tui:him.v, xovumbkh i, iwi. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON The Evening Herald K. J. MUKIIAY rnr.i) boum; .... .Ktor ..City Editor Published dally oxcopt Sunday, br Tho Ilorald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, nt 110 Klghth Street. from the ftrat wa the determina tion ot a, outraged public. r , Kntored nt ttio postottlco nt Kla math KalU, Or?., (or transmission through tlio malls as second-class matter. MKM11ER OF Till! ASSOCIATED l'HKSS. The Asiorlntcd Press li exclusively entitled (o the nso for publication of all now uispatchcg credited to tt, or not otherwlso credited la this paper, and also tho local now pub iiKlicr herein. Tl'IXDAV, NOVlLMltKlt t, 1IKI1. M:Y8PAPKIt ADVKItTIHINd Nowspapor reading Is a universal dnllyhnblt; uowspapcr advertising reach each day virtually nil -who buy. Newspaper ndcrtlslng U tho llfo blood of loral trade- becauso It touches nil consumer sources In ev cry community. Newspaper advertising cuts sell ing coats because tt entails waato In locality of circulation. Newspaper advertising lusure quick, thorough and ecouoralcal dealer distribution and dealer good will. Newspaper advertising enables manufacturers to tell whero there products may be bought. Newspaper advertising can bo started or stopped over night. Newspaper advertising cnablos manufacturers to check advertising results and costs In every market they enter. Newspaper advertising cosU leas than any other kind. From The Fourth Estate. HYSTKltlA l'KIUOn PACT Commenting upon tho talluro of the American public to get excited over the threat of a railroad strlko an Illinois Journal remarks. In ex planatlon of this, that ,lFor one reason It Is nowadays u very diffi cult matter to alarm tho public." Purbaps not many pooplo havo observed It, but It Is truo neverthe less, that there- hu been a pro nounced change 'Jju-tbo public mind In tho last few months. For eight years tho affairs of tho United States Government ero administer ed by an administration which vis given to hystcrla.v Almost every day for many mouths thoro was an nouncement from'"tbe White House of acme new "crisis" which "fiad arisen, either In our domestic 'or our foreign 'affair, and there was spectacular action on the part of tho President or members or his official family In an effort to save the country from disaster. Some bureau head was always finding some new remedy for the Ills, or supposed Ills, of tbo nation and the business men ot the country" were kept continually on edg"e -watching what tho administration would do next. All this has been changed. Wo have now In the Whlto House a man who Is dellborato in his thoughts and careful In tils actions. When some new problem arises President Harding doosHTOITrush to Congress with n request for the creation of a new bureau or com mission and an allowance for the creation of a new bureau or com mission and an allowance of a now large appropriation in ordor that the affairs of private citizens muy bo regulated In some new manner. ' Neither do we have dally pronoun cements from tho publicity bureaus of tho various departments telling of new dangers that are confront lng tho nation and how soma de partment head Is going to savo us (rem disaster. When there was threat of a natlon-wldo railroad strike President Harding undoubt edly 'fully realized tho Injury which euch a strlko would causo but ho did not get excited about It. He took counsel 'with members of his cabinet, with members ot tho nail road Labor Hoard and with mem bers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, but tbcro was no hys teria (n any of his inovetnehtii- The raininess of his mind -was naturally an influence In keeping tho rest of. the country from becoming unduly perturbed. This Is but ono illustration ot tho benefits of