TO ROOM
California Oregon Announ
ce! Intention to Build
Prospect to Eugene
Al rlnmnnclitir, former luiinugi-r
for Ibn Into Virginia Itappo,
testified nl the. Arbiicklii trlnl 01
Indny lirncllcull)' tlit muiio us
prnvlniinly Jess.) Nnrgniiril, n '
studio lllnlil wiilrliiiiini ,if I"mI- A I
or illy, nnld Arblirkln Iiail
, once offered lilni ii lirllm for tlin
I hey to Mln Happo' room
Member of the Associated PrcHs.
PltllMY, .MM Alt) BO, IIKU
Rabrindranath Tagore Says
Weak Power Menace
to Strong
Tho California Orexon Powor rum.
iny announce. Hint It nan entered
.Into u lntrrcoitnn-llin contrmt lo
"upply power fo llm Mountain States
Towor company for n period of thirty
year, which power I, to Ih used
throughout tho rich and frllln VI.
lamntln Valley
In order to auiiply this power. Tho
C'atlfarnln Oregon Power Company
will construct n Itfi-mllo hlKh ten
Ion transmission linn of 110,000 volt
construction which will extend from I
tho Prospect plant of tho Company
through I ho llogun lllvnr ami limp-,
qua Valleys Into thn upur Willam
ette Valley whern It will comma with
tho transmission system of tho Moun
laln Hlatx I'd wit (Company ot '.i
conn, Oregon
WASHINGTON, Jim 10. Thfl
$160,000 A YEAR IS ,
I Shantung question must and probate
Anuou-ivrtnml t Made. M IMnnri"' ' will ho nettled between Chin anil
Japan and cannot bo taken up by thn
Anna conference, Senator Underwood
of Alabama, ono of the American dn.
legates, declared In tho senate today
I'Ihii Ailtocntrd by HeiMloi- i.
rock) Unllnl HtntCK Would
lluro Thirteen Dln-rlor
iHCHOOL ntuiikxt IHKH
Last Sacrament Administer
ed; Crowds' Gather to
Await News
of Motion Plrluro Official t
In t'pllfl HuMncw
NKW VOItK Jnn 10 ,WHI llaya
Picture Producer ami Distributors
"Immediately after March 4." It wan
announced today at dinner nt
which thn postmaster general wan
gurnt of a group of motion picture
offlrlal lla)a' resignation from tho
cabinet will bo presented aoon. It won
Iloya announced be signed a con
tract which l:inkt him oii-iillvo
Thla project slnndn nut n ono ofihend of tho organliallon. Ill( aatarr
the. moat Important power dnrclop. reported an tentatively fixed nt 1180,
menla of remit times, aa It w clone
tho laat gap of the longest Inlcrcnn-
Heeled power transmission system, In
will beronin directing head of llm ! ,lurl"K n illseunslon of tho cpnlrovnr
...... -..i......t t -.. ,..... -m .. .. ?av.
..miuiiu, APaiKriaiinn oi loiicn
thn world, I'ltemlliiR from Northern
Oregon io thn Motlran llnrder
roCMtrurllon To ll'Rln ,tl One'
Oetlnral Manager Paul II. McKce
nnouncna that til.tna em being pro-
pared and that the construction of
fiOfl n year, wan not nnnnunrcd
"The purponon of tbln annorlnllon
will bn lo nltaln and maintain the
hlghenl poimlbln nlnnilnrr) of motion
plrlurn proturlon and to develop to
thn lilcheal degree tho moral an do.
