The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 16, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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NKSDAV, NOV. 16, 1921. '
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ill Usui mill
' 1AKB A KM. Of Gt HoM AND
YoT on sbdc oio Totss Af faluts
A iono hike w:iP Sonny - '
IC'ttOf 1
ASHLAND, Nby. 10. Ashland
Dices tba prospect of a "soup lino"
this 'vfliater as nnauxllliary of a) pub
lic aommlssary department (or way--srarOohoes,
knh-htB.ot tho road and
-workmen wbo are "down on their
luck," accordng to Chief of Police
Hatcher who started an Investigation
tkla saorainR relevant to the growing
tettiix of "tourists" who stop ovenin
A-tladl en' route to warmer climates
-at ixpense of the railroad com
pmr. JThi sjratem of special, rail
TMj JWtlcs, t&alntalneil atUha espen
sw t the ooatpanr, Is unable,-Chief
Wjtif claims, to prevent the men
Ms rldhsg tho freight trains, ac
MtitK to' the Ashland Tidings.
A fcok house equipped with ran
E water, electric lights and a store
.free firewood Is maintained by
tkftcH In a rear room of the Fourth
ajtmfct fire station. 'From, one to fifty
-rB4rers .traveling on ''side -door
pMeuBs' frequent the room every
St., la addition to other advan
oi me aotei me noooes are , train time by the police who
stoatrous of forcing the men to
tarate. Although the number Is
creating dally, an average of twen-
tr-flve men stdp- In Ashland every
' ..Batcher states that the bunk house
la the only, one of Ita kind nialntaln
i by any city on the Pacific coast.
The Yoom was orglnally given a
keavy coat of plaster, when put in
as ia 1913, -but now bears the marks
of nsany knives, used to crudely fash
ion the names of visitors to th room.
Matilatlon of the walls, has continued
despite the police warnings, until the
place is now badly In need of repairs.
'The railroad police and employes
axe practically helpless to stop Uo
crowds of unemployed men who are
totting their way, Hatcher says. The
eat that can be done is to search
the Ken and make those' with nioney
pay their way. The others ' make
their way by freight train from one
eMy to another.
Activities of the, police and the
Tailraad employes tend to curb the
kabo ,menaco and prevent the men
frosa boarding passenger trains. In
Many- cases the men will leave tho
train just outside the city limits, walk
throng li the city and board the train
again at some out-of-town crossing.
Chief Hatcher claims that thero
la as ore hobo travel now than at any
time since 1913 when 'Jsoup lines"
-were restored to by the' city In car
ing for the road element. The menu
consisted entirely or Mulligan stew,
a concoction of tho table leavings
frosa local restaurants. .Coffee wus
boiled on the stovo in the btink
vV-analeT ' avLaiil aav JU t -4, "
-- ftaaa mtllltul . J7.j'
;ove his CIMB'(,3 7li ' H i
-.aaaaaa AP at wea asa' JF - -taBaftaV rf1".
WmS$l& To,Do8oTlTraW45 A WHAi. JYJ .
LKT the Jlcpnricd onfla bo honor
rd oven Jn the rhivc. lt tlio
miilpttirrd mnrblo direct our foot
r silcp to tlio scond of ll'iclr lonp;
ji alcrpi liCt tlio chiseled cpltnph to-
IK-iit llmir named nnd tell uhcro re
potm the' nobly good nnd wise,
' ' Ijongfollovr.
Klamath Falls Marble
and Granite Works
1040 Main St. Klamath Falls
Try' Classified Ad-It will Pay You
The done favors "Shv""Huntlctf-'over under old vlnon which, thouch
1 , -
A. Stravens, Oorvals farmers, ton's aggregation, as It tied tho Wash . frozen afford nonio protection. Ah
When Andrew Vachter. Nlfk Sabol
and T.
charged with having liquor In their Ington Staters, whllo tho Aggies wont a consequence many of these ln-
possesslon, attempted to lay tho, don to a 7 to 3 dofeat. Dope does I sects reappear In tho garden next
blame for the presence of the Illicit' not .amount to much In this contest, ' year In Increasing number whore
liquid found at their respective rnnch- which is usually determine!! by fight as they could be considerably ro
es on their respective wives, when and the. brcuka. duccd If ull ground which Is not
arraigned In Unruh's court here, they' (now planted to any crop
plowed or thoroughly
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses iniYour Cheeks
' f Vi Wf.
played the wrong hunch.
