The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 29, 1921, Image 1

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U t'K
11 1
ToiiIrIiI mill fWeilJnwdiiy llnln
In west, ruin r aiiow In tuiititrn
portion) Irish in Miriinn iiuutlirly
1jp lEuenrng Ifontti-
I''iT.(Tf.Oi iYim .(i, IHH.I,
at...-. I
Member of the Associated Press.
klamatu falls, oui:go.v. tclhday, .ovi:jiiii:n , 11,21.
Last Obstacle In
Wiley's Administration
It Removed
two Members pat
Vollnmr Mini MtCnlliiui Make liii
llil( liirff.H tiinl Nlnml AkiiIiiM
I Iip New Itrgliiio
1 no inn ilelormlhod nlnml In
block I tit Wiley administration l.y
mint llmrii Vullumr nml MrColliim
a made nt iiinht when Dm ..In.
ry bill nf II H Wll chief of
polite. wn brought up, chief V.
mm mini I ho illy f,,r f 37s hack
salary owing from February IS In
Aplrl 16, ISSInnil Hip rlty attor-
10)' riled a demurrer allrjclnic Hut'
Ihcrn w lunufflelcnt fact lo con.,
alllutn n nun ngnlnnt (In. city, but
JllllSU Klivkrllilall .v..rr..l...l ,..!
demurrer nml awaited anion from
Hut illy Time wn given tli city
lor n reply.
Last night, Dm rum was ufflrlnt.
ly rloned by tin, council allowing
I ho salary dim Chief Wilson ami
Urn agreement of II. M. M mi 11 1 nit.
Wilson's attorney, lo Imvn tin, milt
striken from llm rnurt docket,
each lliln lo bear their own com a,
NKW VOIIK, ,NV 2, Ah r
HUll Of I til) lOllllpnit l)f a lllw
llioilllll . tllllllT toiHiruitliin In
llroofclyn, Ivveiily.flvii workmen iiro
reported lo have been kltli-d That
number arn reported tiilnnlug mid
II l l"lHl llllllr ItOfllfM lint lillrl.
Mayor I '"I beneath Urn ruin. I
III In i III" flrnl I Inn In- ruaiinl-
ly In Ihnt city nliiro Dm nctloii
of Mr Conwa I licit re In timt
illy In I.17C. when 220 people pur-,
laiM-ii in tin, (I,,,,,,.,. Kltl cuxtoi, ESTIMATED AT $116,82F
wn pliiyltiK tin, "Two Orphan" at '
'"' ' Wine then tin, ruatrlc-!rM-lHl T of .MIIN levied In
Ilium tin tin, Diminution nf (hen
Irn building him. Im'i'H tin, mnnl
rigid of tiny illy u I(, cuiinlr).
Tim school budget for III., yrnr
of 1922 a being prepared by .Minn
Maude. Carlelon, ilcputy county
school superintendent, for pn.sen-
tutlon lo th comity court on De.
comber 1. Allowance for each din-
r: ' r a l,,cl '" ,m,n ","'1 "" "'" i of
t-lty Council Approvci tin, traiuii figure of In.i
uuugct for the Coming
Brooding Over Memories
of War Col. Whittleiey
Commits Suicide
I'lnvlilo fur lliilcnipilmi
Onl) llilrtri'ii vote were nut In
yesterday ntlinnl budget oljctlon
nml llm nip.n.iiiv Him rnrrlnl 'hy n
innjorlty of 13. Willi 11 Iftti.AiiM
bllilKol. ilrrlili'il iiihiii by iu mcIiooI
boanl, ami pill up fur llm npprotal
of lat incr. whim' money la to I.,
rxpcnilfil, only 13 loyal cllln-iia n
aponilrit. Tim flin.JWU nn iilanin-il by llir
Murb oppoiillloii to ullowInK llm 'l"nr,l w'" r'"'r nil riinnliiK i.xhiim'i
aalary Hat mmlu by Councllnmn
Volltimr urn! Mi folium, who ralaml
polnla rniirnriiliiR llm legality nf
Chief Wllaiiii'a uppolnlmnnt by
Mayor Wiley, nuyliiR llm council
nan Mover couflrnieil Wil.oti. Tim
ami provlilea fur the mallilrnancu of
llm nlnklnn fuml of Hie bnmleil III
ilehleilneaa of the city .chimin nn well
a the lulerent oil I ho anuie
The huilKft thin yrnr la the mime
na Hint for the year Jtlnt paueil Ac
