The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 22, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ,! ..v...,,,fc---y
1 ' u.
. NOT1CH OlHALK.0JA,llKAL , ,.
Hy Vlrtuo ot a WA1UIANT Issuod
Lot 1. mock ru. in it;, in..
TJnVwiiiA . i ... .-.I ..!-" !.
Palls, Oregon, abovo described ,pfo-
" - wi ii xvininuiii
I a .. i
iorir ,numunB on Kiamath Avo
nue, 136.5 feet; (akon and levlod
upon as ,tho proporty of J. L. Cun
ningham In satisfaction ot a eertuln
Ilea croalod and docketed by the
Clty of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for
a proportionate, share and part of
the cost' of Improving Klamath
avo. from Center St. t0 9th St. and
Intersecting stroeta.Jrom Klamath
to' Mala, which said lien Is dock
eted In Volume 1. of the Bend
Lien Docket of tald elty at page
61 thereof. F M
Further notice Is hereby given that
the undersigned, 'will on the 22nd
day of December, 1631. at tho hour
of 8 o'clock f' M. of said day, at the
front door ot the City Kail In said
cUr. sell ati,pnbUo "auction, to the
hlgheat bidder for;cash In hand, tho
aforementioned and described real
property or,-, so much thereof u
la neceaaary, to satisfy tho sum of
II.81M4 together with Interest
thereon at -the rate. of per cut.
per ananas from the 15th day of
Jnly 1111, and together with the
.eosU and disbursements, of, isle
H. 8. WILSON, . . --.i ' v
Chief of, Police, Hiy'of
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Nov. it. 29. Dee. li.
ti. 13, 'III.
ROlHIlTYxm dhunqdknt
By' virtue of a WARRANT Issued
by the Police Judge of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the
14th day, of Novembor, A. D. 1921
and to me directed, Notice Is; hereby
given that I have lovled upon the fol
lowing .described real property; to
wlt! ' '
Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5,' Block.
hv tlln Pnlfnik .tir1i, nt M. ntt.. .
im.(i, b in ' . ",l . "'or a nropori'onato snare and "iuuueu una uencnopu rem
W k 1 ?? m1' Oregon,, dated tho part V tho cost ot Improving Kla- Property or so much thereof as
14th day of November;. A. D. 1921, moth Avo. from Center St to 9th ls ry .to, satisfy the-sum of
Ktl0tlm,,hrotvlunoWr 8t' "" inSS 2i.fro2 ?h?68'80 T W,U5 ,nt,,rc,.t
into descrtn I'wbI nrSS'iv'S" Klttm,,th t0 "'tf.'wWeh said' lien P". th? ' ? ' c.ent;
mK acscnui.u rom proporty to. ,. ;,.,,,,,, , v,m , , ,,, por! annum from tho lGth day of
nm -" -- --.. wsusuw,
' "' 71. Lot S, Block 72, In the orig
inal town of Llnkvlllo, now City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon; taken and
levlod upon as tho proporty of H.
M., Ackley In satisfaction of a cer
tain lien created and docketed by
' the City of Klamoth Falls, Oregon,
for a proportionate share arid part
ot (he cost of Improving Kiamnth
Ave. from Center Ot. to 9th St.,
and Intersecting streets from Kla
"math to Main, which said. Hen, )n
'yv docketed, ..In .Volume i,', of the' Bend
Men uocitei oi sam cuy r psge
C9 thereof.
Further notice la bpreby given that
tho undersigned, will .on, the 22nd
day of December. i1921.aMhe hour
of !' o'clock P. M, of Mid day', at the
front door of the City Hall In said
city, sell at public' auction' to aho
' highest bddr for eh In.hand, the
aforomehtlonoil .and described real
proporty" or so much thereof as
Is necessary o tlnty tho sum of
12,413.72 together with Interest
thoroo'n at the rate, of 6 per cent
nor annum, from the IB day of
Jnly, 1914', ,nd together with the
costs and disbursements ot sale
Chief of Police, City of
Kiamnth Falls, Oregon.
Nov. 22. 29. Dec. 6. 13. 19.
By virtue of n WARRANT Issued
by the Pollco Judge of tho City of
Klamath .Falls, Oregon, dated tho
14th ilav of November. A. D. 1921
nnd to mo dlroctod, Notico Is heroby
given that I have lovlnd upon tho fol
lowing described real proporty, o-
wit: '..
