The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 29, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Pnf?u Three
noticf, of hai.i: of iikai
phopkiitv ion mxiNWii.vr
Hy vlrtiin nf ii WAItltANT Ih-.ued
by Mm Pollen .IiiiIkh nr I Iik ( Hv of
Klmmith Full. Oregon, tinted llm
Hill ilny or Nuvombnr, A It t US I
mill In m.i illtrtloit. Null "m U hereby
itheit lliul I liimi inMnl iif" 'ii llii' fnl
lnwlntf ttnncrlhod leal ) i 1 1 . In
wll: lint I, Hint l .11, In llm limn nf
Llnkvllln, now Clly nf Kluiiiiitli
Full, Oregon, itbnvn ilcafrlhoil pro
perly iihutllug on Kliiimilli Ave
linn, 1.1C,r (cut taken mill luvliiil
upon n h llm properly of J. L, fun
iilughnm In satisfaction of u rorlitln
lieu created ninl docketed liy (ho
Clly of Klniimlli I'iiIIh, Oregon, (or
ii proporlloiinlo shiirn mill purt nf
inn r-ost ot improving iv minimi
Avii, (nun Center IK. In Dili HI. ninl
Intersecting streets front Klamath
to Mnlli, whtrh nit f il Hen In dock
eted III Voliitnn I, of llm llonil
I, Inn Docket of until clly lit page
HI thereof.
Further linllrii Ik berebv glei Hull
llm undersigned, v III on tlm 22nd
clay of I i iiIht t"2l nl llm lionr
of 2 o'cloik I' M of anld iluy. ill tin
front iloor o( llm I'lly Hull In huI)
ill)-, aril nl puMli inn lion In Hie
hlghcat bidder for Mali In limiil, tlio
uforeumnllnuuil ninl ili'Kirllii'il renl
properly or hii much tin-rent na
In uoroaaiiry In a.ttlafy I lie mini of
2, Jfi. CI together wllh Internal
tlmrroti lit Ihn ruin of fl per rent
imr niiiiiini from llm lt.Ui ilur of
July 1911, unit tngi'llmr
rimln nml tllahuracnifnts
Chief of Pnllii
Klniinilli Fulls
Nov. 22. 3!l. Hit fi II. 19
Willi tlm
of sale
Illy of
netici: oi" st,i: or iti:t,
phopkiitv rnu dklinofiat
liy vlrlim of it WAIUtANT limned
liy llm Pollrn Judge nf Hi" City nf
Kliimnlli I'iiIIh. Ori'Kon iltili-d Hi"
I4lli iliiy of Nut ember A It 1921
nml to inn illri'i ti'il Nntli-n Ih li"r"ly
glten Huh I bine let led upon Hi" fol
lowing ilesrrlhed rent property, to
UiU I. 2. 3. I. umt B. Illork
71. Lot 5. Illork 72. Ill Urn nrlg
Innl Ion n of LlnkTllte, now Clly nf
Klamath Fnlla, Oregon; Inken mill
Invlnl upon im llix property of II
M. Ackloy In sitlafncllon nf u ror
Inln lien create, I utul docketed liy
tlm City "f Klnmntli Fnlla, Ori'Kon
(or n proportionate nluirn nml piri
of tlm rout of Improving Kliimutlt
Avn. from Center HI In 'J III Ht .
nml Intern-cling sln-cta (roin Kin
mnlli In Mnln. wlilrli rut til lien I
docketed In Volnni" I. nf tlm llonil
I. ten Docket of until city nt page
tJ9 thereof.
Further notice lit Pen liv riven Hill'
tlm undersigned will on tin- 22uil
lUy of IVriMiiliiT l't;i ut Hi" lionr
nf 2 n'rlock I' M of until tin)', ut Hie
(rotil iloor nf the Clly Hull In mli'
rllr. '"II nt plllille nlirtlntl to I lie
lilRlmit IiIiIiIit fnr rnult In linml. tlm
nforrnmtitlonetl ninl lni rlnt rnil
property fr ni intmli tlmrenf n
nrrriry m Pttlifv Hi" F'tm nf
S3.413.73 tnR"tlirr with lntrit
thnrmn "t lhr rnln nf 6 tr rrnt.
pur ntinitm frnm tlm IB tiny nf
July, I9H. inl IoriHht with tlm
rol ntnl illniiurndiirnU of"
Chief nf I'nlli". Cltv
KLimiith IVtin Ori-Ron
Nov. 22. Sit. Iter f, 11 l'
mitii'i: iir mm: or it-:ii
ntiii'iiiirv mu ni:iiirrvr
y rlrtl ( n WAItltANT liwilftt
liy llm I'nlli'" Juili!" of Ihn City nf
Kl.tliliiHi KntU. Orer.oti iluteil II"'
1 4 tit tiny nf Nnvrn.lier A I) 1921
nml to III" iHrertcil Noll" l lifrrhv
Klrn Hint I t'!" I"vr( upon llm fill
IiiwIiir ile.trllieil real pioperty. to
w't: .. .
