y Page MMT, MKMOMR B, 1M1. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON !l C i n ! tf, .. PERSONAL mentjon r. H. Mitchell and H. nnct woro ettaty Mt business visitors yea fifty, frem the Klamath Agency. ,rrH Lewis, of Ban Franclico, .arrived here on Isst night's train ad will look After business atfatm for the next few day. 'K. V. Parker and Van II. Wallet lira eltjr visitors from Sacramento 'Sali week-end. Arthur J. Murk and Thomas A. talker arrived last night from Portland and arts stopping orer Jure for a few day. Kdgar Johncon It a Klamath Fall business visitor today from Mrdford. At. Culbard, representing the Mndley Oil company, la hero for a feW day from San Francisco. U. F. ivanhoo and family ar rived yesterday evening from Chll oquln and are visiting here. J, D. O'Connor, an cxtcnalvo sheep owner of thlt county was a, visitor In town 'yesterday. He said that the rain would be good Tor the sheep It the frccio, which was bound to follow, wasn't too hard. Chester Avery was among the tow farmers who braved the weath er yesterday to attend to business matters In torn. Mr. Avery has n large ranch on tho Merrill rvvnl, Jcsno Siemens w.is hero jester day from Fort Klamath transact' Ing business lth local merchants. J, W, Dcpuy, n woll known Mid Isnd rancher, spent jestcrday In town purchasing suppllrs. C. M. Klrkpatrlck. of Merrill mado a flying trip to the county seat yesterday. J. 8chats and wife are guests at the Arcade hotel today from Santa Marbara, California. Gcorgo Calhoun, manager of tho Savoy hotel nt Weed, California, Is a Klamath Falls, business visitor. lie Is stopping at tho Arcade hotel. Will Campbell mado a trip Into town yesterday through the driving rain from his ranch In 1-orella. tor 1 II . - " 1 rl Opening of IW Announcement Opening of Klamath Flower Shop SATURDAY DECEMBER 3rd 834 Main Street Flowers for all occasions and all time. Telegraphic Orders handled. Every visitor at our now store on Ssturday, Dec 3rd will receive a flower. Come In and get acquainted. KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP l'HO.VR 60 Ml MAIN NT. ! tho purpose of transacting urgent business. M, A, Whitby was In from tho Merrill way yesterday utter sup plies for his ranch. J. W, Mormnn, who operates n ranch In tho valley smith of town camo In for supplies jesturday. William llagvlsteln, cashier of tho bank nt Dorrls, left fur that city this morning after a day spent hrtPM IftnVlnf. afl,tt hitlni.a tlffillr! Muriel Folsom arrived last night' and Is registered at the White Pelt can hotel from Juneau, Alaska. W. F. Ilyder. and I.. U It) dor, .ue business lrltors hero this week from Texai. They pro stopping .U tho White Pelican bote). Thomai II. Kiai. of tho California-Oregon Power lompany, Is In t.t'n from Mtdtord today, having Jrilved on the train last night II, K, Snydor It hero for a few days looklnr atUr business affairs from his homo In Lakcvlow. Mrs. Andurson nnd son, IMv linicc, of AIroiiii Uft on tho train frcm hero this morning for San Frarrltco, whco they will visit for an Indefinite time. Tho Music Club will meet to night at 8 o'clock In the Hall hotel annex. And It Is urgent that all members, who can, bo present. Sam Tralnor, a real old-timer of this vicinity, ts back after a long absence spent In California. Mr. Tralnor was deputy In the clerk's offlco hero during Judge Lcavltt's reign as county clerk In 1SSS Miss Constanco Fisher has re turned from Portland whero she spent several days as the guest of Mrs. Stanley C. E. Smith. Miss Fisher also acted as maid of honor for Miss Idamal Drown at her wedding to Stanley Kills Smith last week. Iter. C. F. Trlmblo, who had planned a trip to Soattle for this wreV, ha bcon detained horo and will hold services as usual In tho Christian Church on Sunday. CANDY GITKKSINO CONTEST In the window of the "Illueblrd" on Main street, there ts a stick of candy that Is attracting consider able attention. It Is Just like tho old-fashioned barber pole sticks of peppermint with which youngsters havo regaled themselves for year. nut this one Is a mammoth affair and a prlro Is offered to the one who comes nearest to guessing the weight. MAKO.VH NI'KCIAIi MKKTI.M) All members of Klamath Lodge 77, A. F. k A. M. are requested to bo present tonight In tho Masonic Temple. 409 Main at 7j30 o'clock for special work In tbo Master Mason degree. All Master Masons and visiting brothers requested to bo present. By Order of tho Wor shipful Mstter, W. C. Van Eraon. 2 Lem l. Gaghsgcn. See UNIVERSITY FOLKS and HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Don't Forget the Dance Tonighl at White Pelican Hotel 8:30 P. M. If You Don't Dance Come Anyway. Too Late To Classify LOST Black leather hand bag con talnlng endorsed chocks psyable to Premium Dairy and Emll Mochettaz, also soma sliver. Reward if return ed to 119 N. 4th St. 1-3. TUB CHRISTMAS TREES Arc horo now, at the Freo Market, any site, neatly mounted on stands. Como In and mako your selection, or call 492 R and wa will deliver ono that will please you. Fry & Dondono. 