The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 08, 1921, Image 1

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sunlit '"' '''l"1""1" rnl" '"
Veil) elouJr I" """l ,"'rllmi "f "",
G lmnxna Itendd
flit'inoei' oi thu Associated Press.
)' t
0MILD '"
'1U.H, OIHXiO.V, I IMItSDAV, lll't'UMJIKIl 8, 1021
The Birr Four Tol, ci.ii r .... .
y; aii a ouoii Looks Like Spring
M&4: . 'J
? JL- 'i i. UAWTLflWH'Lfr.U' ,ir' m TasilV sp. :-, : .
. , - - - -. , MlffM.
I Possibility of Reduction Seen
Report of Interstate Com
. inorco Commission
Recommendation Is Made
That wunncrB uc ,
plcted in Court House
The ''' ,"r' lnM ,,,R,lt "' '"
vcIikK ni""""1 '" Ji"Ik K'lyki-n
dill In Ih" rlrnill inurl Hint iliroi
,ftrfl liitllclnif nttt. oiKi not irim lilll '
,nJ i recommendation for lint
NolrpliiK ' MhI" Blr''"' "'"Hi
tonM !'' "''I'1" J""" '"fH"1''"- ,
lb( (utitaitco i.f Ihulr lliri'n ilua t
ior. folio inn tlu'lr nil! liv Din
Irlrt Attorney llruwcr Tuesday
Jirob Itcurk, foreiiiiin of tho
iriod Jury imnoutirod lo Judge.
Kiyltndall Dial their riconuni:tida.
Hon, fo ran Improvod Jull to con
file county prisoners lit. should li
Je public Mo said thero wnn nti
intnt ili'tnaml for proper quarters
prciloui to lho grand Jury'n lnv(n
tuition uf tin' city Jail Tho conn- "
I, jirlionrm wpr.i routined In tho SUSPENSION
,11, jail, illicit la "ovnr-erowil,,,!.; QF ACREAGE
ttflt and Inst-curo for county prlt- 1ML IS CANARD
onrri." tint ny tho foreman ox-
prwM'l Hi" verdict of Ilia Imily, nf- A report was r.reiitly gHen cur
lit an vaamlliatlon ynaliinlny of rniiry Iiitii to Ilic (! t Hint llm
the city jail, to Jlnlato Ktiykcmlalli aicrrtar- uf tin- Intrrtor !
Iiit nlxht I niii'il an urilir miii'iilliiK injmi'iiN
,Tbe rrroiiiiiiniiiliitloii Imiiilnl In in Ihn Kliitmith IrrlRtliin tllstrlit
Jgdfe Kuyknliilull rrnit. , fcr n pi-rloil nf one )rar Thi- re-
Tii iidiinrniilc cirtuii I'aitui, ' pi'fi u iirintfii in one of tlm out- Snpnthi7crs of Packing
KUniitli (Hunt), KImiiiiiIIi Knll, of-ton ni-wniipi'r. nnil many nam employes otorm
On-pint farinrrn m.nlc lii'iulrlos con-
"V, llin unilrnilKiK'il Kronil' ri-rnlnK It
Jumn. uf Miiiinilti Count) , Otv. NnthliiR aa known of .ill) kiicIi
I WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Hopo la
I expressed by the Intorstnto com-
inorco commission In Its nnuual re-i
.. . . &. -. -.. . . nnrt fnrtnv (n i.nnvr.ii tltnl o "ant..
"Crooked Neck" Key Said, ', ' ,,,7"' ,"::,., ", """"i
- r r i Btnntlally lower lovol of railroad
Owner of Prize Moon- ratog am, farcg wonW bo poM,Mc
snineUuttit Wth an MCOpnon tho volumo of
LiiKt night tho raiding iuad on- 'raffle following; tho business do-
i;.ii;i'il In tho clean-up of tho Illicit
llcjtior traffic, both In. Klamath
prcsslon and "with a further ad
justment of operating costs In har-
county and in this city, acscondodi mon wllh Provalllntr tendencies."
. ...' Vrnfclit rntni fntlnwlni. trnm ,1mA
noon It. Kohcy, commonly called.
