.""WP. ' ' Pii v. ra KM 1rr ?. tf1f4 'rfT & THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AGK TUESDAY, NOVEMBKIt IS, II 'Mt : M IS IN OREGON PORTLAND, Nov. 14. A revival of lumborltiK and Increased volunio of building oporntloiiH with lowur ratcB of Intercut nt tho big banking- contors nro tlio Hiiro Incloxc&of steady climb to normal business condltlonn In Indicated In tlio monthly report of tlio Manufacturer as follews: Rt. Helens rock quarry gots con tract for 17,000 paving blocks. JlrlBbton Flvo mill tax voted for Manbatteu Iloach road. Btuto flro loss for Octobor outsldo Portland $170,010. 1'ortlund tax levy for 1522 to bo reduced 2. CO milts. Polk county defeats $70,000 spec ial taxjovy. Astoria work bogun on Tonguo Point Naval Station, linker 17 per cent of 1920 tax roll rcmnlns delinquent. Urn ton county reports SO tons of dried prunes from forty acres. Weston ships 2,000 sacks certified seed potatoes. J-lugeno bans nl fraternities and dancing In the high school. Tumor to vote on $20,000 bond for now school houso. il'ortlund to build 3-story brick block on 9th St. linker county tnxes cut $50,000 Salem Profits Oregon Htatn Fair for 1921, $20,000. Clatsop county to hulld paved road from. WUrronton to coast. Statn to drill artesian well In Fort Hock Valley. ' Oil test well being put down near Paulina. Portland growing at rato of 1,000 houses per month. Salem New dormitory ut (llrls School to cost over $00,000. Portland delinquent tax roll $1, 180,000 largest In history. Salem Marlon hotel to hnvo $1,0, 000 banquet room. llnndon llcach Mine produces $2,200 gold und platinum. I.uko county has 3,000 delinquent tux pu)cr, more than ono-thlrd of All. fl Plans completed for $400,000 Ah- torla Hotel. Milton work boglns on new build Ing of Milton leu and Cold Storage Co. llosoburg Nows-llovlow Co. to on largo plant. Crnbtren Now community hall to i bo cerctcd horo. Portland mill shipping 2000 tons oats to Manila for government use. Grants Pubs (Courier Installs lut- "cst modol of perfecting press. Grants Pass Modern flshway built at Savago Rapids Dam. Howl Service station to bo erect ed on Cabin Site. Salem exporting apples direct to Kuropo from Pacific coast. Oregon 1921 wulnut crop estimat ed at 000,000 pounds. 'Portland Contract let to comploto grading of road over McKcnzIo pass. 1 Sprlngflold tunnelling n gas guao factory. Lebanon has first annuul nut show. Stato market road funds available for 1922 to bo $1,040,839. . Sprlngflold Mill & a rain Co. has most prosperous month In Its his tory. IWallowu $100,424 contract let for grading 10 miles Oregon Trull, Htaiiflold Hutter Crook farmors assured market rotid. Got Game Limit But Couldn't Take It Home OREGON BREVITIES Dejinto Question Chosen UNIVERSITY OF OIUJKON, Kit gone. Tho question upon which moinbcrH of tho Oregon High School Dubato Loaguo wll contest for tho championship this year Is: "Resolved, That a graduated In como tax should bo mado a 'fea ture of tho stato systcmi of tnxatlon In Oregon," Women Collect Dulntlcn HOOD niVER. Tho Womon's Auxiliary of tho local Legion post Will aid In collecting delicacies' to be sent to exservlce men In Port land hospitals at Thanksgiving, Jol lies, fruit and homo-mndo candles will bo assembled until 'Novombor 1. Men I Dn)s at Newport ( NEWPORT. Newport people, who usually go to California for tho winter, havo decided to stay at bomb this year owing to tlio Ideal weather conditions. Little rain has fallen, and tho tempornturo has ranged from CO to 70. Flowors nro beginning to btdbm again and