3 .- Hi j5- ( V 5.: -FRIDAY, rTOVHMRHR (S, tMl. -- r-i ff-r s."i wmmmvnvwwmwwwmwwwwwvmwmamaamaammmaaamamamaaMMMmmM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECQM TwfrnRCETTrziiirsBBiP- CLASSIFIEDADVERTISIMENTS MISCELLANEOUS HOK.HKH FOR 8AM3 OR Tit ABM Pour head horses, 6 roars old, wt 13S0 to 1375: wilt sell or will trndo for UBed car Is (rood running condl Mob. Fred J. Beldln, box 113, Mer- eIH. Ore.. 17-83 MCSiaNINa AND DRESSMAKING Rrmodeling find altering Mrs. W. II. McPhorron, Phone 339J. 17-18 "WANTED IIoMawork l small fam ily. Call SW. '17-19 FOR RENT I room asartment all furnished, wood, irator and light fadnded. flt.QO. 81S Oak 8 b 17-23 yVR CANNOT MARK Tear old worn ont kicks look as good as sew, but we con mako thorn s'ervlcablo at & price you, con afford to par. Jack KroBt, '6tli St opon evenings until r o'clock. 17-21. wimtf IN RONANKA On business or pleasure, stop at tbo Hotel Darioy. Hunting parties taken good, care oi. Dining room open nil day. , ' HOTHfi DARLBY II. W. Turner, Mgr. 17-22. FOR 3ALH A few automobiles loft Will sacrifice See Dud, 240 Main St. 10-19. C1ET MASTIN'S VITAMON Tablets at Underwood's., 16-18 LOST By not having your shoes properly repaired, oa opportunity to hare sated monoy. Remember Evans tor shoo repairing. 727 Main. 16-19. LOST (Black right hand glove. Re ward It returned to First National Bauk. 16-18 OUT MASTIN'S VITAMON. Tabids at Underwood's. 16-18. YOUR PERSONA!, APPEARANCE iBoglns at your shoes, keep them In good ropalr .by using Brans' Shoe Repair Service. 16-19. FOR 8ALH Cedar fonca posts. Kearns and Condray, Worden, Ore. , 16-28. rV. -T" Twenty-Five-Year Ago in Linkville -& lt' jam ' ' rus ifNcrB-cvja vRO,?et .nO 3Z? CAUSED CONStDERADLfi COMMENT ' osriLLiMor n: 'iWEEN BOTTLES IN OOC PlAjMMURS WINDOW TOO'V FOR RENT Living rooms In Mills Add. Hall. Rent $15.00. Phono 3291. v 17-18 TiADIHH ATTHNTION ' 'Shampooing GOc. to $1.00. Hair waving 60c. -Scalp Tredtraont 75c. Facials Almond Moal Pack, $1.00 Vanlcuro 69c. Phone 348R for appointment. Mrs. J. J. McLaughlin, 104 High St. . 18-19. 3 SANITARY COUCHES, Dishes. 1 shot gun, box shells, 1 Barage high power rifle and box of shells, 1 ro volror and case, 1 good buggyhorse, and harness, all in good shape. 9100.00 will take everything. C. Kobbotlno, 1313 Main Street. 17-18 FOOD HAIiK Tho Kodron Olub will sell homo made candy, cako and cookies at tho Johnstono Furniture Btore Saturday, beginning at 9 a. m. 17-18 FOR BALE Fine tine of fruit and shade trees at my garden, 131 Washington. Cmao and look them ever. Phone 4B. W. 'S. Stsagh. rr-i FOR HALE- i j 1317 Dodge Touring, good condition. 1020 Ford, with- Hassler Shock Ab sorbers. ' 1920 Dodge Roadster,- Hassler Shock Absorbers and Snubbers. 1318-Scvon Passenger Chandler. 1920 Flvo Passoagor Studebaker. 1919 Fordson Tractor(and two Gang Plow, slightly used clioap. For Prises and Terms see H. S. WAKEFIELD; Central Oarage 17-18: (JET MASTIN'S VITAMON Tablets at undorwood's. . 