34 feet npponlln i-nil nf "titer
HlriM't lylnR nlniiK miuthorly nlilo
of Kliitunlh Aemm In llm original
town nf l.lnkvlll". now Clly of Kin
ninth Knll, On-Run. IiilerufCllon
churR"! tnken nml lovlnl upon n
tlm properly n( J (I lMt'rrn ami
(!. I). WIIkoii In mitlufnrllim of
rurltiln Hen rrentnl nml ilorkrlfil
liy tlm City of Klntunlli I'alln, Oro
Hon, (or n propnrtlntnto nlinro nml
purt nf llm mt nf IniProvliiK Kin-
math Avo. (rim Center HI to 9th Ht
nml It'iurrertlnK ntr""t frnm Kin-
mnlli tl) T.lnln. which K.tlil ll"n l
ilockeleil In Vnlitmo I. uf tint llonil
Men lloekil of nulil illy (it PUR !
Kttrllmr nnllcn Ih Ih-iiiIiv Kl"ii Unit
llm iiiiil"rhlKiii'il, will nn tlm 23ml
ilny nf ll"inler. I'iSI. n I tlm hour
nf 2 o'clock I' M. of until ilny, at tlm
front door of llm Clly Hall In n.ilil
rily. hull nt pitl'lle uiirllnn tn Hi"
)llRlmt IiIiIiIit for iiihIi In linml, tlm
ufornnmillloiieil nml ili'itrrllii'il roul
propiirty it mi niurli Hu-reof nr
In imnmrnirv In riiilnfv llm Bum nf
ton 7ft inueilme with lutorciit thorn-
on nt tho rntn of 8 per cent, por
nnntim frnm tlm io uuy ni ii,
1912, nml toRollnir with tlio costs
nml illliurompnlH of nlu liuro
u nil or.
. II. H, W1I.HON, ,
Chief of I'ollt", Clly of
Kliimnlli KulU. OrnRon.
Nov. 23. 311. Dec HI. 3-
NOTICK Ol' HAM! HI'" '''
liy vlrtuo of u WA1IIIANT liwitwl
liy llm Pollen .IiiiIrii of Hi" "Hy "'
Klamath Kitlln. OmKiin. 'n'l l11'
14th ilny of Novi'ttilinr, A ! I!'2'
mul tn nti) illreitcil, Nnllco la luirel'V
Itlvcn that I lio luvlcil upon llm fol
lowing; ili'KcrllHMl icitl properly, to-
I,'ot n, In lllnck 32 In tlio nrlRln-
nl town of l.lnkvlllo. now mo cuy
of Klnmntli Kulln. Oregon J tnken
mul luvleil uiion hh llm prnporly nl
n n u'llmni. In Hatlnfacllon nf n
cortnln lien createil mul ilockolml
liy tho City of Klamath Fulls, Ore
gon, for proportionate Bluirn nml
pari of tlm cost of Improvlnn Kl
ninth Ave. from Center Ht. to Oth
flt. nml InlornoctltiB HtrcotB from
iriomiiiii in Muln. which on III lien
1 ilockotorl In Vnltimo 1, of tlio
Iioml Men pot-Lot, or tinm city ui
' pngo D5 thereof.
Flirthut- iiotlt-o la horoliy Rlvoti Hint
tho undornlHiioil, will on tho 22ml
dy of DiKoinlior, lOSli nt tho hour
' of 2 o'clock I'. M of suld tiny, lit tint
i front ilnnr of llm Clly Hull In wild
fit)', mill ut public miction In llm
highest bidder (or rush In linml, llm
iifiiMiini'iilloni'il ninl iloarrlhcd nml
propel ty or no ituirli llinri'of na
In neresniiry In satisfy llm mini of
IfiUU.SIJ together wllh Inlnrent
thorium nt llm rnto nf fl jior cunt,
pur miniini from tint 111 ilny of
July, 1013, nml together with tho
costs nml disbursements of sulo
II. H, Wll ION.
Chief of Police, City nf
Kit mill Ii Fnlls, Oregon.
