; .11 Jcfew Ad Will Today's Tim Todmy j Dolt Member of the A$$ociated Press. ye lurotbtg IteralJ. ' i .p .V.. (Hill. . rtt iTha eye " t flnoiiclnl bond Id iro nil dlroetqd lowiinl Klniu VfiH A"'1 wl" m,",',, U,on ll lll Hcr NV8,,,or '' Marshall Ho!1"' Y,ru l,r,'"ll,cnl ot t,m K,r"1 Bill ni1 f,AV,M,", lmnk 'm,', ,)(,ft'' J, ho passed n communlrnllon frtJ. T. N Hysn'rl, clinlrmnrt nf,tho Viclpl BirurHlofi i'ommltlno, In tjieot Hanker Association of iirrK. loeniea in n, uuun, nur " ' .1. -l-f till! Anfl . fudisf bond oloctlun coming up No- natMr t. jti communication won In reply (A letter nt by Mr. Hooper lit W Diwrt October 20, nklng Hint Hi' tanker association rofrnln from iMct any actUm lownrd publish- laths fi'l tliftt Klmnuth Fall had jadlitcl It jt iliitil. rontrnctod tTn" 'lr I" ,,in 'onthly civic flMnclit bulletin Ritit hronilcniit ovnr DM United Klatr nml Canada to Htdlof bouse nml purriiascr or Mslclpil tiomlH. Mr. llnoprr Mat- titbit .Mr. Drunrt limt written him (kit It m necriunry to print In tho ttl!ftln th fact that Klamath Fall kilBOt met It obligation promptly, ilttQch to say: "llownro of Klam til nil bond, poor pay, Invent In otr ttctirltlen, lioml buyer." '.With Ibo thoiiptlit of saving Mm Mr lima of the city In tlio financial wrld, tr. Hooper Immediately wrote ttat tpecUl refunding bond election vu coming up and asked It It would ; t MMlbln to loavo tho flnanclnl kUment relative to thli city out lilt titer tlio flection hnd taken paws? Tbero had been a chnngo of tatrt among tlin citizen hero nlnco ti Utt refunding bond election, ho atld, and tbn folly or trj Inp to re jitilit honest obligation had boon Trireme to a great extent. iTht ettenxlon of tlino win given In i following manner: Replying to jttr letter of October 20, w III ho glad le defer further action with refer are to tho. IClainnth .Fall default a th bond past dim until nflnr ttitlictlon November 8, Clllieni In nil walk of Ufa wi-ro fctirrleved on tho queton and thu eeittniu of opinion expressed waa I ttlt the peopto of thla city ahoilld (Continued to Page S) WMMMWi-p'VMMlpVMpMvaipaiMpWWMVVp FORUM TOPIC 1 The forum at tho chamber ot Mnmercu wan entertained ly ad .rnM on two vltnl subject In th pronrc of tho city or Klara ralla, ono deallnc with tho Ittundlnr; bond oloctlon and tho Mr wllh "Klro Provcntlon." Horace Manning apoko upon tho "funding bond Initio and told , hil effect a falluro to auataln tho dH of tho city -would roault In. Horace 8yke, deputy iitato flro Minna!, commontlng upon "Flro Pnrentlou" comparotl tho altuntlon 'r propur protection to tho h-ength of four link In a chain, "I If thon four key links hold. htn amplo nnd adouato protoc Hon was poaalblo. Tho flrat link ' protection wn n flro alarm y ?B. with boxen for IbsuIuk warn li from near tho flro, tnntoad of " of tho tolophono. Tho flro al Mm aystom was reliable, always fwdy for uo, no dolaya. A city QUlppcd with aueli n aviitaiii wn far hd of tho ono which depomlod w tho telophono, tho speaker said, won flro flKhtlne oaulpmont. M h nt onBt four ntroamn ot wier at n thouannd potinils proa jure could ho playod on tho flamo 10 I City of thin ulrn WhllA Port. d could mo l or moro atroama, 'ouf itreamn and prcssuro could hindle almost any altuatlon bore, the ipoakor thought. Man power. i Hio third link In tho chain, nd whu0i tho proaont force was "ecnvo and one of the heat or- HI jrni . hisesin jm l win dim j!TE MUST WIN 1, FINANCE Ashland Stage,. Stops for Winter Tho Ashland mall and tm..n.... niilo Htago norrlco wun dlncontlnaod yotordny nccordlnij to advice from mombow of tho pontofflco nlaff. wiin tho comlnr of aooii wnniii..r In tho nprlriR thu norrlco will )0 roiiitnod, Automnbllu dtngo norvlco botwoon ninnmih Kulln nnd tho Horuo river ho- proved nucconful In Hmi ii nnved Irnvolor aovornl hourn of tllllll thut WOllld hava hl-nn nr,.. nnry In mnkliiK tho trio hv irnin nnd It nlo onnblcu buyer of Port land pnpern to got tholr coplcn In tho nftornoon Inntnnd of wnltlnn until Into ovonlnR or tho next