. v ? ,. ! . fatftttttn Mtvsdh - WEATHER FORECAST The prediction (or IoiiIkIiI nnd tlaturdny In fnlri iiindnruln oiisiurly wlniln will prnwill NEWS OF THE WORMi BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press. rr I m in n i I'lflri-nlti Voir. No, ti-lu KLAMATH FALLS, OIIKCON, FRIDAY, JANUARY in. ll PAIOB 1TVB CHMTfl ate r J BOND LEGTON CULLED OFF By T error in rcimon, uncover- A nt La it Minute. In- w r ,- ,-. . - . validates Proceedings Them lll bo no spntlnl olectlon In, Klamittli counly, Jonuury 31, for thn purpn.n of lotlng an n road bond I.. mm of IHOO.OOO, ns nun provloul) announced by lliu county court, At r.-30 yesterday afternoon Conn-' ty Judge lluiin.il advl.od County Clerk Diil.np In cancel thn election, , , .i.i.i Klvlnic no hi rciisuii t lint he hod boon mlvlind by I ho I'orlUnd bond house of Clurk. Kendall ft Company that thulr ntlurnrya hnd found on er-j for In tho petition, which therefore! wn Invalid County Clerk llrUp un-, dorstoixl tbnt llm error opposrod In thu bonding of thn petition AlthoiiRh 235 notices of tho eloc- tlou yesterday went mailed lo tho Judge, and clurk. In llm 3C precinct of Ihn county, tluum wuro rndalmod J from thn postofflrn bnforn leaving tho city and wern roturned lo llm counly . clerk' offlcn Tho nillce probably could bn used In event thn election la liul.l at a Inter date. I)elp on Id Ordera for tho prlntliiK of bnllotn were cnnculnd It la underatood that before an- other election daln could Im ant II would bn neciuinry lo oblnln 00 name to u new petition m - . BOY AIDS PLAYMATE Hh-VrnMllil nliow rrrM-niv of Mind When I'rleiKl I- Hurt " rreaenro of m I ml and ability to deal wllh u wrloui problem was j ahown by alx-year-old Itobert Me- I.aim ycnterdoy oflnriioon when hla playmate. Hrrman llrenier. of the aame ore. auntalned oi-ri. cuta on Ihn ler when In hlldltiK down the Bast Main slnet hill from thn Itlv- ersldn school hu Mruck thn wire lenco oouiiuiiik urn ....... ...oore residence, When Iho uccldi'tit occurred, Hubert without hesitation loaded his Injured friend on his sled and started for tho latter'a homo at 710 COUNTY GOUR California nvcniie. n distance, ot nearly one-half mile Tho task was BANK HAS GOOD YEAR no easy ono. but tho lltllo fellow trudged olong until Iho desllna- .,..-, .,., ,..,i- Offlrrrw of llulto Valley Institution Hon was reached, not even pausing to ask assistance from grown-up. OptlmMIr Dr. O II. Mnrryman wna called and took ten stllche In the gashes. Tha DollKIH. Cal.. Jan. 13. Terminal- boy will recover within a fow days. inK verJ. MICce,Mfu, ,rnr Mofk. Tho boys wero enjoying tlvrlr last ,, of lh ,,,, Vapr 8u(o slide on thn hill In coropllnnc. wllh ,UbJ( m., W(Hlne,dlly , anniu, ,M. tbo Instructions of the school prln- gpn m, .,,,,,.,, dlrn(.,or, ,,. ttlP elpal who had pointed out the dan- Mt fcM yM Although tho lum ger of sliding on the hill, and dl- alock.rBnK tn reeled thnt thn sleds bn left homo . ,,,, of ,,, ,oc. thorenfter ' , hM0 boen wrou,,y j,,rop(,rC(i Itobert s tho son of Mr. and Mra. ' 11 n. Mcl.ane. and Herman tho so.,' '" '? f "norH. nf Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Ilrr-mnr. ' l0" of markets, banking has been good, as shown by the annual roporl unnocDC Wll I MFFT, of ",0 aoerelanrr. Kven a moro op- IvV' I High Hiliool in. Agenrt lUwkrtball Mutrli I'miulM-e Intrrmt , v "" Wion llm Klamnth County High school nnd Agency school bnskotball , until, Win, 0. Hagotstoln, Jehu Hay teams meot tonight on the Klamnth I worth and Merrill Kvans. William O. Amateur Athletic association floor, j