Ij? fcmmmg Itentlii WEATHER FORECAST Tonight mill Wednesday, rali, l'n I r In cnht portion nf nlnlu. Colder tunlglH. NEWS OF THE WOW BY THE ASSOCIATED MUM , Member of the Associated Press. klamath vk,n, okkuo.v, ti;i:hdav, di:i;.miii:ii in. iosi Fifteenth Vrur No. iihi I PRICK TVI9 4 i CITY FINANCES ARE DISCUSSED By COUNCILMEN Refunding Bend Ordinance Patted and Financial Statement Read Affnlrs iirluliilim lit Urn financial ninilltliili or llin city were dlsriused Imillilnht nt tlm meeting of tlm rouil rll nml two Important features wore taken up, tlm pnaanxn of mi iirdln- nnrn confirming, notifying ami ap proving thn iMtinncn of f rtB.dfln re. funding bnnila, (tlm form nml roup, una lining specified,) nlio reading of thn financial statement of Hi" ac count of tlin firm four paving nulla. tkalarr r.liMTKrncr KaUU Councilman MeCollum dcilnred 1111 cmcrRenry misted In tlm city's fin ancial atfalra owing to tlm defaulted payment nf tlm rtly bnnda which full Our October I, ami Inlroiliicnl mi orillnanco providing for tlm emer gency In which (he refunding Immla nmnunllhR tn t.".,unO authorised tiy a aperlal election Thla ordinance ratified, approved ami confirmed tlm aalo of thn Immla to eaatern bonding house Thn tnntmy la eipecled In by thn end nf thU tiiunlh In meet tlm defaulted payments iliip In Ortnlier tlm council wan Infiirnii-.i) Slnlmwnt lii Detail Thn flnnnrlal latemnt of tlm flrat four paving imlla atiMxt on De cember 1 follows llulamn In flrat unit. $.'..7:3 Ot. overdraft, KM3 7fi Second unit. bnlalirn 3,ltl (.$. ovnr .Iraft, $l.29 39; Thlnl unit. $1. MMI, overdraft. 3S.S1 ; Fourth unit. It. ODD -3. overdraft, f!t2:.3.. 09. With tlm deficit balance of IS. 67S.39 ami overdraft of ISfin fi3 In tlm flrat unit. 3.3i.Hi nml over draft of 171 HO In tlm trroml unit, anil 3,6113 10 ollli un oterdrnfl nf $653.35 In thn thlnl unit, tlm lott ing unlti showed a lo'nt deflrlt hnl- nrn of 37,3.t.l: with - vnlraf l against tlmm nf $ll.33n T,i Hldenalks llriliit Kidowalka riinn In for aouiii ilia- ruailon following thn reading or a report by Counrllnian Hmllh, who haa been IntfatlsallnR thn altuatlup with a vlow to propoilnc a uniform concrcto eldewalk plan alt over lha city In the spring. Thn report waa adopted. Itoma contained In thn report wern: A report upon thn broken walk In front of thn K H. Henry property at 345 North Hlxlh street, a promlKn of linumillatn repair tin. log obtained from thn rrulcr; I. Torwllllgor. 3 IS North Hlxlh street, looan atep nailed ilon by Tcrwll- Iler upon notification; A. J. I.ylo, 607 1 1 1 Kit it reel, nuuril mil inlsslnR, not repaired on aecond Inapnctlnn by alduwalk cnmmltten; HniiKhtnl ling property on KlRhlh atreet be tweon I'lnn and HIrIi, owner wnnta to replacn wooden walk with con crctc.; repair of railing on tot near Seventh nnd Walnut by A. A. Hell man, and pouting of notlrua for bidding crossing of wulk by jlrlvcr of wngona nml marhluea; also In atructlona tn uan ulley In buck ot lot; bad holo nt Hlxlh nnd Klnui nth aventio on ollher Korn or 1'noln properly, both owner notl find to repair nt nnco by commit tee; proporty owners along Kiev enth between HlKh nnd Washing- ton atreet want concrete ntilowalk all nloiiR block; proporty on east sfdo of Hlxtli atroot bntwoon Main and I'lno atroeta, will bnvo to havo concrcto wnlk by spring- nt tlio lat est; crossing almost Impassible at ,ftVfonth ami Washington tftroeta, ' Adlng necessary to plnco It In uod rnndltlon; Sixth atreet near railroad crossing In had condition, and rocommondntlon for continuous rldowalk from Main to Wwutland avenuo mado by rominlttoo. Kim Committer InvosUgntm Tho flro rommltten Investigated the condition i)f tho building at 10 Main atrcdt, und ordorcd partition! removod at once. WIIATIIIvIt I'ltOllAIIIMTII-S Despllo tho threatening look over head, thn nyclo-StormnRraph ut Un dnrwood'a Pharmacy, ronltnuca to register n very nvon barometric proa uuro, althounh tlio tendnnry today Is slightly downward. Ai thla movement has been very alight no change .In woathor la nxpoctod, at eas( within tho next 13 hours. k Z Forecast for next 34 houri! Continued cool; probably cloudy, hut no Btorm Indlcotod.