1-24. IIIDS WANTED School district No. 1 will rocolve bids up to December 19, 1921, for I jtfjMtwg - "ro;'--. JCgg3?g!Lftsy' igppwMpr Increasing Business Sale On Now--Buy Now-Prices Down We are drastically reducing prices of every article in this huge store and if you look for quality we have it. We do not quote prices for comparison, but enjoy showing you high grade merchandise at a price that's right We can stand your criticism and invite your inspection. WE SELL: Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits and -Overcoats r Oregon City Woolen Mills Products and Florsheim Shoes . Buy for Your Present Needs, for Winter Needs and for Christmas. Suits and Overcoats $40 Values now $27.65 $50 Values now $32.65 $60 Values now $39.00 1 Lot Special Serges and Worsteds $18.65 Shoe Special Black Calf Bluchor Good Weight Sole $5.65 Ask for our stock No. 432. Hi-cut (16 in.) Tan lace Boots, Special $7.35 40 Pair Boots Rodeo, etc., Black and Tan, Special $7.35 Boys' Suits Values to $10.00 $6.95 Values to $16.00 $9.85 Values to $20.00 $11.85 Boys' MackinawB. New Lot Just In. ?.0r, DISCOUNT 1 Big Lot Silk Shirts $6,35 War tax3ac CorduroyPants Special $4.85 A Fleece Lined Union Suit Special $1.75 i We'll help you decide on his Xmas present K. SUGARM AN '1 Ain't Mad at .." 200 cords of body wood, to bo cut from lira trees, to bo delivered as tho board may direct, to tho various schools, wood to bo tiered on school grounds. The board reserves the right to reject anr and all bids. Ad dress bids to 1'. Ii. Fountain, chair man, or J. I Wells, superintendent. 1-7. ber for 1931 99179, and that tin will on Monday, December IS. 1021. at 10 o'clock, a in , at thu front door of thu Imporlol Oarago, at tho cor- nor of 3rd and Main streets, Klamath Santa Claus and Earl Shepherd Go Into Partnership For the Christmas of 1921 Santa has agreed to put on extra help and deliver more Pianos and Victrolas than ever before while Earl Shepherd promises to talk it over with father and mother and help them select just the right musical instrument. Santa says: "There is no present that pleases EVERY mem ber of the family as much as a good Musical Instrument." EARL SHEPHERD, 507 Main Street Muilcftl HiAdqunrUrfl for Santa GIauj, neticj: The Premium Dairy opened Its new storo today at 119 North 4 th street Just back of the old First National bank building They announce that they will carry a line of fresh crks and butter as well as cream, milk and HulKarlofi buttermilk. Custo mers of tbo I'romlum Dairy calling at the store and paying tholr bills beforo tbo Cth of December will re- and costs and ripenros of selling and keeping thn said automobllo, and thn furthor sum of 126.00 attorney's frn, and also thn sum of 1376.00, with Interest thereon at thn rut" ol S i Kails, Oregon, sell thn said automo- per annum from Keptember 10, 19:1, Jbllo at public auction, for cash In and the overplus, If any there bo, pay to inn said morigagor. .Dated Dec. S, 1921 II H, hovci:, 2-3, hand, lo I hi. hlrhf.it and best bidder 'therefor, and that out of tho proceeds of said salo ho will keep and retain the costs and expenses of ssld aslo, eolve a liberal discount. 1-3. NOTICK OK HAI.B NOTICB 18 IIKUKI1V (1IVKN that II. H. rtoyce, mortgagee In a cortaln mortgage dated Boptembor C, 1921, wbnreln Victor Nelson Is mortgagor, has, pursuant lo tho terms and condi tions of said mortgago, taken Into his possession one Oakland Automo bllo, 1916, touring, manufacturer'a serial No, 322202, License No, for 1921 6246, and that ho will on Mon day, December 12, 1921, at the front door of the Imporlal Oarage, at Kla math Kails, Orgon, soil tho said auto mobllo at public auction, for cash In hand, to tho highest and best bidder thorefpr, at 10 o'clock a, m, of said day, and that out of tho proceeds of said sale bo will keop and rotnln tho costs and expenses of said salo, and tho costs and expenses of seising, and keeping tho said automobile, and tbo further sum of 1173.50, with In terest thorcon at tho rate of 8 por annum from September 6, 1921, and attorney's fees In the sum of 125.00. tho said sum of ii73.to wun Interest as aforesaid, being amount duo said mortgagee from, said mort gagor pursuant to tbo terms of said mortgage. Dated Dec. 2, 1921. ir. s. novcK. i , 2-3. Krank Tlnk-.r was a county aolt ' tor ycsinMitv f tin .Malln. ,i MIMICAL CIIHIHTMAH This Dandy Vlclrola 13 a mouth trada It Istor for a Itfrgn one. KAIIIj NIIKI'IIKIID STRAND THEATRE-TONIGHT Where Everybody Goei id , f? T'WWTiN AW " 5 The Home of Hodkinaoia Feature NOTICK OP SALE netice: ih HEREBY OIVEN that H. S. Iloyce. mortgagee In a cortaln chattel mortgago dated Beptombor 10. 1921. where n Krank Mummers Is mortgagor, has, pursuant to tbo terms and condition of ssld mort ((', taken Into bit pollution, on Heripps-Hooin auiomoDiit.. roout nil. "ihummv body." Modil nurni BirB'Si Motor N( i'lo, iiBt ADMISSION-lOc and 20c Beautiful CLAIRE ANDERSON IN THE "Palace ol Darkened Windows" A stoiy of Oriental intrigue and Mystery, with scenes laid in the four corners of the world. GOOD COMEDIES Show starts 6:30 and 8:30. Coming Sunday ENID BENNETT in "KEEPING UP WITH LIZZIE" Don't Forget-ADMISSION 10c and 20c ilV