The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 22, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    IW'KlMWl A
V, -V
I .. .,
Y ";
J'i '
ivkshay, 'November Ml'ieat:
fr '
A- -m
. NOTICE OK HALK r HKAt, Fallfi, Oregon, for ft .proportionate)
MMPKRTY FOR DUMNQUKNT .shnro and, part of tho coat of tin-
vl'AYIXd ASS USH VENTS 'pnlng Klamath Avo. from Contor
llv vlrtuo of a WARRANT ImhoiI St. to Oth St. anil Intersecting
fey tho Polleo Judgo of tho City of streets from Klnmntlf to Main,
Tvlslinnth. Fqlls, Oregon, Hated Iho which' said Hon Is docketed In Vol
ailh 'tiny of Novembor. A. 1). 1921 umo 1, of Iho Bend Lion Docket,
anil to mn directed, ,Kotico Is hereby, of said city nt pago 55 thereof.
yjwii iiiBi ravo iepa upon mo roi
Saving described real property, tO-
rnrthor notlco Is hereby. gl on that
tho undersigned, win on mo -anti
!.... r-.t...t... 1A11 nf !... 1ntiii
... i,i.i. , T.-t ii,. ... 'mm """""" :'"v "" "V"
v o, uium 1,, in ixiuuiuui in- 0j o o'ciocic i, ji. or saia uay, ni mo
minn to tho original town of Link-, front door of tho City Hall In sMd
villo, now City of Klamath Palls, dlty. soil at public auction to thV
OnEon; takon and levied upon as highest bidder for1 cash In hand, the
do "property of O. W. White In aforementioned nnd described real
aatiaraction of a certain lion crcat- property or so much thereof a?
tV nnd docketed by the City of " n"c'!arJ' to satisfy the jum of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a pro- , " together with tal
sortlonato Bharo and part of the
tort of Improving Klamath Avp.
thereon nt tho rato of 6 por cent.
por annum from tho 1G day of
' .. -A., - .1 ,..!... h.III. t.n
pnl. c nu at --.I i JUiy iaii, aim iut,uuii-r nnu .. ,(. f,nm vinmnH, costs and disbursements of sale
:j"aln. Tvjtlch said Hen Is docketed ,w
im volume i, or tne uond Lion
Xteclol, of said city at pago ' 64
'Further notlco In beroby glyen that
tko undersigned, will on. the 22nd
3ay ol December. 1021, at the hour
et 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, nt thn
front door of the City Hall In si Id
9tT. veil at public auction to the
"highest bidder for cash In hand, tho
aforementioned and described real
property or no much thereof as
Th ; necessary to satisfy hc sum of
xo.t& together witn
Chtof of Police. CI(y of
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov. 22. 29. Doc. C. 13. 19.
nforomontloncd. nnd described real
proporty or" bo much thcrouf n
Is necessary to satisfy tho sum of
$292.86 togothor with Intorost
thorcou nt tho rato of C por ' cent
nor annum from tho lCth day of
July, 1D12, nnd together with tho
costs nnd disbursements of salo
11. S. 'V1LS0N,
Chief of Polleo, City, r.f
Klamath I'nlls, Orocon.
Nov. 22, 23, Dec. d, in, 10, .
.By vlrtuo of a WARRANT Issuiid
by tho Polleo Judge of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Uhc
14th dny of November, A. D. 1921,
and to mo directed, Notlco Is hereby
frlt'AM Hint T hnvn tnvlnrt iinnn thn fnl.
tnterAat ? ,.. .1 ...... t . a ... .
fc--..n- ,n ri t r .j , t"j:.k"' i0""' ; "Ueu .. i-fojicw, iu-,
sr -with the cost and disburse- lo1 i, niock 38, In. tho, original
, Menu or sale nerounaer. . town ot LInkvlIle, now City of Kla-
. .....w.., mam rails, uregon, uoovo uoscriu-
Chlef of Pollen, JCIty of ,i ,nnA.ii, ni,ti n mmiK
i so'wVilo' reg0n- Avenue. 130 feet;' taken and lev-
. ' ' ' ' led upon as the property ot Fred
" "HWriCK OP BAT.KOP IlKATi Bueslng In satisfaction of a certain
VHOPKIITY Vil 1)KI.1NIIJT Hen created , and, docketed by tho
PAYINU ABHHS8MKNTS City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for
"By virtue ot a WARRANT issued ' proportionate Bharo and par: ot
Iky tho Polleo Judgo of the City of.. the cost ot Improving Klamath
Klamath Falls. Orogoa, dated the Ave. from Center St. to 9th St.
