The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 29, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    TtntMNir, NOVKMRKR M, IMI.
l'airo Two
H -s-
i;TTw Evening Herald
K. i. MUMtAY ,
City Kdliot
Published ilallr eicrpl Sundny, br
Vhe llaralit Publishing Company at
KUmslh Kalis, Hilt KUhth Street.
Knlrrnit It IhA hontofflrn nt Kin.
math Kails, Orn. for transmission
through tlio Willi n second-class
, Tim Associated 1'rc-sa In exclusively
entitled to th uin for publication nt
II nam dlspatchr credited to It,
or not otherwise credited In tlili
rajier, and alio tho local news pub'
Usher herein.
tt'" u j
Tl'i:SIAV, NOVKMIIKIt till, tlt'JI.
J-ouli Alt, mho hai been In tho
cltjr for tho past two dayi from his
ranch near Odessa, attending to bus
fness affalni, returned on tlio boat
thla morning.
Charlos Klnr, who It connected
with Jho forcstrr service. In hero
from Weed, California.
Registered at thn Arcade hotel arts
tho follewing: Mr. and Mrs. Mont
Komcrr of Hcdmonil, Oregon; A. II.
Cummlois and M. E. Smith of Straw:
J W. Dressier, of Med ford and K. T.
Staples, ot Aihlind.
John Coleman wa In town jester
day afternoon from his ranch on the
' old Fort Klamath road after sup
Miss Vera Houston, n deputy In
the county elerk'a office, returned
last night from Eugene, where ihe
has ben Tlsltlng with friends on the
ITnlrerslty campus for the pastttwo
The regular dance at the Scan d I
narlan hilt tomorrow evening has
.been transferred to the Mooso hall,
according to John Houston, who stat
ed thit the floor In tho Scandinavian
hall wai being taken up for repairs.
Miss Faye Hamilton ot Sacramento
arrived on last night's train and Is
registered at the White Pelican ho
tel. J. J. Webb, an attorney from San
Francisco, la In town for a few days ,
looking after legal natters.
It. O. Taylor Is a registered guest
st the White I'ellran hotel fromj
H.nd. ;
U.S. McCollum arrived from Dorrls'
last evening and will be here for the
neit few diy on business.
C. J. lltlrard, who operates a ranch
on the Lakevlew road, was In thej
county seat yesterday transacting,
business with local merchants. '
:Ernel Stearns was a passenger on .
the morning train bound for Med-,
ford, where he will be connected with '
Ihe Ilogue tllver division of tho Cat-1
Atlno Thanksgiving program was
glvon by tho' school children Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cljdo (Irlfftth spent
Thanksghlng nl tho I.. A Went homo
Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Snow nnd Mr
and Mrs. 1). A. MrCnmh had their
Thnnsglvlng together nt tho Mc
Co nib ranch.
Mr. and Mrs, K. IVI-np nnd family
Mm. J. II. Urtfrith, Mr. and Mrs
Stephen tlrllflth nnd Karl Dunn were
guests nt n Thanksgiving dinner nt
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira (Iron's home.
Mac (llcnn Is still confined to bis
bed with a serious nttnek ot l.n ,
Mr. Kitchen Is visiting nt the 8 l'
IMInger ranch.
Mr. nnd Mrs. U A. West and fain-1
lly were guests Sunday of Mr ami I
Mrs. Wnrren Patterson. '
T. M. Case and son Kenneth look
dinner Sunday with Mr and Mrs !
Clyde (Irlttllh. .
!. II. Walters, who Is feeding sheep I
on tho Walters ranch spent the week
end In Klamath Fulls with his fam-
Tho 1-adlcs Wld Mil meet with I
Mrs. 1). A. McComh Wcdncda) at
Twenky-Fivc Years Ago in Linkvillo
. souse jffrrLU-r JY -fA7Vsi ,iit i
I H ) lor mc . V3 Jat f I vT4 I ' .VW
1 Vveoows ) -VTpS'J lm J. Aid ' ."i J.'4:
zSr? r e&fM - "j.
VW iY-0 P"?A,'l. """3Pl '"r""
TeT'P J? ,.UC-' - .
