.W J ,o - v J . C, THE' EVENING JBERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQB TOXm WVIOHUT, NOVEMBER 9, 1M1. lMWWNMWWVWMMWWVMWWWVVMMVWWMMMWWWWWMWWVWM Twenty-Five Years Ago in Linkville the nlne-montbs-old collie pup of 0. H, Sanders of Mulnomah sta tion when, the barking of the dog nnnoyod lilm, was bound ovor to the grand Jury by District Judga Hawkins on tho chargo of dostroy Ing tho proporty of another. He told tho court that ho was afraid tho dog would blto him. OASSfFIEDAWERnSEMENTS r ft 1 w 4 A i T?iii m ra'N i - -g--fi : I 1 MMWWMAMIMMWWIIMWwAAMWWMMtAM maamamm MISCELLANEOUS (FOR BALB-ttlaf (op' desk with chair. Inquire Herald office JB-30 ' FAIRVnGWTRANSFER If you have soTQothlng to move. don't, pay doublo for It but phone 269R. "WB MOVK FOR JjESS" 8-12. FOR. RENT Room with doublo bod. Use of phone and battf. Apply 901 Pine St. Phone 460 W. 8-10 LOST Friday aftornobn, silver bar ipln with brilliant nettings. Find er pleaie return .to' Herald office. Reward. , 8-9. FOR , RENT REASONABLE -Assembly Hall 30 X 50 on second floor of Scandinavian Hall. Can be meed for dancing-. Steam heated. ' Inquire Bwaneon Barber Shop. 8-12. dross Sheriff Low. Klamath Falls, or J. A. Edward, Soak Ranch. Klam ath Falle. ' These horses tore un broken. S-10 LOST Chamois purse, beaded Init ials "M. L. D.", containing a sum of money. Finder liberally (reward ed it returned to E. J. D Herald of fice. 1 1920 Ford Sedan $600 1 1918 7 pass. Bnlck Biz $900 1 1917 7 pass. Hudses $900. FOR BALE- CHEAP 4 vwood. Phone E68R. ft. limb 8-11 OU MANAGEMENT TAKES OVER HOLLAND HOUSE " After.aa absence of a year, we will 'rwuuf the management of the Hoi I lead House, and shall be glad to ..welcome all of our old friends, f D; VANDEOEER. ,iC- 8-10, WANTED TO BUT Brood sows and spring' gilts.- Box 404 Klamath Falls, .Ore. 8-10 WANED TO. RENT S or 4 partly furnished or furnished house or rooms cloae In, lauatibe reasonable rent, by 1st of Dec. Box H. S. Her ald office. 8-10 1920 1 4 pass. Chandler $1200. 1921 7 pass- Balck Inquire for price BUICK SALES ft SERVICE CO. L. HOAQLAND . Phone 178W. Oil tf. . tnqvire about our Ten per Cent Christina Club Plan. It applies on any make of phonograph. Earl Shepherd, 607 Mala St. The Exclu sive Masle Store. tf. FOR RENT 4 room apartment for rent. Pitts FlsUs, 816 Lincoln, 7-12 MR QUICK SALE The old Cas beer ranch near Lorella. 840 acres, part under irrigation. Well proved. Price $12,000. Easy Unas. Write JVavell-Utler Realty Co., Lakevlew, Oregon. 7-12 i WILL TRADE Alfalfa hay for aaUea eews, eatUe or barley. V. Bajaos, Ma 1 In L Oregon. 7-12 -WANTED PLAIN sewing, -.at, .1015 .Rose street. Apply 7-9 WED PIANOS Stelnway, Elllng en, Trowbridge etc., at prices aaa terms that should Interest you. Let's,, go and. look them over. Earl Bkeyhord Co., 507 Main -St. 7tt FOR SALE 4 ROOM bungalow, furnished, elose In on pavement; bath, toilet, nice lawn, driveway fer garage, three cords slab wood only $2,100. Wlshard-Wood-Bent-ley, 111 North 8th Street. 7-9 FOR RENT I ished alfttly. Broad St. new Bee cabins, Dick, fnrn- 240 T-9 If you want those hens to lay this winter feed plenty of Made-ln-KIam ath alfalfa meal. Manufactured by Harry Telford, phone 18F18. 4-10 FOR SALE? Klrtland Farm Is offer ing for sale cheap one registered two year old black Percheron stal lion, sired by Ketab. the best Import ed black Percheron in the valley, or win sen Ketab. These are priced so they will pay for themselves next year, we havo some young teams for, sale also. Will sell a tew reg istered milking snortnorn cows and heifers, two bull calves sired by Foot bills Corporal, the grand champion of the Pacific coast. Write, phone er come to see us. J. E. Mason, supt. Phone 19 X 8 Central Point. 028 tf. FOR 8ALE Chevrolet car. 418 Oak avenue. Inquire 410 WANTED TO TRADE For dairy or beet cattle, alfalfa meal.' chopped -alfalfa or alfalfa hay. Harry Tel ford, on Merrill road. Phone 18F13. 