tf Pure WWWKADAV, JANVAItV It, I MM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 4 The Evening Herald K. J. MURRAY . K. J. JIAlUtETT ..: l!t city Bditoi Published dally oxcept Sunday, by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street. ICntcred at the poatottlce at Kla math Falls, Ore., for tranamlaalon through the malls ai second-class matter. MEMIIER OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Proai la exclusively entitled to tho uao for publication of all nawa aisputcue creaitea to it, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news pub Haher heroin. lUBIKH TO IIKQIVK AWAY AT THK HT11AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY II, 1023 ' UNEMPLOYED IN GERMANY DEMAND DIVISION OF WORK llb'RlIN, Jan. 10. The unernploy d throughout Oonnany are demand lag a dlrlslon ot work with the regu larly employed and a larger allow ance from tho municipalities and the labor unions. They have become so Insistent and demonstrations and clashes between tbe employed and the Jobless so fre quent that representatlres ot the Cen tral government, tho labor organisa tions, and the municipalities are try ing to find a method ot dealing with the situation. Political agitators hare taken ad vantage of the situation to urge a "red revolt" against employers. This attitude ot tho radicala haa caused sharp dissension ever among tha ranks ot labor. Labor circles charge that many of the "unemployed" aro not member o flabor unions, are not really out of work, and It they were would seek to aroldrork. They attempt to com pel workmen who hare Jobs to quit In favor ot tho unemployed. Tho government Is planning the es tablishment ot employment bureaus throughout tho country, while the municipalities and tho labor council are canvassing the Industries In the hope that Jobs may bo found for all, The German Housewives League Is trying to aid unemployed married men by placing tholr wives In posi tions to earn a little money "when net engaged In housework." Low earning power ot workmen and high prices has popularised the movement among women to share the responsibility ot supporting tho fasally. . Tomorrow's the day they give babies away at, the Strand theater at least Ted White announce that he Is going to give some young couple n long start In life as a belatod Now Year's present. l.ant Thurslay night n hilarious crowd saw the first baby presentation and tho Joy ot the bystanders was In no whit diminished when the Infant proved to be a baby bunny. Hut there's something else In store' tor tomorrow night's crowd and Ted says the surprise will be complete. It's a wholly different sort of baby that will nrrlre tomorrow night. Ted In the rolo of the stork create. an entirely new Idea ot the tabled bird. The main difference Is that where the real fowl Is a symbol ot solemnity Ted's presentation Is screamingly humorous. Tomorrow night Is Country Store night and other gifts than the Infant will be passed around. Henry Smith, caapenter, 104 Main St., Klamath torn, way: "I have used Doan'e Kidney Fill oft and on for a long time and have alway found them to be a reliable ktdneyj remedy. Ky hack ached and pained and I had a soreness Just oror my kidneys 'and they didn't act right. Doan's Kidney Pills always relieved the trouble, the backaches left and my kidneys were regulated," Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't Imply aak for a kidney remedy -net Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Smith had. Koster-Mllburn Co., Mfrs.. Iliitfalo. Nf Y. Adv. l a.i i, , ,i , . - NONPARTISAN LKAC1UK IX CALIFORNIA PROP08KD BBRKBLBT .Calif., Jan. 11. Organisation ot the Nonpartisan league ot California will be ef fected at a conference ot member at Modesto, January 11 and 14, Walter Thomas Mills, Berkeley, California campaign manager, has announced. Don't overlook the big price re duction, on men's fine Overcoats and suits at K. K, K. Store. NOT THE ONLY ONE Ttwre Are Otbcr Klaaaatli Fall People Similarly Situated Can there be any stronger proof offered than the evidence of Klam ath Falls resident? After you have read the followrng, quietly answer the question. IF KIDNEYS AND II BO T ID Salts Is splendid for kldaay and causes no bad effects whatevsr. Here you have a pleasant, efferves cent lllhta-water drink, which quick ly reliaves bladder trouble. Adv. SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN AM Sulphur Told When Yoar Nhln llrraka (hit Take HslU to Flash Kidneys and Nrulrallan Irritating Adds Kidney and