. JlurtaltaxaWUSBBKB''"-'', 5JrV'Fr'rT"'- tl m& 1 f wv i.aL.i.wu.iy rwjfew xa ;u' W - X ;tt7w.r PAflD W 9 'AT, TM II, lMt. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'V araB . ! '.. i? . V ; tl V h f t l- I ' W I 4 1 I Attractive ArrangemanU FA 'Catholic Autumn Fair X JC If . , ArriuiKeniontH have been completed far the Catholic Autumn fair to bo hald'lti '-'0 and 1" hall on Novoraber 17th,. and from indications gives prbmtso of bolng tho most attractive atfalf of Its kind over presented In Klamath' Fnlls. A slogan for tbe vnr liim'lbootlis has been adoptodl "Ar tlcl the best and prices low" and thlMslogan Is tho basis on which all exhibit will bo presented In the fol lowing booths! Merrill Uooth Varied assortment fihome. made goods, tin chargo of AUrrllUpoople Mrs. M. Qlacomlnl, Chairman. , & Apron Booth Home Mado plain aprons Airs. u. A. uoiimnn, unair man,' ' Fancy Work Of all descriptions, Xmas sugRCStlons Mrs. TV K. Mc iDonatd. Chalrmun, . '' -p Candy Uooth Nothing but tho fcest nomo-mnue canity "Ton it to JhrliUweots" Mrs. Jultn Bnrlow, 'Chairman. ft Parcels Post IMiss Conway and ,Young Ladle Club. ' & The Country Storo ltomlnds,you t Thunksglvlng-back homo when fprlcos were right Ur. J. namberry, ,Chalrninii).nml nights of Columbus. Dancing J, II. Wood, J. Lorrlraah; MTowejrr C. I'ntterson. , Delicious chicken, lunch served each day Mrs J. Bumborry, Matron. 'Business lunches will bo serted overy jfciay at noon. Onlyjiomo cooked nr- Jtlcles will be servod. Tho fulr ylll 4also bo open euch afternoon. PERSONAL MENTION MANY I'L'IUUTS AUK OHANTED "' SOMK 1KXIK1 I1Y COUNCIL y A;dcol6atloh of Mills Addition res idents m appeared before tho council last, "night, and requested that the ntner system bo extended down an alley off of Sixth street to toko care of sewage and waste water in tho Sec ond Mills Addition not provided tor In the original plans -made for im proving sanitation conditions in that distrfcU No action was taken, the Matter being hold open until next waek. . Street Commissioner Hunsnker re quested the council to supply cinders tor about 300 yards of Improvement a Wantland avonuo oft of Sixth atratt ..where the road is ii) ttill of hales that it can hardly be used but this matter was temporarily passed up until the next meetiri'it"of. the council. The permit of K. M. Chllcotc, of Chljcote &-Smlth, for tho 'erection of a frame woodshed within the fire limits was refused by tho council after they learned from tho flro chief .that the building had been partially 'built without a permit. Tho fire chief notified Chllcote Friday to de .1st from further construction until apqrmlt was secured. Other per- ults issued were: t. Two moving permits to 0, Wlliard t, Smith, one for moving the Marquis rooming house from Seventh and , Main streets to Tenth and Jefferson, ,,the other for the moving of a ono ,ory bouse from Buonii Vista avenuo ,t,o Washington and Jotferson near Klghth street; A. F. Simmons, build a 10 X 16 garage at CIS California, rest IS'O; Charles Dutton, 14 X 14 addition to building at 101C Acud- My street, cost $180. Davo Lonor, who was until last year proprietor of the old Shasta Confoctloncry company, Is in tho city front Kosoburg, on a combined business and 'pleasure trip. Sheriff Loyd Low left this morn ing for lied Bluff, where he will take -over the custody .of James Moore, Jr., who Is being held on a bad check charge. D. G.' and F. G Browji aro In tho city after supplies from their ranch at Crystal. W. C. Dalton Is In town today looking aftor business from his ranch homo near Malln. W. K. Sutherland of Algoma is is In the city tor a tow days at tending, to business matters. J. S. Boyco arrived last night from Portland and "is registered at tho Whlto Pelican hotel. J. Wv Fader Is here for a fow days from Chlloquln. Ho Is a guest at tho Whlto Pollcan Hotel. nogfstorod at ''tho Arcado hotol are N. J. Ahlstrom and W. M. Clark of, Dunsrauir; QUs Kolllar, of Wood; A. It. Timepiece and R. i. Porter of Castolla. I. Stowo, of Bend, who has been here for several days, returned this morning to his homo there. B. M. Sherman and. It. E. Hos ier, who have been hort from Ashland on 'business for ihe poBt week, left this morning for their homes. Tlie Qraduato Nurses club will meet at the home of Mrs. L. K. Porter, GIG North Eleventh strcot, Wednesday .evening, November 16, at' 7:30. All graduate nurses are Invited to be present. William Barks, one of the larg est 'dry land wheat farmers in tho' county, was a business visitor here yesterday from tho Lono Pine dist rict whero he resides. . Mra, "Ed. Harwood was