Hngelsteln waa re-elected cashier and local funs will hiive tho opportunity , j, n. Waltz, president. Charles tier In soo tho hnmn boys ndmlnlator the nath, a promlnont farmer of thn Ok first detent or the season to tho In- lahoma district, was ro-olocted, vlco illsns. So far the Agency has lost no ' president and Mrs. William O. Hag games In the county high school a-lolsteln. assistant cashlor. soclatlon nnd stands In n fair way to' m win tho sliver loving-cup offerod lo KWAlt.VA HVIT MAY OO the county clinmplons by local busl- TO JUItV TOMOUHOW nosa men. n., l.ll. a.ltnAl fl... linM fll.Mll ..... .Ml... - woraing nnrii lor m "."" s . . ... ... .r bog nnlng to bo organized imn'" af- .S . . .... n, w.,iieV .. .eMnr. . . , w ,....,. . .h., if Last night they dofcated the K . A. . OK .. ...( I, n,,n.l "-"'" u " '" " l...l..n.v Innlchl . L. ,." .. ' i.i, V iii.i. a ni..r mr ' Agency Hlcka nnd Bakur 'or- wardai'llall. contor, and Riddle and, .Tohn. guards, High achool-Orovn! ml Povton. ferwards: (lootz. center, and Sehrher nnd Hobuo. guards. WIHHAIin ACJAIN OS LKOIHIiATIVB COMSIITTEE A. Xi. Wlohard. secretary of the Klamath Irrigation district, has re ceived notlco of hla ro-appotntment, at a rocenl meeting at Bend, at a member of the legislative, commit tee ot the Oregon Irrigation con- I'OIID OFFBIIH TO lll'V KNTIIIi: I'KIINCII SAW lll'T IIUI'l'HIJH 'MUll MrH" WASHINGTON, Jnn 13. Tho French government Im up- prondird Henry Kuril liy cnlilu, asking If lnt would ninnlilur llin purrliin... of It tmttli-shlp Ford ruplled t tin t will', lie could buy llm entire Crunch mi vy tin would mil lio Interested jnu o1, . No answer linn bi'irn retell iil lo hi robin ATHLETIC CLUB TO nnpnwc DCDMAKirMT BECOME PERMANENT INSTITUTION HERE , ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H,ml$ , M.,g, Wrrtnl ,., 1M for Tournomrnl . .... Thot thu Klamath Amateur Ath. Il aa.oclatlon In cerletn to become a permanent and valuable limtltutlon here, wan thn sentiment expressed nt an enthusiastic mooting held nt thn Chamber of Commcrcn taut night whim officers wern alocted and plain laid for an athletic tournament to be hold on Krlday, January 27 Offlerra were elected ai followa; Burgo Maaon, president. Frank I.. Ifoward, vice-president; W C Van Kmon. secretary; W W Houthwell. treasurer. Director elected wern Hum" Maaon, Frank I, Howard, W C, Van Kmon. J. W. Iloualon, W W Kouthwelt, J. A, Oordon. Wllion H Wiley, If. It HIM and K M Ilubb Harold Chrlaty i appointed ath. lellc director and aa Klven author- Ity to arrange for thn athletic tourna ment, which bn promUea will be tho brtl ""lr of ,u k,n1 erfT w""'"1" In lhl city. Tentative plena proilifo for athletic representation from var loua omanltallona of thn city. In- cludlnK boilnK. wreilllnR andother fpaturoi. detalla of whkli wflf'be an nounced later ' Recretary T. A. Stovenaon of the (iumbnr of Commrrco baa arransed for ho forum on , wi ,!,. pre. ,P,,i nK ihe tournament to bo turned ... . ,h. 1.,,c,,iun. whth hB. prnmlMMl thn niecllng will bo one nf (h() mM ,., t!Vrr PnJliy.d ,,y hn fofum m9mhun. Today thn association will start a membership drive In order to ratso fund, nccewary lo meet the current eipenses of thn organliatlon tlmlatlc outlook for tho now year was conceded by thn stockholders. No change was made (n the per- ronnnl of tho officers, or directors. Di- rectors aro J. D. Walls, Charles Bcr- Th u,t 0( ,ne Kw.Una D0X COm. - . . P,,y ago nst tbo logging firm of ' " TUenager A Bailey for alleged breach iol contract, which haa been In Iho ' " '" "" "-- l"iJ ...Ill . lh. t... nn.n..n .. V "" ,w ?"" ...w..w" ..w... "" The next case on the calendar '" -t of Campbell ve. Cookman. '- AI.KM MAN CWOSBX.NEW, BTATK FAin ROAIID HKAI ( ( rVIXANn. Jan. 12. Jamei H Llnu. ct Soloin has been, elected .pre sident of the. etato' fair board. -Other otflceia named atlklje board meeting held here werarH,,0. Brown. Port land. Y'ta prealdent:, A. H. Laju.Port. land, secretary) At M, "Bush, naiam. treasurer. The retiring praaldtnt ia J.R, Reynolda. La Qrande, E i I El i, Goods Valued at $300 Are S.o.