14th day of November. A. D. 1921 nnd Intersecting streets from Kla-
anu to mo airecieu. isaiico is tieroiiy rriath to Main, .which said Hon Is
SClVCtl thnt I ha0 levied UPOa tho fOl- rinrlrnrml In Vnlnmn 1. nf thn Uond
Ttarwlng described real proporty. to- Le Docket of said city at pago.
"" ' r.a Ihnrnnf
Iots 2 and 3, In Block 79, K1a- U..j.h. n i. i..i. u !.
, ,. i j.1.- ,' ,,. .,, . , Furthrtr notlco is hereby glvon that
T?im ln?. 0r'5'n,; toWu 'ho Mndorslgncd. will on the 22nd
rt Llnkvlllo. now City of Klamath llny of December. 1921. at tho hour
avails, Oregon; taken and lovled 0r 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at tho
xon ns tho property of C. B. front door of the City Hall In Tiald
Clondennlng In satisfaction of n cltr. so!l at public auction to the
certain Hen created and docketod highest bidder for ensh In linnd, tho
Try 'tho City of Klamath Falls, Oro- aforementioned and described real
sea. for a proportionate share and uronorty or so much thereof as
Vart ot the cost of Improving Kla- ' necessary to satisfy tho sum of
math Avo. from Centor St. to 9th 1167.18 togother with Intinut
St. and Intersecting streets ",from thereon nt tho rato ot 6 per cent.
"KUainth to Main, which said Hen t annum from tho IB, day of
Si docketed in Volumo 1, ot the Ju,'r' 1919 and wether "It's tho
"Bona Lien Docket of said city at costa and disbursements of salo
Vge 56 .thereof. , .hereunder.
Further notice Is hrehrc'pn''"t H. S. WILSON,
the understood, will on thn 22nd. Chief of Police, City or
By vlrtuo of a WARRANT le.ucrt
by tho Polleo Judge ot tho City of
Klamath Falls. Ordgori, dated the
14th day of November. A. I). 1021
nnd to mo directed, Notlco Is horeby
glvon that I hnvo levied upon tho fol
lowing described real property, to
wits Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 72;
Lots 3, 4, and 6, Block 73, -In tho
orlslnal town ot Llnkvlllo. now
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon;
takon and lovled upon' as tne pro
perty or H. M, Ackley in batlsfac'
tlon ot a certain Hon creatod and
docketed by tho City ot 'Klamath
Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate
sharo and part of tho cost ot Im
proving Klamath .Ave, from Conter
St. to th St. and intersecting
streota from -Klamath to Malnj
which said, Hon Is" docketod In Vol
umo 1, ot tho Bend Lien, Docket
of said- city at page & tnercoi.
Further notice Is horoby given that
tho undersigned, will on tho 22nd
day of DoccnVbor. 1921. at tho hour
of 2 o'clock P. M, ot said day, at tho
front door ot tho City Hall In said
city, noil nt public auction to the
highest blddor In hand(thi
aforementioned and, .described real
property or so .much: 'thereof us
la necessary to satisfy .the 'sum ot
1831.52 together with' interest
thereon at tho rato of 6 per cent,
por annum from tho IB day of
July, 1919, nnd together with tho
costs nnd disbursements ot sale
JL S. WilLSON, . . .
Chief of Police, City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Nor. 22, 29, Dec. C, 13, 19.
ay of Do-ember 1A21 at the hour
rfS.o'clock P M o'airt dy. at tli
tttnjt donr of lh Cltv Hi)! in Mrt
sKy, well at public nuc'Ion to tho
JteBCKUMdder (6r ron la hand, tho
'JBmcntloned nnd described real
tiWSeTtj;' or bo much thernof as
ts TprnsBary
988.6& together
Klamath Fall, Oregon.
2. 29. Dec. 6. 13. 19.
