PnRo Fo6r TfnntM)AV, JAKVMiY l, 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r i : );t 6 I !. H K I li ! . m ! We are making room for a new stock, and the Winter Stock must go. Every article in the house at Reduced Prices WOOLTEX UNION SUITS A few left $1.95 Worth $3.75 Regular DRESS SHIRTS One Lot Stripes and Plain colors. SPECIAL $1.55 JANUARY REDUCTION SALE Still Going Strong. Here's some of the things you'll find-Good merchandise for less money. Fair for both of us You need new clothes - we need to reduce our stock. Many articles priced in this salo below normal prices, and you should finish your winter buy ing here. We'll save you money CORDUROY PANTS Light and Dark Shades, Heavy weights; 33 to 46 sizes $3.75 ALL-WOOL SHIRTS AND CORDUROY SHIRTS One Big Lot SPECIAL $3.35 BOYS' SWEATERS Slip-Over Style. A good assort ment of colors; 26 to 36. $1.75 $37.00 $29.00 Orn K3! I f C!. MJ A........4. .11 ..! I For any Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit or Overcoat. rFSSMoT Former prices $50.00 to $70.00 SHOES 16-Inch Hi-Cut Tan, Special $5.95 One Big Lot Dress Shoes, Special at $4.95 RUBBER SHOES 16-inch Brown Canvas Top $4 95 Leather Top, 6 to 8 inch $2.55 Leather Top, 10 inch CO Qg Cost Not Considered GLOVES AND MITTS Wool or Leather SPECIAL 55c Keep Your Ears Warm! KNIT CAP SPECIAL 35c Any Leather Vest or Jerkin d Q C Values to $11.00 SPECIAL pJ.VD Two-Piece Fleece Lilted UNDERWEAR SPECIAL A GARMENT 45c I AINT MAD AT NOBODY SALE CASH ONLY NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS K.SUGARMAN SALE CASH ONLY NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS PERSONAL MENTION W. h. Crown, of Portland, repre entitle a Portland music house, wait a tUltor today at the Carl Shepherd 3fuslc company's store. Mrs. Will Houston and children returned last evening from South ern California, where they hare been visiting relatives for tho past three VfCOk.g Jeff W. Moorman was In town to day en matters of business from his ranch in tho roller. Mrs. Moorman hag been 111 for quite some time but Irf getting along nicely. NEW TODAY FOR SALE 2nd hand sewing maeh Ino In good working order Phono 2MW. 733 9th St. 12 FOR SALE: Some furniture. Rea onable Phone 251W. 739 9th Ft i: K8TKAY Strayed from my place In Mills addition, 1 bay mare, no brand, shod. Last seen near Spring Lake school. Finder please notify O. Wll lard Smith. Phone 55J. 12-14 EGGS TUMBLE AGAIN,"- . k. store, Mtan'fl feather Ovftrrnflta nnrf flhAMn lined coats. ',4 the regular price- Portland Price Lowered FIt6 OnU by Bale of Two Cars PORTLAND. Jan. 12. The egg market is still demorallxod, and prices droppod fire cents today. The Pacific Co-oporatiro Poultry Pro ducers association dumped two car loads of aelocta on the market, ow ing to lack of an outlet. The wholesale price of select is 30 cents', representing a drop of 20 cents since January 1st. Livestock and butter remain steady. ATTRACTIVK PROGRAM .AT STRAND TONIGHT FOR SALE Dry limb wood. Al Costal. Phone 109W. 12-14 FOR SALE 75 aerea Improved Ir rigated land on.Merrlll-K. F. high way; clear; about GO acres al'alfa; a fine one-man dairy, hog and chick en ranch; price $67.50 per .acre; terms, II ox 364, Klamath Fall' Ore gon. 12-14 APPLES, cooking and eating, 11.55 a box postpaid, send che-.k. A. Wolfe, Rogue River, Ore. 12-1 4 Steam beat at Colonial norms. 