Page Tiirco THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKONBBDAY, DKCKMHHH Sa II The Office Cat iwL II V JL'MUH r.ti.i. pui:m Hern luil rliratuiilH un miluT Knll Heard Hid rail ot lint iflmllT Pull Noticed rontlmll ticuhiT Horn tlm Iimve K(tliiR thin? (lot nn amply tout hint Kill I II 11 1 llirn, of lourae, short iiklrU may act 111 tin licrraaury l( ilear the I ml lea of tlm Volatundlufl minilrlou o( being bool-llmber Anil nur ulimTvallmi la Hint aa a Kimrml iIiIiik u iinlfiirnii'il rliuuirmn look belter pleased limn tlm nnel of thn rnr. Do yon roiiiriutirr thn tiny when thnro led to tin help wiiiiIkiI' alana In Ihn ahop wlndowa? Htlll, I can't ae why It wouldn't bo a good plan In mnkit Liberty bondi Incut lender They draw Interest whlln (tin Kiinrnl ri'anrvn linlim arr worth about Maty rrnln In aclua cash on Ilia dollar It ntlithl halo aomn If lot of rlcl' fathom would holil n tunferviirn will their hoik concerning iirirtiiplny ninnt imimi: llesldn tlm spreading lillllionnl lre Thn flllliiK ulallnn atnlidt, Ita hold iix)ti thn Nation' wealth la strong a Iron Jiamla I'dK.snif.v iimi.iti'i, "Th I a mandate ay that whentive' ho ha a aclicmn In view, ho alnayr communicate hla Intention to hit wife.'" "That's n quick way of gelling al th objection ' I'robuhly I ln prrltlral womn It tha world loilar am tho kltchi't queen In tho maRnilno ail A. I.. Wlahird aay a Kitted pub lie speaker ran iim n fill) remark abln number ot urini word to ci pre a very small thoUKlit. Tlllln CllliKer aa llm reason h lan'l getting on very null with ho new loa la beraiian sionrtlme In) li a grouchy at the officii n he I at home. man K.MtuH hit mtti.i: HUtr IIKUIW Kriuii I'ukIiIihi Note When tho dreaamakrr told her hua band that thn cuatonier raid her nnv aklrt did not coma up to her eipocta tlona hn waa allenl, hut at flrat oppor tunity ho consulted a dictionary. To IhoiMi who lovo modern art them la nothing llko It To thoio whr dont thla goo double. ON P. OP MIVK'rl I'ltOIU.KMH "I thank you for tho flow or," ah said, and then alio milled and drop pad her head, 'Tin aorry for th( word I apoko laat night -Your send Ing flower proved that )ou were right Porglvo mo'" Ho forgavo. And n they walked and talked bo noath tho bower, Ho wondered hoolnrll had sent those flower, (lraaa widow aro not Rrcon, ' Homo-browor can bn creating a dlaturhanco. held for I WEATHER RECORD ' ty; Ilereaftor tho Horald will publlab the mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation rocord a tak en by the U. 8. Keclamatlon aorvlc elation. Publication will covor tb day prevloua to the paper'a laiue, up to 5 o'clock of tho day, Tre- Max. Mln, clplti December 1....18 SB ,u& December 3....3S 20 December 3 4 1 21 Decerabor 4....15 21 December C ..SO 34 December 0....4R 2& December 10....I8 110 Decerabor 11.. .44 30 December 13 .fi9 30 December 13. ..IK 3 December 14 ..43 31 Decerabor 10....4G 2li December 17....40 IB .. December 18....3& 14 December 10. ..31 14 December 31.. ..31 14 .33 Decemnor 32 .ill :i 0.22 December 23....3B 22 0.40 Deeember 24....33 17 , December 2G....32 14 0,24 December 2C...34 17 0,12 December 27....41 24 ZJ MERRILL Mln Wltlldn I'npn, who I nt ImidliiK O, A. (J , In liomo to apunil I'lirlBliiiii with hnr pnrent. Mlaa Mini Hlinnilliirt nlu I homo for t'lirlalmn from O .A. (J. Mr mill Mr Arthur Priialnr wero Klnmntli Pull vlallor Inat week. W P HIM