NOT1CII OK SAT.i: OF 1M?.1 thnt t huvo lovled uvoiutho followlns which aalrt'lion.'l's doeitolpii .laivol-
PROPi:ilTVl'X)Rl)IUilNgUi:.VU dosorlbod real propotty tdll: unto (i) i)t tho' iJdNl) LliON
1AVIN(1 AHSK88MK.NT All that portion of tho following nooKKT' At snlil 'city 'at' pngo 40
By Vlrtuo ot n WARRANT lsiuod dos:rbr-d property oxcopt n ploro thereof. '
by tho polleo Judgo of tho city 6( CO feet wide parnllob with Sixth KurtW nolico Is hoiqby givon that
Klnnuith Falls, Oregon, tinted tho street nml attending bnck 100 foot; tnij uhdorplnncti will on thp 22nd day
30th day of Junu A. D. 1921, nnd to thororrnm oft tho uorthwosturlv (f Dor. A. 1). 1021, nt thu hour t 'I
. ... l V , , " nr.K. B1 ln comor; belnnng nt n point 32.74 o'clock P. M. of Biild day ut tho front
V ii i V . . louuwiiiu ohnlna, B. ot for. to sections 28-20- Uoor o
rtoBcrlbed rcnl prpporty! to-wlt!
UoglnnluK nt a point on
f thn city hull In said city, noil
- . . ii . . ..'... ,i. .
.: 32-33 Tji. 3S Rt It. 0 U) W. M., nt liUDMO miction to tli() lilgliofli; IJIU
tUO .!. ti no .rt,.- u'.'i m wi. ..I... ilnt fm rtihh hi hnml Mm nfnrnmnn-
iuuiilu o uo vivfiiuun Hii immi viiuiiint i t V i ii r V, , I --"- .--t
rnlill.nll.. Httn nf Tlfnlit C 1. tk
,........, ...u .,,... o, . thonco S. r.l, degrees, 0' K. 3,19 ijouoii nun uwcriwuu icni 'tojiuny,
easterly ot tho noithwostorly 9orncr hnl,ia . tln iin0i holwoen nod nil '" i"1"51' thereof hn A ioc
ofBaldlotJl.thoncosouthcHynt'rlKht f.h n ? 'D . th'"?'a N , nr &l x 'trt tto" tl,w '"""ot
nnglai tp Main St. 89' tt. th:nco ' I ,"",I.; ' r ln, Tm: .. T.nn r 5er'-74 'loWthOr -tilth lntcrbit
westerly lmrailol with Main St. 32 """ '" r'-07 " !" " " iheroon nt tho rrfto of-six peF cent,
ft. thenco northerly nt right nngtos ?",n "?fllnfnllS. ''lE ,mt nnhtim from tl(6' lolu dayof
ttTMnln St. SOW ft. to thb south- n9 "?. vntoHr of W. M., Wlllsoh, ' timethdr with 'tlm tort
no of said Main St 32 fj. to l.fMlon of h certain Ilea . " ,,'
ot beginning., fronting l oncrcated a dockotdd by the Vlft-
St. 32 tl..,takef, Ld' levied L t BW"; ?r, ! W!
a property or, win. k. riw ..... P...H ...... v-y. . , r
mtltfnctlon of n certain coat ot Imprpvlng Slxtlj SJ. trom
I and tho M'n "H-061 4 KlnWk nvenuo,
orly lino
plnco o(
Main St
upon as th
Brown, In sa
city of Klamath Falls, 'dregon, for which said Hen lo djotcd in vol
a proportionate sharo and part of "n?0.. f M !.D0i u
the cost, of Improving Mnln Street. ou.k- 01 sayi, w ni )t-ugu ..
from tho brldgo across Link mver . ., . , , . .. .