duralional value of tho Industry,"
Mr Maya nsld
"I bellevn In thn ojrnoatnen and
W'AHiriNOTON, Jan, SO. A warn
lug agalaal tho Four-power Pacific
treaty In being aounded In India by
Kir Itahlndranath Tagoro, noted pact,
nrcordlnir to tho American commu
nion to promolo nolf government In
India, "Power haa to bo made nocuro
not only agalmt power but alo'
Caltut MraknMn," Hald Taaore. "Thn
weak aro aa great a danger for the
fntrong aa aro qulckaanda fnr an ele
NKW YOHK, Jan. 20. A batik
of natloun, with tho United Btatca
an majority atockholdor, an Inter'
national trada "dollar" m a nub
itltulo for gold, and conduct of
tho world builncn on a credit In
lead of canh baili, wero advocated
by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska,'
In an addrcti today beforo tho IIOMH, Jun 20.-
American Manufacturcrn Kjport an-' ",0 hanBn In Iho balonee and foaral
. . . wero oxprcniied ut tho Vatican at
nociallon hero. Mm od(y, hal IU IlcJne wail dy.
)lii dlKUiied a bill ho han In- nK. I
Iroduced In tho nenato providing, During tho early houra, towards 4
for eitabllthlng nuch a bank of n- A- M- a 'ilen ehanga for tho worae
i. .i.i. ... .. .developed anil Droncnial airccnon
llona, with $2,400,000,000 cap tal., ,' ,. , .. , ,
" I npread to tho right luna; caudng
Tho Unllod 8tate, ho nnld, inayj ,ODumonlo. Oxygen ban been admin
hold f 1,300,000,000 of the atock lutercd aa a lant renort.
' Tho lant increment wan admlnli-
lununiu, mm,, Jan. tv, t(
Andoncn Iluchanan, a law gtu-
dent dlod auddonly today after
taking a "beauty powder" aont
hi mby moll and guaranteed to
change bla complexion within
24 houra. The authorities aro
4 Investigating.
I'opa Iionedlct'a f Knllaa; That PennlU Klamath IUv
or lo Remain Open Will He
IHnctuMed by Membern
and bankern Importers and emort
.- .x. .... ! tercd about 11 A. M. and prayers
ono nnV . T " ,1 $. . '' "" " c'holle lMtullon. In
.n'ft!!;nftnaVn,:. "B,tal"1 Horn. The euchnrlnt wa. .oIynnIy
IIOO.000.000 to be purchased b carrlcd to tho Pope at 11:30. an'n
tho leading notions. ,he prc,enCo of J8 cardinals the Holy
im uniicu amies- wouiu cnoose
Bacramcnt was plnced In the Palas-
tlno chapel.
All Vatican business has siispend
13 of tho bank's 24 directors. Tho
directors would bavo power to Is-
suo currency lo bo known as tho Irt-f cd Orcat crowds of pcoplo havo gath
tnrnatlonal dollar, which would' ernl nt fit Peters awaiting nowa.
m ellmlnato continual nblpment of
nip Mnm cur aa a nr ! K0,n" D'woen countries, nccordlnc1 UOMB. Jan. 20 Cardinal dan.
BIG WOOL &ALE MADE ,0 lho la , ,, , wcro(lirr of BUte. ba.
thin power linn will begin Immediate-J Integrity of their determination to
ly. A number of construction crews
will bo started In thn field at nnre, as
It la planned to complete thn work
this year. Tim 1 IS-mlln transmlislon
lino will bavo a capacity of 2M00
hornn-power. Althi-ngh of lin.nno
Toll construction, thn lino nl first
wilt bn operated nt rig.nno volts and
carry out these purporo and nin con
vinced of thn polhl)ltle of very
targn plans and aurcrasful conum
mallon. My snrvlrn w begin Imuied
lately after March 4 "
A slatemnnt Issued by thn prodiie.
era oxpreesed confldenrn In Hays'
ability "lo direct thn Industry to. (
will connect at Kut;enn with thn 0.. predestined placo of lraporfico'ln
v timi nnn in in,, .'niuinniii nini , hia riviuinuon or lonny nnii minor
IJower Company. row.-,
Co'nstrticllon of the line I, expeeti ..T, pu,iiri will find wn will fol
io employ between 200 ind 300 men n t,. leadership of Mr' lltri with
throughout the years t u,,i f.nllhfulneM and nnlhilasm
Thin markn Ibn llri step In the
which he has never failed In Inspire."
