j2WEr. St - ! S325 - v r'ji ' ;r-&"tf5r J!Aok .tiuu:i: tWhWmM. -rsrs It) ,U'MUh Tho offjto cut'M u wlao old cut, Ho, In ub Hinurt n h liu cui) bo, ino ioni;or PM77I0H mo. " - Jt K M lit i Tim ono-jilucu stilts of bathing chlcliH 'All KrmloH (if honlory, Tliuir wulglit ami lomitlr, uuch.ni It la .Uu knowd from 'A U ',. b Ttio ImlliiH all output tlm town Ilollco of nocli'ty, joro Giitliciml nt u nnlglihor'n homo '"KviiV for? I.'rl'n c.ill It ten. r-- 'VSSMIbbbbY ,j8SuBhiBBBKiBBBRBrBBV V"'" & - Ofi.m.,. , . 41 Into tliu mlilHt of mor(ry) maids Cnmo Bortly Offish C.IK, ' ; , Ho wns wolcomccYby jho.ujory'.jjIjlB So tho iiowh would lio ilowri'jm't. Tho cnt wns s)iy and cunning, ' , Ho nosed u'bout ,tbo Uoubo, Till ho hondud for tho merry throng A llyply frightened nioilso. Wlfh.BcroamlnB mollis oii.ovory chair rJThoro wns no aiioltor thoro. Fof tlmt JrJghUmoil, hunted' mouse, TnbioIcgB nncl till wore- baro. Up.cJImbodthojiioiiHo with nil husto, Crtlliit ulluil ".Wliat ilffl ko find? (Though woman screamed and Jow- HWfij,ols1foll) i --No nklrts to'hldo bohlnd. Tho cat began his torturo, Unit In nnrnunt, half In play, On dimpled nuur ho caught the moiiso, Thon lot him got uwny. Down ono rlmlr then up ugaln ' JIo chased It artfully, Till ho wiib Jnko on styles and Btocklngs, And a wlso old cat vus ho. (Uy) I. M. Jealous. IT H!Hi:i) IIKII Thoro wob a young lady from Clydo Who climbed onn bronco nstrldo, AVo hnvon't tho faco To record what took placo, Hut tho girl hasn't slnco asked to rldo. San Francisco Chronicle, Frod Ilakor Baya marrlago may bo n tlo, but tho dlvorco court Judge often castH tho deciding voto that breaks It. Ki 'TOXKJiirs srr v qui:htions" 1. What ud a happened If Noah'il n run Intoii 'o.l'arklir-slgn on Mt. Arrarot? 2. What'H Urn nbbrovlutoln for skirt?" ' "QJ 3. WJion n turtln "makea It snap py," jiot'8 tho result? . i. AVlint yondcrful mni wroto "Tall Lights Jliwt Not Hum To night?" 5, AVhnt'll happen when Ilono, Nov., glta to bo tho center, o' popu lation? 6. lit Kalntucky ground grit Is worth 10 cents n pound In Kalntucky what's .ordinary soft soap worth in Klamath. f7 'What ml a happened lfFIU morrlB 'ad n como up Jn time at tho battlo o' Wntor, Lou? 8. Who wroto tho famous hymn "Tho 01dpW.1Uito.1Mulo T9ok a -Kick at tho"Y?lIo Troo?'t 9. (WJio et.tu, Urui Urulo?' 4 lOno of our moBtv Important rail road problcniB Is boating n axposs JtXa.U ovor OMcrossIng, onjlncs tho auto hv ZZZ" "," ' T" iTho -ox-kafJor stilt BlgnB hlmsolf I-"I;-H." which -In thls'coBO oUvlQUBly. stands for In Royromont. f ( Why Is ltv tlint when n man be comes grcat,J In h'l own estimation cr othorwlso'hal; nobpdy can1 read g.gnaUfrdT llEoxX liT.Kvx.oufityrTKN 't ," A tightwad had Just lost a ctycat f From xtho pockot n which iho hqd r .tuckat; ' ' 1 Al'irbot'yon my llfo," "Irls doaVt wo,ar ipHcoHtsany -morq." , , , , t ' '"They. must wear .soiuetnlng nn- I der tji'osophort skirls' '(yell, If .skirts' keep getting iBlyut- - or-wa'U Voon tlm out what It Is,1' '" vvmkmmaAaAmAAamMMKmmwWvmmmmvvvmmi