to Eleventh street, which said Hon I '"ar notlco hhjfoliTwn that
1. docketed in volume (J) ,ol tHe u"UiBlD"3S "nt i fo hour of -BOND,
LIEN DOCKET of said cmJD. pA' .? '- i; . " ZVrL't
door of the city hnll in said city, wll
at pago 19 thereof,
Further notice Is hcrobw given that
the undersigned will, on the 22nd clay
ot Dec A, J. 19,2,l.jut tho.hour, ot 2
o'clock P. M. of said day nt the front
door'.ot tho city htrtl In said, city, sell
at public auction to tho .highest bid
der 'for cash lnMiand the aforemen
tioned 'and described real proporty
or so much'' thereof ns'Ms nocJ
Bv vlrtun of 1 WARRANT l3suod
In satisfy tho aum of 1 v ,,,e ,0,,,,', iu'' ot tho c"' '
ithor with infnro -",,Bi3th Falls. OrcKon. elated the
taereon nt the rato of 6 per cent. Srlh dny of Juno A. D. 1&21, and to
tmr annum from tho IB day of ., . . V . i . lu' . "', "
Jul, 1D19 nnH in,ii,or with h ''tat f bnvo InvIeiMipon the follo'vlnc
Jniy 1312, and togother with the if,r. TW,,, tr-wf
nu uisuursemenis 01 sale A 8trIp ot Iand 2C ft. in width
c m com l" 'ho easterly side of 'Lot 6, block
11. &. JLf"N, 1 33 Hm, n,g0 ,olg 7 nnd g of ,)loc1
?!,?,' 'nf' Zl1' J 33. original town ot Llnkvlllo. now
Nov. 22, 29, Doc. 0 13 19 IHty of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
' ' ' ' - ; fronting on Main St. 1GG feqt:
"NOTICE OK HALO OP KKAI. . taken and levied unon as tho nro-
MtOPKHTY FOR IIKLI.VQUKNT l perty pf Jj Y. Houston, in satisfac
,, lAYIn ARHKSRMRNTN tlon of a certain Hen created and
UT vlrtuo or a WARRANT Isiued ' docketed by tho City of Klamath
ty mo. Polleo JudgH of the City of .Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate
iviamntn bant, uregon, dated the
Hth dav of Novomber, A. D. 1921
Had to mo directed, Notlse ii hereby
-Klven that I havo levied upon the fol
lowlnc describe! real property, to-
Lot 7, Block 31, In tho original D0CKET of 8a,d clt' al paB0 2B
ton nf T.lnkvl In nnm, (. ri .iiuercui.
- .., Hn uq wa.y vm,
aviaaiBin fans, uregon; taken and
ovled upon as- the property of Ky,
Taylor & H. H. Vanvalkonburg In
sauarnction of a certain Hen croat
ed and docked by the City ot
Klamath Falls, Oregon, . for a pro
portionate share and part of tho
oaat of Improving Klamath Ave.
tram Center St. to 9th St. and in
tnroectlng streets from Klamath to
otala, which said Hen la docketed
Sa Volumo 1. of tho Bend Lien
share and part of tho cost of Im
proving Main street from the bridge
across Link River to Eleventh
street, which said Hen Is docketed
In volume (1) ot the BOND LIEN
Further notlco Is hereby glvon thnt
the undersigned will on the 22nd day
of Doc. A. D. 1921, at the hour or 2
o'clock P. M. ot said day at thn front
door nt the. city ball In said city, soil
at public auction to tho highest bid
der for cash in band the aforemen
tioned and descrlbod real property
or so much thereof as 1b nec
essary to satisfy ' tho sum of
$1,192.57 together with Interest
thereon at the rato of six per cent.
ncr annum from tho 10th day of
By virtue of a WARRANT Issued
by tho Polleo Judgo of the City of
Klamath Fnlls, Oregon, dated the
14th day of Novembor, A. D. 1921
and to ma directed, Notlco Is herebv
given that I huvo levied upon tho fol
lowing' described real property, to
wlt: IS feet off westerly aldo ot Lot
2 and 25 feet off easterly side ot
Lot 3, Block 3, "In the original
town ot LInkvlIle, now City of Kla
math, Falls, Oregon; taken and
levied upon as the- property ot
A. A, Bellman In satisfaction ot a
cortaln Hon created and dockotod
by tho City ot Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, for a proportionate sharo and
part ot tho cost of Improving Kla
math Avo. from Center St. to 9th
St. and Intersecting strocts from
Klamath to Main, which said Hen
Is docketed In Volumo 1, ot tho
Bend Lien Docket or said city nt
pago E9 thereof.
Furthor'notlce la hereby given thqt
the undersigned, will on the 22nd
day of Doccmbcr. 1921, at tho hour
of 2 o'clock P. Al. ot said dny, nt th
front door ot tho City Hall In said
city, poll nt public nuctlon to tho
highost bidder for cash In hand, tho
aforomentloned and described real
property or so much, thoroot ns
Is nocessary to satisfy tho aaim of
1133.20 together with interest
thereon at the rate ot 6 por cent.
pdr annum trom tho 15 day ot July
1918, and together with costs and
disbursements pt sale thereunder.
Cblof of Police, City or
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov. 22, 29, Doc. 6, 13, 19.
essary to satisfy
$87.88, together
'the sum of'
with interest
theroon nt the rato of six' per cent!
per annum from' tho 10th day of
(Vt. 1920. and toeether with tho
costs and disbursements ot tho)
sale hereunder.