ptadder weakness re sult from uric add, says a noted au thority. The kidneys titter this acid from tha blood and pass It on to the bladder, where It often remains to Irritate and Inflame, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck ot the blad der, obliging yon to seek relief two or three times during tbe night. The sufferer Is In constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scald ing sensation and I very prefuse: again, there Is difficulty In avoiding It. Baldder weakness, most folks call It. because they can't control urina tion. While it 1 extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this Is reallr one of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Oet about four ounrea of Jad Salt from your phar macist and take a tableepoonful In a gloss of water before breakfast. continue this for two or three days. This win neutralise the adds In the urine so It no longer Is a source ot Irritation to tho bladder and urinary organs which then act normally agatn. Jad Salt Is Inexpensive, harmless. and la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la, and la need by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders cansod by uric acid Irritation. Jad Any breaking cut ot tbe skin fare, neck, arms or body Is oversows quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur Tho plmplos seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted sklr specialist. Nolhntng has ever been fouud to tako tho place of sulphur as a pluipl remover. It Is harmless and last pensive. Just nsk anr druggist for a small Jar ot Meulho-Bulphur ssd use It Ilka cold cream. Adv. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN i gwny Sweeping Price Reductions on All Models of the p-1-Siiii5fci aaaaTsaV MwiKf .a -laaaaaaaaaaaaa I IsaWaWaWJaM Xjijm.tsaVr!!! mmm Hag Tea aad Halpftnr Tan Orsnr, l-aded Hair Dark aad Gloaay On week ot manual and ogrlcul. tural labor Is In future to be In eluded In the year' work of every Bulgarian school, for boys and girls alike. mmmiMm Almoet everyone knows that lag Tea and Sulphur, properly conpoaad- ed, orlng hack tbe natural color aad lustre to the hair when faded, streak ed or gray. Year ago the only way to get this mltture wss to make It at home, which l( mussy and treacle- some. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Bag aad Sulphur Compound." You will get a large oottio or this old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other la gredlents, at very little cost. Every body use this preparation now. be cause no one can possibly tell that you dsrkened your hair, aa It de-ea it so naturally and avanlr. Te dampen a sponge or soft brash with It and draw this through yoar hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morning the gray hair disappears. ana after another application or two. your hair becomes beautirullr dark, thick and glossy and you look year younger. Adr. MISCELLANEOUS m ....,...... ----,-,-r-yw-M-,nri1J1juutl-u-UXIUULI-u.,IJU,J 35 reduction on all Leather Vests. K. K. K. Store. ,- If you want to sail It. buy It, trad ii. or iibq u, i rx a Heraia classified ad. 25 reduction on Patrick Macki naw, at K. K. K. Store. Pure sweet elder, any quantity. Also beautiful modern ranch homo in itogue River valley near Hedford, on pavement. Blmervllle. 127 N. 4th St. City. ' 9-1 1 WHEN EYES ARE RIGHT All the world looks bright. Take a morning like this was, with the thermometer ranging around zero and several degree, below If your eyes were right-the cold winds wouldn't make them watery and your vision would not be dim med and the sun glinting on the snow would not ob scure your vision. SEE THAT YOUR EYES ARE RIGHT And It not, have them ex amined and properly fit ted by H. J. WINTERS aHABCATB OPncXAJf Photo 141-W 712-714 Mala LOST Between Klamath Falls and Merrill, suit cos la brown canvas cover oeateat. woman' clothing etc. Finder please leave at Ford garage, Klamath Fall, car E. C. Whits, Anderaoa'a Store. Merrill. or notify owner for reward. Mr. O. T auiueaaree. Klsxtstfe Fall. Merrill Rt. ' l.i ii Special erica an a MmW of Piano. Playarnlaao aad Phono- ograpn lor two week only. Karl Shepherd Co.. (07 Mala St. 7-11 STEAM HEATBO rooms 12.50 per wee, urge, wail lighted lobby, mower oaino. new winter rate. Central Hotel. J. T. Ward. Mgr. tf. I SEE OUR CRATER LAKE Picture before you buy elsewhsr. Stla- son Photo Shop. N25tf. FOR SALE 1 Sonora phonograph ana reoora. Apply Apt. l wmte Apt. g-ii Taken la trade. PhaaaaYaaha tlie Karl Hbepherd store. at ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE Latest 1921 Model with Self Cleaning Luminoid Cylinder at a Roek'Botton Price EVEN thii latest Thor model it included in the sweeping reductioni now offered on the entire Thor line. When you know the advantages of this wonderful Luminoid Cylinder, you would not think of buying a washing machine without it. Think of a cylinder made of metal which grease and scum cannot adhere to I Needs no cleaning after use. All cylinder holes are counter sunk and the edges smoothly rounded so that there cannot be any SissibiluY of injury to the moirt delicate fabrics, on't fail to see this wonderful cylinder in this wonderful machine. Saves MoreTime-Lasts More Years This Thor model is the fastest wash ing machine ever made. It will save an hour more time than others. That alone makes it the one ma chine for you. Made entirely of $10 metal, it is the most sturdy machine you ever caw. It should last a life time. Also equipped with the special Thor nil metal, five position swinging wringer. "Ptx At such termi, you cannot afford to do wltfc- .gLOrV0 out it another wreck. Pay only thli small sum v ww down, and have the machine (or your neat washing. The actual saving will payout the easy monthly pay men. I Authorized Thor Dealer COMET ELECTRIC CO., 1026 MAIN ST: Dtm't fall to nad Um HrU CWifil Ads. I la szzBmmmmmammwammaiBr: ii . ' :i Rlgga raferltU anoranteed urn at Hawxhurst Market. 4Se per doxen. " 10-14 FOR RHNT room faraiahad apart ment 41 10th 8t. Tel. 342W. 10.11 S3 1-3 reduction on Mn'a Over coat. K. K. K. Store. FOR RENT 3 room partly furnish- a, te mam m. t-11 FOTJftroI.Aflt tllht A nMvn.. A. -- 1 - -.- WW WIVWM ., auiumoBu caain. usnar may nave same by calling at this office andi paying for ad. 10-12 j HERE MTS ARC AGAIN! Whit Leghorn Baby Chicks. uarron-iascrea attain. Hatched AKelnalvf1 frnm nn, nmwi ben that avenged for the year 1921, iei egg acn tor ine waole flock. This is the real taat of merit, rather than the achievement of a raw mI.m. ea trom a lam nock and fad on Pts aad Agl food at a laying con-teat. plant and are prepared to hatch fifty iBouaaao cuou aarlag tha season. Order earlr and cat tkam va.n wanted. Price per ISO: January and Feb ruary SIS.OO: March and April fit.. 50; itr and Jan $11.00. Pur bred P. Raeka aad R. I. Rada hatchaut , peciai oraar. May wood Ponltry Farm, Corning, Calif. j,.,- 20c TONIGHT AT 35c FOR BALE It haaJ Nn 1 Mil,.!, cows. Address 208 Winters' Bldg. 10-11" FOR SALB 2nd hand sewing mach ine in good working order. Phone 251W., 739 Sth. St. 10 STRAY Strayed to Fred Grennon'a nlira 1 brown horse, whlta face and four hlla faat! 1 mml Iiam. whit- ,. and four white feet. Owner may have same by paying ezpenae. Call 10F23 after 6 o'clock. 10-12 Family and Totrlat Motel Centrally located, Oppoalt Poatotflc Free bua to all train Steam Heat Reasonable Bates Separata lobby for ladle. ARCABB MOTBl, 1-31 THE STRAND WHERE EVERX19PX OE6 THE HOME OF THE HOMCINSON FEATURES 2C0 Toaa aaw alfalfa hav (n. ). $5.00 ton. Jay Falrcle.. Merrill hlth'. "ay. 7.1 . Lvceura Rail. ear. Ilk Ml.h .li suited for select parti, will be rent ed at nominal prices. Apply to M. MoUeheahachsr, Phea S6W, or aa preaal. ' u .aftjaSjaSjaSjaSjaSaW .BVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVBaW ' ' aKataVaSaSasVVssaSaSaSaSjawaV aBaBanaBL-a-taBBaBaBB " SBMMMJ-inp SJ SaSaSjaVVm ' ' ..,..'71 atsT'ttcotp CmiaTTriil '' Ht seuvict JmjUII , FOR SAL Cook stove, sanitary roues, woie, eaair, tc. Vail 448 Mlcblgsa Avs. 10-13 WAhTTBD or S room house, close a. Aaureaa ioi winter' Bldg. 10-12 They made'em Snappy. The new January Record ro all hr and waiting -for you. EARL SHEPHERD 507 Main St. 7 Uoiot Taxi Co. and Mecca Taxi Co. (Conaolidatod) OPEN AND CLOSED CARS CHILOQUIN STAGE rnone 4Z4-J Mi 14, 3,, i Cumplete Change of Program VAUDEVILLE O'NEILL & OHEILL IN "A Bit of EYerythintf Iaeludinff Monologues, Singing and Banciitg Vrt. ... XLS Mitchell Lewis in "King Spruce" DR. J. a GOBLE OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN 709 Main Street Plum 1SVW W Fit and GiInd'GI, UopUcate Broke Lewsea. Repair Fraanaa t.wrr j - vrtJiK T '" the book by Holman Day, directed by Roy Clements. A flipping drama of life in the aine woods m n This1 Picture Just Closed in Portland Mt.i- a.a4W , , Tomorrow - Country Store Night - "Another Live Baby" 1 ' '' ' ii. )"m'Mitm.ii i, 'j m " w;. 1 1 MURPHETS FEED STORE lo ftW Qt Wrv tyw .. .., mA -.i .... j,u FHPJHP ff ll ilwl Ht M H " . lli llsal BALED STRAW