Showing )lud Uy Hlh
OENB The 487 students in tho Uni
versity high school have ages rang
ing from 10 to 23. The two young
est pupils are Doris Hardy and Rob
ert McAllliter. both In tho seVnnth
. j ...... , . o 'the Methodist
eral special students, doing advanced Uere todoy- '"
,. .. .: 'Ulsbon Wllllat
President Says Church
' i ij i- .......
is nope or laviiizauon'
DKTROIT, Slic'h., Nov. 10. "If
the churches fall 111 raclr high and
holy tasks thero Is small hopo for
civilization," President Harding
I11-I11II Tile 'Drain Now
Tile. drains can bo intalied more'
cheaply now than any time slnco
I the war begun owing to the low-
told 'the national conferenco of
read by
a ' message
Mcdfonl (lets IniTenM
A.C. Barber, state Insurance com--mlsiloner
and Jay Stevens, manager
of the Fire Prevention Bureau of the
Pacific. Coast met with local Incur-.
-aveoagentH, City Water Superintend
ent 'Davis, -Flro Chief Law ton, 'and
one representative- of tho city coun--cii;
Thursday, and unnounced that
Ifcdford was one of the three towns
la tlio.Htatu scheduled for uii Increase
l-TlnfliVranco rates, owing to the lack
ofidoquato flro protection.
IJ V ' 41"
' , ', - .
l'('l hi'jit (Joes Knst
Pendleton wheat whl6h took priz
cs'nt tlio Northwest drain and Hay
show is being shipped to' Qhlcago for
oajTlbltlon at 'the International grain
and li'ay show, according to County
Agetit'Vred liennlon.
' ' TicnIi Chi(M Arrifitrd
froBlininn class wus
arrusfedJV'otln'si.a):; night lioctiuso
the boj-a stole n small waiting stu
Hon f'o nild'to their '85-foot' Home
coming' bonfire. Tho shed had been
tipped over, nnd the' boys thou'ght it
i'ad' been junked'.
c'X in' . r , .1
"'' :.dntil,Jlj-n Meet '
'Ttto fourth annual conveutloil of
the': Wes'tern VfilnJt association will
be Iie1d''lht tho Portland Chitmbor of
Coai'lTlOrcb rdonis November 29 nnd
S0.'"The'' dsso'cla'tloiiL Is educational
and' hits tor- its purpose the doveln'p
MOrit'of tho wnlnftt nnd IllbnrFlndus
triosf of the PuclflC'riorthwest.' ' ' '
work, are over the 20 mark
Womim CoarhcM Football
CORVALL1S There are women
lawyers, women police officers, wom
en legislators', and now cometh the
woman football coach. Miss' Reno
vlere Jones. O. A. C. '21, holds the
distinction of being tho first woman
football roach lu Oregon.
,'Iilsaop William F. McDowell, of
Washington, D. C. ,
"Whoever halts tho churches
must march forward mora swiftly
J than they have done; the churches
must not fall.. The world never be-
fforo was In such need of right mor
als, right ideals, right relations
among men and tho -right spirit
for meotlnr unparalleled condl
V. Of O. dinner Gud
Chances for un Oregon victory
over the Oregon Aggies' In next Sat
urday's big gamo on Hayward field
In Eugono'aru considered to be very
good by tho followers of the Lemon
Yellow. .
Farmers owning wot lands havo an
opportunity this wlntor of making
a permanent and profitable Im
provement to their places and at
the same tlm6 can help tD relieve
the unemployment situation.
Kid the Koll of IVotN
Old cabbage roots, onions nnd
sweet corn ars ' lyft In the garden
nurtior maggots cmt ear worm
over 'winter, and .cucumber and
bean beetles uro known to winter
Foch Joins the Kl of C.