inornliiR. An affidavit of prejudice agnlnnt ludgo V. M. Calkins of Medford and motion to dliijuallfy Judge Calklua from hearing furlhor pro ceedlng In tho cae ot Frank Ward ngalnat Klamath county and othore, wan filed In the circuit court late yeaterday. It. II Hun- null, county Judgo, ono of tho do- fendMnti, algnod tho affidavit. It I allogod thut becaUM of hla prejudlco agalnit Judgo llunnoll and other defendant Judgo Col klna would ho unahlo to glvo tho matter n lair and Impartial hoar lug. Tho supremo court la aikod to nppolnt another trial Judge. Tho ault la tho Injuctlon proceed ing brought lat November by Km tik Ward, tax payer, agalnit the county, Judgo Dunncll and CommliKilonor Bhort nnd Fnrdyro to pruvi'iit thorn from Including In the tax lory a fund ot $50,000 to complete tho Hot Spring court houio and a mlacellaneoua fund of $H,000. Judgo Calklni granted the Injunction Immediately upon pres entation ot tho potltlon. A few week ago ho waa petitioned by the county court to dlsaolve It and af ter a hearing, at Jacksonville, re fuiod. Tho noxt atep In tho caao I a trial or tho cao on It merit, and It I for tho purpono of trial that tho change In Judge I roquoitcd. Father of Local Residents Dead Albert Altord, fathor of Mr. L. V. Wllllt and nuaioll Alford of thla city, dlod at his homo at Talent, Oregon, Sunday, na the re sult of a paralytlo stroke Ho waa 88 year old and camo to Oregon In 18S0. Ho waa a veteran of tho lloguo nirer Indian war and at ono tlJo commlaaloner ot Jackson county. v .MlLIi FIHK IN rORTIiAND ..llIlTIiANU, ..Nov. ..9. Kht cjiummI it a,000 Iom today 1b tho mill of tho Kanlcrn and Wentern I.uiiiImt companyt INDIANA MINES CliOHKD IN ntoTjarr againht injunohon INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 2. All work In tho Indiana coal Holds la practically at a standstill today aa a result of tho walkouta In approx imately 300 mlnoa ot 30,000 men ns a protest against the Injuctlon prohibiting "check oft" Issued by Judgo A. I). Andorson Monday. jwArmru'-'pj'.-p.-.-p- ------ gnnUcd for a city of this site, vet but ono half man power was nvallablo. Tho volunteer system waa praiseworthy, hut nothing com pared to trained help In tiro fight ing. Tho last link In tho chain was -wator supply, and Klamath Kuls ha had but ono-half enough, ho sold. Additional -wan was pos sible If linos could bo laid, to Lax Kwnuna or t0 the Upper Klamath 1. 1,. thn niknr suuested. Oth- er ffte prevention aubjects wer taken up briefly ana Ren Ain broie, fire chief, received a -lowing tribute from the apeaker m a highly efficient flro chief, capable of handling any flro altuatlon aria lug here. CHARGE CALKINS . IS PREJUDICED - r KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, RESTAURANT IN MEET UNION' A general walkout of tho mombors of tho Culinary Union took placo Inst night at tlio closo of tho shift In tho various restaurants hero upon Instruction from official of tho union following thn nnswnr mndo to tho union by tho Klnmnth Proprie tor's Association, rojectlng tho renew al of tho wngo scnlo which hns been In forco for the past six months. . Ross Nlekerson, pntldent of the association, dellvarod n negative an swer to the wago scalo, submlttod at the conforcnen Inst wnek nt tho White Pelican hotel, yestordny nftor noon and tho union officials at tho closo ot tho day shifts callod at tho various restaurant and naked for tho union card which were In each placo, notifying Iho employees to clean up all tholr work In 100 per cent. shape nnd not to report for work until further ordora from thr union. Tho union order wero fol lowed to a letter by tho union holp and thn proprietor today atntrd that the restaurant work was loft In good condition In alt tho place nffected. Keep Ilex Cafn Open Tho Hex Cafo wa concentrated upon by tho proprietors of tho Owl, Jewel and Doughnut Shop this morn ing and tho proprietor of tho last three placos appoarod for work thoro Instead of opening tholr own ostab llihment. This movo on tho part of tho proprietor will ennblo ono eating houio to remain open' nt all hour without handicapping tho pub lic who are dependent upon restau rant for their meals, tho proprietors said. Largo signs woro on display In tho places closod that "meal tick et wore good at the Ilex Cafo owing to concentration of proprietor' ef fort to keep business going a us ual." Tho York Cafn at Tenth And Main street, while not a member ot the proprietor's association closed -In sympathy with tho association until the present difficulties aro settled, Itoss Nlekerson said today. 