WOTXKIWAY 'JANUARY 18, IttM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Two I The Evening Herald K. 3. MUHKAY K, J. IlAimKTT , .Kdltor citr Kditot Published dally except Sunday, by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at lit Eighth Btreot. Rntcred at the postofflce at Kla ttalh Falls, Ore., for transmission through the matlt aa soeond-clau taattor. UKMlUCir.OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS. Thn Associated Press In exclusively entitled to tbo usa tor publication ot all now dtipatclioi credited to It, or not .otherwise credited In thli papor, and alio tho local uewi pub lisher heroin. WKDNICSDAY JA.VUAItY 18, 1022 Letters From The People Tho group ot business men study ing city government extends a cor dial Invitation to Pro Bono Publico to attend tbo next mooting ot the class. Thursday evening, January 26th. The class Is not In favor ot the city manager plan, uclthcr Is It opposed. Our purpose Is to get bet ter acquainted with the city gov ernment under which wo live, and to comparo it with tho government of other communities. It Pro Bono Publico Is acquaint ed with the city manager plan, the class will bo pleased to nave him; present and hoar him explain It. It ho Is not acquainted with It, his' attendance Is no les, solicited, a. ttn tin ft aij Ti a I11 TiA In t AfAitfln In wo bollevo tio will bo Interested in the discussion. (Signed) CLASS IN THE STUDY OK CITY GOVERNMENT, FitiTzi nuuxtrrrK aoai.v , M'AItKLRS WITH KEItltlOAX , In "Tho Dream Cheater," J. tV-r- ron Kerrigan's latest Ilobert Ilninton production showing at tho Strand thcatro tonight,, lovely Frltil Brun otto again takes tho leading feraln- Ino rolo opposite J. Warren Kerri gan. She was loading woman for Mr. Kerrigan In hi, recent W.. W. Hod klnson releases, "Tho Lord Lores the Irish." "l.lvo Sparks." and "$30, 000." Miss Drunotte plays her most ap pealing rolo, and one In which she will endear herset to old friends and rnako many new conquests. The very Rwcetncss and Ingenuousness of .her portrayal of the girl, who through hor faith tn the elemental truth, raises n man from tho depths of des pondency and superstition to the heights of mental freedom and hap piness. Is tho roost wbolcsomo and Inspiring imporjoaation that, has been seen on the screen In some time. Two new comedies will also be shown tonight. Tomorrow Louise Olaum will be seen In "Love Mad ness." CROP INSURANCE UP AT NATIONAL' FORM CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 18. Insuraoco of crops as a method of stabilizing pricoa on farm products Is expectod to bo one of many augges lions put forward at the National Agricultural conference which openj January 23, for Inclusion In a per manent national farm policy. Dis cussion within the conference would ba expected to develop whether pro ponents would recommend that tho Insurance be carried by the farmers co-operatively, by private companies, or through government aid. Balancing production with con sumption Is another Important .topic which leadorg expect to come up. Suggestions likely to como from con ference delegates, It, was said, range from tho pld acrpago limitation to a more careful study of world produc tion and consumption. Along with 4 this would go crop surveys In Amer ica. . Valorization, or price fixing, was said to be on the. minds of several t delegates and while .economists de- i clare all such efforts Invariably In the past have failed, .nevertheless It has failed to gettle the demands. Bills t on this subject now before congress ' and suggestions from the outside have com for minimum vpriee guar antees for certain staple commodi ties as, wheat, corn, cotton and the like. Extension of the co-operative movement also Is expected to be pro posed. Loaders predict that the labor queatton will