The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 28, 1921, Image 1

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    - 'n
ftft Ofc
' ''Tonight nm! 'ruuiiilaywAVariiinr
jlufilglii, frimli t' iltrvW 'fhiiAhprly
tUy ittumhtrt Itealli
Member of the Associated Press.
t 'na.uu.Di ..xix-.j, , ".
FirtTMli Vrar No. UIHU.
, jeaaaamjjaiagaBjauujjtt.
(i - ' r - '
The courtroom wa Jammed almost
'lo suffaeatlon, mid crowd wero
.thrust aek lutu tha currldora,
Whon- Fatty Arliuckin took Ihe
itt4 (hla morning In hi own iln-
It was currently repntlcd that
Arbucklo hl Insisted upon testify?
ling; saying that liV'Mbevd '
could tell the Jury moro about what
rr-iiy Happened Hi hla room o
lhe day of'liU fatal parly than atyr,
one tla.
II mi calm ami collected, even
stolid, Hhcn iio too. I ho Maud' and
(began hi version of what look
Place. Ho aald that tie had Invlled
no onn lo a ,7party" In 'he roopi,
Ha had had an engagement with
Mr i. May Traube, and It "at while
walling to so out with her that
the other aurata dropped In, one or
two at a time.
Ilia version of what look plate
tvarlea very niatorlally from the
rtfitlmony of other wltneasos In thai
imatter or detailed happening, Ha
r jl 'W he round Ml Itappe on the
J 4floor:ln the baVhroom, attached to
' Oila suite. Hha wai rolllni on the
Moor, holding ber abdomen and
complained of great pain. Ho a.
:alted her Into hit room, placed
Oijr on the bed. and gate her a
"Idflnk'of water, He said ho then
Trturavd to the bathroom and when
Ibe camo bark, MIm Itappo bad
relied off onto the' flour and was
Tlin reapunaa to Ihn reduction In
I Pflco at Iho Htraml thcatin waa so
quirk and no enthusiastic that .Mr
moaning and apparently In great WMtn announced yesterday that he
pain, would put Ihn new admlaalon price
Continuing III tcatlmony. which ,n, r""cl 'r seven day u week.
ho gavo wllhoill hesitancy, but w,,h ,l"' lCeptlon of night wlmn' t
alooly and carefully, he said he n '""' audvllc, when the prlco Soventy-nino Other Were
Mnvir" ,.,,,..".,....,:.,, with mffp tiN urnRiirmffir
Ts W ""-'
'' . .
again plated her' on the bed andw'" bo nftytlvo rcnla.
It n Juat ii till moment that1 ' Friday ho made tbo
Mlaa Prevnat and other entered.! "ounrement that for Krlday
' Injured and One Believed
""' Buried in the Ruins
mill '
He waa In hla undttrelothea all the Saturday ho would ri'duro tlin ad- PLAYHOUSE OF FAME
(Imo and wore a bathrobe urcrt "ilaiilor) charge lo Ion and twimty
them, Alter placing Mlta Itappe onjrp,,, nul lht ' " found tboro'tl,u w
inn ueu inr mo aocona Hint, he. """ " v"ii- uiwn inu, pun or mo
said ho Inlt the room for a mo,lut'"e ,h1 " "bould be extended
niMit and when ha re-entered Miss ,0 ,l"1 rrt oi Ihn week ho would
llappn waa tearing ber clothea and,"0 a ?'n7iT? "0' "'" long In
I'fta Faiuou thtii hi Dm
malic Houo Ulirm Mnny Urral
1'laj. Wtm Klrt I'nxlurctl
anil Noted Acton Trutl
tta llonnli
In the month or Octobvr, 20,434
tindoHlrnblo peraona uero put off the l
Irnlnii or prcmlnea or tho Southern'
Pacific company, nccording to a re
port Hindu public by J, II. Oyer, gen
eral manager of tho (tomaany. The
report wn prraented by Dan O'Con-
nell, chief apeclal ngrnt, and allowed
that tho total number or peraona put
off tho compnnya property from Jan
uary I, 1 52 1 to October 31, waa
15S.2SC. Tho October fffturca wero
divided by xtatva aa foltewa:
NBW IIAVBK, Conn.. Nor. 2.-
waa hyaterlral. With Iho aaalatance Joubt, CrowdMl houaea and direct I
or Harry lloylo ha removed her lo -pcraonal req'u'eata convinced blml
anouier room and a phyalclan waa "' "" " hanu io get jn , titn which broke out laal night
then aummoned. don to earth In tbo matter ot ptc fn tha old Illalto moving plcturo
Ho denied point blank the toatl. tura-anow prices anu from now ouibouae, threo peraona arn known to
mony or Jraan Korgard, who ao
lined Arburkle ot having offered
him' money for a, key to Mlaa Itap
pn'a room In the Culver City aludto
be wya Irn and IweUty cehtg wlll'bava loal their Uvea, and aeventy,
be the prtvalllhg brlc at thv nlue wero Injured. Ono other per-
Hlraiid, aon la reported aa mlaalng and It la
He will rontlnUM lo khow exactly j believed tbo body la burled beneath
He denlrd too, Ibat Mlaa Itappe '""' ,n" claaa of phturea ho (in a the ruins.