having at tho head of tho Government ' a man who has self-control enough to act with de liberation and who will not keep tho country continually wrought up with anxious expectancy as to tbo ' outcome of some new but perhaps wholly imaginary-'national danger. Mr. and Mrs.. Wl W. Flnloy.'wlio havo mndo Klamath county tholr homo for mnny yenra, left yesterday In tholr car tor Ashland and Hoo- burg, whero Ihey will visit for sever al wuaka before going on to, Califor nia to spend Iho greater .part of tho winter M. H. taster, and Bm Jloldon lott at four o'clock this morning tor, tho Tulo Inka district on-n.gooso hunt, expecting to return early this after noon. trs. Frank Ankony left yosturdny for .the eastern purl of tho county to moot -Mr. An Icon r wholes been hunt ing In that district for tho past two weeks. Mnny envious eyea wore turnud In tho direction of their car ns Mrs. Ankony drove It up Main street with n (Ino buck strapped to tho radiator. J. U. Puckett was trnitcnctlng busi ness hern this morning and purchas ing supplies tor tho Puckotl homo at Odessa. Miss draco Soars, who has .been fur scvurM weeks visiting nt the homo ot Mr. tend Mrs.- H. J, llnrrett, left Sunday morning for the south. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reason HarrU arriv ed )pstorday afternoon from Uend with tho luttmtlon ot making tholr home In thls'cltjv Charles Warren ot lily, stockman and .armor, wns4n town this morn ing looking after business "affairs. - H. J. Williams Is registered at the Whlto Pelican hotel from Portland today. Wt If. Lytic Is a justness visitor hero this wek from Salem, "lie is a guest at the Whte "Pelican hotel. L I). Munson Is h'ero for a 'few rtuya from Portland attending to bus iness affairs. .Mr. nnd Mnu"S'U. KoU'terTMrand Mrs. C. A. Johnson anil Mrs. F It, I Prince drovojjnlo town Jrenterdayj ntternoon fpuillcnd, stayed all.nlgnt at the White Pelican hotel and letj this morning In their cars for tho south It. W. Tower transacted business In tho county seat-this, morning from his ranch homo' ncrKcn. The Klks lodge 1 Pjannlng" for a hard time. dance to bo given o(t Fri day night at tho Temple. Kvnry ono Is requested-1 wear ovoralla or np. rons In order ,to carry out the-hard tiroes Iden, -- ' 0. T. Dnrley left this morning for Macdoet whore he will bo occupied with some, surveying work fur thi next three days. Fred Pay no, loft today for Ashland 'where ho wu called by tho .sudden death of hU.tather, A- S. Payne., who died suddenly yesterday from heart failure. . , . . , -Mrs. Elizabeth Seng, who has bcn here slnco July as tho house guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Irwin, left this mornlng"Jortayton:Orcgon. whore shetwlirspend tho'wlnter with otbera ot her children. '-Marlon Nine, .of the Nino Lumber company.jsjn town from Swan lake valley for. (he day purchasing sup piles, t Henry Offenbaucher, one' time resi dent of Klamath FaJIs, is In town from Portland this week looking af ter his property Interests. Mrs. Joh Allen and her mother, Mrs. Doehm, are shopping In the county seat for a" couple of days. fcv JW-L t 'kip 'ii iif 11 ' 2lE3 T 'f i j jwSliiitUtme9tKf-iKtLJSimmtimEi9Ktmt The llnss drummer at I'ufdua Unlvurstlr claims ho, beats iho blggesl drum on earth. Many -people suggested many compromises to avert tbo rail strike, but tbo fact Hint PPellcd Its doom Government Exam for Stenographer The V, 8. Civil Henrico Com mis slon announces that the stenograph er and typewriter examination which was scheduled to be hold on the second Tuesday r'fn' November has been postponed to 'November 15, and both men and worawi will be admitted to thla 'examination for tbo -Dcpartmontdl ' Henrico tlon for tho Field' Service will be (Washington, D ,C). The1 cxamlna held, as schednfed, on November 8; There Is need of