mUMD rA fUUO -IMW MOHMMTBAB, V ft..... nM KAlflM AMA Mrs. Mr. ami " -- - --- stpoci " --- ,.. Thoy will drlTo from ken, "r:,,, uussoy wu ii Klamath -. .isltor last Monday. un rrolr returned, Thursday hsre 'o waa ,UY,n ,om' dool,l rk done. ii- .and Mrs. Meupln report vlilt el M with Mr. xi mm. Dorcoy Johnson. Thoy !!ht buck snmplca ot fruit with u. ml Mra. Luther Holbroolc . .mlly hsvo moved to Merrill ... ihs winter. n.,rt Wllion, Vincent Jelllnock .. Jo Kolern recently purchased rtliterod HoUteJn bull. u, Killnn was among the Kla .th raits visitors Saturday last . .. rcALIFORNlA NEWS j (JUIY8VIUB T. Syvarlaon and tf ha" fllod ault In tbo Superior Chart aaalnit Kmno ana Aioeri n. Illin who oporato a laundry ad Malar ihe homo of tho plalntlffa on B ttreet, seeking 1 1,000 damages ttaiie of aoot and oil entering- their teat, I'lalntlffa atk tbat tho Hoe )tlt t enjoined from operating the iMadrr because of tho nolie made In tit rnonlng of tbo machinery, and Ittauie the whiatio la ioo anriu, an tl which are alleged to dliturb the Mice and quietude of the Byvcrtaon i SACRAMBNTO Kour children' Vtr palnfully'bunied, about tho face ud hands aid ' two wo'men Injured im a dosen or o. toy balloons uaod to dttorale the Douglaa 'Hill home, HM 0 Btrnet, for a birthday party for llllle Ccrlta IIJII, eiploded, n were accidentally Ignited from acudta tbat waa: being used to light Hull Jack O'Unterni, and It waa tkt flames which leaped from Ihe VtrttUf balloona that bumed the Hi lls lots. IaCKAHENTO Children of par rati who object to any form ot dano b bMiiiu of religious scruples can set bt forced to, participate In them ka they are Included In the physi cal training exercises at the public schools, It waa hetd In an opinion hudsd down1' Friday In, the Third District Court of Appeal i , o WOODLAND Four truckmen of Bamnento were fined 110 each by, jtstiee or ine reace tv ii, womaca f Wltners for haallag loada oyer tat eeantr hlghwtsy; greater than that sHowed by county ordinance. They wmt. J, Simpson, wlillaBaOrr, L. F. KusHrt and A. Anderson. PORTLAND More than 185.000 worth o( stolen or counterfeit liberty beads Ihara. bean sold In Portland, etrleg-tbe last few weeks, and gor raanat ofricers aro weaving a net ot rtlJMco which will probaily bring ndtr arrest shortly a ring of men rtteonalblo lor fhe distribution ot the beads. f ltsae that.tdlo olwr work! rat tt tarti baafc. WtaW CTIIOIIIt'oOURT OPTafK aTATR P OKHGON FOR KliAM. MHCOUNTY. eaaaaaisi an Worvetotmm of Tx Lteaj 4, Bqwity No, V 1M. Allen Sloan, PJalntltf. " W. Mills' Ratate, the h'elrs at fcw of lf W. ICllla Kstate and all Persons having any right, title, ne ws or Interest la the real property atrsln described. Defendants. TO II. W VIII. (,-.,.,. h hlra v of II. W. Mtls Batata and all Hcsons having any right, title, ee- OF lnfAI In alur. aaal HMttAflv brla described. Defendaaita: IN TW. Mlua, r mtiu. Dlifr W dREaON!' Tou are hereby nott- ;" mat Alien Sloan the holder or WSQUtnt Corllflrnln Nn. 11T la- Jd on the 3rd day ot June 1010 by IU C11aam a V .M.lh nntlfitv IfHon. for' the sum ot $11.61, being J amount then duo and delinquent r taiea tar lh.'.. r at K nlhr Penalty,.lntereat and coaU there JJ.JPjn the real property aseeaeed W, Hllln Estate,- and described to Klamath, Falls,, Oregon. Tt "" Allon Bloan has patd taxoa for "sequent yeara with rate ot Inter- -upereon as, follews: or llpaw on Juno 4. 1910. J pocelpt No. 7100 for 111.-0 at "Per cent Interest, per .annum. Tor 1IW7 ..ii .