16-18. . p KEEP YOUR SHOES Well oiled. It pays. A full lino of Dryfoot, Vls- coi, and o In 1 Shoo Oils and greases now on band. We oil shoes. Tho HvanR Shoo Co'si Repair, Dept., 727 Main. 16-19. Christmas Olnb Plan. It aptllos on any make of phonograph. Edrl Shepherd, 607 Main St. The Eiclu- Inqulro about sur Ten per Cent .lion, strcd by Ketab, Us hast tarssri- oa mace I'crcneroa in ta vamy, sr will sell Ketab. The are nrltsd so sire Music Store. tf. WANTED 3 or 4 dozou white Leg horn pullets. Phono 16F13. 1.4-18 PtMNfil 163 Mecca Cloyed Taxi. 14-19 ARE YOUR BOOKS POSTED Ts date? Incomo Tax Reports will havo to be mode tor Dec. 31st. If you nood assistance on your books, call 299M. Nl'4tf: FOR, SALE 1920 Ford touring1. 'Will allow good trado on old Ford. KLAMATH FALLS AUTO CO. 224 Main, Roy Call, Prop. 14-19. FOR RENT Furnished Apartment, close In. 65 Pine Street. 14-20. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, wood, light and watery $16 per month and up. 133 N. 10th. 14-19. OET MASTIN'S VITAMON Tablets at Underwood's. 16-181 OET MASJTINS VITAMON Tablets ai Underwood's. 16-18. FOR SALE Ford, 1930, $160. Call S3 Washington St. 16-21 CiroiCE COT FLOWERS Every Saturday, corner 10th and Main. Special orders taken at 933 Wash ington St. ' , 16-18 LOST A lavellero with 3 small dia mond settings. Finder please re turn'tu Lorenz Plumbing Shop. Ro ward. 16-19. 1 1920 Far Sedan $600 1 1918 7 pass. Bulck.SIx $900 . 1 1917 7 pass. Hudson $900. i 1920 4 pass. Chandles $1200. 1 1921 7 pass Bulak Inquire for price BUICK SALES ft SHRTIOH CO. L.' HOAQLAND Phene 176W.' 02S tf USED PIANOS BteUway, lilting ten, Trowbridge etc., at arUst and terms that should Interest yon. Let's go and 'look them over. Karl Shepherd Co.. 607 Mala 8tf 7tf. they will pay tor thsniselvss next year, We have some ysaag teams for sale also., Will; soil a few reg istered milking sh6rthorn eows and helfors, two ball oalvesalrtd by Foot hills Corporal, the grand ohamplou of the Pacific coast. Writ, phone r csmo. t6'.s ''.. J.'Ei Mnsbn, upt. jTheno IS X, 3 Centra "Point. as tf. WATHRMAN PIANO SCHOOL IS LESSONS GUARANTEED lEtU EYES POPULAR SYNCOPATED STAND ARD MUSIC BEOINNERS & ADVANCED PUPILS ACCEPTED . crn-r YUrwra rrw gxai vnv t vra ' niliwiiui'iunia uuvuivi ws nn N F. D. CLARK INSTRUCTOR 825 LINCOLN, PHONE 564J CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION GIVEN AT YOUR HOME. T BEFECTIIE WASHINOTON, Nov. 18. That more than fifty per cent of tho imen( and women employed in Am .. erlcan Industry arp sufferers from .detective vision Is one of the lm portent findings of the Hoover com mittee for Elimination of Waste in' Industry. The roport, as prepared by Hor- PAGE SIX I FAMOUtt RBflORT IN KAHT -1" W,1LL UHM ORBCJOW-liUMRIIR bcrt Hoover, Socrotary. .of Com iuorco', und sovontoou nntlonnjly known onglnoura who workod with lilm, Is bolng Issued by tho Fcdor- NEW YORK, NoV. 18. Coney nted American Engineering Socio- Island's now uonrdwnlk will bo tics, under whoso auspices tho gig- mirfucod With Douglnu fir, The untie survey was undertaken. lumber contract tor that portion "It Is ostlmatod that 26,000,000 of tho walk lias Just boon nwardod workors havn