arise,, since the pres ence ot railway executives and Sam uel Oompera, and of, many representa tive employers as conference mem bers will bring the two sides of the question together, The farmers, It was said, are vitally Interested In the labor question, The purely agricultural nature ot " i-i-y Jyvvfsvv-irir-vvryxjv ' Outbursts of Everett True By Condon jWWWMMWWAMWAlWVWWVWVWWiVWVIVV evORCTT, HVC ou KjoTtCC-JJ 7HCSC ITCMS M TH PAPaRS LATCLY . SMtMCV THT Wkicr BlCeECHeS1 FOC THcS MUM I IS THS COMING 3TYLG? I the conference, agricultural depart- .t ..stii.i. sat . cicni. umciais saiu, n ucea Kepi in mind and tho "dirt farmer" will be fully recognized. 512 REPORTERS ARP. STILL ENGAGED IN IIXLinu Ur rAKLtl i WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 17. Journall.tsofraoroorle.snotc.au- thor8 of greater or less standing and plain, evcry-day reporters, all to tho' total of 512. have been or still are) engage- in icuing mo worm wnai goes on In the armament conference. An official list of the "accredited ' correspondents" as Issued by tho com-: Eg1rC?vr' THAT ... r 1- -TfSt mltteo having charge, ot press or- Senator Stanflold has Introduced a rangementa shows that practically . bill appropriating 130,000 for im- every country cf size nolod on a mod- proving tho ontrance to Oregon! era map has ono or more press ropre-1 caves In Josephine county and pro-, scntatlvo on tho ground. Japan tak-1 vldlng proper lighting to make lnr first placa among foreign nations' this scenic spot more Invltlug to with about 40 correspondents. (tourists. The list a, published comprised. . . only those writers who bad been ac, Germany appear, to bo suffering: credited to the State Department. It betweea fear Icat sho cau not , , WflH fvt(mnr1 hnr sit I a ad k1 ... . . .., ..... . .,.... UH( HS many more probably were active on the sido lines assisting thoso ns-( signed directly to tho conference or Its subsidiary activities. REFUSES TO TELL AGE City Clerk of Tacoma Italllr Support of Sex to . TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 17. Mrs. Blanche Funk Miller, cltj clork of ,'wwwWWMWWMWNWW QMOAIllMtM MISCELLANEOUS Don't overlook tho big price re ductions on men's fine Overcoat; and suits at K. K. K. Store. TO RENT 2 room nrart'urnl. Bvervthlnc furnished J5ftnn si? Oak 8t. 17-22' WANTED Man and woman to work on ranch, commonca MarcU 1st. Francis J. Downo, Donanza, Oregon. ' ' 17-19 Strayed from my ranch, u lareo whlto ' roan Durham bull. Lranded II T and Shield II on right hip. Hole In left ear. 'swallow fork In right. Francis ,J. Bowno, Donanza, Oregon. 17-19 Ex-Sorvlce Men, Take Notko. I havo six different tracts of irrl. gated land I can sell you, on good terms. Francis J. Downs. Uonimi. uregon. 17-19 FOIt IlENT Second floor over array Store. 019 Main St. Suitable for office or apartment. 16.21 WANTED Wfeman for general Housework, and cleaning one day a week. Phone 4i7M- 16-18 Stop at. Arcade Hotel. In the heart or Klamath Falls. Center ot shoDnlne and theatm n- trlct. All outside rooms. Hot & cold water tn every room. Steam Heat, Roasonablo rates 1-31 FOR SALE Beautiful modern ranch home In Roguo River val ley near Medfprd, on pavement. Slmervllle, 127 N. M St.. City. Also acreage. DO VOO KNOW WHAT THINK Of THVT "til Tacoma. has rallied to the support e: ner sex. wnen snu ruled recently that local women neeJ not tell their , exact gc, when rgelstcrlng to vote. uun iuoubh a nuniucr oi maiu ciiy clerks In other Washlncton cities i ruled that tho state law require, " :noy Pills nnd am not bothered with 'Mrly u ruling from the attorney hnekacho or kidney trnuhlo now. goueral can Induce me to chango my Doan's have been n great benefit to decision." Mrs. Miller My. -It Is JV, , (s,,WIMml K'vc" Mnr"h ,3' tar to demand womon to tell their' On March 10. 