The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 12, 1922, Image 1

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iuirumrt UtoaJli
Tonight, filri I'rlduy, fair except
lirobattty ruin In tlio "rut portion,
warmer tonlitlit In llui Interior nml
west imrllcm,
Member of the Associated Press.
i i -- . i.i
ririM'ntii ""iir. No. iaiH
-II . JL Li. -IJlil I..1
, ticlWmv. JAM'AHV la, I
1'iucS rivu cmm
Wyoming Senator Outlines.
Conditions Before Na-
ttonnl Convention
uumhmihj Hi'iiimiH. foi.i .
1m ii, 12 -Nnti'r livfura havu llm
lock gruwers vt tlm country torn
rntifronU'il wllli iu inuny or a. orl-
imik problem, a. Ilioao being facod
today, Senator John II. Kendrlck,'
of Wyoming. ii.l.l llu. Amorlc.n1
Livestock A.oclnlloii In convention'
l..r.i today.
"Thn dilution of task,' '..Id
Senator Krndrlck. "Ik. along thn
llns of pulffiit uml courageous eo.l
operation on tin. part of all Let It
nut tut said that tho laborer. am
fnv. or larking In illllRancn "
Senator Kendrlck voiced til. up.
provnl of what I. known as Ilia an-
rlrullunil blue In tlm senate when
htt .aid:
II4II.V 1'iti.iH-rl. N.-..I, '
"Tlm prospect of ohmlnlng modi-'
flratlnn. In thn tariff bill, favorahln
to tho wool grownr. and llvostock I. lncre.o, by thn tact
that nearly owry member of the
no-called agricultural blue I. In
favor of uch dinner. And I may
say hern that tho membur.hlp of
till, bloc I. composed nlmoiit ox-
rlmlvnly of .eualor. from thn Weal
imd Houth, nnd Include, something
llkn an oven number of member.
of both political parti
"Thn action, of ihU Kroup of
men aro not based upon an attitude
.-Ither In nppo.ltlon to or In favor
of any political p.niy. neliber ura
thny antaKnnl.tle In anythliiK that
apeaka for thn welfnro of any olherj
ndu.try or any rec.lon of th. n..'
.on, ney ... eoncer I a. In h0 , Knlindl
K .."'JTT .re'.uUt.rntU. .mprovemW
" " " ., " " v" ,ur rod. Uermany haa enmo to recoitnlio
hum limy im.uinn ! .penk. nnd . ur,m" ' ,.,.. v,.rn i.
they liavn been parMeularly con- "-r rc.mra Ion obllMtlon.. K rco I.
enrned In arr..,ln at Ica.t limited MmU,B ' T 7 ? , hTih.
recognition for Rr.rultul and "tnproml... ran. 1ml, . "the
llve.iock lntere.1. ' roparatlonn paid, and I'oUnd I. for-
., Koltlnic that hrr only mission I. ar-
IT h, for IWI.I.-,,, , morr,
Kenator Kmulrlik pr.ilsml roa.' ,Br ' , u.,ii),
,i.,,i u.rii... .. . to como nearer In practical liteu. or
dent IlardliiKs elfort. to .ecuro
oiiio mcasiirii of relief for tho llvo-l '""
Mock raiser., nnd nlso paid a hlnh1 uc," of Halif ,ur,,l"f
Irlbuto In Hecrulary of Anrlcullurol CommentlnB upon thn political
Henry C. Wallace sU!n of ho Kuropoan .Ituallon. Mr.
"It I. doubtful.- h .au, -f ' Moody feoU thai rondlllon. are alow
all thn land n mun could bo found ' ul,t u"1r ''"h,'"K tlenl,"", At
moro wntlhy and w fiuullfled or tho clono of IUSI, It I. ataleil that for
onn In whom tlmrn Is reoosed nw.r., the first limn since tho clow, of Iho
unlvnraal nspnet nnd confldonco!
than our pic.eiit Becrotnry of AgrI-
culture, Henry Wiillacu. j
"An Important part of our lunl..
latlvo proKram I. (he enactment of atlon, Mr Moody expresses thn belief
u law that will prove a morn per-' that while moro doflatlon must oc
inniiviil ayslein of credit, for pro.j cur, much I. to bo done In reducing
ducora of livestock than nro now commodity und labor cost, and thai
Wo lmu ut thl. tlmo
onn of llm most effective systems i
f.'ht commercial c red I In enjoyed by
nny of tho great nntloim. Thn
farm loan act has provided u fairly'
satisfactory method of making loans
bused upon landed nocrultles, but no
system of credits has yet been pro
vided that will afford lo stockmen
rnnsnnnbln nrress in Inmtnhln fund
at low rate, of Intoro.t and cover-,
lug thn necessary period of tlmo
required In Iho production of live-
'r,ii.i.. i. i i. it .
