The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 27, 1921, Image 1

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    &fy umm$ Mztm
Tdnlghl nml Wjodnoiidny, rnlti or
Member of the Associated Pr
"' " ..... .'...'. """' ' -
. .il ;tfl. llllit ! i
rifit"" - -.
i niiiiiiinFir
M-rr tid: ixdktmkxt ih.hi'h
Mat Bntitrilny tiflornoon If you had
Mn fordiMiiIci riioiiKli lo havo boon
lo tod offlm ' JuhIIco of llui INincc
I U. OnBl'nK'1" J""1 w""'d I'livo liunti
flini (o Urn rnro sptictuclo of n Jus-
tics of Hi" pen overruling tliu hii court of tho t"l f Oregon.
't wero not surprised, for wo have
trcady icon onn lirnncli of tho (uiiii.
ir'l lovrrllliipiii amir uiiumor lino
on with '" ""urni ' '" iniiii on
j,ir0rito snvo tilinnolf from tlio con
icquoncc f III" failure In do IiIh
duty. Tlmo nticr Minn in our orrire
v havo seen hi deputies wlttinut
tij authority of Inw. Wo hnvu seen
ths 'coroner of tlm rounty comu with
replevin that wo Mtirured on
fill affidavit. Wo hnvu scon Hint
una official full In IiIh duty mid
through hi lllegnl net bocoino part
of Iho cnnsplrncy now In full swing
to gain possession of our property
by Illegal mentis. Wo hnvu neon tliu
district attorney's oflfco hornmn n
jiirt of tho sumo I1'"" mid liniird tlm
Bin who wan elected to proton nllkn
tho right f Iho "Into nml tlio In
dividual plead with thn Justice of tlm
Pfico to "prosumo Hint wo wcro
lollty of tho unprovon chnrRit of us
uniting nn offlror with n deadly
wtapon, "to wit, n loaded Rim." Ko
we wcro not surprised wwhun wo
heard Judge (Inghiignn ovorrulo tho
(uprcmo court of tho statu and rofuao
to dUnils tho on no. Wu would burn
been surprised If ho hnd uphold lilt
reputed reputation of fairness mid
honor by doing n ho should hnvo
done threw n thn rnsn out of IiIh
NOTIII) NCICm-iht ....
IIOtK,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,NH IP
VIJIlA nu-A. ,.,, ,.,
Dr llliunr.l II ...
" ' riHH
. nt ft
I """""'""rln.lli.,1,. ,,,
'ro tlilH month , ,. n
l"'n.lor t Mlllly V(,mv fiiy
nn, ..inrfl. fow.r. ,,, ,
'Mow fever in, . ,Hi
II Honmi I .i
TA r . .
., oiikgon, wiwimv. m:ri:Mi,i. ,., ......
- -., .
I it'u ...... .. ..
Ml JH 111! 11 IV till,. I..
A ..,,.,11. "Mil" in-
I "'""" tlllll In Tuxlu,,,.,..
- ."ii fin. t or Hi..
yellow fever !
- "T,,TfMMM
Prominent Hri.l..rH Will ;M,.,
Vine. tin ('.iinllthiiis nl
Lut Mirt nt Ver
Tlm 1m- ......1.1.. f.i . ..
..... ...,1 ...,m, i iiiiiii u.T or t lllll-
mnrrn Forum of tiM. ),.,ir iai u
Im hold UYilru'Nil.iy noun nml ll ,i.
Klven over to tlm illHnu,Nl, f t,
outlook fur liuMni'MK in 1932 n U
nth County
II I) Mnrti-iiiion, I'r.'Hlilent of lln
Pelican Hay l.uuilior Ci.nip.iiiy, linn
boon Kolodcil ,y , comiilltlto lo
peak on tho lumber bunlnonn for the
rnmliiB enr. K. II. Tlioimm, County
Acrlciiltiiro AkoiiI, will iIIi-cuik ncrl
riillurnl dovolopmeiit. II. i). N'mvell
First Game of Club Scries
Lost by Bearcats in
Hard Battle
y n Hc.inl innrRln of 12 nlim. 11...