0Wtf00n0v'' CHAMBER OF Our suggestion of yesterday thati further payment ot dues to tho Chamber of Commorco bo suspend ed until something doflnlto Is pro-l posed and tho policy of secrecy that has dominated It Is dropped struck a responslvo chord. Tho ad ministration ot Socretary Stanley hns been such a disastrous falluro that It Is doubtful It any living man can aavo tho organization from bankruptcy. In tact, It Is bankrupt now. Tho debt today, outsldo ot tho grab that Is duo tho American City Iluroau, Is In tho neighbor hood ot $2,000. Bvon tho salary ot Socrotary Stanley la unpaid for over two nioaths, and thoso who know him will reallzo from this that tho finance of tho Chamber must bo In a torrlblo plight whou ho holds tho sack for his pay. Whon wo wero Informod aomo six or olght months ago about tho wonderful "program" that was to como out ot ho "reorganized" Chamber, wo suggostod, thon urged and finally demanded that monthly, or at least quarterly financial statements bo publlshod, sn that contributors would know tho re ceipts and oxpondtturos and whoro their money was going. But no out cry was loud -enough to penotrato tho wall of secrecy built up to hldo tho Incompetency ot Socretary Stanley. The result Is that today tho Chamber Is on financial rocka and will go to pieces unless a man with bralna and ono who is fully familiar with local conditions la selected aa secretary. The man now being Investigated will never do tho Job, He la of the aame effemin ate, secretive, wobbling, camouflag ing type of the preaont 'incumbent, who atayed with the ship as long W1.DNK8DAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1KBI. IRK WALK OR T S WAGE DEMANDS Ono of tho first move on tho part of tho 1'roprlotor's Association was to put In a ton por cent gonoral re duction upon nit foods nerved on tho menu. Jtos Nlckorson stated: "Tho wngo scqlo presented tor tho Proprietor's association, was rejected by us yes tordny, following our .mooting last night. !Wo havo joined togothor to keep one restaurant going, which will bo tho Roz Cafe, and both day and night servlco will bo given tho public who orn dopondont upon tho rcatau- rants tor their meals. Wo aro not fighting union labor but wo do not Intend to employ nny moro union help. Wo hnvo decided to havo open ntioii rules govern our futuro opera tion and union holp can como horo nnd work It they earn to. Tho other restaurant proprietors aro helping tut In this crisis nnd havo closed tholr place until sottlomont ot tho wnge question I mndo. Among our ovtis, wo can keep tho llox Cafo go lug Indefinitely. Wo will not Import or hlro any holp unlet tho business becomes so great that wo must havo holp thon wo win employ whom wo please, Just so they deliver tho goods. Wa aro standing pat on our proposi tion about tho wago question and open shop rules." rrho Culinary Union voluntarily submitted n 7 por cent cut at tho last mooting In tho conferonco botweon tho two organizations, making tholr scale as follows; chofs, IG.50, fry cooks, $5, combination cooks, $5.40, combination waltors (men) $4, wom en working at counter, $'4, women combination, $3.2C, dishwashers and yardmen, $3.7C and ono split In 8 hours out ot 12 on duty. , Tho proprietors scalo submitted nas; fry cooks, $4.75, combination cooks, $5.50, waltors, combination, (men, $3. CO, waitresses combination $3, dishwashers and ynrdmon, $3,' board Included In servlco hours; two splits In 12 hours and tho aboli tion ot