17 " i.. tf V , i AT, NOVK.MBKB 98, 1M1. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAoa ram M The Evening Herald U. S. WAR TRUCKS FOR ROAD WORK i 7 'Hi . J. MUMMY ..Editor K. J. BA1WETT ... City Edltot Published daily except Sunday, by Herald Publishing Company of Kfcunath Falli, at 119 Eighth Street, nterod at the pottottice at Kla- aeth Falls, Ore., for transmission tttfeagh the' malla ai second-class matter. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press is exclusively titled to the. use for publication of n ew dispatcher credited to it, r'aot otherwise credited b this aef, and also the local .news pub , aereia. NOVEMBER ! 11. L ME BURNS '' , ; HAS RECORD XV "A, BAD MAN" .heirlff,Low:YreeellTed1 the. follow.' Ja eMtt&tf from Sheriff Callaa,o TTKa, ' 'caitfornra,- -teday.e . .-which. atraa the record of; dde 'Burns, fl "nsajtar sslad" 'of the Mt. He aad Dorrte ; robberies which 'lace hi June. The thieves iMMUl n IfcU pit anil IkA MttacnUr .light of Joe' Schmidt, 3MC4e Barns and a man named JtMehlas 'fbllowed, after a Cherro let car, was' wrecked In the caaat ait of this city. - Sheriff Low' t and the local of flews followed the trail oft ltbe three men. Burns,, according- to Sheriff .Low was rather pitied' by m certain element 7ln this city as they presumed he was hot 'a crlm 4ha, The clipping) taken from the Treka paper a( the time of the 'Mat of Burns teller his recerd: "Few people who read the ac ent of the arrest of Eddie Burns any Idea of the manner ot the local officers had to d with. C Knowing his prisoner to hare 1adva wlge'experlence. Sheriff Cat wis.v cdamnateated with the prl- autborltlea of Leavenworth, sending fingerprints bt and the report of this Indl- TlMal4a'iituotW6yahimlBous and Mt'rl aHi reaaanrlng.j ' He Was known In the northwest aa a desperate man and worked un wer the nam,e of Loata Stearnagle aad among other Items .the report atates that he was the leader of a More tlinn 2?,000 motor vehicles havo been distributed by the Bureau of Public Roads ot the United States Dounrtment of Agriculture nmong tho various states for rond-bulldlng purposes. ,11 p to October 31 it total of 27,198 had boon so distributed, .Including 1,800 retained by tho De partment ot Agriculture for uso on roads In the National Forests and In connection with the administration of the Federal Aid Act. Theso com- 'prise virtually nil the surplus motor vehicles turned over to the Depart ment of Agriculture by the War Do partment to be distributed under tho Wadnworth-Kahn Act among the States for road-tralldtnr purposes These vehicles!1 consisting mostly ot motor trucks, are a part ot the war tnatertalriortglaaliy intended ,fpr use In France.' ??, ? it the' nnmoer" ot motor vehicles distributed tQ,"thevSutes np'to Octo ber 3li',Orgdn,waB.'' allotted 314 trucks and 84 autoa. .ALIAS? HTLL..MAVS. u "Alias ohaVWIlso," aa ha Vaa booked" at" the 'police aUUe when he was gathered, lawhUe 'iirrylng an Interior, loa4' of mooashine, -will be hta to'.py,-.bia fine when he la Ukehl before Sedge Leavttt, aa on -nir,pern ma tearenca at th ataMo'n!" -v ',"1 , ' if ' - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY U 1-Hi" ' i M FSk itJNT 8, room completely fur bished house with two garages. Close in. Phone 353R. 28-30 i. - WANTED-i-Small furnished or part ly furnished house. Phone 3C3R. 22-80 COLOKIAI ONB ROOM CABINS for housekeeping. 