Mifpi.iT,!, ilofoatr,! llu ,caruitl) ,
"'" flmt Rni.if of t,n Klk IowIIhr
ournmnMH nt tho Klk tcinplo la,l
HlKht. Tho RcorcH wre: Kliciihcrds
'V. "72, 897; licarcaln 70H, 800.
Wllillo th
Project MnnnRer of the P. H. It S.
court and tho ilUCrtct nltornoy nod wl" lnlk "n ""' conteinplated ihnol.
hit anlstnnt with It. Hut no Thnt "I"1"'"1 work of tho irrlRntlon din
would not Korvn Dm purpoio of thono! ,rlrl M"rlmll Hooper will uppnk ti
flit on thn trull of onn they have
planned to "xot", no matter what
tho coit
Hut they mlmiod their quarry You
would hnvo been nmunod If you could
ham aeon thn look of conalonintlou.
of aramotnent, of dlnnppolntmont en
their cnuntnunncoii when O'Neill unit
Irwin announced thnt tho dofonxo
would offor no ovlilenco. Thoy know
It meant n flxht Thny know thnt
thero would ho no trndo. They know
that their whole porjury-ntrown, law.
brraklnR, tyliiR trail would bo tin
cored nnd opened up to thn pcoplo
of Klamath couity und that thny nt
lait muni IhoiiinehoB Hlninl In thn
dock of public opinion nnd mntwer to
their maalera for their Ntowiirilahlp.
Wo rhnllnngo the dlMrlft attorney
to Indict im. W(o want thin whole
matter alrod In n puhlle trlnl, whom
erery participant tnken thn Htnnil nnd
under onth toll thn truth or per
jures hlmxolf and whoro tho people
of tho county will havo nn opportun
ity of hearing with thnlr own onrn n
alory thnt mimt no fill them with
amaiomnnt thnt thny will demand
an Immcdlnto clcnn-up of thn hunch
of crookn thnt Infnnt nomo of tho pub.
He office of Klamath county.
Wo w (hero nhow hy rompotnnt
wltnroseii that nearly ovory ngnnry
of tho law onforenment lirnnch of our1
county government has boon prosti
tuted In nn endonvor to shield Iho
aherltf. Wo w show Hint thn Inw
haa boon over-ridden, thnt porjury
has been commltteed nnd thnt n plan
wai on foot to rnllronnd to thn peni
tentiary those who dnrcd to opposo
their plans.
Yes, wo demand thnt Dlstrlrt At
tornoy nrower prndueo his Indlctmont
o that he, too, may fnco tho court
of public opinion, whoro wo enn show
that ho has hocomo n "puhlle por
acculor" Instead of a public prosocu
or; thnt ho has allied with him ns
his assistant n man who ndniltlcd to
husliii'si conditions In Renernl, repro-
renting tho banks, and Louis (iorbor
bns been selected from tho cnttlo
Industry and will speak on the future
of Iho nt tin business of the county
() M llorlor will preside
This, tho committee teeh. In n
timely program and will prove i..sucl
nlljr IntercktlliK to all of tho business
men In addition, special mimic Is be
ing nrrnngod ami the committee Is
looiilng rnrwnnl to u largo atti n
dance. ,
Tho miiriil bnrkluK of (bo Clinniher
of (.'oiunierro was givun the nuwly
organized Klamath Amateur Athletic
as'firintlnn at noon today when tho
board of directors wont on record as
fawirlug tho ussoclallou, Individual
iiiemberH oiprossliiR tho opinion that
thn Humiliation was 11 worthy enter
prise, it. hit Inn of support Prank
Howard, high school Instructor, will
appear nt thn forum tomorrow for a
(ho-iulnuli, nddress on tho purpoies
of tho association.
