'lyntswipsiv :'' v;(" ' w ir; 'vA.jA' v i'c '' .' riaw 1 v ".--- rssvrfr;' fti t- ,'v ft,' ' if or. , it BiH'&v''-' '.'. -V UT Nv "i ,'T . "JP! . -I. . ..V... "1 Today's TimH Today Do ft noppMWfffii I!'K-i'J ka' L&u.hj: x M j y 7 i,r . irfv MzrmxL p; . .Z A A. j TJUUUUI , I'lftcotith Year M. 01 BO. EX-SERVICE III WILL GET BONUS JET SMS EMERY "1! KANSAfl CITY, Oct. 31. ftho American legion today wont Into three day action for important ob jectives. Gonoral Armando Diaz, of Italy, Gonoral Daron Jncquos, or Bol--slum, and Vlco President Coolldgo, representing President Harding, woro notablo figures nt tho oponlng. 'Ad miral Karl Realty, of tho British ttrand Fleet, Ib duo today, and Mar shal Foch and General Pershing will arrive tonight. Nothing In closer to tho heart of Prosldont Harding than to mako tho rollot for Incapacitated veterans ab solutely completo, uald Coolldgo, who leclarod tho Prosldont had a dcop appreciation of what tho soldiers' servlco meant to tho nation. . KANSAfl CITY, MO., Oct. 31. Thoilssua of national adjuslod com pensation for tho cx-sorvlco man han not been at alt Hnttled, John Q. Km- ery, nntlonnl .commnndor of tho Amorlcan Legion, dcclarod hero to day in his nddrcss opening tho third annual convention of (,ho Loglon. "Such means as woro used last summer to boat ndjustod compensa tion ' cannot ultlmntnly nuccocd," Commander Emory told tho Legion. '.'NotiilNK Is soltlod-until it U sot tlcd right. "Tb'o Amorlcan pooplo nro tho court of last resort and wlicrovor tho Amorlcan pcoplu havo by tho ballot passed Judgment on tho mattor of ndjustod compensation that judg ment has boen an endorsement of tho Legion' stand. "I cannot concelvo of n CongrosaJ so derelict In Its duty, so unmindful of Its just obllKntlons to thoso who served- beir country at great flnan rial losii, or ho blind to tho wishes of our uooplo as to bo mislead agnin Into refusing to adjust tho economic balanco between tho man who wont to wnr and tho man who did not." Commander Emery roportod that "In tho faco of odverso Industrial conditions, which hnvo lilt -tho ox servlro ntnn harder than any othor class, tho Loglon has gained In strength and Its financial position has steadily Improved." Ho sugostcd that tho political "cI.-iuho In tho Legion's constitution, which "will not pormlt nny ono who holds or is Booking salarlod eloctlvo public office, to hold oftlco' In tho Legion or In nny dopnrtmont or post thereof," bo extended to Includo ap pointive offices. Ho added that ho felt that "no porson In public llto, in community, stato or nation, should bo allowed to spook for tho Legion, and that tho Legion must bo' allowod to continue to spoak for Itsolf whon Issuos Involving Borvlco mon nro con cerned, and thou In'torms which nil tho world will understand." Commander Emery paid high trib ute to tho Wo Commandor Frodorle W. Oalbralth, Jr., who .was killed 'in nn nutomobllo nccldont. Ho said his ono nlni had boon to carry through tbo groat program -which Commando Oalbralth had loft un finished. A A notablo public sorvlco of tho paBt year, Commandor Emory polntod out, was tho "frustration of a nation wide (lorman propaganda campaign in tho United Sttncs." This, ho said, was to start with a series of "Ithlno Horror" moetlngs. "Tho notorious propagandist, Von Mach, bollovod ho had sq cloyorly concoaled hla motives that ho asked Oalbralth to spoak at tho first Rhino Horror mooting nt Madison Squaro Garden, Commandor Emory said. "Ad you will remember, Oalbralth did not wait that long before ho spoko. Ho told Von Mach on tho spot what bo thought ot him and his project. Tho Loglon prepared Im mediately to organlzo counter demon strations wherovor tho pro-Oermans might carry out their' pro-conceived program. Most of thoso meotlngs wordnovor held, however, for Von Mach abandoned hla scheme atter ono disastrous nttompt at Madison Squaro. 