34 feet opposite crid . of Center
Street lying- along southerly side
of. Klamath Avenue In tho original
town of Linkvllle,, now City of Kin
math Falls, Oregon. Intersection
charge; taken and. lovled upon as
the property of J. O. Pierce and
0. D. Wilson In satisfaction of a
certain lien created and docketed
by the City ot Klamath Kails, Ore
gon, for n proportionate share and
part ot the cost ot Improving Kla
math Ave. from Center St, to 9th St.
and Intersecting streets, from Kla
math to Mala, which, said Hen Is
docketed In Volume 1. of tho Bend
Lien Docket ot said ctty at page B8
thereof. . ,
Further notice Is hereby glvon that
the undersigned, will on the 22nd
day of December. 1921,- at' the. hour
of 2 o'clock P. Ml of said day, at tho
front door of the City Hall In said
.,'clty, sell at, publlo auction to. tho
highest bidder; for 'caah ltyband..tho,
h nforomontlono .nd described 'ral
property rflr so much' 'theroof as
Is necessary to satisfy tho aura ot
8.7 together .with interest there
an t the raU A r cent, per
annum from the IS day of July,
1912, and together wKn, the costs
and disbursements of sale hertt
under. ..' .
H. S. WJL80N, ,.,,.,-
Chief of Police; City of,
Klamath , Falls, Oregon.
Nov., a, z, uec. b, Kif jj
By virtue ot a WARRANT Issued
by tho Police Judge, of tho Jity ot
KUmath Falls, Oregon, .dated "the
14th day of Novembor, A, D. 1921
and., to no directed, Notico ,1a herebx
glvon that I have levlod upon tho. fol
lowing described real property, to-
Lot, 6,. in Block 32'fn the orfelBH
al town ot UnkvHle, now' thaity
of,, (Khwui FaMs, Onagan; , Jaan
tqlv; -v. , iya. - n, .
f nd levied upon am (ho proporty of
t3. D, Wilson, In' satisfaction of a
uiiuiu non crcaton ana aoexotea
liy tho City of Klamath Foils, Oro-
ond Lion Dockot. of said city nt
.tiBsn r.r. twnnt.
I IrilMHnw mhIIkh la 1 jkhAI.k !.
t .. "
Further notice Is henSby, given Hint
tho undersigned; will' on ' tho 22nd
day of December, 1921. at tho hour
nt n n'jtlnnb I lit nt anl.1 ilrnf nft ',t
front door of the City Hall 'in snld
city, sell at public auction to the
highest blddor for cash In hand, the
aforementioned, and described real
proporty or so much thereof us
la necessary to satisfy tho sum of
1689.29 together with
thereon at the rate of 9
he rate of per. cent.
per. annum' from the IB' day. of
JIS. 1912, and togrther with W
eosta and disbursements ot sale
hereunder: ...
II. 8. WHLSON,, , ,1 Lot 4i Block 7B, Klamath 'Addli
Chief of Police, City of tlon to the original town of Unk
'Klumath Falls. Orecon. .nt. 4k. -i.- . vi.-.ik
Nev: 22. 29.. Dec. 6. 18, 'M-MMM. Falls, Oregon; taken and . lovled
NOTIOK OK HALK OF RBAli uPn- th Property bt B. ' B.
PROTHBTY FOB DKLINQUKWT , Henry In satisfaction of a certain
PAVING AHflKSHMHNTH lien created and docketed by 'the
.. "By virtue of a WARRANT Issued City of, KUmath Falls, Oregon, for
byvthe Police Judge, of the City of,a proportionate share and nrt ot
luamain rails, uregpn. , oaten tne.pne cost oi improving niamaxo
14th day of' November, A. D. 191 ''Ave. from Center to 9th Bt. ;ud
and to me directed, Notice Is hereby , Intersecting ,) streets froM Klamath
firm that I.hnve levied upon the fol- to Mafn. which said Hen'li docket
lowfng described real .property, .to-1 Jn Volume I, of the Bend Un
Lot 3, Block 37, In town ot
LilkrUle.' now city of Klamath
. . k ii .1". .. - .
