ATOTMMr, MNVAItr 14, II THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pago1 a: r KrERJONAL, MENTION ' (Drf C. O, Prentice u expected borne tomorrow nlihtfrom Ch(cto,. whore hewn, called vChrlitraasdsy by the death o( hit father. Ojaek'tUWr, owner'of.lhejUkeslde I.uihbervcompny, left .this roornlnK for' Portland, whore he expeet to look hftoriimftora ot Interest tor his cempany: Manager I'nuly of ihe Klamath racking company, hat returned from a three weeks business trip to tho north. He states that the fecllns; ot opIlmUm proTalent In so many lines of business It benlnnlna; to manifest Itself among; the, loaders of the ment Industry and It la the expectation tthat 1(22 will see a blp Improve ment In the business. Mrs. Michael Rueck, of the llurck ranch near Ilonanta, has been upending a few daya with Mrs. K Hellbronner, Comer avenue. D. W. Ryan left yesterday for Vancouver. Washington, where be aspects to spend part of tho winter. James D. Foster,- who has been employed by the Southern Pacific, will leave Sunday on a business trip to Los Angeles. Daring his ab sence his mother will visit friends In Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breltenstoln bare returned to their home on Ca nal afreet, after a several week's visit with their aon, n. P. nrelten stein, 111 Prospect. Mr. Brelton stein has completely recovered from a recent attack ot paralysis. Miss Eckman. ot the Gertrude Mil linery, haa left for New York on her annual baying trip. Ot. E. Geary haa left for an extend ed trip to Portland. C. W. Warren ot Ply wilt be a Tlsltor here tor a taw days. Alfred Collier, Swan Lake lumber man. Is In town today. Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Campbell 01 Dly are here attending a circuit court trial. A. L. Marshall ot Olene Is a busln osa visitor here today. W Rodgera ot Odessa, a forest "rahgerrls transacting business here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dalton and daughter, and W. C. Dalto'n, of Malta, are here tor the week-end. little Miss Oeraldlne Crockett re siding at 421 10th St., will be nine tomorrow and ahe announces thai she It going to have a parly. Danish Beauty to Visit Us .BBBBBBflBBBBhBBBBaVHli tdnnnnnnnHBiPflBtkVnyntiMltn J-.K.MLaTjQUljaBa'yama. LbbbbbbbbbbEEV lMaBagliSsWBSsMaafJLVK idt bbbbbbbUbbbK ' 'HbPRKIbsILbbLH WVfipPl V1Mbbbbbbbbbbbbb! BHtaaaaaam jt,'- f T 'lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBral VafBfafafafafJe-- AVBBBBBBBBX4BBBBBBBBBBJ ccicrii NititititiVr bbbbbbVbbbbk -bi InZIbbbm BBBBBBBBBS -BVaBBBBH.'. r sfc 'aBptW BBBBT BBBF " " vt x-' . jJyjjBKgw.w Ktt SP l - & 4 ' , .-K"' " '1 Thursday evening nt tliolr home In Uorrls. Mr. Wolfo Is associated with tho Dorrls Lumber ami llox cumpnny hern. 1 .Mr .and Mrs. K, Wentenunn nnt , In San Krnnclsco tor a few weeks' I vacation. I Gust Iimpropoillous Is buck In Dorrls after savers! months' nl- ' senco. Ho Is employed nt 0110 ot thn I0f.1l box factories, I N. 1,. Hall, time lock Inspector for tho MoKsmnn company of Now York, was In town Wednesday nml Thursday, maklnR annual Inspec tion. I 1 Mrs, Jt'iinlo I.uiir Is 0110 of thoi residents of Dorrls vnrntloultiR tit San Kranclsco this week. I Leslie l.owls, express clerk for the Southern 1'aclflo company, ex-., pects to lenvo his position here shortly, and