- The Tycoa tecordlng theremomoter rajlitarert 'maximum and minimum ttmperaturea today, as follawai nlKnt(,,..iitt(ii--ai L0ir,MIMIIi,IMI(MMllMMfl(,lllll9 chaiii.ch w. meiimi: ih aiiiiaiumkd o tii.iiKJi; tic ii:i'it.riMMi t . h. WAHIIINdTON. Dee 13. ' Chnrlea V Mnrae. wliomi ttuii- anrtloua with Dm ahlpplnR board urn ImiIiir liivcntlRntnil 4 m iirriilKtifd tnitar beforn I'nltrd Htnlea Coiiiuilnaloner 4 Hilton on n nnrrunl chnrnliiK 4 him with ronaplrnry to ilefrnuil the fulled Htntea. WILL CHECK WATER IN WELL BEFORE DRILLING RESUMED Netr Itubber I'mh-m Will Xuw llo Tried, Hfl)'Vptnlii Hknien Ciiillli J W HlemeiiK In iiulhorlly fnr Dm minouiifemi'iil that the water In tlm Hlftiimim' propert well will absolutely be checked before drllllnR la reaunied DrllllnR npernllona atop pedlual week. The operation at thn well nil aumuier wern hlnileri'd by flow of liter, which, ileapltn repent ed altemptH of the driller to check, peralatrd III btcnkliiR nut when the drill began lla downward rourae. t'nllfornlii MrtlitNlt Kueii.fnl tnelhoiU uei In the California flelda wern retorted tn wltout aurceaa, and reiently a tint proceaa of lialnjc a rubber preparation will proposed. Thn canliiR la belnK wlthdrnwn for a trial aloiiR the linen aURReated by tlm nihorutea of the rubber prnrtfia, and ulioutd that method fall, Cnptaln Klnnmna aald, anollmr ny would bn remirled tn, but that thn "water would be check ed nlonlutely beforn the drill went deeper"1' Cnptaln HJriiM-n (onflib-nt i?nptaln Hlninena manlfeata the anm rnnfldencn In the iroaert hole wlitcU he hnn dlapUyrd all aummcr, and my that hn feela aurn the Klim a(h llailn haa untold wraith for. (lie Nopln Of thla country Hn feela that unleaa n IhoroiiRh teat la made In thn bailn, no matter how unfavorable thn outlonkoll w noUT ImiiIIucot ercd. ' "I'm aurn Hint when e ut the nalnr ahut out, that a Reed paylnR well will be hrotiRht tn, and I stilt hu that Ivllef dcapltn all the trou ble attendant to tho aearth," Cap tnln Kleii.ena told a number of frlcnita recently. LOCAL INDIANS LEAD MlnMrr Hai'k libeller T)H Hero Tlian In Other Htntm "Klamath reservation Indians aru of it better typo than those of Mon Inlia, Wyoming, Idaho, nml Washing ton, und, generally speaking, arn aa good rltltena aa could hn found any where." This la tlm opinion of tho Itev It, T CookltiRhatu, of Klamath Agency, who today left fur Portland with Hupt. 'ltnr tl. Weat und U. K. Com missioner llert t" Thomas for tlm purpose nf atlendliiK Federal court. "Itecenlly 37 Klamath Indiana Joined the church," said tho Itevor end Mr. Cookiuglmiii. "Tlmso people aro trylnR to llvn right nnd are com ing more und iiioro to tho belief Hint to llvn right la a paying proposition. They nr preparing n Christmas mi lul which will hn held nt thn Meth odist Mission church nt Williamson river bridge, which promise to bo ono of thn best atfnrs of this kind over hold pn tho reservation Tho Itnvorend Mr. CookliiRlium has achieved soma local reputation bo cuttao ot hla participation In numer ous succeasful liquor rnlda together with Walter (I. West and other fedcr-j al offlcorn. This work, ho froU, Is oh Kontlal us preaching, nnd the fact that ho Is a mlnlator In no way ex