The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 21, 1921, Image 1

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4' ,
Tonight anil Thursday, rain ur
FlftVnlli Von r. No, UUOI
Ex-Servlcc Men Restricted
by State Measure From
Paying Back Bills
HAI.h'M. Dec 31.- Tim ftrat bill
passed by that stain legislature, In
special session, waa a measure pro
viding Dial money received ly ex
service men under tint slatn liunua
art ahall not tin applied on payment
of debts contracted before receipt n(
thn bonus money
Tlia senatn ynlerdsy sustained tlm
govnrnnor'a vrtu of six measures
passed at Ilia lat regular session.
Hot wnrda worn exchanged last
nllht before tlin llousn roada com
mittee between Arthur Hpences, n
Union Paelflr attorney, "ml John
ogsn, representing the Motor lluss
association, over provisions which
Spencer aald would mako possible thn
granting of oxrlualvn franehlaes In
motor bua lines.
After a brUk debate, thn hounn at
noon today, hr an everwhelming: ma
jorltr lalil on thn table thn motion br
Dennett, of Coos County, to poitponn
Indntlnltnly thn illreet property tai
bill, and aa renult this measure
along with gaaollun and Income lax
Mill will bo considered by thn Heme
thla afternoon, The vols Indicated
that thn House la practically unit
(or thn "Oregon 125 Exposition."
thn only question being aa to thn bout
method of financing.
Thn Henatn pasaed over thn veto
of thn flovernor Moaer Mill of tail
regular aeanlon, providing for thn reg
ulation motor bua llnea by Public
Service commlaalnn. Senator Eddy
obtained Ibn promise of tho exposl
lion leadera to put Into thn gaaollnn
Us bill, a provision that out of $3,
000,000 ralaed ten prr'ent shall go
to rountUi, according to thn pro
portion aaln of gasoline, for thn pur
pose of preparing county exhibits at
thn Exposition.
SALEM, Dee. 31 -Two bill, rrlal
log to Irrigation meaaures, vetoed by
thn Uovernnr follow Init the last ses
alon of the legislature, pasaed by
thn llouin today
Henatn 1IIII No 373 Introduced by
Senator Upton, allow Irrigation dls.
trlcta to makn entry to Inmln after
posting cases bond or aecurlly bond.
Under thn present law entry cannot
be madn until condemnation proceed
ing! have been Instituted and a court
Judgment reached reimbursing land
owners, Thn new law provide pay
ment for land to be taken out of ch
or eecurltr bond after rntidemnntlon
proceedings, but will allow districts
to develop prnjecta without waiting
unttll litigation la aetlled. Under thn
provisions of Hounn bill No. HZ, In
troduced by Representative Over
turf, Director! of Irrigation district!
urn allowed In change thn dntn of
their annual meeting from January
In October, Thn bill also provides that
Interest charges arising from delin
quent Irrigation taxes shnll bo re
turned In Irrigation districts Instead
of tho general fund of tho county.
Tho following telegram was receiv
ed today by A. L. Wlshard from
Senator J, Upton!
"Re-passed Irrigation hill over
governor's vein. It gives penalties to
district and rovera other charges
numtlnncd In your letter."
First Consignment From New riant
Weighs a.flOO round
The Malln Cheeao factory mado Its
first shipment of chncso this morning
through the local Walls Fargo Ex
press company. A, allna, a merchant
of Malln, brought tho f0 rases Into
town for shipment, They weighed
about 3500 pounds, und worn hilled
to San Francisco, according In J. J.
Parker, express agont.
If present plan are carried out
the factory wilt mako weekly ship
ments of SO cases each and with a
total weight of from .1000 to 5000
DUBLIN, Pee, 21, -Opposition to
referring the Anglo-Irish treatv to
the Irish eleetoratn was voiced by
Oaorce Cavan Duffy, or of the
treaty negotiators, In an argument
far ratification WW till U NlM
Mil toAKi
Large Number Prrweiit Ml Annual
Dlrttloil of HlMinnlli
PoM No, N
. Dr Fred Wen turf eld was ulecled
commnniler of Klniniith Tost No V,'
American Legion, at thn wnuual eloc-
tlon held In ll.o Union rlul, rooma!
last night Other ofllrera went elud
ed aa follews: '
Vlru-romnuiiuler, Marlon Nine; ,
Adjutant, II. E. llculs; treasurer, , .
lloy Oniml Executlvo committee, J
II. Cara.u.a. IU McCull.-y. Elmer l-AKKVIKW, '. "
Slukel J. I. Knder and Curl Helm-M"'' Thu llMiM). Tlio bul
L)ir( lint that penetrated thn arm of Hen
.Despite Inclement weather, n large "'inon. who. with C. K. llanlster.
