The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 07, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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laHicces Finally Crowns Efforts to Surmount
Engineering and Other ;.
rano fcruaiilmr. hoists' crnuk'lng,
Aatlulm nmiHiltiiii iiIamh h .. n ... .h..1
"dollvor grout loads of Hamlj Htaul,
niont, rock iind litmlior, thu rond-
g roar of dyiiamltu ut tho end of
the working shifts, u iiiodloy or mon
.wrestling with a rock-rllilioil rlvor
411 this stratchlng out ovur weeks
Md montlm, and tlmn of u Niiddon,
tut of (ho IndoRcrllmblo confiiBlon,
fttnorgos a finished mnslornlcco of on-
.7 Jim! wniv h inn iiuvvriiuiuii tii uiu
lulldlng of tho Muk Wvcr dnm,
which epouklng of tho dum proper
wan eamnlulod Octobor 30. Clonn-
... - . ..
'p crows nro, now n work roinovliig
tho dobrl of coiiHtructlon. A wook
or ten days' work remains on deepen
ing tho channel nppronch on tho west
Ido, and tho removal of tho uppor
roof, nMhaturnl barrier higher, up,
which pro.YPnt" (ownrlpK of thu Uppor
Lake to tho point ullnwod In tho
Unllod Blntos government contract,!
4137 fpet-above, sou lovol, wjll not
bo comploted until December, r.
Tho.dam llnolfH dorio, and makes
a, natural stornga rosorvolr nf tho
Uppor I'ttko, .supplying water 'to tho
Klamath irrigation projoci anu now
lng back tho spring run-off so that
In tho dry Humiuor montlm thcro will
bo water for Irrigation and to turn
tho wheels' which, grind out power In
the California Orogon Power com
pany's plant at Copco
Work onlho, dam was stnrtod In
August, .1020, but mndo llttlo prog
ress during tho month It was undor
way. (ln May of this yenr It wos ro-
sumed and punned stoadiiy to com
pletion. It Is no small task to throw a liarr
rler across a rlvor of tho yblumo and
velocity of tho Link Illvur current,
but John Iloylo, assistant engineer
of tho; California Orogon I'owor com
pany, and bis corps of onglnoors and
construction superintendents woro
equal to tho task.
Starting on tho wnst sldo thoy ran
temporary wing dam townrd tho
center of tho stream, shunting tho
(low to the cast bank. Excavations
wero m'ado for a heavy abuttmont on
the bank, and tho rock was excavated
tosecuro a solid foundation.
!.4,'Tbedam was slowly thrown half
way across tho stronm, then tho tem
porary dam was romovod and a sim
ilar one placed on tho cast sldoTho
river swung hack to tho wostorn
shore, and tho dam' proceoded across,
to end In a solid abuttmont burled In
the oast bank.
It's n slmplo thing In tho lulling,
but mon tolled and sweated' nnd
schomed to oyorcomo tho river
damming it whlto they damned It
and .finally commurod It. It wasn't
child's pin In tho oarllor stages, and
one II ro was lost wnon a uoai upsoi
yfeTthe rapids.
5 Two hundrod and twcnty-flvo mon
Iworo employed at tho' peak of con
struction. Tho crow Is now, reduced
J!to'7G, who aro employed on tho west
ern channol and on tho' uppor root,
ri fTbo dam structuro Is 43G foot bo
twee'n abuttmonls. Tho abuttmont
'on the oast shoro Is 00 foot long and
r tho wostorn nbuttmont Is 40' feet,
Lmaklng a total of Mr, foot. Tho nv-
, erago height, from bedrock to tho
(top of tho dam Is 1C foot. Tho olo
juration of tho top abovo aoa lovol la
4145 foot.
1 John Iloylo has tho yard ago f Iguroa
f,'at tho tips of his flngors and tho
Lend of hfs tongue Twolvo thousand
sacks of cement, 1200 cubic yards of
pHoey sand and 1600 yards of V. 1).
'.'Miller's crushod rock) went Into tho
'construction, finally resolving Into
12000 yards of concroto, which wos
'reinforced with 80,000 pounds of
Tho dam looks good to onglnoors.