cuscs him from hla duty to help wipe! out l"lN rvl, ! e MOTOUCYCLK AND Mll.K WAfiOX HAVi: CIUSII. Tho Intersection of Ninth and Un-, coin ntroots was'tho scene of n col lision at 10 o'clock today whon a motorryclo ridden by Charles Ilodon helnior and a milk delivery car bo longing to tho Miller Hill dairy, .driven by Charloa Shulmlro crashed. ' According to the, driver of tho milk car. he was crossing Ninth from Lin coln when Uodonholmcr, who waa coming oitt'NInth at an excessive raloj of speed, utr'ufk thn left front whcol of tho milk carM.lttlo damuKe result ed: I ALOHA CHAPTEn TO MKKT AtnhA fthantAi-. O.'K. R....wlll meat tthli eveblng Ut tho .Masonic hall at 7 o clock sharp .In their regular Tues diy monthly mooting', Mrs.1 Kate Pey ton, Worshipful Matron, will preside this evening and a large attendance of the Haionlo jdlti un MPicttd to bi priunt, i PACIFIC PEACE TREAT SIGNED Br 4 NATIONS American Approval Given With Retervationt on Yap Quettion I WAHIIIWITON, l, I', Dec. 13. Thn iiuadruplo treaty to preserve I peace In thn Pacific waa formally alRiird today by plenlpotentlarlci of (tbe United States, (Jrvat llrltnln, I Km lieu and Japan. The alxnaturca were affixed In an ante-room of the aecrelary of atnle'a office. Thn American deleRatea alRned flrat. United Htatea approval, how ever, waa Riven aubjeel to n writ ten undcratandlnR with thn Japan eae provldlnK that the American Japjueao treaty reRardltiR Yap must J bn ennaummated before tho four- power agreement Is binding. This reservation la expected to bn erased within a few daya by signature of thn Yap treaty. Another American reservation provided that the domestic quoa Hon of varloua powers la not to be considered within thn treaty's scope ti a ulli.firir n 1 tt ft I .... , , . , .... -. I nennior iironeun iieciareo in n statement toduy that the new iiuad ruplo treaty had "all (Jiu Iniquities of thn league of Nations, with none of the virtues claimed by that doc ument." ELKS MEET THURSDAYi Important Huliject Will Conio I'p for Dlaruaslon An Important meetlliR la scheduled for Thursday evening at the Ulk clubro ma, Kialted Huler A. V Hay den announced yesterday, and a largo attendance Is expected. Some import ant subjects arn Jo bo taken up per talnlnR to both social and lodge af fairs. Tho bowling season la on in thn allejs In the basement of the dull and aomo very creditable, scores havo been rolled, l.oula Hoagland la high man with a record of 337. A numbcri ot rompotllnra aro crowding closely on his trait, and It Is common gossip 1 ..... ... .. .. in mo nuu tnai icm altera, mo, local left-handed wonder, Intenda to challenge Hoagland for a Christina match. Walters professes, to bo able to niaator any left hand bowler In the club but owing tit their ararrlty haa challenged the "right-handers." MI.NKltM KXTOMIIKD MOItltlSON, Colo.. Dec. 13. Twenty-five coal miners aro entomb ed by an explosion In a ecu! mine ot thn Colorado Collieries company hero thla afternoon. Tho first report sa'id that alx bodies hnd been recovered. UatMS out MAVlNGAHARDTiME lb ktePUP -.jgr- IV V ""V rawT"t'l?vPy V) ARMS LIMtrATToM tp NoThing 5MALL ABouTIhis one Jivs?NnBail f ahdTAc funnv (JAPAN MAY MAKE I DECLARATION ON SIBERIA QUESTION Auii'diient Mil)' llrlng AIhiiiI Wllliilrniifll nf Hie Army nf Oftiipiillun Hie), WAHIIINdTON, D. C . Dee 13 A "Reiitleineu'n ilnclurutlbii ' con-, ernliiK Hlberla and presciice of Jnp-i annsij troops there Is understood to' bo under prnpiiratlon by thn JapunevijPeath Lilt Now 6 Water government. If pinna aro mrrli-il nut It la belloved Hint tin! Japanesn dele gation may anon nnnounrn thla de claration to tho arms conference. Aa now conceived the declaration