It continued.
"Wo am both proud and happy In
our aumclullon with Mr. llaa and
wo look forward lo tho future with
pnrfnet confidence,"
The producers whnta numes np-
i KAireit nn tho formal announcement
pendabln power ample to tnkn carol fl commmc8 n charge of form-
of tho future need, of the ltoKUonK , MoeU,orl , Adolph Zu-
Illver Valley and all of Houthern i kori wn, Kox, Mnrrua t.oew. 1..
Oregon In advance for nuch needs. In j 8Ur;,cki n, 0. Cole. Hamuel Oolil-
other words, (he Itogun Ulver Valley I A Cul ,.,emml(,,
will bavo the benefit of hydroelectric ,
dnrelopmcnl In ndvnnre of the need' ,... nut n DDrMCC HIT
DULOUb inufw ass.
summoned nil Cardinals
A meeting of the Klamath Sports
men's association will be held In
the Chamber of Commerce rooms
at S o'clock this ovenlrig. Subjects
to come up for discussion are the
present closed season law and the
entry of the association Into the
Slate Sportsmen's association.
I.ocal sportsmen object to the
ruling that permits Klamath river
to remain open when other lakes
and rlrors of the county are closed.
The ruling was based on the dec!
slon that Klamath river Is a tide
water stream.
The Bedford Game' Protective as
sociation' ha. submitted a copr of
lis constitution and by-laws with
tho proposal that they be adopted
bj almllar "organisations of the atate
and by tbo state association. The
1mibssIa afldk in aTljihtnM
Hlanfleld Hclle Mol I ROAD TO COAST URGED abroad to come to Home Immediately I Bd of tho Ioca, association Is to-
; v In order tliat tbo sarrca coiiego may ,.M
.., .v.. n t .a u . 'nlrucilim Hold KrrrMnn- for bo pronent and ready for any ercntu-
lUJUun.,1', wr. il. v. -niiir. .
of two million pounds of wool hero; rmurc "tm"1"11
ban been consummated. Iloslon firm
taking moat of tho offering. One
major hydroelectric detelupment rf
Tho California Oregon l'orr Com.
pany at Prosect. en tbo Itogun Illv
vr. Tho now contract will facilitate
and enabln thn development of thn
Company's largo power resources
there, thus linurlnc n supply of ili-
lot ot 1,000,000 pounds was disposed
of by agents of United States. Sena.
tnr Robert N. fllantlnld, Most of this
lot was clipped from Senator Stan
fleld'a herd. In eastern Oregon nud
Idaho .and the rest was purchasod
from nelghliarlng sheepmen, Thn
price wan 70 to SO cents a scoured
r.The other million pounds was a
pool by Idaho wool growers and was
said at auction at prices ranging from
21 H to 304 cents a groaso pound.
The growers were offered low
price, at corrals last season and de
rided to hold tbolr clip.
Crawford Moore. a bunkor of
Ho Wo, Idaho, estimated tho growers
saved approximate!) $10,000 Ir
freight, commissions and Incidental
for power
The Company Is now muklng plans,
for tho financing of Ibis new project. ,
Large sums of money will bn spent
In Oregon for labor nnd nup-'
pile, to bn used In the construction
of this new transmission linn,
Tho amount of power lo bo sup
plied upon the completion of Iho line
will produce a very satisfactory In. ,
creaso In Iho carnlnpa of llm com-1
Pln- Waged by High Hdiool Take
Audience by Htonn
An oppreclntlvn nudlunro greeled
tho high school sludonln' presentation
of "llulbul" al Iho Star theatre last
night, which proved to bo even bol
ter than promised. Tho house was
packed both at thn opening porfor
manro and al tho,mntlncn this lifter
I nllty Dr llatttnlstl said only super
j nnturat Intervention could save tho
Pope. Camphor Injections aro fre
quently resorted to,
Mi:i'OIID, Jan. 20. Construc
tion ot a railroad between Crescent
CTllv hsrhnr nti.l th .i,inn. .1
i..: " "" " ' " . "" ' imt'.MFii:i.i) .ii-Miiii
, L """"" un5,M! a " D' TIUXSCIMIT VUM
lllsucbard, proaldent of tho QranU f
Pass Chamber ot Commerce, In anl
eloquent addroas beforo the Cham-'
bur ot Commerce forum hero.