matter waa illarun.eil nt great ,"r,""K '" "In II Moni)rr, necnlnry
length ami when llm oli, waa lak- " "" "r"0"' "oanl. Thla la tin, flrnt
in, Coiinrllmeii Hmlth, llnwklna """ '" wlrr" nr "M,r rntH '" "ic
ami We.t Yiiteil In the afflrmatUo
while Ciiuiiclliuen VoIIiiut ami Mc
Collum cant iirKatlve ntra,
'amount baa not been ralnnl
GERYPTYn?vi:W ' ,'0N,1,,N- N"r "M-H- K- M"-
IE.I Dt UIVfcN j clrnlirie Inrmer, olfereU aome
MORATORIUM f,'H '"lt" UKU ' ovr farm
laiiil nlueil nt 50.11011 pou ml uteri-
LONDON. Nnv Z'J Itiiiiinin of ling to n iiiiiiiultlc nf hln cmployea
n propuniHl mordtorluin for Her-' without rout, hut mibjrcl lo the
many wen, revlvnl by Die luily ' inilu Ihnt they nhoulil pay Ihelr
.Mall toilay, whlili reporta Hint Hlr! ow "'.igea nt of I ho prorreita
John llruilhury, llrltl.h lleparatlou " I" minoiinreil Hint they ile.
CommU.loner ilelegate. bun ilmflril rlliirtl llm offer, ami Mr. Kdgn baa
a inemiiramlilm on the auhject for, nxtemleil It to nny reptitnbb, labor
cabinet I'liunbleratlini It ruya tho'l""'' mich 11 n tin, agricultural wor
cMhlnel may urge n moratorium on , ern union
(lermany'a ilebta to tin, nlllea furi -
Kluimith Kiilln rlilc nceila for I ho
iimiiIiii; )enr nf I'JI: y,vri. ,u(eil 11 1
nproilmately (IIO.KZ.. hy dm conn
hi lani iiigui wneil I lie nllhjicl wna
, brought up for tin, uppruprliitloiia
lo Hm vnrloii rniiiln neeileil lo curry
I on municipal work
J The budget roniinlllio lnl nioutb
ronnlilered the flnuinlnl t In of the
city for !i22 nml welglmd ninny
i,.....- ,.. i... 1... ........
I ...mi in nn. immure, iiirininiiK aonie
nun luiernnlng nlhera. The Intereal
Iteiua on tin, rlty imlehteilneon 'were
provlileil for no thut 110 illfflculllca.
audi na occurred retently, will crop
up lo Interfere with 1nunlclp.1l pinna
next jciir.
Kor Hm flrnl lime III the hlntory of
the rlty, llm rounrll levied a 2 3 mill
lux for n homl red pllou fund nml
It la nllmnled Unit 11 nuill lieur III).
J a will be mined.
Tim lotul nnnenned nluallon of tin1
city wan placed nt 1.073, 131. The
total levy for all purpo.ea for 1922
will run 2.. mllln, u reduction of two
and onv-balf mllln over lam year
The dlffercnro, bowoer. Ilea lu the
Incrcane In tho nnneaned uluatlnn
thla year oer that of 1S2I. Tho 25
mill levy la divided Into tin, renpect
Ive dlvlnlnnn; voluntnry levy. I2.2
mllln; bond redemption fuml, 2.3
mllln nml Hm lulerent fund of lnA
The Ileum provlileil fur urn na ful
lew: general fund, I22.3S5; atrrct
fund, 111,320; fire dcparUuent,.) Jlt.
550; llgbt and water fund, 7,40n; lulerent, 136,000; the II
brary fund, 11,200. nml n number
of other nmnll Ileum
HpeaKlng or 1 1111 budget. Iho de
puty acliool auiwrlnlendent n.ilil
Hint thero wna n falling off In at-
temlnnit, nml In conncgucnco tho ,.. TTZ
proponed hu.lK.,t for 1922 w,,! DEFIED THE GERMANS
probably not bo Inrrcnued nieeni'
In Iho provlalon for tho .Malln ' "r",ll 'I'"''' Haltnllon' nml When
I iilou High acliool, 11 under tho
ronnolliliitlon of lat Auguat, It
may bo ncceanary lo make allow
nmea for uddlllonnl loiichorn or for
nn Increwm In Rtlendnnen. Thero
aro KiiUlclcnt fund now nl Iho Ma
lln achool hoard dlnponnl to run
through tho flncnl year. Thero will
hi, no Incrennu In teachera' aalar
len. but nllowanco will be matin for
extra tenchera.
