The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 03, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Page Five
' iWTimOAY, D
KOK 8AI-0ak flnlihed Victrola,
IModolXVI, with record. J'liono
4K0J. .1 10.
. ' Ulllll.M.I .1
mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmimmimmimimim. m
i f
; A 1
XV nnou nf tfmit hnmo mmw'T CH
v The Victrola stands for Dignity, IB?
. Class, Satisfaction, Education and W5
vVSt Eiuertainment, all in one. K'V ,,''
N In short, the Victrola is a gift of Ml
v x pdrmanencc and mature judgement JW-
KV Let's look them, oven MinP".rf
flH Muslcil Headquarter 1 711 a Ho II' Idl
Tuesday nveiiliiR of lnl week provided In IIhi mm room uf tlm
llin linnin uf Mr. nnil Mr, Htanlay
0. 13, tlmltli In I'ortliinil. wn tho
acoim of mi attractive weddliiK cere
inoiiy, when Mis liliunul llrnwn (in
ciiino tlm hrldn u( Chnrle Kill
Jimlth, Thn iiffnlr louk plum nt
holnl for KinfilH wliii preferred them
to daiicln;. A ilnncn with thn lu
ll Ich wnnrltiK hiilrhiiWN of crnii pa
per mill tlm ini'ii wearing lie uf
I ho samii tiinlcrlnl, wa tho feu
turn of I tin menhir. Kvorybody
8130 o'clmk, Dr. A. A. MurrlHim of mulched rollenn tx-iiniiiiln for part
Trinity Church rendliiK tlm service, i ner for this fi'iiturn ilnncn. Lunch
Minn ('oimtniirn Klsher, uf Klnmutli wn served IhrniiKhoiit tlm oviinlnK
Kail, wnn tlm ninlil of honor, nnil liy tint rniiinilttrii In rlinrRit.
Tbuoilorii Hiiiurt of fteallln acted ns 4
licit man to tlm brlilmrimm. Jml-j Mrp( w,)llr Joll..H mi(, ,. A. ,
Ith tlmltli. Illtln ilniiRhliT of Mr.' ,(t,llWl wn luntmiu ,r , Ml(l.
ami Mr. Stanley V K. Hmltli, mi.t ,., ,)f A1()Ul ,,,,. , ,
Marjorle. daiiahter of Mr. ami Mr.. ,,.,,. H11.( , , HMwl ,I()U,,
I'orcy Hmltli ero flowrr Klrl.' ,,,, ,. A pleasant tlmo
whllo Klllntt llmlll. nct...l n. Him ,,, Mt , roM , wlrl,
bearer. Tlm bride I. tlm Mtrarllvn ,,,, ,,,,. ,, , WPr
ilniiKhtnr of Mr nml Mm. ! K. .. ,,. ,
llrnwn, of Klnmnlli KnlU, ami In
wnll known In thin vicinity liny
Ins nttnmlxil IiIkIi nrhuoal Imrii.
Mr. Hmltli In wnll known In I'ort
land, mul ho In a ini'iiiliir of nn
iil cntnlillnhnl family of Oregon.
At prcmnt lin In ufflllatril with tlm
fllmw-llprlrain IimiiIiit conipnny. Af
ter a honnyinnon tour IhrouRh tlm
noiithern part of California nml
Meilco, thn yomiK peopla will re.
(urn to Klamath Kalln wlmrn they
will mako their futurn linuio. Thny
will ha at homo to their frli-nili tho
latter part of March.
Tho K. (). K. rluh ,n orKanlta
t Ion of titled Kcliool hoyn who nrn
inembern of thn I'renbylrrlan church
nterlalnel with a ilurk iiippnr on
Wsilneutay ntrnlnK In thn parlon
of tho church. Them went a fnw
Invited Ktipntn nnldo from thn reic
nlar club member, and an Interest
Ink evenlnK wai enjoyed, Thn meal
wan enlivened tn a great eitont by
loechea, tiunln and aoiiRs.
On Tuonday ntrnlnK Mr. and
Mrn, Herbert I), Newell ontertaln-
vd at n dellKlilful dinner parly lii
rrlobrallon of their wedillnc n-(
nlvnrnary. The color aclmmn of red
and whlln wan artlitlcally carried
out In thn tabln decnratlnnn and
menu. Cover were laid for Mr
and Mrn I. Alberttnn. Mra. (lot
den Lincoln, Mr. W. H. Wiley. Minn
Ixiretla JennlliRi, Manter Herbert
Newell, Jr. thn honl and hontenj,
Mr. Margaret I'ltln enlertiilned
on Tuenday afternoon for Mrdamen
K. K. MaRee. It. K. Sinltti, N. (
lerheln and J. J. I'arker. Tho af
ternoon wa npeul In newlui; and
rontetnatlon. At f o'clock a dell
rloun luncheon wnn nerved.