Dlanchard cited figures regard
ing the large area of land under
Irrigation in UaruVyrLako, Mai-'
SAI.K.M, Jan 20. The transcript
on appeal, bill ot exceptions and a
number of exhibits. In the caso of Dr.
Illchard M. Ilrumfleld. was tiled
with tin. supreme court Tuesday
afternoon. Ilmmtlcld -lias appealed
tlABP nrf lTlantHlt. n.H.I.. .. ... ..
v. ...--.u tvuuutica uuu. jrom tno decree or me uougias conn-
the larger amount which can easily ty circuit court, sentencing- him lo
be put under Irrigation A railroad, death for the murder of Dennis Hus
through theao counties and through! sell. Koicburg .-ermlt. The briefs In
Jackson and Josephine to tho coast, tbo case havo not been filed,
would, In Iho opinion of Dlanchard m
bo a deciding factor In the doter- W.ll.Ult'K TO HK.NOUNCE
mlnatlon of Oregon's future crowthl K.lltM IXAX COMl'AXIKS
and greatness i
etcne by holding thelrfsslo here I PQE VALLEY MAN DEADi A determination to lay before the
national agricultural conterence
Ku Keck, .t;rd xt, Hucrumb next week tho "thoroughly selfish
After Ix-nKtliy Illmos j and grasping attitude of many com-
- ' panles which loan money on farm
Ksau Keck, aged S3, for niunv mortgages." was announced today
This will be tho last meeting be
fore the annual election ot officers
which will occur next month.
Marshall Hooper Goea to Gra
Pass Following- Reetgaatioa
VXia I'HICSi lltriTKU
HAN KIIANCIHCO, Jan. 10. Sugar
Jumed another ten rents a hundred
PORTLAND, Jan. 20. Livestock
rtcaily. Kgga 2c higher; buying
price, 30c and 33c; selling, 32c
and 3c. llutter 3c higher; extra
cubes, 33c,
yeara a resident of Poo Valley, where by Secretary Wallace.
no engaged In ranching, died there as
this morning. Ho had been III ser- ItOM's Ito.NDS AUK
ernl montha. SOLI) AT i'HKMlUM
Ho la surtlved by a widow. NKW YOUK. Jan. 30. Quick re-
Th ritnAnil ulll'l.. - .,...'
..... ...... .w, n.,. vv iiviii iiuiu inr
Poe Valley residence tomorrow after
noon. Ilurlal will tako place In tho
Kreuer cemetery.
Marshall Hooper, who recently re
signed aj'vlce, president ot the First
State and "Savings bank, left this
morning tor his home la Oraats Pass.
Mr. Hooper cameTiere'about a year
ago and had chargo of the affairs of
the bank during the period In which
It was suspended. So well did he
handle tho business, that be was pre
vailed upon to accept tho position of
vico president of the Institution.
which place he held until ho resign
ed. While hero ho made many friends
who regret his leaving and who wish
him success and prosperity In his new
fields of endeavor. His record here
as a financier was a splendid one
and In his' koine the city lose, a man
who would have been an Important
factor In the development and up
building ot the many resources of
this county.
Board Will Meet With Rep
resentative From Yrtka
to Discus Plans
A definite program for proceed
log with the previously announced
purpose of making tho Weed-Ktam-atb
Fall, road an all-year highway,
and' diverting travel north from
Weed, probably will be decided no
on at the Chamber of Commerce
tonight when the board of directors
wilt meet with representative from
Mac'doel and Treka.