mako farming his fu turo occupation on his father's farm near Sacramento. Ills sue-, icessor has not boon named. I Mrs. Nellie. Mitchell drove to! I Dorrls from the Willow Creek ranch I Thursday. a LEAD IN EDUCATION Oregon One of Three States With large Cotlcfe Karollment CHICAGO, Jan. 14. Oregon, Towa. and Utah have the largest num ber of students In colleges, according to their respective populations, Dr Oeorgo P. Zook ot the United Statei bureau of education, told the asso ciation of American colleges hero to day. Statistics also reveal, he said, that California, Oregon and Utah, take care ot a larger proportion ot theli students In their own colleges sne universities than any other states. Miss Gcrda Meyer of Denmark Is comlnc to the United States this -"ith to show us what real Dinlsh beauty Is. She recently won the nl Danish beauty contest. 4,500 CARS ORDERED n''' ' Is boInK shown In Portland as a first ltodklnson ro- Large Amount of New Kqulpment leajc. Tho Portland nowspapors pro Is Planned by Union Pacific , nounco It ono of tho finest produc- i tlons ever made by tho Hodklnson A comforting ray of business sun-i company and It should bo with a cost shine flashed Its beams on Port-' such as has probably never been land when announcement was made' brouRht together In a filmed produc- at the traffic otflco ot the O.-W.j R. R. N. lines that tho Union Pa-) dflc system had placed orders for 4,500 new freight car for delivery; In the first halt ot this year. Several million feet of Oregon flr' lumber will enter the construction) -it this new equipment, and all of! It will como from mills located onl lines In tho Pacific TWAST HIS LUCKY DAY Hrsunflrld Dodge Death on Friday, the Thirteenth -SALKM, Jan. 1.4 Friday, the 13th war not an unlucky day for Dr. R. M. Brumfleld, convicted of the murder or Dennis Russell at Roseburg, although it was the day originally fixed by the Douglas cir cuit court as his last on earth. A recent appeal to the supreme court operated automatically to secure a stay ot execution, and Brumfleld will not hang, at least, until the op Dual Is heard. 8XOW FOUIl FKKT DKKP AT ANNA SPRING CAMP MBDKORD,' Jan. 14. Advices this week by Alex Sparrow, super intendent ot Crater- National park, from tho park ranger on duty there In the winter time, ure thai there la four feot of snow at Anna Spring camp, which means that there Is from one to one and a half feet mora at the lake rim. This amount Is three feet less than last year at this time, but this means nothing, as there will -be two or three months ot snow yet In that region, and the snowfall there will probably be up to the average. r NHDPORD .MAYOR MAY RUN FOR GOVERNOR MBDFORD,. Jan., 14. Mayor C. B, Oatee, who haa returned from political conferences In Portland, caya be It giving the proposition ot becoming a candidate tor the re- puniican nomination for governor serious consideration, but haa not yet made up bis mind. He said ha was awaiting certain developments betpre formally an "Bouncing hit candidacy. Oatea ex pressed his gratitude for the large amount, of 'support, which bat teen tttrtd htm, should kajstko tht rtt, m4 i ,utUr iwttful fir the system Northwest. Tbo order Includes 2.000 double- sheathed forty-foot, titty-ton box cars; 1,500 - double-sheathed, forty- toot, fifty-ton