To bo selected by 01m of Hie
Injillnir French compiner to Inter-)
pret noiim of III" latent rnmponl-;
tlnnn before the l.ondun Chamber!
Muilc tloclely, bn been the good
fortune of Ml Harriet l'nmnoro,
contralto. wh In now In I'arln.
In a letter to friend Ml i'")
morn aaya: "Mr 1.0111 Auneri. noi
ed Krench coinpimer, ha clionen mo
In Interpret hln M'oeinna Arabo' In
n fenllval of modern Krench mule
to bn given In London, Nor. 29th
nerved by
Mrn. J. ('. Ilrnckenliroiigli wnn
hontenn Wedncnday for n number
of frlemln who wrrn In for miction
brldgii. Mrn W. iV. McNealy won
high acorn for thn ufteruoon. Tho
guent lint follewn: Mendamc II. W
llrldgford, I' II. Drown, Terry
llurke, Andrew M. Collier, 0. II
Coiad, John Kmlern, ', A. Albert
non, II. I lllbbiirt, Uiuln Ilnagland,
I!, I), l.amb, K. T. Ludden, Harry
Gallagher, llorarn Manning, K II
Hall, II. N. Moe. V. V McNealy.
Charlea I.. .Monro. K. II. I'lko, K
U. Patrick, I., 0. Van llellcn. Hurt
Wltherow. Karl Whltlock. (Itenn
Wlmlmrly and Minn Marin Me.Mil
Hurry I'nlU and Minn
Humpheroy entertained at
on Knturday night at Ml in Hum
phrey' hoiun. Thonn promt were.
Ml men Klethit llumpliruy, Jean Mt
Donald, Allen IUnen, llnrtha I'etti
Waive Wlthemw, Klmer Kohal'tnoii.
Harry I'rlti. Kenneth Mnler, Cecil
Humphrey and Lyiiu Kergunon.
Corvnllln. Ore. Iec. 3. Kdnu
Merrltt, of Merrill, a nophomora In
mmlr at the Oregon Agricultural
rollege. In n member of tho Kutrr
li club, local honorary fraternity
In iiiunle for women. Thn Kuterpi
rluli wnn fnnued for thn purponf
of promoting to a higher degree,
thn musical, Intellectual, and aoclal
rulturo of inualr. Tho club will
preienl It inoinlMir In recital thn
aecond week In January Ml
Merrltt In maklnK piano her major
nuhject nnil In 11 pupil of Uuatav
clety. I can hardly believe my goon
fortune to bo choaen by the com-
1 1
Thn inoat luilreaaUit Memnrlnl ner
lre held In year will take place
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock
by tlio London Chamber Mualc Ho-jnhnrp In the Klk lodgn room for the
baent brother who were member
of Inenl 1347, II. I. O i:. The ner-
poaer who hnd hln choice of innnyvlcen nrn opnn to the genernl pulilli
well-known Krench nrtlnt. U and thn officera of thn lodgn have
characterlted me In til letter to' extended n gennrnl Invitation for all
thn Chamber Munlc Hocloty m nnlKlumatli Kail clllien to uttend.
'Inlerprelo remaruuabln', and to 1110 1 Thn nervlre arn held ench year
ho wroln thn duy after our flrt)on the flrat Rundny In December In
rehearnal, 'I wa ravlnbed by your! every lodge In tho Culled States,
Interpretation yealordayf" I Apprprlatn eierclne with Inntru.
Mia I'Aimura ha niaumed tlm mental number nml nn iidilrci liy
name of "lUdUtm I'mnior" and H. L. Tonoy. I'nat Deputy Dlatrlrt
humoroualy ay alio la convinced Knltoil Ornnd Hulor. of McMlnnvlllo,
that It I contributing to her "run I Ml bo Klven. A genernl eulogy by
of good luck." 1 1. -. . . i-
Many of Klamath Kail munic
lover wero prlvllegod to hear Ml
I'aamoru'a glorlou volco n llttlo
ovor yeur ko, and they may
congratulate thomaelves on having
listened to ono who I taking hor.
placo among tho gront alnger.
Tw0 thurch bnaar wero In
progro yealordny and today wlion
tho ladle of thn Methodist and
1'rMbyterlan cliurchc oxhlblled J
their Xmu wenr for alo In tho,
chambor of commorco room and.