' H. D. Newell, manager of tho local
reclamation projoct, nnd W. P. Cop
Upen, projoct onglnoer, woro always
(on the Job. They aro satlsflod that
E the government got a fair deal In its
y contract with the power company tor
building the dam. And tho dam looks
jgood toa layman. The slightest tal
H eat for' observation and comparison
L shows that, apart from tho tochnlcal
jj aide of It, it's a woll finished job.
n There .are no plastorod-ovor .flaws.
vltetands Just as it was poured in
i the forms,, and' would compare in
Ui fineness of flnUh with tho extorlor
of a metropolitan building.
i' In fact, Mr. uoyio says that the
: J.I.D. t innrta Mint WAnt Intrt If t
ft..Vl w vy.,vw ...... ..v... ...... v
i the ssma'thiit goes; Into' the .Class
IS hulMinirs lu San Francisco, and a
higher grade than Is ardinarlly-used
on dora construction. ' ' fr";1"
Ubovola nnd dredges scooped from
excavations 20,000 yards of bedrock,
Including 8,000 foot taken out of
tho rlvor hod In deepening tho upper
Tho dnm Ih n series of apertures In
nn ImmnnKo concrete block. During
tho summer season thoso oponlngs
aro cloned, 10 by stool gates and 2fi
by flashboards, holding tho wator
at ns high a lovol ns natural condi
tions permit, but novor oxcoodlnc
IH3..1 nbovo sea lovcl. In flood
season tho gates can bo raised and
dashboards romovod unit by unit, to
keep tho level at 4143.3, or at any
tlmo to lower It to tho minimum level
of the contract with tho government,
4137, A truck runs across tho top of
thu dnm, which U 12 feet wldn on
top and protected by railings on both
slduH, to curry tho traveling cratto for
removing nnd replacing tho. flush
honrds and operating tho goars which
rulso and iowe'r' tho gates.
Tho botCdm of thu nplll Way, when
Uio flashboprds aro rumored, ls'4130
font nbovo icalpvol. Thobottpm of
tho gates nro 4130 feel nbovo sea
lovol. 'Each gate Is flvo'Voot wldo.
muro nro six openings nuo iuo ieno
canal, thus allowing at tho.mnxlmum
height of tho. lako and when1 they aro
opened to tho utmost, a volumo of
water 30 feet wldo and seven foot
deop to flow Into tho Keno canal.
No small Item In tho construction
of tho dam was tho 2GO.O0O foot of
Klamath plnn that wont Into tho
making of concroto formsr,crlbs, dor
ricks, stagings, tramways, '(amp
buildings and othor workC Tho mon
ey for this material, nnd. tho summor
payroll of tho camp wore two con
sldorablo.. factors. In lessening busi
ness depression hore'.thls summor.
kiubv oi uiu lumoor usoa in lompo
rary construction 'will bo waste, but
Mr. Iloylo said thoro was a posslblo
snlvngo of 50,000 feet In tho lot.
"Clvo tho crodlt to the California
Oregon Powor company workers,"
said Mr. Iloylo, but a little probing In
othor quarters produced a1 fovv names
whoso owners woro in chargo of.ono
hrnnch .or another of scpnstructton.
Mr. Doyle, assistant to I. O. Craw
ford, tho .company.'a, engineer, supor-,
vised tho englnoorlng work, ,'wlth V.
D,',aan'imon ailcn'ief asldo on the Job.'
j. r,.raririugo was ,ino general
superintendent of construction, and
Uuncanson aridIlarrelson. of, .San
Francisco, supcrlntcndcntcd the con
crete work.
Ono Item, missed In tho telling,
wlll moan mqro ,to many poople In
measuring' tho slzo of tho job than
engineer's figures. Tho total cost
was $2r.O.Ono. (. r
T? . -. .
Tho Common Council has called
u spoclal election In tho' city of Kla
math Falls, for Tuesday, Novdmbor
8, 1021, to bo hold hotwoon tho
hours of 0 o'clock A, M., and 8
o'clock I', M and has doslgnntod
polling places In oacli of tho flvo
wards of tho city as follews:
First. Ward, Hrown's carpontor
shop, cornor Main and Center stroots.
Socond Ward, City Hall.
Third Ward, IJuoslng's Ileal Ks
tato offlco, botwoon 10th and 11th
Fourth Ward, Mills Addition Hall.
Fifth Ward, Charloy DoLop's
houso cornor Upbnm and Bargont.
Pwlng to tho fact that tho regis
tration of votors In tho city Is now
by county precincts 10 In number,
instead of by City Wards, 5, In num-
iior, as lormeny it is nocessary that
doctors bo advised as to whoro
thoy may voto Tuesday, November 8.
IKIoctors roglstorod In procinct 1
(ono) will voto at Drowns carnon-
tor shop.
Electors roglstorod In iircclncts 2.