Nov 22, 811, llic tl. tn, lit
stent i; tir nam: ni- iti.ti,
I'ltiiPUitTV mu;ci:.nt
Ity vlrlim of a WAIUtANT lium-it
liy llm Pollto .IiiiIrk nf tlm Clly or
K I ii in u t Ii I'nlli, Ori-roil. 'Inlecl llm
Hill ilny of Noveiulirr. A II. IU2I
tml to tun tllrmteil, Nl-n It In'reliv
ilUril (lint I have levleil upi'il tlm fol
luttltiK ileiirrllii-il real properly, l.-wit-
I ,ol 3, llli.ik 37. In Iohii nf
l.lnkvlll". now illy nf Klnmntli
I'u I Ik. Oregon, nliuttlnt: on Kin to
il Hi Avenue; taken unit levleil up
on nn tlm properly of Tlm Pink
IJntntn In mil Infni Hon nf u rerl.illl iNm
linn inuiti'it mul ilorliuli'il liy lh"'c
Clly of Kliimnlli Knll. Oregon, (i rl
proportional" imnrn nmi pun or
llm rout uf Improving Klnmntli
Ave from Center HI In Dili Ht
mul llilemeclliu; Btreeln from Kin
ninth to Mnln. which until lien li
dnrketi.,1 In Viiliinin I, nf thn llonil
I. leu Docket of Biild illy nt payu
S3 Ihereof
Further in. Hen In lierehy given that
llm iiiulernlKiii'il. "Ill on thn 22ml
dny of Heieiiilier. 1921. ut llm hour
of 2 o'lluck P M of milil day, ot tlm
front door nf llm Cy Hull In unlit
clly, cell ill plllille miction In llm
Mullen! didder fnr eunh III hnii'l, Ihn
ilfiilellielltloneil mill ilcurr Iheil renl
urnperly ir bo niurli thereof nn
1 nrreminrv In rnllnfv llm mini ofi
IC7I 03 together with Intereat
thereon nl tlm rntn of 6 per cent.
pnr nnniim rntn ino iiin uny ni
July, 1912, nnij tngelher with tlm
rnulB nml dlabursemcntii uf suln
Chief of Pnllie. Clly if FnlH. Ori-Rott.
Nov 22. 29. Iter 0, 13. 19
.netici: or nam: or itr..i,
piiopi:irr. mu ii:i.itjci:.i
liy virtue of n WAItltANT Is.ini'
hy Hi" Police fudge nf Ih" Clly nflhlgbeat bidder fnr nmh In hnml
Klnmntli Full Oregon, itnteil tlm
llth dn of November. A 1) 1921
nml In tun directed, Nollen Ii lmr-by
given thnt I limn levied upon Ihn fol
lowing ili-Bcrlbed reul property, to
wlf Ua 3. lllnck 3S. In the town nf
l.lnkvlllo. now city ot Klamath
FnlU, Oregon, abutting nn Klam
ath Avenue, feet; taken and
levied upon n tho property of W.
!: llowiloln In antlafactlnn nf u
certain Hen created and docketed!
by the City uf Klamath Fall, Ore
gon, for n proportionate snara ami
part of the mat of Improving Kla
math Ave frnm Center Ht. lo 9lh
HI. utul Intersecting streets from
KU- tit tn Mnln. which sold Hen
Is ilockeleil In Volume 1, nf thn
lliiml Men Docket uf said clly at
pugu 51 Ihereof.
Further nolle" la hereby r.hen Hint
the illitli'lalgued, will nil tlm 22lld
iluy of Do I'liiber. 1921. nl tlm hour
of 2 n'rlock P M of audi dny. nt tlm
(ronl iloor uf llm Clly Hull In n.ilil
rllr. '"11 ut public auction In Ih"
Nlglu-at bidder for runh In timid, llm
iforemeiitloned mul dearrlbed reul
irnperty or so much thereof as
nei'oaaarr tn antlafy llm sum nf
$738.54 together with Intercut
thereon at tlm rate of 6 por cent,
per annum from tho IBth day uf
July 1911, nml together with the.
ruats and disbursements
Chief of Police
Klumnlh Fulla
Nnv. 22. 29, Dee li. 13. IP.
nf salo
Clly of
.NOTICIJ or ham: of iikai.
liy virtue of n WAItltANT liuued
by the Pollen JuiIkh of Ihn City of
Klumnlh Falls, Oregon, tinted tliu
14th ilny of Novemher. A. D. 1921
nml to inn directed, Notice la hereby
Rlii'ii Hint I linvu levied upon thn fol
low lug drsrrlhed renl property, to
wit: Lot 1, Illock 39, ninl oaaterly SO J
rent uf Lot 2, Illock 39, Klamath
Addition to Klamnth Falls, Ore-
Kiin, nhuttlng uu Klamnth Avenue, i
I ID, 125 reoi; inken nml lovtoii
on us tho properly of Fred linoiing
In satisfaction of n cortaln lien
created mid docketed liy tho City
nf Klnmntli Fulls, Oregon, for u
proportionate share and part of
thn cunt of Improving Klnmnth Ave,
from Center HI .to 9th Rt. and In
tersecting streets from Klnmalh lo
Mnln, which snld lion Is
In Volume 1, of tho llond Llcn'RVrii thut I hue luled upon the fol-
Docket of snld clly nt pngu 5
Further nnllco Is hereby given thnt
thn undersigned, will on tlio 22nd
dny uf Dtuember, 1921, nt the hour
of 2 o'clock P. M. of sulil dny, nt tho
front door of tho Clly Hull in said
clly. Mill ut public auction in tho
highest bidder fur nmh In hnml, tho
aforementioned and deacrlbed reul
uroptirly or nn much thereof ns
Is necessary tn hntlsfy tlm sum of
$2(18,80 togolhor with Interest
t hereon nt tho rnto ot 0 per cent,
ner mintint from tho 15th day of
July, 1919, mid togolhor
with tlio
nf sjIo
ruHtH nml disbursements
he re 11 ml or.