number attended tlm miHjtlng nnd np- "''"l ' J"1'" !'"'. the drink
proximately 97 ballots wern rast crated Jitney driver, In Paisley,
Many of themumher-i wern from out-ws removed today and a rapid ro
lying districts and had not been seen covery Is looked for. Arrange;
at lglon meetings since tho Inst J nietits are being made to locato tho
election, During tlm evening buffil) bullet that entered llanlatcr'a chest
luncheon wan served through iiiurl -
cay of the Women' Auxiliary
This was thn first merlliiR held
In thn now ouartura In thn haaeincn
of thn courthouse, which Is being
furnished by thn U'glon with funds
reallind through Armlstlin Day acti
vities Dr. II. D. I.. Stewart, head of
thn building committee, reported
that other furniture would be provid
ed as soon as possible
Thn call for a basket ball team to
roinpeln with thn High school team '
Friday night brought out n aiuadi
consisting of K, A. Mwrence. (tcorgn
Ogle, W W. Wlnnlngham. Hay J j
Harrow, Paul Hilton. II
:v"T "m;;,;: k;,;;.i
... ,.,,. ,, .. rt-i i,
C fesncr
Ambron, K
Percy llurkn and
plnyera wilt report fur practice to
nlgbl at thn rooms of tho Klamath
Amateur Athletic Association, corner I
nf ivnnh .n.t Ki.m.ih li I. tilannml
to have two Legion learns to Join In
the proponed series of games to bn
given In conjunction with Ihn high
school, Klka and University club, aa
well as teams from other towns, till
of which will be held under thn sua-1
pices ot tlm athletic association
Hurotd Clirlsty, former wruatllng
champion of Camp U-l. volun -
loD.ed to represent ihsMoi at nth -
letlr tojrnaments. and will prove
valuable member both for tho Lo-
glon nn (I for the athletic association.
W T Mayberry. of Algomn, played
basketball with the Marino team at
Marn Island. Many of the others arc
experienced players and will go far
to strengthen the legion team.
Wrrtl lo-l Held I'p lay Troublo on
Mai nUso NVnr t'oinm
Thn local nmsenaer train was Into
last ulghl. arriving here at S: 48. The the went liquor raids, was arraign
delay was due to a wrock on the , cd In tho Justlcn court this morning,
main line, near Corum, California, but due lo tho ubaonce of several of
whom aevcral freight enrs went off tho states witnesses, who aro In Tort
the track. Members of tbo train crew ' lond on a federal case. Judgo Oag
report that tho deepest snow they'hagon continued the hearing until
have encountered Is nt Urny, Kouth of
Klamath Falls, w hero n foot and one
half has fallen In Ihn past few days.
Weed has about thn samo amount ns
wo haro here, and they snld this
morning that tbo trains over the
Siskiyou mountains wero having no
troublo with tho snow.
Know Plow Additl
Aa an extra precaution, the local )
loft the yards this morning with ul
small plow attached to Ihn " cow-'
catohor. Tln.i only troublo on tho lino J
between Weed and Klamath Falls
encountered yeslorday was tho derail- j
Ing of three cars of tho local freight
train at Dray, caused by Ire and snow
on the rails.
The pasaongor holiday traffic Is
growing heavier every morning,, and
the arrivals at night are growing
fewer ns tar ns outside visitors are
concerned, but homo folka aro com
ing In every night to spend Christmas
with relative! hero.
Hardwood Manufartrer Declared
Restricting Trade i
WASHINGTON, Doc. 20. Tho
government yesterday won Its suit to
compol membors of tho American
hardwood manufacturers association
to terminate cooporatlvo selling
methods and agreements alleged to
have boon adopted for tho purpose
of eliminating competition and to
maintain prlcos. Justice Clarke, In
delivering the decision, said It was
cleat from the evidence that the vlo
was a combination to restrict prodttc.
tlonnd Increaao prices, Calling tho
organlxatlon "an open competition
plan" was merely putting an old evil
la a niw druif win Mid 10 u m
Clarke's opinion.