In the city yesterday from M,orrlll attend ing to business matters. " TV N,' Cunningham was a court ty seat visitor yesterday from' Pine arrive. t Airs. Alhort N, Miller whp resides on a ranch on tho Lakovlew road oast of town, was in town after supplies yestorday. Frank Qrnbael, of Merrill, trans acted business hero yestorday after noon, i Sargoaut Brown Is spending a fow days in the county soat from tho Klamath Indian reservation. Henry Graham, a rancher on the Algoma road, is in the city today looking after business .matton, Henry p. Cox, of Olene, transact ed buslnoss nt 'the county court house yesterday. Joe. Kent, wh0 has boon her from San Francisco for the past week, left on bis return this morning- to tho Bajr'cltyi J. A. Chostain Is a county seat visitor "this week from his liome at Bonanza. "A 'baby daughtort 'Weighing 14 pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. The Best Gift fory Christmas . i THERE Is nothing you caa give that is so pei-noual as your photograph. Throughout tho year, the photograph you glvo this Xmas will stand as a romlnd or of your loving thoughtful nesa. Today Is not too oarly to nrrnngo tor u sitting. Phono for an appointment. Stinson Photo Shop Seventh and Klnmnlh Open Sundays until Christmas An American company Is to elec trify the Chilean Stnte railroad be tween Valparaiso, and Santiago, at a cost of 17,000,000. Ervlh O, Parker, at. their home near Midland, en November 13, bt'. R. B. Cravor, who was' In "attendance, loports that both mother and baby aro doing nicely. ' ' l. Jl. Bellman of Wlnfleld, Kan sas, nrrlvod'here last night for a Visit with his brother, A. A. JJollman and family. Airs. Charles Roberts has returned from a brlot trip to Medford, ' J Sold Liquor to Indian' Cop and Is Jailti Port Summers, Iidian policeman from the Agency, waa standing on the corner ot Seventh and Main atrcots talking to a frrond Thurs day afternoon when John KolltM, a a rook, approached him with r the following remark, "How would you Ilka to bur's quart ot good whiskey for $10.00 T" Summers smiled and In an In viting way said,' "Mow do you know' it' Is good,- killed anybody yot?" "No, I havo not but it is good liquor tor I drink It mysolf," Kol llas Is said to havo ropllod, ""I'll tako a quart thon," and Summers waited until tho liquor was in his hands, paid for, thon nrrestod Kolltas remarking that ho was an Indian pollcoman. " Kolllas will bo, arralgnod boforo Unlto'd States Commissioner Bert Thomas this wook.on a chargo of Bailing liquor to an Indian, also the possession ot intoxicating liquor, m 8MJCTII ACCUSED OF MAKINd MOONSHINE ON RESERVATION Klrby "Smith, of Chlloquln, ,wns arrested by Port Suinmors, Indian policeman Saturday 'evonlng oharg od with manufacturing liquor on Indian territory. Smith was ar raigned yoatorday aftornoon bofore United States Commissioner Bert Thomas and released on $1,M ball., Ills formal hearing wlll'eq up Saturday morning In the com- ' uilsslonor'B office' ' H fcljWKSfCtfityrtlBJfey STEINWAY riANO fii5U.oa Ubony cabinet, Worki In fins se dition. Would bring $60 to $1M more in City. Hear the Tone. HAItli HHHPHHRD (X). 507 MAIN ST. THE . VICTROLA is Mother's Friend 'The VictroU brighten! the home for the whole family but molt of all, pethR, for Motlier. Duringthe long hours of the day when she is alone in the home w.itji no company save" the monotonoujly-ticlcing clock, a Victrola may haute her whole world for her. It "makes friends easily," singing, at any time, the songs she loves, or playing the tunes, old and new, she cares for most. The world's greatest artists help her to forget the weight of a thousand and one tasks. There, should be a Victrola in your borne. If you will drop in today we shall be glad to taplaia our caiy terms. v EarljjShepherd Co. 507 MAIN STREET Tonight aife STRAND A history of Love in the Primitive Northland alive with tense action! v . . ' A Ui it ' ' .1 WORLD PICTURES m vPi'Mont 5- i U ; iii ,. "J v. r f . ( 1 .. Dorothy Green and i i Aitfiiir Ashley X IN' ' ' - Forest Rivals He wen his lady because he didn't believe in ghosts! V . .. Also , 1 .! Two Reels of Comedy AMERICAN LEGION BENEFIT! f LIBERTY THEATRE TONIGHT . JV.JM.'M 1 r"V '!. i 't I" :f The Lure 6f Egypt w B,i IV . "- ii One of the Greatest Pictures of the Age i i - .. . WW 4 Hear Claudia Spink sing Madelon Hear Harry Borel on the Violin' c; ' 4 Every cent oyer expenses goes to the American Legion ; ' ' ' j A v ', "Y '?-. The barrel is getting fuller gang; let's fill it up and fit up those Club Rooms 1 v- iV TJ7 ' , - 4 C' '' T4 Z'n, ' 0- i V v- w a v vV yv vl i yj