4-i FOR SALE Oift newspapors at Her ald office. UITYr GARBAGE When yon want garbage removed, call 10F.2S. SACRED HEART HOSPITAL, Med- ford, Oregon., conducted by the Sisters, of Charity of Providence, of fer to young ladles excellent training In a modern and thoroughly equip ped hospital. For particulars ad dress. Bister Suporlor. O 17 N17. For Glass, Roofing, Bafldiag Pa per, Cabinet work aad BaUdlng Al terations call the 626 6th Street Cab inet and Carpenter Shop. Phone 582W. W. E. MeXBOY 019-tyl9. - - VMMt3f WVOT T " if I M emmm(Mlmm ft-1 '4hs&v "iwi.UA-z m u'vi wmm imsei v . j rrawiv sEKbbV. MtawJM M- l )' HK4EBVsW vy ahlrvbbblsv .7 mm ir nj 1 1 w-ssvsm. . "ms ' v home iz&MZMf&v raatw nTHO v nC IIW -n BRuN0?JIMf7L . iZJK iws I Purity I TVE CtRKS ON UOWCaSMAJN B I T 1) kyi I JTReETMWE FORMED AOLe&ipVMB t YT 'I XT I ' .'""AT " ."tsonS SHOP- EEE . if ' t t H Kodak Work Leave Your Filrcvs Before 9 OcilocK-Your A,rt pictures am rt?ady a 3 Oftn. if L ' ii pf i innprwuuui Kiuniwrv f9C KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THtIR DRUGS IT PflOVED TO BE W NEEDED PORTLAND MAN SAYS TANLAO DID nLM MORE GOOD THAN CHANGE OF CLIMATE. "For eight years," said (John Nel son, well-known carpenter residing at 874 Montana Ave., Portland, Oro gon, "I bad all kinds of trouble with my stomach. 3 had to keep myself on a light diet, and oven then I suf fered with Indigestion. I used to eat my dlnnor ovory day under a dread, for this Indlgostlon often got so -bad I turnod so weak I could hardly keop on tho Job. Jn trying to find something to help mo I even took a trip to California, -but I kept going from bad to worse and suffer ing more and more. , ' "At last somo of my friends pnt me on to Tanlac and It proved' to be Just what my stomach needed. My appetite' Is fine now, and I eat my dinner and then go ahoad working in the afternoon Just as well 'as I ever could, for nothing I eat hurts me the least bit. My whole system Is stronger and better In every way and 1 feel full of 'pep' and energy. Tanlac is simply splendid and I am glad to let others know about it.", Tanlac and Tanlac Vegetable Pills are sold by druggists everywhere.! Sowlsts Xeave BSBO.OOO SALEM. -i Estimates . prepared nere indicate tnat tourists who oc cupied the public camping grounds la lalwn daring the 1921 season left approximately $250,000 la the city. The Northwest Tourist as sociation estimated that each tour- Ist spends $6 a day, bui th local estimato was made on the dally per 'capita expenditure of $$. v Turkey Crop Short ROSEBURO. -The Douglas" eoun ty Thanksgiving turkey crop' is about ono-thtrd below normal this season. The long rainy spring was not favorable for the growth of tho young birds. ' H. L. Stout who shot to7 death WOOD i The saw Mills are closing down 'and your sheaptit wood will soon be gone. ONLY A FEW DAYS ' . FOR GREEN SLAB $3.50 per Cord Delivered ' $1:00 per Cord at Mill We handle all kinds of wood, wholesale and retail. O. PEYTON & CO. "WOOD TO BURN" 419 MAIN PHONE 535 .C A nj li " imwl1 y ysr -vtr-W. . -' IT. WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL 13 LESSONS GUARANTEED WANTED Painting .. lag.-D. W Barling, at -The Smoke. and Kalsomln- Leave orders 7-U Mt-TONB FIRST CLAM r Alfalfa hay for sale "on T. B. Watters Ranch, 11 snlles southeast of town. : feed yard furnished. W. C. arke. - 7-ll 111 for Mecca Taxi. T-tt BUY CHOPPED ALFALFA Hay for that milk cow. More milk, no wttste. $15 per ton delivered. Harry Telford, Merrill Road, Phone. 7-12 FkosM IBS for Mecca Taxi. T-ia POPULAR SYNCOPATED STAND ARD MUSIO BEOINNER8 A ADVANCED PUPIL8 ACCEPTED ENROLLMENTS CLOSE, NOV. 1BTH F. B. CLARK INSTRUCTOR 826 LINCOLN, PHONE 564J CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION GIVEN AT YOUR HOME. tf OREGON SPUDS GET FIRST PRIZE AT POTATO SHOW TWO ROOM APARTMENT To let all furnished, wood, water, light laelnded. $20.00. 