. 1 Men Iljnmo AVIvcs -
'SA'LEMr-The.-brand of "buck"
UitttiAdpm passed in tlio fiarcloti of
aVteil -has1' no placo in the modern'
day Justice court ai least not inHho
'vour. orJustlce Unruh p( Salow,
iaaaalaaHiavK 4PBVn4; fnaBasaaiaiiiBiav1
aaaaV!aaHflinfVaVaav i &v NMflSBrJwrfBiTewiiil
wK fxf'kfy laR
t V .KwT". lKy v. y i4rWIW fs vW
kanash ij $ fiBID&k 'WwW' K
vXA :vfrE fru4baaB4aKaaaaar .iaaaaaaaaaaaV
;j. sy;WH -la'V RSVaaaaflflaaaaaaaaaaH
s .i av a-. - KvijaapsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBea
?'rtv? (y ' HKHSaaaKSmafaTVavaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTJ
jhfBav4 fBasBaW jl?9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 15.
The fedoral case against Mrs. Rose
Pastor Stokes, the. New York soci
alist,' was dismissed today on In
structions from Washington, 8he
was accused of opposing draft.
D ..nn war" na in m 'w-ympmy-iw-ms.' .
utrAT .)-'',-t-7:;!vc &iJmL
o ' . .fi' ,r ---?t ".-----------M-m.
8 iH -- -Vt'.aaaaaaalllm.'r!
!T'-f. mi -;aaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaK.'-ukv.
t;-m?i?' - TV fS.'aaaaaaMaMK&S
5! i:U & ;:.V'aaaaaaHBaafe-.e-tk:;:sl
gyimk mymmmmmm
S.X-.24L? m" JKLi ' f , jF Wm,-'A WWWWWWWWWWWWWb-BmaLii ." tLM
"t aaV'fy 'vtiBVKaK44pwUBSWAaaalBHBK;4rsFlfl
$& WSmM'' TwS
1 SaBBaWr?''' aaaaPflaLm sM' ' '
sHaWiLLaVaaaW!JVL ' Hfwiff '. sbW -4,-y'"rJ
Every dollar spent vlth (Jlovur en
titles you to pnrtlclputu In tho
$.157.50 worth of prizes given awny
Dec. 22nd. (Hovers Jewelry Store,
511 Main St.
aTo look one's br-t and fret one's brst
U to enjoy an. Inside batli.rach morning
10 mim irom the i.vMcm the previous
day's waste, sour f-rmrntatlons and nol
onous tn.xlni I fore it is absorbed into
tlir blood. Jutt a coal, when It burns,
leaves Driiind a certain amount or in
combu.tlblo material in the form of
akhei. so the food and drink taken each
day leave In the alimentary organs a
certain amount of indigestible material,!
which 11 not eliminated, lorm toxins and
lolion- which are then sucked into the
blood through the very ducU which are
Intended to suck In only nourishment to
(Main the body,
If you want to' 1-0 the glow of healthy
bloom In your cheeks, to tee your skin
get clearer and clarer, you are told to
drink every morning upon arising, a
pis of hot water with a teaspoonful
of limestone phosphate in It, which Is a
harmleM means of washing the waste
material and toxins from the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans
log, sweetening and Ifjrjnj- the entire
alimentary tract, before putting mom
food Into the stomach.
Girls and women with sallow skins,
liver pots, pimple or pallid complex
Ion, also those who wako tin with a
coated. tongue, bad taste, nasty breath,
others w!x are bothered with headaches,
bilious spells, acid -tnrnnch or cnnstlpav
tion should begin this phoapliated hot
wnter drinking and are assured of very
pronounced result, in one or .wo weeks.
A quarter pound of limestone nhos-
Chato costs very little at the drug store 1
ut is sufficient to demonstrate that lust
as soap aim not, water clrttn-cs, purlEM
and freshens tlin skin on tho outside, so
hot water and Ilmestono nliosohate act
on the Inside organs. Wn must atwayii
consider that Internal sanitation Is vast.