CrltlcUea li eight Half. '
, . ,, , ..... ...
In talking of tho ral road h tua-
.. . ,, .....
Hon as It roncorn. Ilvosiock ralsora.
- ., , , i , . .. .'
Sonator Kondrlck en d: "Ono of.
.... .. . . . ,.
thn many causes that havo contrlb-
v. n ,.ow. w ,,w ,,,u,,vaM r,.,.
dlacouragomont of livestock pro
ducars lias been thn unjust, and we
fully bollovo, tho unnorossnry In
creuso In frolght ratos,"
In discussing market receipts,
Sonntor Kondrlck said:
"Ono of tho most sor'oui. 'iues
lion, domnndlug attention nt our
hands Is thnt of (ongostod ruco'nti
our markets. It Is ronaonabln
to bollovo that stftblliod loeelp'n
would go fur toward slitblllxlui!
prices. It is liocomlng moro and
rttivA unnmint Ihul fliarn tn nn lirir.
enfnoed for nomo form of concert-1
ed action by uhlch. incolpla In our
markets may bn moro evenly 4U-
trlbutod. A conservative -nstlmalo
would piolmbly show that the!
hoavlost losjo. suotnlnod by stock-
mon am occasioned through our
nresent Incllscrot't system of mar-.
ricniedlts Aio Huggftstod
"SummnrltlnR tho pobimi whloli
n tp lio ooivifli iw mint flFt mr
'amm:htv FOR AM, IUIHII
1 ii:ci,aiii: nv tiik ntow.v
LONDON, Jnn. 12. KltiK
(luorgu today riint(nl n gen-
oral iimncnly In Ireland In re-
pulltlrnl uf(iiiin com-
prior In llm operation
ruen last July
Thn relensn of prisoner, will
begin Immediately, It wim mi-
"""" " .,
Inve.tmrnl Kspert H) Hn r.-
I""" " """"' ""' "
. ..
l'OHTI.ANI. Jan. IZ n I.I. an-
"usl review "ntl '"f0""1' J,,n" Mo0'
dy. of Moody' Inve.tors' Service, ox-
prw.ea tho belief that while no boom
U In ' nl" " "1ta m,,, .e
Improvement inn bo He
m.lntnln. tli.t thn people of this
country hnvn been laying n nnw
foundiitlon for pro.pnrlty by llquldat-
Inn debt.. charging off losvs and
iiutllnjc affair. In ordor for a nnw
and morn healthful rra
Mr Moody expect, to sen llm re-
covrry In bond price, contlnuo and
t hl fundamental factor, polnl
to further nasn In thn world money
market. durliiK 1S2 Touching upon
commodity price, and labor cost., ton
vln I. expressed that tlm downward
trend will undoubtedly continue, but
that thorn .hould t greater equsll
xatlon In of commodities
llellrr Time. In inirop
"Tho past year ha. been distinctly
roiutructlvo In mo.t of Kurope." Mr
Moody .ay., "de.plln International
quarreling. Incompetence, of I'.uro.
p,,,, ,,utlclnna and thn unlnl of
war nB,0i" ii0 urnt most of tho past
,ummBr ,liroad and I. clowly po.ted
(m Kllropflin nff.r. and cite, tho
,.,.. . ... in hiernaMni It.
,,,,, rPYCnue.. and fn-rillon.
hM wnnM . ffle n Italy
r tho nation, of Kuropo aro Iwxlif
nlnB to turn to Ihu romiuon
sensn nerd, of the hltuatlon
In .ummlnit up tho domestic situ-
while thn early part of 192! will sen
continued heavy commercial falluros,
i in cntlroly probable that wo art
on thn threshold of a coming period
0f good limes.
An "PP""1'0" for dlvorco w"
1,( thn elrcult court ioir by
Mawtret Springer against John n.
Springer. In tho complaint she
1r tno custody of her 11-yoar-
. . . ,.,,. ...... ,...
o d boy. Tho plaintiff alleges that
' . . . . ,. ,,,..,,.,
sho was married to tho dofondant
. ,.. . . .. ,,,.,
In 1908, In Kansas' City, and that
' ' , .. ,',.. ,,i
sho wna deserted In December, 1014,
, . . . .. ..v.. - .
jtrlbuted to her support.
tend for und oocuro an adjustment
of railroad rates that will be bisod
upon equity and fairness,
"It would seem Imporatlvo that
we promptly tako such stops aa
seera advisable toward bringing
such Influences to bear aa will tend
' rou,ato. tho vol,,rac of rocelpU
ln nur "fk6'1
Thrmtvh en.
