. .. 4, -1 "-- i.fcAtat 4 " tttat..j.atf.Mww.MtjiwMial-.-.--uiaitt,,,'j ,wr :.' I f-jiWK4; 't r.-me-9X Ufc " I'. VI V " r- A. .-nmBAr!, vavmnm'tii ieai. THE EVENING HERALD, KXAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAturno '"K,pV,-J' -- -t I ( u Kt. t' s I, f The Evening Herald w". J. MURRAY Editor frM. J.1 BARRETT City Editor Published dally except Sunday, by Tha Herald Publishing Company of v.KUmath Falls, at lit Eighth Street, stored at the poatottiee.at Kla i Fall. Ore., far transmission .,-trogh tho naila aa sscond-elasa i ' ufsMKBBR OP TttB. A8SO0IATBD rnrwi . . ,Tno Associated Press Is endustvety aatMsd to the oae- for panlicaUon of M Wa dinontche, oredltod to It, A sam, otaotwiso crouten: u thai A-4PMdrstfa' ta'lami;Mflra.ptth! -nonpar, sores,; ? - -' What a lot of men. In this, world! If yon want thoae taeaa to lay this cannot get through their skulls, is winter feed' plenty of Made-ln-Klam- what the Lord nrovldea la the muacle ?!n alfalfa meal. Manufactured-by T Hw T fnril n to go out and work for what they need. ManAT. -t. r.c KOTBMBBR 11, 1W. , ,.- 'Z , -r.Thev Office at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. ' .snuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupeBsV 1A UnUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUO BBB Harry. Telford, phone, 18F18. 4-10 f6ri BAL-iKlrtlnd Farm la offnr- - " -j . ing for aale cheap one 'Registered '. .11 ni. -i.- twcJ X6' W lack Ferehoron stat- Are all owls wise, pop? l1!on, '.,, h K.h. .h. . .... "No. my boy. Too many of them d black Percheron in the; talley. or hoot without knowing what thoy are will sell Ketab. These are prloed so hootlna- about." thT wUl. W fr themselves aoxt year. Wo huTs some young, teams ...U, . .. .. '' aalei'aJab. WHl'aell a few reg- WHEN A HEN SMILES Utore4 miking, shorthorn cowa and Tho cackle of a hrin when aha lays hnlferal'two ball calves aired by Foot- an egg. any a scientist, la akin lo MUi Corporal, .tho' graad champion laughter and with aome of the eggs ' fS!?i?? FJTSV we have met We can easily gneM iatt. .PhiM It X CtMtral Potet what the hen wajr laaghlag at. The girl who ,wlU whlaUe: ''Dowa brakes!" while the caretare still abides In John's pnrse Is preparing to bo a fsmale Solomon. J Arthur Lumbrlck, who Is coaaty adriaor down In Vermillion county, has aa artljls in his bulletin bcadsdr ader-Kaklng Legal." Doesn't It depend on the work yon pat la lt,; ArthurT, I" WATBRMA PIANO SCHOOL 1-1 LKtWONS CIUAItA'TKKU 1 POPULAR SYNCOPATED 8TAMD- AUD MUSIC BEOINNERS ft ADVANCED PUPILS ACCEPTED UXHOUiMKNTS CLOUW, NOV. 1STH P. B. CLARK INSTRUCTOR til LINCOLN. PHONE tt4J CALL OK WRITfl FOB, FRMB DBMON8TRATI0N . OlTBfl AT TOUR HOMBj If 'Pa SrfNWWMW WWywsWVWMwrWJrWrVpWMWWV ClASSIFlEDAWEKIiSEIIENrS -i- iii m ,--- -,-,-,--,-g.,.,- riri-(rinnnnr)rinJhn j MISCELLANEOUS WOMAN'S AUXILLIAHV OK OHAMHUR OK 000031011 FOOD HAIiH Woman's Auxllllary of Chauvtwr, of Commerco will .hold a cooked food WANTED TO BUY Drood sows aad spring gilts. Dor 404 Klamath Falli, ,Oro. 8-1 8 Inquire about our Tan per Cent Christmas Club Plan. It applies on ,sny maka of phonograpli, Earl flttAtlhatft. SS? tMmim at flkA BW..1.. aale at Grand Central Publlo Market riv, UjatUt Stare. , tf. Ralnrda. Niw. 19. 