The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 08, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Page Three
The Office Cat:
Dr. Lorenz Cures Children by Bloodless Surgery
Wrecking l''rlcniWilH
Onrllc mny lio kuoiI for u mnn'n
nrtorlcii, hut It In toiikIi on Ills
frlondshtpn. Chicago Nowh.
Joo roN)tsll nays till any modorii
rook needs l a can ononor.
Money tnlkH, but llioro would
not lie no many financial Hcnmlnls
If It ntuttorod more ojilnos Mur
hall lloopor.
You can novor toll how Boplilv
tlcatod u Klrl la by tho cut of her
sown. That'll .why nomo nion aro
In continual hot water.
An Hwii In tli6 MtHiiishlno
Honry wont out to boo liln friend
In tho country. Tho conversation
turning to crop, ho naked: "Uout
niow much do you think your corn
will yield?"
"Woll," niiMworod liln frlond, "I'm
IlKorln' on nnmolhlii' llku twenty
KtOlong to tho acre."
Tho Mnqrh of 1'ioki'oks
Nod "I)0 you romomuor tho old
Joko about tho rural Ront coming to
town and blowing out tho gas whon
ho wont to bod tired?"
Tod "Suro thing, and now ho
tops on tho gas, and tho blow-outo
aro in tho whoela that aro tlrod.'
kkkkkkH MMM MMMMl MMmJ". kkkkkkkkflkkkkkkkkkkkkkS
MHkttliMfliiiL''iflLKv- s ' .MIMiMBEl
1'rlrcH I'nivn I'opiilnr
Hmtn Hell Kiwi
A nlgn jiostod up In a Wisconsin
aw mill reads: "The Dawn aro
rannlng no uso to touch thorn to
cnavhico yourself."
Hand on Your rK'kllMM)ks
"Dad, what Is a touching speech;"
Asked Johnny.
"Ono that prcrcdcri a collection,
my son," answorcd Dad.
i HfvwaHHisaMsasfSHHpMMsjsk iiwn)wtvM""y'"M"""""'' pwv
' kV, V '' TV twEH
. vL Hf v I ml SmMTnMMMMMt
Tho first boxing card Deccniebr 10
to bo placed it worklngman'il prices,
$1.10 and $2.20 seems to ho taking
well with tho pugilistic followers
I hero judging from tho wny tho tlckot
salo Is progressing. This morning
tho boxing promoter was routed out
of bed by oncer fans who wanted
places at tho "show," following tho
arrival and conversation, held with
righting Hharkoy, of Mcdford, last
Nlnilkc)' I.ociUn (loot!
Sharkey lookn llko a fighting ma
chine, with all tho accompanying car
marks of a veteran of many a battlo
I and his nppcarnnco scorned to Inject
pop In tho ticket sale. Overnight,
, tho opinion hold that Karl Ttitchlo
I was to win In a walk disappeared, and
, In place, doubt has arlson Just who
I will lio tho victor. Sharkey workod
' out from 2 to 3 today, followed by
ltllclilo from 3 to 4 o'clock.
"Doarcat" Harrington has quit
on out of tho country. Ho camo workl,,S out ln P"1'"0 an'' wl" 'lo
I to tho United States at tho earnest'80",01 t,n,"?1 l baIanco, of i'10
solicitation of. tho McCormlck fara-l wook w ', " K,d,V,?ce"t V'8 A!';
I ii.. . i. , goles will remain In tho McDonald
hall quartern.
Chang" XcrraMry
NEW YOIIK, Doc. 8. Fromfthat tho medical profession would
present Indications It would sooni succeed In driving Dr. Adolpu
lly ,of harvester fame, qno of
whom, Mrs. John McCormlck, Jr.,
ho had gavod from being a crlpplo
for 1 1 to. And this after tho most
eminent physicians and surgeons of
tho United Stntea had pronounced!
Iior caso Incurable. Sho was' a
child at tho time, hut her gratl
tudo urged her to Induco Dr. Lor
enz to loavo his homo In Vlonno,
that tho crippled children of this
country might havo tho bonoflt of
! hlstreatomcnt, which Is druglcss
' and non-surgical.
