The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 31, 1921, Image 1

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r T-
-, r
Tonight, ruin In west iiurllun of
Ulo. fair mid w armor In cnal por
.Hon I lluudny rain In west portion,
rain or snow In rnM iiurllun
Plflfnlli Year.- .No. OUOII
Former Wife of Abe Attel
Is Held in Connection
With $1,500,000 Theft
Ni:V VOHK, ll.-C 31 -A Hull
theft of ,6il,nnn n bonds. Inst
July. becainn known today' with the
arrest of Mrs Abe Ailed dlvum-d
wlfq,il I he former pugilist, nd of
Ham (IoiiIiI anil Harry Cohen, by
postofflre, Inspectors anil members of
Ihn tollrti ImiiiiIi squad.
The. bonds were stolen Miniewherr
rnroutn from the Federal lleae.rvc
Hank, New York, lo the Ireaanry nl
Washington Home were, cancelled by
perforations, ami other stamped
"paid", but lltn alamp was removed
with rhcmlcsla and many of them
wrro passed ,
Mrs. Atlel, Mini ralil she illtnrrrd
thfl boier five )cars rko, la charged
llh attempting lo pass allured gov.
ornmtnt bonds, Thp detective, found i
Mr. Altel In an apartment last night
with Oould and C'then Tim lutpec
ton lil they found a complete, op.
lum sot In tho apartment
larpartmrnt (Vimniamlrr rlnl Out
Need for I'sjmrnt of Ihics i
"Pay Up your dura for 19::," la
Ihn message bolng sent by Depart-
ment Commander l.ano Goodoll of;
Portland, to member of tho Amer-i
lean legion orrr ths alalo. Com.
wander floodell baaea hl plea on
tha Leglon'a needa for funda with
which to carry on work to which It
la pledged, both local, at a to and
national. Payment of due ulao la
ueceaaary In order to recclvs tho
American Legion weekly, the offi
cial organ, lis atatca.
"No great organltatlon can
achlern rcaulla without funda to
flnanro lla work." thn meaaagp
reida. "Tliero la thn routine work
of atato and national headquartera,
tthn functioning of Ilia National
Amsrlcanlant rommlaalon, tlio Na
tional oxccullvn conuultleo, nnd
many other atato nnd national com.
Mltteea, tho oxpenoo of maintaining
ata and national legion newa bu
rcaui, and. thn coat of all tho rou
tin work, and Innumerable apcrlal
jpenaea which go with tho func
tioning of any great nntlonul ao
clety. "One of, tho hlggvat laaka for the
coming year will bo that of secur
ing tho enactment of tho Legion
federal adjuited romponaallon bill
In congreM."
Nono of this work, tho mcaaagn
olnta out. ran aucccaafully bo car
ried on unless funda nro mado
avallablo by prompt payment of
Southern Pacific 1kuc 13.50
Dcarrlptlrn raniptilctn
Attractive phamplotn ilni'rtni
of Crater I.nko aro bolnc ilUlrlli"'
to 15,500 railway ticket ofllrni In t1'
United Rlatca and Canuda by th
Southern Pacific, according to Infor
mation recolvod by Hecretuy T. A.
Btevemon, of tho Chamber of Com
ma rro, Tho pamnhlot contains pie
ni Laawa (Mm
tur o. Cwtor Iko, road scene
Klamath take, scenes, and full' Infor
matlon (or reaching Crater Lake.
Copies may bo obtained at the Cham
bar ot Comronrce.
t' .
SO HfertA?-I NOAY l
On account .of- the national
holiday, there will be no Issue of
Tho KvenliiB Ilorald ou Monday.
XyVt j BKBHlHBiBHBBteii"'
' Tin' city a bonis will mil open
, until Tuesday, Juuuury .1, nc- ,
curding lo it decision of llin
. school lin.iril The. high H IhhiI
I will ipen Monday us previously
1 i
Han FranrUro Fighter Prove no
Match for lUnMllttlni; I
1M-al Karorllo J
Old ugn and eperlenrn ImimciI
iIiikii to niitlr mill pup at MrDoimld'a
hall bit ulghl when In Dm neronil
round Karl Itltrlili- bung a Dcnipney
on thi. Jaw of Jaik Downey which
rnumril llin Ann t'rafirlarn acratiimr
Imuirdlatrly to lonne all Intcreat In
affairs for the count and anrernl ser
onda additional In the preliminarily
Kallor Chlldera took thn count In thn
anrnnd round of n fast and furious
alugglng-inatrh with Hallor Hall. Kid
Vincent on from Kid Harrington on)
a foul In the alilh round, Hie latter
repeating hla performance of Ihr
former matdi. Hob Allen and Young
Itllrhlo refused lo appear duo tn'rita.
agreement over rnmenallon "Tuf
ty" Anderson and Young Kltilmmons,
as ual, furnished real fun.