Hhnphcrds won two
games out of throe, n bail slump In
tho seeomi ,;, n,,ary irmlRhl ,,H.
nsler. As tlm kcoru Indicate, thn
games wero hotly contented nil tho
way through and tlm next games bo-
tv. ceii theso lennvi proinlso to ho oven
morn to.
The Druggist and Zurolcnu will
mix tonight, mid momborn of both
loams aru reiiuustiid lo ho on hand at
K o'clock sharii In order to mold
tho delay caused yesterday when sov-
oral of tho players wore late.
Tlm Individual scores lust night
for tliu Shepherds were: Parlllnrd,
.'): Alnutt, 461; McChire, 4T.2; Mc
Mlllan, 4B7; Wnttcrs, .12.1. Ilearrats:
Noel, 470; I'ndorwood, 447; McOco,
401; Houston, BIS; Ha)den, fifi2.
Tho management declares rtiat
theso corcs will bn ocllpsed In tho
games tonight.
Would Oblalu I'iniiilM' of ;,.,.,. JIII(
Woiiinii nml Cltllil Ciiiniry
Not to (in to War
WASHINGTON', I). C. Dec 27.
War ngnlnst wur Is hereafter lo oc
cupy tin, tlmo of Kngcno V. Debs,
freed from Atlantn Penllontlnry
t'hrlstmns through Kxccutlvo Clem
ency, nobs iiiiiiounceil today.
Dobs declared his determination to
obtain, If posslblo n vow from ovory
mnn, woman nnd child In this conn
try and ovcry rountry ho might visit,
that thoy would refuse, to tnko up
nrnui or go to war.
Day N Miirkcil lly Man lager, of
Prominent Voting People
Trio for ViiiingMnrv, Tliurwlay nnd
Pi ogi am I'rldny Mght
us that he was n liar: permitted I1I111
to iiki thn powers of tho office In
furthering his own plans; who Is a
direct party lo tho litigation Involv
ing all of this rontrowrsy; who re
pudiated his contract out of which
this whole question has nrlscn. That
man Is Wi A. Wlest
This wholo affair Is not n personal
one, so far as we nro concerned. Tbo
vnluu of the malarial Involved In In
finitesimal to what the cost to us will
he. Already It hns cost us thrco times
whnt It Is worth. In ho ond wo expect
thnt tho cost will bo n hundred fold,
but wo do not care If It Is u hundred
limes that, wo will not stop until tho
guilty officials of this county nro
forever removed from Iho porporlra
tlou of another such Infamous
rrlino nnd whoro thn right of oery
citizen sholl bo treated with tho rev
nrent respect that tho law demands
it shall recclvo
A good time for tho children of
Oddfellow nnd Itebcccas Is promised
Thursday night when tlio Oddfellows
will havo n Chrlstmns treo and an In
teresting program nt tlio I. O. O. V
Friday the first "Fifth Friday" en
tertainment will ho given. This will
bn open to fnmillos and friends of
Oddfellows mid Itebcccas. While, no
Information ns to tho form of this
entertainment Is nvullablc. thoso In
chnrgo of the proprnm promise sever
nl surprises which will go far townrd
making tho evening a success.
Ininlunlnry Petition Filed Against
Wnlrh Manufacturer
NI'.W YOUK, Dec. 27. An Invol
untary bankruptcy petition was fil
ed in tho federal court horo today
against Robert II. Ingersoll and
Itrothors, manufacturers of Ingersolf
Liabilities worn stated nt $3,000,,
000 and assets, oxcluslvo of good
will, nt S2.000.000.
Cupid and Krl Krlnglo together
contrived several weddings of nnto
over Christmas of this year, six nil
told. Pcrhopi tho wedding bringing
tho greatest surprlso wns thnt of Miss
orda Cozad, daughter or Mr. mid Mrs.
(1. II. Cozad, nnd Philip S. Pope Tho
sorvlco wns .rend in tho presenco of
tho bride's parents nt tho family
rosldcnco Christmas night by tho Rev.