1 Chief of P61lce ot tho city
of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov. 22. 29. Dec. 6. 13, 10.
By vlrtuo of n WARRANT Issued
by tho pollen Judgo of thn city ot
Itlanvth Palls,1 Oregon, dated tlm
30th day ot Juno A.J. 1921, nnd to
me directed, notice Is horoby glvem
nt nubile muetloni to tho highest bid
dor foriiiashilnihniulrthe nfororann
tlonod nnd described real property
or no much thereof as la nee
ossary to, satisfy thq ,aum of
1986.38 togethor with interoat
thnrnnn ntathn rato of MX ner. cent.
per annum from the 10th day o
Octobor, 1911 together with the
costs nnd disbursements of thensala
JI.'S. WILSON. ' '
'Chief of Pollce'of tho .city
nf Klamath Fnlls, Oregon.
Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 0, 13, 19;
By vlrtuo of n WARRANT lnued
hv thn nnllcit tmlrrt of thn cltv of
Klrmntn Fn"lls( Oregon, dated tho
30th day of Juno A. D. ip?l, nnd to
mo directed, nolico w jmreuy given
thRt,l'hay6 lovd upon thq.follpwjHg
described rcnl property, to-wltt
Lots (1) n'nd (2) block 24. orlgJ
hunidmoiit ot tho snlo h6ro-
1 ji 1'
wiuznti. j
i Chlof nt Polleo of 'tho city
ot Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov, 22, 29, Dec. 0, 13, 19. 1
, . M , iM
. " 1 i)i
Whea Allied With rtulptmr" It
tHrinw (Back Ilu Ucaittifal
' I Last At Once 116' K
I ' Jii n
'ray' hali1, however handsomo, do-
Botes advancing ne. Wo nil know
tho'advahtages ot u'youthfiil appear
ance. Your hair Is your charm-." It
makes or mars tho face, When It
fades, turns, gray, and looks streak
ed, just 11 few applications of Saga
Tea and Sulphur, enhances Its ap
pearance It hundredfold.' '
Don't stay gray! 'Look younst
Either prdpn'r'e the recipe 'at"' homo
or get from any drug store a bottln
offWyeth's- Sago nnd Sulphur Com,-
pouna,- wiucn is moroiy'tho old
time roelpo Impro ed by the 'addi
tion of other Ingredients. Thou
sands ot folks recommend this ready-to-uso
preparation, hocnuso It dark
ens tho hair beautifully; besides, no
one can possibly toll, ns (t darkoqs.
ou, uiuuruiipf anu QYoniy. tou moisten
Innl town of Llnkvlllo,'' now City of
that I hnvo lovled upon tho following Klamath" Falls, Orcgori.' fronting on
ucscrueu rem property, to-wt: mam ni. .u iyw, ini " '"' !' L .; ,'.,. .,1.1 i.Ti
All that part of lot 7. block 32, led upon ns tho .property pf Geo.1? ' ,i01n.r 8.of, b.r,,s ' TW '.' l,rftw'
original town of Llnkvlllo, now T. nnldwln, in satisfaction of IViZ, . .V ' n ,UV'
City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, ex- cortaln lien croited nnd dqekoted ;?J,,I"!fa5i,BtllaMln0- Dy "J0m'nS
copt a strip CO ft. wldo, oft tho by tho City of Klamath Fnlls, Oro- 'ho J '. dnl""pp,oar,,;(, atler, nnr
westerly side ot and extending back gon. for n proportlonnto shnro and ohn0f ?.pp"caM0" ortvots natural
tho entire distance of said lot. nl- pnrt ot. tho cost of Improving Main " V. J' 1 . mm
so. lot 8 of said block 32. front- street from tho 'brldgo across Link tn,ck' ,0M5r nnl lroui, and you
Ing on Main stroef 73 ft., taken River to Eleyonth 'street, "which
and lovled upon as Die property ot said Hen Is dockoted In volumo (11
E. WV Marplo, In natlsfactlon of n of the BOND LIEN DOCKET of.
certain Hen created and docketed said city' nt pago' 14 tno"9ofl
by tho City ot Klamath Falls, Ore- Further notice is hereby given thnt i
gon, for a proportlonnto share and the undorslgncd will on tho 22nd day
part of the cost of Improving Main or doc. a. u. iuzi. ut tuo nour os a
street from the bridge' ncross Link o'clock p. i. ot said uay nt mo ironi
ni... . c.i..nh .i.i whMi door of the city hall In isald city, sell
said Hen is dockoted In volumo (1) ISlJM:'
tu nnun t idh ' nnnirpr f der for cash In hand the nforemen-
..Ta Thnr "od nnd described real property Take Halt, to Flush
-. v.. - , or ho mucn tnoreor na 1a nee-
Furthor notlco Is hereby given thnt n .aii.rv it,n im nr
the undersigned will on tho 22nd day 4C7.00. togother with intorest
or uec. a. u. izi, nt tno nour or z ,,,-,. ., ,hn . of .i OP ,. .