po tatoes and other garden vogotublcs are coming up. Men aro working In their shlrtslcovos. SALEM. Tho Ilrooks-Scanlon Lumber company of Dond has stop pod cutting timber along The Dallos mamaiii nignway near licnu, ac cording to Information rccolvcd by Oovornor Olcott from Robert W. Snyder,- Deschutes county Judgo. Its operations havo been removed from thoso points. A party of railroad men from tlio vicinity of Ashland, Grants Puss and Roseburg spent tlio wook-cmHncar Matin gooso hunting and on their roturn to their homos, stopped one day In this city to visit local friends. Four of tho party, Jack Allison, W. II, Sherman, George llumphroy, an oX'Sherlff of this coutny, and Mr, Peyton 'wcro dinner guests nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. If. H. Jenkins, 019 Lincoln stroot, last night. Tlio huntlng'p&rty secur&l tho lim it of ducks ondgceso but met with adversity when they" attomptod to hip (heir "game homo on tho train whoro they had passes to rldo upon. Point blank, tho local officials re fused to accopt tho gamo owlni; tj conflicting with Interstate shipment. Whllo tho game was killed In Call fornla, yet It' had been brought up hero and could not be shipped back, tho railroad hgont Informed the hunt ers. Photos wore made of 'tho kill and tho birds wcro arranged In a manner which mado tho plcturo nx- tromely attractive. by summoned to appear within sixty days after tho first publication of this summons, oxcluslvo of tho day of tlio first publication and dofond tills notion or pay the amount as nbovo shown, together with Interest nnu costs, and In caso you fall to do so a uecreo will bo rondorcd fore closing tho lion of said taxes and costs against said premises. This summons Is published by or der of tno Hon. D. V. Kuvkondall Judgo of said Circuit Court, made tho 18th day of Oct. 1921. Tho dato of tbo first publication of this sum mons1 Is the 26th day of October, 1921. All process In this proceeding may bo served upon the undersigned re siding at Modoc Poiat, Klamath County, Oregon. OEO. CHASTAIN, . Attorney for Plaintiff. 0-2B. N 1-S-1S-S1-29 D 8 !, HOOD RIVER. L. M. Knrstot- tor, rancher of tho Summit district, will not bo worried If tho agita tors for reform sccuro laws pro hibiting tho salo of tobacco. Mr. ICarstettor grows his own. Ho hns oxhlbltod In tho city tho past weok handsomo specimens of Havana lent. Tho tobacco bus a flno aroma and Mr. Karstettcr says ho finds It satisfying either In tho plpo or to chow. Miin PniH Flno by Mult nOSEnURQ. Justlco of tho peace Jones received a chock for $30 from A. D. Chanco of Portland aftor Mr, Chance, over tho tolo phono, bad entered a plea of guilty to tho chargo of killing China pheasants out of season and was fined $20 and costs. Mr. Chanco roturnod to his homo In Portland and then tho oftlcors found that the gun ho had bcon using was a borrowed ono. Watch This Space for further details on Ford Lsrs . SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19TH , 2:30 P. M. y i -Will be your opportunity to .1 get a car for K WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY Finding Good in Poll land Tho continuous good weather of Inst wock mado sllvursldo salmon fishing exceptionally good In local stroaniB and especially In and around the Tillamook. Many Port land huntors and anglers, disap pointed at tho rather poor season for ducks, took tholr poles and linos Sunday and made a day of It In fishing. AT THK HTIIAND Tho now World plcturo, "Forest Rivals," In which Dorothy Grcou and Arthur Ashloy aro starred, will bo