1SS1. ' ' Saturday. Not. 13, 1921. l-lljfnd imu. l.. ... - T1L m " miM isaaat lor 'ifcLA PT- M . ' 'Andy Carnegie said he wanted to die' poorr but foiled. because he nerer had much uso for lawyers. UTJVHTBm . . "Ton seem upset.'' ,u. "Yea, my wife had a Quarrel ,w 1th the aook." ' f "Did yoa take eldest "if , "No, I.sii44,jiestli-.jfl; if-. w ffSrrrr vil , v ' Jadge: Yoar tale, that yoa. stole -His money sab-consclousir impresses xaa,' ." Prisener: "I, my 'real self, didn't haw a thing abont it" Jadge: "Therefore, I am going to la yoar aab-eoasdous self Imagine that It' Is out aad getting the air for as. months." i Htoldea obserrea that anyway, K"a a Urely ball when the "V..P's." aVo oai of sight Uttlo girls are paalahed for mak JM. faces, bat not after .they grow Llfe'ls like riding a bicycle, ws can kaa from falling lr-we kasrmoTlag. s few trick riders can sUad sad not ramble. NKW VERSION OF OLD PROVERB j "Fatty" Arbuckle and his" money! will soon bo parted.- 'j KOPAK VVORK Bttto 90'cIocK-Ybdr AiMiPidiiiras arf?acir; av'S p$ (JMerw Phanajry w'sL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tfSHP I CCUBACVI -. ' I r7pvv f I . ' VI 1' I V . IjJ - J .. . - FOB RUNTr Furnished or 'unfur nished apt 'Winters Apts. -10-11. LOST Crescent shape gold pJawUh' cross 'In center, set with pearls. Finder please return to Herald of fice, Howard. . - I0-12 BElSTHALRBOLBBjl town I1.S0. ulack.Frost. th St.; back of nders Oponrenings until 9i00 o'clock; 10-16. ' WH(1R PARTICULAW PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS Discredited Police Chief Elected Cleveland Mayor CLEVELAND, Noir; 11., Fred Xohler. .the former! "golden rule'" chief , of police, who when dismissed as chief In 1913" on, ehargca.of con duct nnbecomlngjaarotflcer, ' de clared that 'CleTalaaA would- some day elecf- him major waaiTueeday elected t0 tbatlpfffce,. aftsi' cam paign withoat 'ths'bscklng ofany organization orSilihottY ailng ' a speech. ' "" fc"-.-. : ; COUNTY TRBABCRBR'S NOTK3B Notice to hereby giTsn lao than are funds In the County Treasury tar MM payment of all Klamath Osnatr Ra4 WarraaU protested (prsssnlssl far aymaai bat not paid for wast of funds) on or before Jaly as. MSI. satersat a aasna will saaaa tram WOOD if -n Tie' saw ailHs are closing down aaoyour hsapeat wee ' -i-'" soon bo gone. . , - . . fill V. ' 'V,. I l .ONLY A FEWDAYS f UK UK.fcN 5LAB. $3:50 per Cord Delivered $r:00 per Cord at Mill Wo handle ail ktaas of wood,, wbolsnals and retail. ' O. PEYTON & GO at rmmsta; Bails. Orsosa. 7tk day ol Horoianor. ItSl. . KJ TAB - 1- 41tMATN ,' T BBRN" FOR RENT -Frost room 'and bath, private 'entrance. Broad St near Main, back of White Pelican Oarage! STIN80N PHOTO SHOP Open "every Sunday until Christmas. WANTED Small furnlshod house or apartment. Doc R. M. K.t Herald. 10-18 STINSON PHOTO SHOP Open every Sunday until Christmas. .WANTED -woman to work on ranch Phono or call at Hotel baldwin. " ' ' Ml rant, Mtts Rlats, (M dneoln.. 7-13 FOB QUICK 8ALB Tha aid Oas " sear ranch near Lorstsn. '840 seres, part under trrlgatsan. Well hnirsvsd. Pries Ill.tMS-Basy. btfma. Writs JlsrsU-BUoy , Raafty CO., mSTW.OTSgoi (-V TW WILL, TBADB-AltaUi " '' for," . saltoh sows, aattlo oe ktrlsy. V. Bajnas,- MaUn,. srag'on;(' '. 7-l2t . r ' i USED .1PIAN08 teloway Blling ' ton, Trowbridge ,ote.. at prises and (terms that should Intsrost you. Let's' 'go and look them oror. Bar I Shophtrd Co.,; 507 Main St.' 7tf. WANTED Painting and Kalsomin Ing. D. W. Hurling. Loavs orders at The Smoke. 