had uaed Ihn werda: "be hurt mo," l'r running the Hodklnaon, The Illalto waa u dramatic bouaii
In the prcaence of hlmaelf and; World' Charlie Chaplin, etc. Mr. for many yeara beforn It was convert-
tome of Ihn other wltnwex, ' Whllo atatM that If the public pre-f d'lnto af "trtovli" and la known by
When iurtloncd aa to the re-. tfr Plclurca to vaudeville, hoi wlllt'jUy muchiwry actor from coaM
mark nllrlbaled to blm ho had lold MUconlliiuo tUa Utter and ihow pic-?t-oaat, forlrr Ula building haa boen
Mlaa llapiHi to "ahut up or Hl'lurra erlualcly. He plana to hao 'r,d oul ,or J "r,t llmo """"'
throw you out of Iho window." ho! aiidevllln Wcdnraday and l'hura- of ",0 "u' wh'ch b,ro ",c" l,etomK
.California .. '11,021
.Arlioqa 4,8St
Oregon -..... 2,110
Novada 1,172
New Moalru . 751
1'lah . 124
Total 20,834
Tho hobo problem Is a sorloua ono
for all tho coast states. Their Mecca
durlug tho winter Is California, of
course, but In tho spring they begin
their northern migration, flooding
Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Ar
linna with a vast armyy or "undesirables."
.. . . . i .7i fainooa on Ihn dramatic atarn. and In
ro ..: .:.. ;t- l ". :..':.":
"I used that ,...,. but I, waajnew change In price, will not ,r- '' " -'- - - -
rect hla Country Blorn on Thnra- "7 -"----"
i . i.k. t . . i hi 'actors, among them Kdwln llooth,
day night, ho aays, It being hli In- , , , ,. . , , , , ..
, ,. , ,. ,. . " Itlchard Manitleld, Joph Jutrvraon,
lent on to continue th la feiuiro ... , , .
...... j Hilly Klorcnco and many others
M.UI.b til" VMIMU ,tflt .
not ad.lre.-d to Mlaa Itappe but to
(ho IMmout woman, who waa mak
frig u nulaunca of herself and hind
erlng Inalcad or giving any aid to
Mli. Itappe."
Tlin annual Memorial fterclaea,
held thu flrat Sunday In erry year
all over the United States' bi- thn ll.
,lioviileut and I'totrdfvo Order or Klb
w Im held Hunday, Dcrrniber 4, at
I Ihn local Indco rooaaa.v.-Tlle asercla
..,.,..,. ., . !' "I"" Public and an Invitation baa
BACHAMI..STO. Nov 2 .J-rh.rlra ,WIU -,,,.,, , KUm,h -,.. c,.