ellglblcs witling to accept appointment to positions lu Washington, D. C at tho mln Imum entrance salaries, $900 to $1000 per annum. Persons who desire to take this examination should apply at once to tbo local secretary board of civ- ll-scrvlco examlnern, at the post of fice, this city, or to tbo Secretary 11th U. H. Civil Servlco District, 303 Post Office Building. Seattle, Washington, -for an application blank and a copy of announcement, j ; r Washington aluuo more than a mil lion dollars n )car, la believed to have boon duvoioped at tho Wash ington UUtn College 'experimental station, It la announced , here. On tests covering tho last six years, not n sign ot smut has been, detect ed on tho tthoal. it Is nald. Tho weal la .crvsaaliatwouv'rur key It ml aud "Florence, u whlto Australian wheat ot high quality. and la called Smut Proof. Smut Proof, It self, Is a hard red winter wheat with a milling qual ity said to bo equal to If not vex ceedlng Marquis, which Is among tho, bee''.110 grvwn. Tho bushel weight, averaging nbqut..C3 pounds, Is high, and. tho yield Is said to rank well. Smut proof averaga 44.7 bushels to tho acre during a threo year test, which Is said to very nearly equal the nvprnge of Hybrid US ,tho most popular winter wheat lu ,Kaslern Washington. The reed wilt, not bo distributed for general uto until after teats have been continued 'far a number of years more with a vlow to Im proving the vartuty. It was said at tho experimental station. Washington state Is said to lose over a million dollars a year through smutty wheat. It Is the -hope of the department to remedy this loss. - LOOKING -FOU lll'CKH xTIIAT U'Klltf MAIIKKU l.V C.AI)A SPOKANE, Wash.. Nov. .1. In land Empire duck hunter havo been asked to -watch for wing and leg bands on ducks nhot this fall. Flv hundred duckj havo been re leased In Saskatchewan each bear lng a tag this year with a view to determining what routes the ducks take on their annual migrations to the sunny south. The flight Is not expected" to' begin until after the first heavy frosts In tho north. Hunters' are requested to send the tags to St. Paul, Minn,, to an ad dress given on each tag, with a statement of the placo and condi tion under which the ducks wore killed, "-'- 1'All.MKlt.S' WEEK 1IO.EMAN. Monl., Nov, 1. .The week of January U H next hM been set nsldo for tho annual farm ers' week at Iho Montana Htale Col lego, (it lloieman. Tho program for the wetk- will- Include agricultural short courses for farmers, a school of agriculture for bankers,- a con vention of the Montana llureau Federation and meetings of various other organizations related to agri culture. , Advertising pays. Try U Ml M iiBJaxSaiLxaitft 'jawSaGalajl1 FewJLmui Bnaker tSPW KiiMOriWIryAUa., Noi1?fl.MSU and ordor In thti north country! on a high plane and not In ono in stance h It been noepssarjMo, pto seouie nny person whV'hig entered tho country under Jh Mounted Po lice cliarauTerillieiGrTyriemJ state O, h. Jemlugaj auBftlotnnd ont of the llojrsl Canadian Jsfbunted Poliro, who riemttr nlturned 'h'e?o Htlmm . I ::.; "" ""Metlon lf ,. 5wi. yMttlir'tJonnl ,la Hik. " "' iJir-lL . KWf. th.n 4,ooo ?,! , i fr orth ''H ! "H4tSi ""The tesl,te,;.U. trelolie of (orr0 , ttn, IMH.0,,,0,, Rna nr lyh, real respect f0r iihiuC T .rnj -- union, nl . ! ..1.1 .... .. " oi lb. w-- ooiiW not b, ," WWh, -- "iniMior., ,' ni O'ned Xdfa;ltit 0 vssssssmmmmmmnmmmmammmmsm ? j4 artlt sn v., ' k mt A '"ia "! I Mrs ' " w't I' :lv- ' J " vycoj. 