Freight rntcs following war time
lUllliy winlhrr In tVn.M.i. ., "'
tin. nmriis 15 HuchCf, UnltM Slate, an. ffvln lHS i ?v K a .f J.apani Ar,hur J- lJaltour ' "rL
"(rookD.1 -SVck Illlev." i ht. farm ' Increases and Bomo later readjust-
near Midland, and captured tho n,cn,l, havo not rcachc1 an C(ul"b
largcat still of tho present cam-1 rlum' tho """nUolon soys, because
.inlBit. Operations wcro going on'1'10 chlcf fac,ors co""-0"'ne "em.
when tho officers swooped down on "tho valUo of servlco anA the col,t
the place. When they entered tho" '"""nor'atlon still nro In a state
rimcrcto basement whoro "Hllcy" ' ,
. uns at work, whlto liquor was pour-' ., -" An-Miiit I'nM
...V bU. A,,- M, ft ,.. !,,
$4.10,000,000 has been ordered
paid to tho railroads under tho
government guarantee against loss
during tho first six month after
ttlntr rittlirn U tlrlvnln nwnArihln
PLAN ANOTHER MEET A , ,ih,rtf-"""0 "PI"' " and that there Is stilt xJuo an estl-
, mounted upon a concrete-iounda- Inatc(, ,10c,ooo.OOO. Out of 677
HIUcr " ,, . . .J . I y unu, carriers entitled to guarantee pay
"'' " ",u '""" ,uu'- ""i " monts. tho commission av. E47
..... B.Hrn ...ui ureoicu ino raiuers lmvo rC(j cla,mg lotallng 818(.
wiicii ciiicrea. who Kegs, uoi- nnn nnn im nn,0nt n.i.
I'OltTl.ANl). Dec. 8 Dlrcctorn lies, strainers, corks, funnels, test- j538000.000 havo been held justt-
u. ..... .mKun iimrymoiiH uo-opor-.urs, gauges, cooKing vats, mosll ,cd. No stntoment wa mado with
ut ho league announced last night a hoxes. brick furnace, yeast, hops, rCBpect to th0 difference between
ill -I Ion to call another clectlou pressure tanks, and everything else lho roa(.g. gummary of their losses
ii iiureiiii,er a, on the proposed men goes wiui nn oxtenslvc, com- during tho six months and tho gov.
that tlm officers woro forced to
open doors beforo they could pro
tect with their work.
Still Hint Ina; Merrily
1 A thirty-gallon copper still.
II. Ill, Will II V IrfURllO n cn
I'lojijsiii Miiiililalisn
Elevated R. R.
i.ic.o O....U. oLuuoroo aooui. yci so ornmenfs findings. Tho roads
iirrangcd that no unnecessary movo- which havo not yet filed claims for
mem uy ino opornior was posslblo( lossos, tho roport adds, nro short
ll'iulilation becauso only slightly one-third of tho members vot
oil Tiicsilay.
It Is s.ilil that thti il.ilrvmcu con. I w lie re tlmo was considered a fac. linn. nn.i tk. tni.t m ... ,...i.
r. ClllfAdt). ii. p. 8 Korty men ,,r,,y did not reallio that tho nlanltor. In one corner of the basentcntl tlvolv. .mull"
npn.Utloiis In Milt ro.lamatlon h-.iiltiarli rs herp. nor or.. lu-lly tut nn.l bruised today, proposed turnlne ovor the nlnnt. (.. a fermenting vat contalnlnc 250 i
-.. .. .. .. ... ' " " -" " " 1 -...
'Thai Hip IIoiii.-.iI.Io C.iiiiit) i"i .iirt,cturs ni tno irriK.iiion ins- noii siriso s)mpaiiiinrs siormuil, local organisations to bo formed
(mrl pnnMo nnil culi it jnll 'flc "r f11" .""crolary any knowl- tho olo.itod train tarrying em- in IC diffurunt districts tho league
ful(. In Imlil uml liiKf rnr. ,,,IK'' concerning such tin onlor. plt.)c of the parking lioiirr to the now I," operating In.