741 Walnut. One cabin vacant. "22. 2ND HAND Heating Stoves for sale. Colonial Rooms, 11th, near Main. 22. FOR SALE 1 1920 Ford, Touring, completely overhauled, i pew top, new battery, 1400. Classiest Chev rolet bugjfa town, new paint, extra tire. These care can be sold on. very easy terms. See these at LESTER'S SERVICE STATION Upham and Prospect 23-26. USED CAR B.VAPH All In A No. 1 Hhr I PhavMliit TaiimIus iJAA AA Cak of safe crackers, store burg- Saxon 6...!!lTourlng.!"."... 47c!oO lars and box car robbers' operating Chalmers C .Touring fiSO.OO 1m central, Washington. On the:II,Poobl'?--Tourlng....M C50,00 YiyiBM mz ' rr ...i trcn nn m U0V.VV 1000.00 Wlnton 6A....;.:.Tourlnfc.. Uhundlor 0 Club Roadster Kapea .irorn me county jail In Ford Bug .... 2C0.00 Vphrata, Washington, where he Studobakec C ....Tourlns 550.00 UERE are the, details of your Thanksgiving Dinner. " We suggest that orders be phoned early Wednesday morning tp, insure you getting, prompt delivery and select choice for all your necessities ... CApe Cod '.Cranberries ,..., 33 cte., lb Heinz Phiin Pudding 59 cts. Bweet Potatoes :. 3!b'25c Mixed Nuta ..:.... :.... 30 cts. lb Oranges "..":..'.,..-.. .L!: 65c to $1 doz. PHUftTlftJj ,....,t...., .,.M,,.t,..,.i..i((. X f C ID :?oc Pineapple'.'. .'.........:! 60c can Celeiy (local) , .'.:....'....V..'... i0-16.26c . . Lettuce (California) w..'. .'. .-. 10c , Oysters ....::. :.',:... 23c & 56ccaii Mince Meat .';.:t..c .-. 26c lb .. v t Florida. Grapefruit it ., V") 'Applet .......ir..1..4.1... $2.50 to $3.00 peri box ' rt vc i 'itj Jellies ..'....i .!.,..t,.36 .& '65c glass - Cookies (fancy) ..:...'. M.tx,.! .'..v...'..40c .H ' Qr.iifff1' nafaa ' ' ' ' 1 miter Stuffed .Dates .,.M..v.-r .......... 18c pkg. y. ,' ' . Remember our-phone service begins a 7:16A.' A:' ' ' HOUSTOl & PHELPS V ' 8TH AND MAIN J "The Grocery . Store of Service' tt .VAViaVAIiQCAtoBtAY ' CSK CARRIER FiqKONS SALEId, Ore., Nov. 22. There Is a possibility that cajrrlcr pigeona may be used as a means ot communlcd-' tlo'n in the Oregon National Guard,1 although Adjutant Oeneral White has not yet announced his policy la, this respect. A supply of the birds is available from the army signal corps, TV mz r- and If national guard units of the states are prepared to hoUse and feed the pigeons and pay for tbclr trans portation, they may be bad. j AT THE HTRAND 'There is 'a real "he-man" story .told in' the picture at the Strand to night, In which Earl Motcalt and Vir ginia Hammond are seen In parts pe culiarly suited to their taptkbllltles. In "The Rattler" Is presented' fast moving story of an East Side fight er's life from the slums to a place ln,recognltcd society and his estab lishing his Identity as tho kon of a (.rich man. Through tho tense story ot "Tho Rattler's" struggle runs a delightful, yet thrilling, talo of his loe for one of ,the social, leaders of the big city. Tomorrow nlgbt manager White has prepared a rare treat for the Strand patrons, when two big vaude ville acts from the Pantsgen circuit will hold lbo boards. Those who fall to hear the unlmHabloi songbird, Ed na Ferguson, will miss a rare treat, while Jessie and Hubert will present a clever 'comedy which Is Interspersed with witty monologue, whistling and singing of tho latest musical hits. by 'Ford 4. .Touring., . 