'Gordon." Tho groatest Legion achievement of'tho year, Commander fernery said, waswon tor tbo disabled serylco mon, Explosion of Gas Tank Gives Repair Man a Close Shave Glenn Prultt, ngod 20 yonrs, Sat urday afternoon wont through a vory oxcitlng oxperlonco, at tho Ocorgo McColluin mill west of this city whllo ropalrlng tho gas tankxon a Diamond T truck, used In haullng'lumbor at "tho mill." Prultt found a loak on the sldo of tho gas tank and first drained the gasollno from tho container. 'A stick usod In moasurlng oil was inserted' Into tho tank to seo It alt tho gasollno was out and whon withdrawn no trac es of gas woro found. Tho truck was standing on tho stdohlll with tho front end facing uphill. Tho application of a bit of solder however demonstrated that tho draining was not flnlshod for there was an explosion, tho roar end ot tho tank went out with a bang and sont young Prultt head over hcols down tho hill. 'Jlo was not lnjurod but badly scared. IT, TO AID IN LEW Tho county court last week np pointed tho budgot commlttco which will sit with tho county court In tho preparation of tho 1922 budget somo tlmu next month, under tho provis ions qf tho law passod nt tho last Bcsslon ot tho Oregon legislature. Tho selections mndo woro A. Knllna ot Mnlln, J. Frank Adams, Klamath Falls and A. II. Campbell, of tho Pine Orovo district. Tho commlttco piembersj according to Judgo It. H. BunndliT'aro among tho largest taxpayers 'of tho county. According to Judgo Burinoil, t,heso throo men, providing thoy accept tho appointments, will' deal fairly nnd squnrcly upon all points of tho pro poieTl budgot for Klamath county.-' Tho county court Is tho lovylng. board and flxca tho assessments for thn mn. nrennllnir to tho estimates of tho budget submitted by tho budg-1 B ot committee, Judgo Bunnell sald.lwo'O for tho noxt six months. Tho Tho board ot equalization hears all.tlrst conforonco botweon tho two complaints of tho Individual and organizations failed to solvo tho should tho amount bo found out ot dispute but It Is hoped by repro proportlon In tho Individual enso, an sontntlvcs of both organizations that adjustment Is mado accordingly. Tho Item tor tho 1922 budget were not glvon out but It Is under stood that provision for a road pro gram will coino In for much consid eration. NO CHANOK IN CONDITION OF AGED STROKB VICTIM Thoro is no notlccablo chango in 'era said thoy understood this to tho condition of ' Paul Broltonstoln, moan that there would bo no strlko ono ot tbo oldest pioneers of tho for 15 days, but tbo union socrotary city and soxton ot tho Odd Follows took tho vtow that tho arbitration cometory, who was soiled with a could bo broken oft at any time auddon stroko ot apoplexy lastjwlthln 16 days it settlement ngroo Saturday. This Is according to tbo mon t appoarod Impossible roport this attornoon from tho hos-j Tho old wago agreement oxplres pltal whero ho la a patient. His tonight. right sldo was totally paralyzed by A spoclal meeting ot tho Culinary tho stroko and bo was doprlvod of Alllanco was called Saturday after- tho powor ot speech. i Its vigorous ofrorta resulting In crea tion ot tho Veterans' Duroau. "Tho last national work undertak en by tho Loglon has been for tho rollot ot comradoa who nro unemploy ed," Commandor Emory contlnuod. "It Is n duty ot tho loglon to oxtend every aid to thoso comradoa and a uiuy, wiiivii i nuuiv i.iu ivfjiuji .. i not fall to portorm," ho said. Abroad, Commandor Emory ro portod that n movomont was on foot In Franco to consolidate tho numer ous voterana' associations thoro Into ono united nnd offcctlvo body.. "It Js a .singular trlbuto to us that tho namo proposed for tho now organiza tion Is Legion Francalse," bo noted. "In Great Britain, too, tho Amorlcan Legion la tho pattern after which tho ox-Bervlce groups nro bolng reformod and brought together undor tho namo ot tho British Loglon. "Tomorrow morning," ho contln uod, "thero will bo called to order in Kansas City, another groat conven tion, a convention which means tho dawn of a now day In tho making of a better America. Tbo Women's Auxiliary of tho American Legion, with possibilities unbounded, Is about to beoomo an accomplished fact, In dependent and selt-govornlng, a worthy compatriot ot. tho Legion," Member of the KBAMATH FALLS, OREGON, Tho Joint committee