812 Oak St. -v 7-12 GOOD WINTER APPLES cheap. Phone 400J. For sale 7-12. ,ft- fmiAiYED OR STOLEN From Doak 1 ranch: 6 head of horses, all un branded 1 chunky red sorrel geld lag' 6 'years1 old; 1 light chestnut gelding, white face, 4 years old; 1 .dark bay gelding, 5 years old; 1 black mare, 8 years old; 1 black mare $ yearling, white face. A liberal re ward for the recovery of them, and If Stolen.. $100, reward .for thief. Ad- Whllo tho highest award offerod for first prize in any class was, $10, an exhibit of Netted Gem potatoes shipped from Central Oregon to the International Potato Show at Duluth, Minn., received a special award tot $25 because of "outstanding qual ities." ' v !;, ''!.! twfl -I.I OREGON BREVITIES Children Teach Father BEND. That he had learned everything he knows of Anterlcan government and history from his children, pupils In the Bend schools was the statement made by H. WIenecke, one of 12 who recontly took the oath of, allegiance to the United States in circuit court. WIe necke, formerly a German citizen, passed one of the best examinations of the day. You'll get somewhere DESTROYER GOES ASHORE SAN FRANCI8CO, Nov. 9. The destroyer Wood went ashore in the fog early today on the south side of Angel Island In San Francisco Bay. Naval officials said she was In no danger and probably would be float ed at high tide. ' I U. of O. Boy Head of Press Ass's EUGENE. Floyd, Maxwell, edi tor of the University' of Oregon Emerald, was elected president of the coast Inter-collegiate Press as sociation, at the annual convention held at the University of Washing ton. Lyle Kelllng, editor of the Whitman Pioneer, was elected vice president; Claude Palmer, editor of the Oregon Agricultural' Barometef general editor; F. W. LBaftlott, edi tor of the Dally Calttornlan, sec retary; Sheldon Beckett, editor of the Willamette University Collegian, treasurer,- and L. R. Leveen, editor of the Washington State College I Evergreen, delegate at large. Ptlntm .Albmtt It U (nVtppy r4 1-ti.tUy rii tltu. hmndamm pmund nnd htll ptand tin humidor i andintht pound tryittl flu humidor with tpongo molttonor top. H . cp ABVrlhft 1Q9I by R, J. Rornoli I obacco Co. WbutQB-Salrab 'N.C.. .. with a pipe and P. A.! Start fresh all over again at tho beginning t Get a pipe! and forget every smoke experience you ever had that spilled the beans! For-a jimmy pipe, packed brimful with, Prince Albert will trim any degree of smokejoy you ever registered!, It's a revelation! Put a pin, in here! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe ! We tell you that you can apd just have the time of your life on every fire-up ii you play Prince Albert for packing! 4 What P. A. handsyou in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! 'Gee but you'll, have a lot of fun rolling 'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! PRINCE ALBERT 3 , the national joy tmokm DOINGS OF THE DUFFS GETTING ANOPINION BY ALLMAN r 4 TOM.I HADTHI? ME : - HAT SEMT-OUT 0)4 vgEU.SEKiD APPROVAL' TOPAV TO f T BACK - SEE HOW WOO f I CAN'T SEE VJOULO JLIKE IT" 1 THAT LID OMYOU :?rTiLAfe,ATT ALU BECOMING :J? WELL.TOli, I HAD TVJO SENT OOT TCiX ME HOW VOO UKETHIS ONE - U I " M. THINK ITS AT I s MM Mkb UCUVrillHVJ' sjajsl- Ltf! NOW THAT ONE, ISA GOOD LOOKING RAT - IT LOOKS F1HE OH. VOO - ICAMTEU.VNHEM A HAT LOOKS GOOD Iki ASECoNOf L-T-Vx-J mflnid. i ; .! VOO ARC SURE VOU LIKE THJS'ONETHE BETTER OF THE- ' TviO? SO I'LL KNOW VNHICH. ONE. TO KEEP- .5URE. F)R THE DTHEI2 ONE RACK THIS 15 THE HAT TO KEEP. IT'S GOT IT ALL OVER THAT OTHER OME' . '.;ii "znr " Wt . I WANT TO THAKJKVOU FOR VOUR ABLE OPIUION I SHOWED VOL) THE SAME HAT BOTH TIMES, ONLV I POT IT Ot4 THIRST WITH THE BOW IN FRONT AND THE SECOND TIME I JUSTTURNED - jjfc IT AROUMP- S