. XT." ! J " "
I'Olt HAl.t: IU30 Ford iiimlstto', it
i 'dandy. Ilnsslora mid spioiloimter.
Iliroe in-w llroi Imiulro llonso 53.
IVIIiiiii J'lt) N2ii )
I'nrlj $lii oil pulH ii I lousier I'nli
met In lour Iiiiiiik What could lm
mioio filling for nil .Niuiis glti?
JidiiiHlono Fiiinlluio t'o. N2tl III.
WOMAN WANTS WtlltK lly hour or
day. I'limio :m7J. 5!i-;m
I'UK ram:
Miiu up.
I Milt.
ritllMmns Ileus fl mil
I'rtll Mil Pllllll. PIioiik
, 'i'corfjj
!i in.M n riic.Mi.i.i: nor, n.vr mi:niii:s ami nonniiit V
I'.i-ii:iish inoM nn to ii.ii' nut vn. I
C Vv.W.t
r -. -mtA
WANTUO - Wpiiiiiii for general
lioiir-owoili. 109 WahIi. HI. Pliiinn
. II I.I. Ni t)
ONI.V il.OP lo place h llooiler Cab
luet In our Iioiiii' Nothing imilil
bo moro npproiuliitn (or n Nunis
gift Johtislotio I'linillnro Co
mao an cn ba-kassjnt, ceirtNT N iomt r ea hows
wATta VCSvtRiaAy
sKF.n.s tr vi:.(ik.nci:- .
thi: s'titAMi 'niMuiiT
At tho Strand tonight mil be
slum n "Seeds of Vcngeaiiro." with
tlomard Hunting In the title rolo.
It 1s n ptcturlintlon ot the famous
novel. "The Sonlng of Aldersou
Crec." written by Margaret Prescott
Montagve. and In the cnt suport-
The Midland school gave a Thanks
giving program Friday afternoon. It
was well attended by parents and MK Mr. Durnlng are Included the
people of tho district. deplte the ln-'namcs f several well known screen
clement weather The program con-! vvn notable among which nre
listed of songs, recitations, dialogues. ' Pauline Starke, who has been fealur-'
and Readings by the pupils. ln mr piny,; uiorle Hope, also'
me organisation or a parents-tea- . wt,i ., scrwn nlaer. and Ku-i
tlieforegroiiml all tlio nuliniillsiii nnd
primitive Instinct of tlio West Virgin
ia mountains, sltadml lth the relig
ious fervor for hvh tho mountain
eern nro known.
Tomnrrutv night. In addition lo the
regular program, them v til Ik two
vaudeville nrls. In uhlrh Manager
White tll prosetit llnle nnd Trehor
In their cleor skit. 'Work.-' and Ja U
Polk, the eccL'iUrl romedlail
si mi. iiivi: or iii;i
Chrlstiuns mid buy her it llooiler
Calilnet. our (Irsl p.tMiieiit Is only
!J lli.oo. Ciiiue In nnd look tliom
otor. Jul :mtam 1'iiriilliiro Co
N2'.i III
Itl'lltlKIt POOTWIIAU Hull llrmnl.
(Iitlil Seal, nud'Top Notch makes
K. K. K. Stote. 2'i 30
footwear at l K. IC. Store
SU .10
- - -
NJ-n I'KI-rr Cnuiw colds, tlilit mili'n
cause vtet feet Hate vour shoes
re-iolid nl The Cinns Hlinoi Iteparr
Kitop. .N21 113
TUV A IMI It Of llu.-Klnvlil all l-ath
' or shoos. Jd.s'.. 7. M and v sr.
nl llvana Shoo Co. NS'J 1)J
chers organisation was postponed un
til tho Christmas program.
Miss 11a Hooper and Miss Lillian
Knapp from this place attended the
hard tlmo dance at Matin Thursday
Mrs. Whiter Kemp and daughter.
(race. from Klamath Falls were
guests at the J. O. Hooper home du-
PUNT. Mich.. Nov. 59. Sheriffs
gene llesserer. Other pl:i)ers nro ' otntvn ,10ro tlailn , hMt. fuunii
Charles Kdler. Jack Curtis. Kvelyni, rlra, of ,0 wan ho ,, f.