dofoctlvo vision , ro- n San Francisco concorn on spocl qulrlng correction Mr. Wallace flcations cnlilng for 1,660,000 foot stntM. Ho uses tho Haato re;)3rt -3x4 vdrtlcsl grain Douglas ilr of Clvlng a total of 42,000,000 men t,0 docking grado. ' nnd womon In Industry its Ills basis When complotod, tho Cotioy Is- for fixing the percentage of mf hand Improvement U oxpoctod to torlng from poor oyoslght. It Is tho oxporlonco of numbers ef plant managers that the eorrec rival tho-.boardwalk that mado At lantic City famous, which walk al so contains a groat deal of Douglas tlon of sub-standard vision brings fr M wci as West Coast spruce Increased quantity and tiuallty of production, sutflclont 'to pay. for the cost of thd same. That is now b'elng done by a' dumbor of slants. , ,. L-.-J Ji ' DAIRYMKK'H CO-OPMRAtllrU"' . may'voth TO OIHRAND and Port Orford codar. IUL1PINOH TAnOO LOVH MAKING IN BCIIOOWi I PORTLAND, Nov. 18. The Ore gon Dairymen' co-operative league members are to vote' on a referend um, December '6th on the ques tion of disbanding the organisa tion suggested by the board of dl MANILA. P. 1., Nor. 61 (By 'Mall). Lovo making in tno scnoom of Tneloban, capital of tho provinso of' Leyte, has,' hebn made unlawful by the municipal council'. 'Tho pur pose of the ordinance, according td officials is to stop courting In tho schools not only botwhon tho pupils 1 hat between tho toacnorn ana roctors. 'Tho disbanding might pupils, who, It is assarted have neg- roiiowoa oy orgasissiiuss an- looted tnoir. auinis. fereat zones. COLORADO Miyint.4 HTlllKM AOAINHT WAOH Ul)nUOT10N DkNVEK. Nov1. '181 ' Colorado Fuel rn'ud Iron company reported to day'1 that many mlticrs are working In tho Los Animas and Hkorfauo cots tlos wliere tho st'rlko waii called yos- torday as "11 'protost 'against' 'thirty 'per cent wage reductions. ' Union loaders reported 'that'there was h geh'era'l response 'to the 'strike orders. - The penally for violation of tho srdlnance lsva fine of from J.50 to $100 and in enso' tho flno Is un paid, the dofendan't must suf for 'im prisonment until tho flno Is worked out atitbe rate Of fifty cents a day. GET Masten's Vilamon TablU at , UNDERWOOD'S For Glaiw, Roofing, BsUding Pa per, Cabinet work and Balldlnff AI trratlons call the 626 6th Streot Cab Inot and Carpenter Shop. Phone 582W. W. E. SIcAUOY. 019-N19. I Indian's Tribute KOR SALE Fine all' wool bats for comforters. All olses and weights. Call 237W or 4C7W. 17-18. WANTUb--Janltor work by tho hour. Box A. V. K Herald office. 17-19 SEE EVANS Shoo Co. for shoo values and high grade shoo repairing. Work guaranteed. -727 Main. 16-19. GET MASTIN'S VITAMON Tablets at Underwood's, 16-18. CITY (lAIMIAGK When ymi waul garbage, removed, call lOF.un. FOR SALE Oia newspapers at Her ad office. FOR RENT Six-room furnished .house, furnace and fireplace. 737 rswlflc Terrace, Phono 300. 17-18 CET MASTIN'S VITAMON Tablets at Underwood's." ' ' 16-18. 8HEEP FOR SALE Six hundred fine Merino owes, nil young and In first class condition. iR. F. Tut tie. Bonanza, Oregsa. N16-D16. 