The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 05, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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saturjmi, NovMsuiEn o, iwi
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Hallowo'cn parties that woro po- Lyons, Harry Putmnn, 11. R. Yancy,
pular Willi BOdoty last week con- W. J. Holtor, Mablo Crandoll, Mis
tlnucd to bo In voguo throughout ncs Ha2cl Drown, Ella Dorton,
the wook-end and closed with n.Wllma Burk, Margtiorlto Lor,d, El-
.flourjsh ot entertaining on Monday lamno Howe, and Esther Wlck-
nnd Tuesday ot this
card parties and teas
numerous children's parties wero.H. Putman, B. 11. Yancy, A. Wick-
frcd Collier, Charles Colllor, T, 0.
Campholl, E, D. Johnson, 0. A,
llollman, Joo Urett, John Martin,
Harry Ooollor, Warren Hunt, and
Miss Mluy Craig. .
Tho Illvorsldo school onjoyod n
musical program on Thursday af
ternoon rendorod by tho high
scool music department undor in
struction of Miss Evelyn Applegate
wook. Dances,' Btrom; Messrs. David Totton, Joe Doth the boys and girls gleo clubs
as ns welt asj O'Brien, Stanley Lyons, A. Lyons,. hnvo q part In tho program as woll
given during tho past week.
Mrs. ' Oscar Shlvo and Mr?,
Charles x I. Roberts woro hostesses
nt nn elaborate party on Monday
night. Ten rouplos woro entertain
Btrom, B. Harrington, J. C. Van
Camp, M. Howell, M. Lyons, Wil
liam Swoet, Hubert Totten and W.
J. Hcltor.
flnn of the most charmlnir of tho
pdL with dancing and cards,, and children's parties ot the wook was.Kathloon
kulik, ...& h1a alnnl tinlll' Il..t I t-Afr. TThIIawa'ah aa K 1 n A Intin
as tho orchostra, which did ox
coptlonatly well for tho short tlmo
they hnvo had for practico. Tho
program, follews:
I. Boy's Qlee
a. Lore's Old Sweot Song,
rrho University Club Is branching
out noxt Tuesday with Its first big
social ovunt with a dnnco nt tho Scan
dinavian hall. Tho affair will bo
strictly Informal for botn men nnd
women. And tho commlttoo, Don
Holding, Mrs. Blanch Wnrron Collar,
Miss Huth Mllson'nnd Nod Twining,
urge nil eoltego pobnlo to nmlo an ef
fort to bo on hand.
IMomlny njpht In colobratlon ot
Hallowo'on, Mrs, 0. W. Houston
gavo a party tor her daughter, Miss
Qonovlovo. Tho guosts wore: Mary
Loulso Hudson, Doan Houston, Vir
ginia Houston, Lois Powell, Ella
llogan, Mario Crystal, Edward Swan
sen, Marvin Parker, Elbort Fossum,
Twenty-Five Yean Ago in Linkville
wlthi numerous clevor stunt8 until that given on Hallowe'en ere by
a jlato hour In tho orentng. Tho Miss Hope Gordon for a group ot
party was given at the Roberts, her little friends. Hallowe'en
home on Payne Alloy.
irtos .,'t , t.
Another Interesting affair of
Monday night was the 600 party
given by Mr. tad Mrs. Frank B.
Robinson at their homo on Pine
games amused tho guosts through
out tho evening, and dainty re
freshments "woro served at tho close
ot the games. -Present on the occa
sion were: Lenore and Eva Furber,
b. I'll Take You Home Again, Roy Durham and Gordon Campbell.
II. Mixed Chorus.
a. Bendemeer's Stream,
b. Kentucky Babe. -HI.
Girl's Glee.
a. Twilight (arranged from Mi
nuet In O. Doothoven.)'
b. To a Wild Rose MacDowell
c. Kls, Walts Ardltl.
IV. Orchestra.
a. Versa Overture Mtscklo
Zenha and Jean Rogers. Jean Phil-
street. The was tastily de-lllps.i Alexis Lyle, Mona Brady, Lois
rnratnit In rmttnm -hrv..nthamnm.1 Hamnr. AllCA Hector. Elisabeth
Anri rrntmm namUnnil with wltrhftJ Powell. Harriett 'Htttttor. James BtTtt. l'
and jack o' lanterns. Cards were! Jotferson, Buster Brown, Gilbert b. Erentng Shadows Mackle
the diversion ot the evening and Fleet, Bert Hansen, Howard Reed, Beyer, ,
near midnight elder and plum' Ernest Holbrook, -Walter Hoctor and' c. Trail to Yesterday Macki
padding wa. served by the host-rthoii hostess, t Prizes were won by Beyer.