11 ' " " "" ' a . .v,'t-- , i - l I ' THIN RTORK OPKNH V I ' ' ' HIM A. M. I -3 niy--iriri-iinrAv-i-iririi-it-iriV-r-iJ- 1" iilinnn -,ri -innnarinii . "t & TONIGHT AT !3 The stranD ; Circes' -VAe MoMer (eicoas- with 9 piping hot cvp of Cbffee mxj pure crasm nnwr I'Iotumm rAtxiNunox in mouthkhn onaaa "Oreaf 'Minds OrUnoate. Kools lmtt.t. ' r "" ""'""" '""""' ,JJJJfJJJ" "-"-"r-rii-ii-trijii.ii Edith Starling IN Tfea n Airizona i Claw A BIG WESTERN DRAMA' WITH A REAL KICK i IT, NOTCKOTOCXKOLBimil MtOnflXfl. A special meeting or the stockholders of CltATEX (ML A OAH COMPANY will be bald at 1:00 P. M. Thursday, Ntra&v br 3rd. lilt, at the office of J. II. I)rU:oll. Btcretanr, Ml, Wllllts BulldlBg. Klamath rails, Oregon. The purpose of thla meeting la to receive and set oi He ' report of the Flaanre Committee and to doclde upon tb NM policy of the company. j " Questions of vital Importance to -every stockholdtr wHI M (discussed and It la the desire of the officers and directors sM I (every Stockholder be present, In ordtr that al Irasy be fatly l J formed of the affaire ot the. company, and Ihtt all msjr aTO 'voice in deciaing upon a policy for future action. Smut Reiisting Wheat Produced, at Washington College PULMfAN, Wash.f Nov. 1. A real sniut roslstlng wheat, which Is oxpected win savo the vtato of Like a Bird iMjkmttklkwrKsWWstmM xaafmlKjl vlnflCIIIA2rH.1UJ iH I KT'2s'B?BBixaVlBKHBaH B Mt? iK02wH A.-w mXM9twn i??mm W f aaBaxBaxlaBBxBKl - -kV'smt - 4xGaVaV0VVDHai faVBaBsxTsBBiBl aW-'r.'iHLVI taBBBemamY ''-'am tBaexBaexl 'HHff-KMiHHj ! ' h BBBeBexei aVaa9BBL BeKeBBkBexeBmil j!zCsss9SfsWsssm Take ftomt DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? TIllv pain and torture of rhcu matbm can lc nulckly rrllevoi liy an application of Sloan's IJnlment. It brings warmth, ease and conilort nni leu uu slcrp soundly, Alwajs liave 0 bottle Kxniy and apply uhen you feel the first twinge. ltprptUaUt uilkout tuUAni. Its splendid to take tlio pain out of tired, odiing muscles, sprains jind strain!,, ttlI Joints, nnd lame backs, lor forty ywn paV, enemy. Aak jt)iirntLlil(rc - - At ali drucs&tT-3Sc. 70c. 11.40. gm !m -.--., sioa Liniments ,i,,j,.,. SQUEEZED T0DE4fH ' Whenjlhi ;iocly begins 'to'atliTeti 3l jaind moVemeTrt'pccome's painful It' "."""fy "n inaicatiorl that tho kidneyo aro if'6f ordar. Keep' those orKonir healthy by taklnz COLD MEDAL . W, M, Monlellus. Dlr. v. sm. (I. A, llellmsn, Ulrector. (leo. II. Chamberlain. 0. kVr-' Asa Fordrce, Presidents Jas. II. Drtscoll, Hecratary. I O. D. llurke, Treasurer. in. r ii. uooaara, uireetor. THK PfBMO IM INVITKII Kvery' person Interested In Oil Development will be i at mu Hiocanoiuera Meeting, Nov. 3rd. The present mini .of Crater Oil 4 Oaa Co., propose to lay all the . .cards or.lfulJH .table and present the problems of oil development la wsaw" X County in, the light of a sound business firoposltlon. What been done we want ibe public to know. What II Is proponi j do we also 'want the public In know, YOU Wll.l DB lHTaT EHTED. WM UROH YOU TO COMB. AND HRIN0 TOW rniENDH, CMATKR OM A UAH OO. x i"i '1 sr & :i nl i. HflT ttt '1l J! Prvmlcr Hughe) uf Australia, and sis UtU eUufhUr, aaapped at a, flyJ jir field la England. Tb Lttte girl -took. to flylr.T like .Wrf Rodelnl Vlanve and ballooca a4' vnun'tl &f&l$Mti WiHalM , Tbe world' stamUrJ r.m.j.iuLii... U.r, bUddsr.and urlctld.licblei!! famous slnc.1098. Takar.giJiSrlT'awl kpingoodJiMltb'. laihrieaiiaVaif' orugpsui. uuuntd as rf mmmI.- Announcement . I Beginning November 1st, we will nllf Gash Only '. i ' - 373 .1 V wl ;is ; .tfli h -01 4fJ) 1 "1 .'1 Hi M . .' M IWIf ftfl im W 'Prmtumimli tttLfmmrtlmrd liter HlOfeT sW'i : : erdl in theircr edit,1 but we are now &, r si j . " j v v J il..'.iu Jmvs. ; peuea 10 meet outs in ten ana n r- . I hts doeinot.tlow time to matte ; ; tions 6n ttiarge accounts. .' T,,- - f ' .... Lli We will appreciate the cO'OpermmKi f t the pubUc In this jnove and will rendmvm " -" "-"" - .. ri'j'i'K sm t same excellertieertHce to patrons. 61 An r 4-- -" " -' ' ' n t9" ' -, m Houston & PneJps 't"ii't r rSfJ'V i' ftr'V ; t h Al m ffi w Mi M Km i iM(MlMllMOM MI