Through co-oporation with allied
branches of our Industry wo must
loxorolse such losltlmuto Influoncos
w h,vo ' Uo
-ons.impun ...,, n.. .... m...
' ""' "l0'"lcl
LONPON, Jan. 18, Car-
pentlor knocked out1 Jack
Cook, Australian tetvyvelght,
In (ho fourth round litre to
day, '
French Premier in Blunt
Terms, Tellt Deputies
He Is Through
HAIKU I... It tl ...-. I tffl.-l
Inraiid accepted today tho reslxna
tlnn of I'remler Ilrland and his en
tiro cabinet. Thn resignation was
submitted at thu cloan of an hour'.
speech by llrlsnd before tho ch.m
her of deputies, defending hi. course
at the Cannes conference.
It came a. an entire surprise, as
Ilrland apparently had won the
chamber, sympathy. III. colleague,
of tho eablnot were amaiod
I'olnealro and Mlnl.ter of War
llnrthou aro mentioned a. possible
I'AltlH. Jan. 12 Premier Ilrland
resigned today. Ilrland put tba
Anglo.Krnnch pact, tho question of
thn postponement of Oormin repar
ations payment., and thn French
participation In thn Oenoa ronfor
euro nnuarely up to tho ehambor of
deputies, telling thorn In the blunt
est lerms lo toko them or leave
"A. far as I am concerned, I am
merely making theso explanations
to you, and do not ask your ap
proval or n fusal. Hero Is France's
security Tako It or leave It. You
have been complaining for three
year, of not being called upon to
aharo In shaping Trench policies. I
am bringing you what yon navo
been demanding, and It la up to you
to say wbctVer you want It or
In tiin cnursn of his .nesch Ilrland
aad thn. Unlfkd Btatea,,had4 agreed
70, participate In tha Oenoa econom
ic eonfpreuce.
WAHII1N0T0N. D C. Jan. 13,
Thn resignation of Ilrland was a
bombshell to thn arm. conference.
Ills action la oxpected to affoct tho
decisions already reached and about
lo tin reached
Tnrnlj-Khi' t'r of Cntllo
Hlirvp Hhipncd
A special train of twenty-five car.
of cattlo and sheep left Midland to
day for California point.
Tho shippers were Charles Drew,
Kred Stukel and l.ouls Ocrbor.
Oood prices, under presont condi
tions, were received for tho stock.
Steers brough alx cents, which Is the
top prlco at present.
Umssusjmii hinniiirm m nun iiaiwasm H-wmmm-mmm,immTtmwinnunmmMu,imimmmmmmtmtmmmtim
Mun I'ircrtUllonnry Mrwurr
Huncntnl, Maor Ka)n to
1'iwk Itnbblt 1K00I
Cautious people, accustomed to
studying llfo'a complexities, today are
nxcrtlng every possible .precaution so
that disaster may not visit them to
morrow, Krlday, Iho 13th.
The black cat erosslbg iino'H path,
thn ladder onn may ' thoughtlessly
walk under, the brooking of a mirror
all theso and many other omens
tomorrow will bo fraught with more
than ordinary significance
As a precautionary measure. Mayor
W 8. Wiley suggests a rabbit', foot.
This should be carried In tho right
hand vest pocket, ho says, toes up
ward so tho good luck will not run
out Doth Sheriff Lloyd I-ow and
Chief of Pollen Wllson agreed It
would be wise to forego tho cup that
blears, whllo Police Judge Ieavltt
maintains tho beat Preventive mean
ura Is to keep two fingers on the
right hand crossed all day long.
Home folk, aro firm In thn belief
that Friday thn 1.1th Is no different
than any othor day, but these peopln
am regarded by msny is not woll In
formed or lacking dun respect for
tho belief, and customs of our an
cestors. 4
Allilrtlr A-orlallnn lev1
Meet Tonight I
Election of officers for Iho Klam
ath Amateur Athletic association at
tho Cbnmber of Commerce at 7 30
thl. evening probably will draw a
largo number of people who aro In
terested In the promotion of athletics
In thl. city.
A. several matters of Importance
aro to come up, Including tho adop
tion of policies for the association
and plans for an athletic carnival. It
ba. bw;n earnestly.restfld that all
tha incorporators b .present.