will embody Japan's word "a n gen - tloman" Hint the Japanese nrmy of occupation In Siberia, will bn with drawn when conditions make It pos alblu aa soon aa Japan can obtain soino "reasonable grounds" Hint thn Uvea and properly of Japanese resi dents will bo safeguarded and that some protection will bn afforded In tlio Siberian districts adjacent to Cori-a. It was Intlmnled that Jupunesn be lieve such n dernlratlnn would "clear the air" as to tlm Siberian situation, and while It .would allow the statu quo to continue. It would pUre Japan on her honor to evacuate the country is enrly aa possible. NEW WOOD WORKER Arn-t of (ieorKr IVo) lc on Liquor Ctinrco Augments I'oirr iatnl,i, county's official wood pile squad was augmented today by the addition of another worker in Oeorgu Iloyle, IS. widely known here, who wa arrested In the Coiy restaurant on Klamath arrnue Sat urday nlRht by a raiding squad Thn officers declared that Ilorln hnd a milk bottle full cf 'moonshine which ho attempted to pou down a sink. Enough waa saved, how ever, to bring him a 1300 flno and (0-day sentence in Justlco GiRhs- gen'a court last night. From the splendid manner In which tho wood pllo worksra aro making; big ones Into little ones, county officials aro led to hope that thn work will bo finished be fore tho first heavy snows. BASKETBALL DEC. 23 I'lrsl Cnmo of NVh Alliletlr Assiic IiiiIiiii la ArrnnRetl A week from Friday nlRht will '..,. .,.. . . . i..i. iiurs mc nrsi ,.neiuaii Kame oi tho aenaon. aa ..II a. the opening . liirni ni. ill., aimeiir aitsnriaiinn miw being formed, when tho Klka team will play thn Merrill. team tn the as-1 soclatlnn hall al Fourth and Klam- ath. Tho Mine nlRht tho t'nlvcrslty i club basket bull team will play Klamath ARency at tho AKcncy. . It Is planned to have it band on tho opening nlRht to help make the ; flrirt athletic event itf tho season a . gala occasion. Other games are being arranged for and will bn announced ns soon ns the schedule Is completed. CONFERENCE SIDELIGHTS E ON R.R. STOPS I RESCUE PARTY Still Inundates Part of Northwett . AIlKltUKKN, Dec. 13. Tho third lamlslldn today stopped tho rescuers werking: to find the bodies of Mrs, Herald Willis and W. T. Labcllo. who wero entombed when a logging; train waa wrecked by a landslide Sunday 1 night. John l.lnd, who was Injured, died last night This brings the death list from slides, to six. KVKHBTT, Dec. 13 The alreeta of Htanwood am under water aa a result of the dike breaking along Htlllagua- mlsh river. i 8UATTLK, Dec. 13. Klood ondl lions on I'ugut Sound aro some bet ter but some streets in Seattle. Kent and Taroma are still under water. IIKU.INOHAM, Dee. 13. Water la rlnwlntr ih .neti thn atrMita nf Ittir- llngton and Hamilton. Tho'usanda of acres along the Rkaglt flooded. river aroi INSTALLS NEW CASING Vonnn Vnlley Oil Company Km-M-niU DrllllnR Temporarily Secretary W. S. Wiley ot tho Yonna Valley Oil company said work on the Yonna Valley prospect well had stopped temporarily to Install the new raslnR which had been received recently from tho east. The last load I was taken to the well Saturday and this week, tho drillers aro busy with drawing tho smaller caalng and la stalling the new 8 Inch material just received. Secretary Wiley added that tho two water veins which hid been en countered nt "0 and J00 feet would be plugged up before the drllllnR operations wero renewed, and that the drillers did not anticipate any trouble with their plans. While the uai.ii Mavan AtA aaArl Ait a1 tr IntorfarA I with tho drllllnn. stilt better results lut1l tiM ntitntnH In (hi, isirrh fnr nil - - . . ." wioui in. war to rontenu wn. , - OltDKItS KTHKKT KI.VSIIKD