Pace Thrco THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, RKGKMHKH Sw, The Office Cat wmF nr juniuu VAMI'IKI! HTI'I'P Hho pullntl lit 1'iirn unit tftrxkoil lit noio And aat iiimiii liU tup And rumptml up til Humliiy rlotlira Us illiln't earn a rnp, 8he nililiod tior clii'pk upon lit chuck Anil nmootlicil III" liiinilanmn Inckn The wIiIId Im mil, iilll mini nml week And fnnlrnril up linr Mieki. 8he dlil aomn IIiIiik Hint Rum 'inllu tl . Mjr rmIi, Hint girl was bold' Hut till ahn ruilliln'l (uaa linr it ml Hbl waa but two yrntt olil' Greetlnga (olka' llavo you flnlalird paying (or laal rrnr'n Clirlatmaa pro. Ml yet? According to fliciina, piTforiiiKiK under Ihn eirrl linml n( Jimeph HI McCoy, aovernmttiit nrlunry, If Mrth aselah hud Invimtnt f I nl A per rent, compoundml annually, when tin wna SI yrm of m, lili won I Hi wmilil have amounted ti 1977,1 67,000,000, 000,000,000,000 at (tin nxo nf VtO ben hn illnl. Thn turkry rrop la (tin Inruml In ten year, and thn prlrn haa been boosted. WhatnviT hnpppim or (all to happen, Ihn riiiiaiiincr ahowa well wham hn Keta off. J. I. Jnhnnlnnn aaya n man may ad tnlfn auhurn Irmnc. hut not In hi bkanilt and aotip TIIK HOME IIHKWKIt HIMW Twinkle, Twinkle, Ultlo jar. how t wonder what you are." How In heat Ihn poatiifflrn depart vneat! Ailclrrm and mall n letter to yoareelf without poatane It will Im returned to you. . tiii: new wvmt "Curan you.'" hn annrled, And reached (or III hip: Ten men tramplnd titer him Flghtlm; (or a alp' "Do you knnw whoa talklnic In I hare now?" demanded a atranRor brtakly, paualiiK (or n nuinent liealde the (armer on Ihn meeting hnuan Up. "Or aro you Juat rnlna; In?" "No, tlr: I'rn Juat come nut " aald the (armer decidedly. "CnnKreaaman nlffklna la talklnic In there " "What about?" naked thn atrangcr "Well," ronllnued thn rountryman, passing a knotted hand nrroai hi forehead, "Hn didn't any." r YouTl get somewhere with a pipe and P. A.! Start fresh all over again at tho beginning! Get a pipe I and forget every smoke experience you over had that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed trlmit Alhtrt It (at In faeay raf !. tUy tU tin; nanrftama pmumd anal hmll piund Hn hmmUttt mndlntht riunWaryatalflax nafr wdn malaltnar lay. m If Ihii litiinim men In im Miiplil it Thomas A, Kdlion thlnka It In Urn cum! In priirtlcnlly IkipiiIphu, Mii nnyn Hint no nulf-uvlilniit (net run Im writ lull mi plainly Hint 2 pur unit, of tlioito Mho rend It mil unilernlniid II Tim nliiiilmv of "Kntty" Arhurkln no limner fnlln mi aireiui or ihiwb. pnpnr iiilumil I In Iiiin lual IiIh pliirn In thn nun, Mi'rii work ahead .hint n (nw woiika now iiml Hid mi. tomolillu run Im luken upiirt it ml nloriiil iiroutid Ihn lioiiiu In ro.ivonli'iil pinion. Thn tire If pnlnlnil u ilnrlt brown mid doruriilt'il with hluu huliy rlbluin, run hu Iiiiiik In tlm pnrlor an I liny will Im curliiln to kIhi Hio room nn nlr of refliinuieiit. Mnrrylnu (or iiiiiney In ropri'linn alliln, hut It In morn roinmeiiilnliln limn thn iiioitnrii prarllm of mnrry Iiir (or