1320. Mrs. Wilson Precise ages, because they won't do "ld" "1 gladly repeat all I said In that anyway." -or of Doan's Kidney P.... a. there ".oo ASKED TO IMPIIOVK JOSEPMIXB COUXTV CAVES WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 1. january ttaa February Indemnity In i etalmeat, and tnRt aha w hJu , pituhurgh Gazotto-Timcs. I LONE PINE 1 ( Mrs. C. II, Klger wont to Donanin iTldajr evening as chaperono for tho Merrill high school girls' baskotball! i team. J. It. Elliott brought his cattle down from the Agency last week. Fine lot of Sweaters at K K K. Btore. price. It you want to sell It. buy It, trade It. or find It, try a Herald classified ad. STEAM HEATED rooms 13. SO per weok. Large, well lighted lobby. shower baths. N wlntoT rates Central Hotel. J. T. Ward. Mgr. 9tf HKItK WK AIIE AGAIN! White Leghorn Ilaby Chicks. Hnrron-Tnncred Strain. Hatched exclusively from our own hons that averaged for the year 1921, 1S1 eggs each for the whole flock. This Is the real test ot merit, rather than the achievement ot a few select ed from a large flock and fod on pie and Angel food at a laying con tost. ' We havo greatly enlarged our plant and are prepared to hatch fifty thousand chicks during the season. Order early nnd' get them when t t wanted. Prlcos per 100; January apd Feb ruary S16.00; Mirch and Apffl $12.. CO; May und June $11.00. Puro bred P. Rocks and R. I. Reds batched on special order. . Maywood Poultry Farm, Corning. Calif. J3-FS t T ? t 7 ? ? Men's Leather Overcoats and Sheen lined coats, the regular price iv ri. k. Htore. Sweet Cider, 127 N. 4th. 13-21 T T t 260 Tons new alfalfa hay for sale, $6,00 ton. Jay Falrclo,, Merrill hlghi way. '7-26 Lyceum Hall, cor. 8th & High, well suited for select parties, will be rent-lv ed at nominal prices. Apply to M.L ,. Mnck (llenn lsltcd Walter Knmnn Friday afternoon. Agnes ami Chester Knmnn worn out ot school two days last week w ll to tho rnr was bring overhauled. Phyrno Corum Is back at school again nttor being absent several week on nrcomit ot sickness. Sho Is. slopping vllh Mrs. llowman In -Mer rill. Mls.1 Doluii hud to dlsiiilsi school Thursdny III! thn sldi pipe could be cleaned out. Mr. nnd Mrs. Klgor guvo a birthday dinner, Sunday for J. E. Walter and Pain Knman. Those prosenl were: Me. nnd Mrs. J. K. Knman, Mr. and Mrs, ! tfnm Knmnn. Walter, Agnes nnd I Chester Knmitu, Mr. and Mrs, Krma I Itosley. Paulino, Mnmln and John Olncomlnl, Mr. and Mrs. Klgor. Kstln I Kenneth. Carl and Audrey Klger. After dinner the young folks had n skating party on Lost Klver. I.. K. tteertson, Itott and Charlotte I (lecrtson and Miss Leonora (leorlson , visited Mr. and Mrs, llowor at Lost j Illvor dam Sunday. j Mr. nnd Mrs. Itueslng and family I vliitcd at tho Klger homo Sunday ! evening. J. K. Kiimun nnd sons aro putting up Ice. All men's suits on sale ut K. K. K More Dig deduction. , WHY SUFFER SO? i Why suffer from a bad back, from sharp, shooting twinges, headaches, dltilnes and distressing urinary Ills Klamath Kails people recommend I'oan's Kidney Pills. Ask your neigh bor! Could you nsk for stronger proof of merit T 1 Mrs. Jeff Wllsos. H02 Oregon Ave, Klamath Kails, says "Doan's I Kidney Pills nro n family remedy In Zu tor "kldner VaTm.te Dean's .... . . our homo anil whenever tho occasion never rail to do tlio work. I have ,n,cn '"-'a " long time for 1 ; hBckacto"nd kidney Uou1 hT,7 At times I havo such terrible pains through rnv kidneys thnt t ran hard- , JJ, "w I'uMn Wdl plaint. I uso Doan's occasionally to keep my kidneys In good order " COc, at all dealers, Koster-Mllburn Co.. Mfrs.. Iluffalo. N Y. Adv. llrotrn Out hkln nnil Itching I.'cmn ll1wI vrr Night vOP unslnhtly sklti oruDtlonn raih or TotcSe." on face! neck.rml or ,",(,5P jrou 'lo not bRTo ,0 wa,t for re Ilcf from torture, or