Arthur like, of tho Presbyterian
At noven o'clock Sunday morning
Miss nizabcth Ann Orlgsby beenmo
tho bride of William h. Sanders. The
wedding was a quiet affair with only
closo friends and relatives as guests
nt tho coremony. Afior on elaborate
breakfast tho young pcoplo left on
tho morning train for Los Angeles
on a two weeks' honeymoon trip.
Saturday morning Hoy D. Ander
son and Miss Florcttn II. Masters
wero married nt the homo of tho
bridegrooms brother, W, II. Ander
son, by tho Kov, S. J. Chanoy. Tho
ring sorvlco was read In tho presenco
of a tew relatives uiwj .friends. A
wedding breakfast was served direct
ly nftcr tho ceremony and following
thnt tho nowly married couplo loft
on tho morning train for Itosoburg to
spend a brief honeymoon.
Two other weddings o'f tho week
end wcre: Alfred 1). Castcl to Miss
Mildred It. Savage, both popular
young pcoplo of Fort Klamath; and
Mnud II, Harrington to Clyde Hogun.
Mr. Hogan Is an electrician employed
by tho California Oregon Power com
pany. Another wedding of lutorcst wns
thnt of Miss Gladys M. Loftus,
daughtor of .Mrs. J. I). Murphoy of
Lakcvlew, nnd Joseph C, Avery, son
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Avory. Tho
ceremony wns a quiet affair per
formed In tho presenco of tho im
mediate relatives of tho couplo, nt
tho homo of Kov. and Mrs. Arthur
Rice. Tho ring service wns rend by
Hov. Illco at 11 o'clock' Chrlstmns
ovo. Hoth young pcoplo nro well
known in Klam'nth Falls, tho bride
groom being connected with tho
U. 8. It. S.
Committee of Nine Chosen
to Reorganize on
New Plan
PORTLAND, Dec. 27. Tho mom
bors of tho Oregon Dairymen's co
operative longuo today voted over
wholnvlngly to liquidate and wind up
tholr nffnlrs. When nil ballots wero
counted tho voto for liquidation wns
988 ngalnst 291. A commlttco of
nine, thrco from each zono wns np'
pointed lo urranga reorganization.
Tho directors called a second
election lifter tlio first ono racently
failed to bring out n representative
voto. Tho new plan would distribute
tho organization's plants among local
organizations In various parts of tho
hush peoim.i; said
Axai,6-inisii TitiaiTV
LONDON, Dec. 27. Sontl-
ment throughout Ireland, say a
dispatch to London papers, Is
overwhelmingly In favor of tho
Irish pence treaty. Iloports Indl-
caled that 90 percent of tho
peoplo In 2C counties of south-
orn Ireland want tho pact rati-
O'ltrN Xettupiipor Iteporter O Dimes
At Ilcnicmhrnnrc
.Muss Meeting It Jldp to I,nj' 1'lnns
' For Biff Afftifr
A mass meotlng of the Unlvorslty
club members wns held Saturday
night for tho purposo of completing
plans for tho collogo hop nt tho White
Pelican Thursday night. They cspocl
nlly dcslro that students homo for
tho holidays will consider themselves
Invited to this danco. Tho .hop Is not
for membors of tho club alono, but
for anyono who has over attended an
Institution of higher learning.
Tables will bo provldod for any
ono wishing to play cards In prefer
ence to dancing. Tho palm room at
tho hotel wilt bo used tor tho con
venience of thoso playing cards.
Speakers of Both Houses
and Senate Refuse to
Affix Signatures
SAL KM, Doc. 27. Louis Bean,
speaker of the Houso, announced to
day, In effect, that ho would not
sign tho Exposition measures enact
ed by tho special session. Ho said ho
would not sign until Bltner had
signed, and Rltnor has stated that ha
will not sign.