vurlety Ji'ht et'TMini: 'i hi; immmi .TTIIi: hllt.M lONKilll llnatdea two linn I'oini'illrn nl Ihn Htruild IiiiiIkIiI t Intro will hu prnnent ml um Inteiian photo ilrninii, In Hhlili Kdllli llullor, mhIiI to hu thn luont perfect ly formed Moitian on thn "li ver arrnell, niulilim thn tltlu role In "Juat Oiitaldn thn Dour. ' full oppor tunity la Riven thin Inlelitn! mlrraa (or thn dlapluy of Ihn Renin Hint hen niado hur pluio In lllmdoni uiimaiill- alilc. SSfSZfi&Silk EDITH HALLOR fn. 'JU6T OUTSIDE THC DOOri.1 atLtCT PICTUKC. "Juat Oulaldu tho Door" la n pul- aatlni; drumn of present day people and condition. It contraata tho Uvea and thoURlila of peopln of poverty and wealth, hut without nil) in dm! melo-dramalle eiacKeratlona that I hnvo bocomo no (amlllar. arwwnrww A a) A ffaaarvwRRiaaaaawn i:v vi:.ii'n ii:i:rriN(is Krom the Hton that knepn you In I'licli with tho world. kim.tii r.i.i4 m:vh to. ippoaltu roatofdro arwaft MASQUERADE , DANCE At Merrill, Jan. 2. 1922! Music by I Okeh Orchestra ' afS !,?) a i i i-J! I I II 'l f '" " ''' iafiHabBa '''' H ,flll"i ''Mmrk t. , ''!! ' l! ll'l'I'iaaaaaTaiaBVaaaaaaaaaB III brimful with Prince Albort, will trim any degrco of smokejoy you ever registered! It's a revelation! Put a pin in here! Princo Albort can't bito your tongue or parch your throat. Both aro cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe ! We tell you that you can and just have the timo of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince Albert for packing! What P. A. hands you in a pipe it wjll duplicate in a home-made cigaretto! Gee but you'll have a lot of fun rolling 'em with Princo Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays pu(! Fringe Albert MAHV MIMM MI.NTCH TO U'KII RICH MAN IIOI.I.VWOOI), Cut, Due, 30,- Mury Mllen Mlnlnr, youthful film ncj irimn, in fuiuii to wen I . n. wuon, inn lloiiulro nml nun nl inn load pnnrll kliut. iicconlliiK In rumorH In tho (Mm iiilony Intro loiluy Dlion linn Junt nr rlvwl (nun Now Vork. Minn Mlnlnr mid Dliun Imcnnin nciiunlntcd when Ihn nclrenn was milking plrluren on thn mint rnnnl anmo 1 1 mo iirii, am wASPirih WAKiN'ING ! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not Retting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and praved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Ujycr" package which contains proper directions. Handy "llaycr" boira of 12 UUtU Alto bolllea o(2t and 100 Dragglala. Jt.llrln li ll trad ntrt af n.jir ilaotraflart ct Hoooan-tlt.rt'W.lfr cf Ralltlracl4 aHMaMaMiwyaa Mfl'eSalHHH HI I N I 1 nl I N In ' Saturday Specials CHICKENS FRYERS & HENS EXTRA FINE STEER BEEF For Saturday FINEST BABY BEEF Ever Seen in Klamath Falls EASTERN OYSTERS SEALSHIPT Big, Fat, Juicy in their own Liquor HAPPY NEW YEAR INDEPENDENT MARKET 1136 Main Street itirrAKi prick proiih nkaiiinm i:oii'i,nio WAHII1NUTON, I), 0 Dec. .10. Kndurnl Invcntlgntlon of rotnll prlcnn for netvanltlon In oil purls of tho country In rnpldly rrncnliiK com pk'tlon, Ihn depnrtment n! Juntlco lian announced. Hurnlil tlannldod