Street Commissioner Hunaaker left orders previous to his departure for San Francisco several days ago to flush Main atreet and all other paved streets if weather conditions permitted. Today, the flusher and sprinkler has been working from one end of Main street to the other wash ing oft the accumulation ot dust nnd other refuse. ANOTHER .MaMIS OF rmitlKKIMl mMKN MKAT UP MK.V AT f.XMf MIMMt WltlK.'K At'TOS i:s ITTHIlUiUJ, Knns., Dee. 13 Mob of shrieking women at , coal mines' todny heat up ! lour men, wreexcu two auiomo- 4 biles, and strewed dinner palls nbout. Tho women wero said 4 to have used red pepper and atones, and to have pelted the 4 sheriff with brend and butter. A 4 smaller mob waa repulsed at 4 Mulberry. $21,000,000 WILL BE , ASKED FOR SHEEP j rYitN AINU I-AKIVlkrO Vitm That Iana no Advanced on Oroivlng; Grain and Wool Mortgage WA8IIINOTON, Dec. 13. Dr. Charles J. Smith, who left for Port land recently, submitted to the war finance corporation a plan for ad-; vances to grain and sheep growers of Kastern Oregon, with a data on, tholr needs and operations. He cal culated that over 131,000,000 will be required, 115,000,000 for craln alone, auumlns that halt may be secured from other sources. He urges that upwards ot $11,000,000 be advanced by tho government on mortgsgos on growing grain, on growing wool and ona halt the h"P nfreaae. Senator Stanfield, who has been consulting officials on tho plan, says It has been well received and thinks substantial relief wilt bo forthcom ing. SHED BIDS REJECTED i City Council Holds Figures Submit-' Irtl Aro Too High. All bids on the' machinery shed advertised by the council were re jected last night. Illds were too high, the conncll bold, and the matter was referred back to the; street committee. S. W. Martin sub-j mlttcd a bid ot J 875; W. E. Mc- Aboy. 1148: H. R. Emmltt. 57.- and O. n. Doyle, t2S. Tho council ordered tho police Judge to draw a warrant for S113.SS In favor of John Gordon for rebate on Clendennlng property. IVrraita Granted Permits granted last night were N0 n. P. Hogue, four room frame dwelling house, Sec- omt Hot Sorlnr. addition. aDDroxi-i go()- p n Go,den"tnree' room honse, Hillside addition, ap-l proximate cost 11,200; llert C. Thomas, frame garage, 737 Pacific Terrace, approximate cost $150; Oeorge McCollum, frame dwelling, Ninth and High streets, approxi mate cost $3,000 .also permission, to cut pavement for making sower connectiens: permission granted to (both Don J. Zumwalt and H. E., Getx for removing poplar trees in) front of their property on South. Riverside street. I lloxing Commisalon Reports ' Dr. H. L. Stewart madn a renort of tho boxing commission Investiga tion ot tho bouta conducted by Dert McDonald December 10, and said that the game was conducted alongt j Instructions laid down by the coma mission. All instructions were car ried out to tho letter, Dr. Stewart I ald, and no fault was found. The I name of Jack Furber was suggest 'ed by Councilman West as a mem I ber to replace Fred Sonlo, resigned.' 'The council approved tho selection. BREAKS GOOSE RECORD I Hurry Thraidier Ilrlngs In Honker. WelghlnK V1H 1'oiintN I Tho record for large geese held by M, S. Illden, who brought in a honker Thursday weighing 9U pounds when dressed, was broken by Harry Thrasher on Sunday, when he roturncd from a day spent hunt- Ing in tho Klamath Straits, with a' I bird that wolghed 13U poundn dressed. Tho Illden fowl was killed , In tho Strults also, and from all In dications this section bids fair to Decome a rival or .Maun, which. heretofore has claimed most of tho1 hunters on week end trips out from' Klnmnth Falls. ! ttoo STRIKERS TURNED ' HACK AT FORT WORTH! FORT