Chlof of Pollio,
Klninuth Falls,
Nov. 22, 29, Doc, fi, 13, 19.
netici: of k.i,I': of iikai.
Ilv vlrtuo of n WAItltANT issued
hy tlm Pollco Judgo of Iho City of
Klnmnth Fnlls, Oregon, dated tho
14th dny of November. A, D. 1931
und lo mo illrortod, Notice Is hereby
given Hint 1 huvo lovlort upon tho fol-1
lowing described real proporty, to
will I
Lot 4, Illock 76, Klamath Addi
tion to tbo original town of Unit
vlllo, now tint city of Klnmntli
KiiIIb, OreRtiiij Inkon nml larlml
upon nn tho property of K. II,
llimry In Biitlftfnctlnn nf n rnrlnln
Hen crnuleit nml ilockuteit liy tlm
Clly ()f Klntnnlh FnllB, Oregon, fnr
ii prnporllonntn Mm re nml ri't of
tlm rout of Improving Klnmntli
Avn front Center tn Dili Ht. unit
lltleriiertlng ntrnetn from Klnmntli
tn Mnln, which until Hen Ih ilorket
ml In Vnliliim I, of Ihn llonil Men
Pocket uf rnlil (Hy nt pugii fi.1
I hereof.
Further tnillrn In Imn-liy rUi-ii Hint
llm uuilemlgueil, will on Ihn 22ml
ilny of lliiieiulier, IH2I. nl llm hour
nr 2 o'clock P M of milil ilny, nl llm
front iloor of tlm Clly Hull In unlit
illy, nell nt public miellon to Hi"
hlghi-nt hlilili-r for eunli In limiil. Hi"
iifiiiiiiiienlloiii-il mul ili'nerllieil real
prt.perly or o much Ihereof nc i
in ii"i"nnnrv In nilUly llm mini of
f ISO 25 logiithiT with liilnri'Mt
thereon nt tlm rati, of 0 per cent
per milium from llm tr ilny or
July, 19IH, nml together wllh tlm
rimtB nml illnbiirnementfi of ne
Chief uf I'nlli. City !'
Kl.intuHi Fnlln Ori'Kon
22. 2!t. Dee fi. 13. I!t.
pitopiiitrv mu m:i.iNjri:NT ahhihiij.nts
liy vlrl f n WAIUtANT laiued
by llm Police .luilr." of Hut ' Ity uf
Klamath Fnlli, Oregon, ilnleil the
tllh day uf Novemher. A I) 1 2 1
mid In tun illri'ileil. Nutleii Ib hereby
glieu Hint I hull' levied upon tlm fol
lowing ilenrrlbeil real property, to-wll-
Ia)I 1 nml 2, llloik 74. Klnm
ntli Addition In llm lon of l.lnk
vllln. now Clly of Klnmalh Falls,
Oregon, nhuttlng on Klnmntli Ave
nue, 104 feet; tukrn nml levied
upon a llm properly uf Chns K
Wurdrn In nullufnellon ut u certain
Hen rrented nml docketed by tho
Clly 0f Klnmntli Fnlls, Oregon, fnr
a proportionate bnro nml part of
Hid cunt nf Improving Klamulh Avo
from Center HI lo 9lh Ht. nml In
Klninuth tuj
temectlm: Btreeln from
Main, which said lien
Ib dnrkcli'd
In Volume I. nf tho
Docket uf Mid city nt
llond Men
pngo &l
Further nollrn In herebr rIicii Hull
tlm uuileriilRned. will on the 22nd
Out uf II oilier. 1 921 . ul tlm limit
nf 2 o'clock P M uf nuld du. nt tin
front ilnnr of III" Clly Hall In Knit"
II nt pulille miction In tin
nfureinentloned and dearrlbed rent
proporty or an much Ihereof n
la nerraanrv In sallafv llm sum nf
$123 60 together with Intereat
thereon nt tho rato of 6 per cent,
per annum from tho 16lh day of
July, 1920, and together with the
coats and disbursements ut snto
Chief nf 1'nllre. City of
Klamath Folia. Oregon
9, Dor fi. 13. 19.
Hy vlrlim of a WAItltANT Iwued
by llm Pollen Judge of the City nf
Klnmntli Fulla. Oregon, doled the
I4lh iluy uf November. A D. 1921
nml In mo directed, Notice Is hereby
Klicii Hint I bull' levied upon llm fol
lowing deacrlbed reul property, lo
wlt I j.i A. Illock 77. tn Klamath Ad-
dltlnn lo tho original town of Link-
vllle. now City uf Klamatn 1-nits.
