sv PngoSlx "JWiWBATt JfOYWBMkW , IMIi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .!" 0" OPENS THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 9 A. M. ANNOUNCING OPENS THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 9 A. M. GREATEST U EMTIO E CTAfir AC Men's Women's and Children's Ready to Wear, Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Dry Goods, Notions, etc., especially priced for quick disposal. Women's Coats and Suits Women, This Should Attract Your Attention Our entire stock of Women's Suits (with one or two exceptions) placed in two great lots. An excellent variety of styles and materials. You will have suits to chose from in this lot that are values up to $50.00. Our Price to Cloc Out j $14.95, $24.95 M CIim Out lrirv lake wc nrr llMlnj: Im-Ioit, ou houll .urvly tAltn advantage of theac WJtNDEItFTL, COATS KOIt WOMKX. In Plnhrw, Volonr, Itroadcioath, etc. The Mjlw ro Kxcrllrnt, onto with Fur Collar, mail Cuffn, valors t0 9SO.OO. Our Price to Cloe Out , $14.95 TO THE PUBLIC OWING TO CIRCUMSTANCES AND CONDITIONS WHICH WE ARE NOT AT THIS TIME AT LIBERTY TO ANNOUNCE, BUT WHICH WILL BE MADE PUBLIC IN DUE TIME, WE ARE GOING 'TO PLACE THIS ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW . AND UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE ABSOLUTELY AT YOUR MERCY WITH BUT ONE OBJECT IN MIND AND THAT IS TO CONVERT IT INTO CASH IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME. COMING, AS IT DOES, JUST AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WINTER SEASON THIS GREAT BARGAIN EVENT, THIS GREAT SLASHING OF PRICES, THIS GREAT SACRIFICE OF MERCHAN DISE SHOULD BE DOUBLY ATTRACTIVE TO YOU. YOUR GOL DEN OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY YOUR PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS "N-O-W." OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. Men's Suits Closing Out Our Entire Stock of Men's Clothing Nothing can stop us. Wo are Closing Out our En- tire Stock of Men's Clothing. Included are our COLLEGIAN and STYLKPLUS brands. A perfect Fit is Guinntced. OUR PRICE TO CLOSE OUT Values to $515.00 $14.85 Values to $.15.00 .... $19.85 values to ?(io.oo $29.85 Notice there are three grand lots only in our Men's Suits, but you can buy any -suit in the house for $29.85 Sale Starts Thursday, December 1 st, 9 o'Clock a. m. Entire Present Stock SUCH BARGAINS! SUCH BARGAINS! One large assortment of Women's PUMPS, OXFORDS and SHOES. In French and Military Heels, in a Large Range of Styles. Values up to 0A q $12.50. Our priceto close out P.i70 This is one item that the Mothers should appre ciate. One lot of Infants' Soft Sole Shoes, values Up tO' $1.25. " ' ' ' IQ Our price to close out ...., xC Here you will find one large lot of Women's High Grade Lisle Hose, in Black and Brown. Ex tra Deep Garter Top, Reinforced Heel and Toe, an exceptional value at 50 cents. Qr Our price to close out )27C Men's "CROWN SPECIAL" BLUE BIB OVER ALLS, 220 Denim, a regular $2.00 garment at to-day's market. dn A( Our price to close out p A.4 One large lot of Men's Dress Shirts This is all new stock. All sizes and Excellent patterns to choose from. Regular $2.00 values and makes an Excel lent Xmas Present. d oq Our price to close out ' HERE ARE YOUR XMAS BARGAINS Three Grand Lots of Men's All Silk Neckties. All marked. 50 dozen in our 1st Grand Lot. ACkr Values to 75c. Our special close out prico "7C 50 dozen in our 2nd Grand Lot, values QQf to $200. Our special close out price....... OUK Our 3rd Grand Lot is an assortment of Exception al worth, values up to $2.50 dl OQ Our Special Close Out Price px.JI7 !k i ...., -XL. OPENING DAY SPECIAL TREASURE BOX WORTH $1.25 Q ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, WE ARE OFFERING FOR OUR OPENING DAY SPECIAL TO THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS MAK ING A PURCHASE OF $2.00 OR OVER IN ANY DEPARTMENT THE PRIVILEGE OF BUYING A 30 GAUGE HEAVY STEEL BLACK ENAMEL TREASURE BOX WITH LOCK AND KEY. JUST THE THING TO PRESERVE YOUR VALUABLE PAPERS, FOR THE SMALL SUM FOR EACH BOX 9c 0NE 0NLY T0 A CUSTOMER Entire Present Stock One Large lot of Hoys' Suits Jn Corduroys, Blues, Grays and Mixtures. Many suits with Two Pairs of Pants. ALL WOOL OREGON CASH MERE. Our Price to close eut: Values to $12.50 0J QC Values to $22.50 $10 95 ''One large lot of Men's Heavy Khaki Flannel Shirts. Well Made and all sizes Values J0 QO to $1.00. Our price to clone out 4,JJO One large assortment of Men's All Wool Mackin aws. Plaids and Plain colors. Values to dQ AC $15.00. Our price to close out . . P770 Men's Heavy Wool Sweater-coats, Shawl Col lar, in Brown and Red. All sizes to 44, &A ACt values to $7.50. Our price to close out Pt,0 100 Pair Women's high grade Shoes sacrficed. We are putting on special display for quick dispos al 100 pair of Women's High Grade Shoes in the finest quality calf and kid. French and Military iieeis. uur price to close eut: Values to $12.50 Wool Dress Goods Largest stock of Wool Dress Goods in Klamath County at Special Closing out Prices. " . .$1.00 and $1.25 Values, Special to close out 68 C VW y Values to $3.50. Special to close out $5.95 $7.45 $1.69,,ory(1. $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Wool Dress Goods. Beautiful Wanted materials and patterns to choose from. Special to close out fcO Qft ,)er yt' Values to $1500 One very large assortment of Men's Dress and Work Shoesr (Not all sizes in each line) d0 Afl Values to $5.50. Our price to close out PO.iJ All Silk Hose. They are shown in Black and Brown and are of exceptional value. Our price to close out Value to $2.00 70C Values to $3.50 $1.98 STORE CLOSED Tuesday & Wednesday Rearranging Stick and Marking Down Prices WE ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS IN KLAMATH FALLS Vj MfCEBROfflER s w