7-11 1 00 TONS FIRST CLASS ' Alfalfa Iisy for sale 'on T. II. Wattors flench, ,11, miles southosst of town, lood feed .yard furnlshod. Wj' C. Ilurke. , , 7-1 1 Itinne'lSO for Mecca Tuii. 7-1 H BLOCK WOOD7 . load. Phone ten. , -12 LOST A Hersld colls'ctlon bosk for Mills Addition. Finder' please re turn to the Herald office-as the loss of the book will be a great .hardship to the carrier,' boy. Reward. 9-12 1 - 1 -1 r 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 11 1 STINSON PUOTO.8HOP.Open every Sunday.. until Clirlatmas., ,,. ,r ( As a gentle prelude to" the 'arms MBit eoaferenee at.Waahlngton, Ja n to bnildtag an 2800,060,000 navy Uncle Bam la organtxlng a. 4,-. ' oW.OOO-man army ,reserre. Incl aonUlIy, the Maryland, our latest Anadnaught, Jast delivered by .the Wilder set aa bask I41,000,0. Tm feathers for a'1 dove of penes' trtii-" . OCB OWM MAIL OP PAMB Noting that Pink Brown of. Bloom- hasfnn lad.. WU vivn (ha mk Ida other day, O. B. ;V.et Oreonsharg.' usa., nominaioa Jnay "Brown of the. so aaareas. in .is aDsoneo ot a sting Toto.ar. Brown Is horsbyy -declared m sssmber,!-,' ,, - , pil" rfvr -T. "Bay, tf yon were sraing' the Sa hara yoa'd ma Into ahydrant," bawl ow thdtrafiis sop aV7thaadMatn to a antolst who drovs Into ths.sand 'JB.'"! Consider Crapo ,- And. also naivs .One rhymes with grano And one with grave. sBenry Ford will never rest con snt nntU ho has Invented a Test Bsskot fUTsr, says H. RHill. Money talks," bat. it never gives itself away. ' ' ,v . . 1 1. - - - ,m tmmmnr. Ml , - - . - "- . - t W. j r - . 1 .... - ll 1 WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi ' I flHHnnuuuuuuuuuBThePeakOf I bbI bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1TX, m ferrecrion mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmU U&tt0t ' COlf00 Cdfl 1LbbbbbbbbT!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ' m i w BsLbbbB lnprepaglHUllsBros. "" I nnnnnnnnnnB 1 iJmwSWtI inn-i "Rd Can" Coffee, " I . BBBBBBBBMsLvwjk 'sBBBbI make it right, and then . I anaaaaaaaaBBBBllBrTlgigr? ' M yOU will appreciate its . gsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn&VSnwECklL tsnununual appealing aroma, tine . Bl tJjjjjjjjjjjjjjBaasnaV suuunan"tfnuuBBBl uavur suu oisunayiuK ana I ' nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBs PBbbbBbBT bBBBB Strength. H navJ snnnnnnnnnnnnnnncpSrA liiijsnnnnnnnaTBl i rsBBBBl BBl I sBBBBBBBBBBVLl'sBBBmliP sJBBBBBBB- ' 'I "bbW4' gSsaiaWgnW I BBl nuBBBBBHI " jA. MmWmMiffmTn'-l8B&9mm9mMmM bbbbbbbbI jSatmfmVmMMSrMm' H nnnnnnnnnnnnl sBBBBBWnnnnnnBBBWynWiy ISvHrmiffffmMmmWJIlMmWW snl BBl snnnnnnnnnnUi itPy VBsmWmmWi0UmminmminmmmBaBMmn H' I : bbK m&'W3lttmmfl I BBl nuunuBBBBW 4V 7' ?ri mMtJ W KTaM UM ,1 ' Mmm3MJmKm: HI gggggggggggggg 1 .WANTED A small furnished houss or Cash tijy s a vutwii iui umuvu uuuawj h?Store. -,',r rM-12 FOR BATJi) Canary bird and cage. Apply Winters Apts., Apt. 303 Phonfe S72M. ;p- ,Jll. Phono 'lS.1 for Mecca" 7-1 STINSON PHOTO SHOP Opon every Sanday until Christmas. .w - WILL RBNT MT PLACE ot 4 acres. . 1. sails from town on Keno road. good) buildings, good watst with windmill . to reliable parlor. SIS.M per .month. Waa. Oarstonsen. Bos tl. Ml STINSON PHOTO SHOP Open svVvy , Sanday until Christmas. drons Baaritt tow. U. A. SMvard. Dqak am -rauo.' -raaos brokoa. MBAI.S BY DAY OR WEEK Home 1 cooking. Broad 8t near Mala, bark-of White Pelican Garage.. .