- a hm Receipt. No. 7488 for $11.11 at V r 55nt 'nlereat, per annum. T.,i 19.18, Paid on 'June 4. 110, "JPT nt Interest, per anium. -tor 110, paid on Junj 4.. 1$0, x Receipt No. 4X13 foN$10.4 at r cent lnteTeatApr,,anjium. THE' flald it. w tint. k.i.i. ..a ...t. SL'1!!",.r wriona above-named are hereby further notified that Al HA.... . w,, -PPy w the Clrcu t Court aforosald for a decree fore oloslng tho lien aganat the, property nbov deicrlbed. are.nsre by aumtnonod to appear within ality days after the tint publication of this ; summons, .oiclmlrs of tha day of the 'flrat publication and, defend thlt action or osv ths anauat' 2 ebovo ahown, 'together with Interest and costs, and In caae you fall to do ao a decree will be rendered fore closing the Ilea of laid taxes aid coita aialnit said onmliia. Tbla aummona la published! br.or der ot the Hon. D. V, Kuykeodall, Judge of tatd Circuit Court, wade tho 17th day ot Oct. till. The date of the flrat publication of thlf 1121. ' All prooeea Is thla proceeding may be eorTcd upon the undersigned re- County, Oregon. ' OBO. CUARTAINL Attomsy for Plaintiff. o-a. w i-i-i t-ii-it D.t IN THH OIHCVIT OOUWP Of IHH HTATH OP OtlHQON FOR UiAJU ATI! OOVNTT. ' Baunmoaa In Foredoseirw of Tax lien ItnnUW NJ.-1-ltfl AT ' ' Allen Bloan, Plaintiff," C. Fritshawand all other persona or partlea unknowa, hiring any Tight, title, estate or Inleraet tat the real estate described ' herein, Da ren a in is. To C. Frilshaw and all other Per sons or partlea nakaown harUg My! right, title, estate or latereat Ii thai v-i unuim Barn), feadanU: IN TUB NAkfJO OF, TH1 aTTATB vr vnauurf,' tor are nirer,rau fled that Allan Bloan taa kolW at Delinquent Certificate No. 111! la sued on the llth day of October 1010 by the Tax Collector of KU-Uth County, Oregon, for the earn ot $15.04. being tha aaaoaat tbem'dae and delinquent far Uiea for tha year i 17, together with penalty, utereet and coata thereon apon the real .prop erty asssseed to O. Frltehaw. and- de- crtbed m NH.ef BBH of Battles II Tp. IS fl. R. 7 Hast W. JC. except a atrip covering, J II ftet by I II, feet in ino aorxawet. corner or aaia w H ot BBU of Beetio tl Tp. SB B. K. 7 MUt W. M. That aald Allen Bloan has paid taiea for aabeequent years with rata of Interest thereon aa follows! For tha year 1011. tbo suae of 113.44 Daid Oct SI. I0S0. with In terest at 13 per cent per aaauaa. For the year III, the sum or IIB.33 paid Oct. 21, 1030, with la; tereit at 13 per cent per annate. Bald O. Frltshaw and all other per sons or partlea unknown baring any right, title, state or Interest la aaia real property are hereby further no tified that Allen Bloan will apply to tha Circuit Oanrt afereeeid for nde eree fofecleelag the lien agaiaet the property ahem described. And yon are hereby nanunoned to appear within eUty daya altar Ue flrat nv lleatlon of tale nareaone, eaelaetve ot Ue day ofithn.nrat.pnblleaUon. and defend Ufc "net ten -or peyue amount aa above ahown together with latereat and costs, and In ease yon fall to do ao, n decree will he iMitrtl rorecloslaa- tho lien ot aald luaj and oests against aalf preaaia- ThU anaMswM la nuhltohed by or der of tho Han. D. T. Kaykendall Judge of. aald Clranli Court aaals the 17th day of October 1011. The lalii nf tlia Mrat nnhlleAtloa of thla aamn.onalathe.Slthdajrof OetohorTtdnyn after Ihe first publication lilt. ..r niiiiiiiMWnnnrYiniviViYnr" Outbursts of EyerettrTrue ByCtita 9 aT.-.