' Ills frco clinics havo bcu bo
1 slcgod by hundreds of crippled men,
I woman and children, and somo of
, tho cures ho has effected havo bocn
! llttlo short of miraculous, until ho
. has cdma to bo known as tl)o "mlr
nclo workor."
Ills methods aroused hitter oppo
sition among tho medical fraternltyi
his work being characterized as un
ethical and In somo Instances ho
has been pronouncod a charlatan,
although lio accopts no money for
his services and la a poor man
Tho attacks upon him, It Is said,
havo been folt so keenly that ho Is
breaking down, and It Is not be
llavcd ho can kcop up his work and
to Vicuna.
No wood is cheap unless it is good wood.
DRY SLAB, $5.00
for a three tier cord is below last year's cost.
A cord of this slab will go as far as a cord of
limb or body wood.
Phone in your Orders.
419 MAIN ST. , PHONE 535
A rearrangement' was mado neces
sary In tho four round bout between
Hoss and Kontcnell. Kid Fontonell
I wired lato yestorday afternoon that
ho would not nppoar but Kid Turpln
of Santa Ilarbara, Calif., was on tho
road north to stibstltuto for him.
TI08S sufforcd an Injured hand yes
terday ut tho Acme garago and can
not participate. Hob Alton manag
ed to havo tho physicians allow him
to roplaco Hois. Tho battlo necord-lf
Ingly will bo staged between Allen
nnd Turpln at HG pounds.
I'rclliiilnnry nt 0:30
To allow tho business men to wit
ness tho boxing match, announcement
was mado today thut tho first prelim
inary would go on at 9:30 o'clock 1.
M, This movo will pormit both tho
worklngmnn and'buslncts clement to
uttend tho matches. Somo neat bets
have bocn wagered among sports this
wook on tho outcomo of tho eventts.
Cooking Electrically
the ideal method
Tho lover of tho plcturo actress
who wi killed by Kat Arbucklo
telegraphed tho undertaker from
New York to whisper In tho oar of
tho dead actross that -"Honry loves
you. 8ho will hear you.'1
Sounds about as foolish as tho
A fomlnlno golf enthusiast Is au
thority for th ostatoment that somo
of hor slstor players aro catty
enough to bo callod golf lynx.
Tho Hiipcrfluoiis Adject I v
A hcadllno speaks of a "Dig ova
tion." Did anybody ovor rccclvo a
llttlo ono7-Now York Post.
Japan Is heartily In ogrooment
with tho Idea that tho rest of tho
world should curtail armamont
while bIio catches up with tho procession.
Our observation Is that after a
man qultu smoking ho doosn't Tool
at virtuous as ho fools envious.
Hcadllne: Our observation Is
Hcadllne: organlzod Hoboes Of
fer Aid to Solve Unemployment,
Shucks! Thought thoy'd solvod
It long ago.
Lor-! that he will return
NltW YOHK, Dec. 3. A now table dan and oycry. animal In thy service
of Ten Commandments, doslgncd to '" '"vo its duy and fitting seasons
train linVH nnd rlrM !n klnilno li of rMt w'"TOl)y tho drudgo of toll In
irui.i toys anil girls to kindness to y Rorvco lo comfortnl)ly mln.
(lodsilumhireuturos. was Issuod lo-;Ke(, wtM tll0 Joy of vIn(?i lWth
day by tho Presbyterian Hoard of .reason and consideration thou shalt
.Tcmporuuco utid Moral Welfare
1. it am tho Lord thy God who
assign their tasks and with equal
euro thou shall provide food, rest,
succor, mercy nnd tlioso things which
MOSCOW, Nov. 11. (Uy mall)
Soviet IlU8sla's first Institute of
J Journalism has JuBt, been opened
hero. "Comrade Wollcstor, member
of 'tho Third lutornutlonnlo and an
Amorlcnu Communist, was ono of tha
mado ovory living crcnturn after his milk for t)l0 lmturai Joy ()t llvB.