. -n, a meciiainrai engineer. n, ly Kr ,. lrirll ,
cijuallr noted,
one ot the moat prominent bualnca
nau or Ornvllle and until receitly
prraldent ot tho Orovllle Chamber
of- Commerce, was shut and latally
twounded, probably by a highwayman,
near hla home In Orovllle at 7' 40
o'clock Saturday nlglil He died a
few nln,Ulca latrr while being taken
to a hospital by City Marahal Totand
ot Orovlllo.
tto one wllneased Iho shooting, no
assailant waa seen running, from the
cane and no suspicious characters
have been found lurking in thn vicin
ity. The Orovlllo pollco arn baffled.
They have thrown a dragnet over the
town aud are arresting all person
wr bo cart giro ny good account or
tbemaelvra. v
friends or the slain man have of.
fared a reward of 13,000 for the ar
rest e persona responsible for the
1'atrona ot the "want ad" column
nr tho 1-Jvenlng Herald arn. In the
bablt ot .receiving replya to their
queries, but U la' seldom. It 'onro In
a llte-tlmo, tho wits or tho city whosn
names now4 and .then appear In tho
orrico Cat't column recalvo any ma
terlalibcnoflt from aych free'adver
tlslng. The eaceptlon to prove thn
rule this year la Judgn A. I.. I.cnvltt.
Soma woekn ago, tho followlng'ap
peared In, .Iho cat column; "Judge
layltt waqta to know what bocsme
t tho, pJd.faahloncd housowlfu who
made .good1 preserves out ot walot
melon rinds.'1 ;-.
'In. answer a quart Jar or, melon
rind preserves arrived by oipress this
sreak to thn.quostlonor, from l'ortor
yit'Caiifonila, ami-good authority
at. It that, the Judge was' not dls
atlpotaUd In, tbo .quality of the pre.
aervea. rr(iere was a real "kick" In
tha "ad" and In the prilsorvos.
' 7n:ATHKn nTonAniMTifis
.The baroohitrlc prossuro has been
qalta capricious tha lsat two weeks
erao,Unanm from high tajqw, fol
lowing each other, wltb'faifllty arid
with' groat swings from one oxtrfiino
to tht other'. '.VV V '
rrho Cyclo-StormograAr,it 'Uitile'ri
wood'a Pharmacy "r4c6Med4iilU,'i
high prossuro Batur'day'at won; but
all afternoon dnd evening It contin
ued to fall; tliua forcastlng tho atorm
ot Sundayt . i ' ,'-..,
IHUiiday mornlnff another' rlso was
recorded and the rribvcmenr contin
ued tlntll rioonjtoday, alnco--Xvlith
boUif'U-,haa beep, ratling again.."
fT-a Indications arc that the. unset
tle conditions are not -yet at an end,
present at 3 o'clock p, m. ,
Tlin principal addri-M will be made
by II. I, Tone), paat district deputy
tlrand Kialled Hulrr tor Oregon
north, and f the McMlnnvllle Klk
haa a atatn.wldo reputation aa a fra
ternity orator, thn address promises
to be forceful, ciprruilvn and In ac
cord with thn occasion. A splendid
musical program la being prepared
for tbn occaalon and a number of the
beat mualclana and vocatlata In tbla
city havn been engaged to appear ou
that date.
y.t.HH riivK ium: MCHICAI,
Onn ot the finest musical pro
grams which hss been prepared
especially for the Klka entertain
ment w be given by tha Kugene
Page Trio tonight. Tho othera mak-i
Ing up the trio aro Miss Mabel,
I'clletler, vocalist and Miss Ituth
tlebhardt, saiaphouo and reader.
Thay arrived list night and today
war - Ifyl-g ikm acawsUc iro
pcrtlea ot the Wtk IsaWnroom.
Miss Pelletler stated that sho
waa a Mlnneapolla produrt and
Mlaa Uabhardt ball, from Hales
burg, Illinois, whllo Mr. Page hlm
aelf s a native of Chicago.
This trio enjoy an 1'tivlable re-
Dan Drlscoll Is In the city today
from his ranch at Illy.