Kstate 'In satisfaction of- a certain
Hon created and docketed by the
uiiy oi ruamatn .reus, uregoni .if r
fi proportionate aharo and part of
tho cost ot Improving Klamath
Ave. from Center St. to 9th St.
and Intersecting streets from Kla-
math to Main, which aald Hen is
docketed In Volume 1, of tho Bend
Uen, Docket of said city nt page
E2 thereof.
runner not ice s heroby given tnat
the undersigned, will on the 22nd
day of December, 1921. at tho hour
of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the
front, door of the City Hall In ssld
city, soil at public auction to tbn
highest bidder for cash In hand, the
aforementioned and described real
property or so, much thoreof as
Is necessary to satisfy tho sum of
1671.63 together with
thereon at the rate ot, 6 per cent.
per annum from the 16th day of
J1. 101 f. n1 (nr.lliiti- with the
coata. and '.dlsbursemantn..Of ,le,K!ve that I have levied upotfthe fol
nereunder. v lowing dWkwHKjdSreftlproperJ.
H. 8.WIL80N. w,i: . , . ... u . Vi
rhur t pii. ri r Lots 1 and 2, Dlock 74, Klam-
Ktamath ciu orarAn
Nov. 22i 29.. Dec. 6. IS. 19. 'i?vllle, now City of Klamath Falls,
. . ' . Oregon, abutting on Klamath Ave-
NOTI0KOF HALK OF RKAIj ' nue, 104 feet; takeY and levied
, PROPKUTY FOR DKMNQUFAT 'upon as tho propertyf Chas. B.
, PAVING AHSKHHMENTH Worden In. satlsfactobf a certain
By vlrtuo of n WARRANT-luucd Hen created' and docketed by the
bytho" Pollen Judge of "the City :of city 0'f Klamath Falls, Oregon";, for.
Klnmnth Fulls, Orogon, dated the.'n nroDortlonate shore uand part ot
till. .! K"H.Hlk.M A r 1(14 1
aitu uur ui nuvcuiunri
i day of November. A. D 1921,dlroctc,1, 'tiC8 i9,i"tfy
in that I havolovleapontho,fol-,,
KlTen that I hava lovlotl upon
lowinfc described roal proporty,
viae '
Lot 3,. Block 36, In the town ot
Llnkvlllo. now city ot Klamath
Falls, Oregon, abutUng on Klnm-
nth Avenue, 66.B feet; tnkon and
levied upon as the property ot W.
is nn.rfnin ... lof noti, n
' ,n10wd1?,n ,n "?tL8,a , . ' , 5
certain Hen created and docketed
by. tho City of Klamath Falls, Ore-
goni for ,a proportionate share and
pun oi mo com or. improving iiu- oforemontlonca mil! afsennea rcai
math Avo. from Center St. to 9th)roporty or so much thereof as
St. and Intersecting streets from u .necessary to satisfy, the sum; ot
Klamath tq Main. Which said Hen'123.Q0, together; with : Interest
Is docketed In Volume 1, of tho-thoreon at the rate of 6 per cent.
Bend, Lien -Docket' ot. sold city at per annum from the lBthv day, of
page' Br tbor'oof. ',' , Uuly. 1920. and together with the
J.. . ,,i ', '. . , 1. i
r unucr nouces iiorouy given iiiui.cosis ana uuuuncn.ouio
tho undersigned- will on tho 22nd
day -of December; 1921, at tho hour
of 2' o'clock P. M, of said day. nt tho
front door of tho City Hall In .said I
city., sell at public auction to tho
highest' blddor for cash in hand, tho'
aforementioned nnau described real
property, or so much thereof as
Is necessary' to satisfy, 'the aura of
$738,64 together wlthr Interest
thereon at the rate ot 6 per cent.
per annum from the 16th day ot
July 1911, and together with the
costs and disbursements of sale
hereunder. ,
. 8. WILSON,
Chief ot Police, City ot
Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Nov. 22, 29', Doc. 6, 13, 19.