wiim a Klmiiatli Pall lallnr on Wi'dneailiiy, Mian It 11 ( It Mill, who I toiirhliiR at llniiliiy, I npninlliiR bur vacation 11 Merrill with her pareiiln, Mr mid Mr V. P Mill. Mia Mary Harry, who In nttmiit Ing Hiiihed llenrt 1 (invent, I homo 'or her vainllon. Mia Knlliiirllio t'olivell In alao Iioiiik frrm Kl.imutli Pnll, wlioro 1I111 I nttniiilliiR Hacred Heart con rout. cnrlilmnn wiik relohrnted with pproprliitn oiorrlae 11 1 tli re iiyterlun church Clirlatmn iivk Thin wa a community affair Thorn wo a tren and nfltr Ihn proRram Hantu ippearml niid 11 treat wn Riven ech PollowJnK wa llm program-Song-"Holy NlRht" Choir Anlhem "Thn King of (llory" . . . . Choir Hcrlpturn llnidliiR, Malt. 2 1 Mtmi Ora Offleld Hour "Joy to tint World" CoiiKri-Ratlon Prayer Itev. H, . KdRar lteadlnR"Wclroln'' ' Charlnno Wllaou Primary HonR "A l.tttln Wlah" Anthem "Coinn to Ihn Manger,, Choir Heading "If I (let n Chrlat ina Dolly" Loulan Haakln Solo "I livo V011" .. Dorothy Klmtiion IteadliiK "Hlar l)lvlnn' Alfred Carleton ICierclao "A Maiden Word" Hy Plro Children ItnadlnR "lllrthday Pannelln Offleld Solo-"Kventldn" I'aullmi (llacomlnl horn- "Thn KlraiiRer Htar" Duet "Itealgnatlon" Violin and I'lano ,n Walton Duet and Chnriu "(lift for tho Chrlat Child'' Mia Offlold mid Mary Tuylor and Choir. Heading "The Chrlat Child" Arlonn Taylor lolo "Tho lllrthday of the King" . Mr. Kdgar HeadliiR "Tho Wlan Mon" Neva Hlephonaon lolu "The MaiiRnr' . Margarnl Hill Duet and Choru "Welcome Him In,' Meadamra Hill and Kdgar and Choir. Offurliiua Hanta 'loaliin Hour "My Country Tla of Thro" . CongrrRatlon riaturdny wai the formal opnnlnR if tho Mtrrlll Drug company, and hey were boat durliiR tho day nml tvenliiR H.imlwlrhra, coffen and ce cream worn aerved durliiR tho lay. In tho evening word wa int to tbo church for all to como for ice cream, and a sveond invitation - as not neoded. Judging by the by 'rowd that Rathorcd. A trco was there, and tho children wero Riven undy and proaonts, and thoro was loiiibthlng for the older ones also. During tho day soma of Mr. Itoliln ton's own rompoaltlons wero played in "tho llrunswlck." Wo nro to bo! mngratulatcd upon having such an -ip-to-dsto storo, and also offlclont manager. Mrs. John Wolfo I vlaltliiR hero from her homo In l.o Mollnos. Cat. 3ho Is ut tho homo of her daughter, Mra. Cheater llaakln. Mr. and Mrs. It, II. Andvraon went to thn Palls Saturday to spend Christmas with Mr .and Ms. Chas. Martin. Bantu Cluus left a 1 It t lo daughter it thn homo of Mr. and Mr. Che. ter Haaklns Saturday, December 34, Mother and daughter aro doing nicely. Mlts l.oulso Prsiienden ot Klam ith Pnll, spent Christmas with Mr. ind Mr. 0. M. Morrltt. Mr, Qulaonhcrry of I.os Angeles was In Merrill during Iho weok. Mr, Qulaenbcrry Is ndmlulstrntor This Is a Good Clarence Oouclur, ot Uieim-iton. 'aBBBBBBBBTlfR MbSbKB PaclAc Fleet. "Battling Billy" wa diacharged from the V B battleship Texaa because lie treated otrlcvra too roughly Ills new vwuvr use him aa sparring parUur. Twcnty-Fivo Year SMmay vn SlVDvJ niLU'j P60THDO SCOTT TWOMPOOOAI. CMt VniD TOWM Dowrt TODWT IIY AUMT OARAM PCABOtrrLCAt(i or 1)10 soeioTY fOR aUM'RessioM Of Pipb jsmokiiq of hi uiiiit'n nntnlo, Mm, Clinton Vim llrlmiiicr, who wa a formor realdi ut i,f llil auction. In thn I'renliylerlan church Hun- day now member wero received Into tlm (hurrh, and thn nervlcca wero rondurted by