While the outroinn of thn ltltclile
Downey flgbl waa highly aatlsfar
lory tu llio fans, many expressed dis
appointment that Donoy failed to
make, a belter allowing Downey ap
peared lo be ou thn defensive almost
from the atari, and In tho first round ,
look several Jolts which appeared to'
Jar him. And while ho landed a fnw
on Itllrhlo. often tho local boy was
not present when the haymakera
started. In tho Inflghllng Ihey ap
peared to break about equal The
wallop that brought Ihn end In the
first minute of Ihn second was'a '
straight right lo the Jaw Downey!
was carried to bis corner where the
seconds worked over him for aovernl
minutes befnrn ho recovered con.
sclnusnea. Hla first words wrrn,
"Whero did ho hit me?" Downey
weighed In a 180 pounds and Hllrhle
at 191 pounds,
Thn llnll-Chlldera affair had nil
the ear-marks of n grudgo fight.
While tho flRhtera Indicated Utile
knowledge of boxing, both appeared
willing lo give and tnkn, und both
did, t'hlldera went down three limes
In thn first round and apparently nns
saved by thn gong. In tho first sec
onds ot thn Hornod round his heavier
opponent knocked him cold with n
right to tha Jaw.
The Hnrrlnglon-Vlnrrnt match
lacked Ihn steam on tho former ono.
Vincent, having learned llurrliwton'it
stalling methods, was more cautious,
Harrington, nn Ihn other hum!, did
not resort to covering up as formerly
but Koonu'd to he nwalllng his rhnnro
lo land it finishing blow. In tho
sixth, after dropping Vlnrcnt, ho
landed ono on thn back of Vincent's
neck before tho lnttcr's hands had
loft tho lloor, Itofcreo Hob Ross Im
mediately ownrded tho bout lo Vin
cent. It was thn opinion ot many fans
present that Harrington will never
prove to bo n popular fighter until
ho has changed Ills methods some
what, Tho walling name did not
please tho onlookers, '
Curley Underwood, tlio promoter,
announced that flvo por cent of tho
receipts would go (Into u sinking
ind with which to ppBt guarantees
outsldo fighters. In this way, he
I'd. first ruto fighters can ho oh-
thlncd. Standing room only wnn
avallublo last night.
j,"p I'niio tlelng Recruited to
Coiiilmt Pin Forest Menace
flAN FIUNCI8CO, Dec. 31.A
force of 2,00 men Is being recruited
to. combat tb'e plno destroying beetle
In the yellow pin forests south of
Klumath Lake, 6re, beginning March
18lh, This was announced today by
T, D. Woodbury, Assistant Uultod
States Forostor,
itianthtn HraUi
Experts Turn Attention to
Working Out Final
Pact Details
WASH INHTON. Dee 31. Tho end
of the n.ivol limitation vturk of the
arms (nnfi-ri-utu was definitely In
sight today us the inivnl experts
turned to their risk of working nut
detailed agreements A flvo power
treaty embodying all tha points upon
which thn ngri-cim-nt has been reach,
ed Is being drafted, and will Include
thn capital ship ngrecmvut; the
agreement on airplane carriers, the
displacement limitation ngrecmvut,
for auxiliary craft; and the resolu
tions which finally wero accepted re
garding suhnrortnc.
I'AltlS. Dee 31. Krcnch delega
tion at Washington, according to In
formation from official quarters here,
already has given assent to applica
tion ot International taw to oporatlon
of submarines, which, tho Trench sayl
sstlsfles tho Ilrltlsh demand that
submarines In wnrtlmo shall bo pro
hibited from torpedoing merchant
WAHHIMiTON. Doc 31. Arthur
J. Ilalfuur, head of tho llrltlsh dele
gation, will sail January II, accom
panied by Uiril Ue, first Lord ot the
llrltlsh Admlarlty, leaving Sir Auk
land Oeddes, llrltlsh Amhasssdor, to
wind up remaining conference mat
ters. TAX O.N I'ltl.NTKD KOIt.MS
VIKNNA, Doc. 31. A lax on all
forms of printed advertising has been
dorlded upon by the municipality. In
newspaiwrs thn minimum tax will be
ten porucnt for situations wanted nnd
up to 30 percent for luxury articles
and amusements.
v LJlife N0W MAkE GooD!
if ii m i -m .,- i i i ii , , ii 'i i '' i
Member of the Associated Press.
As New Years Day falls on ;
Hunday this year the following !
day, Monday Jan. 2, wilt be ob- .
served us a full holiday by the
Postofflco nnd the- office, will
be closed nil day.