I.M111)- llcinnmlcil Hurrrnder
I'llerril I'ninou Kpigrani
BAN KIIANCI8CO, Nor. 2, .'
Attired In evening dre, opera hat)
ami cape, and accompanied by av
en policemen In full dren uniform
with whlto Rlorci, 1'ollco Captain
Charlca doff led a raid lat night
on n auppoaed gambling club.
Tho raid wa a full dros affair.
Captain Ooff explolncd today, be-
cauao the manager of tho club
complained on Ooff'a last vllt he
wa not dreanod well enough to
mlnglo with tho clnb membera.
Sixty men were arrested. They
woro taken to Jail In a common
patrol wagon.
miry piri
Argument An lust Karak-
ini DecTM SwhiHttJ
Nevada High Cm
flavin McNnb OmrmtitHatm AMtMk
On Ilrclaioa Am WMiIH A
I'arallel la Il Hny
IIOSTON, Man., Nov 23. Km
et Wndaworth. Uingfellow, 7C, nr
Hut ami lant surAlvIng aon of tin,
poet, lingfcllow, died hero H.ilur
duy after a protracli.l lllncm.
NKW VOHrT. Nov. 29. A a re-
null of secret brooding over tho ter
rible experience of the war, l.l. Col.
Cbarlea Whittlesey committed. aulcldo
on Hunday lust, by leaping Into Iho
noti from tin, ateamer Tallor, on
which he wa a passenger, bound
for. Havana.
Col. Whittlesey wo one of the
outstanding flguroa of tho late war
Hi, coinmnatlcd the "Iont llattallon"!
nt the battle of tho Argonne, and for One of the Important sleri taken
four du and nights they .wero cut!'"! night for Iho Improvc'aitnt of the
off from their companion in arm. milk situation was the action of the
The battalion wna flnnlly surrounded! rouncll ajirovliig and adopting the
ny a body or (icrmnn troops oulnum- Imrpectlon resolution of City Health
bcrliiK the battalion twenty to one. Offccr l)r. II. I). U "Stewart. Tho res-
They demanded surrender, when Col. oluton called for the appointment of
Whittlesey gave utterance to hfa fam- a veterinarian "to Inspect tho milk In
two or three jcnm, on condition
that aim ream, manufacturing cur
rency. !
i'itoi'i:i:niMiH or coiut
Thu wheel of Jimllce nn, iibl of.j
leu clogged by Ciffld. but when
two adventurnus )quiik peoplol
wlnh to einliiirk' uponr thu great
OAKLAND, Cnl . Nov 29.
I KUIIK which, tho pollen nulil. vru ill-
ship piloted by Hymen, even
atrrn Jiinlln, lake n buck sent
Hiirh wa tin, cunn till nfteriionn
nl 2 11 clock when llmvitr I llnK!
and Mlr-a lv L. Kleplieusen ,) rd by u wn.uan. lant nlghl over-
Oh mi. j.i.iic. I1....I.. .!"" 'T''" "" """'' " niK'1"
- ""n I . . . ... .... ..,.,... . .,
wuirnuieii 111 inn niiim'ru k nwnn
depiiltumnt Ktore, blow open two
nufi'i mid esriiped with $20,000,
Itorro Aulonelll, Jnnltnr, told tho
en' court during Iho hearing of 11
1 am,, AnnniiiuliiK rather ahyly that
they desired lu linvo their Uvea en
twined. Jiintlcii Onulinaen etivi, wne
to U,o Itov. It ,T Cooklngham, of "",lr" ,,mt ,,rn ,,n wont " workl
Chlloiiiln ,h milted Hid rouplo
'In mnrrliiKo.
itAiMH oitowTii or
HKA1TI.K, Wash., Nov. 2X.