I 'By; virtue of a WARRANT Issued'
byi.the Pollco 'Judge of the City of
Klamath Falls; Oregon,- dated the
14th day of November, A. D. 1921
and. to me directed, Notlcejs hereby
given mat i nave leviea upon tne ioi
lowing, described real property, to-
wit: . -n i j
Lot 1, Block 39, and easterly 60
feet of Lot -2, BlockJ9, KUmath
Addition to Kmmath, .Falls, Ore
gon.' abutting on Kiamnth' "Avenue,
115,116 feet; taken nnd levied 'up
on as .the property of, FrediBueelng
in satisfaction of a certain Hen
created and docketed by1' the City
ot Klamath Fall, Oregon, for fc.
proportionate share and part ot
the cost of Improving, Klamath Ate.
from Center St .t0, 9th, St. and in
tersactinir streotn 'from Klamath to
Main, rwhlch, aaldHbH' lis pocketed
in YofumcTl, 'of 'the'? bohd J Lien
Further notice la h'ereby.glven.ihat
the nndrai,gned,ewilV oii'.the 22nd,
oi' the 22nd
dnyv'sf DeelHrri9ll ' at'the
of 2 o'clock'?, M, of said dayi at the
front door, of. tho City Hal) jln mild
city, sou at pudiic auction to tho
highest bidder for ensh In hand, tho
JUI " logwner irivn xdo
C0B" taint .dlsbursementfl of sole
If. S. WILSON, s,,
Chief of 'Pollr'c, City of
Kiamnth Falls, Oregon.
Nov. 22. 20, Dec. 0. 13, 19
By virtue of a WARRANT Issued
th8 Pol'co Judge of the City 61
TZr? '?V""ZZrmiriE
.Z"iSXi.- l.'.r. .".' X.'l.l ":. ."tt
invinr ..rrihi r..t BMun .
wUY ,ti?,'i .i .' ,
Docket of aald city at ' page 63
Further notice Ja hereby .given that
" ociock p, at. oi saia oay, axiae
rMnl . .k. nit h&ii iMld
tiiy, cell at public auction to tbej
blgbest bidder for cash In band, tae
aforementioned and described real
property or. so much thereof an
Is necessary to satisfy tho sum of
1180.25 togetber witn interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent,
Per annum from the. 15 ,dy ot
JW7. ii, ana togewer wim toe
costs ana qisoursemenis
of sale
ii s wirMnv. "t ' . "
Chief' of Police. City of
Klnmath Falls. Oregon.
Nov. 22, 29. Dec. 6. 13. 19.
11 v vlrlun nf a WAnnANT Issued
by the Pollco Judge of the City ot
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the
14th day of November, A. D. 1921
unit In ma directed. Notice is hereby
nth Addition to tho town of Link-
tne Improving Klamath Ave.
from CeriteV St;, to 9th St. nnd 1
,,n , .-.,.' ,rom Klamath to
- .'t. . -. .. .
.11 0111, WHICH' BUIU, IltJU IB l
in .voiutno, i. it
Docket of said city at; page Bl
Further notico, Is hereby given thnt
t,he undesigned, will on the 22nd
day of Docember, 1921, nt the hour
of 2 o'clock P. M. of said doy. nt tho
f t , of tho c,ty Hftll ,n 8nld
,,,, . nt nuhi!c auction to tho
highest bidder for cosh In hand, thn
i ( II V...MMH.AH
of sale
ir. S. WILSON,
Chief of Police, City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov, ,'2 2, 29, Dec. 6, 13, 19. ,
By vlrtuo of a WARRANT Issued
by the Pollco Judge of the City of'
Klamath Falls, Orogori,', dated the
14th day of Novembor, A, D. 1921
and to mo directed, Notico is hereby
given that I have levlod upon the fol
lowing described' real property; to-
Lot 4, Block. 77, In Klamath Ad
dltion to the original town of Link
vllle, now City of Klnmath Kalis;
Oregon; taken and levied uponas
the property ot O. W. White In eat
'lufaetton btn certain Hen created
and docketed by the City" or ma-
math Falls; Oregon; for ,a propor
tionate share and part of .the cost
of Improving Klamath Ave:, from
Center St. to 9th St; nnd Intersect
ing streets from Klamath to Main,
which said Hen i docketed in Vol
time 1, ot the Bend Lien Docket
of jald .city at page ct inereoi.