(on, make- I lie f oil. m lug n-i.iii- nrtlon having lietii taken at the
i.f llip pi U.iii.'i uliu iirv nnti, Not'rtheless. the rumor would not slo.'K)ards.
w nu) lirrrnflcr lirniiup, prlMin- 'ln. n'"l "" "it" Imiltlrln rotilin- Windows In the train wer.i hrok-
r of sal.l i-ounli ,"-'l '" '""lr I'1'" ,l'" Herald office, rii by a fiisll.nlo i.t mlsules, result-
UV I..UI..I ll.o f mIiik oh. '' foin-spoiitlMit at Portland was Ing In man) serious Injuries to tho (lVly llr,. ,t,.(,u,.,K Tlat
dltk.?., I.. rtl.Ci Klml. Mr Hi-nl ""I'"""-" '" ' "" invMigaiiou. occupants. ,.lt( V(.(l (l1( .
In Hip I.iiIiIIiiK immv u.iI n- n w ' '' " " rrsiiltant In tho follow- Klfteen hundred policemen wem
unt, j.l. fr fly r,. Jl(f 1MB lUp-lch received )esterday sent lo to tho stockyards heforol (iu,lrJ. ,arK,w Iir,..lui, Sllmlu).
b4Mim-i.l of ,.; ln, ,! " I'-rllaii'l. !' 7 -The district ,..)K,t when largo crowds f nB,t nl lo Main rlreet by llioiiioon-
found .n., ,.t.-i ....... r.elaim.llon offlc hero today re- strikers. Including women, formed a,lu. r:a(fur sound, w hen iirralcned
ml f..p ..!,.,.' l,'U,,,1 " vlr" ,r'"" Wd-ul"Blon- '" thriMlfitlng liiobs A few hoiin' ,ufrt. ,Ierl Thomas, fnlted Slates clt'' wllll co:l o" was poured In
M' l'11.11 ......i.,.. ,!,., ,1...... 1 ni rmlllil.1. ...rll..H '.III. ....llrt, ...n.. rli..,.. I ' . . . . 1 ... ............ ...AMk (inn t,
rllllcnlPH Iksurtl
gallons of mash wan found about The commission Issued during the
ready for placing In th estlll. year certificates allowing roads to
Outfit Cost M.000 issuo stock and bouds for 91,716.-
Itllcy told tho officers that tho 000,000, the report says. The com
outfit cost about $2,000, and that mission points out,; howovor, that
It wns complcto In overy detail, oven I this total represented, for tho great
to fusel oil eradication. This foe- part refunding operations.
tor, ho said, was what mado his
product soil readily over tho poorer,
Grnd.'H now In circulation.
Tho still and liquor wero loaded
Into u wugon nnd brought to this
.li..iln Ih.. Ih..r. It, nn found..- ..irlli... '..Ill imlli.itn.ii flrml lulu' t - . . .. . ..
rn. ....!.... ...... .,i. .... """ - - - - , - " .uiiiiiiisni.iiierjesivniay, wnivcu viear-
a of I...,,,.,.'.... i..,, ,. """ ,,,r ""' r,,1",rt "l"t ""' 'ccr'" 'hi-tiiJiitls of flrlke synip.ithliers nK nnd announced that ho wished
tnry of the Interior had suspended who attnrked plant employes nnd to !., tiiken to the federal court at
fV.nnclr.Min.l (hat It tilll
Irrigation payments on the Klnmith polltem. n
Irrigation project acreage for one
I'orlljnd to plead guilt) to tlm chnrgo
of Inning Inoxli-.iCiin liquor In his
Th lr raid Ihn Interior M'.MItnt (ir IKIItMLS iiossesslon. Ho iidmltted that ill-
AMI Ml'I.IN ('OMI'll,i:i thoiigh he broke the evldencf against j
me iirowing masn. "Klloy ' was
brought here nnd confined In tho
u.j.ini)- juii penuing u Hearing ue-
foro thu authorities.
1 CIIIC.UU). Der S. Data torn- wushlusiu tlurlug the mid, still, ho!
'piled by the Horse Association of was (MiHly nn.l wunl.'d It "Over with
bp ne..virv r Hi,. I.itlt.ll.,.- in,,.
s ,l, M, Hlm-l l.ull.1. ;,,.,,,., ,mil ,10 r(.crd t,f an)
Illi rnnr, ,,H,rn nm ,.,v w.