Oregon; taken and lovled upon as
tho properly of O. W. Whlto In sat
lafactlon of a certain Hen created
and docketed by Ihn Clly of Kln
malh Falls, Oregon, for n propor
tionate share and part of tlio cost
nf Improving Klamath Ave. from
Center Ht. to Oth Ht. and Intersect
ing streets from Klamath to Main,
which Bflld Hen Is docketed In Vol
ume 1. of thn llond Wen Docket
uf said clly at page C4 thereof.
Further notice la hereby rIwii thnt
llm itudoralguetl, will on the 33ml
day of December. 1921. nt the hour
nf 2 n'rlock P. M of anltl day, nt tlm
front door of tlm Clly Hull In said
city, sell at public auction In llm
bight-it bidder for rush In bund, the
utorninentUmed mid deacrlbed renl
urnperly or so much thereof ns
la nereasary tn s.itlsfv llm sum of
$525.48 together with Interest
thereon at tho rato nf fl per cent,
per nnntim from tho 15 dny of July
1915, together with tho conn ami
disbursements of snle hereunder.
Chief nf Pollen. City nf
Klnmntli FnlU, Ori-gun
P-,j;0V. 22. 29, Doc. 0. 13.
liy virtue nf u WAItltANT loaned
by tho Pollro Judgu uf llm Clly of
Klnmalh Fnlls, OrcRnn, dated the
I4lli il.ii- of N'oveiulier. A. I). 1921
dockotodi,,,,,! m , (irected, Nollrn la hereby
lowing described renl
property, to-
Lois 1 nml 2, lllnck 7S. nlso tlio
following portion of tho NK'4 uf
NKU of Section 32. Twp. 38. 8. 11.
9, l'J, W. M.i described us follews:
lleglnnlng ut the must northerly
corner or mild Lot 1, of lllnck 78
In Klnmnth Addition to tho town
of Llnkvllle. now city of Klninuth
Fulls. Oregon; theiiro notherly 3S
degrees 58' K, 00 feet; thence
soulhorly 51 degrees 4' K. 100 feet;
thenco southerly 38 degrees 56' W
"" '00,i mourn northerly ui tie-
Krees 4' W. 100 feet; to pluco of
beginning, ahuttlni; on Klumnth
Avenue, 164 -feet; taken mul lovled
City uf upon as tno property or 11. r.
OrcRon.lLnthron In satisfaction of n cortnln
lieu croAted and docketed by the
Clly of Klnmnth Fnlls, Oregon, for
a proportionate shnro nml part of
tho rost ot Improving Klnmnth
Ave. from Center 8t. to, 9th Bt. and
Intersecting atroets from Klamath
to Mnln, which said
lien Is docket-
rd In Volumo 1, of tho llond Lien
Docket, ot said city nt pago 54
Further notice Is hereby giwiu thai
tho undersigned, will on thn 22nd
day or Ocrombor. 1921, ut the builr
of 2 o'clock P. M, ot snld dny, tit the
front door of tho City Hull In said
city, m-ll nt pulillc mirtlun tn tlm'
' lifitlicHt MiMer for rnBli In hnml, tlm
nroriiiiimtllom-ii mul ilrmerlheii renl
' property or no niurli Iheronf nn
Mb tmci-Bitury In nntlufy Ilia nuin of
1470.94 ingothor wllli IntercBt
tlmriinn nt tlm rntn nf 0 per cant
i per iinnutit from tlm in ilny of
'July, 1918, unit together with tho
cobIii nml illnliurBcmenlB uf kiiIo
Chief of Pollio. Clly i.f
I Kliimath I'nlU, Ori-Kon
IlllV, mit mVt J't'l.. (, Ii), I, J.
.netici: or ham: of itc.ti, ,
piiopiiitTV roil ii:u.ori;vr akhiwhmii.nts
Hy virtue uf n WAIUtANT liwiie,
liy the Pollro J ml mi of tlm City or
Kliitunlh I'iiIIh, Oregon, ilntml the
I llh day uf, A. 0. 1921
nml In mo illredeil, Nollrn l harehy
given Hint I have levied upon tho fol
lowing ilencrll.eil reul property, lo-wll-
I.Ol .1, IllOCk 70, Klnmntli All-
illllon to :3b Orlglnnl town of Link-
vlllu, now City nf Klnmalh FuIIb,
Oregon; taken nml levied upon ns
tlm proporty of J. P. Hntcrlcn In
sntlsfnrtlon of a certain Hen crent
eil nml docketed by thn Clly of
Klnmnth Falls, Oregon, for 11 pro
portional", shnro mid part uf thu
coal of Improving Klamath Avo ,
from Center Ht. to 9th HI. and In
tersecting strccln from Klamnth to
Mnln, which snld Hen Is ilockeleil
I'l Vol 11 111 11 1, of thu Hnml Lien
Docket of snld clly nt pngo 54
Further nollrn Is hereby glu-n Hint 1
tlm untleralgneil, will 011 the 22nd
dny of December, 1921. ut Hi" hour
nf 2 o'clock P M. of raid tiny, nt tin
front door of thn Clly Hull In anld
city, sell nt public miction to Hie ,
highest bidder for (iiih In hnml. tlm
fl.rilllieilloled mul tleaerllieil real
iropurty or an much thereof im
la neceih.iry tn satisfy Hi" sum of
$478.R5 together wild Intereat
thereon nt tho rato of 6 per rent
per annum frnm tlm 15 day of
July 1912, and together with the
coats and disbursements of rale
Chief nf Police. Clly of
Klnmalh Fall". Oregon
Nov 22. 39. Dee, fi. 13. 19
soi 111: of ham: of iikai,
Ity lrtue of u WAItltANT loaned
by Hie Pollen JuUgo nf lb" I'lly of
Klumnlh Fulls. Oregon dated lit"
tllh duv nf November. D 1921
snd to urn directed. Noti-o la hen by
given Hint I have leiled upon the fol
lowing described real popcrty. lo-
feel olf the Kaat able of Lot
1. Illock 32 28 feot olf tlm WVat
aide uf 1st Htreet. now vacated. "''
joining I.nt 1. Illock 32. l.ot 4
lllnck 34, all lu the town of Link
villi, now City of Klamath Full.'
