. t ?., a I j V rlf ' ',i'1 f i ySnt Lt , , I lEu enfng Herald 0mM Today? b News Today pa ll e m (til Member of the Associated Press. fSM,7flW7" KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, TUKHMV, NOVL'MIIKH I, lfKil. PKtOK FIVK CK.VTt HOa TO - - TO Ti JOINS . v cm loss N.5NI I" .-J-..- tit rmlnrii I tin ail fmi"iKp ,v " .. iil,xu lit uiurcnM And .. in IIP"" "- .., Mfkaifcn Improperly packed nuilhlr addressed, tho American '..:. .uorlnllon and American 1 . u, -campaign l educate r" .. ... . ... ..t.ii. .m fgtllicr nnu nij" - lowering -of loss- They ore toward " aunoiuio l.ialAM titiei In rtlM ena muusiiwH . miiMof point. rLto,, he lUwf Express start "" I . . I. .11.. .I.lin,ln ,,... -'! -:;-"? i tin mommy i "- .,.. ot an average. lo f Imrroporlr packed goods IbrtlW rfe""" HWM or IfUdilreMCU pncnaan. rittsllnir hlir In proper iU, U mommy io wn m I io i00 packages, 'log slop lpHectl,, v KtrtaW U to ' "w" " '"- tfttUC" MOnlJl, nmrioo rarrj- IBtnl? promun incir uiuiuii itlea In careful handling and , u r.iurn that tlio shippers wilt , etrtllR racking nd labeling. tMWfork ll Is expected that litretflt rccordvwlii bo miiwiw 1 f. . . ' forwer tmpaln took In onlr l((flU country. Tiio noremuor nVlll bo nation wliln. J. - itiry Officer All Premttet S U..m'ninn iJn ftfcr li tbo final cUto for cleanlnK i MlUetloDi of TefUM altout Iho jlttlMlnp of rt'aldrncM hero, Rnl r Officer Hrandenonrf "Id, rrMrWweApriri"wM Nevwa l, tkM up ordert aro ImumI for K taullary condition! but i to iiacli, difficulty In avcurlng yrper'dli)OMl this iarawcr. thr Ilk oMrcr allowed (lie rminencea ti ottiklrta of tho city, whero i population wiu imalt tho prlTt i ol Alm by1 November ' Thla i aatt bo romoved arcordlnic In twaMTitild down earlier In tlie tr, Iho Hnltary offlror "aald. Iirklla tke matter In not, In (ho aanl- IIm, the health officer hit ttd Io mroplo who havo wrcdi is( by their (ldoatka. and In imuncM in their wbik, mm i time li hrit to renvve thorn io whwjtbe now falls tho wclfiht I Mt break thorn down and Inter- i villi pawaee. Children, Coasting, Collide With Car, Not Badly Injured Coatllng- down tlio Tenth atreet hill on a small wagon Uit oronlnr, Lorotta Howard, aged 6 yoara, ilouglitor of Mm. Hamlin, 1130 Illgli itroct, and Dotty Dlckton, ngod i, daughter of tho Kar. aud Mrt. J, II. Dickaon, run Into an automobile, parkod at tho curb at tho cornor of Tooth and Main atroota. Tlioy wore bruited and thakon up but etcapod Mrtout ln jury. Tho Howard girl wat tin- coniclout -when takon from beneath Iho aUtomoljllo, whero tlio moment um or Iho coaitcr carried tho tmall yolilclo and lla paaaengera, and ll wat fard tho waa aerlouily In jured. Kxamlnatlon allowed, how over, that her.JnJUrlen were vuper flclal and aho waa dlteharged from tho hctpltal thla morning. , Tho Dickaon child waa on tho rear of lha coaler and waa (leta aovcrely bruited. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Preparing to Pick Oregon PottmaMere IWAAHINCITON, D. C. Nbr.t r The civil aervlco rommlailon hat been roquetted by tho pottofflc dapari ment to hold examinations for the election of poitmoatera at llattey, llnppncr, Klamath Kallt, La Orando, North Portland, Prlnevllln and Koto burg, Or. crane School Hefnted, By Female Spook i I colored nnbulatloa of thla city thing tho Klamath county high ol a wldo berth In their wander tboit tbo city tlnco yctterday 'tier 'were rumora that a ghoat Vsu" Jtlhe tplrlt of tho akolo i of tho.fcmalo nogro woman loan- to the biology and philology clatt- by Dr. I,. D. Uaaa. Tk tkeleton wn borrowed lat ' from Dr. Oasa by Prof. Ilobort 1 Ooli (or mo In tho claatoa and ktrdyr tlio loan" of ''the gruenome' t wat again obtained by tho a tchoul principal for to thla When Iho rrfttllnR bonea wore taken down tlnlra from the f't of(lco,ycfttorday. n tmall no- 1 1'rl taw iho oblcct being takon I tkt high Bclioairhe let out ono W then ocurrlod flown Main atrool i .hided llghtvr, bytandora4Bald. op pyn;'TO : (SbhVKCrjfOTK OPKNf4 P collection ault filed by r. C'mvm against O. W. Duke for Mlsnfe ot .I4I.8B . due -,on an Ml J . .. tw ,' ooie ,oi 1800 waa bowk Moro'1Mr.,TO.fl. 