'T: """ .",.n, -""' '" ' II fi. INSURANCE
"" " "nilliion ninnol Im BLANKS AVAILABLE Aim-rlra Indleates lint there aro Conimlssloner Thoniiis bound Harlow
""' ,r," l ' rriurrl for D m,,r than horses and oor tt. tho grand Jury under $1,000
wrupaiir), Kx-serU.o men de-drlng to I .'In- iiiiiIpk In the I'ulted States. 17.000,- bonds.
Third I'uiin iltliHt uboui Hi,. Hf fttV r Kl,u.rmmnl In- of which no on farms, uml
im K.nilllloii vxMva in Ihr ,. ,. 0,i.,n modi, il blanks more than 2.1100.000 in cities, tic MAIIKITT ItKI'OIlT
bulldliiK knomi n tlir Hot Hirliig' frotn Ms, i)(M,alsoii. Kp.I Cross lording to tho annual report of I'OUTI.AN, Dec. 8 Cattle steady.
building, ulilt-li Mill lmvo l i(,c(,Ury, at im fllo of the lil- W.i)no DliiMiioro, (.ecri'tnry of tho lltgs 25c higher, prlmo light $7.7C
hro iliMin., iiijjih, nn Mrll iv. nn j,.onalson Insuranro agenty In'assoelntlon, uiiido hero before tho nnd $8.25. Sheep steady. Kggs
rcialr iK-fnn. Mtinn ran lui ummI )n winters building. It .in-lnnmial iiieetliig of the association unsettled, lluttor stoady. Wheat
fr rot,,,,,. J. nounrr.llo.liiy. recently. . M.07 and $1.0S.
"Uefilrtlicrirroiiiiuenil Unit tlio Aiiiillcatlon for liikiir.inco blanks .. .. . ..
. tn,v offic ra.7,.r..w"inr.i from mi.h i.y.ii..' ANNUAL MEETING OF FARM BUREAU
lnslrut,, I,. rk Itigtllier Krlck(.( ,! health nurse, at her jg HELD; FOUR OFFICERS OF PAST
ml ni-Nriiin Mllh rri ollitT, ot,cn tho chamber of commorco VPAn Anp AppniNTFn FOR NFW TFRM
i Tentative Plans Laid
Meeting for New
j him. by smashing u bottlo against a I 0ffl.w ,,,, ( 0)M. ,, (.r,H.
Clubs to Illly l'lgs
Tentntlvo plans for the organlza
Hon of nn athletic club here wero
agreed upon at a meeting last
' night nt tho office of John IIous-
A great stimulus has been given ton, Sugannan building, which was
tho bo)s' and girls' .Pig clubs of attended by representatives of the
this county by tho offer of loans Klamath Cbunty high school, Elks
mado by K. M. Ilubb, of the Amcr- club, American Legion and Unl-
lean National bank. A loan of verslty club. Tho plan calls for
money for the purpose of buying tho Incorporation of an association
pigs will be made to any one of In which will bo hold yearly mom-
tho club members, the only provl- bershlps permitting the member free
slon being that a one-year nolo, en- use 0f tho gymnasium, and prob
dorsed by ono parent, bearing 6 ably n reduced rato for admission
per cent Interest, bo given In pay- to nil ntbletlc events.
nient. whlih will fall duo If tho "It's up to tho community to
pigs are sold during that tlmo. I conio to tho assistance, of tho young-
I Through this plan, sayu Frank er olement who nro struggling to
Sexton, county club leader, it Is give tho city a much-needed thing,
..... ' l.,...n.i ,i nl... , I...I rn ni.. ... n flilnp. lltnl la vAntttrpd liv tnw
HI , our rounty. application blanks U, uo.l ll. -"." " . " '-. s' ' , 1? ,?l.n ,'!'" l"'i, already havo taken advantaC of ...aslmn." said John Houston, one of
' . . .. .i I. . .n.v ...j.,1 ...I I., in.. ii:i!iiimniiii,.iiL ill lull, I ... ..i ...n... . ....... .... ,-.... nj i . - w
' n; , H iiiliui .. ..... !... .. . . ... , . ,., nHnna. ....... nt lin nvnnn.n.1 nllt.
m as t K,., ,(, )m(, ,,,11,
In making application for
upprrxsliiK Hi riliiic ho iiiiw r0Ntalrmeul. It Is necessary that
111. ... i.ra rhnsell WOle: HIATMCV RF.TIIRNS, "l .' . .. v .... ,..,.,. llr.wl.
lvirv.3. mrt.i ii- - i,. , hhh, ... " ..