WORTH. Tex.. Dec. 13.. Nearly 300 workers were turned UaCK III 111U iaVAIIlfi IIVUIQ 41HKO district today when crowds of strike breakers stopped the street ( cars, reversed the trolley poles andj forced the cars to rtiurn to ran Worth, , SUPREMEGOURT UPHOLDS STATE bULUIttiHUI.ua Act Declared Valid After Friendly Suit BnmtM by American Lofton INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. It. Knactmant of the veteraaa ad- Justed Compensation Bill wilt k completed by comresa wltkla JO days, Hanford nfaealaar, American Legion National coxa- mander, waa advltad by Banator McCumber and rtepreaeatatlT Fordney today. SALKM, Dec. 13. The Btata ! dlera' nonus and Loan act waa upheld today by the supreme court la a friendly suit Instituted on behalf or the American Legion to test the law preparatory to the Issuance of fceaate. The act providing payment of flS a month cash up to 1500, or a lean ot $3,000 on real estate to ex-eervlea men waa passed by the last itate leg islature. The approval of the peopie'rae Riven to the measure at a special election June 7. Tho local appraising board appoint ed by the state to paaa on property valuations Is composed of M. L. John son, Arthur 8. Wlaon and E. M. Ilubb. J. U. Carnaban waa appointed local attorney to paaa on titles and other legal questions. H1XON NOT GUILTY riadlBS Mado for Circuit Court Jatry Lester Hlxon, charged with the theft of a mare from Harrison Brown on the reservation last June, waa found not guilty ot the charge by jury verdict, reached at 3:15 p. m. In tho circuit court. Tho caso waa bard fought from beginning to end and It Is estimated that over 100 residents ot the reservation wert In attendance at the trial. Following the disposal of the Hlx on case, tho examination ot talesmen for the jury which will hear the case ot Stato against O. T. Anderson, charged with the alleged theft of a steer and brand blotting, was started by both state and defendant attor neys. Anderson Is alleged to have taken a steer valued at $35. on Sep tember 17, 1920 from the Cbewaeaa Land and Cattle company'a ranch. The brand ot the Chewacan compear was alleged tp have been blotted and mado into "O. T," the brand belong ing to Anderson. The finding of the jury in the Hlx on case Is tho first acquittal of the "convicting Jury," as the lawyere designate the present jury list. Mrs. Jessie Kckwall, William Pinch and Walter J. Wolfo were all convicted ot crimes since the criminal docket opened December 5. Sentence wllbe pronounced by the court upon all convicted persons at the close ot the present court calender, Judge Kuy kcndall announced several days ago. BUILDING IS RUSHED Nearly All Basement Completed la Hart DuUdlas Tho forms In tho Hart building at 3oenth and Main streets are beluK set In position to receive concrete pouring upon the reinforced steel basement foundation, the contractors announced today and It Is expected that by the end ot the week, the forms will be filled ready to set. During the past ten days, workmen havo been engaged In bending the stoel tor the reinforcement, and near ly all the basement section la new In place. The tlo-up crew haa been busy placing the "fasteners" about the ends of the steel sections daring tka past week. With the foundation la, the balance ot the building will go up rapidly, the contractor! said. BACHED HEART tmTMCNM WIN GOLD STAR aOTTOKS The following studenU at. tka Sacred Heart Acedewy have reeer ed the Qold Star Primary BwMsm for progress in the Palmer WrHhsg Methed: Stella Albert, San Wtt- kins, Edgar Bedal, DoaaldCrweJ1, Ervln Larene, Exa iAal, Deft Hararaves. Francle Albert. AJmm Hsotor, KM, Cele, XatUejMM fr, Ollbert luMMkt. -- r a I