'CurrtoV'te- In circuit court today. One at Qnattlan tirnatiht ub waa r,an alt'orney tee of IJOO 1 "reasonahle i tee" 'orpitot. '"Ti" cilia . In lJteattld 't w waa 'm'wcfiwe.rk; "n on- OEUTEU WEEK Tli ii Catholic rnlr, which Jaat Sep tember wna announced for November 10, 11 and 12, baa, been postponed for ono woek, and will bo held on November 17, 18 and 19, It waa an nounced today- Tho chiago waa mad out of courtoay to lha Ameri can Legion, which expreaaed a aenro to hold aome oventt on the 11th and i:th, tho former date being Armlt tiro Day and one of apeclal algnlfl canco to that organisation. (The postponement will only "havo the effect ot Increasing tho number of articles that wilt be offered for aato and Improving the plan already majipod out. Since this fair la to be an annual event, there la more or lea rivalry to nwrfce each succeeding one a bigger success than Its predeceat ors, and thoso In charge of this year's event nro wurklng bard to tot a high mark. . i m Sea Takes Live of Eleven Fishermen i ANC1EI. 8BA, Now Jortey, Nov. 1. Kleven fishermen, and possibly more, aro bolleved to have drowned when a tmall opn inotorboat upaet during n atorro along tho coast. One boat missing and two bodies and an upturned bbat wathed nthoro moat ed tho tragedy. Following tho custom that hat damned tho Chnmbor of Commorco for tho past year, tho presont mat torn ot tho organisation aro pursuing tholr old policy of secrecy that foltt ed upon the people ot tho community tho Infnmoiin contract with tho Amor lean City Ilurcau. Today it It secrecy In tlio mnttor of toloctlon of a successor to tho fnllura that hat held that position for tho past yoar or so. No Infor mation Is forthcoming from tho Chamber as to who liar, applied for tho position nor who Is being con sidered for tho Job and ovcry effort to socuro those names has met with faltu.ro. Home weeks ago this paper look up with tho directors ot tho 'Chamber (ho policy of secrecy adoptod by tho secretary and it was officially decreed that every proceeding ot tho chamber, wbclucr by tbo direc tors, tbo members or tho officers, should bo open for publication, that tho Information waa public property and 'that every facility should be afforded tho Horald In gaining this Information. Thla It tho tint occa' slotr since that tlmo when anything of Importance has been boforo tho organisation tor consideration. In jitoad of. following tbo Instructions of tlio directors, tho secretary baa shrouded every more in tho selec tion of a successor with an fra porcoptablo veil of secrecy, Tho mem bers baro roason to aslc -why? Tho, Horald botlevct that tho roason-'t a dcslro upon tho part of the pres ont sccrotary to porJSotuato his pol icies pollclcg that bavo killed tho chnmbor to doad and loadod It down with a dobt so boavy that It wllj take a real man to resurrect It, and bo hasn't tbo brain nor the ability to select such an Individual. Tho da has pasted when Imported products can dcllvc'r iho goods. If ono It selected, (hen tho directors had better hang crcpo upon tbo door ot tho chambor of commorco Today an appeal Is being sent out to tho members to pay tholr duos. Don't you do It. Don't con- trlbuto another cent until you know who is to spend your money; un til you know whether ho Is a man or n mouse; whether tho organisation lx to be run In tho Interest of Kla math Falls and Klamath County or tho American City Bureau. Tho tlmo Is at hand to purge tbo organ ization ot tho foolishness that haa controlled It for tho