' 1 l.i, mm M l!2.'ll.
ll i'v.'"'" -"
(Hlirnnh Jii.-.ili iiourk r,n, .- n mtior .11 Is the la
?"". i V. -lUikMnnll, W. D.'for roinstatement. It Is cM'f tod of tho imst ) ear's office. a and .llu-t-t-Ciiinb,.l.
i i i- i.....j ...... .. ........ ., of niipllrn- orn. tlfflcers ihoseii were' r ..
tt 'rnlsli, J. A. Knlrci... J. T.I , ions will be mado until that tl.o,C'ie. president: Kred M.Kendree
I'rrklns" , 'Hi.ivni: nim " 'i-..i..".
Kjom turn. ,....n i.......i i.. . . . nr.i.nvc' triMsurPi'
.-mmituil UII.UI..U1. ,i,
wurt house circles, It waa report-
ru inti u..ffi.i.... ...... .. ...
-i.--. .....isiom oquipmoni coiiiu T,0 111iy frlollM or .Mrs a. .. , Kin, Alten.l in mo ou jn ,ttcK ot tn0
wurl house to ndequntoly equip
no Main street bulldliig. All pnrtB
fPt a fow small nccessorlofl woro
,l I hand to work with, nnd tho
Probnblo exponso to transfer nnd
lx H"o Main gtroot court hoitso
Jll wns placed nt a reasonable cost.
J'l'N'nUl, (.' AltTIIUIt MII.I.HU
rue funornl at Whltlock Chapol to
".or Arthur IIIIsh Miller, non of
,rind Mrs, f It. Minor, who dlod
'""day, wn ttttomlod by n largo
'Bicr ot friondH of ho family.
"ret quantities of flowors woro ov
fywhoro, Indlcatinrt tho high esteem
10 hlch tho boy wnn hold by nil.
ona? Vyucl-8tormogrnnh nt Undor-
bVL' . narmoy roglBtorod a rising
lthLor lll,rlnK " Pn' 2 h0"1-"'
Sf't the hour of mnklng-lhls
daf ,ho tonrtonoy was allghtly
wwnward. Tho Increased pressure
;'d soom to Innuro tho fine wonth-
v? ano"ior day or bo. nt loast.
forecast f0r next 24 heurs: "
ThL'11" modrato tmperujire.
re.u. T,;cos ""ecordlng thermometer
b5 i.1r!d tho 'ollowln'u moxinun
" mllmum tempe'rotures todayyi
"lh , 40
Lw .,...... 80
biners In lho country. In some tu
stances thu Increase ran us high as
10 tents.
I'm iiu Inn Plan
It. i:. Ilradbur) stated that tho or
ganization committed of tho finance
corporation for building up thu local
association was at wotk upon thu
,.... i ' ... . ........
Mnlney will bo pleased to ia.... Aseml)llMl tlm meeting wore plan and tlio speni.or ouinneti ino
thai sho has rotiirncil from ,,crk0 ovt.r ff0 Cll.o .inrltitlturlHts or IIiIh Information which tho Portland In
oy, for tlio past six ,oU,ou1 tic interest nianlfostrd In I vestlgntlng tommilteo had obtained
she had been a patient in tho H'M , , eur. rK of the buieaii on their Hip. His nddiesH wns only
hnnnou hospital, under treatment' ,lotoworthy and tutstaudlng for giving full Information on tho
.... nr liohniiiion for canter. ,... cioso uttentlon was pain i, Eiiujeci ....... -u ........ ..s........ ..
MJ ' . . 1 I . ...
Tho remarkublo gtuccM mat m , ali,iri..sbrs of all tho spenKors who
attended the method ioiu.v..
this Phj-slclnn Induced Mrs. JUlnoy
, seek his aid. and she ruturl.-d
" .... ..... t nnurntlon
homo conliueiH i' ",u ,.
.. ..n... n.til llii. .inltflV
wero on tno iroei...
for tho coming year was discussed
at length and heartily approved
sired news about.