embarrassment. declare, a noted skin specialist. Ap- ,( M II.IIC 1J(1.IIU-JU1UUI UI1U Hit' 2sWVsH-MSl ,, t f 10c. f ? ? t ? ? t t r X r r r r USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN TMIl WHERE EVERYBODY LOUISE t t Tomorrow, J. Warren Kerrigan in provement shows next day. llecuusu of Its gonn destroying properties, nothing has over been found to take tho Place, of this sul phur preparation. Thn moment you apply It healing begins. Only those wno unto nan unsigmiy jikiii trouuios can now tlio delight this Moutho-Hiil phur brings, then fiery, Itching re seitia Is dried right up, (lot a small Jar from nny good druggist und uso It llko cold croiuii, Adv. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Ss) llkrlie Is sign yon Hc Urn rating: tern much Meat Wien you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kldnoy region tt goncrally means you have bean eating too much meat, says n well known authority. Moat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys In their effort to filter It from thn blood and they beromo sort of paralyzed and loggy When your kidneys get sluggish aud clog you must relieve then, llko you relieve your howols; removing all the body's urinous waste, olso you hate backache, sick hoadacho, ditty spells; your stomach lours, tongue Is coated, und when the weather Is bad you huve rhoumii. tic twinges Tho urluu Is cloudy, full f sediment, channels often get soro, wator scalds and you nr,e obliged to joek rollof two or throo times during the night, Either consult a goad, reliable phy. dclnu at onfo or r.et from your phar macist about four ounces of Jsd Salts; lake n tnblespoonful In a glass it water boforo breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will thsn act tine. This famous salts Is made from thn acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for gonarntlnns to clean and sti mulate sluggish kidneys, also to noli. trnllio adds In tho urine so It no longer Irritates, thus endlnc Madder weakness. Jad Balla Is a llfn savnr for regular meat eaters It Is Inexpensive, rnn- not Injure and makes a delightful, ifforvesccnt llthla water drink. Adv SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN ' DKPAIITMKNT OK Till. tNTHfUOn, It's (Iramlmothrr'n Unripe to Itrlngi Not coal land nrk Color and l.usfrn ill S, Land Offlrn at Laksvlsw. Or' In Hair igon. Dec 30. 1921 . NOTICK Is hereby given thst Volt can turn gray, fnded hair. "inkl .".", 7I0.'..p0o,"t" .".'i beautifully dark and lustrous almost ,lrcf? ' !m",hl,, ?".on,',l,1'1, over night If you'll get a bottle of.'"1 b 3t ' "' M"r. "21, file In "Wyeth's 8ago and Sulphur Com-1 itjpifs nAnnrf" ,1 an. Mrtlv iFnr, Mllllnna I of bottles of this old famous Sago Tea ; lieclpn. Improved by the addition of! other Ingrodlents, aro sold annually. says a woll-known druggist here. be. cause It' darkens the hair so natural-1 ly and ovenly that no ono can tell It. has been applied. Those whoso hair Is turning gray or becoming faded havo a surprise at- It I Me t tin tut si 1 1 -t, aflat nnt rtt' sik saikiugk V iwmsj nui riv '. two applications thn gray hair van-! Isbea and your locks become luxur ri- j antly dark and beautiful, t4t33t$M$gM(! TONIGHT AT GOES J. PARKER READ, IN "LOVE MADNESS" STORY BY C. GARDNER SULLIVAN DIRECTED BY JOSEPH HENABERRY TWO NEW COMEDIES The Dream Cheater" This Is tint nge of youth, dray hatred, unattracttvo tolki aren't wanted n roil nil, so get busy with Wyeth's Sago nnd tlulpluir Compound tonight und you'll ba delighted with your dark, Imnilsomo hair and your youthful upponranro vrllhlu a tew days. Adv. HUMMONH IN TIIH CIUCU1T COttltT OK THE HTATK OK OltKOON KOIt KI.AM ATI I COUNTT J. P. Ilnrrimg, Plnlutltr, VM A, II. Vinson, llefendnut. To A. II. VINtlON. Defendant! IN THK NAME OK THE HTATK OK OHKGON you nro hereby com manded and required In appear and answer or otherwise plead to thn plaintiffs complaint on file herein, on or lief ore tho IRth day of Keliril nry, ti21, nnd If you fall to so ap. pear and answer or otnerwiso pieau to said complaint within said time, tor want thereof tho plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of $I67.