Outburstg pf Everett True By Condbii -- ANX H - a. nctR.Bfr1Hfly ll SAYifrssTsiw MAKe A MOISG UK.e fljllE-Kl' Vll lORM V "Tl" WW "-M -!. -ii KTJs Bf iMiVMHHMMiJHT L avBBBBBBBBBBBv A bBBBBBBBBl B"BBaU uyN;w; v-i n wuic' MINSK ? Ho grumblod, "My lfo " Hui found out I had It and tucat.'r,. Tho best letter of' credit known to tho layman Is I. O. U. I - - - fi Nobody cares for . brass .when -they can got gold ezcopt when It comos to tho Golden Rulo. AVhon Mary runt the mill, and John' pays tho toll, the contbctloner takes In tho shekols, i )ftor reading the newspaper elo f;au that '1921 will reward flghtors" Jo, tho Plodder romarked that his next neighbors were going to be rich. Stomach Is lllio a wlfo. ,It Is much happlor If you glvo It a llttlo more attention and fewer presents', Now thnt all girls dress llko that, ,tho vamp has to do somo real acting 'to put over, tho Jdea of wlckednoss.v WORDEN C, N. Gordon Is conirtructlng n two story dwolllng tor Joo Mathews west of Uorrls, California. W. N. Whims, gun-smith of. Par aillso Flats, was attondlng business1 matters at Wojdon t Monday -fojrc noon. f T. J. Wilson is spending his a potion in Northern 'Klamath "'coun ty and on tho Reservation. II. u. Glevenger, who owns ranch on tho JCouo-Wordon road, but who for some time lias been employed al Sntpplngton. visited Jiomo folks ovor Sunday. t Tho dUplay.'Ofjgrabi at th? Wpij den Post Otficq,grown by dry farm ing W9ld bq an ,oyo JPener ,ln japy country. C. J. McCollum, who Is under medical trpatmpnt in Klamath rails, ion tor aui city on ouuuuy ovonlng'u train The decided Im provement in 'Mr. McCollums condi tion Is gratifying' to his many frlonds. Paul V.,. Drown,, of Monroe, Ore gon, is moving to, this vicinity. Mr. Drawn nurchasod tho. government experimental farm of, 284 acres be- sines wnicu no nas a lease on one houflpd Aqros'pf marsh lands equipped ana win piani a large acroage to mint. SLOW M(J: i LI Acles, pains, -beryousnes9, :dlffj SSY nJiHlnSHngr oftoh mean- fienous aipariwrs.1 iute jvpr'9 standard! r erne4yJor(dneyAliyf r, bladder and jiriciocjJroubles; CpLDDAL ( S.!tEMh. C' rwism svi - r" sirxgatmm ! bring qulcjc relief end oftn.std, off ,dndlv'dl6f Mes. Known t, th national tomdy of 'Holland fee tnoro tnn 200 'years. All druggists, lq Ibre ojtao. J dky 33Tr "7- 55BSP' -fill Pl8 KImJhL l ' linMn iff i V 7 I v 1 r rj ill " " i'-a TT - - b- i. r.it?.iAnr,i MM45foKjtk THEEVgNINfi,HElALPf Att - M" UiUtf, a'iMVc " oxo-Qitf!: Lni A - HVMJNl 13tfJN'Cr!i - ll3 ttlOnrrf- SJiT vw - v - j. fpi.y t IV.V3T -l- Irmrr lr -? . (J MAKES i Your Watch'Keep Time, 511 Main St. Klamath Falls DR. GERALD V. WARRBN, DENTIST remenaatly located at Dorris, Calif. SPKCIALIBT IN Crown , and Bridge Work Fries Reasonable. Work i Guaranteed Charlie's Tire Shop GAS and OILS 6th & Klamath Sts. WVWMMWWWWWMWWVMAMAAAMA UinP TV VT.AUATH ''I AKfalfa Meal FOR BALE MURPHY'S FEED STORE ANDERSON'S GROCETERIA SUNSET GROCERY Mfg. by BARRY TELFORD j MWVMMWVWWWWMAMAMMMAAAA lit Wt, .Holliday Pairy Wholesale and Retail '0 