-En.., Th,.,h ; Broken I ransom BURGLARS MK BOAULFROM T ..,... e,.Bu ., "a"" umber ond jm.ntiM circles In South Harness company a atoro, flnventb . .,.. r.mi. .. .. . . . . . i Jem Oreuon and Northcni Calllornln and K amath, between 6 o'clock and . .... , , , .,...,. ,ii. ,,.,,,., , , F vo million feet of slandlnB timber 9 o'clock last nlRhl, and removed ,,........,. , goods valued by A. F. Halflcky, one of the owners, at approximately 1300. Kntrancn was- gained by throw ing o atlck ot atovo wood through thn transom over the rear door on Klamath avenue, then climbing through the transom and unlocking the door from tbo Inside. Just why this laborious method was chosen ralher Iban to remote a pane of glass from tho door was not apparent, and led lo the belief that thn work was that of auta4CalirornUii In Frewili llo4ll Fnuu j teurs The rubbery was discovered about I) o'clock, when Halflcky returned to thn sloro, which waa closed at t o'clock. Noticing a broken bos on Ihe floor, he Invealtgalod and quick- violinist, prlto winner at tlm Amcrl ly discovered a largo amount of' cnn conservatory of music at Fon goods to bo missing. He at onco! tnlnbleau. la reported "dying In the notified tho police and Ihe aherlff'a office No srrt'ats had been made In con nection with tho robbery at a late hour this afternoon Tho following Is a list of goods declared missing: Four palra of, long, iiisck iiair cusps; iwo pairs on while hair chaps, ono carbine gun' case, thrro pairs of puttees, seven para of silver spurs- marked "M. M.", flvo palra bridle blU. five pairs of short, black gloves, one plush robo. I'ltKHIlYTKIUAN, I'JUwiatKIl PAhHKH IK CHICACtl POIITLANI). Jan. 13. Word reacliol Portland today of tho death at Chicago last night ot tho Her crend John II. Iloyd. former pastor of Iho First Presbyterian church here. He had occupied leading Pro Werlan pulplls throughout tho coun.' try. Tho remains will be brought to' Portland for Interment P. O. DEPT. FUND FIXED Air Mall Henrico Klunlnatrd In tVVM.OOO.OOO Annual Katbuato WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 11. Wllh provisions for alr mall aervleo eliminated, the annual postotflco appropriation bill, carrying approx imately 1654,000,000, waa favorably roported today by the house appro priation, committee. bUV(lK,0OrAAK, 'JOU DESERVE Irta MEDAL MORE TFlAN I Do '-55?&"3 r3T" '. "" r- 3isPBBC i. (-"rV al-----. --JrfSS: - 'GILKEY MILL AND I TIMBER SOLD TO KESTERSON BROS. I'll I! Million I'nl of Timber l liiiludnlt Hirly trpenlng J In AmuidI DOIlltIS, Col., Jnun U A deal linn Juit been consummated by which tho Mwmlll and timber owned by II '; ZSLTXt' W O, Keateraon. Tho mill has been operated during tho pant fow )cnra by Mr. Ollkoy, who l woll known In , 1 wm inviuuDu in iisiionviiwH Tho now owners urn hlio Bot! known hero. I. B. Kcsterson form crly operated a mill nt Ivan which was burned In 1920 Sufficient logs for a good aprlng start have been decked at tho mill during tbo winter, thus assuring an early opening pro viding weather conditions