-laBaaT--a.kBaw 4haVW ' - - aCl (JB.T flC5 grSaTl-w! tlS f JVtv ' JssgsUrH Jw & WW I Bab aasastS. aaHasaTTsI HsBaW . -0 f A v2aV tA Vatxnwanns VT asaBaBaBaBaaaBBg(VluEftfTBW " Jw a VnlasaaaV vijQO EVENING HERALD. Twaniy-Fire Years 'All process In this proceeding may bo served anon tho undersigned ro- aldlng at Modoe Point, Klamath County, Oregon. UBO. CHABTAIN, Attorney for Plaintiff. O-IS. N 1-S-16-I3-30 D 6 Uf THR OIROUIT COURT OF THK TATPl OF OREGON FOR KhJkJtU ATH COUNTY. ftannanons In Forecloaara of Tnx lion Kqaity No. F 184 Allen Bloan, Plaintiff, vs. SI. WV Mills EsUU, the heirs at law of H. W. Mills Eetate and all sraone having any right, title es tate or Interest In the reat proper ty herein described, Defendanta. To H. W. Mills Estate, the heir at lav of II. W. Mills Estate- and all per sona having any right, title, estate or tatsTsst In ths real property herein dasailbed, Defendanta: N THO NAMB OF THE BTATB OF OREOCN: Tou are hereby noil- tbat Allen Bloan tbo bolder of Dellaeatnt Certificate No. 1161 le- awe4 on tbo Ird day of June, 1030 by tbo Tax Collector of Klamath Ooaatr Oregon, for' the sum of S1S.B1, being tho amount then due and delinquent for taiea for tbo year 1015, together with penalty, Interest costs thereon upon the real prop erty aaeeaaed to H. W. Mills Estate. aad described aa Lot S of Block 81 KtaasnU Addition to Klamath rails, OragM. That aald Allen Bloan hae peld'.taxee for aubsequoat yeara with rats of Interest thereon aa follews: For 1011. paid on June 4, 1030. Tnx Receipt No., 7108 for $11.30 at 18 per sent Interest, per anaum. For 10IT. paid on June 4. loio. Tax RocolBt No. 7437 for' $13.30 at IS nor cant interest, per annum. OTr 1018. paid on June 4. 1030, Tax Keeetpt No. 7417 for $10.41 at 18 per cent. latereat, per annum. For 1010. paid on Juno 4. 1030, Tnx Receipt No. 4111 for $10.41 at 18 per cent interest, per annum. Bald W. K. Mills EaUte. and each of tha other persons above named aro hereby farther notified that Al lan Bloan will apply to the Circuit Court aforesaid for a decree fore closing tha Hen against ths property apove.dsscrlbsd. And yon aro here- oy aummoaea 10 appear wiuia suir or this' summons, exclusive of tho dsy nintsvtststWMjsn,i Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbby naiiiTBfleBBBBgan MOMS .LLLLLLLLLLLHLVvHU laaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV.slwaBBltoSlBBBBL fclja b 3isBi!aflnflHPLSBgel I H I gsBBBBBBCtBKaHanlvBDlOV I Wm KZS .13 5J I bXnh- uowarat rvM STRecr gsSBo-LW 1 TWgi HPHKiKT.HALL.OwrgN. ffj KLAMATH FALLS, Ago in Linkvflle of tbo first publication and defend tbla action or par the amount aa above ahown, togotber with Interest ana costs, ana in case you tall to do so a decreo will, be rendered fore closing' the Hen of aald taxes and coata against aald premises. This summons la published by or der of the Hon. D. V. Kaykendall Judge of said Circuit Court, mads the 18th day of Oct. 1031. The date of the flrat publication of tbla aum- moaa la tno lain nay or uctoner, 1011. All process In this proceeding may be served upon tha undersigned re siding at Modoe Point, Klamath County, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. O-IS. N I-I-15-38-30 D I DKMXQUEXT BALE NOTfCB Fort eTIaiash Meadows Co. Location of Principal place of bus iness, San Francisco, California. Lo cation of Works, Klamath County, Oregon. NOTICE) There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of Assessment No. 1, lev ied on ths Snd day of September, 1031, tbo aeveral amounta aet oppo site the names of the respective shareholders, aa follews: No. No. riames Cert. Bharea Am't $1,000. 