past year, or reccgnlxo tho fact that it bat failed and let It go the way ot Its predecessors. Fists Permissible In Indian Martial Discipline, Says Law, POrtTLAND, Nor. 1. Caveman affoctlon among tho Indians it tol erated iif tho United Statos govern- men, provided no deadjlor weapon than lists aro used to administer caresses. Thl fact became public Satur day in tho fcdoral court when As distant United States Atlornoy Aus tin V. Flcgcl told Federal Judgo C. E. Wolvcrton that It Is not a crlmo for an Indian to beat his wife McKlnley Jackson, Klamath re- line PUNS HID BY II Tho foruni commlttco of tho cham bor of commerce met last night in tlio chnmher rooms to talk over tho plans for tho annual community din ner, at which a proRratn was out lined for tho entertainment ot ICO outsldo cucnts by lftO membors of I llin nrennlzfitlnii. IMnnn xlinllnr to serration rcdman. was arrested sov- tho program lttflt ycar woro adopted. differing only in slight respects. Tho central Idea ot tho community ldlnnor this year will bo In tho assom- ernl months ago on a charga of as tault and battery, after his "wlfo's oyo had been blackened and her noso battered until blood flowed froely. Tho United Statos commis sioner at Klamath Falls bound Jackson to tho fcdoral grand Jury In Portland, but whllo preparing the ovldenco for the consideration of tho grand Jury Flcgol found that Jackson bad only used bit fltU on his wife and' had tliorcforo not violated any federal law governing Indians. "If ho had used a club or any weapon, or had threatened to kill hor, wo would hare had a caao," Flegcl commented. Bomb Exploded In U. S. Consulate I.ISI10N. Nor. 1. -A bomb was ox ptoded today on tbo atalrcaso ot tho American consulate here, but no damago wat done. Tho outrago Is attributed to agitation In connection with tho legal cases ot Sacco and Van xettl, Italians, who wcro convicted of murder In Massachusetts. WABIUNOTON, Novj 1. Tho de partment of Justice has begun Inves tigation of tho threats being mado bymdlcalt In connection with the cases of 8acco and Vanicttl. 1IOI.V HOUR HKUVICKS Special Holy Hour services will be held at Sacred Heart church this ovonlng, starting at 7 o'clock. T1H1 SEES DfflN UPON "on with the -eolleetion ot CUKE Strike Called off in Cal. Oil Field IIAKKKSFIKXU, Cal.. Nov. 1. Tbo oil workers strlko waa called off last night by tho district council, at tho behest of Secretary of Labor Dav is. Tho local unions nro to voto to night on tho council's recommenda tions. Tho strlko startod saven weeks ago. Linn County Has Murder Mystery LKDANON, Nov. 1. Tho bodies of John Painter and son, William, aged IS. wero found buried In a shallow gravo on tholr farm near hero today. Uoth had boen shot. Peto Deedo, an employee of tho farm haa been arrested by Sheriff Kan dull ot Linn county. Tho father and ton had boen missing for 13 days. LEGION OLD LEADERS bllng of all the resource of tho county through representatives of tho industries at present In operation. Ono prlnclpnl speaker whoso tlmo will not bo limited Is to address tho assembled guosUi, followed by two minute speakers front each of tho following occupations; Indian service Womcns' Auxiliary, Agriculture, Auto Association, Lumber, Llvostock, Amorlcnri Legion, Tourist. National Parks, National Forests, Labor, Fi nance, Business, and tho Schools. Tho dato for tbo dinner was not sot last night, Secretary Stanley said today. Tho subject which the prin cipal speaker will talk upon will bo tbo "Accomplishments of tho Past and the Outlook, for tho Future." G. OF G. MM ' S N PROGRAM C. of d Notifies Subscribers to Pay The board Mof directors of the chamber otJ commerce hold their reaular mooting today to discuss the financial altuatlon , of the chamber, ns tho second half ot the fiscal year-" began today. Notices wero tent ent to th membership today notifying them that the quarterly and teml-aanual duea wero itayablo from November I to both January wd JOT i. was. c cording totho InaUllmenta aelect od by the auoecneer. ,i - Oregon May Get Million for Roads from Federal Fund WASHINOTON. Nor,, 1.