automobile cars for general service. Including move ment of grain In bulk, and 1.000 ill-steel fifty-foot, fifty-ton automo- bjle cars, suitable also tor general freight service. The total cost ot the Union Pa "Iflc's new equipment will be bo- 'ween $9,000,000 and $10,000,000 Inasmuch as no mention Is made et of contracts tor additional re frigerator cars It Is regarded m jrobable that a little later an an louncement will come to tho effect hsj the Pacific Fruit Express com any, controlled Jointly by the 'Jnlon Pacific and Southern Pacific lystems, has ordered several thou sand now "reofors" for use during he season of 1922. DKTItOIT PASTOR (MUXI) PORTLAND, Jan. 14. Dr. Thorn- at J, Vlllers, pastor ot tho First Bap tist church of Detroit, bat accepted 1 call to the First Baptist church of Portland. "Goirs ntrciiii.K" AT THK HTltA.M) SUNDAY At tho Strand Theatre, on Sunday wlH bo presented "God's Crucible," Hon And what n east it Is! Wilton Lackayo. who plays "Michael Kal mar," was never more forcefully dramatic, while Gaston Glass, tho Ju venile whoo work contributed so largely to the success ot "Humores qne." will win many now followers by his splendid playing of the role ot "Ivan Kalraar." In addition to tho above, these screen favorites are In tho cast: Gladya Coburn. Kato Price, Bradley Barker, Blgelow Cooper, Jules Cowles, Robert T. JIalnes. Ann Suth erland, and Kdna Shlpman. The ACencjsioftb story, for the most part, nra laid In tho Canadian Rockies, and Is rcpleto with strik ing, gripping nnd soul-stirring situa tions, with a. delightful strain ot com edy running throughout. In addition to this great plcturo the second of the scries In tho life of Al Jennings, the reformed bandit will bo shown nnd tho Inlmmitalilo Char lie Chaplin wilt Co scon In ono of his very latest creations. "Tho Ham Ac tor." It Is n n'crenm and w keep you on the glgglo from start to fin ish. And to top off one ot the best programs ever offered at the Strand, there Is a beautiful scenic. The per formance will be continuous, starting nt one o'clock and running through until nine. At thematlnee, tho young sters will be presented with a box of candy. The usual prices of ten and twenty cents will prevail. NEW TODAY 1.0 1 us help make )our ncddlng1 beautiful. ' SAY IT WT1TH Kl.OWKItS KiaMATH Kl.OWKH SHOP Phone "-S0 sst Main 14 LOST By a hoy on Saturday night, whlln slelchlnir mi M.iln atrenf. n large brown beaver hat. Kinder! phono 33 "J Reward. 14 DORRIS l! nOHIUS. Calif., Jan. 14 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolfo ure tho proud parents of a baby girl born Farmers Approve Arms Conference 5PI?aBCtrB3BPTTBrr $&' W6 & fcaBBBBHBal bbH - ,X OwjT I tBBBBVaBal bbH '- bHbI 'ifi its . H "WiA JiftHB -WM MWM"l-l W,t iBBBBaMaH KB BBBBHa.V ht fMtaBWlrBaV '&XkWBL f , -BBBBBBmT BBBBB anVnBBBH -4BBBBBhw ' 11 I aLaalBlBflBBi'TaBV .ibbbIbIbIbWbbbbIb-L . -SBBBBBBBBBBS BbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBvaBBBBBY' f W: BBTaTaTaTaTaTaTBBTaTaV btbH aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVBTaraW araTaTafaW 0BTaTaTaTaTaTaTBBTBTBTf- SBTBtI aTBTBTBTBTBTSBBBTBTBTail4BBSS7 ' S - y BBTaBTaBTaBTaBTBBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTa. BTBBTBBTa IB V.csbBhRbt 4 ' ,hbBHBHBHBHBHB1 iOM aVHBHBHBHBMHBHBJ JL.'aW