3,340. 10. E. R. Reamee 8 100 W. W. Jonea IS 334 Frieda V. Doak 14 1 D. P. Doak 16 E00 F. M. Doak 11 17S 6,000 1,760 And In accordance with law and an order of the Hoard of Directors made on the Snd day ot September, 1831. ao many shares ot each parcel ot aueh stock aa may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office ot the Company 31 Market Street. San Francisco, California, on Mon day, tho 7th day ot November, 1931, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M. ot aald day, to pay aald delinquent assess ment thereon, together with costs of advertising and expenses of the sale. W. W. JONES, secretary. Office 831 Market Street, San Francisco, California O. 31-w 3. Every dsy. IN THH CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATB OF ORROON FOR KXAM. ATH COUNTY. Sbbubobs ha Foreclosure of Tax Lien BquHy N . F 188. Allen Sloan. Plaintiff. ts. , P. 8. Terwllllger and all other per sona baring any right, title, estate or Interest In the real property herein described. Defendants. To P. 8. Terwllllger and all other persona bavlag any right, title, eetate or Interest an the real property here in described, Defendants: IN THE NAME, OF THE STATE OF ORBOON; You aro Hereby No tified that Allen Sloan the holder of Delinquent Certificate No. 1158 is sued on the 15th day ot March 1080 by the Tax Collector ot Klamath County Oregon, for the aum of 18. SI. bsinr the amount then due and delinquent for taiea for tho year 1016, together with the penalty, In terest, and coata thereon upon the real property assessed to Unknown Owner, and described aa Lots 6 and 6 Block l or tne original -own oi Klamath Falls Oregon. Tbat aald Allen Sloan has paid taxee for subse quent years with rata ot Interest thereon aa follews: For 1917 the aum ot ,$9.08 paid March 15, 1980 with Interest at 12 per cent per annum. For 1918, the aum ot $7.73 paid March 15, 1930 with Interest thereon at IS per cent per annum. For 1919, the aum of $7.77 paid March' 15f 1930' with Interest there on at 19 per cent per annum. 8ald P. S. Terwllllger and alljther nnraona havInK any rlxht. title, estate or Interest In tho real property here,- in aeacrmea are narepy ruriusr uu titled that Allen Sloan will apply to the Circuit Court tpres aid f r a de cree foreclosing the lien against the property abovo described. And you mm hereby summoned to appear. wlthrn sixty daya after the flrat pub lication ot this summons, exclusive nt the day ot the first publication, nrf AtnA this urtlnn or Day this action or pay mo .. aa .Kau. ahAwn tmfAthsrir " vi. ..,., .- mil. and case you fall to do ao. a decree,wll! be rendered foreclosing the llen'oteald taxes and costs ,aganst aald premls- Ag This' summons Is publlshed-DX or- OREGON. If you have a watch to repair don't tend it to a blacksmith, but LET GEORGE DO IT GEO. L. METZ Watchmaker and Jeweler 622 Main St. Get Your Skid Chains Now Don't Wait Until You Have an Accident OUAItANTKKI) HI'HINfi.S for Trucks and Cera ot all makes. D.A.KENYON O. K. SHOP 439 Sixth Street Phone 462 hAk Kodak LeaYebur Ptltvxs tiV 1 'Before- 9 O'cIocK-Your Xi5 Pictures am m asamm sml ammBmaaml A sal asmm asmm mMTWk Mm tmmmlww' rnrnT W. ' KLAMATH FALLS WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS I WOOD I The saw mllla are closing down and your cheapest wood will soou bo gone. ONLY A FEW DAYS FOR GREEN SLAB $3.50 per Cord Delivered $1:00 per Cord at Mill I We handle all kinds ot wood, wholesalo and rotall. 