.,i-PrJW'-'7 , c r" r- .... Wtl, -J 4 tt v ( -.. -. - - 1 -. l , - 4w- -a. .$ w -ft- WMntiWiW'fyji'.WfW!ff l, . U V , rAGE BIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONUAY, NOVKMRKR 14, 1021. VJ-L , I! FTl 1' mil TliiWf'll iTb r" r r' N j School District Will Get Money Today 1 Klamath county schools nro rlchoc jiow by tho sum of $71,783.02 nnd iln morning MrR. C. L. Fergu son, county school superintendent, be Ibb tho apportionment ot that sum On tho various schools In the county. Tho stato olomontary school fund amounted to JC.7D9.07, derived from a 3-mlll school tax levy last year; tho jlato school fund drawn from iho .'Salem office amounted to $0, GIG. 93 Ukon from tho Irroduclblo school 'fsuid of tho stato, and tho county tax tor school purposes collected In Klan: imlh county, $29,508.92. Tho announcement today by Coun ty Treasurer O. K. Van Itlpcr will probably be most welcome news to anost of tho school districts In this zennty, as a majority ot tho treas uries of the districts aro depleted. "Warrants were being drawn this af ternoon. MERRILL Mrs. J. W. Laylor and Mrs. W. ST.'5 Hill were Klamath Falls visit ors Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Andorson and family spent the week-end lth Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dalton at Steel Swamp.. L. 8tory reports that ha will finish, threshing this week. Ha Is "working south ot tho stato lino, lie reports grata bettor In that sec tion than had 'boon expected "Mr. and Mr. E. M. Bubb passed through Merrill for the week end ' Jlnnctto & Howard have sold their potatoes to Bert Franklin 1o price paid was 2 cents. The .farmers around Merrill have real bed very welt from potatoes this .year. y A hen party was given Rov. and 3fra. E. H. Edgar at the manse Thursday,' Nov, 3, It came as a sur prise. It was planned for tho ladles to each take a hen" and the men jometnlng tor tho pantry. As n -result tho pantry Is well stockod land chickens of many colors grace ttkclr yard.- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ' -apprcciato tho many kindnesses That have boon shown them since they camo to make their home Taero. Inurr Wostbrook Is building a 'asodern chlckeahouse on his placo souta of towt. They have thor- &ghbred Whlto Leghorns. Mr. TVostbrook Is a firm bollover of bot- .Xcr stock of .all kinds. Z. ' N. Agee was host for o din- aicr party at the Hex Cafe, Nov. Sth. His guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. II. IIotbs, Miss Young and Mr. OP". Fruits, of Merrill, and Mr. and lira. Drummond, of Klamath Falls. 31 r. Agee travols tor ta Portland Shrm and Is an old Roseburg friend at Mr. and Mrs. Uobbs. Mrs. Geo. Offlcld Has been stay- ins with her brother, Madison Broun glnco his accident. Mr. . .'Brown Is now entirely out of dan ater. Dr. Kr'eeso was a Klamath Falls visitor .Monday, being up on the 'Lloyd Hewitt case. Mr. Hewitt 1 the young man whoso leg was In jured on the rock crusher recent- -r A charivari was given Mr. and Mrs-. Velton Hasklns Friday, Nov. f. Mr. and Mrs. Hasklns rather expecting something of the sort UMBERS UP YOUR SORE STIFF JOINTS "T7EATHER exposure and hard YY work bring pains and aches In muscles and joints. Havo a feottle of Sloan's Liniment handy and apply freely. Penetrates without rubbing. You will find at once a comforting raenso of warmth which will be followed Iby a relief from the aorenesa and -stiffness of aching joints, Alto relieves rheumatism, sciatica, euralgia.sprainsand strains. For forty years pain' enemy. Ask ;your neighbor. At All druggists 3Sc, 70c, $1,40. Sloa Xinimerit jTfl Big Hard Times Benefit Dante TUESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 15, 1921 SCANDINAVIAN HALL Houston-Filz Orchestra Admission 67,y2c Tax Paid 7i2c Total 75c .. Ladies Free. All Receipts Go to Young Men's Club. were out In their car nnd led tho crowd a morry chnso through tho country lanes until thoy wore fin ally stopped on tho cross roads North ot Merrill. Thoy woio thon taken homo horo a ploasant cvo nlng was spent In games. Refresh ments wore served. Mr. and Mrs, Hasklns have left for tholr homo In dlondalo. ' A cement sidewalk has Just been completed on tho south sldo ot tho W. S. Merrill building, extending west past tho city hnll nnd barber shop. A. D. Miller, ot Klamath Falls was tho contractor. A meeting ot tho Chautauqua committee was held hero Wedncs day ovenlnc at which tlmo It was decided to hold Chautauqua Nov, 29-30 and Doc. 1. Tho prosidont Is "Burr Wostbrook and socretary-trea-surer, Fred. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fratlor havo moved from the cook house to one of the houses owned by Mr. Finch across the River. Mrs. Cook, who has been living In Klamath Falls for some time will occupy her house. Stukcl & Offlcld are feeding 200 head of cattle tor the market. They are feeding at the W. E. Corum place where they have bought hay. A farewell dance was given at the W. P. Whitney residence four miles north of town Friday, Nov. 4. About titty people wero pres ent. Thoy report "a very nice time. SHAS1 VIEW' Frank Ottoman, who has been attendlqg the O, A. C, completed hlB course In half the usual time and Is homo to stay with his family until after the holidays. Mru. Belle Klrkpatrlck Is spend' Ing somo tlmo with her son, Lester and family, at Merrill. Miss Loulso Hatch and sister, Airs, Aiccomb, received word re cently of the- sudden death ot a sister at Los Angeles and Miss Hatch .with a sister, Mrs. Cast) ot Mt. Lakl went to attend the fun eral. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Balloy wore Klamath Falls visitors Saturday and report business quite lively at tho public raarkot. Evcryono In -this section will bo pleased to' know that the cheese factory rocently located at Malln started operations Monday last. Bon Daniels received a tcjegram that his father, who lived at Santa Ron, died suddenly at a hospital where ho was taken after a tall from n threshor separator. This came aa u shock as fie was reported as Improving on Monday. The two sons, Ben and Louie, started for Santa Rosa as soon as poislblo at ter receiving the pad nows. George Stron bridge, to and son aro spending a tow days at the homes of John Balloy and Har ry Wilson and calling on other friends in this section, whore they used to live before locating at Chll oquln. George Is also bringing down a few ot tho duckB and geese ao plentiful here. The ladles ot the Helping Hand will bo entertained by Mrs. Emma Wilson Wednesday, Nov. 16th. .Oliver Martin and wife are spend ing a few days visiting In tho Rogue River country. . MOTORISTS ARE SPEEDING ON NEW DAIRY ROAD A large number ot motorists are making Sunday trips to Dairy to en- Joy the feel ot a real roadbed under their machines. The tendency to open up the "old boat" and let It skim the surface Is almost IrreBiat Ible, the motorists say .and with no officers present, many have tried it out. Warnings wero Issued by tho state highway department that there must bo no speeding over the new fioad and that penalties will bo enforced' upon anyono violating the law.' Speeding materially weakons the roadbed, and Is bard upon the surface especially if quick action is neces sary to stop suddenly. The skidding of the tires starts ruts which wear away and make holes whoa rains and heavy trucks hit the exposed parts, a little later on. . , ' Twenty-Five Years -W!$m D. A. It. TO PLACE MKMOIUAIj FOR 1'IOMKKR SKTTIiERS Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg has about completed the formation otthe Kla math chapter ot the Daughters of tho American Revolution. One ot the first activities ot the chapter will bo tho erection ot a memorial at the "Stone Brldgo" on Lost River, tho slto ot a dam now under construction by tho reclamation sorvlco, in co l &i?ftOT Wfa iSSm. " ii niiLH UrW ?Sr ""i3 ) i CAST NIGHT SOME YOuMt SCMWlPi THnew A wOT. ! 9ft oecAveo vegbxablcs on Pftc twitcheccs pront ) ' PORCH Li NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING , NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN to tho legal voters of School District No. One of Klamath County, Stato Vf Oregon that a SCHOOL MEET INO ot said district will bo hold at Central School, on tho 28th day ot November, 1921, at 2o'clock In tho attoTnoon for the purpoo of discussing the budget hereinafter sot out with tho levying board, and to voto on tho propostlon of levying a special district tax. Tho total amount of money needed by tho salil school district during tho fiscal year beginning on Juno 20, 1922, and ending June 30, 1923, Is estimated In the following budget ,and Includes the am counts to bo received from the county school fund, stato school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, nnd all othor moneys of tho district: I1UDGET ESTIMATED PERSONAL Him VICE: No. 1. 2. Superintendent 1 4 1 22 4. Principals 3. Tearchers, 22 '3, 4. 5. 6. Janitors 2 2 3 Clerk ....i. .......' U Health Nurso 'l Stenographer '.. .... ....""1 cook. .:......... 1 Othor services Truant Officer 1 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: . 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) .... 500.00 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers etc.) 3,000.00 3. Library .books .... - ...... 300.00 4. Flags 60,00 5. Playground equipment and " , improvement ot grounds ...i ., 4,340.00 6. Janitor's supplies .. - .. 500.00 7. Fuel ...:........ 3,600.00 8. Light nnd water ... 1,000.00 10. Postage and stationery , ... . . 