3 4 Including that part of ,tho city
botwoon Center and 7th stridta will
voto at tho City Hall, '"
bloctors roglstorcd In nrec nets r
and 6 embracing that part' of tho
city boundod by 7th stroot on the
southwest, and by Upham strcot on
tho north and by tho Government
cnnal botwoon Prospect and' Wash
ington strcot and Elovorith.'stroot on
the northeast, will voto at' the Ileal
Kstato offlco of Fred Duoslng on
southerly sldo of Main street bo-
tweon lum anu ntn stroots.
Hloctors roglstorod In, prorlncts 8
and 10 embracing that uarfMf tho Pay Cllv Enirlnocr' "'..... 2nn.nn
Auto Hlro 60,00
Supplies' ...., 1w c 30,00
Health Officer
Mlloago iino.nn
Hxponso lOb.OOl
;ny nan
Uonoral Supplies -200.00
Offlco, Supplies ..4... 500,00
Tologrnms ....,, , 25.00
Publications and Adver
tising 150.00
Plumbing supplies 200i00
(larbago hauling ..., , 20,00
Brayago ...1 20,00
Laundry ,... j. 15.00
Heat .....'....: -900.00
Hay, CltyPound ...u u 100.00
Premium on bonds 150.00
Court foos ......., 250.00
. . ! ' Vltif Fund
Itoht and recharging v
battery ...i..ii 1 50.00
Supplies and ropalrs 0GO.00
Oasollno and .oil ,.... , 260.00
laundry v... 00.00
Hoso ...i ..... 1000.00
Hnlary of ,
Flro Chlof i,,i. f,. . 2100.00
Asst. Flro Chlof 1800.00
Hosomon ' 3120.00
Drivers, 1 at $'135.00 '
11 at $25.00 '.'...J........; 1920.00
Volunteer fircmon , 300.00
Mtroct l-uni!
Labor , . 3000.00
Lumbor , j... 1000.00
auppllos ......'. 200.00
Dlacksmlthlng .................... 1 75.00
Grain and hay .... ... , 400.00
Labor with. team ' I00O.OO
Oasollno and'oll '.... 175.00
Orayago ...A. J... 10.00
Itepalrs to flushcr 50.00
Ropalrs to pavement, and ,
I r,othcr ropalrs to street v.. ISOOlOO
fnv Pllv lTnBlnfiii1 ' I9AA Art
city north of tho Govern ment canal
between" Prospect stroot and tho
Railroad, and wost of tho Railroad.
and that part of tho city known as
Shlpplngton will voto at tho Char
ley DeLap houso cornor of Upham
and Sargont stroots.
331octors roglstorcd In precincts 7
and. 0, embracing Mills Addition,
Railroad Addition, and Hot Springs
Addition will voto at Mills Addition
Hall. . '"
Pollco Judgo.
Nnrombor 7, 1921.
New. Trfafic.Cop '-
Get $ -Mayor a$ Victim
Thu truffle otflcor.ot Pendleton,
Oregon", Is pushing Officer McDon
ald of this city pretty hard for first
honors In tho enforcement of traf
fic regulations R. Turner of Pen
dloton,' who was rocontly .appointed
traffic officer o that city by the
chlof or police and whoso appoint
ment was"' ratified by Mayor Hart
man, had.., tho flatter as his flrst'
victim. Tho polico judgo flnod the'
niuyor $5. Tho latter paid up with'
a smllo lko n "dead gamo sport,!'
nnd compllmontod tho officer who
had arrested, him. '
Tho ' Common Council ' having
complotod Us ostlraato of tho am
ount of monoy proposed' to be rais
ed, by taxation for all purposes in
tno uity or niamatn rauaurogon,
for tho fiscal year of the city be
ginning, January, 1st, 1923, now sub
mits tho samo for approval or
am'endmont. .
' .Tho first publication horoof Is to
bo mado In the Evening Herald on
Monday, tho 7th day of November,
and the noxt publication thereof to
be made on tho 18 th day of Novem
ber, 1921.
-Tho tentatlvo budget herewith
submitted Is ttomliod as follows
Salary of 'Amount
Mayor , - 12100.00
Pollco Judgo 3100.00
City Attorney 1200.00
CltyTroasurer ...................... ,750,00
Hoalth Officer 760.00
Chief Police ..........i:..a;.l '1800,00
Patrolmen (four) ....... -6720.Q0
Spoclal Police, ,,J2B0.00
Councllmon ....". - 1440;00
Assistant irir6fflco rollce ' -"'
' Judge ..".:...i..- i.ii.'.i; - ;00.00
Elections ...1...J. - 300.00
Stenographer for City " ,
Attornoy "JlOOIOO
Auditing 'books - 600.00
1 ol'ollcu Dfpt. t .-r . I
Filing Baw l...X.....r..l..