In tho parlors of tho Trcsbytcrlan
church. An nttracllvo Japaneo toaj
booth wa prosldod over at tho
ihuroli by Mr. Chnrlc Collier on
Krldny nftornoon. And todny a
luncheon nnil ten worn served by
tho Methodist ludlt'H,
A lovelr ilance nil Krldny night
wan that nt tlm Whlto I'ollcnn ho-(
tel ponored by tnn univoraiiy
club, with tho high achnnl stu
dent na their uncut. Card woro
Eye Strain
Makes Eye Work
An injury. j
Makes Eye Work
Easy. j
Phono nno
Klonei for all occaaloim.
Ulve Ui A Trial
t Phone WW.
Our Service
Mako Correct Glass
es a certainty.
rbon H9W TJM14 Mlp
T, L. H (nn ley will nlno bo on tlio
"Tlm fiiillt of our hrotliern
wo wrllo upon tbu nniiiln,
Tlmlr virtue on tho tablet
of lovo nnil memory."
Klnumth Knit Lodgn 1247
4 lint ninong It depnrted frn-
tnrnlly, tho following wull
known former member, in
whose honor thn ninrelai'n nrn
, held nlno the yenr of tlmlr d-
part 11 nil
John It. Htllla Mill
W. J. I'rotiilfool 1912
Jniim I', llyrno 191 1.
Tho, K, Klynn 1914
' Michael lloohr I9IT,
(I. I), Cornell I UK,
Chin, H. Mourn 1915
Kred Melbunn 1 91',
W. II. Hhuw I9K,
Win. K. Hurry 19IC
A a. Iwln 1917
Mori O'Conner I9IN
A J. White 1919
l. H. Cnllell 1919
J. Iv. Vose 1919
II. J Lincoln 1919
llnrry Johnntoii 1920
tleo C. Mill bell I92U
P. l' A. Ilncho 1920
L A. Murphy I92n
!eo, T. Ilaldwln 1 920
Hnnry O'Keefe I92H
II. II. L'dmondn 1920
W 1'iiul Johnson 1920
.1. I. Leo 1921
M II Wllklnn 1921
It. M. Illrhurdsoii 1921
Win A Manten 1921
Henry I.. Iknson 1921
Tlm program ronslal of the fol
lowing order of eierclsea:
Nocturne, from "A Midsummer's
Night Dream."
Opening Caerrlsen, Officer of tlm
Opening Ode, "(Irent Ituler of the
Prayer, Itev Arthur L. Itlre.
Lilllnby from Jorelyn. (lodnrd.
Miss Dorothy Klllott
Violin Ohllgato, Mr. Ilorel
Memorial itltual. Offlrcrn of Hie
"Told nt Twilight" lleiirler,
Altar Service. Officera of the
Cornet Holn, "Inflnmatu" Itornlnl
J. Otto KrlU
Illliral l!lllnrv. Urn T I. ttlufilAt'
lwlatou, Mont . No. 4SC.
"Cvenlng Star" from Tannhniiser
Wiigner Orrliestra
Addrean. Ilro. II I.. Tiiiimi-. Mr.
Mlnnvllln Lodge, 12N3. ,
"Homewhero n V010 I Cu line '
Tate. Orcbealra
Closing Ode, "Wo Have Klnlnhed Oui
Labors '
J' nH
isZs- V
xb'" aa
- aaaaaaaat
at)" aLHHIH
,atatHl(V 1 aBHlV9
1 b HH
KOfl BALt-Largo Wicker baby bug
I gy, Ivory finish. Phono 480J.
3 10.
I ,
. KOU KXUIIANdK Two flno lot ly
I Ing together, clear, In tho city of
Portland, close In, twenty minute
walk from Meier A Krank'a retail
I stnro, to trndo for Klamath Kail Im
proved property. It. C (Iroenbeck,
Ameririui nana mug 3 G.
Ileucdlctlon, Itev. Arthur L. Itlce
Tho present officer of tho lodge
Kxnlted Killer, C. A. Ilayden; Ks
teomed U-ndlng, llurgu Ma
son. Kteemed l.oyul Knight, P. M
Noel, KMcemcd lecturing Knight,
(Hen II Jester; Secretary. II K
Momyer, Treasurer, M. P Lavenlck.
Squire, Wm, (lanong; Inner (luard,
II. (loddurd. Chaplain. F. T. An
drew. Tyler. A. F. Halflcky; Tru
tee. L, . Van llellcn. Trustee, C J
Martin, Trustee, J K Swanaen
.MitH. M.titv wiliii:l.m
Plttshuri:. I'n.
"No matter what I should nay
about Tanlac, It wouldn't bo half
good enough," Mid Mr Mary Wll
holm, "Hi Mint Wny. South Sldn,
Pittsburg, Pa.
"I noor dreamed It possible for
a medlclno to restore mo to tho
splendid health I now enjoy. In fact,
I hnd almost resigned myself 10 be
ing nn Invalid, nn I could sec I wnn
losing welRht and ntrenitth eery day.
nnil no relief wn In nluht Kor three
yenr stomach trouble, headache and
nervousness made my life miserable.