12 Flowers for tho dance always very proper. KLAMATH FLOWEH SHOP Phono C89 834 Main St. Thoro'a a big bill on at tho Strand theatre tonight, which be sides presenting O'Neill & Nelll In their ,dec.Iddly olover vaudeville at traction, "A pitqf Everything," wlijch Includes monologues, singing ad";.danc)ng. J. Warren Kerrigan wlllf aeen in what I character ized 'as tho strongest rolo in which he has appeared, "The House of Whistlers." It Is undoubtedly one' -Of tho finest pictures Kerrigan has produced In years, and Is excellent ly .adapted to hlg virile romantic typo. JIo. fs seen in (he role of an adventure loving young clubman who undertakes to solvo a baffling mystery which surrounds "The House of Whispers." an exclusive npartment house. Then there Is a laugh-provoking comedy and the "Country Store." Among the prises to be given away tonight there is another "live baby" and a list which Include two chick ens, thrte poundi choeoIatH, five pound pall lard, ft big of iua.r, 1 riKk of llonr Mil othir thnn, FOR RENT Modern 5 rooci bouse, furnished completely. Apply 1019 H Jefferson St. 12-14 FOR SALE 4 purebred Poland China pigs, three months old, sub ject to registration, $20 each. W. L. Purdy, Merrill, Oregon.. 12-14 WANTED 3 or 4 room bouse. Have Dort car for first payment. Rm. 208 Winters' Dldg. - 12-13 WANTED Sewing. Price reasonable 824 Walnut. 12-14 The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a cake sale at Johnstone's Furniture store, Saturday Jan. 14., beginning at 11 a. m. - 12-13 All men's suits on sale at K. K, K. Store nig Reduction, Steam heat at Colonial Rooms. 12 FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apartment. Wood, lights, bath and telophone. 59 Washington. 12-14 FOR BALE Some counters and studio and household furniture. !8tlnton Photo Shop, Klamath and 7 th. 12-18 WANTED To rent 4 room house, eloit In, uttfurnlibtd or partly Mrnliliart, fitlnien Photo Shop, IMS Beautiful new sample Plajtr- piano. Greatly reduced, and trnm within rcaou during; two wrecks only. KAIIL SEPIIEnD CO. 100 Men'a Flno Caps on salo at Be K. K.K. Store. OOUNTV TKEAHUItF.ll'S NOTICE Notice is hereby siren that thero are funds In the County Treasury for the payment of all Klamath County ROAD Warrant protested presented for payment but not paid for want of funds) on or beforo Au gust 2, 1921. Interost on same will ccaso from date. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 12th day of January, 1922. 0. K. VAN RIPER. County Treasurer, 11-15 XOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION (Publisher.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Not coal land U. 8. LAND OFFICE at Ukovlow, Oregon. Jan. 9, 19ZZ. NOTICE is hereby given that Jake J. Stelgor. Jr., whose post-office ad. dress Is Chlloquln, Klamath County, Oregon, did on, tho 8th day of Juno, 1921, file In this office Sworn (State ment and Application, No, 011765, to tiurchase tho Lots 3 and 4 and R'A NWtt of Section 6, Township 38S, Range 14E, Willamette Meridian, and tho tlmbor thereon, undor tho provlslons'of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts nmondatory, known ag the "Timber and Stono Law," at such value as might bo fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication,' the land and timber there on have been appraised, at Eight Hundred and Twenty tho timber esti mated 600,000 board feet at $000,00 and the land $220.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and aworn statoment on the 20th day of March, 1922, boforo Bert C. Thomas, U. S. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time beforo patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging facta whjch would defeat the e'ntry. This notice will be published for nine consecutive weeks In the Klam ath Herald, Klamath Falls. Oregon, T, V, UUJIT, HIlr, Jnn. 19.lP.t6 Y, M1IM8 M. 9 20c. TONIGHT AT 35c. THE WHERE EVERYBODY GOES TRAND THE HOME OF THE HODKINSON FEATURES J. WARREN KERRIGAN And His Own Company In "The House of Whispers" ALSO . VAUDEVILLE O'NEILL & O'NEILL IN "A Bit of Everything" COUNTRY STORE "Another Live Baby" Here are some of the prizes: 2 Chickens; 3 lbs. Sweet shop Chocolates; 5 lb. pail Hales Market Lard; Bag Sugar; Sack Flour, and others !