permit VIOLINIST POISONED . . i AllegvU Art of HuoImiuI I'AHIS, Jan. 13. Mrs Andre) Crnlghton Hyan. better known ns Audrey Crelgbtoiu the California American hospital at Neullty. ns tho result of swallowing poison tablets Her husband. Thomas Stewart Ity- on. attached to tho Paris staff of tho Chicago Tribune, la under arrest on , ehM(w of B(,m,n,ilPrlnK thp ,au. , um,er (hrcat ,0 k hpr wUh a knife unless she swallowed them. Hn later Is aald to have stabbed himself, but not seriously Domestic troubles aro given as the cause of his actions PROSECUTORS TO MEET Attanaer Oeneml to Call Tr Kn- Xorertnent Oonfrretife at Salem 8AI.KM. Jan. 13 -A law- en. forcement conference of tho dli - trlct attorney of Oregon I to bo called at Salem or Portland In tho next ten da. Attorney Ocneaal VanWInkle announro.1 today. Em- phasl will bo placed on enforce- ment of the liquor laws f , CASHIER IS ACCUSED ,.. fen, onnncov Ur $15,UUU KUiSDCKT v rA3AiJi..-.A, i-aiu.. Jnn u. Fred A, draco, cashlor ot tho First National bank hero, waa placed In tbo city Jail today, charged wllh having robbed a Citizens Bank messenger of $16,000, October 7. Tho police, said Graco admitted tho theft and Implicated two others. He restored 17.68 of the stolen I money, they said. TRANSFERRING THE CHAMPIONSHIP I aii& g IS B- Off'cers of First State Ex press Optimism New Directors Added A gradual return to prosperity during tho present year was pro- dlctod by the officers of tho Flrat Htatn and Saving bank at tbo an- nual election yesterday afternoon. A larger representation for tho Mtockholders waa provided tor with tho amending of tbo by-laws to per mit eleven on tbo board of direct ors, an Incrcaso ot alx. Tbo new mcmbnra elected arc: Fred Hous ton, K. II. Hall, It. H. Dnnnell, If. i: Haugcr. F. Hill Hunter, Fred Ilucslng and Jacob Htrvl. The remaining directors ara Captain J, W Siemens, John Siemens Jr., Ed Jlloomlngcamp and D. U. Murphy. Dun to the absence ot Directors ininter. Hall and Hauger, election of officers and committers was con tinued until Tuesday night. BOY PREFERS FATHER llnnkrrn I.ad Ihxlgn Attempted Bmlirnrs of Mother KKDDING, Jan 13. Dr. Jesse II. Ilankero of Cottonwood, In compli ance with a writ of habeaa corpus, appeared In the Superior Court at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and brought along his 10-year-old son. Kiorclt Ilankero. -wham hla wife, Mrs. Dora Ilankero. alleges he kid naped In Chlco on January 4. Mrs. Bankero and her parents. Mr. and Mra. Frank Doollttfe, were on hand. Prior tcealllng the ce. Mr. Ilankero, In n showof affection, at tempted to kl the lad. Sbo tried to embrace him Hn ran to his father cr clear around the tablo of the coun- ty clerk to c-"ipo his mother's car- l , . nrofera to star with h, f h d b,.me hl. r.ndnar. ents for embittering him against his father so that at Chlco he did not really want to go with him. "I wont to stay with my father," i he say now Tho writ of habeaa I corpus was not dhposed of, a( Judge "'" ' "r ' iw ' Tho ncarlnR ""'lnu"1 unt j Turadar. January 17. at 10 a. m. I Tho nttorncr for Dr. Bankero mado a motion that the writ be vacated. The motion was taken under advisement. tXHIS II V IIAIIHOR TO UK IMPROVKD WASHINGTON. Jan. 12 Improve ment of Coos bay harbor and Isth mian slougb, Oregon, at an estimated cost ot $3,310,000, w-as recommended today by nrmy engineers. A 1 -- PROSPERITY PREDICT RANK ELECTION SOUTHERN UlRLH RETAIN OLD-TIME MODESTY OF IHIKHH AM) BEHAVIOR .N'Ktt' OltLKANH, Jnn 13 . Tlio Rlrls of Dltlo wear longer !!, iIvIhI l..a Itmlnw a.Mnk A I -w nn. ,. u..., .voa ii'uif a...wnw -w . 