325.00 Total CONSTRUCTION: Fire Escapes Sidewalks .". Total MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Building aid grounds ........ Total !. ASSESSMENTS (Highways, Roads, Street paving Total lnEirTEDNKflS; 1. .Bonded, and Interest thereon Total INSURANCE: u A k Total ... MISCELLANEOUS: Freight and drayage Laundry Telephone and Telegraph Miscellaneous - Total ..., Total estimated amount ot ( t during the year (ThA abova form of estimated this blank by the budget committee and after being made out by said committee may be certified to as correct on the margin and filed with the district clerk.) ' " , ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during school year (Use amount of county school fund laatvear aa basis in making this From state achool fund during the "school year a,ou.v (Use amount ot state school fund received last , year aa bal8 ' making this estimate.) Total estimated receipts, not ,. RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for tho year $98,000.00 Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax $37,500.00 Balaneo, amount to be raised Date this 4th day of November, Attest: IDA . MOMTER, uisfnci vie, Ago" in Linkville operation with tho Stato Geographic al Board and tho local chambor ot commerce. Tho ntemorlal will bo In honor of tho in men from tho Initial American settlempnt in tho Willamette valley, who located the South Emigrant road In 1840. t . Tho best Isinglass comes from Rus sia. It Is made from the giant stur geon, which Inhabits the Paspian Sea. EXPENDITURES Salary per year Total 2.650.00 2,660.00 1,500.00 , 450.00 1,300.00 1,400.00 1,700.00 1,200.00 900.00 500.00 300.00 750.00 900.00 100.00 6,000.00 1,450.00 28,600.00 6,600.00 5,100.00 - 2,400.00 2,700.00 500.00. 300.00 750.00 900.00 100.00 $57,050.00 13,625.00 $70,075.00 81,500.00 1,600.00 3,000.00 $73,675.0)0 .$2,200.00 2,200.00 - $75,875.00 StreeU, Bridge): :...:. $ 850.00 860.00 $76,725.00 .'. .$18,726.00 . 18,726.00 $915,460.00 ti ' $1,260.00 1,260,00 V .". .7. $96,700.00 $ 476.00 - - 26.00 275.00 525.00 .1,300.00 $98,000.00 money for all purposes ...$98,000.00 expenditures may be clipped from the coming" ibo.wwu.iv received estimate.) coming ' Including proposed tax $S7,E0O.OO yby district tax ,...$60,500.00 1921. P. L. FOUNTAIN, ,Chalrmsm 'Board of nDlrestors TAMALE PARLOR MOVING TO 204 MAIN STREET where we will be glad to welcome our old friends and lr.alcc new ones. Spanish, Italian and Chinese Dishes Open All Night fLA .v rOPAK WORK I Leave "Your 'Films before 9 oyocK-Your A.M- Pieiuras aw JUU m Aa J aaaAba a jUm nflerwuuu rSL-. KLAMATH FALLS V where pahticulah people IfruAi-rvl BUY THEIR DRUGS WOOD Tho saw mllla aro closing down and your cheapest wood soon be gouo. ONLY A FEW DAYS FOR GREEN SLAB $3.50 per Cord Delivered $1:00 per Cord at Mill Wo handlo alt kinds ot wood, wholosalo and rotall. O. PEYTON & CO. "WOOD 419 MAIN Be Watchful of Colds MONDAY IlKALTII TALK A cold, when neglected, may ra pidly develop Into dlsoaso of ser ious naturo and oxtont. Immediate steps should always bo taken to put It In check. Colds aro duo to retained wastes In tho body and the causo usually Is slucglsh nctlon of liver kldnoys nnd lungs. Tho causo ot this slug gish action Is tho Implngomont, or squoezlug of spinal nerves at tho splno. By chiropractic spinal ad justments this prossuro or Impinge ment Is removed and tho norves are frocd to carry normal Impulses of .vigor and strength. HEALTHF0LL0W5 CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE ON SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES OP THE FOLLOWING ORCANS: ,HEA0 fVttS 'HOSt -TWWW" t ARMS tC HEART KVIIINAC LIVER STOMACH ; PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS EkVw appenoix JNN BLABBER ISpM 'aiuffrUWUUMM The LOWER NERVE UNKRTHE MACNIPV MM MASS IS PINCHED YAWMUGNED JOINT. PINCHE0 NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL impulses: CHIR0PRAC TICADJUSTINO RE MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS r rREEASHATUM INTENDS. DRS. MALLETT & MALLETT Office Pver Underwoods Drug Store Phone 539-J for Appointment. u... if V il radr at & p. mm ; OREGON tfSw I It PEOPLE EW ' RUGS ' KiiajgA&v) Till TO BURN" PHONE 535 MAMMMVVWWWMW NO. 44 Undo Bon Bays: "Novvy. It's tho weak in health who get a cold with the first frost." tMVWWWMMMMMM COLD AND FEVER "I developed a high fever and was ao sick I could not ratso'my bead from the pillow. Two chiropractic spinal adjust moots changed the course of my trouble, It was quicker work with a cold and fever than I had experienced bo Jo re." Hebeh C. Hall, Chiro practic Research Bureau state ment No. 1286H. :mX WHKN UAXTH BHOJNS depends on wien you telephone , 638-J for aa appointment. Con- ' sulfation Is without charge, V K V J&!vJJU.. fv -; rIjwr- flWjVi!i(7lMI' f ..fMJ. ;Lk&ifeW-j' ftyfrfc sag' &. l