tho attraction at tho Strand Theatre tonight. "Forest Rivals" Is a story of life In the backwoods of,, old Quebec and is reported to bo oven better than "The Olrl Alaska," which made a tre mendous hit. i "Forest Rivals" tolls of the des porato feud which raged between two brothers In the wilderness for tho same girl. Tbo fact that Julie tho potlte little French girl, had refused them both was not consdered In tho least. Each brother Inteuded to niako Julie marry him, Into Jhls llttlo civil war comes Tom King, a civil surveyor. He at once fals victim to Julie's charms. Up-( 'on, him the brothers turn,, united, in an. effort- tovcljiar Jie field of h,ls formidable Intruder. ' Then followed a desperate struggle In which tho brute cunning of tho two French brothers Is matched against the courage of the young sur veyor. In the end Julie and Tom win out and they leave the great forest behind, IN THH CIRCUIT COURT OP THB STATH OK ORHGON FOR KLAM. ATII COUNTY. Hummons ! ForeclMur of Tax lilea Hqnlty No. V 184 Alloa Sloan, Plaintiff, vs. H. W. Mills Bstate. the heirs at law of H. W. Mills Hstate and alt persons having any right, tttlo es tato or Intorost In the roal proper ty heroin described, DofenWtnts. To H. W. Mills Estate, tho heir at law of H. W. Mills Estate and all per sons baring apy right, title, estate or Interest In tbo roal property herein described, Dorendants: UN THIS NAMH OF TUB STATB OF OREGON: You art hereby oti fled that Alton Sloan tho holder of Delinquent Certificate No. 1168 Is auod on tho 3rd day of June, 1920 by tho Tax Colloctor of Klamath County Oregon, for the sum of $12.51, being tbo amount then dne and delinquent for taxes or the year 1910, togethor with penalty, Interest and costs thoroon upon tho roal prop erty asscssod to H. W. Mills Efftato, and dcscrlbod as Lot 3 of Block 8( Klamath Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, That said Allen Sloan ha paid taxos for subsequent years with rata of Intorost thereon as follews: For 191C, paid on June i, 1920, Tax Rccolpt No. 7108 for $11.20 at 12 per cent Intorost, per annum. For 1917, paid on Juno 4, 1920, Tax Receipt No. 7437 for $12.29 at 12 por cant Intorost, per annum. For 1918, paid on Juno 4, 1920, Tax Recolpt No. 7467 for $10.48 at 12 tier cent Interest. ior annum. For' 1919, paid on Juno 4, 1920, Tax Receipt No. 4211 for $10.46 at 12 por cent Intorost. por annum. Said W. II. Mills Estato, and1 each of tbo other persons abovo named aro horoby further notlfiod that Al len Sloan will apply to the Circuit Court aforesaid for. a docroo fore closing tbo lion against the property abovo described. And you are here- IN THH CIRCUIT COURT OF THH 8TATR OF OREGON FOR KLAM. ATII COUNTY. SHitunoaa la Foreclosure of Tax Utm MquHy N . P 1M. Allea Sloaa, Plaintiff, in. P. 8. Terwllllger and all other per sons having any right, title, estate or Intorest In the real property herein described, Defendants. To P. S. Terwllllger and all other persons having any right, title, estate or Interest in the real proporty here in described. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; You are Hereby No titled that Allen Sloan the holder of Delinquent Certificate No. 1158 Is sued on the 10th day of March 1920 by tho Tax Collector of Klamath County Oregon, for the sum of $8.34, being the amoant then dne and delinquent for taxes for the year 1916, together with tho penalty, In torest, and costs' thorcon upon the roal proporty assessed to Unknowto Owner, and described u Lota E and 6 Block I of the Original Town of Klamath Falls Oregon. That said Allen Sloan has paid taxos for subse quent years with rata of Interest thoreon as follews: ' For 1917 the sum of $9.08 paid March 10, 1920 with interost at 12 per cent per nnnum. For 1918. the sum of 17.73 nnlcl March 15, 1920 with Intorest thereon at 12 per rent per annum. For 1919, tho sum of $7.77. paid March 10, 1420 with Interest thore on at 12 por cent por nnnum. ' Said P. 8. Torwllllgor and all other persons having any right, title, estate or Interest In tho real property here in described are hereby further no tified that Allen Sloan will apply to tho Circuit Court aforesaid I : a do creo foreclosing tho lion against tho property nbovo described. And you are horeby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first pub lication of this summons, exclusive of tho day of the first publteactea. v and defend thlsactlon 'or pay tkaw amount as abovo shown togeUMr with tho Interest nnd costs, anit b case you full to do so, a decree wilt ken , rendered foreclosing tho Hen of mM, taxes and costs against said prcatis-M cs. This summons Is published bra dor of tho Hon. D. V. KuykeRtakt. Judgo of said Circuit Court mad tee., 17th day of October 1921. Tho date of tho first publication of this BtMH- mons Is tho 25th day of October 1991.. All process In this proceeding an' be served upon the undersigned re siding at Modoc Point, KUatifctt County, Oregon. " OHO. CHA8TAIN. Attorney for Plalattt. O-20. N 1-8-1S-22-29 Big Hard Times Benefit Dance ... --:. TONIGHT SCANDINAVIAN HALL its. .... .. S .. Im, Houston-Filz Orchestra 'l Don't Forget Prize Waltz ; Other Prizes for Dances Admission 67y2c Tax Paid V2c Total 75c Ladies Free. I . All Receipts Go to jYoung Men's Club. AMAAAAAMAAAAAAMMAAAAAAMMMMMWMVMMMWWWWWMWWMWMWWWWWMMII MECCA TAXI SERVICE Office Phone 153 Res. Phone 339-J Closed Cars. .Country Trips Solicited ""-j-"nnnrejyvij'vrijtnAft WiA oekmiwUdgmtwU H C & Or -words 4a thai efifed GET Maiten's Vitamon Tablets at UNDERWOOD'S VWWWlVVWVWWi NL Make that Idle dollar work! Tut It In tbo buulc I r, g A Real Keepsake THROUGHOUT the year, the photograph you give this Christmas will stand as a constant reminder .Qf your . 1 o-v i;n g Jthpughtlul- ness. HENL1NE STUDIO Opposite Court House K: b r . ,';$M IT. EATS the band. THE WAY tais thing. KEEP POPPING up, THE OTHER night. ' I BROKE all rules. AND READ S hlga-brow took, "" f -,1 "- AND HERB'S cut one. THAT IT handed , "MANY OP. m flaa THAT TASTE affords, ONE OF tho fairly. ', DEPENDABLE SATISFACTIONB,' " , f. OF EVERYDAY living, f AND ITMesuu UPON LONG rcflecUoal 1 v i y l J,i A "4" ,VP' THAT SATISFACTION. COMES CLOSE to betas, THE LONQ aoucht 'li ' "' A ' HIQHE8T GOOD." OF COURSE that isn't, WRITTEN WITH tho AND POLISH to which, WE ARE accustomed, BUT iva a mouthful) ' ' AS YOU'LL agroo If yoa, f JU8T PUT U Into good, UNITED STATES, like this. ' 'SON, YOU'LL be running, ON FOUR Ut Una. IF. YOU don't harry. t AND WRAP yourself areaijt, THE ONLY dgaretto. i THAT SATISFIES." 'V 1. Hft A rpHET Satisfy " noOA m e (l . else to well describes Urfields' mildness, their welleW neaa, ueir deiieacy ox aroma asnooth. even "body." It i the finest varieties of TarUak and Domestic tobaccos to da it and the highest order of aMI in blending tSera. Yea, the Chaav terfleld blend is a secret, ft Ct ot coptea. I I he Wtotir i !',' ''ia i s . iv Sm aaSk aaaaSM m aisw isv m r MJ&J&j&JW&Sfh IlPRJTsEiS Lnorrr be Mttw Tobacco Ca itMf Dtd you ChuUrfUU pneAmf eJS i f If It's Loose, We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO. m SUU,,S r U T. PhoM . :