4 fewer cigarettes and hold fewer 4 , "potting parties" than girls In othor sections of thn country. Bo Valeria 11. I'arker, of the United Stales Intcrdepartmen- tal social hyglono board, dcclar- ed In an address here today. 4 SENATE STRANGELY CIICNT WHEN LONH ,.,,,- . .., .,.- r.LtA.1 IUW KUW CNUS Ling 0f NevrlirrTy HtUIa Debate I ,j Terminate Long ' Huaprnao WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The Newberry case, In the formal records ot the aenate paased Into history to day. Tho Senate chamber seemed strangely sllert after the strain ot the battle which ended In tho seating of Newberry by a vote of 46 to 41, late yesterday, after moro than throe yeara of uncertainty and suspense. Tho Michigan senatorial election context waa one ot tho most notable and fought with as great heat aa any engaging olthor branch of Congress In recent years. Tho roots ot the contest run back Into the early summer of 1913 when' President Wilson personally request- ed Ford to enter the raco for the Michigan Senatorshlp. The Detroit manufacturer's entranro Into potitlca precipitated a situation without par allel In the State for he declined to state whether he would seek nomin ation and election as a Bepubltc-n ot a, a Democrat, entering the raco sub sequently aa a candidate for nomina tion on both tickets. On tho Republican ballot In the priraarj-welch waa held August 27, 1918,' Ford' waa opposed by New. berry, fanner Governor Cbae S. Os born. and William' Gerald 'rTtmpson ot Detroit. Aa a democrat, he was opposed by Jamea W. Helme ot Ad rian. Ford won tho Democratic nom ination handily and Newberry waa victor on tho Republican ticket. Charges were spread broadcast by Ford supporters accusing the New berry committee with having spent more than f250,000 In the primary campaign and tbo further assertion was mado that Illegal Influences had been brought to bear and Intlmlda - tlon ot otera resorted to by the Newberry committee. JAZZ CLOTHES LATEST Designers Association Cater to Men Who Cannot nelt Mulc NBW'YORK. Jan. 13. Clothes aet to music, especially created for oung men who cannot resist tho lure of the Jaxz, are on exhibition at tbo con vention of tbo American Designers' Association horc. High waists, braid, and satin pipings aro outstanding attraction of tho new terpslchorean garments. The coat Is natty and tho art! J flclal walsl I, three Inchea above ! normal. Tho pockets aro fancy and high and trimmed with braid and I tbo cuffs aro narrow turnbacks. Tho backs ot the coats have Inverted plaits, finished with a silk crowfoot. Predominating colors are black, I blue and dark brown. HAM: (W 14 COWS IIF.PORTF.I) BY IITIOKEH Tho purchase by C. Bowman ft Co. ot Merrill of 14 head of fine milk cows, consisting of Durhams and Holstelns, from II. II. Graham ft Brothers, Is reported by the J. B. Bramhall brokerage concern, which! negotloted the sale. The herd U said to bo one ot the finest In the county. HIGHWAY ' KXGINEEn LEAVES FOR SALEM I K. Br Bishop, division engineer for ! tho stato highway commission, whose office hero recently was ciosea, win Heave for Salem tomorrow. He will' be 'accompanied as far as Eugene by Mra. Bishop, who will visit with re late cs thero for some time before going on to Salem. I FRENCH DELEGATUS MILD , " ROIAIV IN ARMS PARLEY . .WASHINGTON. Jap. -lS.