Chllilrun unrolled In thu Junior
American lied Crona In the North
wostern Olvlnlnn, uiiuli, up of tho
atnloH of Idiiho, WnliliiKloti nud
OroRou, nllli lieadiimirtcrM In this
city, number ISC, 003, Thuru -uro
1,700 Junior lied Crim Auxlllarlea
lu Urn three atiitea "hero tho 1110111
Imrn am oiiKnged In uitlvu wnrk
upon proJocU fontured hy Nntlonul
ufflclal. Wnnlilngtou lunda In tho
number of inomhcrH and nuxlllarloa,
with 113,007 mid 713
hi, rang Iho outer door bell for the
night watrhmnii, Nawlon Deptiy, In
rlen the door. When tha wntrlimnn
nppeared, Anlnnelll anld, both ho
mid Depuy wen, overpowored,
bound mid Ragged and left lu nn
elevator in tho building, The two
men whom -Antonelll anld bo bud
natlrod loltcrlnR before n window
illspluy near tha door, then let In
to Iho building flvo or hIx other
men, nod 11 woman who at once
began Innulma, direct lona for the
i:iio. mi:.i:iit hiiow
Thu Amerlcnn Lealou llenefll show
In AlllSkUl ulll lulkn nine,, fniiinrriiu' .vn.
thero 1110 1,900 Junior lied Cronx) nlni; at the Blur Thctilro proinlnea In
liiomhura with 28 hcIioiiI iiuxlllnrlcH.' hi, n very Interonllng ntfulr, u num-
m ' Imr of local nrllsta will routrlb-
Wi:ATIIi:it I'ltOIIAIIILITIICH utlng Ihelr bit to help furnish the
Tim Cyclo-HlornioRrnpn at untior- inron hcndniinrtcra in llm hnscment
of thn Muln Htreet rourllioiiso.
wood'a Phnrniury recorded n alowlyi
fnlllm- hnrnmnlrlc nronsurn dnrlnc
tho lant 24 hours, Tor aovornl hotira Tho prosrnm for tomorrow evcnlni;
thla mornhiR tho tendonry waa very will .tonlst of nn nil atnr cust In tho
Bllghtly upward but at Iho of iru,noMnt prodticllon, "Llfo." nnd
:nt,fen!hl:adroorlnfe,u,r,,ttnr,, r- rnlm' ,,opu,i,r "" Bi,nB8'
Apparontly a continuance of proa- by Mlnaca Vol da Coud nnd Toddy
ont woollier coudltloiiH mny bo look- Dtirhln; 11 comedy nklt, "Tickets
IKoVmobI for next 21 hourai vT'cl T i"' 1 " "i nlht. ono to James lllalr to creel tentative allicuulpn. It developed
coniinuod rain, turuing 10 snow 11 -- -' - Kumiu on uunai atuuuon, approx- mat 1110 only Hindrance to n gym la
kMrn. Allen HIojii, who left here
about a inoiilh ago for llcrkeley, Cal
ifornia, wheru she ctpectcd to spend
llm winter, bus been ery ill with
diphtheria, but, nrrordliig lo Mr.
Hlojti. I miirh better now.
.Mr and Mra. II. W. Tower were In
town thla morning from their ranch
hoiue near Keuu after supplies.
Mr 'llert Mnrnluill was a county
j sent nluipper from llm Olene Mlntrlct
)enterduy iitteriioon,
A Ktlffler of Keno inadn a flying
trip Into town )csterdn)' lifter sup
plies, lie report that the Keno
bridge, which wa cloved for several
'Weeks for repairs. Is finished nnd
open to llm public now
Tim budget committee, fur the
county will meet tomorrow at the
tounty courthoiini, foe the purpom,
of arranging thu budget for the com
ing flnrnl The rnmmtiteo l
inuilo up nf Iho county court. A. Kn
linn, of Malln, A. It. Campbell, of
Pine (lroo nnd II. S. (Irignby, of Klu
imith Tails.
'W. T. Ourrelt. who opcr.itca 11
riiivh near Illy, I lu town for 11 rou
plo of dnjH.
Oeorgo W. Maxwell wna 11 county
scat visitor esterday from llonnnin.
Mra, i:, T llesoltlno made n trip
Into town for suppllea yesterday from
her rune 1 1 on thu road between here
and Merrill.
1J. J. Lnwrence Is In tho city tudny
from Merrill looking after business
Henry Whltllim wus 11 county seal
business visitor from Ills r.inch on
Iho loner Klnnuith river this morning.