from the Kla math County Farm Duroau, tho Kla math Irrigation district, and the banks ot Klamath Falls, which has boon working to sceuro assistance for agricultural and livestock inter ests through' tho War Flnanco corpo ration, mot in tho Farm Bureau of- flco Saturdar'afterndon. Steps woro taken toward tbo for mation ot a local Agricultural Loan corporation similar to thoso. being formed olsowhore for tho purposo of negotiating loans through tho War Flnanco corporation. This Jean .cor poration will bo primarily for tho purposo ot taking caro ot tbo long I term loans pormlttod undor tbo act. Tho commlttco in of tho opinion that much-nooded assistance can bo ob tained by tho local banks through tho War Flnanco corporation and nro urging all tho banks to tako advan tage of tho opportunity, offered In order to assist their customors whero nn Immodlato oxtonsloa of credit Is necessary. Pomona desiring further informa tion regarding tbo possibilities ot as- slstanco through, tho IWar Flnanco corporation 'should communicate with tho Farm Duroau oftlco or with any 'of tho Individual mombors ot tho committee. HOPE TO SETTLE WAGE DISPUTE Representatives ot tho Rostaur ant Proprietors' association and tho Culinary Altlanco mot this at tornoon at 3 o'clock at tho Wblto Pelican hotel In an effort to roach 1" agreement rogarding tho wago the meeting this afternoon will sot tlo tho points undor consideration. Prospocts that tho question will bo settled follow a proposal ot arbi tration, which though construed with slight dtftoronccs is rocognlzed by both sides and apparently will avert hasty action. Tho arbitration porlod is 16 days, Rostaurant own- noon to hoar tbo roport of tho Al llanco representatives who parti cipated In tho conforoncoa and to stato what tho proprietors asked fcr In tho way ot wago reductions and working hours. Socrotary Mc Millan stated that ho was unablo to state what transpired. pjQ JestrUction of Property, 1$ Police Edict to Youngsters Doatructlon ot proporty will not bo countenanced tn tonight's Halt lowo'on colobratlon, pollco officers said .today. Patrolman McLaughlin visited grammar schools today and told pupils tbat he would. not in terfere with' Jack-o'-Iantorn parades and noisy revels. Tho youngsters would be welcomo down town, ' ho said, but no tearing down.ot signs or gates, breaking windows or oth er proporty' destruction -would bo tolerated. PARENTS OP aiRfc Mr. 1227, proud baby and Mrs. C. W. Erlckson, of Lakovlow Avonuo, nro tho paronts ot an eight pound girl. Sho has boen named Violet June Dr. George I. Wright was In attendance. ' CORPORATION TO HANDLE FAHM LOANS FORMING Associated Press MONDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1081. , TomorrawT0bfnar thern will 'h heM In the1 iJUo'rJnmf the, jre- bytertan ehurekl a'moetlrig that .in '- .'. .-.-it .: c ri' n.n, w i inn; annum DO-oi, KTOai lntorest to the. business men of thn city. jU'wIIlj'haTe To do with the clearing up of the newspaper iltua tlon In. tills city. -It haa finally sunk Into the lead of. oe who are constantly crying. out for. an other newspaper;' thatthls city, can not support two such publications. This fact haa been ' rocognlzed .by tho sensible, lovel-headed business men and many of these aro anxious to seo. tho nowspapor ' business placed oir-a-basls that will assuro Its' future and keep 'It free from the unwarranted assaults .of tho un scruyuious, .mo.aesigning, mo self- socking, who in the past lavo sought only tholr own selfish ends, oven though tbo seeking coet the community a heavy , price. The mooting tomorrow night will do- cldo ono ot two things whothor Tho Herald will continue under Its prcsont ownership and and tbo Rec ord Publishing company shall ceaso to oxlst, or whothor It shall pass In to tho .hands ot thoso now con trolling tbo Record Publishing company. So far as tho prosont owners ot Tho Herald aro con cerned, It Is Immaterial what tbo decision may bo. In oitbor evont tholr Interost In the development ot the community will contlnuo un abated. It should bq understood, howovor, that thero will bo no chango in Its policy .if the owner.