Further notice la nerooy siu.iu
hA iindnmiKned. Will on the. 22nd
day 6tDcmber,!492i;.at the, hour
of 2 o'cldck'.F, M, or saja aay, at i
front door ot the Clty'Hall In said
Mtv obII' at nnhlie auction to the
highest bidder tor cash In hand, the
aforementioned and described real
property or so' much thereof as
is necessary, to aatisiy tne sum ui
1626.48 together with Interest
thereon at the Tate ot ,per cent.
per, annum, from .the IB day, or Juiy
1916, together with the costa nnd
disbursements of sale, hereunder,
' Chief of ponce, viy . k, i;
... v. , Klamath. Fnlla, pregJKov. 82, 29,
Npv.2,,21 'Dec; 8, 1 19, ;-' M "v '
ifiutAl - VaIIo. nllv nt
Ily virtue of a WAIHtANT IsRiied
by the Pollco Jud?e.of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated tho
T4th'doy of November,. A. D.-1921
nnd toimo directed, Notico In heroby
given that 1 have levied upon the fol
lowing described 'real proporty, to
wltr -t?
Lot 3. Block 78. Klamath Ad
dltlon'tb the original town of Link-
vllleftnow City of Klamath Falls,
Oregn; taken and levied upon as
tho'enronertv of J. P. Saterlnn in
saiisioction or a certain lien crcat-
ed and docketed bv the Cltv of
Klamath Falls' Oregon, for a pro-
portlonate share and part 6f the
eotit of Unrovlnr Klamath Ave.
from. Center Bt; to 9th LSt. and In-
tarsectlng strawU trom Klamath, to
Main, which said Hen is docketed
In Volume 1. of the Bend Lien
Docket of -said city at page
thereof. '
Further notice la hereby given that
tho underslfned, will on thai 22nd
oi 22nd
la .hour
,.at the"
u7 oi vennnnr, iii, ai mo
of ,? o clock P. M. of said day,
. . j - ... rt, r. . --,..
city', sell t pubUc auction "to", the
hlvhAat hM.t.p tnr mth In hand, iho
aforementioned' and descrtbed.real
property ''or so much thereof as
la necessary to satisfy the sum ot
I47t.ll "together with Interest.
thereon '
per' an
Jnly 192
AMrai anfelf
herennder. ?' 'v
h n' wiuinN . -' -Vr
. .T..Vr-r ,
hi h mU nf tMtini ,is necessary, to .aatisiy .ue sum om
iim-from the IS day 'of ,M'TjL; ,MUffi Interest My,
... a.iw.. .tik k. inereon aiiae rate per cent. iw
i.K..mTM. nt) ..i. per anaam:trom the 16tk day of i
Chiei Of rouce, cny!oiw"Tnr"r
. kj , . Kiamatn f-aiw, uregon
N$y$2, 2. Dee. , 13, 10. .
ymoTEtTv is
)rnwraRTY ron Kiii.,wvK.'NTv-
By virtue of n WARRANTlssued
by tbe Police Jndgo of .the)Clty of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the
14th day of .November, A. p. "1921
and to me directed, Notico is'hcreby
given that I have levied upon the fol
lowing described real property, to
wit: ' .
30 f..t ntt tk'n Cnal .1,1. nf I.nt
1. nl.Mr' 44 . ntt th. W.!
i " . " ,-fc w. MV ,,.-
side of "1st' Street, now vacated, ad
Joining Lot:i, Block 32. Lot 4,
Block 34. all In tho. town of. Link
vllle, now. City ot Klamath Falls,
Oregon; taken and levied upon as
the property of Mrs. Eliza M.
M'arple in satisfaction of a certain
lien created and dockotcd by the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,, for
a proportionate snare ana . part oi
the cost of Improving Klamath
Ave. from Center Bt. to 9th SI. and
intersecting streets from Klamath
JLo, Main, which, said Hen Is. docket
ed In Volume 1. oV the Bend. LJn
Docket of said city at page' SO
thereof. '
Further notice Is hereby given Knot
tbe. undersigned, will on tho 22nd
Uy of 'December, 1921, at .tho hour
ot 2' o'clock. P. M, of said day, at the
front door ot the Ctty Hall In said
cltyt sell nt' public auction to the
highest lilddor for cash In hund, tbe
nforementl6ned and described real
property ' or so much thereof as
Is necessary to satisfy tbe sum of
1;70.16 together with. Interest
thereon .(it the rate of 6 .per cont.