Patarlsed Milk and Qream-'-'f - - cl fhone 5U1-J. Prices Right on i 1 tj. riST-r." 1 Xmas' Candies i. J0 Oan r- i i f t ti HI -The Sweet Shop Tfjlh Mta , ' , Jfkp Rainbow 1W aacyfyrTyT EHl!f(0PRACT0 vr..vfDri . Mium Dr. "Qw! . JMaUett ,Otfice ovejr Underwood' (7th 4 Main! "Thou 519-J. X59IMeSE. KLAMATH FAHS,, 4 Premium Dairy Olilm Retnll Dnlry In Town Ranch Phone 22F2 Office Phone 490-J KX-UUBVIOE..UKN, ATTENTION' Klamath Po.c No. 8, American Legion moots at bo City Hsll on the first and third Tuesdays of edcii month. ' Exrservico men are l-jted to at tond, be moqtjngs, ' '"For, me'mbornhlp carvy op Informa tion ext'sonrlco mn aW requested to boo or wrljoho'follpwlng officers. J. lli.Carnaban, Coiltmandor. l(oy NrFouch, PoistAdJutnnl. ,For relief of employment oo or (Trl'to thepulrmaii oTliq Relief and EniDloymont Commlttoo, Francis Olds, caro Lakeside Lum imher con pany. .DR, W. A. LUO.VAHIi M' ' DenUtt SDeclalPt-lr.-Estractloni.-QraJ. i'MiwMtonfftt i he ' '! K mouinii ' " ,i nqptnOiQTer odidyx luq j ! i v- ij. d qtMnyW',l CIVIL .ENQINEER ,ANDj SUaVEYOR Pbone 192J 1J3(8. RvoriJde( v FliiJi SCIlOOIi OF TOPULAR MUSIC , I havo constructed thru years of experience tbe only ecurse .that leaches, you to play tho, piano 'br NOTE ancibr EARTln'10 to 20 les lions. Write fur 'particulars,' 701 11th St., Klamath lfailsore, Paone 37. yTTrr i.-fi 5?yrirT7;u i ii DR. T. C CAMPBELL ' PHYSICIAN AND BURGKOK ' LO.O.Jr.anil41n. PbomSM iReWdenco 4S5 ,Flno St. Phono 20O-R. CHIROPRACTORS , Dr. Herbert D. Mallett Dr. 'Geo. E. Mallett -. Of flea over Underwood' i 7th 4V Main - Phone 639- sa - DISEASES ,OF THE EYE.' ..EAR, NOW AND '.THROAT . GLASSJBS FITTED AND"' ' "FURNISHED " Bk-u. Ar ' M4t U.I. "- - rnvoo v .v wiwh.uwwii i .FRED JWESTEREELD -V "JNC1IXWT, r Phone '84W. ' -X-Ray Xabofaior Loosml B.,,njfiia Fall, r.w fc.u- il .u ia.n ' it DR.G. A.MASSEY q:&h ff Ate In i Warren" Hnnt; Hospital Off. Phone 47;He. Phone IIM . ! P'il Snl -Shoe Repairing i ' Sewcd.'or Nailed Work lion's halt soles; $li25t $1,60 aWor9nJjijndloy(i,l.lB, IJ.25 .Oik St. Back of Ender OpSn EvenlngB,'6':15'TtoB:'aO ."yA:cic';lr9.?T )1iH livritirfril"' fTP7rl rj't I Coldf Weather' ' ,epmiri' .; 'Js.,Pfp! ace -Youri jn BcoKqn LGlass ;E,i5oSTUCKEYl - llth and -Pine "PhoiTe-i77-W jwi 1 xnn ar.7 "ir . ,11'" r n Take ICON MURPHX 'I . ' i ' SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Dealgner, apdj builder of mod era aw mU," planing Wills and bp;pUu: Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 41SS-W lOfttoe Corner Serlag and Oak ' ' . Near.S. PMlraot ' OREGON yMAMAWWWWWIMMMW ' E w "" "l'JATy J - The White Lunch ' ' . ""U v ' ' KSftrr flPedalty lTomc Cooking and Home Itrnl Thing -23c. - - 1122 MA11, STREET L. P. Gajs, A4AD. ErE, EAR "NOSE' AND' THROAT GLASSKH-FURNISITED ' L(00. F.