Sclble. Oeorge llcrnaiidei. Jack lrfv- ,10t ,to,r , , rnmt of ,. ,,
erlngand iwobtiyv llurell llamrlrk! ,rnaI(, Murn..,. ani, ,.,,... Arm
nnd llcorge Stone
I slrong. under nrrvst Wlen offlrer
IThe story Is laid in the ukuihi mi eaiehml their motor Irmk thi-v
of West Virginia. It is desrrlt.l - ( mid a hive of bees, whlrli the nn-n
a powerful production, thinning ..r .id to !mr admitted utenllnc
WK IIO QIAI.ITV Shoe r.-iiilriug at
the Kvani Shoo Co'k llep.tlr Depi
N!9 IH
LOOK AITKIl Tho chllilreii f.-.l
They won't. IlaMi tin lr ,,l... m
goml repair hv nendliig tlni.i to tin
Kt.illt Shoe Con Itepalr tli'pl
N2'l II.!
Wednesday Special
Wednesday Only
All Jellies, Jams and Preserves
Going at Cost
Tins lot includes our IiIhIio.sI k radon and all
flavors. Conic in and look tins line over. You will
be convinced that now is the time to stock up on
Jellies, .lams and Preserves, at prices cheaper than
you could put them up yourself.
Our phone service begins at 7.II0 A. M.
Foil Modern (iirni.liril or
Ullfurniliii Apt Phone IP
J!" Main 2" 3n
Ifornla-Oregn Power company.
-Tf SI. Durbini Is able to be about
tho streets again after a two week's
illness which has confined him to his
ring Thanksgiving.
John Orr Hooper and KU.t Deptiy.
from Klamath Fulls, were home for
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jarr were(
Thanksgiving dinner guests at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Wor
den ot Lower Klamath Lake.
1). M. McI.cmorc was a panscnger
on the morning train. He will stop
off a time at bis home at Oakland ,
then go to Arltona to buy more rat
tle. J. M Straw, county brand Inspect
or. Is hero today Inspecting cattle
Mr. Luke Walker and Mr. Iljiull-;
ton. from Klamath Falls, were In i
Midland looking after rattle ship-'
Mls Lillian Knapp was a Klamath
Falls visitor Saturday. I
Temperament kHats by Mrs. Harding's Modiste
Applications for 311 patents were
received from women by the British
Patent offlro last year.
I. O. O. V. llAXyi'KT
Prosperity Hebekah lodge No. Iflt
I. O. O. F. will have Initiation at the
regular meeting on Thursday even
ing, followed by a banquet and social
meeting.. All members are urged to
be present and visiting members are
cordially Invited.
rZVt3i 317 - Z7ZZ3D MSffi n
Did you ever notice the effect on tcinpcramcnt of the colors ou wear
Mra. Harding a ilrcssmakfr, Harry i.oiii, in wmen mis tncci is sirc-i
Here are two hits designed by
Tho glycerined ostrich Willi III
Feature Day Specials
Wednesday, Nov. 30
10 lbs. Sugar, 85c
Large Pk. Wheat Fl?., 30c
Phone G77-W. 5'i ;.;..;.i St
tUr'lrj.-. til appvJr-t.e c'-oic fcu.uanry The chceiful turUn cf Molds Is designed lo ci.a Ihe blurs.
Gigantic Overcoat Sale
Most complete stock of Overcoats to be found in Southern Ore
gon. All the newest models and fabrics. Patrick and Kuppenheimer's coats America's
leading coat makers. Every coat in the store on sale. Read the price reductions and get your coat now
All $20.90 Coats $15.85
All $22.50 Couts $17.85
All $25.00 Coats $19.85
All $30.00 Coats $23.85
All $35.00 -Coats $27.85
All $-10.00 Coats $31.85
All $-15.00 Coats $35.85
All $50.00 Coats $39.85
All $55 00 Coats $43.85
All $(50.00 Coats $47.85
All $(55.00 Coats. $51.85
All $70.00 Coats $55.85
All $75.00 Coats $59.85
All $80.00 Coats $63.85
20 Reduction on all Patrick Mackiriaws
Make your selection at once and get the pick of the best styles
j -. t
Leading Clothiers
I 7
&mmw& f jrjjifjwrogigwasiii