If? iaiimmg Herald
-J' I I 'I H Hill Mil III 111 II M I I I. I
o!i- nti, Ctnrv nt
Bannlter Den,Ci Mory f
Liquor Deal Related
by Jitney Man
by means of X-ray photographs, and
ns roon as this Is done It Is planned I
il.lo remove It. lloth men are rest-
t Ing easily, and no serloun troublo Is
ntlrlnnted na a result of tho In-'
It la believed that both men owe,
thrlr llvrs lo thu fict that Daruyj
was drink crated and used poor over both ends of thn Southern I a- Itrport 'Serloualy
ammunition. Neither of the bul- clflc bridge over tlm 8an OahrM
lela penetratod very deep, and thul river, near Kl Monte, IS mllM from) SEW V0lK Dec 2i.No devel
doctora believe that both men will Loi Angeleg. and trains from lcr- opmenU Thg W1I today's report.
mako rapid recovery. Dersey used
a ..12 calibre Colt's long-barrelled
ii. .i.i.. ia.v .i-ni.,1 id. inr'
.,M..-r - ...w ...v
--- -jz:rw"
hiiu iiih-u i v-j ....- -i . ., . .Il.nririinluil e" ' ,a,"' soriouaijr imun iiibiiou
In ..Id that Darsey had been1 "'" ""' would be """"""'' j (o broker., predicting that by night
around Paisley for several dsyi and nicVPTRAI I fAMF Ml ovor' kJr,cr"Pr within a five-
had consumed u great deal of Illicit lbl PAJKt 1 DfltL VAIY,C,1 block radius of the Stock Exchange
hl'k'"r' na na,J brn UUJ1-1 ,0,.ll,k Association Will Open Hr-
a good deal of raillery by tho men
ul' wn. This, together wlth'tho
effect of the whiskey Is believed to
have temporarily unbalanced his
mind, resulting In the shooting.
, Mnf M ded 8)(l.
. B Bl ch un , .
,.,,, ,... of np.rlv . yc,r Thl1
, .. u , .... ,,.i.i,
body was brought hern to the Whit-
lock I'ndcrtaklng parlors Sunday.
. ,,..., ,., ,,, '
,,,, nflernoon. Tl.o deceased.
who hM Uwl al choqu,n for ,,
o u ,urY.,, ,,y hcr
nU(bani c Corb. blacksmith,
, .mail daughter of 10 or II years.
and several grown children
KAItl, MAHT1N lllUlll.Sfi
I Karl Martin, one of the Mctlrft! In
December 2"th.
I.. 11 ' ;
Member of the Associated Press.
AM) wives auk pi;i:vi:d.
Tho harassed huabntiil, urgud
by frlond wlfo lo simulate u
pack-homo on shopping expedi
tions, will lie happy todnr On
thn other hand, friend wife will
roalstcr disgust.
Merchant! may bu punted,
but kiddles looking forward to ,
Chrlstmaa will bo happy.
And all liefnuio today, Dc-
cembor 21, Is tho shortest duy
of tho (ear.
MM l Southern CoJIfornU Arc'
Oam.l by Henry IUIn. I
u K j
1.08 ANOBLBS. Dec 21 -IUII-'
road traffic In Southern California 1. 1 Impaired and considerable
damage has been done to roadbeds j
by tho heavy rains of the last two,
days, according to report received ,
.-i.i.. . ih. l.n. AnrMes Times. '
-nalde and woshouts occurred ,
, c,jon .,M Hier,, the Santa Ko
,neH ,ro u,c, by trains of that rail-,
. n, hv ihn Hinithnrn Pacific and
I " -. - -- - t
Union Pacific, actonlliig to reporta
from San Uemardlno
Water wa reported to bu wasjilnr
sldo were detourea tnrougn r u l0r-,
ton. A part of the 8anta o brldgo
over tno same ,..,.... .-... ;
ionroiia, m i "vv" i
Monrotla. wa sain io nam mvu
on Tomorrow Night
Tho Initial basketball games to bo
held hero by tbo newly formod Kin
math Amatour Athletic association
wltt bo held tomorrow In the assocl-
atlon quarters. Fourth nnd Klamath,
when tho high achool nnd McrrlU
teams will meet. Following a practice
game between tbo- American-Legion
an dthe high school Friday night,
tho Klks will play Merrill.
Decauso of tho great Interest which
attended the formation of tho nthlo-i
tic association. It l felt by tboso who
l'vo hecn actHo In the organization
that the success of futnro athletic
entertainment Is assured. It Is plan-
ned to start n membership campaign
t once. Annual membership will bo
!. Payable $5 semi-annually, mem-
! rooms and gymnasium at nil times
and half-price admission to athletic
It Is planned to keep the organl
xatlon purely amateur, and no one
that haa participated In professional
athletic vnts will be permitted to
represent thu association In athletic
John Houston, Dr.. Paul Noel,
Frank Howard and others have been
active In the organlxatlon work.