my works, whoreforo thou shall bo. 1livllIl0n0r "ml rc.81lTt l '" Brd
guardlan ovor beast, bird nnd cattle,! " , '' " .hl?
and to them thou shalt bo In my
place '
,2. Thou shult not delight .thyself
In gravon tinagos but rather In tender
mercies to thosu who depend on thy
guardianship. Thou shalt not lay
blamo or punishment unwarranted
bcou thy faithful sorvants and desert
them not In an ovll day; for by so
doing thou muyest prolong thy days
and Incrcaso thy Joys In tho land
which tho Lord thy (lod givcth theo,
C. Thou shall not kill, for tho
Joy of killing; for sport In hunting;
upon thorn who know not wrong, who for contest In skill; or for selfish
cannot speak for thomsolvos nnd .who gain. For tho righteous man ro
linvo no menus of assertlni: their gurduth tho life of his beast.
rights, whoreforo thou art to thorn 7. Thou shalt not conimt thyself
tho adjudicator of righteousness In to Hio lusts of bloody contests nor
their midst,, for 1 tho Ixird thy OodSook to look upon tho cock fight, tho
uvo pigcon-suooi, mo uuii-iigm, nnu
am a Jealous God, romomborlng thy
unfalthfulnoss and thy cruelties to
all my creatures and visiting tho or
rors of thy wny upon thy children
down through tho generations, In
that thou hast sot a bad oxamplo
unto thorn nnd hnst by word and
deed lead thorn lo disrespect Justlco
nnd morcy In dealing with my do
fonsoless creatures.
3, Thou shalt not cur so tlilno cat
tlo nor Inflict vengonnco upon nny
ut God's creatures for tho Lord will
Many n clrl could havn kont tho not hold him guiltless who dlsrc-
trogedy of hor bowlegs a secret un
til after her wedding If It had not
been for tho short skirts, Buys John
I want to Uvo with myself, nnd so
I want to bo fit for myself to know.
I want to be ablo, as days go by,
Always to look myself straight In
tho eye.
I don't want to stand with the set
ting sun,
And hate mysolf for the things. I've,
Tbey callod tho baby Ivy because
he crawled all around the house.
In a letter to tho Herald, Wm.
Donfleld and C. Robor, who havo sub
leased part of 'tho Crater Cnfo, dis
claim any connection with tho arrest
Tuesday of 8am Head on liquor
charges, declaring that Head con
ducts only tho cigar stand, ono card
table and half of tho basomont, and
that no liquor was found on tho
premises occupied by Messrs. Don
flold and Robor.
DOLLS of all kinds and descriptions
at a price to fit any pocket bopk,
irnrila his creation
,4. Romombcr tho s n b b n 1 1 c n 1
rights of my crcaturos and practlco
thorn sacrodly. Kvory boast of bur-
all such atrocious acts
,8. iThou shall not steal, destroy,
or tako unto thyself solflshly or wan
tonly that which bolongs to tho com
fort and noeds of thy animals.
9. aiiou shalt not bear falso wlt
noss for paltry gain to thysolt whoro
by Ood'a creatures suffer hungor, nn
gulsh or torture Lot tho testimony
of thy guardianship bo nbovo thy
lust for gain.
10. Thou shalt not covet tha bird's
plumage, nor tho animals fur; thou
shalt not covot the robin's nest nor
her young by her sldo, nor tho pigeon
tho freedom of tho nlr, nor tho door
the Joy of his lair.
of food roso In all tho larger cities
of the Twelfth Federal Roservo Dis
trict during tho four months ending
September 1, 1921, John Porrln, Sun
Francisco fedoral roservo agent, de
clared hero today.
"Housing costs also roso Bllghtly
excopt In Scattlo and charges for fuol,
light, and miscellaneous articles ro
mnlnod practically stationary," the
report said. "Tho costs of clothing
and of furniture and. furnishings
showed marked decllnos In all cities.
Similar trends wore obsorvod In .tho
United States as a whole.