ndn mean tho licit rantilu, t j u I c k t Phone 543-J DANCE New Years . Eve AT MALIN HALL DECEMBER 31, 1921 Music by Malm Orchestra Everybody Welcome Excavating Teaming Let as make yo.a a price on dig glng that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplate. We Uo do team work ot every description Phone 426-J -Charlie's Tire Shop GAS and OILS 6th & Kltmath SU. WILL Take out Oellare or Fill la Lot CON MURPHY 517 Mortimer St. Phone Oll.W DR. LL TRUAX WARREN IIUNT HOSPITAL Ray Phone. 407 Night Phone, BC nu . "m t fl VVUWWW1 E EAT T at the The White Lunch Hume CmtltlnK A Hprrlnlly CIIIM CO.V caiini: CIIINMK NOODI.K8 I HUM'AV ' CHICKIJ.V DI.NNKIt 7n 1123 HAlfV HTRKET fnWWW DENTISTS Dr. E. G. WiMcarrar PHdlTB SM Dr. P. M. Noel mom 4 Orer DitderwooCa Bntmtk aatl Mala StrMta LIMB AND BLOCK WOOD F. H. HEILBRONNER J. H. REA Phone 195-J or 239-R MECCA TAXI - NEW CIjOHED CARS rnoN'E las r E. D.LAMB rilTHICIAN AND HCIIOKOS rhonca 17W 1711 Kooma 1 aA White IlaUdlM C. V. FISHIiR, M.D. DIHUAHES OF TUE ETE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASHE3 HTTED AND rCHXIUHED Pbooa 97 MO kUln Mrawt FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Fhoae 4I4W. XIUiy lAbairMoff Looaala Uldaj., Uibu VaU DR. GKIMM) F. WAMIEN DENTIST Permcnnntlj' located at Dorris, Calif. SPECIALIST IX Crovrnt and Uridgo Work Price rtcaaonable. Work Guaranteed Picture Framing Stinson Photo Shop 7th Klamath NEW BUICKS for Hire rhono 77 KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP 834 MAIN STREET Phono 580 Flow cm for nil occasions. Cold Weather Ceming: Let Us Replace Your Broken Glass E. C. ST.UCKEY Uth and Pine Phone 477-W MADE IN KliAMATII Aifalfa Meal FOR SALE MURPIIV8 FEED STORE ANDERSON'S GROCETERIA SUNSET OROCERY Mia. by HABRY TELFORD jasvaaaasaaaaaaaaaaajaatjaataaaaaasa. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Officti and Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0, P. Temple J. O. CLKnilOIlN CIVIL. ENOINBBtt AND BURVBYOR Phone 12J 131 8. Rlrorilds CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert I). Mallett Dr. Ooo. K. Mallett Ofdco over Underwood'a 7th ft Main Phone BJ9-J DR. G. A MASSEY roBrtfe ad Plao HU. In Warren Hunt Iloipltal OK. Phone 417 Bee. Phone MM VOCHATZER BROS. DRIM.KIUH OIto U A Trial Phone 576-W. Sllmthtnrtmir0ltlmtrPmj0k0t0t Coe's Auto Service Hudson, Buick. and Dodge Cart Country Trips a Specialty PHONE IM United Cigar Store 029 MAIN HTRKKT Office Phone 177W Rea 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PbrdrUa and Bargeoa White Dnlldlng Klamath rails Oregoa awMMMwvMMvwM wi MMaa GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. . 