Present were: -Misses Mart-', Ernest. Holbrook and Jean Rogers lor
aret WBWW, ftrJorleDelxell, VTo-
rence Porter, Clara Calkins, Loret
ta Jennings, Qrace Farraad, May-
bolnV (ho beat divers after apples,
Mrs, Jack Thompson was hostess
A charming bridge party ot the
week was that glvon at tho homo ot
Mrs. Frod Scballock on rashlngton
street. Tho lovoly rooms woro mado
more dollghtful with docoratlre
bowls ot marigold and renins, and
tho table with Its yellow ribbons and
center pleco ot marigolds completed
the picture Bridge was played and
Mrs. Earl Whltlock won the prise.
Present were: Mfesdames Del Gam
mon, L. G, Van Bellen, Leslie Rogers,
Roger E. Dowcese, Lesllo Tcrwllllgcr,
Oscar Shlve, Charles I. Roberts,
Charles Martin, Enrl Whltlock, E. B,
R55sffl?SfewrcNa MewcNK thouw ifTTovtoN of tm I
I cTHe ceKTRAL. Hoivu. II
Hall, CharlOB L. Mooro and tho hos
tess. Saturday ovonlng Mrs. Harry
Thrashor nnd Miss MJIdrcd Thrashor
were hostesses for Mrs.Thraaher's two
llttlo daughters, Anna Loulso and
Evllo. Tho, most wonderful witch
and, ghosts took part In tho outer-
talnmont, and made tho party a real
Hallowe'en atfatr. Present ware:
Mona Blanch Brady, Velmu Parker,
..Continued on Page Five
A Regular Jaxz Fcst
belle Leavttt, Elliabeth Sullivan, J thu afternoon at a tea honoring
Faye West, Minnie Barnnm, and-Mrgt Del Gammon. She was asslst
Messrs. P. L. Pope, Lloyd Porter. ,y MrSi j0hn Boyle. The tea
Nod Twining, 0. H. Medley, Elmer ( WB8lheld In the charming Thomp
Pendell, Lyle Walthers, Charles. a0 homo on conger avenue.
Gaddes, Kenneth Kaum, Arthur
Leavltt and .Mr. and' Mrs. Robin
sen. ,
Mrs. Peter - A. Albertson enter
tained on -.Friday afternoon at her
home ln Pelican City with throe
j table. iot .bridge. The pretty prises
were wonMiy.iMrs. Dunbar and Mrs.
Patrick.. The guest list follews:
tMcsdames H. N. Moo, Charles
Martin, J C, Brockenbrough,
Charles L. Moore, F. U. Patrick,
Loslio Terwilliger, Fred Shallqclc,
Herbert D. Newell, Hardin Carter,
John Endorff, and Fred Dunbar.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hannon
- combined tho celebration ot their
$ 34th -wedding anniversary iflth
r- mat -or their son, waiter's 1,8th
birthday, and a family dinner was
enjoyed on i Sunday by the Itntno
dlatot family and a fow guests.
Mrs, R. Ht Dunbar waa hostesB
on' Wcdnekday to, the Art Needlo
Work club- at her homo on Jotfer
sonstroot. The house was lovely In
Orasgo' nnd black decorations, ar
ranged by Miss Edna Dunbar, to
carry out tho Idea ot Hallowe'en.
Tho table -as well as tho rooms was
artistically adored with crepo paper
The homo of .Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
J. Heifer was tho scono Saturday
night ot a great deal of merriment
when they .were . hosts to a num
ber . of friends In celebration ot
Hallowe'en. Decorations carried out
tho Idea ot the, occaslou and de
licious refreshments were served.
Dancing and cards were enjoyed
until n late hour by the following
gnests: Mesdames William Sweet,
A. C. Duncan, M. Howell, Boudln,
David Totten, J. B. Van Camp, B.