Itev. Kdgar. Tho CnthAIIc ihurrh did not havo acrv Ire, iioimi K'jIur til tho Palla for church, The f.ndlea' Aid will give a nodal at thn Merrill hall Thursday. Thl I to Imi free. Word hn been received nnnnunc lug Iho inarrlage of Ml Marjorle Hiilhcrland and Itlchmond K'hculnr at llerkeley December 31. Mr Wheeler I n brother of Mr. O. II Curlntoii, and hu vlalted Klamath county aeveral time. Mr. and Mr. Wheolnr will make their homo In llerkeley a ' MAHOGANY BARS TO BE USED AS WOOD FOR POOR PEOPLE HimtOIT Mich , Dec 2S Dox en of mahoKnii)- walnut and teak wood bar, table and fixture from R.iloonn rnlilvd In tho Detroit dlatrlc allien tho ndtenl of prohibition, a dlaplny of hlRhly iollahed and coatl wood valued nt upward of $300,000 may tin chopped Into firewood and dlatilbuted iiinonR Detroit' poor. Of theao bar and table, oer which thouaand of elbowi hao been crook ed lind that In jear paat hno been nindo to RllMcn by conatant appli cation of towel In tha hnnd of white aproned attendant may bo convert ed Into hnnrlie for auguat judge? or Into pulpit beiuml which cinrRy- men will (land and volro the argu moiit for n aalonnlea world. Whllo atute and city prohibition forre am making up their mlndt which coiir lo pursue In dlapoaal of tho Milunlile atoro of wood, rat and "llc,, nro l',n,,nR navor w"h ,no bar' """ ,n"" " "",l ,a, """ uu",,,', in n neap near ono 01 me city a ponce station Under 11 otata law- prohibition of flctuls conflrcntn tho fltlures In nu natabllahmcnt found lo bo dlipenslng liquors. l.nckliiR 11 place to store IIipro artlile tho official hnvo piled them In a vacant plnco outdoor, thur creatlnR what tho pollen call the city' "mahoRany dump," JiiiIro William M. Ileaton ot lie corder' court hn decreed tho collec tion bo cut Into flro wood nnd given lo thn poor Othor proposo tho wntcr soaked pllo bn KalvnRPd and that the wood bo used to make pulpit nnd JuiIkp' benches Par display purposes tho wood la worth n fortune hut for firewood II In no bettor than the more plchlan varlellen. City official any that lo cut tho bara Into atova wood would cost more than It would bo worth for Hint purpose. Therefore tho proposal of Judga llpston will not bo put Into effect, for n time, nt least. Tho electric railways of tho United Stntos carry more than H.000.000, 000 pnssciiRer annually; ton times ns mnny 11 nra curried by tho steam rnllwnys. Story, Butt Wash,, Ilia ally eot tho coat of the Ago in Linkville R ENDS HAD TO ASSIST HER. WAHIII.NfJTO.V WOMAN IIMi SI'I'. I'Kltl.'D Ptllt VIIAItH AND WAS IN Di:i'MfTtlll.i: f XIMIITIO.V "I Jiut can't begin to tell all tho I Reed Tanlac hai done me, I feel and ' look llko n different pernon lnm tak , Ing It," nald Mr Anna Knnxlelter, Omak, WViah "About five year bro my health began lo fall I lot my appetite and rny Mow'aeh became o weak and up el that nothing iiRreed with u. My back hurt mo llko It would break In1 two and I would Ret o weak I would have to Rlto up and go lo bed. My neighbor had to raimi In and look after mo nt time, and I wa a ilea, pondont and mlacrnblo 0 any person over get to bo. Tanlac ha been a wonderful help to mo In every way I am o well and at ron k now I do nil my house work without getting tired and am able to enjoy Ufa again Tanlac cer tainly ha bean worth Its weight In Rold to mo " Tanlac and Tanlac Vegetable Pills am sold hy driiRglats everywhere. Adr. LONE PINE Mrs, KlRcr ha been qulto sick, but Is bolter. " Wm. Nlonmn left Saturday morn ing for Richmond. Calif., to spend Iho holidays with his son, Chnrles, and family. S. i:. Ennian and wife spent ChrUtms day nt J. K. Enman's. Mr. McKendrce and son, Scot, look dinner with tho Gecrtson's. Dr. nnd Mrs Suit nnd children, John Hannon and family of Merrill and Mr. Child of Klamath Palls, weo ChlMniH Ruests at C. II. KlRcr's home. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Semo and children went to Josso Johnson's for Christmas. Tho Christmas troo at tho school housa was well attended. Tho pro gram was well rondorcd. C. R. Klger nnd son, Eaten, went to Klamath Palls Saturday on busi ness. L. P. Oecrtson Is haullnc hay to Mrs. McKendrce's place. Knives limo been Invented to bo attached to cultivator to cut off weeds Excavating 1 earning Let as make yen a price on dig tng that basement, or other ex tavatlng you contemplate. We aUo do team work ot every description Phone 426-J Charlie's Tire Shop GAS and OILS 6th & Klamath Sts. WILL Tnk nut Cellar nr Fill In Lota CON MURPHY ni" Mortimer Ht, I'lione nll.W DR. L L. TRUAX WAIIRKN HUNT UOSFITAL Day Plume. 407 Night Phone, S CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lola O. nrldges Ovor Flrat Btato and Savings Dank Suite 105 Phone 103-J fMWWWWWWMWWWMVWrt)WMW E EAT T at tho Tho White Lunch Home Cooking A Hpeilnlty CIIIM CON CAItNi: t'HINIMi: NOODLKH HUMlAV CIIICKII.V KI.VNKH7.V 112a Mai.- rrrRKET Vrr ri tmmmrrv'irtf'VViftjfiJij DENTISTS Dx. E. G. Witecarwtjr i-nortu im Dr P. M. Noel PHOff 4 Over Caferwooari IUtmiU aad Mala MereeU wwwiwii a aaaawi LIMB AND BLOCK WOOD F. H. HEILBRONNER J. H. REA Phone 195-J or 239-R MECCA TAXI Ni:W CLOSED CAIIS PIIONK 15.1 E. DrLAMB I'HTHK.IAN AND HUltORON Phonee 17 W , 1711 Room 1 and While Ualldlar C. V. FISHi'R, M.D. DIHKAHKS OK TUB EYE. IZAIl, NOSE AND TUROAT GLA.HKK8 IT1T1CD AND KUHN1HIIUU Plume 07 MIO Main Htteet !-!- FRED WESTERFELD MCNTMrT Phone 4I4W. X-ltay I-boraic UwanU lUdg., Klaaaa-k Valla DR. GERALD F. WAIUIEN DENTIST rennennntly located at DorrU, Calif. SPEaAMST IS Crowns and Urldgo Work Prices Reasonable. Work Guaranteed Picture Framing Stinson Photo Shop 7th & Klamath NEW BUICKS for Hire Phono 77 KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP Kit MAIN STRKKT Phono 880 Flower for nil occasions. Cold Weather Ceming: Let Us Replace Your Broken Glass E. C. STUCKEY Uth and Pine Phone 477-W VyyVVxru-ij-Lru is ,,- fc. MAUU IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal for ham; MURPHY'S V1:KI) STORK ANDERSON'S QROUIITKIUA SUNKKT CIIOCKRV MfB. by HARRY TKLKOIIH lUWVWTfrtvrfiifi'i " ' DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Officii and Residence , Phones 821 I. O. O.'F. Temple 3. O. ClEanORN CIVIL BNOINEBIl AND SURVEYOR Phone 12J lit S. Rlrerelde CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert I). Mallett Dr. Q ox B. Mallett Office over Underwood' 7th ft Main Phone S39-J DR. & A. MASSEY ronrlh aad Pine )U. In Warren Hont Hospital OH. Phone 417 Raa. Phone KM VOCHATZER BROS. WKMj DRII.MUtS Giro U A Trial Phone 576-W. Coe's Auto Service Hudson. Buick, Dodge Cars Country Trips Specialty and PHONE 168 United Cigar Store 020 MAIN BTRKKT tW0fl0l00V0k00 OOee Phone 177W Raa 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pbysttiaa and Bargeoa White Dalldlng Klamath Falls Oregon GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep" Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls V1W SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I have constructed thro years of experience the only course ' that teaches you to play tha piano by NOTE and by EAR In 10 to 20 les sons. Write tor particulars, 701 11 to St., Klamath Palls, Ore. Phone 367R L. D. Gass, M. D. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT QLASSKS FUnNIBRED I. O .O. F. Dldc. Phone 99-W Rooms SO!, 203, 204 Ree. White Pelican Hotel. Phone 0 6th Street Bakery i BETTER BREAD" 126 S 6th Street UNDER NEW IAN AGEUENT HOTEL ARCADE Klamath Fall Free Dua Meets All Trains All modorn outitde rooms Rates reasonable II. A." KEMP, Manager CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert D. Mallett 'Dr. Oeo. E. Mallett Ottlce ore? Underwood'a 7th & Main. Phone 5S8-J. 2wWAAVWWVtfWtMAAAM Holliday Dairy Wholestilo and Retail ,.1'ntturlzcd Milk and Cream Phone 501-J. JWVVWWWMVWVArWrWrrAAAr DR. U. A. RAMBO j DoBtUt . J I. O. O. r. Balldtag J PHONR 61 I yyySV..Si'V "w-' ''Air,J Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1173 MAIN UT. PHONE M8-VV C3 DO por cont ot all Automobile troubles are caused by poor carburotlon and at least 10 percent ot this can be over come by using RAYriELD, bringing your motoring la conveniences to a minimum and you can still further re duce your troubles by having you repair work done by REX RENNER nt Wlilto Pelican Oarage KX-RKRVICB HEN, ATTButTlOiV Klamath Post No. I, American Legion meet at the City Hall on the first and third Tueadaye ot each month. Ex-service men are Invited to at tend the meetings. For membership card or Informa tion ex-service men nra requested to ace or write the following officer-.: J. II. Carnahan, Commander. Roy N. Foucb, Post Adjutant For relief ot employment aea or write the Chairman ot The Relief aad Employment Committee, Frande Olds, caro Lakeside Lumber com pany. Premium Dairy Oldest Retail Dairy la Ranch Phone 22F2 Office Phone 490-J TAMALE PARLORS Chinese Needles Spanish Dishes 240 Main St . NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds la Our Sud." PHONE 154 Corner Main and Cobcot Phone lle-J DR. W. A. LEONARD Dentist BpedalUt In Extractions. Oval Surgery and dlaeaaea of the month Room 10 over Qoldso Bale SAW MILL ENQINKKRIRO A CONSTRUCTION OO. Deetgnere aad balldera of era saw mills, plaalag aatUa ai box plant. Dredging. Pile drlftag. Phone aSeVW Office Corner Bprlag aad Oak Near 8. P. Deaot PELICAN BAT BUB rare 16e each war Learea Rex Cafe Leayea Pellcaa City 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a. am. 13:45 p. m. 1:00 y, u. 5:00 p. m. 6:10 p. aa. Reckard Rent Berrlea :-tt Phoae It DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND aOROBOsI a.O.O.r.Salldtac Pnoaeswe Reeldence 125 Pine, St. Phone 20O-R. KU la Lode N W I. O. a F. Meets Friday night ot each weak at I. o. O. F. ball, 6th and Mala streeta. Chas. Newman ..........N. O. W. C. Wella V. O. U. D, Mangue .- Secy. V. D. Cofer ..-.... ..Treae. ENCAMPMENT II. V. Drown ...... ..0, P. J. V. Drowbaker . W. L. J. McClnre Sertee Nate Otterbeln .,...... Treasurer KUmalh Fall Cyclary We are here to terra yea. aad aim to aenre you right. Motereyssef and Blcyclee. ParU aad Aoeseerlaa. Tire and Tabee, that wUl aUad yoor Inipeotloa. aa wa earrr tkd beat In oar Hae. Repair aaoa-aa, toaaeeUoa with Rarler-DaTfliia Rartlea. 110 o. . 4 '1 41 . :'