JTotinty Agent K. II. Thomas stat
oil Hint tho coming car would boo
tlio farm bin can haul at work upon
President Case reviewed tho pro- tlio nihntiroment of tho dairying in-
.. ....i n.l Mut Ii vna linntxl tn lllllfl
... ..Mtirn succos. nnn ihi uiim (hat no nr imih-hh " i w ...
Wh ' . o. 7 un. Z other panels ' coulltr and uls, dwelt up- n sale of purebred rottlo again this
,, lit r i will n..or return. . ", nccomplW.mrnl. of thu sliito ,ear. Ho encoutaged the greater
of (ho doctor, It ni ni . on ' hnieaw. Tho planting and pioducllon of sunflow-
Dr. llohanuon'H system of treat ,, natlo.ia an ur i
tho offer, nil of the pigs being fur- tho organizers of tho proposed ath-
nlshed from tho Hoy Nelson and. lone ciud.
II. Nylunder ranches. It Is content- " H Plan11 "re carried out there
Plated, ho sa)s. (hat tho plg wll will ho basketball and handball
bo purchnsod from local brooders equipment provided for tho amuse-
ot ubout $t0 each, and that all will nient and exercise of club members
bo registered stock. and students. A definite location
"Iloth myself and tho children has not been decided upon as yet,
cortalnly appreciate this generous although tho commltteo hag sev-
offer," said Mr. Sexton. "It moans oral posslblo buildings In mind.
that nearly ovury ranch In tho
tounty can havo registered pigs. SUBMARINE IS RAMMED
and n big stimulus to pig breeding." .. .. ,
Thlily MoiiiIm'in of (Yew et.r Doatli
1'ioin Chlorine Ghh
srjsj: xxzrz :;: x z - - r- .s- - r.
resulting in m -'-. o "''".;. rw sl.eon. K.ank Sexton, county club agent.
cum... " - .,,i ..,,.. .,.. ,,,,, hut few siicon
removal of th? grow.., w.tnmu - "" 'tll7H'llllr0M by F. W.-H.ntc that tho Ame.fcan National
HBO ... "M
.....! i,rtT COMKS
I Iferrln iiroslllcnt of tho Oregon Wool; ; bank was going to finance tho boys
I ,, roli 2 Orowor.' association, was ami girls' pig clubs tho coming year.
uCier; nd. applauded. ,. , thu tr coming from f M B.,
i ;;:; ...s . n .!. r . ,. ...--. .
" ... e,inir' !,i this year, will hae mar-f loans aro limited to members of reg-
,ENB. c. 7-"l an xjo ng ,,, cn lot hi. a... I ,00,ularly organUod p)g eltiba under tho
automobile as noon b I ket d U00.00 U ouna .Llmtlm at Mr Sexton, at 6 inter
p,M tho last instalment , n,sron,l JroJ7 m,rtcl,n, Lt. The weaker brought out strong
,.,n the cemetery." said Dr clatqn B coop ra u d fol. cow ,,, n8S0ea.
,, dean of .be U. of O of !MWPrMm so that each fanner could cull
. do iift daro to on or were onnbled lo rewivo worthless animals nnd
'.... without ureparlne than whoro oacn grow fir uwpw"' ," .''" .,.... ,,,a
I Kisw iuiiiv, uec. . iniri) mem
bers of tho crow- of tho submarlno
A nicotine of all water users will S.4S ro uear fleati, ns a rcguU 0f
bo hold In tho council chamber at tuo submarine being rammed last
tho city hall at 2 o'clock Saturday g,t ny a tug while on a test cruise,
afternoon, It was announced today T,0 crow escaped through torpedo
by Charles Wood Kberloln. chair- tubes uftor lightening tho ballast
man of tho commltteo. Action will tanks, but many wero nearly over
bo taken In reference to water tax- come, by chlorlno gus funics before
utlon. effecting their oscupo.