The Siskiyou county repreaaata
tlves ceme hore for the pnrpoaa of
formulating plans for Improvise
the highway this year1, and will
place before the road commissioners
of Siskiyou county at their next
meeting tho plans axrecd upon to
night. With every community between
hero and Weed backing the pro
posal, it Is believed the commis
sioners will lend, their support.
Freqnent attempts hare been made
by the Callforalans to secure apprav
prlatlons. bnt little) baa been defi
nitely accomplished except the work
they themselves have done on the
road. It Is their purpoee 'to obtain
thin year, through co-operation with
the Chamber ot Commerce, n fixed
sum for Improvement froa their
own county and a definite vnder
atandlng with Klamath conaty.
MooauhJacr'a Book Show
After Pint Bale
sulo of tho state cf Oregon's bonus
bonds has been made here. Stacy &
llraun bid 100.179 for the ri0.000.-l
000 Usuo of 4 4 per cent.
CHICAGO, 111.. Jan. 30. Oae
day tn the moonshine buttneaa
proved disastrous financially tor
Emery Melos. bnt his chief credi
tor. Judge J. A. Bu-ree, censeo ted
'to let him meet his obltgssBons In
Melos' balance aheet showed the
for still 10, raisins
!)4, prune $1.75, tine for aelllnr
Uquor $100, court costa $9.50, fine
for maintaining a still $25, court
costs $6.50. Total $15.7S.
bottle ot moonshine sold,
$2; deficit $154.75.
Melos' first customer was arrest
ed and told where he bought the
psny. ami nn mnro power In rolled for,
from'tlmo lo tlmn additional gener- "oon. ... ,
atlng rapacity will bo Installed n While Iho wholn canl was excellent.
Prospect. I Josephine Melnsner, a, tho cnurl
HovrJop'men! for lV.lYn OrvRim chaperon. Polos Mills an tbo llllle
Tho extension of Tho California Monarch. Clifford Hoguo aa "the
Oregon Power Company's linen lo l'u- young prince, and Ksther Calkins as
gene moans much to tho lorrllory en-1 "Hulbul." Wero particularly good, well as making Prospect MlMh the sotting, nnd tho costumes
power nvallabln throughout tho rich gavo evidence of more than ordinary
nnd fertile Willamette Valley sorved I care In preparing the play, and much
by tbo Mountain Stains Power Com-, credit In due Miss Kvolyn Applegnlo,
pany'. System. It has only been , head of tho music department of tho
through Iho closest co-oporatlon ot high school, who had direct chargo
these two companies thnt this Inter-' of nil arrangements,
connection has been mado possible. The last performance w 111 bo given
Tho uppor Wlllnmelto and Umpqun tonight
Valley, heretofore pprnctlcally un
touchod by nny power system, will
resources of tho fltnto In advance of
Industrial nnd commercial develop
ment, The agricultural und Umber re
sources of this vnst territory mtIII bo
made moro accosslblo hv tho con-
atructlon of this power line
This Interconnection to tho Noe"i.
together wllh the connoctlon with f
TaCltlC Oas and Electric Coramnv ti
the South, mnkos Tho California Ore
gon .Powor Company ono of tho moat
Important links In tho Interconnec
tion of powor lines which now
reaches ulmost from TortUnd to Hm
Diego and will evonually umbrae;
the entire Pacific Coast.
that nil territories served, whether
now havo nvnlnlblo thn water-power tho largo Industrial conlern or tho
moro aparseiy aettieu agricuiiurm
valleys, will havo tho same depend
able and assured good service.
local Oompnpy Ono of Ijira-est
Thla is ono moVe step forward by
tho California Oregon Power Com-
Tnt-reiuinorted Pnwt'r Kvim I pny aa one of the major power utili
ties- of tho weal. Tnrougn ino enior--rite
of this organisation, agricultur
al! and Industrial noveiopmenis
thrs'ghout the territory served by
tjte Company havo been encouraged
und assisted and tho natural resour
ces of tbo region havo boon oconoml
colly deYlPcl nrt niit n0'lcll
I)-" Calltorolu Oregon Powor Com-
i. ,,. r'- fnrui.i moron i nj'iv h i pm uirusui"""' ,-
Power "Company's nblllty to Install dale. In Douglas Coupjy,, Oregon, 333j
additional neneratlng rupuclty in TOli soutn io nennon, m .u..i
reasonably small unlta aa needed, at County. Cdllfonla. . ..