--Prel; ""dent Mllle'rand of .France todaydl Vected M. SarroutI bead "6t theFrench delegation, to continue In thai capa city until the end of the Waahlngton conference. T T OF THEIR L Would Realize Funds to De velop Holdings; May Enter Suit The cltlten Indiana of the Klamath Indian reservation will moot at Beat ty on January 20 and at Chlloquln January 23 to determine whothar a request shall bo ruado or a ault en torod In tho United States Court of Claims for a partition ot the reser vation or an apportionment ot tha aharea of tho Individual Indiana who have become citizens of tho United States. This movement, which has been under consideration for soma time, would bo undertaken primarily -to ostabllsh tho rights of Indiana to property apeclfied In treaties, and to onter Into tho full realization ot fclf-covornment; and to bring ault In tbo V. S. District court for allot ment of lands to thoso Indiana who bavo been denied allotments by tha rulings of the Bureau ot Indian Af- fairs In Waahlngton, D. C. The purpose given for apportion- me"nt of lands Is that Indians hold ing property aro prevented irom making Improvements through lack ot funds. Tho Indiana point out that the move should be welcomed by the people ot the stato for tbo following reasens: "It would bo the means ot sddlng to the present amall taxable area of Klamath county. "Tho government would bo reliev ed ot tho present cost ot maintaining the Indiana. "The Indian would bo placed on an equal footing with hla white brother., with sufficient capital to give him a start. "The Indian would bo placed In closer relation with hla guardian, the whlto man, which In reality norer haa been dono, leaving tho taxpayer to believe that bo bad nothing to do wlth'the Indian although ho has been annually contributing to his keop and education for years." Under the ruling of 1887 Indians who wero declared competent were . granted a truat patent to lands which wero turned over them together with citizenship at tho end ot '25 years. Under the ruling fostered In 1906 by Chas. If. Burko. who now Is commis sioner ot Indian affairs, Indiana up on being declared compotent wore at once granted citizenship and pat ant. A ruling made on April 15, 1910 provided that no moro allotments should be made after that date. It would be the twarfold purpose, of tbo Indiana to return the allotment privilege; and either to recelvo pat ent to and sell the lands apportioned, or to sell directly to tho government. Indian, not cltlzons, It la claimed, would still bo entitled to their shares in tho land romatnlng unsold, BOWLING ON TONIGHT ILiflxTi Pluy Druggists, Unbeaten Cluuuplonv of Elks Tho Barbara and Druggist, to night will clash on tho Elks' bowl- itng alloys In what promises to be one of tho-most Interesting sola In 'the series. Wednesday night tbs i Bearcats won two out ot three games from the Dredgers, and on Tuesday the Zerolenes won two garner from the City Dads. In tha gamea Sunday the Sbepherda won two gamos from the Zerolenes. Tho Druggists still remain at tha top ot the list, with only one game lo't. BABY GIRL BORN Dr. J. G. Patterson report tha birth of a babyt girl to Mr. and Mrs. Nygaard Lauraen, Eldorado avenue, at' 8:15 yesterday evening. I a ' ! WEATHER PROnABnlmKH For the first tlmo In a number ot dan tho Cyclo-Stormagraph ut Und erwood', Pharmacy, has rcglstored a decided fall in barometric pressure. Aa tbo reading is .still very high no storm Is Indicated but the probabili ties are that' warmer weather will provall. . Forecast for next 24 heurs: ' Continued fair probably waymer. The Tycos recording thermometer registered tho following maxlrqum vand minimum temperature toUa'y) High -...,t.l Low... a INDIANS WAN APPORTIONMEN NO xJ i 4 p. reii,