' The men wero brought to tho Navy
MnitAHV CI,UU MKKTINC; Ynnl hospital horo whoro they are
Tho Woman's Library Club 'will he being held for closo observation.
entertained at their meeting tomor- .. f.MZnivKT
.... o.-.n k,. ih n,.,.in .ini. JArANKSF. I.OKKMr.M
after which the ' Is7 iurtsm " ?
meeting will be held. The club will WASHINGTON. Dec 8. -The
n,nt in th chamhnr of cemmercp Japanese government has accepted
rooms at 3:00 o'clock on Friday and 'h proposal for a Pacific quadruple
everyone Is cordially Invited to at-', understanding. said a British
tend for tho privilege ot hearing tthe' spokesman today, who added that
program prepared by tho mtiBlo club' tho flve-tlve-threo ratio for capital
In Its first public appearance this ships hail not ni yet been accepted
winter. 't fijfi1 y Pa"
Irrigation and Other Pro
jects Aided With
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Provi
sion for starting construction ot the
Pow-dor Illver Irrigation project In
Ilakor county, Oregon, Is made by a
request for $100,000 In tho budget
for the next fiscal year submitted
to congress today. This amount
formerly was appropriated for the
Deschutes project In Central Ore
gon, which has since been aban
doned as a government enterprise.
Provide for KUmath
Liberal provision Is made for Im
provements at (he .Salem Indian
school, including a new dormitory
for boys-? For the Klamath Irriga
tion project $1,213,000 Is aaked;
for tho Umatilla project 1467,000,
and for the Yakima project In
Washington $2,100,000. The sur
veyor general of Oregon is allowed
$13,000 for tho expenses of his of
tiro next year ,and Crater Lake
national park Is allo'ttod 125,100.
An appropriation of $11,000 Is
asked for tho Astoria quarantine
Would Aid Indians
Authority Is asked for the secre
tary of the Interior to oxtend from
tribal funds the following addi
tional amounts for aid ot Indians:
Klamath, $75,000; Umatilla, $8,
000; Warm Springs, $2,000. An
appropriation of $35,000 Is request
ed for the protection ot the Ore
gon & California land grant and
the Coos Day wagon road lands.
Oregon national forests are pro
vided for as follews: Cascade, $7,
835; Crater, $22,(88; Deschutes.
$10,175; Klamath, $20,249; Mal
heur, $6,091; Ochoco, $6,461; Ore
gon, $20,409; Santlam, $7,863;
Sluslaw, $16,360; Umpqua, $13,-.
509; Whitman, $25,201.
Construction ot tho McKay dam
on the Umatilla project at a cost
ot $230,000 Is provided for In the
reclamation estimates carried In the
budget as announced today, the
reclamation servlco advised Repre
sentative Slnnott.
Soldiers Hnvo, Prcfcrcnco
Also tho monoy asked for tho'
Klamath project means cxtonslve
development, $284,000 to be ex
pended In reclaiming the Tule lake
lands on which soldlors -will have
preference right of settlement If
the Slnnott bill, already passed by
tho house, goes through the senate.
Horsefly reservoir, on the Klam
ath project, Is to be constructed at
u cost of $42,000, and the Langell
Valley section of the samo project
Is to be reclaimed at a cost of
Cliluose HepresenUUvo Cables Res
ignation ns Protest
WASHINOTON, Dec. 8, Philip
1C. C. Tyau, secretary general ot the
Chinese arms delegation, and min
ister to Cuba, cabled yesterday to
Peking his resignation as a mem
ber of tho delegation In protest
against the "negative results" thus
far achieved concerning China's de
mands. Dr. Tyau told tho Associated
Pross that In resigning he acted
without consulting the three Cht
neso delegates, and his action repre
sented his personal views. The del
egation was notified after the cable
gram had been sont to tho Chinese
United Stuten Marsha WIU More
Six Prisoners to Portlaad ,
The crowded quarters, In the city T
Jail will be In a measure relieved now
that II. B. Swetland, United States
Marshal has arrived (sere from Port- t
land with warrants to serve on indi
viduals at tho Agency. As soon as
the wanted persons are gathered In,
Swetland 'will take at least six pris
oners to Portland with him. - He ex
pects to take alt persons bound oreg
to the federal' grand Jury who are.
lying In jail, unable to furnish ball.' .
Mrs. Eva McDonald, 421 Main
6treet, bound over to, the, federal
grand jury on a charge' of having
Intoxicating liquor in' her posseseiesi t
by Commissioner Thomas, will not be
Included in the party.. She 'secured
$750 ball required for her appear
unce at Portland.
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