(H, with Interest there on at the rnto of elabt nor rent, per annum from thn tilth day ot Octo her. inso. ana for the runner sum ot IRn. 00 attorney's fees, nnd for thn further sum of 10.00 and for the plaintiff's costs and disbursements tn this action, This summons Is served upon you br Publication In thn Evening Iter aid for the period of six consscutlve weeks, seven Issue., commencing with thn Issue of Deromber IS, 1(21 nnd ending with thn Issuo ot Febru ary II, 1 0.3, pursuant to an order duly made, rnudared and entered on the 37th day ot December. 1911, by lb. Hon. D. V. Kuykoudall, Judge of tlm above entitled Court. Pute of first publication Dee 31. 1931. OAKLAND A UHANKH Postofflce nddress. l.nbanon, Oregon. HEWITT SOX Postofflce address, Albany, Oregon, Attorneys for tho Plaintiff. D-2S J 4-1 1-19-25 K 1-1 .NOTICE OI' ri.VAI. HKTri.ESIr.'.Yr Notlrn Is hereby given that (he undorslgned Administrator of thn es tate of John II Griffith, deceased, has filed In tbr County Court of thn iHtatn ot Oregou for Klamath County tbo final account of his admlnlstra (tlon of said estate, and thn said Court has fixed January 30, 1912, at o'clock P M. as thn tlmn, aud the ! Court room of said Court as the j place, for thn hearing of said final account and for the ssttlsuient thrn- of. Dated llerniuber 28, till JW i: tlltll'KITH. Administrator of i the Kttstnof John II. Griffith, ! ceased. Dec 2a Jan. t 11-18-25 NOTICK I'Olt PUIIMt'ATIO.V (Publisher) " Union Taxi Co. and Mecca lxi Ct. (CotuolicUted) OPEN AND CLOSED CARS CHILOQUIN STAGE Phone 424-J JvtJtJ4j STRAND THE HOME OF THE HODKINSON FEATURES JR., PRESENTS GLAUM this otflin Hworn Ulnteiuolit nnd Ap plication, No. 01172s, to purenai) thn HHW HUM Hoc. II; NMV4 NlfiU Hec. 271 UK HWU. Hectlon 2.1. Township 37H, Itnngo 1310, Willam ette Meridian, and the timber there on, under thn piovlslona of the Act of June 3, ts7H, nnd acta amenda tory, known ns tho "Timber ami Hlonii Lttw," at such value ns might be Used by appraisement, aud that, pursuant to such nppllcnllon, tho. land and timber (hereon havo been aM priilsud, Kour Hundred lilghty Dol Inrs. Ill n limber esllninled 820 M board feet at 11,00 per, M,. and, thn land ItuO.uO; that said applicant will offer final pioof In support of his nppllratlnn nnd sworn statement on the Hth day ot March, tt, befors llert 0 Thomas. I), H. Commissioner, at Klnmalti Kails, Oregon, Any person la at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Inltl uiii contest at any limn before pat ent issues, oy iinng a currouqrni'xs affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would detest the entry. Notice will be published for nine consecutive weeks In the Klamath Herald. K. P LIGHT. Ilnglslar J t-ll.II.35 K. L8.t5.Jl M. 1 WHEN EYES ARE RIGHT All the world looks bright. Taka a morning Ilka this was, with thn thermometer raaglng around sera and vera! degree, below It your eyes wern right the cold winds wouldn't make thsm watery and your vision would not be dim mtd and the sun glinting on lh. snow would not ob scure yonr vlttoa. SEE THAT YOUR EYES ARE RIGHT Aid If not, have them at amlnrd and properly fit ted b, H. J. WINTERS rusUAT rnoiAi, rasas M.TT 711-714 kt 531 Main Street t 9 &ft4t; 20c. T. AUM I t- b4 t X"" ' 7 15.20S WV"V"WV'W "" wumi, ui uu a a . 10 'v premises. 30-tf VXS2M2M8" &4rtiHfyW Sm$mHmK VTVVWUI'yIllJwiIsjlti4 ' i .. .- ammatmmamm '' I ,.w ,y ,7j.wyyyf -c STRAW MURPHEY'S FEED STORE 24 1. It 9tt riKHifir wn ' V i BALED