400.00 u held for rrnnrf lrrnv. Picking hi. way through twheav.- 'SI&lwX ly locked doors. Kord ,A fi.-.Bedan.j,....,. 660.00 The young man was first sen- Will tako bay, cattle, sheep or fenced In King county In 191B to hKs 'trade on uny of the nbovo "the Monroe reformatory for burg' lary for from one to 15 years, He was paroled to join the Canadian army, from which he deserted. He wsi later sentenced frdm ona tot It years to the .Washington state VMiteatlary In 1918. He was again Yareled and arrested again" for cracking safes for which be was waiting trial wheh "ha escaped. He had been charged w!th habitual criminalism. Ho is Jreported by the sheriff from Qrant county Washington, as. being a gun man Kid a desperate character, This is the prisoner who at tempted to dig his way out of the Maklyou county Jail, recently, but aratr unsuccessful. y-t cars. WHITE PKLICA.V GARAGE Phona 49W I 22-25, " CHRISTMAS PLAYERPIANOS sHtVPrau I mmmmmmmmmammSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimKmmmmammmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm r K II . , j t t V rf h TIMiii72rvtiiri AjtDs ' XjBCs. ittm ' ""Si 'ii. " ' " eBWBLTDatflBHB. bbHbbRLBMbVIbW JKtti. arLEHeabfcaV taJBalLLBBHHBlLBW k.' HHB " VmEaBB LalBBBBBBBBBBLm BBaiaBBBBLBLBLV 3bHb1bBBBBLLLH BBBBBLLHK BBBBaiBBBBiii BaiBBBBLLLLV "SBbBIBBBBFbI BBBBBBBLLBP V TaaBaiW) BaHLrn TKQwn SBSDKt wKSQivj 117 r 1 AMIONE'S MEDITATIONS "S-.T lim lnOU, MANT,l,HflFoLi(SJ( ClHAtLV ,FETCriESP LOHG ARCCK o' TATERS ,W?K EY'COrAE$ VT4r V ! 5 T r WE-ALL EN PEN PEY STAVi'''LOR6'J,N0U6H iT' CAt rUr A VVSHtLl ' "' 'I -' i V ' V 'J Suburban Model $495. Couptry Seat Model . ?.,600. White House Model ....'. ..700. EARL. SHEPHERD CO. 507 MAIM 8TRHBT . 'Il ' R. E. PATTERS.ON PIANIST. llu'blc fiirnlshed tor private partle?, dances or entertainments. , Thanksgiving Specials at Lincoln Market s .Call 41K-J I, l'A ', 4 ' . V't K ' 2 ( Wi$l Turkeys Six to twenty lbs. Fancy Hens Fancy Fryers Baby Beef Fancy Rib Roast, Rolled'lvffi.lT.;; Choice Pot Roast rAMi rine rurK Lamb Veal Fancy Eastern Oysters Ehrman's Olives Your Choicest , Thanksgiving Goods Lincoln Grocery Ut 'V rtV -. yMv !? T T-- - r !! ,M s.'f.'.lf r''V ;. w t&a&&. Gold Medal Celeiy L.' A. Head Lettuce Cranberries Nuts Sweet Potatoes' - -' tf '. ui a :f W1 .Plurn Puddings4 Full line of Fruits, , Any article in the Groceiy line i.jpt6t.V o"" v'w I ti'.,y?- j;' ' 'r. ,t ufn One Causa J? Disease BBLsEHIIeLleLV i )BVr:r SEE i Wt. LOIS O. BRIDGES Chiropractor over First Statq & Savings Bank Phono 10 2-J n' $& y LINCOLN MARKET "SQUARE AS OLD ABE" "Sure We Deliver" LINCOLN GROCERY Y & s i 1 VC 1 f MAIN AT THIRB PHONE 511-J (tV'rff,r lrf i. M I t - ' " .JiSf 'Hi ri T- nr A t' & ftWM.MtMcCMl ! 4 tf kfe r fa. 1 Lt? O. K TRANSFER CO 124 .Sixth. St w-JMl' 11 JUUU9C k V ' iir 11111 mir ta. . w.!1 Phone 81 3T x-i'v v - . MMmmmi4imymim ?r f'n -T " .i --CH... 'j, t