)n Christmas our clerks gave (
ncvernl hours of their holiday In :
scrvKo that our patrons might
atl receive their pqreeh on
Christmas Day. 'o know you ,
appreciated their splendid ser-
vlro to you and feel sure )oii !
will bo more than willing to !
grant them thu full day on New-
Years for their holiday. Malls
will bo despatched as 'Usual
W. A. DKI.ZKI.I., Postmaster.
Another chapter In the rontrover
sy arising out of tho repudiation of
tho contract by Holding and Wicat.
waa written rcstvrday afternoon
when Judge Kuykcndall refused to
open tho doors of his tourt to the
Herald Publishing rompany or K. J.
Murray, when Onclll and Irwin,,
representing these plaintiffs, asked
far relief against the sheriff, his
deputies or others who might molest
i.- ..... ti,. .i ihi.
act upon tho part of Judge Kuyken-I
dall Is that neither the Herald Pub
lishing company nor K. J. Murray
will be granted any relief through
uny suit actlin or motion at this
Tho next move occurred today
when under the authority of a writ
issued soinetlmo ago by Judge Kuy
kcndall and reinforced yesterday by
a citation lo tho sheriff to appear for
contempt, that official smashed In
the doors of tho Herald llulldlng this
afternoon and look forcible posses
sion of the property In dispute, Tho
only comment mado by Mr. Murray
was that In due tlmn tho public
would bo placed In full possession of
nil tho facts In tho cns and that he
would still refuse to, at this time,
try the merits ot tho points at Issue
In tho newspaper.
"We nro oboylng the law, some
thing tho officials of Klamath county
hsvo not learned to do, but which
wo hopo they will do before this mat
tor Is finally disposed of."
tirlterstty Library.
ei'OXWL', onr,
mm prospect
JTuture f Butinei. in .' S.
If Helo Encouraging
by AVsociation
NKW, YOIIK, Dec. 31. Iluslness
prospects for I9z2 arc. In general,
hopeful, neenrdiag fn statements by
prominent banker trxlay, mailo pub.
lie by the American Hankers' Associa
tion. ..
"The fuluro of lAislnoss nnd fin
nncu In tho United, States Is encour
nging." said Thomas II. McAdams,
President of the association.
Reservation Hnakctbnll Team Wins
by Ono Score
Tho Klamath Agency basketball
quintette won over the Merrill high
. .... .. . A.. tt-. ....
I cn,,l ,cam " n.Kni ,
the narrow margin on-ono score. The
IU wero hiamath Agency 20.
Merrill 19. The game waV hotly con
tested and proved tho equal ability
of the two tc ns.
Tho lineup Klamath Agency
llakcr and It. Hicks, forwards; M.
Hall, center: Illddlo and neatly
John, guards; M. Faithful, sub.
Merrill Kred Pope and K. Klger.
forwards; 1'. Kigcr. renter; H. Halls
nnd II. Hill, guards; J. Merrill and
K Colwcll, subs. Referee, It. Dills
troni. Klamath Agency.
Scores- llaucr, 7 field nnd ono
foul goal; It. Hicks, ono field goal;
Kred Popv. three field and ono foul
goal; K. Klger. one field goal; K.
Klger. four field goals; J. Mcrrltt.
one field goal.
A preliminary game. Merrill town
team vs. Klamath Agency town team,
was won by tho former, 23 to S.
MAiiKirr iii:poiit
PORTLAND. Doc. 31. Livestock,
steady; eggs, slow and weak; butter
nominal, Sc drop announced for
, '
ri922d JANUARY S
1,2 3 4 5
8 '9 lO 11 12 IS 141
I IK m 17 18 19 2Q 21 )
rzz z& z z& zo sofi
i 29 39 31 rtlUTQ. rULlM. LAST IWlM
fo" ' kf f PINST
Jandary Is memorable mostly for
thav.freelng of tho slaves In 18S3,
the opening of tbo Paris peace con
ference In 1919, and the beginning
of prohibition under the eighteenth
amendment, on January 16, 1920.
The 6th Is tho fourth anniversary
of tho death ot Theodore Roose
velt, whllo tho followers ot Benja
min Franklin will celebrate his
birthday on tho 17th. The South
will honor the birthday of General
Robert E. Lee on the 19th.
Members ot the W. C. T. U. will
commemorato their organization's
thirty-second blrthdsy on the 13d.
Tho first locomotive In the Unit
ed States started to run on January
IS. 1831
This year, watch out for Friday,
tho 13th, which comes thl, month.
Tho permanent court ot Interna,
tlonal Justlco will conreno at The
Hague on" tho 30th.
Congress convenes on third; 105,.