1 FOR SALE Klrtland Farm Is offer ing for salo cheap one registered two year old Mack I'orcneron stai- FURNISHED Or unfurnished or part ly furnished Apt. 1206 Worden Avo. 12-18 Wo sew the rips And patch' up holes Dulld sr heels And put on soles. At Evana Shoe Repair Shop, 727 Main. 16-19. WANTED Woman to work on ranch. Phone or call at Hotol llaldwin. 16-16 CET MASTIN.'S, VITAMON Tablots at Underwood's. 16-18. KVAN8 $5. SB, fC.BG and $7.86 Shoes are as good valuos as liberty Bonds 16-19. FOR SALE Almost new Vlctrola with 26 records. Call at 813 Pine St. Inquire for D. Nelson. 16-18 OET MASTIN'S VITAMON Tablets at Underwood's. 16-18. FOR SALE Well improved ICO acre grain ranch near Merrill. Will sell or trade for Klamath Falls property. Can also include a full lino of farm machinery, horses and tractor. Prlco reasonable. Address K. L. Herald office. ' 12-18. NUBONE CORSETS mado to your measure. Guaranteed. Mrs. Rose Randall, 621 Jefferson St., Phono 260J. 12-18 FOR SALE Completely furnished Helms apartraentss, 1177 Main st. All rented. Income $326 a month. Long lease. Apply F H. Turner. 12-18 THE CRATER CAFE has re-opened under new management; will be conducted as a strictly union house according to a statement of one of the prsprietors. 12-lt FOR SALE flat top desk with chair. Inquire Herald office, 8-30 !SSHS 90 per cent of all Automobile troubles are oausa by poor carburetlon and at least 60 r porcont of this can be over come by using RAYFIELD, , bringing your motoring In conveniences to a minimum and Vou can still further re duce your troubles by having you repair work done by REX RENNER at White Pelican Garage lBBBBBBBBBF9sBBBBBBsi HPi4lteB33ssssssss! mkjUBkmiM BBssss'-i 1 W JbbbbbbbbbV itEWVr I sVIyWPVn fsV bbsWMbbbbI YHbbbbVI bbT VfWwst lv 9 iB JWl yfTtmA I fM SBBBSV BBBst VUlBBBf 1 ffl 'Mmm WmxMmm SBBBvlsBBBBBBr"x BBV3HBHsfl iiliiBSsffiBlKlBsBSSSSSSswfl IssssWfflBifHsBj BBBBBBBBBSyv Ww TW 'vBBSBSsl SBBBBBSBSB. i!' JtJlllBtM 'V,SSSSSSSl BBBBBBBBMiilMttIii'SSBBBBs1 mSMgmMm "Let George do W Swiss Watch Repair Specialist 622 Main Street IILA IV . . VA' ,. Leave Your filttvs Before 9 6yooK-Yoor Aj5t pictures am ready at 5 p3t r The first Americans nay honor t AnArli.va . '! Tnlrnnvm" hn,tl Chief Plenty Coos or" the Crow trltx wno. wui place s coup stick ana i .wnrbonnst. on the grave., W'vZ KLAMATH FALLS QREGOli T7n? W I V J WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE L7a I'purI'tv I OUY THEIR DRUGS Iaccupacv) WOOD The saw mills aro closing dawn and your cheapest wood seen be gone. ' .. ONLY A FEW DAYS FOR GREEN SLAB ' $3.50 per Cord Delivered $1:00 per Cord t Mill rill We handle all kinds ef wood, wholesale and retail. O. PEYTON & CO. "WOOD TO BURN" 419 MAIN PHONE 535 DOINGS OF THE DUFFS A WISE OFFICE BOY BY ALLMAN .sssssjsmi" , ' msii i mirriiili 17 ---.. ... --.. -. ,..-.r,.r. r-. ' r "i. , --- j l (-. "-' " " llT"sssff!lr' s"kj sr... -r.. It" ' """" " -' ir jurMM OssTt yt nrTi l1 io UKft to seb. botiwamt WLgt m vtTeM ohsce. iwoh't (tipTELt 'EM 1 0MfT ggfly fUGIVEEM NO CHANCE, uAWj tAOV.' J rM " ftfffl ' p,t u ' f