Capital Stock
Will Receive $1.75
January 25
Al B roMbg Mi December 20.
Ihn board of dlreclof. ot. tho Calfor-
"' Own Power comp-ny declared
tho regular dlvldant ot I1.7G a share
'" !' Preferred PlUI "toe of 'the
.pany. payable January 25, 122.
to .tockholder. of record on
"7 lu
This Is according to Information
received hero today by J. C. noyle.
lo' manager for the company. He
advised that this dividend Is for
Oio quarter ending January la,
l' nrl amount,to IJS.850.
i,, Manlmttaa Ilefusca to
)oth on th ge(
..Mnn.4 ,ntn.lnn avalnat
h . bcn warncd
an(J he KOTOrnmenri rMtlgatlon of
,h. iin m..
11.. ...w .-.
would bo laid low.
William J. Ilurss. chief of the bu
reau ot Investigation ot the depart-,
ment ot Justice, waa still here await
ing cabled reports form Warsaw con
cerning the arrest of Wolfe Linden-
feld, alleged acquaintance ot Lenlne,
( ( connccton viih the 1920 explo-
slon. He professed himself mystified
at the.rum-arrital of any inch jepqrtaJ
and acanned with Interest Associated
Tress dispatches, volunteering the
comment ttiut the correspondent was
getting "good Information."
WASHINGTON, Dee. 21. The
llrltlsh delegation today cancelled
the rcrcrvatlona on the steamer leav
ing December 31. being satisfied that
little chance of finishing the arms
conferenro before tho middle of Jan
rOHTLAND. Dec. 21. Cattle
steady. Hogs 10c to 20c higher;
prlmo light, 18.50 to $8.75. Sheep
25c lower; best quality lambs, $8.25
and $8.75. Kggs firm. Dutter
Wheat, $1.04 to $1.10.
New Kxecutlve IkcroUrjr Ajuouocyi
ConstrxictlTo Progrmm for
(oiuiaiK Year
That the Chamber of Corumerc
will confine IU activities' for thn
coming year or two or three para
mount problem, rather than over a
large number, and that In doing so
It was felt that the complete corpora
tion of all agencies In thli city could
be relied upon, was the keynote of
the Initial address of T. A. Stevenson,
newly appointed executive secretary,
at the forum luncheon today.
In Introducing Secretary Steven
son, Prealdent J, A. Gordon said that
while be would not at that time take
up In detail the proposed program of
the chamber, which had previously
been ,mad public, ho waa aura It
would meet with the unqualified ap
proval of all.
Secretary Stoveneon, In discussing
ehambor of eommmit work , ,,
enl d,Tered torcttul addreti
-which was well received by the for
The Dalle! Has Heavy Fall of Dswk
Color; Dllnard Ragtag
TUB DALLES, Dec. 21. Central
and E&itern Omnn refftnna aritarnl
to The Dallea are experiencing a
' "hlaV" innv.lnffl, .mamm.U m
a howling east wind and falling tern
poratures, according to report re
ceived here and based upon local ob
servations today. At Moro at 9
o'clock It wa reported that six or
seven Inches ot snow had fallen, and
that a billiard waa raging. The snow
was drifted In some place! three feet
deep and wa almost as black a ma4.
HOOD RIVER. Dec. 21. With
about eight Inches of saow on the
love! Hood River l enduring the
coldest spell of the season. Early
thli morning the mercury registered
12 degrees above, but at 10 o'clock
itToto 18 above. A eurjoils feature
of tho storm I that the snow, which
felt Sunday night 1 yellowish and
the explanation la given that the)
strong easterly wind, which pre
vailed during-tbo storm, carried dust
from Kastern Oregon points. The
snow Is packing well and affords
good travel for both automobiles and
sleighs. All fruit Is In storage, with
no possibility of loss.
Miucle Shoal Can Da Profitably
Improved, Rays Beach
WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Seven
and one-half millions of dollars "can
be profitably expended" In new work
on the Muscle Sholss. Alabama, ni
trate and water power project during
the fiscal year of. 1923. Major Gen
eral Reach, chief ot army engineers,
gays In his report today to tho Secre
tary of War.
Work on tho subject was shut
down lst April ns n result ot the re
fusal of Congress to appropriate fur
ther funds for It and the govern
ment now Is negotiating for the sale
and lease of the plant to Henry Ford.
gtOO Designed for Poor People Is
Stolen by Thug
CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Two bandits
robbed an emissary ot .Santa Claus
last night ot $490 designed to aid
' , poor families.