-1g. VISITINO DRESSMAKER From btt Francisco, expert designer and fit ter, will take a few good customers by the day. . Tel. 122W. 9-12 .FORSALE flat top desk with chair. Inquire Herald office. "" 8-30 tWO, ROOM APARTMENT To let all furnished, wood, water, light included. fSO.O.Q. 812 Oak St. 7-12 OOOD.'wWrBR APPUfifl For' sale cheap' tPhons 400J.' r " 7-12. 1 ' 1 11' 1 ,. 1 STRAYED OR STOLEN From Doak I ranch :i bead .of horses, all a- braaded 1 ehunky red sorrel geld ing. S years old; 1 light chestnut gelding, wattofac;t4 rears eld: 1 dark boy (gelding, 6! years old; 1 ttsck;mare',.a years old; 1 aaack mars yearling," white face.-' A "Boors! re ward for the recovery ot 1hssa. and it stolon lies reward SssHtMot. Ad- - "alls, or Khun- ore ' an--10 LOST Chamois posao, . tooled toit .. taloi-M.,L. B.". isntssmssl a sna of money. Finder Bharally rsward- o4 If rotaonod to B. J..B4 Jtorald sf- flos. t , '1 ; - 1 ! Ford Sedan HOO 1 118 7 pass. Bnlck ate 8800 1 117 7 pass. Hudson 1900. . FAIRVIEW TRAN8FKR If you have something to move, don't' pay doubls for It but phone 260R, ,. .- . "WB MOVEJPjpR.UBsB'' ViW :m '8-ti. ; iv i.v ; 1 1 .1 FOR' RENT Room with double bod. Use of phone and ba'th.c Apply 801 Pine St. Phone 4 SOW. 8-18 I U , FOR,RKHT RBASONABLII floor of Scandinavian Hull 1 vc Asse: mbly Hs 30rX SO on second rlan'Hnll. 'Csn'bo used for dancing. Steam heated. InQulreawanson.BsrberBhop.. 8-18. FOR' BALB CHEAP I Phoiie '668R. ft. limb 8-11 1820-4 pass.XChandler 81200 . 1 1021 7 pass Baick Inquire tor price BUICK BALES 4k BBRV1CB CO. C y ..L. BOAOLAND j( 'l;.Psao;M8W'. 5 ? ' L "'' ,t2S tf. -r- FORSALB Oasvroisi oar. Uqaoro 4 18. Oak svosue.. 410 WANTMD TO TRADB For dairy or . boot cattle, alfalfeYsBoai,,.shopaa4 alfaUo or alfalfa nay. Harrr 11- ford. oa Merrill road. Phono 18m. ! . 5 . .) OLD MANAaKMKNT TAKBB OVMR HOLLAPTD HOV8B .After On absence of a year, wo will resumo tho raanagamant of, tho Hoi land House, and shall hs glad to welcome all ot our old friends. D. VANDBOBBR. S-18 WANBD TO BENT 3 or 4 party turnUhed or ruralehed hooso or rooms eloso in. mast bo reosoaable rant, by lstoi Dee. Bon H. S. Her ald office. :ii it ...... BUT CHOPPED ALFALVA Hay for cnat milk cow. More milk, no waste, f 15 per ton delivered. Harry Telford, Merrill Road, Phono. 7-1S FOR BALB Ot newspapers at Mor-, aid oftios. CITY OAKUAtMs 1 AQRBD .HBABT WOBnTaJXBbsl ford, Oregoa., conducted by too Sisters ot Chnrlty of Provldsnos, of fer Uyoang ladles oxesllsnt tralntjsc hi a modern-, and thoroughly oqudp ped hospital. For- particulars hst drona, awstorBaportor. O 17 MM. snSukmlj: Inst 888W. oafl aha MM tk Btrost ?nh- 'BBon.y , pbmo w. u. DO1NG50F THE DUFFS JUST WHEN SHE WANTED TO MAKE A HIT V'. T' B.dk fASslsn tV- - -w" "..b.. 'i sngraAN am TOM. WILLVOO COMt . OUT WD HAVE WNHCR WITH Ks.. ' U5T0HWHT? IHVe ,. JuS-I.Ji&r f DORIS OH THE HR8E RHT Fffi HELEMVOHr BeHOMEUflTU. IATE. SHE'S H0VVlt9DOr?V9 6ETTIN6 Ull-TM TUP COOKING HOW? SIMPLV GWtrl Varr utmi. too Seethe peed sue set& our raevbo tTI-h, CJK TWrwHTJl s. -"fc' ri rv -wsr bbi ,1 .1 u nmW vsnvSfsni sAs.TTS'b uhipvPI o..n.. NOW 008(13 a08i 1-" tX? JEnfi rVrTW,HOHETn BURNED . kT THKT BOTMERVOU ' ' HA f aBanBBBMaBJaBSpi BnwwasvanJ9UsVt3iaVllLB TtV " I lVllfljiBj 'g04 womisnsnjrsjswji T"" f ri-nnirsBMBivwunmni. .S-,.i.ft.f J?