tho "forced relief" clauso in (Continued on Page 6) COMMERCE as slid would float and then, like bis kind, dosertcd It. Is It posslblo that In this city thoro Is no man capable ot admin istering tho affairs ot tho cham ber? Must wo admit that It Is ne cessary to travel Into tho wilds ot Montana to pick a man unslght and unsoo? Wo did that when, "wo em- plood Stanley, and what did wo got? Look at tho Chamber of Com- mcrco today for your answer. Can you find ono slnglo ploco ot con structive work that ho hag accomp lished? Whoro aro tho roducod freight rates that ono man started and ho promised to comploto? Whoro Is anything ho haa dono? Wo could go down tho lino with quostlon after question, but what Is the uso. Tho answer would bo tho same nothing accomplished. Ho and tho cabal that trail at his heols havo tried to mako It ap- poar that this paper was and Is against n Chamber ot Commerce. Thoy know wo aro not, but they "Ho, He, lie," hoping some of their statements will stick. Wo nover havo and nevor will bo against a Chamber ot Commorco that will do somothlng besldes selecting a city flowor, holding pink teas, handing out a lot of prattlo and appointing, commltteo after committee In which to loso ovory morltorlus pro Joct that presents ltsolt to the or ganisation! Wo aro not against the present chamber, but we aro unal terably against tho Incompetency that controls It and until that la ellmtnatod we ahall urge everyone to hold aloot from It. It la the on ly way wo know ot to penetrate me aensuy oi mina or me man who la primarily responsible for the falluro ot an organisation "that should have been a power for up building In the community. PROPRIETORS REFUSE TO Another Accident With Toy Coaster Tho second accldont to children on toy coaster to happen thl week occurrod yosforday -when four-yoar-old Jean McCall, daughter of Mr. anl Mr; John McCall, ran her coaster o'vor a flight of, step on Third slreoV near Joffcrson, and landed on a sharp, rock at tho .foot of tho stop. A gash wa cut Just ubovo tho llttlo girl's tomplo so deop It was necessary for Dr. L. Ia. Truax to tako several stitches in oruor to araw mo cut togothor. It was reported thl morning that tho child appeared to bo quite well asldo from tho largo bump nnd cut on her hoad. PUB' INK DID THE TRICK "Any doubt wo might havo had ot tho effoctlvenes ot the pull ing, power ot advertising In Tho Horald Is forovcr gone," said E. K. Magce ot Undorwood's Drug storo today. "It certainly delivers tho goods. As a result ot It wo ran out of many vt tho linos wo advortlscd and so groat wero 'tho crowds that wo woro unablo to sorva evoryono as quickly nnd ef ficiently a Is our usual custom." Whlto thoro Is no question ot tho effectiveness or advertising In tho Horald, yet thoro must bo some thins to follow It valuo In tho artlclo advertised. This, Undor wood's gavo tholr customers. Pos sessing tho confldcnco ot tho buy ing public, this storo has always en Joyed a largo patronago and tho romarkahlo offerings given In this Bala will undoubtedly havo tho ef fect of cementing It and aQdlng to It. His. oxperlcnco is only that of every morchant who uses the col umns of this paper. Thero Is no socrot about why It produces re sults it reaches tho buying public ot Klamath Falls and Klamath county and no merchant who em ploys It can fall, provided ho de livers tho goods ho advertises. This Underwood's havo dono al ways. Tho day nas passed whou a morchant can succeed In business without advertising. Each year thoro Is added to tho purchasing power ot ovory community eighteen por cent ot now customers. To gain their attention, morchanta must bo progressive and ngresslvo enough to go out attor tbeir business. The ono who docs not falls. That Is why nearly nlnoty por cont of all buslnoss falluroa Is among non-ad-vcrtlsera. And yet you will find merchants In ovory community who cannot see the power of printers' Ink except when it I used to print a notlco ot shorlft's sale. Road Worker's Leg Broken by Blast .Lloyd llowttt. ot