P. If. Maynlban, member ot tho
Illinois Commerce Commission, mot-
' orlng homo after taking up a colloc-
' tlon at public meetings to buy fuel
and food for the poor of tho South
Chicago mill district, was held up.
"You don't want this money," he
argued. "It's for Santa Claus to tako
care of the poor kids."
"Wo don't believe In Santa Claus,"
tho robbors Jeered as they took the
'County Infirmary Turn Munage
i ment Otc to I,ate Arrhal
I A new superintendent, as well aa
n hlghly-prlied Christmas present.
j arrived at tho county hospital at
2:30 yesterday afternoon when Em-
est Lee, 8?i pounds, was born to
Superintendent and Mrs. J. H. Short,
I E3.8uperlntendent Short says he Is
glad the office will be retained by
a member of the family, as It wquld
' b tough luck to be turned out In the
eetd during thla weather. Both the
new lupirlntendent Pd 'Mr. Hhcrt
m doing will.
ASMxmm i
City CmuicU DkMm far
Parch f Fira
'After a thorough eiasafaatle aa4
discussion of the eaglae tmaaf .
submitted to the eHy br fr 4iMr
ent eoaceraa, the city eaaatll la $
meeting last jlgat decla4 aunt
the bid f the State Maaity, wttah
wa $11,400 for the 1M fNM Iff.
Both bid for fln alarm aaalasjuat
were reject a Mac egeeaelre aatt
not complying with local raanfee
raent. "The decision to acoept tk aHxrta
bid came after aa larestlgsUea at
the merits of the varloo eejalpmeflN.
which Included reports from fir AV
partmeat mechanics all over Uw
country." said W. O. Smith, ehalr
maa of the fir caarmHt . "to aMt
Uoa, several haaarat sleHara weft
pf additional MilfaMBt, wMea waa
essential here, waa telaM la taa
StoU specification. Aa there waa Ht
Ue difference la the W. we feast
first to consider the merit of the
apparatus and adaptlblllty to loeal
condition. The Stats pump, wo
found. Is more modorn than boom of
the others, and equipment for Bama
Isg water out ot the take waa In
cluded." Alarm Xot AeHsvtaM
The tire alarm specification were
fouasl to bo unadaptable la setae re
spects, while certain portleaa wore
omitted which aro ascioaary here.
The council dedded that aifreal
matlyT2000 coald feo save at taa'
bids were aahmltted aceoratag to loe
al specification, and will readrertlee
for bla.
Both the fire alarm system aasl taa
Langlne pamp lalhla swrch4 la
accordance with the vote cast at. tho
special election a year ago, whoa
$15,000 wa voted for the pamp aai
$10,000 for aa alarm aystem, to bo
Included In the tax budget. Aboat 75
pe rcent ot this amount haa come
Smith said.
The fire committee, which la com
posed ot Councilman Smith, Hawktaa
and West, wa In session nearly all
day Tuesday considering tee bids.
The council meeting Iaat Bight did
not adjourn until attar midnight.
Anglo-Irish Pact PisrramTsjei MS
Timea Since Tens Agrees! eat
LONDON, Dec. SI. Five huadrod
and ninety-five breaches ot the trace
In Ireland have occurred alnce tho
unsigned terms were agreed aaoa.
Thomas Watter Drown, Attorney
General for Ireland, told the House
of Commons.
The Incident Include 206 kidnap
pings, in IU ot which the person!
kidnapped are known' to have beea
released while 150 ot the other
breaches relate to drilling, etc., aot
Involving Interference with Individ
uals. "Has anybody been punished for
these very serious offenses ot kid
napping?" the questioner Instated.
"A number ot persons have beea
punished," was the Attorney Qeaer
nl's brief reply.
In making a turn at the Intersec
tion ot Main and Eighth street, at
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon,) the
car driven by Jack McAulttfe, acat
tloman from the Fort Klamath eoun
try. struck the curb on the 'light
handslde ot Eighth, and crnaipled
! tho right bind wheel of hi Bulek
' six.
The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Uaaer
wood's Pharmacy registered a Hetag
barometrla pressure during tho early
hour ot this morning and tat: we
followed by a partial clearing at of
the storm. But since tea o'elook K
ha been falling steadily and rather
precipitately, which seems to latteato
thst another disturbance t oa tho
way or that brisk wlad are coat
ing, r.
Forecast for naxt 14 hourrj
Continued unsettled wthar:
probably more snow and freeh
"" !. il
The Tyco recording tkeroooMtW
registered tbo following mutattMs
and minimum temforataroi, teday:
HlJjJB teeiVV
LowhI tMrffaWf If !