o'elaelc P. M. of said dny nt tho fronfc ',' nnnun. f?om tho 10th day of KliBoy and D,aa1?.r weakness re
door of the clthnll in said city, sell a"n"m i!5m, .e,1.",lL,?hB,r,,?' ult from uric acid, says n noted nu-
at public auction to the highost bid- w-; " "- -"" " thOrity. Tho kldnoys filtor this acid
der for cash In hnnd tho aforcmen- coftB "" dlaburuementii of thofrom tho b,5od,.an(1 ag& u ,t th
iioncu nnu ucscnucu real property " ..-..
or no much thereof jib Is ncc-1 H. S. WILSON,
essary to satisfy tho 111111 of Chief of Polleo of the cltyl
J350.81 togothor with lntorpst df Memnth Fnlls, Oregon.)
thereon nt the rao of 6 por cent. Nov. 22, 29, Doc..0, 1319.
per annum from tho 10th day of vltZ77it ..a n"rp A,Ti,Tl
Opt 1913 nnil tncnthnr with Iho MrTItPi Uh n.M.ti ill llhVIi
costs and disbursements ot salo , AV1N(1 .AHSESffMllNT
11 a u-ii criM J Bv vlrtuo of a' -WARRANT issued
Neutrallae Irritating
Nov. 22
r.i.i nn , .1 . by tho Tolled Judgo of tho city of
of Klamath Falls. Oregon.- ?-W. KuTn"'
29 Doc 6 13 19. 30th day of Juno-A. D, 192,1, and to
. iv, uec. o. ij. m. .n drccte( notIce a lcrcby given
tat,I huo levied, upon tbo following
.descrlbod real proporty, to-wlt: ,.
L,ots 3) and, 4) of, diock 1
bladder, whb're it often rem'nlns to ir-
jritato and inflamo, causing a burn
ing, scniuiug sensation, or sotting 'up
an Irritation at tbo neck of the blad
der, obliging you to sock rcllof two
or three tlmos during tho night. Tho
sufforor Is lu constant dread, tho wa
ter passes somotlmes with a scald
ing sensation and is very profuie;
again, thoro Is difficulty In avoiding
Bladder woaknusi, most folks call
It, becauso thoy can't control urin
ation. While it Is extremely nnnov-
Ing and somotlmes vory painful, this
is reauy one of tbo most simple all
costs and disbursements
sale hereunder.
H. S. WILSON. 1 1 ,
1 Chief of PoIIre of tho city
' of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov. sa. su, uec. , 13. i.
JOocket of said city at page 55 0ct 1911 and togothor with tho
Further notlco Is heroby ghon thnt
O10 undersigned, will on tho 22nd
ilay pf Dcromber, 1921. nt tho hour
ot 2 o'clock P. M of said day, nt tho
tront door of the City Hnll In said
ltv.' p.ell at public auction to the
""highest bidder for cash In hand, the
atoremontloned and doscribed real
Droperty or no much thereof as
! necessary to satisfy the hum of
3751.72 togethor with interest
hereon lit tbo rate bf 6 per cent.
-per annum from tha IS day at
JTaiy, 191), ana. together with the
eat and dtsbarsemeata at sale
Chief or Police, City of
Klamath Falls, Oregoa,
Kot. 22, 28, Dee. 6. 13. 19.
Uy virtue of a WARRANT Issued
fey tho Police Judge ot the City ot
"Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the
14th day of Novomber, A, D. 1921
said to me directed Notlco Is hereby
htIvbs that I have levied upon the fol
lowing described real property, to
'vlt, Tko Bortkf4r one,-half ot Lot 1,
kk 33: Lot 8, Block 33; all In
M 'original town of LInkvlIle, now
Oty of Klamath Falls, Orfoi
Aakra.and lavtad upon a tbo pro
Tortr of-Jp?f tToitateB tuMatU-
ot a ooHMtt Hon created ns4
bf ght SMf off Kloawtk
By vlrtuo of n WARRANT Issued
by tho Polleo Judgo of tho City of
Klamath Falls, Orogon, dated the
14th day of Novembor, A. D. 1921
nnd to mo directed. Notlco Is hereby
given that I have lovled upon the fol
lowing described real property, to
wlt 34 feet opposite end of Center
Street, la the original towa ot LInk
vlIle, now oRy of Klamath Falle, Ore
gon;. Jevlen bm m tho
nroperto rf ,-fl. t. WHoon I. O.