I'nul Dnlton. son ot Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. Dalton, who arrived homo last
week with hla brother, Cnrr. who had
been visiting with hint at I'nlo Alto,
left on this morning's train for Stan
ford unlvnrslty to continue his stud
Irs after tho brief Thanksgiving hol
Mrs, W. C. Davenport left this
morning for Portland with her dau
ghter. Miss Marie, who haa been suf
fering from an extended ' Illness. Ut
Is with thn hope of Improving tho
young liidy'n health thst they left for
tho north where she 111 enter n sani
Mrs, Amy Kndcra Is hem from Ash
land for an extended visit with her
slater, Mrs. Itobert' Clay, and other
Jrivnds. Mra. KnUcrs brings the news
that her mother, Mrs. Kmma'YVriig,
who is well known here, has sold her
ranch near Ashland and has moved
into that city in make her home this
A. M. Collier. J. I. Heard. O. P.
Porter, Kdward (Scary and I.loyd Por
ter were out yesterday on a duck
bunting expedition, reluming lato In
the afternoon with a fair showing
i .. tnm IhnU .1... I.Anlln
.to the.klng. a pre-requlslto to Ulster's "' " ' ",v" "''
agreement to enter an all Ireland par- Waller O. West drove Into town
(lament yesterday from the Klamath Agency
A largo sized bobcat created ha
voc Saturday night on tho sheep
ranch belonging to M. Hammond
nnar Merrill when twelve) head of
flno sheep wero slain. The bobcat
started In working near tho corrnl
and alter ha finished his work,
twolvu sheep wero strewn nbout
ten feet apart tor a dlstniica of 120
feet, Knch animal had Its throat
cut and neck broken.
Hammond appear
the twelfth animal vs)
shot tho maurau4ar.' j TW J
weighed over forty lj
an ugly not or teeth-. a4ApoaV
Hnmmond aald
sheep had boon kMMMl
Merrill by tho aa
tho night. Numerawa
been seen and tntktiulk
cent snowfall. ' ' " '
4jONUON,'N'of 38. What Is rear
ed ta ba the lastsceno In an effort to
bring peaco to Ireland was enacted
Saturday when Prime Minister I.loyd
Oeorgo and Sir James Craig met In
tho former's official residence In
' lHiw-nlng street, where the lmerlal
, uremler told thn head of the northern
putatlou a. entertainer, throughout K0trnuxent ,h.t sinn Fein Ireland
me nonnwest and havo only re-, h,d not consented to own allegiance!
ceniiy completed an engagement on
tha Orphcum circuit. The leader.
Kugene Page, Is roported aa an cx
repuonany guied musician and a
rrho audit of thn books of tho city
of Klamath Kails Is under way, tho
examination starting this morning by
tho firm ot Koblnaon, Hours nnd
Newell of 8an Francisco. This morn
ing a representative of tho company
appeared at tho city ball and was
given tho books by City Clerk Al. ' Th Southern Pi
Lcavltt and tho initial work on tho ! nnccil that It ha;
ten years, from 1911 to thu present
dato started.
(Thu county court accepted tha of
fer or this same firm to havoan au
dit mado ot tho county books for tho
year 1921 and tha cost, 1450, was
authorized In tho meeting held Sat
urday afternoon. Tho county court
was not notified how many auditors
would uppcar for tho work or wheth
er the representative who is now on
tho city books will undertake the
task alone
M aM MtvflHHBB :1j
a-Wa aaai(a' ' M
faaMTJMMt 10 , v 1
,'' ' n
mmm ':' i
mm a
mx'-m. i
mAM0- -Wt. -
- . A-1 "m
f Hmm
wwMvIbHI Mvai 'Win ' is-1
Tbo Sinn Fein deleaatca aro (on-
verltabls wlsard of tho mandolin suiting with member ot tho enblnet Mi on ,ho ,rjl" ,0,,' for Mclford.
and Unjo. He claims the dlstlnc- In Dublin on thn crisis thus brought where she Is attending-school,
Hon or having Invented Iho oulv' about, rwhllo Kir James packed bis' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hall and
bssi banjo In tha world. It la
MAHYHVII.I.K, Col.. Nor. 51. It
further evidence la needed In sub
stanllutlon of Tlarnum'a contention
that "a foool Is born" etc., It Is to be
found In Maryavllte In tho persons
of two nllegod bootleggors who paid
I1.&00 earh for a couple or barrels
or whiskey, only to rind after the
agonls departed with tho 13,000 that
tho contents, savo tor a few pints or
whiskey, contained Hacramcnto river
atWBT.btt.Vlng tVfhe, Bopthfat.