XjEcwM & . '?' bbWbbWbbWbTbWbbYI bWbbWbWbIMbbW tWinKSJw - -tVaBalBlBlBKHVaBBi flVaVs '1 d'4 fii&li&A '$J V 'WbbbBbbbBbWbbbBbbbI bBbbbV' .W?r'4fZ:i't'iA BBBBBBBBBR BBBBBBV SkaBBBBV J-ltlZml0IKi Z xtaBBBBBBBBBBBBBnaBSSSSSSSSSBaSSBSSSSSSSSSK:Ma(a7 t.fif r 'VBBaBlBBBlBVaBBBHiBBBBlBBBlBBBflBBflLI ' ."v" - imiiKMWMWMWKlMmaUWMWMWMWMm fy4t-sx BBaVMSvBpWBnHBHBHBHBHBT; Ut.f faYBfSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ -. BBBBBBBBBbV.BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 4V'4x'v SHH il BBaBBBal4BBVIVlWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf Vi BVaBpBB tv -BBVavavK BBVaBVaBBaTvZiBVaBVaBVaBVaBVaBVaBVanB-i' BBTaBTBTBBTH BTBTBTBTaf BBTBBTBTBtEI i KlBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTXil BBBBlBBULBBBBWaBBBBBV!! i "sBBBBBBBBBBbWhUJ '"ifM ' BBBBaSflninVlBBBBBK - 1 bbBbbbBbbbBbbbY'' ft?' WBWUWKrwUWt WMWMWMWm'iMffi0y'i 'trkm-t-J E9mmlMMiMMTWMiM0:&i; fefilslt mtmmW.-L aaVJ "aaBal&fF'MC ' 5S7LJBlBBTaT!l5- faTaTaThkiaTBBTaV . . "5,a-'U' v-ji's v . BSBaavanBavavaW' -i, bbbbs atatatMii i tiM-r ,r WIbbbbbbbBIbbbW' ?BM bbbbbK5S?P2K' h mmmmMmmmmsmmf:- orav oavu ami w. n i7i?iTutr7iT!Tft!kiTjr!!T?Z. .r.,T:.v.'r.r:."'.'':i,!y"''r..,' :?".", th 110,090 ftt fBJm,.a A ,111,1, uiwi -l.i- l- ,b ii-l.-, --,. ,utum:-:x7m'sxx;:'ijz: nprmm ti hmmrim iX'imm 'm Plo social and entertainment at Moose Hall, Monday Jan 16. Kvery body welcome. 14-16 The local W. C. T. V. will have an interesting business muetlng on Turn day. Jan. 17, at 2:30 p, m. In the parlors of tho Presbyterian church. All members urged to bo present. 14 I.OST-r-Whlto cat with black tall Phone 21SJ 11-16 mHBVBBaVBMBmBVBBBMBBBt I RESPONSIBILITY ti Does not oiul whun you've opuiiod up hu f account with tho bunk. R That's tho beginning and it ontaiis tho ad ditional responsibility upon you to sec that it grows and continues to grow. That is your further RESPONSIBILITY .:. FIRST STATE & SAVINGS I BANK wtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaa AT THE STRAND Where Everybody Goes SUNDAY Hdk inson Features l--. . ERNEST SHIPMAN presents GOD'S CEUCJBLE m m .r . i m .trr - .. tram RALPH CONNOR'S GreatNovel 'THE FOREIGNER' Directed by HENRY MacRAE with Gaston GbssWUton Lacking Gladns Coburn JUibertTMaxnes fWtwWit'Winnlpt Productions Inc, sff SsasissaBSSBB DUtrifrutsd ky ssuMsassst ,'Jli iimwTkrcAu - iniuatmmu 4 . W?: WISbTbbbbQU wzm - JbbbbbbbbW bbbbbbbTsbbw toM W H f Sr9HilBBV'-BfewTiB Admission 10c 'and 20c "He's Getting What He Deserves!' J TENNED"in the tinycabin Makaroff frantically strove to escape. The sputter of the tiny fuse fell horribly upon his ears. The little group of on lookers.stood. horror stricken and helpless. And. then-"-! See for yourself the smashing climax of a gripping story," a story that moves at so swift a pace.fhat it will carry you breathless from punch to punch, and leave you gratified and delighted with the fact that, at last youhayeseerift truly great picture. .Continuous Show 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p. in. f3K!53SBl7tc iiS!5SII In addition to, this marvelous"-' produotlon, the second of tbo sorlcs In! (bo 'Ufa'' of - -v Ah. iwmko, TifE REponfEp,nAjfpn) will be showiu Charlie Chaplin in "The Ham Actor" , . CoiiclHdlti(C with ft Uiiulfu Hcmlo , 4 m bi Pundy ftf ji HIM if, m thn Mnilnoo