Pierce U' oatUtaetlon of. certain
lleaV ereated and docketed by the
OR? ot Klaeaath Vallo, Oregon, tor
a proportionate oharo nnd part ot
the cost of tnvprortag- Klamath Are.
from Center St. to 9th St.. and In
tersecting street! from Klamath to
Main, which oald lien ia docketed
in volumo 1, or Uo Bend Lien
Docket ot oald olty at pago 18
Fnrthor notice is hereby given that
the undersigned, will on the 22nd
day of Decembor, 1921, at the hour
of 2 o'clock P. It. ot said day, at the
front' door of tho Olty Hairin'sald
city, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for eaah m hand, tho
By virtue pt a WARRANT Issued
by the Polleo Judge of the City or
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated tho
14th day of Novembor, A. D. 1921
and to me dlrqctcd, Nqtlco Is heroby
given that I havo lovled upon tho fol
lowing descrlbod real property, toJ
wit: . ' II IJ'FiW
LoF 3, 4, and 5, Block 71, In
the original town of Llnkvlllo, now
City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. In
tersection charge Conter Street
and Klamath Avonuo; taken nnd
levied upon as the property ot II.
M. Ackloy In satisfaction of a cer
tain Hen created and dockoted by
the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
for a proportionate share and part
of "the cost of Improving Klamath
Ave. from Center St. Jo 9th St
and intersecting streets from Kla
math to Matn, which said Hen Is
docketed 4a'TolaM l, of the Bend
Lien Docket, of oald ity at pofo
18 thereof,
rurther notice la hereby given that
tb.6 undersigned, will on tho 22nd
day of December, 1921, at the hour
of 2 o'clock Pf M. of said day, at the
front door of the City Hair in said
city, sell at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash 'In hand, the
aforementioned and described real
property1 or so much thoroot as
la necessary to satisfy .tho sum of
flSt.SO tdgether "wjth latere
thoreon at the rate of 8 per cent,
per annim from the II day of July
1(18, and together wlth tho costs
and disbursements 0t ealv here
under. H, . WILSON,
Chief f Police, City of
'Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Jfor. At, , Dee. t, II, 19.
By vlrtuo of a WARRANT
by tho police judgo lot tho city
KlAmntll Tftilla Ornpnn. ,ntAit
30th day of Jilno A. D. 1921, and to lovod upon as tbo proporty of glass ot water beforo 'breakfast, con
rnn nirnrinn nnrirn in nnrnnv civnn Hvnrnmir Nrnnn . nnn ttnrir tin . in
Issued, a,,road addition tp the, Cty of monts to overcome. Dot nbout four
Ity of Klamath Falls Oregon, fronting on puncos of Jnd Salts from your phnr
d tho Spring Street 101,.68 It,; taken andlmnclst and take' a tablospoohful In a
that I havo lpviod upon tho following satisfaction of a certain Hon cre-
descrlbod real property, to-wlt: 'ated and docketed by the, .city "of
A.strlp o land 28 feet wide off KJamath FaHs.r Oregon, jfor a pro-
the westerly .jido of 1st Street, portlonatef rtare iand part of tho
now .vmyuea una aajoining 101 u, cogt 0f Improving Main-Street from
ot block 32, original town.ot Link- Eloventh Btreet to tho Depot, which
yllle, now City ot Klamath Falls. Ba,d Hen Is'Hocketed Iri volume (1)
Oregon, extending back 120 fpet or tho ''BOND' LIEN DOCKET' 'of
irom wain hi., ironting on Mam aj,j cjtyi at png0 40 thereof.''
street 28 feet; taken and levied. 'Further'notlcti'is heroliy glvdn'that
upon as the property of Mrs. E.'thoHinderelime'd will on tho 22nil day
W. Marplo, in satisfaction of a cer- of Dec. A. D, 4921, at'thfe hour of 2
tain lien created and docketed by o'clock P. M. of said day at the front
tho Clly ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, door ot tho city hall in-said city, soil
for a proportionate sharo and part at Public auction to the highest bld-j
of tho cost of Improving , Main ar wricasn-in nana-inB oioromon
streot from, tho bridge across LlnJt.t,oned nn4 described real property
Rlvor to. Eleventh . stroet, which0' 80 much .t.horo?' M ,8 nec;
"ir-TS". S tor' w.U,.lntere3t
,. ,. "w"" ""' 7TL , , thereon at theVrate ot six per'cent.