Tno'iycos recoroing ,intnnumaier
yi'tUttred tha following maximum
and minimum Umpsraturas today!
High IS 1
, 2.0W i.i.,..i T. 19
WA8IIINOTON. D. C. Nov. 21.
Tho United States Civil Service
Commission slated today that the
Income Tax Unit of tho tlureau of
Internal Revenue will appoint sov-
oral hundred additional audltora
uud rovenuo agenla or Inspectors as
soon us tho commission can supply
.th" eligible, tor auditing work In
tho central office ut Washington
aud Inspection work throughout tho
Tho commission haa announced
an examination to bo held through
out tho United States'1 ,'on Decem
ber 14 to fill Ihoso positions. Tho
entrance, salaries offered rapge
from $1800 to $3000 a year. Ad
vancement will , dopend upon the
record of the employee,
. Full 'Information and application
blank j ,myib obtained from, the
.United' Statu, Civil .Service Com
mission, Washington, p. 0 or from
th Civil Sarvlca Board at tht post
off ice or cuilomhotis in any city,
pretty certain a real musical treat
la In storo for those who attend
bag and returned to llclfaxt, where daughter, Mury. wero guests or Mr.
ho wla report to bis parliament to
morrow bis version ot tho virtual
breakdown ot the Irish negotiations.
AN.NOUnC-W MM-kB-TT ' T-U. H. bnllt.; 875 merchant hlp
CITP Off Kilt tUMIIKHllrf ''85 groaa tons during tho
' : war.
u IAAAA.,AA..A...A
?-..... ...... .. .. Iw wwww -w -w w -w -w -w w
vuuvuricuco ui eastern lines iu ino',
proposod rata deductions ou
lumber and product taking tho
same rato from Pacific coast to
eastern points has been received
by tho Southern 'Pacific company.
Tbla concurrence of eastern lines,
to tho proposed reduction .will make
effectlvo from coast group points
In California. Oregon, Washington
and Hrlllah-Columbia a rate of 85c
to Cincinnati and Detroit common A
'i,. .- ....-.. . .1
I'uuiin, 0073c iu iinaoursn ana
lloftalo common point and DOc to
Trunk I.lnn Association territory
and New England points. Itatea onf
shlnglea and articles taking tha
same rates will bo 13 He higher
than the above rate and these
ralea will also apply from 8po
kaii. Montana, Eastern Oregon
group and Hawley and Truckco
Circuit court reconvened this morn,
ting at ten o'clock to try n number
of civil ault which woro to have been
sottled earlier In thn month. The
Jurymon reported promptly and the
panel botecled tor tto tlrst cobo,
Wood-Curtis Commission company
against the Lamm dumber company
over a bill ot $78, (The Jury select
ed for the case wa composed ot W,
D. Mlllor, W, KCorum, T. M. Dun
bam, Eldon J)annls', O. V. Nolsou,
William Darks, ;"JiW. Taylor. C. A,
Hill. D. ,'rVTrseoll, J, F. Cloeller,
William WisH-aud' Dave Murphy,
llcsdera ot
Tho Herald
and Mrs. It. II. Iladcllffe, or Pine
Itlilce. whure they spent Thanksgiv
ing. 'Mr. nnd Mr. 11. V. Kss wero coun
ty seat visitors Saturday, evening
from their much In tho Plovna dis
trict. .1,. P. Oeerlsnn, who operates n
ranch In tbo valley south ot town,
was In Iho city this morning lifter
j supplies.