"According to the roport Bof tho
Unltod States department of labor,
tho cost of living In tho United Stutos
docroasod 1.7 per cont from Mny,
1921, to Septembor, 1921, tho re
ductions In four of tho principal cit
ies In tho district Included In tho
summary being Sonttlo, 2.6 por cent;
San Francisco, 1,3 por cent; Los Au
golcs, 1.1 por'cont; Portland 1.0 por
"A tabular stutomont of tlioso
changes and a comparison with fig
ures for the high point of last year
and with tho low point of Decomber,
1915, follews: (Cost of food, cloth
ing, housing, fuol nnd light, furni
ture nud miscellaneous Items nro In
cluded ln tho total cost of living on
tho bants of Decombor, 1914 prices
equal 100.)
Low High May, 1921 Sept. 1921 Docllno
Los Angeles 98.1 ........ 201.7 178.7 176.8 12.3
Portland ,. 96-9 200.4 162.2 160.H 19.p
San Francisco .... 98.3 ,..... 196.0 460.7 ........ 104.6 .. 16.0
Seattle 99,0 210,5 180.2 175.5 ,... 16.6
United States 104.9 212.1 ,.'.j.,..178.1 175.0 ......... 17.4
(The low point vas December, 1915, tho high point, Juno, 1920)
FOR SALK Household
1104 Uphum St.
8 9
SIlOi: REPAIRING Dost leather.
host prices. Open evenings. Jack
Frost, 119 S. Ctth. 8 31.
NURSING Mutorulty
Call 376.
FOR RENT JJulry ranch.
Main St.
Call 910
8 14.
Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet
Thursday night In West hall of I. O.
O. F. building. All mombors urged
to bo prcosnt. Important business.
Ivy Propst, Guardian Neighbor.
Electrically equipped kitchens hold
no terrors for the housewife. They
arc cool, cozy, and comfortable in
the summer. They eliminate the
drudgery, the grime and the, nerve
racking tension caused by wood
The expense is surprising'
Let us tell you about it, '".
ly low.
! The California Oregon Power
"Let us be your servant"
Where Everybody Goes
The Home of Hodkimon Features
FOR SALE Small cook stove, 18.00
Uox II. Herald offlcp. 8 9.
WANTED Eldorly woman to help
In small family for board and
small wages. Phono G31J. 8 11.
Closo ln.
-Furnished 3 room Apt.
Phono 531 J. 8 11.
WANTED Sowing. Prlcos
able. Call 824 Walnut.
8 10
FOR SALt: Iluffct, china closot,
olcctrlc tahlo lamp and oloctric
dome Phono 391M. 8 14
Notico Is horeby glvon that tho
undorslgnod has boon duly appoint
ed administrator of tho ostato .of
John W. llanta, doccused, by tho
County Court of tho Stato of Oregon
for Klamath County; and all por
sons having claims ugalnst said os
tato aro notified to present sarno to
said administrator within six monthts
from tho dato of this notico.
Datod, Decombor 8, 1921.
Administrator of tho Estato of
John W. Ilantn, decoased.
D 8 1,5 22 29 J 5.
Bud Boyd
"The Official Sampler
of the Home Brew
ers' Association
Mohler and Faytelle
Black and Tan Novelty
The Screen Favorite
Norma Talmadge
A Griffith Production
Two New Comedies
Here are the Prizes to be awarded at 8:15
Two Chickens.
Five Boxes Sweetshop Candy
Five-pound Pail Lard
Forty-pound, Box of Apples
Sack of Flpur
Five pounds of Sugar
One Broom
Large Box of Crackers
Pound Can Golden West Coffee
One Can Karo Syrup
24 Rounds BOXING 24 Rounds
McDonald's Hall - Sat Night, Dec. 10
Earl Ritchie, Klamath Falls vs. Tom Sharkey, Medford
Bouts Start 9:30 Slurp
Ringside, $2.20
General Admission, $1.10
RAT PTI STR AW murphey's feed store
IJflr 1' J JAnL VT 124 So, th St. Phon..7 ,
1 t
' .. ill