Iy more Important than outside cleanli
ness, bccaii-e the U In pores do not ab
sorb Impurities into tho blood, while tho
bowel pores do. m
Women wlio desire to' enhance the
beautv of their complexion should luaa
try this for a weekend, notice results.
Paint Them Yourself. Madam
Chairs, Tables Bedsteads, Etc.
t.-iV,ar?i.Fvh!?fn.s!J?,on'14' V Supreme. Advoqate Jowph C.'
relletier bf tho Knights of Columbus at the cercmony'laCblcaao where 1
tech became-n member., In .. "i
We Aim to PJease You
Crater Cafe. '
t! ijr -1-1 .-1 ;.
'' Under New Management ' ',' ''
r -" "- ---------.- .......r, .-.. , 1 i-n-i--i--inr-ii-irvnwvm)
WE fumhh free detailed
ail vice on rcfiiusluim
your own furniture, floors,
walls, etc. We tell you what
tin'd.of paint, varnish or enamel
to use; AVhat kind of brush
Where fobuy the material.
"Just a. can bf paint or var
nish rind a little' work that's
fun," will work wonders in your
home. , Try it otj furniture now
in your storeroom. '
4ftcr 72 years of experience
with paints ami palming prac
, tice, Fuljcr .palccs.n. special line
of paints, vamishgs, and enam
els for just., such purposes for,
you' to use yourself.
They spread easily, diy- per
fectly, and u'vc every desired
Easy, and great fun to use
them. Economical, too. . ,
Wq "are one of jthe largest ,
manufacturers of -paints, var
nishes, etc., in the UiiitcdStates
and make the very finest kind of
Let cut 72 years' experience
aid you. Follow Fuller Specifi-1
cations and you'll get the right
effects depend on that.
Don't think you can't ia
work like this simply because
you' haven't ever done it.' Try
it, with our help. "Sec' how de
lighted you will be
1M'1 -
. (V ,
''It. Vl. .
r; V.
VaroUhM-tnamolt v u ,
tsntthst you ttt the rlcht m-
terisi 10 ne sure to go to stt
Wflto for boeHet of Fuller'.
'llnm. R.ruli.
Faints, which tells 'ydu Just
what to buy, De-cribe and get
our iree "civic- on sny una oi
pslatlng job you want to do.
For all exterior Jobs of palntloe it la advltsblo to obtain
ths services of Master r-iaur
authoriicd Fuller dealer,! Cut
out coupon to the right ss a
.memo to direct you. 1
For Furniture and
FulLtr's Specification
(or all-purpoie varnlilt
Ine at home (or furni
ture, tablet, ichalrt, lin
oleum, etc. Jlolllng
water cannot barm it,
nor rolling (urnlturs.
Dries' tlust-lrie In lour
hours. Wslk on it over
"The All I'urpc-M Varnish"
Adapted (or sny surface, cither In-Ms
or outiide. The roost durable varnish
obiil.-.ible. Vithitands Interior wear
and weather expoturc. Docs not scratch,
peel, rub oil or turn white. Dries over
Produces a mlrror-l!W elastic floor
finish. Withstands the iculfinc, heel
rnarks snd hot water. Holds its glow.
Cleans eaiily.
Also makers of flutter-Cement Floor
Faint, Washable, Wall Finish. Silken
whits Enamel, Aato Enamel, Porch tad
Step I'aUL
- W. P. Fuller & Co.
Dept. 20,. Baa Fraoclsco
, Moassr Paint Vtnuftcturcrs fee'
' . It Yssrs 4
Established 16(9
Branches in 18 cities In the West
Dealers Evcrywhcra
(Cut ,tWs out and put It in' your
pockctbook or handbag as a memo)
Fuller's "Hora'e Service" Paints
ars sold by .the following 1b youc
cityi "
Brown Bros.
1025i2 MAIN ST.
Phone 75
'f"'''1 -''
V' ...
. V
-': s . .
. . .
$j- '
' i ' ...
1. v .,