-Dldg. Phonq 0-W Rooms 202, 203, 204 ' Res. WlilTc PclicarTnotcl. Pbone B ii'iir ii TTirrr E. D. LAMB ! W4PP-u"j JV" Dl""lVll ( Phone 17W Room 1 and 7 I Wiiltf -jairtin NSIrM-MflRY w?saaP'.'i -,- n;t?iitiYotr tUudt PflDNEisi ,4 Corner1 Main and Confer Klamath Dye Works OJ'3 h-r- rjl I J l - Phone 408 o.R .cAN0.' WW W .REPAIRING WILL MAKE YOUB CLOTHES LOOk LIKE NEW ' HATS RUnLOCKED 13 1 Main Street , i,Hlamtti Falli DR. J. G..GOBLE j The .well-known .Optician ,nqw located In K. D. .Block, .1313 .Main! phone ?W-M.I X. 1 f CHIROPRACTOR Over First Btato and Saving Bank Suite 106 1 Phone 102-J 1 . , 1 liiJ iM r-ru. i, ...,irf UNDER NEW MAN - 4'AGEMBNT HOTEI- .ARCADE1 Klamath Fall ,,Frp Jin , Meets,. All .Trin ', , , Xir-mStfefri "ouisIdd-Vom 1 J- ATtotojPreasonabIo ' ' (( s II. -A. KEMP,, Manager, , ,PR.,L.TRyA ,, , .' Day Pboae. 7 Nigh Phone, M "TT - 'T ";tt T M.; rnrTT k IJ.tlJg I " BETTER BREAD?' . imT!jwli MtU.t 44 i.4.4. J SyaSlVSlWslWMfaVMWWVVWVVWM I Offlce Phone 177W Re 177R, .' t Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart rbl'cUa' Wlm'i;. and SBrgeon l' WThH' ItaMlMlnv'' 'M Klamath Falhr ' ' Oregon rvk0yH?ittn0pApii fill! j;iCI. 11, v, )r .r'i.;;;:t .:i:uii; "j ia Ji 'u 111 Jfojiha.v.eawatch to repair don't send 'it to a.blackimith, mt ; ,cfJ LET GEORGE-DO IT t-7 v , -GEe.-U METZ '- i tor n , V Watchmaker and Jeweler --vila! i TA Tl vji.iir jr nrTT ,iiro o 1- Get Your kid Chains, fttciw ;S?J W nUfYou Have anXcidenlj . ' GUARA,NTEE,D SPRINGS l , ' fof TruckB"and Cars of all makes., i,, , n: A mm O.K. QPt WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, If "Coe'a Autotervic9u HudsonoBiiick, .and. jCountry XrjiPllu v .Spup?altyk , -- - j. PHpNB.iips. H T United; Cigar Store " . i ,OjJB, MAIN STJMf? " unJxnAirtfnrwwW".i,".,--Ti'AAA- "f t (' f 1iT5Kt -JFTt-t i i ICIsjattk Lodes ills. JIT t: C. Welli .'.i-V..1,. U..Dtl.Mangue '-JiSJUer. W. p. Cdfer . rmt. JyrDrewbaker .....,. Jljr. L.J, MeClBr - 'ISjap) Nate Ottorboln J. -....7 Tjrjlir P? 1 uj Jl.. JIUI1 ( VrUrriBtlt i7alULnw1M i f( rmr We are here.lo.atrra ro " " 4l . JrA.tq-fv ypB jrtfhj, , Ha iiicrcie. ,raru,Miiri iTtw and lWH.iru' yourl),wpccipn.,10Bwi pen,, in .our .jine Reoalr connection with Harley-Davla Sorvlca. O. K. DIShAIk0 . -i - rr-f--r-. . -fc- rj j learning i 1 i"f t n Let n make Tpn MjrrlM Wsts ging that, .basement,, or ether " do team jrpjrk pt ejtrrjaterSws. Ptfone.fJI ! SSMSSSikSiWssjys DENTISTS ; Dr. E. G: Wiisisnst Dr.r.MLNsl f ' " -i-irMrtl'ii-"' ' 1 n o "I'"'' ii SB I l M 4MECjC:ATAX'i;nt 'new 0Losi4iis;( r5fONBr -DsDlDJt L O. O.'Fj T'ttnirT h raora 1 VWwV-VMMWVMMMMwaiMMMWWWwV Klamath FWiwb iiijg jSc eating fQp, mii"i 1178 MAIN ST. PHOni,JMVW DR-JF.JMDDARP Osteopathic Physiqlwi and' inn'' . j nioiTlnt'i wu -Officii and Residence KbnerSgrT'" -, PELICAN, BAY BUS Laave Rax Caf Lmtm .PallcaaJCIItr '7:fi a. m. - ' -SjM a. na, 11 :46 p.m. .jjflfs."-. jfi-.Qfi p. m- JiJr ! I ' t Phone ,77, Jit l)li n'l-f r f f-i V-jil ( P in rf4 n 1 , .1 ; , .."- . - Na-J I apav ?3P '"shba'ii f u ' AmX tXn nn n n n A rs tj'n ftftUrt ri n n f. f A n r A VXA' i JDS. D..A. ahpo ( ,43? Six, smy - ffeyyfp ,-"1 . "y"wwwww 4 ' -hwUi'4W k ' I r$J2? , . . VfHf" Jr"7' w4 ( .-Vl-'r ..'1 nHw JH..l ,..hu in w.Mr . .fVMwflrVh!WyvwsWVMVV ft, -rtiii,- du 3S H5HTjiitorii srsia