J. V. Trlplell tf Merrill wns In Tho Cnherslty Club b.mquet hold
town today transacting htislness-nltli In tho chamber of commerce rooms
local nierchnnts, , at seven o'clock last night wns nt-
londcd by a largo group of Interested
NKW IIA1IV IIOV IX I Klamnlh folk, who nro endeavoring
THK I.OHKX. r.lMILVto make the 1I11W a success In this
I community. After the regular bail
or. L. L. Trun'x reports the. birth quel mid business meeting, 11 program
or nn ulgiil pound noy to .Mr. nnd wns rendered lu which n movie and
Mra. (J. C. Loronx of Iho Loreiu' ,, Inuiromplu debate were staged.
Apartments, lloth tho mother mid iftR for n,0 ,iaIlC0 i.-riitl- B,t
child aro doing nicely, Iho attend- t the Whlto Pelican hotel, to which
Ing physician said thla morning. I high school atttdonts are Invited, wero
I discussed. A KJtnnusluiu for tllo
ntiknixn pkiimith issirno lV0UB Hllllol oleinont of thp com.
Two pormlts ero srontoil last'munlty enmo In for n good share of
Two automobile accidents happen
ed last night after dark The first
look plnco at 6 o'clock between Sec
ond and Third on Pine when Harry
Thrasher, a driver forKrank Krank
fort, crashed Into Crow Klkhart car
ownrd brHarry Owllur Harry Uo.
ler Jr. wa an occupant of his father'
car at llm time, but neither sustain
ed nny Injuries except a shaking up.
Coelr said Dial he was driving up
Pine street when the wood truck
driven by Thranher bine lu sight
without light .
After thu crash, (iocller said.
Thrnsher drove on and did not slop.
Hocller sped on foot In pursuit of
tho wood truck nnd after running
three block caught II. climbed ur
Iho back em: and obtained the name
of the driver and also the owner ol
tho truck, (incller'a car suffered a
smashed radiator hood, and bent
fenders. Tho lighting system was
badly damaged ulno.
Tho scriuid accident took place ut
7 o'clock ut Third and Main street
when, the tars driven by Seldon Kirk
and Carr Da It on met. WJliieasea (c
the accident wild that Kirk was drh
Ing down Thiol toward Muln street
und that Carr Dnltou, n nineteen
)ear old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Dnltou, was coming down Main street
nt 11 fast we Just as Kirk turned
west on Main St . Iho Cudlllnc driv
en by Carr si. osw.ped thu llulrk sl
car driven by Kirk The Impact wn,
hi that the left front wheel ol
thu Ilulck was broken off and carried
on Iho Cadillac for- half n block be
fori, falling Into tho street. Kirk
snld Hint nung Dalian drove off
without stopping to see whn dam
ngo was dono hut his number wus
taken by nn officer na ho drove b
Iho lliildwlu hotel ut a hfgh rate of
This afternoon, D.illon agreed Ic
pay Iho cost of the damage to Kirk's
rar. mo, also for loss of time which
Kirk will endure through being forc
ed to remain In this rlty.
oils reply: "You go to bell "
The handful or men finally suc
ceeded In culling Ihelr way through
tho enemy and rejoined their divis
ion. The terrible experiences which
Col Whittlesey passed through aro
said by Ills friends to have Impaired
his mentality, which was aggravated
by brooding over tho events of the
l.eo Clements and Kvan Marline
were arrested yesterday afternoon at
." o'clocir- by a raiding sajuad consist
ing of Sheriff l.ow and deputies Mar
lon J. llames, W. (. West and the
Itov H T Cooklngham on the charge
of having llt'inr In their possession.
Compjalnl wus niado to the federal
authorities on the day following the
Annltlce celebration and Supt. W. G
W-t ol tho Indian reservation made
an Investigation. Knough evidence
was obtained to Justify search war
rants being Issued by Deputy District
Attorney Wiest. Tim raid rollowcd
first, at tho homo of Marline, where
.1 still not In operation was found,
two partially filled bottles of moon
shine and a half rilled 5-gallou keg)
ol liquor. I
In the Clements home, two quarts
or moonshine and two partly tilled
bottles wore round. Tho sclxed li
quor mid still were taken to Justice
(aghagen's court.