Merrill, had his leg broken by a ploco of rock flung out of tho quarry on tho Malln-Mor-rlll road construction Job by a blast yesterday. Howltt, who drhes n truck, was a couplo ot hundred yards from tho blasting, sitting on his truck. Tho forco of tho powder caught ono ploco ot rock squnrely and It was hurled an unusual dis tance, striking Howltt on tho log. HO Is in tho Dlackburn hospital horo for treatmont. GARDEN ROARED Henry Janssen, truck gardnor, said today ho thought ho had a clue to tho identity of persona whq entered his garden on Conger nvenuo Satur day night, stolo a dozon celery plants, damaged a dozen othors, nnd destroy ed other vgetablos. RAILROADS WILL CARRY RELIEF URAIN FREE TOPEKA, Kansas, Nov. 2, Op be half of all the railroads of tho. coun try. J. R. Koontz, assistant frolght and traffic manager of tho Santa Fe, today announced that tho railroads have agreed to transport free, to the seuboards, 2,000,000 bushels ot grain for export to Near east sufferers,- prick five, ami BIG STILL IS ,1 Tho largest and most up-to-date liquor still ever taken In a raid la Klamath county wa, captured yes torday afternoon by Sheriff Lloyd Low and Doputy Marlon Oarnea when thoy awooped down on Ed Jnmca, aged 42 and a former res ident of. Soattlo, Washington, on tho old Uro Jameson place, fiv mlloa out on the old Ft. Klamath road. Lator Ilaymond Mooro was arrested horo aa an accomplice. Sheriff Low haa boon shadowing a number of Jitney drivers tho past week when ho learned that numerous trip woro bolng mad out to tho Jam6son place. He alao noted excessive Intoxication among loggors. Both circumstances were clcrws In locating tho place where tho Illicit boozo was being made, and lod to tho raid on the ranch. A mash box containing, It Is said 100 gallons of liquor In the making, a tiro gallon barrel fall of finished product and a fjtty gal lon barrel awaiting tho noxt brew, a largo copper still, one halt Inch copper worm, gasoline stove and pressure tank wero aeUod by the officers In a log cabin about 100 yards from tho house. The mash box, tho sheriff said, was divided into compartments and was "brew ing" nlcoly. Tho outfit waa estim ated to havo cost over $300 by the . sheriff. Doth James and Mooro will bo arralgnod sometime today before United States Commissioner Bert C. Thomas for a hearing on the chargo ot operating a still contra ry to tho federal laws. Ray Moore, a jitney 'driver employed by the Central Auto Servlco stated today that ho Is not tho person under arrest as his given name la Ray, not Raymond. LEGION URGES T ACTION OK FEDERAL AID KANSAS CITY, Nov. 3. Amid cheers, the American Legion con vention today adopted the legisla tive committee's report, ro-afflrm-Ing Its stand on the question of Immediate federal aid tor veter ans and called tor government ac tion on tho adjusted compensation program "without further equivo cation or delay." A resolution castigating Colonel Qoorge Harvey, American ambas sador t0 Great Britain, for the speech In which ho discussed Amer ica's reasons for entering the war. waa Included lu tho resolution committee's report. A resolution criticising President Hnrdlng tor urging tho recommit ment of tho compensation legisla tion was tabled by tho committee last night. Resolutions urging agreement on armaments, recommondtng the pro motion ot chemical Industries within tho United Sttaes as a step in prepar edness and recommending that alien proporty bo hold In custody ot the government to be used to sottle claims against Gormany, were pre sented. Fourteen resolutions wero re portod by tho rosoluttona commit tee. Among them was a demand that every effort bo made for the return to tho United States ot Grovcr Cleveland Bergdoll, Americ an slacker. Oppcsltlon to tho release of Eu gene V. Dobs for violation of the war time laws was also declared. One resolution favored the mem orlallzatton of highways, streets and parks. ' WHEAT PRICKS PORTLAND, Nov. 2. Wheat la quoted at from 95 cents to $1.00. CONFtSIMO IN IRRBTED