000,000 resolutions against swear
ing break on Fourth. Thirteenth
falls on Friday; bad luck to lose
dollar on this day. Lloyd says he
Is coming to America.
Harding In offlco almost a year,
Three picture, ahead ot Ford In be
ing photographed contest Days
longor, but only 2S this month, so
no tlmo gained. Washington's
birthday on 2Id as usual. Valen
tines arrive on tho 14th, 15th and
16th. Lloyd George coming over
next month.
Month ot winds. Rlggest winds
predicting hot summer. Others pre
pare advance criticism ot bathing
suits. St. Patrick', Day on 17th asi
usual. About 9S7.654.321 kites
bang on wires. Lloyd George com
Ing to U. S.
First month In 1922 having five
paydays. "April Fool" comes on
first payday. Easter, as usual; egg
prices raised according lo delight
ful old custom. April showers' work
on May flowers. First spring poet
shot and exhibited around town.
Lloyd George coming over next
May has tho flowers, but Henry
brought them. Admiral Sims cele
brates anniversary ot being mis-
quoted. Question of changing un-i
o. c
Ioreni Completes Contract for
Repair, on Sixth
Don J. Zumwalt. city engineer,
reports that G. C, Lorent has com
pleted his contract on the Sixth
street repair Job. With tho pipes
all laid and tho Installation ot the
pump, which Is to tako care ot the
seepage, the city will take over the
pumping of hot springs water off
Sixth street some day, next week.
The combination of seepage from
tho springs, rain and snow water
has been tho main cause ot had
paving on Sixth street, and It li
hoped the pump and drainage pipes
will solve tho'pioblem
The Mills Addition sewer, accord
ing to tho englneor, Is nearing com
pletion, and wfth th .exception of
n few minor, details, which will
have to wait over until spring, will
be practically finished within the
noxt two weeks; '
-- . i ill i K.
derwear settled. Jun brldesj gat
ting set; grooms counting tkalr
coin. Lloyd George coming to V. t.
JUNK . ,
Last ot spring poets abot. Sec
ond month In 1122 with fir tar
days. June groom, need six. Chil
dren's vacation and mother's work
starts. About 987.654,321 poeas
written beginning "What Is to rare,
as?" etc. Lloyd George eomlac
over next month.
The Fourth ot July cornea be
tween the third and fifth, m uraal.
Harding calls for safe and aaah
celebration. Joke l written ahsMK
dad taking the day off tad awa
taking few finger, off. LIar
George coming to U. S.
Dog days. Nine hundred aad
eighty-seven six hnndred and ftftjs
four dogs go road on aceotat:of fa
high price of bone. XoU ef yev
ptd'glve'np hope of TacatJea:'-sjt
on bathing, suits smdBarem4tarsjs)
made at homo. First Jnna'f asm
gets out of debt. Lloyd George
coming over next -month.
Hard winter atarta being, predict
ed by coal dealers. Nickel cigars
drop from 11 to 10 cents. Labor
day happens as per schedule. First
June groom gets back la debt.
Lloyd George coming over.
Third month In 1122 hartng fl
paydays, first newspaper says "Do
your Christmas shopping early"
Hallowe'en, as usual. Aboat MI7.
654,321 worth ot furniture breaks
on moving day. Fairs are bigger
and better. Lloyd George eomlag
over next month.
Statistics show ,btg fruit croa
broke all records. 'lTrult prices hta
on account of small-crop. Sqntrrets
start hldng golf'baRsrLast baMsHwt
glrl leaves magaslne covsr. Taaaks
glvlng, as usual. Turkeys scarce.
Lloyd Oeorge coming iver Beat
Fourth month In 1123 having
five paydays. Christmas comes oa,
Monday. Everyone does hla ahop
qlng on the Saturday before. Lloyd
George decides to atay borne and
celebrato first anniversary of Bag-
land's freedom from Ireland
Ora Bummers was being triad be
fore United States ComssUstoaer
Bert C. Thomas today oa tho charge
of Introducing liquor Into tbo Reser
vation and with selling tho tamo to
an-rndlan. The charge was made by
Walter a. West, fedlan Ageat for
tho Klamath reservation. Ora, If ,a
son ot Port Summers, a well kaowa
Indian on this reserve'."
"The barometric pressure experteac.
td the frst change In, about 41 hears,
shortly after neon today,, tho-jGytlo- .
'itormagraph at Underwood's ff'
macy registering , sharp, droprf the.
downward trend continues It vr
'ndlcate the approach of aaotker '
urhance. The slightly higher I
lerature also favors iS
Forecatt (or nest XI. !
.Storm brewing to lar
..The Tycos;.rcpr4srt;
rBaisivrvap nmi !
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of? . 3 .
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asFoM . '
ilWPVft it .,
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