0. PEYTON &CO. "WOOD 419 MAIN i To look one's best and fret one's beat Is to enjoy an inside bath each morning to fluah from the system tbe.prevloui day's waits, aour fermentations and pot uixni tniln hefors It la absorbed into the blood. Juat aa coal, when it burns, kaves behind a certain amount of in combustible material in tbo form oi aahce. so the food and drink taken each day leave in ths alimentary organa a certain amount of Indigestible material, which if not eliminated, form toxins and imlftima which sre thest suclced'lnto the blood through the very ducts which are Intended to aqeK,in our nounwuoea vo 1 .JI .KTrfT.1 v If yon wan to aee the gtow of beakby bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin get clearer aad clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a ' ,!. nf link alr with a. teaanooaful of limestone phosphato in It, whieh la a harmless means of washing the waste material aad tozlaa from the stomach, llvr. kldnm snd bowels, thus elesns- tec, swsetsniac sad purifying ths entire lnlder of the Hon. D. V. Kuykcsidall Judge pf said Circuit Court made the I7thvday ot October 1881. The date or the unt puoiicaiion or " IDIUUB W .iy U mUVwwvi says AU procesa lu this proceeding -may BJJ Hot Water Each Morning I Puts Roses in Your Cheeks .TTT--isn"jeBBswsBTj"t77"srpvsyI"fwVY ,ILIVi 'T"J!PT533Jey3jHmnHB A ( ammmwrav v T" ,-. vtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVammmmvKlB lammmPgfJkM 4 HVnhi fi I aammmsfaPr W-JS HMJHjnL ( BKsSUEyBKSif' smmmmammmmVmmmmmtKmmmmfl B ( Pegsmmmmmmmmmmmm9LlSmmmmvi9L'& rf mmmmmmmmmmb3KmmmVlrVsmmmmmmK i tmmmmmmBaBaBaBaBaaaVasaHena Bmmmmmmmmmmumm8smmm4i9mmmmmmmn ED 1 mmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmAftBamm& BlmBimmmmmmmmmmmmmGimmmmmm mmmmmfsaV VVLmlPrmmmmmmmmmmmmte Lfk iv4 ammmmmmmVmBmfJ I 1 LmmmmBBam mmWsBmmmmmmmBnm f . vVVmMlVmmmmml C ! tmmmB&BQatSw fS TUWWAV, NOVKMBKR 1, 1M1. Work radr at 6 ? TO BURR" PHONE 535 allmenUry tract, before putting more food Into tho stomach. Girls and women with sallow aklns, Uwr spots, pimples or pallid complex ion, ako those who xiafce up with a coatnl tongue, bad tiute, nasty breatb, others who aro bothered with hfadachts, bllloua spell, acid stomacii or con.up tlon should begtil this pbophated hot water drinking ana are nwurea m t-ij nronounced rnults In one or two weeks. A quarter pound of Umt'tone phos phate coate ver)- little at the drug store but (a sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and Jiot water cleanies, purifies ana, ircsncns mo skiii tm ui, hot water and Hme.tone pboiphate act nn ilia Inililo onrana. We mult always consider that Internal sanitation la Tast- ly more important than ouume eiesnii nees, oecauu ine b-.hi im u -sorb Impurities into tho bload, while ths bowel pprca do. women wno aeaire vt oo- - k..l. nt tliolr mmnlnlon ahould lUH try this for a week nt notice result. II am V I majmrv lrTffflwVYf be served upon tho underslgnod re siding at Modoc Point, Klamath County, Oregon. (.CO. CHASTA1N. Attorney for Plaintiff. 0-2B. N 1-8-U-2S-28, D 6 i wk jj2.t,.mmmmammmmmmmmm'mmmmmm' " ' ' , - - - ! 'mmmmmr1&& '.,' 'Us orS. I '-w-M i ' ' - ., - SaasBaBaBaaanaaBaBaTsaBBBri eMeBBaaW' .afttfa.T.Ttnl . gkaaW 124 . Sixth St. Phone 87 If It's' Lobne Wi iM Movef W mmk w td amSsPIh w r ?f i m V VU I-' JS-O-f- WW r H r , .