Hail wns fixed each at $750 cash
or $1,000 surely bond, In each case,
which neither person was ablo lo
raise mid both were committed.
both city and county, tho city veter
inarian to cooperate with the county
appointee, the rlty and county each
to bear tho oxpenso equally.
Tho city Inspector will supervise
the milk distribution while the coun
ty officer will inspect the herds of
tho dairymen for tubercular cattle,
also Inspect the sanitary condition of
tho milk stations where the milk Is
prepared for city distribution
Dr. Stewart'a report last night on
the milk situation was not glowlnf.
but tho steps taken will soon improve
the situation to tho standard requir
ed by the- city health oftfceiv Ap;
polntment or a veterinarian ' will
"k'no! y nMk distributor,
one registered veterinary surgon in
the city, Dr. C O. Prentiss, hu most
likely wilt be tho appointee.
A certificate of inspection must
bo obtained by milk distributors in
The now plan of Inspection wilt be
rigid and Is expected to Improve the
milk situation, both at the source and
uistriouiion points. "Protect the
children fro mull dangers," Is the
way Dr. Stewart sums up his cam
paign for pure milk
The sewer Investigating commit
tee wlilcli visited all that portion
if Hie city on tho west slope from
Third street to Conger nvcnuev In
cluding Hrant, Washington nnd
othor streets which convergo to
wards tho old Ankcny canal re
ported to the council last night
W. O. Smith, chairman of tho com.
mlttee, staled that while seworago
wns badly needed, financial condi
tions were such lhat tho work
could not bo undertaken. Council
man Smith stated that lu futuro
tho section must bo sewered but
no immediate recommendations
would bo made on tho matter ns
the council U opposed lo any fur
ther bond Issues and sowerugo In
stallation charges would havo to
bo borno by property ownors. Some
tlmo in the spring, tho district
villi bo surveyed by tho city engin
eer relative to sewerage Informa
tion and estimates.
NKW YOIIK. Nov. 29. Crlpplos
In wheel chairs, In automobiles
and on crutches stormed the hos
pital for Joint diseases when Dr
Adolph I.orcnr. famous Austrian
surgeon, held tho first of a series
of clinics for the city's deformed
So great was the congestion that
hospital authorities found It neces
sary to summon police to handle
the crowd.
Tho first patient arrived, long
before iluwg, working his painful
way up the hospital steps on twist
cd hands mid knees, and crawling
Inside for a warm place to wait
until the noted healer could see
An hour before tho towering
gray-boarded surgeon arrived, more
than 200 persons had tnkeu their
ltolalid lllxou ovaa arrested nt Chll
oquln.jestcrday afternoon by Deputy
Sheriff William Policy upon an alios
ed crime or contributing to tho de
linquency of 11 Chlloqulu minor girl
Illxou will have hnvu a hearing in
Justice (Inglingen's court this afternoon.
JCAR80X CITY, Nor. St. 4a4b
er chapter wm aMd totter ( tk
Mary Plckford-Owen MoSrt-OeMM
Fairbanks domeetlc maDreglls wk
Gavin KeNab, 'attorney for Mary
Plckford, riled an abstract ta tke su
preme court here opposlag ta appli
cation of Attorney General Inwarsl
II. Fowler, to reopen tha eas la or
der that the divorce dacra) atlgat
be nullified on the groaad of Irreg
ularities In Ita bsaaae.
Mis Plckford waa iraatad da- ,
croc of dlvorca at tla4ii,,N'er
Uarch 20, 19J0, by Jotbja taagaa r
and In a short tlata aaarrlsA'Baalaa)
Fairbanks. Miaa Plckfafd, atpara
and Fairbanks aro asottoa atetara
stars., On April-XJ. If ', JiUoraay
General Fowler filed a aaatloa at
Mlnden asking that thVk4ter bl
set aside "In tha Interests of tha state
ot Nevada." On Juno IS. lfJl.
Judge Langan upheld tha decision
and Fowler appealed to IhVaiata su
preme court. ilcNab's aae!aeloBa
reached In his answer to tha appeal
are In part as follews:
"This case Is without pracedoaea la
"It Is the first of Its klad aad
should be the last ot Ita kaid.
"It violates erery srlaeiat 9t la
stltutlonal governsBMt. y
"It Is without warraat by tha caa
tltutlon of Nevada, by aaatata.. by
the common law or by JndtHal tatar
"pretallon. " ' """T
"Official power amfaiithorltrarast
be found In the law. They cannot
be usurped.