"1 lp''A"At"i,:.t,.JW annum fronx theilOth-d.y ot
i'utfciic, (tuutu-w uciuur kivou iiuibin.t lAlr.l,.Ma i.fc. v a-a
itlAHil.4i,BUHAj n.lll ,L ",.-j IVtfc. iVIVniUfilliUCr WU U EUlh
... UUUIiKueu '! uu iuu uu u;i . ,.,.!,,,., ,,i , u
or Deer A, D. 1921, at the 3-" - -
n',iu.i, n i n,...M,j..i,ti.. .....uDder. 1 '
H, 8. WILSON, '
' Ohle't'or Polleo ot tho e'lty
1 l ntOKlamath VU1M. OnafW
Nor. 31, 89. Dec. 6, 13. Iff. '
o'clock P, M. of-saldiday-at' the(front
door of the city hall, ln said city, aoll
at .publlo auction ,to thejblghest bld-j
tioaod, and described 'real, property
or ao much , thereof 'as 7ie' -ib-esnry
to oatlsfy the vonn 'of
1I4.8 together wMh Interest
thereon at the rato of. t per cent.
: '.. . !.u- 411. j .
ycr iiuuuiu iruiu iua iviu ht o
costs and disbursements of salo
Chief of Police of the city
ot Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nor. U, 29,-Dec. 8, 18, 19 .
By ivlHu'o bf.n WARRANT foshod
by tho rpollcet judge1 (of "the-oitrrof
Klamnth iffalte, Oregonidatodirtho
30tb day.ofxJfunp.AjtOjilMlt wdjto
mo dlrecfed,! nptlcojIsHnerebjrrjBlYon.
that I h,ave aredf,uppn thejfoowng
ucnvfiunu rfwi vtyvviijf iu-wfit
B Tlrtnn nf n WiniUWr lno1
br tho nollce ludre'of the cltv otiot Klamath, Falls, Oregon, ,fova
KJamath Falls. Oregon, dnted the roporttoaato share oad ,. Part, of
ttjH.0'T,u.AI'v,,H' "o,to.e '50.' ?,HlPr9TntMaln( t(?t
not Ahrootod, netleo aj horfhy glrea trom lleventh street to tho Depot,
Lot lb" of Block" a.'rRMlrpad f!
diUo'o ;Klfm;thF),ll.;,&7;j
taken and levied, unon an. the nro-
. )m . i n..t ..'. - .
perty, or, too Remain ueyeopineni
Co., tn satisfaction of a tsrtala Hen
created Jaad 'docketed by'tho.ey
tlnue'this for two br thren itnvn. Thl
will noutrallzo tho acids in tbo urine
to' it no' longer Is' a s6urco'bflrrlta
tlbn to'tho bladder and urinary or
gans which thon net normally again
"Jad Salts li inexpensive, 'hdrmless,
and is made from the 'acid nf ernDes
and 'lem6'n 'Juice, combined wltlrllth-'
Id, nnd it used by thousands or folks
whd are subjoot to urinary dlBordera
causod' byi uric acid Irrltntlou. Jad
Salts Is splendid for kldnoys and
cause no bad of Wets' wlmtevor, "'
Hero yoq hnyo a pldasanf, nffprvos-'
cent Hthln-wnter drink, which oulck-
ly rellovos bladdor troible. Adv.
aJ lo mb 31 o'll st OJij t
TIE vioUot paroxyMW of cowmnjf
soon eased .by Dr. King's New
DUcovtry. ..fifty years a standard
nmedy for cold. Children Jike it.
No harmful tlrugfl All druggists, 10c. '
ifommm f
New Discovery
frr Colds and Coutins
" Make Bowels Normal, Nature's
way is the way of Dr, King's"Pni--gently
and firituy regulating the bowels ,
, eliminating ther latettiae cloggieij
waste. A nil druggist, 25c.
&r . I
t A. 1.