W. 1,. Falrtleld waa in Iho rountr
will notlcu that tho paper ( seat this morning looking after busl
come to them In a now ! i'0"' mutter at thn court house, from
form todny. This
was miida necessary for two
reasens: First, tho Increase
chaugo , '''" rnucli In HorKcfly valley.
Viirl llron, who resides near Ho-
nanra, made n buslnes trip to tbo
In our circulation has bocn city this morning nflor supplies.
so great It Is' over 2S00
now that wo could not
print six pages and get tha
paper to our reader on
time, required tor presswork
being so great that It de
layed the paper ouch day.
Second, there ha been a re
cent plan among somo of
tho merchants ot thu city
to curtail tjielr advorllslnc
for reasons wo will tell our
reader about at somo fut
ure dato. Consequently, wo
aro trimming our expenses
to rit Into our Income. This
means that wo havo this
week taken steps to roduco
our payroll over ' $150 a
week, retaining only suffi
cient help t0 caro tor our
contract advertiser, and
such other business as our
facllltle under the now ar
rangement will admit.
Kvcn though tbero Ij a
chango In tho site, thero I
no curtailment In tho am
ount' of news. Tho num
ber or column Inches In tho
paper a It is today Is al
most tbe same as when It Is
j Mrs. Louis Prlrhard Is spending
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, A. T. I.angcll, on their. ranch
4 Ilonuni.i,
4j It. C, Spink Is In town 011 business
this week from ildlecrest on Spring
'Mr. Mndnllno Wallace, who spent
the (week-end hero with trlends, left
on tho train this morning for Spark,
Dennis O'Connor, who Is on tbo old
Dob Ilunnclt ranch noar Merrill this
wlnlor, was In town Saturday utter
supplies. .
Joo Cox, an Olene ranrhcr, was n
business visitor here on Saturday.
.Mrs. Kipp Van Hlpor received news
yesterday of tho serious Illness ot her
mother nnd lott on tbo morn log train
for Sacramento to bo with her du
ring tho Illness.
Charles Otoy wns n passenger on
tho train this morning bound for
Macdool whoro he m lumber Inter
Mr. nnd Mr. It, K. (Il.isgow nnd
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2S. Amerl
ca may take tho lead ampng tho na
tions ntsoclatcd with nor In, (ho world
war In freeing those convicted or war
time offenses if tho program ot len
iency being considered by President
Harding Is adopted, officials said to
Investigation of the steps taken by
foreign nations mado by representa
tive or this country abroad was said
by officials to havo disclosed that
prison doors are still closed on vio
lators of the war laws or all other
WJjrk or collecting data on tho war
violator In this country rcqueitcd
by President Hurding has been bo
gun. Justice department official, de
clared today. 1
Willie the .history of thn case of
ugeno -X. Deb ha been completed,
official were understood to believe
recommendations on the question of
his freedom would not go to Prcls
dent Harding for somo day.
Thn report of tho Klamuth county
rnlr board I being prepared today
by Clyde Ilradloy, a member ot tho
local board, tor thu Slnto Fair Hoard
at Salem. Mr. Hrndtoy In chocking
over tbo balance sheot find that this
year tho county fair wua ablo to pre
sent practically a clean sheet on ex
penses us well as n bunch of satis
fied exhibitors.
He said tho last of tho fair pre
miums was paid Saturday aud the
club work division, advertised lists
and special prizes had been paid In
roll. IWhilo tho lists announced that
whoro no competition existed only
25 per cent ot tho prize would l)e
paid, Mr. Urudlcy nllowed full money.
Special prizes. Instead of drowlng
rt'comi prlzo money, wore nllowed
first prlzo awards. This act on tbo
part of tho fair board moro than sat
isfied tho exhibitors and paved tho
way for it greater number of exhib
it for next yeur. " '
Mrs'. 1,. 11. Hague, secretary of tho
fair board, said that never In tho his
tory ot tho county fairs In this county
had moro compliments been paid to It
tbnn ha been given since tho fair
Its employes "ot Ut
tlaln a revision orVrwea 'f-
nre Just and reaOMMfc
cost ot Hying, ratal
work In, outside lai
relevant clrcumstaMM?