"No language can be found fa any '
law that can bo tortured lato giving
evcuse for this attitude of the attorney-general.
"Tho substitution of 'government
by official prejudices and eaprlea, for
government by law means oppression
ind tyranny. v
"In this Instance the court bating
Jurisdiction to which court tha peo
ple ot Nevada had confined tkelr la
crest in the matter, has adjadtealad
the subject and has discharged ita
obligations to the stata of Kavada, to
the people ot Nevada aad Its daty
to society. 4
"No appeal has been takea, (rasa
that Judgment. No actloa waa'saada
by the court. Itself, to 'set tha Judg
ment aside.
"The judgment l flaaU
"The gratuitous aad midatnaaaia 1
action and Interference, by a atraasjar.
In attempting to disturb tha adiudl-'
cation o tho court by this strange
and Incongrous and anamaloua pro
ceeding, Is, without precedent and
without warrant In law and against
public policy, and wo respectfully
submit that It Is the duty Of this
honorable court to affirm tha orders
of tho court below or to dismiss tha
appeal If Iho orders made are sot
Tho council passed a resolution
last night instructing tho pollco
Judge to notify Asa Miller, owncrl lll'NTIIUS WATCH KOU
of tho old Gem rooming- houso
that ho wns to remove the building
within sixty days.
temperature drops.
Toddy Durbln and
Kstllor CulklllS,, Imato cost 1200. the nllior In n.n WL- nt .. 0,,lii,i i,iui., ...1.1. 1 ...n. ....... . ... i... ..... ,.,
The Tycos recording thormomotor also n numbov of Instrumental num-lT iinif'o m i. r-n.. r .. f... I. ,,........" ........ . . ....... ...
reglstorod tho following nvuxlnumi Lor. rriie film and all nroceads ex. L.. ,71. . w -....... ., .eusunamo rem figure, a commii- posais for mi irisu seiuemom. !oi
. . . .. uuiisiiitii in mi unrii ii 11 uiuciinr Hiinn ion wna tun tn wnrie rr iitn nnv-nncn
will ro to tho loRo.rn u,0 First Addition to Hueim Vista of solving this problem If possible
and minimum tompernturos teday:
nigh 40
, Low ......?,. 31
copt war ttnx
Addition, iipproxlmnto cost IG00. beforo tho basketball soasou opons.
The Herald announces the follow
ing hours of suurUo and sunset for
tho balance of November and to as.
NTislst hunters from being arrested for
( Illegal shooting, .tho suggestion Is
LONDON, Nov, 39. -Lloyd George mado to follow tho law, "Begin shoot
ing ono-half hour beforo sunrise and
stop ut sunset." Look over the
table and keep out of trouble
iNov. 29 7:20 4:39
.Nov, 80 J....7J22 4l3g
lowing Ulster's refusal of tho tirltlsli
Cabinet's offer, It was reported to-dayi
I). M. McLemore, from Oakland,
California, is shipping twelra ear
loads of fine beet cattle .to tha Davis
Home and Cattle Co., Sacramaato.
California, today. The cattle ware
brought out from Harney couaty.
Aside from what wore shipped, they
drovo 2,150 steers from Haraay
county to grato In Klamath couaty
and to bo shipped later. The others''
they left at tho D. K. Ranch aesr
uiy. .Mr. Kimsey says tha reasoa
thoy brought this large band to Kl
math county to winter was that tha
alfalfa hay grown hore contained tha
proper food proportions to make the
cattle fatten In a short time. Then,
too. the winters here are milder than
In Harney county. It took them five
days to drive the herd this far. He
also saya ho prefers Midland as a
shipping point because of noa-lnter-ference
of traffic. Then, too, the
corrals In Midland are the best la "
the country, even better thsa these
in Klamath Faljs,
Tho foliowiag, are here let. MiaUad
helping with the shlpplag: Ji , Ham- ,
sey, and sons Charles aad Mtarai. '
of Klamath Falls; A. X. WlHsT aC
Burns, oreg.; Charles stehesidt, a
Portland, Oreg., sad Bab fadlaak.
t will.., n-i.s . .' ' r.
' "il VKlllcaHI. II
- .. V