SAVANNAH, da., Dec. 27. John
I). Rockofollor passed through Sav
annah yesterday en routo south. Ho
was Interviewed nt tho station hy a
local newspaper reporter. When tho
Interview was concludod Rockofollor
said ho would give tho reporter
something to remember him by. Ho
then gavo him six 10-ccnt pieces, ono
for tho roportor nod ono each for his
wlfo his children nnd his mother and
cerpi.i: too 10011 to
PASSIAC, N. J., Dec. 27. Too
poor to marry. Thomas Brands, a
mill clerk, and his sweetheart, Matil
da Itist, a Stenographer, 17, ended
their lives with poison early today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlko Lavcnlk arc re
joicing over tho arrival of n little
daughter, at tholr homo on 9th St.
nt 1:00 o'clock yestordny. Tho llttlo
miss ha boon nmnod Bnrbara Lillian,
nnd hns been roportcd by Dr. Camp
bell and Mrs. Moore, who wcro In at
tendance, to bo 100 percent perfect.
Two-hundred sacks of candy wcro
given to children attending the froo
porformanco at The Strand theatre
Monday afternoon. A similar troat Is
In storo for tho youngsters noxt Sun
day, Ted Wblto has announced.
HONOLULU, Dec, 27 Tho Unlver.
slty of Oregon defeated tho Univer
sity of Hawaii football team yester
day 47 to 0,
shipments or butter from Australia
nnd Now Zealand of over 1,000,000
pounds hnvo hammered tliu already
low prlco of extra cliolco butter to
4 1 Ii cents. A week ago butter was
quoted at 47 Hi cents.
PORTLAND, Dec. 27. Cattlo 50c
to 75c higher prlmo light, $9 to
J9.25; shoop, weakj'oggs, weak and
unsottlcd; butter, weak.
PORTLAND, Doc. 27. Mandamus
proceedings ngalnst President Rltnor
of tho Senate to nttompt to force him
to sign tho Exposition measures pass
ed by tho Scnato Saturday are being;
considered today by tho Fair promo
tors. This would glvo opportunity to
tho supremo court to test the validity
ot tho 15 to 14 majority which At
torney Ocnoral Van Winkle advised
Rltnor was not sufficient, holding;
that slxtoon votes aro necessary not
withstanding that tho Senate had
only twenty-nino acttvo mombors ow
ing to tho recont death ot Senator
Jiornl Boxer to Pit Skill AgPIni
Veteran of Cuntlcw
Bins: DuttlcN
SACRAMENTO, Doc. 27. Thomas
Grace, for over 25 years Dlshop of
tho Roman Catholic Dloceso of Sac
ramento, died today after an Illness
of several months nt tho nge ot 81.
Tho caso of Earl Martin, ono ot tho
victims In tho recent liquor raids,
whoso caso was continued until to
day duo to tho nbsenco of sovoral or
tho states' witnesses was being hoard
In the Justlco court this afternoon
Leonard Given Three Months nml
nusterofr $100
Below is printed the provisions of the contract
under which the Herald Publishing Company claims
the property of the Record Publishing Company.
"And the parties of the first and second part
(E. J. Murray and The Herald Publishing Com
pany) each for himself and itself respectively, here
by covenant and agree that in the event that the
party of the third part The Record Publishing
Company) shall fail to exercise this option on or
before December 10, 1921, then nd,,nItna1teert
the said E. J. Murray, first party, and Herald Pub
lUhing Company, second party, shall and will pur
chase the common stock of said Klamath .Record
Publishing Company for the sum of three thousand
dollars ($3,000.00) and they agree to pay 'to the
holders of said common stock said sum of $3,OOU.uu
on or before January 10, 1922."
(Signed) The Record Publishing Company.
By DON G. BELDING, President.