per annum from tho lm day or
July, 1914,' and together' with the
costs and disbursements ot sale
Chief of Pollco. City of
j Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Nov32. 29. Doc. 6, 13, 19.,
By vlrtuo of 'a WARRANT Issued
by the Pollco Judge St the City of
fKIamritlr Falls, Oregon, dated the
Jitn ,aay oi novomDor, a. u. ui
glvon that I havo levied upon the fol
lowing doscribed real property, to
wit: Lota 1 and 2, Block 7.8, also the
following portion ot the NE& of
NB'A oivsection az, rwp.a, a. ty.
9, E.'W. M., desaribed as follews:
Beginning at the' most northerly
corner of said 'Lot 1, of" Block -78
In Klamath Addition to tho town
of Linkvllle, now city of Klamath
Falls, Oregon; 'thenco notherly 38
degrees 66' E. ' '60 feet; thence
southerly 61 degrees 4' E, 100 feet;
thenco southerly. 8 degrees 66' W.
60 feet; thetfeo. northerly 61 de
grees 4' W. 10,0 teot;,tq placo of.
beginning,, abutting on Kiamatn
Avenue, 164 feet; ,'takem'and levied
nnon as. the property, of - R.- V.
Lathrop -in satisfaction ot- a certain
Hen created and docketed by "the
City ot Klamath Falls,. Oregon; for
a proportionate , share and part of
... '& . . -!? ,vf4L
tne coov-oi , imrovmnji, maiunta
Aye; from, Center Bt, tof th St. and
Intersectlntr. streets from rKlamath
to-Main; which iaid ..lien.iU docket
ed' In Volume ,1-, of- the Bend Lien
Docket, of said rclty at. page 64
Further notice Is boreby given that
tho undersigned, -will on the 22nd
day of Decombor. 1921. at the houif
o( 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the
front door ot the' City Hall In said
city, sell at public auction to ;Ue.
highest blddor for cash In hand, tb
aforementioned and described real
property or bo much thereof as
Is necessary to satisfy the sum of
$470,94 togothe? with interest
thereon at th rate of -6 per cent
per annum, from the 16 day of
July, 1918, nnd together with, tbe
costa and disbursements of sale
hereunder.' 3, t
1 Ji. S. W3LSON,
Chief ot Police, City of
.' Kiamnth Falla, Oregon.
DOC. 6 13,-1.9.
By vlrtuo of a 'WAMIANT Issued
by tho PollcoJiidgti of tho City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated tjia
14th day, of November A. D. 1921
and to mo directed, Notico Is heroby
given that I .have lovled upon tho fol
lowing described real property, to
wit: ' i
A strip of land 3G feet off the
westorly side ot, Lot 1, and 1C foot
ntt ho easterly side of Lot 2, In
B,oclt 82' l the town of Linkvllle,
now uny oi Hiaraatn iraiis, Oregon,
" iou uii un jlub pra
Porty of B. St. Qeo. Bishop in satis
f""on ot a certain Hen created
"n aocaeieu Dy tne uiiy oi Kiam
th Falls, Orogon,. for a propor
tlohate shriro and' part of -the cost
Improving Klamath Ave. from-
Center St. to 9th 8t. and Inter.
eoctlng streets from .Klamath to
64 Main,, which said' Hen is docketed
"iln Volume 1, of the Bend Lit
Docket, of. aald city, at page.A,BB
thereof., ,
Further notice Is hereby given that
the undersigned, will on the22nT
Jtm -.9 1VU..M.WJ." 4ttflr ., ,L. k..
of 2 o'clock P.,M. pf said day, at the
front door of the Cllr' Hall ' In saM
cltyf Soli,'.at public ."anctlon to the
highest bidder f of cash In band, the
aforementioned and .described real
property, much thereof an
i'a, ll.Tnnd.;togethey. with the
IcoaU .and dlsbarseniente,, . of sale
, "
i,., mw.w.m,, ,
- ChTlet.of Police, City of
uw . KUmnUi Fallaj Oregon.