rcctly or Indirectly
question." n.'jft
TfiA Hinnni-AmMHlV-dl
practice railroad
amount to lubstantlaK&'li
Ing the wage tbatwafa ta'i
tho end of Federal aaalMi
1st. 1930. a.. $. - ;,-
Under a Ueclaloftis , lb JliilU4
Statea Itollroad Laker
road wages Increase;
23 per cent oticctlva Mart 1. 1M;
then on July 1, 1 9 -1 , vWi!;mM
bout 12 per cont. ,(., ,,'"! fiTr
According to J.HDyr,. lfijaal
iu.iiunur 01 mo 0. i:, iae praaaM pt
posal of the compear aaWi Mjjlr
result In tho remaMjJMb.r'W:
tho 22 per centjneraaakj, ipa. --y?
out. Thl doe aot-taMkaWoC Mm' -Increase
granted --'-frig tkt lillg n '
or government opcratlea.aC.taW'nli- n '
roads, amounting to over M Mr t "
on mo average. ' fc w,fc,
.Dates tor conferefwea fcatwaai K .
management and th T-nl'traa -Ifot
cd. tor discussion nf tha rofsii
ductlons, wero act tor Peoaiber Mtk.
and December 21st, !!., r ,
HF NnillSH
A-y .u
lea That Sinks,.
By -ui ot high pressure watsr baa alx pages, as the pages are
been converted into it naw Ice 10 wider and longer,
I Mr. and Mrs; C. I niack, or this city,
and Alfred Dehm. of Chllcquln.'wero
' Thanksgiving guests ot Mr. nnd Mr.
O. I.. Uhrin or Algomu. ' "
I -
nr. II. D. Lloyd 'Stewart appeared
at lied Cnm.hcudqttartora this morn
lng;und purchiieod.a membership tor
iiis.-new ciaughter, Lattlo Elizabeth,
dKie and havy that It alnks in
iwatui1 lmtaid ot floating,
j IHOUTLANP, Nov. 38. Cattle Who woa born the last ot the weok
. slow, hogs fifty coots higher, prime whether Letttle knows. It or not, thi
light, $9.50 to $10.00. QheeptroriK., tho youngest membat- of tfia riei'
ggs weak, butter unitttlad,
brois In the city,
---"'-. ifVS-i-
WASHINQTONr May.' M. A''iU5,!
solution declarlns-i' ratteapdgfeaNafe
or nil post-off Ico prlvllegaa Wa-Aaa
January 1, 1923, waa adoafr. y.,
"j "i mu .mno powers awtwf. m
n committee on tha PutM- -
Eastern questions. Tha ata wu
agreed upon by all taa.M an a.'
Kntit tnn,n -.,. . 1 "' .
vi' mui'mui vruuatj VVtVKMfM. I
r- ii. i .... ' . '
iui iiiuu iu which 19
t hull nnvArnm am.
f ' $?
Tito mooting ot ataak
and other agrlcuItarialsT wkt---'
scheduled to tako (aa 'th'ta w
noon .has boon PoHMia4"wtM At
I. v.l. n , 1.4A .l....' .A im v ' ". ' . '
..,.,j m ,ou wuva, IV Will, W
In the oftlco ot the. eevj-ty1
in too swnnson blaek.
mont was mado "iiayr narfwt 'lo
the condition nf th-'f?a-. -.-
would prevent, many .timm aHat;!- ''
ing. it is mieiiaaiLM Wi.mi.
ing t0 porfect an ffMllMllait
linailfi nsA nil t1 E -" .'
r'T' "" t?
War Financo Co
will onablo the itaatt
rancher ot this
loans enabling th'
SB .. tf - UM
Police Round -
' ipoiitlAnd; no'
this morning' had'
hundred and tlftyj
sons arrested yes'teri
tbo recent holdup
Theatre, In 'which
Five people are'
Ono of these.'.'!..
trusted theatre
supposed toliava.
holdup; Joe
Printer, Vancouver.
er ot ilxchlldrt
aged (evt'nttM, uii
who was arreaUf
r.U. f f.V r:..