511 Main St. Klamath Falls FILT SCHOOL OF POPULAR XIU8IO I have constructed thro years of experience the only ccurse that loaches you ta play the piano by NOTE and br EAR In 10 to 10 lee sons. Write (or particulars, 701 lllb St., Klamath Valli, Ore. Phone 367R, L. D. Gass. M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FCRMSHKD I. O .O. F. Bide. Phone 99-W Rooms 203, 203, 204 Rea. White Pelican Hotel. Phone 5 6th Street Bakery it BETTER BREAD" 126 S 6th Street UNDER NEW MAN. . AGEMENT HOTEL ARCADE Klamath Falls Free Bus Meets All Trains All modern ontslde rooms Rates reasonable II.' A. KEMP. Manager vrfVVSNSWWWNV; CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert B. Mallett Dr. Geo. E. Mallett Ofdce over Underwood'a 7th k. Main. Phone 639-J. SvWAIVSWAAWWW'W Holliday Dairy Wholesale and lletaU ..I'natutlicil Milk and Cream- Phone 501-J. JWavvVkyayvvayaaiaaaAaAAAMrVMAaVI DR. O. A. RAMBO DentUt I. ). O. F. BaUdtag PHONE 1 ArXrU'ia'Vlyr i a.aiamtwawHHWS Klamalh; FalU Plumb- M RfYll l 1 1 RlaaaaaaaF - i. SO por cent o( all Automobile (roublei are canitvi, jr peer carburetton and at leait II percent of. thla can be orer como r ualng UAYFIILD, bringing your motoring la convenience to a minimum and you can still farther re dueo rour troubles by having you repair work done by REX RENNER nt White Pelican Garage EX-eUmVICB tfKH, ATlTMHTWa' Klamath Poet Ho. American Legion saeeW at the City Hall oa tho first and third Tneoaaya of each month. Ex-service men are Urlled to at tend the meetings. For membership eerie or laferiaaV tlon ex-service men are reajaeetea tv see or write the following efficers: J. II. Carnaban, Coamaader. Roy N. roach, Poet Adjetaat For relief of employmsat see or write the Chairman of The Relief Hi Employment Committee, raele Olds, care Lakeside Lumber eees pany. Premium Dairy Oldest Retail Dairy Raoch Phone 22F2 Office Phone 490 -J TAMALE PARLORS Chinese Needles Spanish Dishes 240 Main St NEW On LAUKWOf FINISHED WORK FLAT WOKK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dk la Our Saab PHONE 154 Comer Mala aad CaafsJr Phoae ltt-i DB. W. A. LEONARD Deatlet Specialist lb Extractions, Oral Sargery and diseases ot tie month Room 10 over Oolden Rmle SAW MILL ENGINEKROta A OON9TRCCTION CO. Deatgaera aad batldese of ameeV era saw sallla, plaalag aajHe aw box plaata. Dredglag. Pile eVtvaag. Phono aaeVW Office Corner Bpriag aad Oak Near B. P. Depot PELICAN BAT BUI rare lie eaeh war Leaves Rex Cafe Letvea Pelleaa CHy T:4I a. as. :! .,. 11:46 p. as. l:Mp,a. B'.OO p. m. e;ee p. as. Reckard Real lt-tt PboM Ti DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND aKJBOaftTJ LO.O.r.Ballateg PaoaetsM Residence 438 Plao St. Phono 20O-B. KUtk Lwetc N. in I.O.O.F. Sleets rrldar nlghl ot MCkwaake)! (. O. O. F. hall, Ith aad MaU.areaea. , Chas. Newman . .. -,Jf. W. O. Wells V. a. O. B. Mangue aeaf. W. D. Coter ...Ttaaa. ENCAJtFMBNT . . II. V. Drown - .O.fP, . V. Brewbaker ....,..., - w. u. t. aieuiure Nate Otterbeln ..-.... Treeaerer KltJAtk FaMg-Cyekry We are here to serve ;ye, aad aim to serve you right. Motereyseaf and Bicycles. Payta. aad .Aiaeeetjag, Tirea and Tabes, thai wW gffM your Inspecttea, as we- aater ? beat la our line. fr coaaeeUoa with rM-DvrHm c&z. r1 HI - c O CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois O, UrlUges Ovor rint Btito ind 8tIoii 8io IUIU 0 ?RI tOI-J ing & Heating Co. OUfJifW UTS MAIN IT. ?80W Wl T saWaaMMjijiiiuaaiiiia) n naiaaaaaT