Oregon; taken and levied upon a
the property of Mrs. Kllta M
Marplc In satisfaction of a certain
lien created and docketed by the
City of Klamath Fulls, Oregon, fur
a proportionate sharn nnd pari nfl
Ihn coat of Improving Klamnth,
Ave. from Center Rl. to sin ht. ami
Intersecting streets from Klamath
tu Main, which said lien Is docket
ed In Volume 1. nf tlm llond Llmi
Docket of said city nl pago 50
Further notici' Is hereby ghen lliut
llm undersigned.. will on tlm :2nd
tluv ,.r 11r..mli..r l!l?l. at 111., llllllr
nf 2 o'clock P M nt said day. ut tlm I
front door nf the City Hull in suld
clly. ell at public auction to the,
hlgbeal bidder fur raah In huiid. tlm i
ifnrcnmntlnnetl utul deacrlbed real
nroperty or an much thereof ns
Is neceaanry to s.itlafy Iho sum of
$1,070.15 together with Intereat
thereon nt tho rate of C per cent, i
per annum from tho 15th day of
July, 1914, nnd together with tho
coat nnd dUburaemcnts ot sale
hereunder. I
II. 8. WILSON. i
Chief of Police, City of
Klumnth Fnlls. Oregon.
Nnv 22. 29. Dec. fi. 13. 19.
Ity vlrtuo of ii WAItltANT Issued
by tho Pollro Judgo ot thn City of
Klumnth Fulls, Oregon, dated the
14th day nf November. A. I). 1921
mil to nm tllrei led. Notice Is herebv
given thnt I limit leiled upon the fol
low lug described real property, to
wlt: A htrlp of laud 35 feet oft thn
westerly sldo ut I.nt 1, mid 15 feet
oft tho easterly side ot Lot 2. Ill
Illock 32 lu the tnwn of l.lnkvlllo,
now City of Klnmalh Falls, Oregon
tnken nnd levied upon ns tho pro
perty of II, St. Ueo, lllshop In satis
faction ot ii certain lieu created
and docketed by tho City of Klani
nth Fnllu, Oregon, for u propor
tlnnalo alinro and part ot the cost
ut Improving Klnmnth Am. from
Center St. to 9th St. nnd inter
sectluR streets from Klamnth to
Main, which said lien is docketed
In Vol it mo 1, of tho llond Lieu
Dookct of snld city nt pngo 60
Further nnllco Is hereby ghen thnt
llm undersigned, will nn llm 22nd
dny of Deietnber. 1921. nt the hour
or 2 o'clock P. M. of killd dny. nt the
front door nt tlm City Hull in suld
city, sell nt public miction In the
highest bidder fur rush In hnml, tlm
Hforemenlloned nnd described renl
nroperty or mi much thereof as
Is necessary lo satisfy tho sum of
$430.70 together with Intorcst
thorcon nt tho rain of fl por cent,
pur nunum from tho 15th dny or
July, 1912, nnd together with tho
coath nnd disbursement!! of salo
Chlof of Pollco. Olty of
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Nov 22. 29. Dee. ll. 13. 11K
liy vlrtuo of n WAItltANT Issued
by tbo Pollco Judgo ot the City of
Klumuth Falls, Oregon, dutcd tho
llth dny of Novcmbor, A D. 1921
und to mo directed, Notleo Is hereby
given thnt 1 hnvo lovled upon tlio fol
lowluo duucrlbert roal property, to-wit)
Lot 1 In Illock 31 In (ho town nf
Unkvllle, now city of Klnmalh
Fnlli Oregon, nml nlitittlng on (!en
lor Htreet J00.S feol lxt 4, Illock
32 In llm .town of l.lnkvlll", now
City uf Klnmntli Pnll, Oregon.