an economical coot, the Company III Upon, tb?,compltlc. of A no;
w. vv lmnortsni contributor to I Un 'north I' UMVOre.-t tho
.. -....i.j Au,Ae rensuices of the Company's system 111 cor a ter
w.i.m stiites. fiiicn pooling of pow- rltory oxtenuluV 371
Western states, fincn pooling
sr through interconnection
miles nliflC-M
means dlrsctly uortb und louth,
ASTOKIA, Jan. 20. A ragged hu
man being who roams the beaches
and sand dune, near Carnaban sta
tion has been reported by several
'residents ot tho beach vicinity, who
kuow him as tho "wild man". Raw
j clams aro said to be the only food
ot this creature, who makes his home
In n rave dug from a sand ridge..
The man is thought to bo about 25
years old. He wears no clothing ex-
cept a sleeveless shirt and a pair ot
kneo longth trousers. Hl hair and
beard are long. Nono of bis beach
folks know anything regarding his
name or where he came from before
bis appearance In that vicinity somo
weeks ago. He no!ds contact with
other persons.
Pardoe University President Brianes
niarges Against "Diets
LA FAYETTE. Ind.. Jan. 30.
William "Lone Star" Dietx will; not
be retained aa football coach of Pur
duo University, acting Prestdent.Mar
shall announced today, following an
Investigation of charges that Diets
had offered financial Inducement, to
several high school athletes ot the
Pacific coast to play football at Pur
due. Th.e statement said that Dlotx ad
mitted in part tho charges by Pro
fessor Leslie JT. Ayers, of the Univer
sity ot Washington, that Richard
Hanley, DIeta' representative, had ap
proached high school boys In Seattle,
Kverott, Sedro Woolley and Pendle
ton, with a financial offer.
Marshall Upp, 12-year-old son
Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Upp, 334 Grant
street, came to grief In sliding
down Third street late" yestorday
afternoon, when he collided with
one of Coe's Jltnoya at the Inter-
section ot Main, sustaining sevcro
bruises on leg and arm. He was
i examined al a hospital, but was re
moved to his home when It was
found tho injuries were superficial.
T, II. Ness, general superintendent
ot tbo California Oregon Power corn-
psnyls. visaing the local office of
the' company for a few daya. He say
the power company haa finished alt
alterations In the general office
building at Medford and every roe?
except one. In the three story struc
ture h occupied by the company
staff. - .- '
The CyeloStormagraph at Vnder-
ometrlo nressure romalnnd atmnat
A religious constant, since the report yesterday.6
ure of the herring season Is a vW-
. Fair and warmer.
Tne 1-ycon.reeprding thermometer
Itatton for unrighteous living. the
tlshermon sre" 'pradlpj-tbeV high- registered nuxia)u-.'.an4' at
Jwys. singing b-fwnii'nfd thtlfyiiv XSSk ,W 'M,Jff
In other ways to their religious Lo........'....,..Ia S
fsrvor. Thore Is scaretty a flihlHB Re-seru fi Pert
.uin... that tlserme-mitsr. tk
' ' ""'" 'V""" ,",,""l PtrsiWM fr "$ II
"Y ;.
' te w
IM Mf' i
myw v.
nf.A-jnnu' inn n
11 V wave Is now aw'eenlnr over the IV?Ul Bliollt n2on iod,5f' ,lne, whe"
wave IS now sweeping" over me thB t6ndeno ha been downward, A
( fishing villages on the east coast of falling Pr,sure is favorable for high . .
Scotland. Bellovlng that the fall-Jr tppiperatures,, . v
w r omvjji lurnusi asneurs: -; i