Harrington, If. Sweotman, Rowe,
A. Wlckstrom, II. Lord, Stanley
Last Sunday Mrs. Margaret Pitts
was vory pleasantly surprised at
her homo 825 Lincoln St. Upon
her return from church she was
greeted by Hallowe'en decorations
throughout tho rooms, an artistic
table, and a sumptuous dlnnor rea
dy to be served. Tho occasion for
tho happy event was Mrs. Pitts'
birthday and she was tho recipient
ot several pretty gifts. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J.t J,
Parker, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Smith,
Mrs.' Elizabeth Evans, Mrs. Golden
Lincoln -and Mrs. Pitts.
Tho second ot tho series of card,
parties to be given In Lyceum Hall
will take placo Monday evening,
Nov. 7,, when Mrs. Roger Deweese
will bn hostess assisted by tho
Indies of 'the parish. Refreshments
will be served as, usual and beauti
ful prizes given for high score,
Anyone Interested In cards Is In
Tho Woman's Auxiliary ot the
Presbyterian Church met llast
Thursday and made final arrange
ments for their bazaar to bo held
In the parlors of their church on
'afternoon and evening of Friday
December 2nd.
Saturday afternoon of last wook
Mrs. Golden Lincoln was hostess at
an elaborate party at the home ot
Mrs. J. J. Parker for a large group
ot her friends. All decorations
were In- Iflallowe'en colors .and em
blems. Cards were played through
out the afternoon and near Jeve-
nlng refreshments were served
Mrs. T. C. Campbell and MrsJ Al
fred Collier were winners of( the
prizes. Tho guests were Mesdames
L. G. Van Bellen, Chas. Mpore,
John Siemens, Everette Geary,
Frod Dunbar, Andrew Collier,, Al
s . i
can do it!
7?J '
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iA,AI InssW 'snsnsnVsnlsS'
MfHnHI sWBBiBiBanm
HiiHUH ViinBsBnLw.
snsnsnsnsnsnLsnVl la VLsnUsasnwi
l HV J t - u fflsl
.ssnLLLLLKflVfll llfisnW f
ssnsnsnsnsnsnLsnnj fflEflKUiyHKf
bbbbbbVbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbDoUIsbbbB
N othor phonograph oven dares the test which
tho New Edison underwent last Friday, before a
large audience at Presbyterian Church. ,
That fact Is something for you to think
about. ...Iftiifatftldt
The test of comparison with living artists
Is the only phonograph test which moans any
thing. It isj the only way in which a phono
graph can Irrefutably prove its realism. It Is
(he most drastio of all phonograph tests. To
sustain It, rqqulreg absolutely perfect realism,
lothtng less.
Last Friday, the New Edlabn stood by
Helen Clark's side in, the Presbyterian Church.
It yo uwero , there, you heard the living voice
and tho RE-CREATED voice brought Into direct
comparison. You know that thcro was no dif
ference between the two voices.
A similar tost was mado by Joseph Phillips
with RE-CREATIONS ot his barltono selections.
Again tho same astonishing rosult there was
.no dlfforonce between RE-CREATED voice and
living voice,
By this wonderful performance, the New
Edison has placed Itsolf apart from all other
phonographs and talking machine. It alone has
sustalnod this drastic test, 'it, alono has proved
concretely and conclusively, that It gives yo
the living performances ot great artists.
i -
7-: '
"The Phonograph with a Soul"
For the arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing,, tamperingwith or adulterate
o , in , j irrltif
L&kA M U mmkha iK d M k k Sk d SBmak .a Bw .
kiict unlivery nm nmuc m pmxrtmm ogmcii;
I ls srsVaVkM nUsrlsrla tfV4Wl ttfrl hlllfhatl MsiSsA
Emil Mochettez, Prop.
Any Official Laboratory Model you buy In out
store will positively sustain the test made at
the Prosbytorian Church. We wlll'glve you oir
gua'ranteo to (that effect, s
fnmn ! n.J Ivaam inla Ih.I.i ... (u m.. '
wuuiu .u witu hchi ,utp luairuuiuui ia 0OIUO
further tests of Its realism, Learn that you can
havo an Official Laboratory Model of your own,
on a very small cash outlay, We will make, a
gentleman's agreement with any muslo lover,
' T5
r- ti - - . r
Falls Music House
. tTTibwl 'd'i.' tu-fr t
" J'
it- it "I
-' t
Jv.ii in : tlllt- ntttinly rtr i hft-(p'n -'-Vri'-trt u'-
"8"1? -SB!i.()!ft(l r,.-a r,p vlt
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Syyrpf-nj tmf wi