- The houao today adopted the conference report on the federal eldJloe roade bill, eanryiW appropriation of 175.000.000 tor highway construc tion. $4 TOKTL.AND. not, AVt Onkfi '...., ivn tl.isi.000 onder-we f M.35 a, there -wn, in one, road bill, "Id O." 11, Purcell, fed- 11.0 era) district TPd engineer. The conference hold at tbo While Pelican hotel yojtorday afternoon between representatives ot tho Cul inary Alllanco and Proprietors' as sociation seemed ono step nearer to aettlembut ot tho wago question ralsod last week. Secretary McMillan ot tho alll anco reported that tho membership of tho local culinary union had In tho Saturday meeting ngrocd to nc- copt a 7 per cent reduction In all classes ot work from chota down to dishwashers and that tho union waa firm In Its' belief that 8 hours work In 4J wa sutflctemt and would not accept tho 8 hour In IK clauso proposed by tho proprietors. Hovoral inombort ot tho union tooko on this point and stated that each branch of the union had docldod against tho 8 houra in 15 clauso and it was unanimously re jected. Tho proprlotora stated that thoy were willing to suspend the 15 day clause for negotiations and after the meeting last night, -would be reidy to deliver tholr formal a awer to tho wage scale for the en suing, six months. Tho culinary unjon 'representatives stated that It the answer to tho wage proposition we presented by Wednesday noon tho matter would be satisfactory. The qifestlon was raised,, as to whether the answer would be a de- 1 finite only. tend Hots Niekerson. spokesman ot the proprietors, In behalf7 ot hit association, atated that the answer "would, be, a clear and doflnlte one, Tho program for tho forum tomor row night nt tho chamber of com morco will deal again with tho ques tion of the f65,000 refunding bond special election on November 8 and Horace Manning, chairman ot tho t speakers program, will deliver an ad- droas upon this vital subject which bears upon tho question of Klamath Falls future bond Issues, should tho disinterested voter fall to go to tho polls on November 8 and voto "yos." Tho chambor has ndopted n series ot slosans and had them prlntod for distribution about tho city, and It Is plannod to havo them scattered pro miscuously about tho forum tomor row during Manning's talk to assist tho speakor1 In bringing home tho stern truth of tho city's flnanctal sit uation. fTho slogan road, "Savo our city's credit, vote,; "'yea'". '"This Is nur lob lot's no." "Clear tho way for Progress," "They aro wnkhlng Klamath." , ", . The principal speaker tomorrow will be Horace Sykos. deputy fire marshal from Baloin, who will, latk fifteen minutes upon the subject of how ho finds conditions In this city during tho annual flro Inspection. also on thq topic of "Fire 'Proven tlon." Sykos" address should be one that will Interest every properly own er In the city for at presentt tho Oregon Rating Bureau has notified Klamath Fallt thattbe.Ure .insurance rates wero to bo ralsod owing to the allerod nxrpsslve, lotses here claim ing that tho sum ot, UMi Is paid out on every dollar taken n, KANSAS CITY, Nor. 1. Tho of ficial greetings to Marshal Foch and Ocnernt Pershing wero vocl forously given nt this morning's session of tho Amoriean Legion convention. Tho annual legion par- ado was hold this afternoon. General Pershing after formally welcoming Foch and the other al lied commandors. praised the Leg lon'g campaigns for Americanism and all 'kindred Ideals. He also urged tbo legion to continue Ita efforts to bring into being a .mili tary forco that would be represent ative ot tho people so that the country may escape unprcparednes In any future wars. m Hallowe'en Passes Without Vandalism Hallow Eve was gloriously cele brated by tho youngor generation last nlcht and today a wholcsalo cleaning of windows In the bust nca, district took place. Almost all tbo windows along Main aircoi wore "soaped up," a few sidewalks ripped up on High atreet and number ot small buildings turned over in tho outlying districts by mlscblevlous youngsters. The pollco wero not calledf upon to quell any rinimm bunches' ot vandals as In oast years. Tho older generations took their amusements in milder forms. Par tlos were held at various hornet, A. masquerade dance took place at tho Scandinavian hall and prlxes wer eawarded as follews: First prlxo, ladles, May WolcK. Chinese mandarin; gentlemen, Jack Chraters, hobo; second prise, Tom Jotfrles, "Boob McNutt," June Howell, gypsy maiden. Mrs. Arleno VanDaht In a costume designed from newsiianent 'won favorable mention. AMERICANS FRKKD 11Y MEXICAN HAND1TH Salvation Army Contribution Falls ' Short of the Quota Prizes for workers who sold tbo largest number ot Salvation Army tags Saturday aro ready tor distri bution at the Club Cafe. Tho first prlto, an agato ring, wis won by Mrs. Lou In Hoagland. Mrs. G. ,D. Cexad won second prize, a gold tilled pencil; MJjs Jean Mc Donald, third prize, a china plate, and Miss Eda Jones, fourth prize, a picture of Crater Lake. Tho tag tale Saturday added about 8110 to the Salvation Army fund. Complete returns for the campaign aro not In but It! is es timated that 81,000 will bo the mlnjmum raised and the total may reach 81,350. The county's quota Is 8S.250. Whllo tho campaign Is formally closed, the workers havo still to visit persons who asked them to re turn a second tlmo and 'to canvass the local factories. Grocers Decide to Discontinue Credit With tho exception ot tho Sunset grocery, which wtll.stlll glvo 30 days' credit accord In R-JM. P, Evans, pro prietor, local groceries today started business on a cash basis. The move ment is In a measure concerted, al though all tho firms taking part are I acting Independently. It Is said, upo llrnv which nas ueen doing a larco credit business Is roportod to havo 840,000 outstanding, uncollect- Iblo at present In spite, ot tholr best efforts. lJust how far this situation applies gonerally to tho- grocery trado is not known, but it Is under stood that tlio nnxloty of wholesalers to protect their accounts Is larcoly responsible for tho cash basis. Ono firm, which said its notion was entirely Independent, said that tbo change would curtail operating cost to an extent that would innko It pos sible to lower tho cpjt to tho con eumor nlno per cent. WASHINGTON. Nor. 1-Four Americans captured by Mexican ban,. dlta. who demanded twenty-five thousand pesos as ransom, wero ro leased on the paymont ot tlvo thous and pesos. Thls Is according to ad vices received by tho Btate aopari mont from Chlhuahuat - -i 9100,00(1 FIKK AT SALEM . ir V - SALEM, Nqv.tJ Damage Amount ins to fuwyy i ""."," 8TK1KF. I.V PltOTHST OP INJUNCTION OltDCU ATHENS. Ohio, Nov lV-Threo hundred miners struck today (n pro test against tho Injunction order yes terday by Judgo Andorson, forbid ding orsanlzatlon in the West Vir ginia field. ' i m PROBE TALES OF ARMV EXECUTIONS OVERSEAS r WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. An,Un vestlgation by a special committee Into the charges brought by Sena- of, undetermined' orlglnrvhleh early tor Watson, democrat, from Oeor-i today destroyed tho v building olid gin. that tho American soiqiers in most of the stock of the wholesale ' France were 'hanged without eourt tlrm of Showalter und Jacobs, Two 'martini, wai -ordered by the sen flromen wero Injured, ,nto todpy. 1 ..