Hov22, 89., Dec. t 13. IP.' '
'By1 virtue..ot a WARRANT Issued
by the Police Judge of the City of
Klamath Falls,' Oregon, dated the
14th,dayof November, .A. D.,1921
nnd'to mo directed, Notice-is hereby
given, that.I. have lerM, upon the fof
lowfpg described realt' property, to
wlt: . ; -...
, ,
.5'-' eS''
JtO JTVvannnnvI' Va7
off the loin and said, "That would cost a retailer just 40
cents a pound, but it's only 8 per cent of the weight of
the whole side,
"This piece, (and he marked off about one-fourth of
'the carcass is the chuck and I'll sell it at wholesale for 7
cents a pound.- Please remember, this is one oi our' best
yarded oftf. We also have
' 'Kav
This wide, variation in the price of various.rats.ffbm
the' same, side of beef is caused largely by detniiid for
the tender cuts. The others are, of course;' iet as
wholesome.. U-i
It seems as though more people than Tever, are
demanding choicer cuts and theirdemand seta the, price.
' If few people ask for thV'foreqiiarter cuts, the price of
j forequarterswilT autorraftically drop to a 'figure low
v enough to induce people to buy because.of cheapness.
s- ja r
Even though certain cutaj sell for relatively high
price's) other cuts, due to lack of i demand, sell so)dwthat
our profit from all sources over"' a period of five.eara
averaged only a fraction of 'a cent a pound. ; ;,
I ' , J" i ' "s '',,, '
It ia competition between consumers for the xhdice
"cuts that, keeps ricesfor those -uta relatively high; an
. '.equalizing '(Jernand for, all parts of Jhe carcass-would
benefit 'producer, packer, retailer arid consumer. ,
r "' ." c i? .
,jPuraera'ge wholesale selling price' of all product
',rhMjfallen about 40 per cent eince September, 1920.
wift & Company;'U. S. A.
Lot 1 in Block 31 in the teram eff
Llnkvlllo, ' now '"City of KtHSMfth
Falls Oregon, and abutting: on Cra
ter Street 100. 6Al feet. Lot 4, Btork
32 In the town of Llnkvlllo, inenr
City of Klnmatli rails, Orcftass.
LotB 3 and 4 nnd n strip of lead
60 feet In width ot tho. Wostartr
sldo of Lot. 2 In Block 32 In fte
town of Linkvllle, now City of Kla-
malh Falls, Oregon,- all at
above described property
on Klamath .Avenue, 183 1
taken and levied upon as thn
porty or j. f. Qoeller ,in
tlon of a certain Hen created
docketed- by the Ctty of
Falls, Oregon, for n proportoaarini
share and part of the cost at bar
proving Klamath Ave. , from Ciaeir
St. ,to, 9th St. and Jntersectamx
streets, from ..Klamath .to
which, said. Hen i .'docketed
Volume' 1, of. the Bend Lien
et, of aald city at page 60
Further notice is hereby gives
the underaicned. wlllnon the
day ot December. 1931, at the '
of 2 o'clock P, M. of 'said dar. at tm
I front door ot the City, Hall fa assnt
city, sen at public auction to mm
highest bidder for cash in haw. Urn
aforementioned and 'described rsnC
properiy-iiot so meX ' the'reef am
la naeeaaary to" satisfy the ana esf
aa.aia.aa toeetner" witn an
thereon aUthe rate of per
per annom fMm,.-(ni--2k amy tnt
1911, and .together., rttk sm
and disbnrsements ,C naam
hereunder. . ., ',.
,a. B. WJLSON, l
Chief ofPfoMce, CK- aC
KJamatn FnMe.
Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 41. . If, .
PORTLAND, Nov.'ai. Becasn
the scarcity of .houses and fnca
the abnormal rents suited by I
lords, many prospective builders;
have Iota are, making, at' least si I
porary" use of their property by i
patting up their parages, m,wl
they expect to live until ether
ters are'eonstructed. .
and Others
paper man vialted one of
tbe boleaale markets of
Swift A Company. He
wanted to .see a retailer
buy a loin of beef and
then watch the 'retailer
sell the porterhouse and
sirloin steaks from, it over
his counter. He thought
this would make a good
The head of tho mar
ket took the reporter Into
the "cooler" where he
showed him a hign class
side of beef. With a
wooden skewer he marked
beef which sells for half
.. ,J"'J vv-
.J T' HI "VUH UiU71