I,o(b .1 nml 4 nml n ntrlp uf l.iiul
60 feot In width of tho Wealcrly
Blilo of Lot 2 In Illock 32 In tho
town of I.lukvlllc, now City ot Kin
mnlli Kill In, Oregon, nil of thn
nlinvo ilencrlhcd property nhuttlng
on Klnmntli Avenue, 183 foot;
tnken and Invk-il upon n tho pro
perly of J. F. Ooeller In da tlif fic
tion of n certain Hen crenteil nml
ilockeleil hy Urn City of Klanini
FnllB, Oregon, for u proportnnnio
Bluirn nml part of tho runt nf Im
proving Klnmntli Ave. from Center
Ht. to 9th Ht. nn.l
streets from Klamath
which snld Hen Is docketed In
Volumn 1. of Iho llond Lien Dock-
ut of snld clly nt page 60 thereof.
Further notice la hereby given that
n . ....!.... ...( III .... ll... ll... I
Ihn im,l,.rl,.m,,t villi mi III,. 2?flil
iiN.i.'in,,,.-.,, f.,11 uu ,,,,. ,6,iii
(ny of DoM-mlmr. 1921. nt the hour
of 2o'iock P M of nald dny. nt llm
front tl'.- r of the Clly Hall in sild
clly, nil ut pill. Il( miction In llm
blRheat bidder for raah In hand, tlio
nfornmeiilloiieil tin tt dearrlb"d rent
prt'perty it nt much thereof ns
la nereaanry tn sutlafy tho sum nf
$3,329.(3 togotlmr with Intereat
thereon nt tho rain of fi per cent,
per annum from thn 15th day of
July, 1911, and together with tbo
coats and disbursements ot sale
Chief of Pollro, City of
Klnmnth Falls, Oregon
Nov 22. 29. Der i. 13. 19.
IN Till: ClltCIIT COt'lIT OF Till:
ATH roiwrv.
S011111100-. Iii Kiiivrloiiiro of Tnx Men
l.'iiilly No. I' IHI
Alien Sloan. Plaintiff,
II W Mills P.ilnlo. Iho heirs nt
law of If W Mills Kstntn and nil
persons having nny right, title, es
tate or Interest In tho renl proper
ty herein dev-rlbt'd. Defendants.
To II U Mills Citato, tho heir at
law of II W Mills L'statc nnd all per
sona having nny right, title, calnto or
Intereat In tho real property herein
iilcM-rlhcil. Defendants:
,OF OltKOON: You aro hereby noti
fied thnt Allen Hlonn the holder of
Delinquent Certificate No 1 160 Is
sued nn the 3rd day of Juno. 1920
by llm Tin Collector ot Klamath
County Oregon, for tho sum of
jt 12.51, being tlm amount then dut
nnd delloaurnt for taxes for the year
1915. together with penalty, tntereii
nnd costs llicreuj upon Iho real
eitv iiaacoaed to II W .Mills imitate
and deacrlbed as Lot 3 of Illock 8iuent years wl'li
Klamath Addition to klnmntli I-alla
"OKBoy! Ainkis
Ltootrr It Mmt Tobacco Co.
Oregon Tlint Bnlil Alien Slonn haul For
paid linen for u!ian,ttont years with 'March
rnto nf Intercut thorcon n follown;
Fur lAiri, pnld on June I, 1920,
Tnx llerclpl No. 7108 for $11.20 nl
12 per tent Intercut, per milium.
For l!i 17. pnld on Judn 4, 1920.'
Tnx Iterelpt No. 7137 for $12.20 ut
12 per ennt Interest, per nmri.ii.
For 1918, pnld on .hum I, 1U20.
Tnx Itrcelpl No. 7107 for $10 IS nt
19 Im.. ,.A.,I lnl,A.I ., nMn..
,'.. ...... II, ,1 !., 'V. ..I,, till,,.
Fnr 1919, paid on .tune I. 1920.
Tnx llecolpt No. 4211 for $10.10 ut
12 pnr tent IntercBt, per nnntim.
tu hi W. II. Mil In F.Btnto. nml each
of .the other pcmnni nlmvo nntned
nre T7ereliy further notified thnt Al-
ten Hlonn wltT npply to the Circuit
Court iiforeB.ild for n derreo fore-
ilmlnK tlm lieu ngnliiit the property
,.l.,.v.t .lnuVll....l Ah. I u.. ... !..
iruorsec.iiiB iy llmm,nc( l0 npponr within sixty
to .Mnln,l,iv. ,,, ii ti.., ,,i,ii,.,i nt
1 hH aummons, excluslvo of tho day
of tlio first publication nnd defend
this nrtlnn or pay Iho nmount nn
I above ahnwn. together wllh Interest
'.....I ...(- ..t.t I.. .. ... .lt .- ...