"The first bottle if Tunis- acted
almost llkn magic and It wasn't long
until I wan so well nnd strong that
I could hardly reallro 1 had ever
known n sick day. I nm llkn n dif
ferent person In every way now, eat
ing, sleeping, furling nnd looking bol
ter than In. ear "
TaiiUc and Tnnhic Vegetable PUN
are old by druggist everywhere.
IK YOU WANT Klrt clan dre mak
ing and good hemstitching, tnkn
your work to tho Singer Store. 3 0
WANTKD Sowing. Prlco reasonable.
can zi walnut. 3 r,
AI'I'Liat 11.00 per box at Mollnn
Plow Co, Warehouse, Spring St
3 7.
IIAItOAIN Upright piano, fine con
dition, at 741 Commercial St, nonr
Sth Call Sunday or Monday after
noon 3
KOU BALK A real bargain In n alx
cylinder Mitchell engine, all complete
ready to run dutiable for nuto, boat
or pumping.
A 1.80
KOK BALK 1920 five paasengcr
Kord with starter, A 1 condition,
for les than $300.
224 Main.
LOST 1 Karly Krlday afternoon,
somewhere near tho Ooldon Kulo
store, a small blue coin purso, con
taining a 15 bill and 7BCt. In coin.
Kinder please return to the Herald
office. 3.
ONK KOOM CAIIINS for housekeep
ing, 741 Walnut. 3
KOit BALK: 2nd hand heating stoves
'.Colonial Itooms, 11th near Main,
AI'PLKS $1.00 per box at Mollno
Plow Co. Warehouse, Spring St.
3 7
If IntrrcMei! In Uin Present or
I'uturn welfarn of your eyes, con
sult Dr. Ooble, 70S Main, Ph. 133W
AI'PLKS $1.00 per box at Molina
Plow Co. Warehouse, Spring St
WANTKD clean cotton rags, ! cent
per pound. Danncr Motor Co,
3 r. ,
KOU 8ALK Trapgrnde. 12 guuge. I
ItrmlnRton automatic shotgun, al-J
Prices right Ask for Danncr at
Danner Motor Co. 3 5.
" Want a Fountain
So say we all of us everybody wants a fountain
pen. It's the modern implement of the day. Here's
where you buy them. We fit you out with good
pens at low prices and in plain or novel effects.
Umicrwooift Pharmacy
pi,.t v 1 BUY THEIR DRUGS UccTU.?acvI
aro here now, at the
jany site, neatly mounted on stand.
iPninn In and mako your rclectlon.
lor call 492-K., and we will dollv-
cr ono that will pleasa you.
rnv noxuoxo
A Gift of Real Worth
and Dignity
It is a fact that when; yon choose
a Victrola as the gift oZ gifts for all
the family you ares getting some
thing that adds to th impressive
ness of your home.
The Victrola stands for Dignity,
Class, Satisfaction, Education and
Entertainment, all in one.
In short, the Victrola is a gift of
pdrmanencc and mature judgpment
Let's look them over.
Shoe Repairing
is a Teal saving to the
PUBLIC. Many pairs of
shoes costing new fr'em
$6 to $10
arc thrown away after 6
P; months' wear, when by
M spending from $2 to $8
:S on them by having them
jf repaired, another six
months' service could be
had with no breaking in of new shoes.
We are prepared to do all kinds of shoe re
pairing and ask that you try us and be convinced.
MAIL ORDER Shoe' repairing given prompt
attention at ,
727 MAIN
','---- -- --"-" --
Glasses Fitted
and Furnished
Dr. J. G. Goble
The Well Known
Optician's New Location is
709 MAIN ST. Phone 133-W
where we have installed a complete
Factory and Grinding Plant
Tlio Olil-Tiiuer nil know Dr. (loblo mid something of hi
ability In fitting tho eye to glasses.
To tho New Comer! I first visited Kliimath KulU In ISai
mid havo been doing business hero more or less hIiico that time.
1 am now located hero permnnontly at 7011 MAIN.
Shell entirely or with
' qold Trlmmlnss,
Gold Rlmlesj or
or wltU Hlms,
To open a savings account at once.
To add a certain sum weekly to it.
, To build up and fortify themselves with an
Old Age Insurance Against Want.
' i
A Savings Account makes an ideal Xmas gift!
... " 'a
It's your best and most acceptable gut. $
Start the Boy and Girl right.
Deposit $10 in the 4 per cent interest column -' r
to their credit and encouratre them to add to it. ...i
.,,. - u
"Encourage Saving It Pays"
y jtt
A '