W. A. Wiest, Secretary.
The Herald Publishing Company has paid in
cash and its equivalent ,oyer $00 to Mr Bed,, g
na ivir. wiest ana oiieruu mem --
PORTLAND, Dec. 27. Jamos
Leonard of Klamath Falls ploadcd
guilty Saturday before Judge Bean ot
tho fcdoral court to nn Indictment
which charged violation ot tho pro
hibition law on thrco counts, and was
sentenced to thrco months In tho
county Jail, Leonard on Friday plead
ed not guilty to tho counts which
charged him with manufacture of
liquor, but on Saturday changed his
pica. Ed Dustoroff ot Klamath Falls
also pleaded guilty to violation of tho
prohibition law. Judge Bean fined
htm $100, taking Into consideration
tho fact that he has already spoilt
fifty-three days In Jail.
On Christmas Eve
Ho walked blocks out ot his way '
Through tho deep snow
And came to our house
And Knocked on the door
And called "Merry Christmas!"
And handed us a packago
AllUono up In ribbons
So we askod him to corao In
And havo somothlng hot
nut ho was in a hurry
To make other calls
And bring Christmas cheer
To tho kiddles
Who were waiting
On this night of nights
And oven though ho wore
Just ordinary clothes
Without whlto furs
Or Jlnglo bells
Nor had a groy beard
Or prancing refndeer
At once wo know
That this was Santa
Because he brought good cheer
As well as presents
So wo want to thank him
This modern Kris Krlngle
The )nat carrier
Whothor Earl Ritchie, prldo ot
Klamath, or Jack Downey, ot San
Francisco, veteran of countless ring
battles, Is tho best mitt artist will
bo docldod Friday night, December
31, when tho two will meet at Mc
Donald's hall In the main event ot
four schedulod for the ovenlng.
From all reports, Rltchlo will have
a man-sized Job on his hands that ,
night. Downey Is said to havo gone
against Dempsoy, Fulton, Wills and
other noted ring champions, and to
havo made a crodltablo showing
against tho best ot thorn. The result
ot tho fight will do much to establish
Rltchlo's ability as a real fighting
machine, It Is felt by many boxing
fans horo,
Harrington V Vincent
In tho 133 pound class, fans will
bo trcatod to a repetition of tho re
cent go botwoon Kid IL-trrlngton, ot
Klamath Agency, and Kid Vincent,
ot Los Angeles, who furnished a fast
go In tho recent match at McDonald's
hall recontly when Vincent was al
lowed the decision on a foul after
Harrington had floored him several
tlmos In tho socond round. Both
scrappors wero dissatisfied with the
outcome of that fight and havo
wanted a chance to scrap It out to a
Another Interesting match will be
botwoon Bobby Allen and Young
Ritchie, brother of Earl Ritchie, 145
pounders. Both havo established re
putations nnd a good fight Is In pros
pect. Sailor Hall of this city, and Sailor
Chlldors, ot San Francisco, will trado
sleop-makors In tho 150 pound class,
while tho redoubtable Toughy Ander
son and his old opponent. Boh Fltz
almmons, will as usual open the even
ing with ono ot tholr Interesting
Dally workouts, which are froe to
tho public, aro being, bold at Mc
Donald's hall each afternoon at 2:30.
SALEM, Dec. 27. Tho Oregon Su
premo court today upheld the convic
tion ot George Howard ot Vale, Oro
gon, who was charged with first de
gree murder, Howard. was convicted
of tho murder ot George H. Sweeney,
The Cyclo-Storm'agraph at Under
work's Pharmacy has registered a
rising barometric pressure for the
last 12 hours, and as It Is now well
within the fair weather area the
probabilities are that tomorrow will
be fair. At, our elevation, however,
changes occur with comparative
swiftness. Following a rising barom
eter Saturday morning a fall com
menced shortly after noon and chang
ed the whole complexion ot probable
weather, and the storm of Sunday ap
Forecast tor next 24 heurs:
Generally fair 'weather, probably
cool, with variable winds..
The Tycos recording thermometer
registered maximum .and minimum
temperatures today, as follews:
High...... ....-..;. 0
I , i i i iii i
Iman.M mii ii n I '- ,'. ( .
wie oaiance aue.