The meeting Is open to all who
aro Interested In athletics
Work of Ucrlalmtng Indian jndi
lo IU- Iloontlnutl
Further dredging operations en
tho Indian lands at the north end of
Upper I.akn are practically at uj
standstill duo lo the eold weather.
Manager J. C Iloylc, of tho Calif or-1
nla Oregon I'owcr company, reports
that tho freexlng of tho lake has
made It Impossible to bring In sup
plies to the drodges, and that tho
Geary dredge will close down Sat
urday. Tho other two dredges al
ready are out of commission, he said.
Fifteen bolow xero was tho tempera
ture reported yestorday morning at
the upper end of tbo lnke.
Man Accused of Betraying
Youthful Bride Shows
No Remorse
Dean T Upton, alleged betrayer of
hi. lt-ycar-old bride, this morning
was brought before Justice Oagbag
en to answer to the cbargo brought
by tho fathor of the girl In which he
Is accused of compelling his wife to
tho commission of Immoral acts.
Upton was not represented by
counsel. Upon being advised of bis
rights ho declared he would waive
hearing. Justice Oaghagen Immedi
ately bound him over to the grand
jury and his bond fixed at $1,200,
the amount suggested by District At
torney llrower.
When asked whether he could fur
nish bond, Upton shot back, "Cash or
When Informed by the court that
either would bo legally accepted, he
said ho though bo could furnish se
curity, but up to a late hour this af
ternoon ho wag still In jail.
Upton presented a bruen front In
court Ho expressed no regret over
his alleged acta, nor did ho giro the
Impression of being greatly worried
over his arrest.
He has not yet been given a' hear
ing on the liquor charge, which will
como before U R. Commissioner Tlert
C. Thomas.
Itcxiiltn Krum Midland Prrrlnct
Assure Klectlon
Thn election of T N. Case as a
director of the Klamath irrigation
district today was 'Verified with "the
official return, from tho Midland
precinct, which Kae Case four votes
to three for It. !.' tlradbury. making
tha results 10.'. for Case to 101 for
The American l-cglon auxiliary
will hold a food sale In the Johnstone
furniture store nt 10 o'clock Saturday
morning It was announced today.
Many delicacies are being prepared
for thu occasion, the members say.
It. C. Uroesbeck will deliver a talk
on "Americanization'1 to tho Wo
men's Library club at the city lib
rary Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
AUSTIN, Tex., Jan. 12.
Martial I-aw at Moxla, Texas,
and surrounding oil fields was
proclaimed today by Governor
Texas rangers have been on
duty there since Saturday, when
they inaugurated a "clean-up"
campaign against the alleged sa-
loona and gambling resorts.
Uilld'H Mother Hay. the Father
Former Klamath Itrsldmt, Is
Improper GaardUn
ItEDDINO, Cat., Jan. 12. On the
petition of Mrs. Dora Ilankero of
Chlco, a writ of habeas corpus was
Issued In the Superior Court here,
commanding Dr. Jesse II Dankero of
Cottonwood to bring Everett Ilan
kero, a boy of 10 year. Into court to
determine whether the lad is illegal
ly restrained or his liberty and hli
custody Improperly held by Dr. Ilan
kero. The petitioner Is the mother of the
boy. The writ follows an alleged kid
naping In Chlco last week, when the
father took the boy. In spite of tho
lad', protestations and the protest
of hi. maternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Doollttlc.
Coupkt In Hewrt"l
Tho petition recites that Mrs. Ilan
kero and her husband separated on
December 1, 1920. on account of his
cruel treatment of her and tbo minor
child, and thereupon she and her boy
took up their residence in Chlco with
her parents.
The petition alleges that the father
Is morally unfit to have the child,
In that be Isprone to spend his time
at the gambling table and is living
a dissolute, wandering life, and la
going from place to place, without
regard to the reputation "he "leaves
Mrs. Dankero assorts that sho Is
(tho proper person to have the cus
tody of Kverett Ilancro, s sho has
provided well for him, and I. still
able to do so. In conjunction with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doo
llttln Dankero for soeral years resided
In Klamath Falls. Local physicians
alleged that he practiced medicine
here without a license, but the ac
cusations never took formal shape.
Practice Game Will He l'Uyed by
II. 8. and K. C. Tram
In preparation for the coming
game with the Agency school team
Friday night tthe high school basket
ball five Is supplementing the usual
workout tonight with a practice
gnme with the Knight, or Columbus
tram. A rcorganltatlon of the high
school lineup has been made necess
ary by tho absenco of Wortley, who
haa been on the sick list for several
days, and the gamo with the K. C
boy8 will Rive the subs their chance
to make good.