Salary Street 1 ' , -j
I Superintendent ...
Salary (Tcamstor ..,...t...,.
First 8troot ,'lmprovomont '
.... ... .... Incidental Fund .
Incidental Expenses ;....u.....
, Mulit,, Wo'tor nnd Pmvcr Fund
Light, Water and Powor !..; 7400.00
1 ' Ubmry1 1'nil ''
LlbrnrKFUnd k --...n. 1200.00
I ' o Municipal Intercut Fund , .
Municipal Intorost fund .... 36,0,00,00
Mealcfpreltyprlsoners ,.... 100,00,
Suppllos for Pollco Dept 60.00,
Jitney hlro' for Pollco 40.00
rout HOUSO
Drugs ... j..
Nursing ...i .'.
Supplies .?....:-..... ...
Quards and Officers ........ 160.00
- 60.00
It you make up your mind to wait
'until you aro wealthy before, starting
to do cbarltablo doeds, you wjll
never do any. , ,
1 several Victor. Now Ed
ison, and Sonoras., Right
Better seo them at
''Once. "-. 1
, 807 -MAIN ST.
V t, 4
For the arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing, tampering with or adulterate
ing . " i 0, ,
after delivery is4 made at patron's Home.
This offer holds good' until further notice.
Emil Mochettez; .Prop.
u. hi
rirand Total 92,7C5.00
Notlco Is hereby given that Mon?
day, November 28, 1921, at 9 P, M.,
at tho Council Chamber In tho. City
Hall Is heroby appointed, by the bud
got commlttco ds'tbo tlmo and placo
whoro the foregoing estimates lot bx.
pendltures'for thoifiscal year, begin-.
ning January 1, iuzz, may do.qis
cussod with the, Common Council us
tho lovylng board by any'porson who
shall bo 'subject to tho tax levy neces
sary to produco the amount of 1 tho
foregoing estimates, may,bo heard In
favor, of or against said, tax levy of
any part theroof. " r '
,- Pollco Judgo.
November 7-18,r .. n f
rords (jiven &ww
For aFew Dollars
' ,
'i 'SCUM
, Ui4cnn
1914 T6uring ....:..,...,..;.'...,
, 1916 Roadster ! :.$150.00
A? 1 , , 1 purmg ......:v..:...f.i)7.00
! 1917 Touring ....f. ,.....; 200.00
1920 Touring, starter J ;.....r..,r::';p0:0Pi
' 1921 .Touring, starter ....."ffflXM;
I 1918 Chevrolet ;...; $30000
terms on all.
We rent fordson tracTors.1,
J r-t- -
r t ' 1 .. .-
' e. r:danner
J "","si'"ryvyvvTrvyvvvTjnru'U'uTjvxAAA
mPqfrM o HeraacClMfifiis.
IkA te
)TC I lrl' U' d.'Irted ones .fce-ltey 3
f?J JLi. .. . jj iJc
- .? ,., .-.-,J,lfTrjr31
sculptured marble .direct, pntJSiSit!1
steps to -the scene, of' htVimJi "
lorn; fyt hn 'rhlMlfMl !MUh'ttt
IH'ntjthelr naraeaasd teH'whei rt
pose the nobly good and wise.'
v-s ai ,yc
Klamath Falls Marble t
and Granite Works
1040 Main St. Klamath Falls
. :?
- '
Prices Reduced
On the Latest
Model of the
" I sf
I ' ifpr 1921
Wit the Wonderful New
Lummoid Cylinder
l '1 v -.
I t
T,TiTEqffer,.ata rock bottom price', the very latest im-
V V Proved rnachine, year ahead of competition. Thu it
, j . .the only metal cylinder made which does not require
.. cleaning after 'use. Grease and scum cannot stick to this
yonderfu' Luminoid metal The most delicate garments are,
0 safe a'eai'n.t Wear and tear 'in fthis cylinder. The 'holes are
counter sunk and "have the, edges smoothly rounded. No
,Mj; cylinder like It hat ever been madebefore.
TTJi&Fastesh Most Improved
Washing Machine Ever Built
' One reaton for buying a washing machine it to save time;
Thia Thortavet up to an) hour nun than any other. It is also
- built, to outlast other machines. Made entirely of metal, it
hould last a lifetime.
!f I
n v
Balance in easy monthly
amounts. It will savo
its own payments.
1 Authorized Thor Dealer
Comet ElectricCo.
1026 Main Street
IxlJ ft
1 ,
- :' I
' J'B
B Ws:i'j,t.;L3g
"SEsmmzssmssBmmm '
&. t J. - t.
V 'fv ' .,'