' nlifl c,i.l
iiu iubib, tutu ,,1 tim'J jijii mil ill uu
o n deerco will ho rendored foro-
rloalng the lien of Bild Inxci ami
costB nnalnst anld premises. Juilgo of tald Circuit Court made tna
This summons Is published by or- 17th dny of October 1821. The data
tier of tlm Hon. I). V. Kiiykcndnll of iho first publication of this suaj
Judge of salt! Circuit Court, inadn tnons Is the 25th day of October If II.
tho 18th day ot Oct. 1921. Tho dita All process In this proceeding May
of tho flrat publication of this sum bo served upon tho undersigned re
mono Is tho 2.'ith dny ot October, aiding at Modoc Point, Klamath
1921. County. Oregon.
All prorraa In thin proceeding may
bo served upon tho undersigned re
siding at Mndoc Point, Klamath
County, Oregon.
Attorney for Plnlntlff
0-25 N 1-8-15-22-29 D C
Milium. 1.1 In I'iireli.ttrt. of Tim Lien
lltill) N . I-' 18.!.
Allen Sloan. Plaintiff.
P. 8 Torwllllgcr and ull other per-;
sons baling any right, title, estate
or intereat In the real property
herein tlescrlbrd, Defendants.
To P 8. Terwllllgcr and all other
peraona having any right, title, estate
or Intereat In the real property here
in ilex rlucil. Defendants:
OF OIIKOON; You am Hereby No
tified that Allen Hloan the holder of
Dullmiucnt Cortiflcnto No. 1158 Is
sued on Iho 15th day of March 1920
by tlm Tax Collector ot Klamath
I'ounty Oregon, fnr tho turn of
$x3l. being tho nmount then due
and delinquent fur tuxes for the year
1916. together with tho pnnlt, In
terest, mid ions tli'-noii upon tho
real property asseaaed to Unknown
Owner, and described as Lots 5 and
G Illock 1 uf the Original Town of
Klamath Falls Oregon That said
Allen hloan has paid tuxes for gubso-
rato of Interest
thereon o. fi, !!'
I LIKE my job.
DUT DAYS do come.'
WHEN 8KICS aro bin.
ABOVE THE city smoko.
THE PAPERS on my desk,
AND THEN I think,
WHAT I would (Jo.
IP I wcro boss.
I'D OPEN shop.
AT TWELVE o'cloc'Oi ,
AND CLOSE at ono. '
WITH ONE hour off.
WOULD GET old Sam, '
TO RUN mo out.
IN HIS big all.
AND DROP ma off.
UNDER A greenwood trco.
BESIDE A babbling brook.
AND THERE I'd lio.
AND EVERY once, .
IN A whllo.
OR MAYOE sit and think.
IN A whllo I'd light.
ONE OF my Chesterfields,
I QUE83 that wouldn't,
1917 tho Bitm ot l.08 9
in, 1D20 with IntvrMt at 1
par cant per nnntim.
For 1918, (ho sum of 17.73 pl
March 15, 1920 with Intorcat llinoa
nt 12 per cent por Btinum.
Fnr 1919, tho mm of $7.77. Plo
Mnrch ir., 1920 with Interest were-
on nt 12 por cent per annum. ,-,
B.i 1,1 l H Tnrwllllser Alld BU Othtf
Pronn having nny right, title. mUU
'-- "" .-.-"D . , , k -Ak
or Inlorett In tho ronl property nert
' di-B?rlhod nro hereby farther o-
tHlod thnt Allen Hloan will apply to
tho Circuit Court aforesaid f:
creo fnrecloslnR- the lion afalnit Uia
property nhovo described. And JW
are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days after tho first ptlB-
llcntlon of this summons, exeluslYa
lit thn tlflV flP ttlA tlttl DUbllCatlM.
nml defend this action or pay tit
nniiinnl n nhnvn ihown tOlHJkeV
with tho Intorcst and costs, and la
caao you fall to do so, a decree win M
rendered foreclosing the Hen of Kid
tnxes nnd costs against aaia presaw
VI .
Tins summons is puousnaa aj t
tier of thn Hon. D. V, Kuykeedall
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
0-25. N 1-8-15-32-Jt D f
AVOID the misery of racking- pain.
Have n bottle of Sloan's Lini
ment handy and apply when
you iirit feci the ache or pain.
It quickly cases the pain and sends
n feeling of warmth through the
n thinj part. Sloan' 1 Liniment ptiutnUt
Vint, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica , sprains and strains, stifl joiata,
lame back and sore muscles. . . .
Tor forty yean coin a enemy. At
your neighbor, i 1
At all druKU 3,
5c, 70c, 11.40.
C!,rYourCal,lUaof clmetM.1
V enm aiut athr tiriml dUflxumMBt. 1
I Uh tnttr Dr. Ilotaon'a Komiui CMnt- I
i Intnl. (iooa roracwroa. iicnins; m, ,
ar.d otMr akin iroQUmm. una ut.
Ilobws a ramiiy iuomm.
WMh ackntttdg-UHli I K. C. B,
-fit K-"
.$ Jr.
there never was such a cl(t
nrctto as Chesterfield for steady
company! Just as mild and
smooth as tobaccos can bo but
with a mellow "body" that satis
fies even cigar smokers. On lazy
days or busy ones all the time
yeu want this "satisfy
smoke," ie