The probable lineup for the K. C
w 111 be, Santamaw and Donnelly, for
wards, Durvan, Center, and I.lnde
man and Magulre, guards. The high
school will uso Grove, Peyton and R.
Montgomery as forwards, Qoett, cen
ter and Schrvier, Ifogue, Mills, and
P. Montgomery as guards.
The gamo will be played at the
Klamath Amateur Athletic hall,
Fourth and Klamath.
Merrill First National Makes No
Changes In Staff
Tho First National bauk of Mer
rill hold ItH annual meeting last
night. The old directors wero re
elected and in turn re-seated the
old start of officers.
The directors are John M. Moore,
O. W. Offleld, Leslie Rogers, Geo.
J. Walton and A. M. Collier.
Tho officers aro A. M. Coltler,
president: Geo. Vf, Offleld, vice
president i George J. Walton, cash.
ler, and Warren F, Fruits, assist
ant cashier.
An annual dividend of per cent
was declared. Indicating that the
Ust year's business Had been prof
(table, Report of ot floor further
ihowia ft aMUby dlYlUpWHl dur
im th yt.r,
Report Show $190,000
Placed in Klamath Dur
ing Paat Year
The Klamath Falls National Farm
Loan Association held Ita annual
meeting of stock holderi on Saturday
last and elected directors as follews:
T. M. Cunningham, A. K. Denslnger,
U. E. Reeder, C. V. Nelson and E. E.
Tho report of the work of this as
sociation for the year showed that
the farmers of Klamath County bar
received over 1190,000 ln fedorat
farm loan, through 'this association,
tn addition to which thero aro now
pending 14 loans amounting to ap
proximately $35,000, tho money for
which will be received from tho Fed
eral Land Dank during tho noxt fow
weeks. This will mako a total of 13
loans closed through tbo Klamath
Falls association.
Following tho meeting of stock
holders the director, met and organ
ised, electing T. M. Cunningham as
president, A. E. Denslnger as vice
president, Mrs. L. D. Haguejia secre
tary. A loan committee, composed of
Frank T. Nelson, Chas. K. Spldell,
and C.'J. McCollum with A. E. Camp
bell as alternate member was reap
pointed. The directors and stockholder,
heartily Indorse the work of tho Na
tional union of Farm Loan Associa
tions In Its attempt to secure the
passage of the Fletchor bill and the
Walsh bill, both of which aro regard
ed as Important steps In the devel
opment fo the Farm Loan system.
The Klamath Fall, association Is
desirous that all organisations In
lympatby with development of agri
culture In Klamath county or tha
State of Oregon nso their Influonce
with Congressmen and Senators to
secure the enactment of theso two
pending bills. The present relation,
existing between this association and
the Federal Land bank In Spokane
were commented upon by tho mem
bers of the Loan association presont
as a great source of satisfaction,
making It easier to expldlte loan, to
the farmers of the community.
As long as the snow stays on the
round no appraisals can bo made
but commencing about the middle of
February the Klamath Fanner, asso
ciation will begin selecting applica
tions to be appraised as soon as
weather conditions permit.
Senate Defeat '.Bolut lon of Doth
Republicans and Democrats
WASHI.'Umwr.' Jon. 13. The
Senate late today by a rota of 44
to 41 declared Newberry "titled to
his seat.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 12.
The senate late today ln a prelim
inary foto defeated tho araondmont
offered by Sonator Norrls, repub
lican, of Nebraska, to unseat New
berry by a vote of 4( to 41.
The amendment was to a repub
lican resolution declaring Nowberry
entitled to a seat In the senate,
ind paved the way for the final
The senate defeated by a vote of
16 to 41 the democratic resolution
to declare Newberry's seat vacant.
WASHINGTON. D. 0., Jan. 12.
Senator Willis, republican, of Ohio,
pne of the doubtful aenatora In tha
Newberry contest, today offered an
amendment to the republican re
nort, which holds Newberry Is an
tltled'to tho seat, setting forth that
the expenditure of largo aunts by
relative, or friends was contrary to
public policy and dangerous.
"8peaking of cold weather," said.
Justice L. L, Gaghagen today, '"this.
Is summer weather compared to that
ot northern British Columbia, In tha
winter of 1907 when I was Id Prince
Vlbert I froie my face ln walking
trdnv the hotel to (be postofflce, a
distance et two blocks. It wg. 72 de
sfes below xtro. Tnrse days late
i thaw cam and tho itrMti wr
tlQ084 With MlltM MV," . .;. .