- snip is uncnangoa. ji win do just as positive Just, as aggressive, just as independent and Just as froo from tbo controlling influence of outsiders. It will always contlnuo as tho volco of tho pcoplo, no mat- tor whoso Interests may suffer or what tbo penalty may bo. . Slnco such a course Is suro to bring about a situation similar to that which brought Into being oth orinowspapers in this city, It might bo well for poaca and harmony if a chango woro - made that would provo more acceptable to those so strenuously objecting to the course followed by The Horald. That Is why tho meeting tomorrow night Ms ot more than passing .Interest to tbo business men la particular and tho pooplo In genoral and why It should be largely attended. Special Pullman May Take Visitors to Livestock Show The farm bureau and chamber, ot commorce aro both working upon a plan to Bend a standard sleeping car full ot Klamath county people to tho Pacific International Ltvo Stock Exposition at Portland. Tbo railroads havo offered a faro and ono halt tor tho round trip during tho caurso of tho oxposltlon. Tbo plan ot tho Joint bodlos Is to secure 25 reservations, for- tho spoclal car, leavo Sunday morning, and allow tho party to return at times sultablo to thomsolvcs. Tho tickets aro good until Novombor II. A consultation between J, J. Mlllor, of tho Southern Pacific rail- rond, Socrotary Stanley cf tho cham ber of commorco and E. H. Thomas, ot tho farm bureau, took placo to day, rolatlvo to last date tor, names to 'bo handod In and Thursday morning, November 3, was decided on, ' Persons planning on attendlng tho' 'exposition and desiring to' Join thotparty should communicate with otther tho chamber ot commorco or tbo farm bureau before Thursday morntng s0 that tho sleoper can bo ordered sent from Oakland. llll DEAD LISTED AM RESULT OF FLOOD VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 31. Thirty-six aro deajl at Britannia Roach as tho result of the flood Fri day night. Tho da ma go by floods In 'Wnatorn nrltlsh Columbia will reach millions. , MEETING ML ' DECIDE FUTURE V , Driver, Takes Chance x With Life; Remit Is Wrecked Bridge I ! ' Tom Dixon, road supervisorA,was a Wrathy man, Friday morning When word was . received that some! irre sponsible automoblllst had taken "a fenanco," when tho guard was absent on the Keno bridge closed 4q traffic, and shot across there at such, a rata that the east section raised on Jacks, was knocked off and nearly precipi tated Into the Klamath fiver. ' Justwho the foolhardy autolst was Is unknown but Dixon said that the person who took tho dare did not know how close ho came to losing bis life had the section given way completely.- JTho bridge is being guarded both day and night now so that "no more, near, accidents can oc cur, not. to,c6ttnt' the extra work which was added to'tho repair gang's rogular Frldayrout'lne. i322 LICENCES Application blanks' for 1922 licen ses havo boon matlod by tho secre tary of state to all motor vehicle owners. In Orogon, so as to permit thom to v apply for and receive such licenses bofore'january 1, 1D22. Mo tor vchlclo ownors'will avoid much trouble nnnoyanco and unnecessary delay, by. promptly applying for tholr 1922 Uconsea'upon rocolpt of tho ap plication btanks. Deferring apply ing for licenses until about the first ot tho year only congests tbo work of tho secretary of stato's oftlco and may result In tbo arrest ot tho car owners by traffic officers, for failure to .havo tho .1922 licenses On tholr cars after January 1st noxt. License plates for 1922 will have a yellow background and black figures and letters. Up to tho present tlmo during tho yoar 1921 thereJiavo boon registered and licensed In Oregon 613 motor vo hlcle dealers,. 6,436 cbauffours, 178, 620 motor vchlclo operators, 3,106 motorcycles and 116,609 passenger nnd commercial cars, from which' tho total llcenso fees aggrcgato 2,319, 307.00. Tho fees, less administra tive expenses, aro distributed one fourth to tho counties from which tho registrations are received and three-fourths to the state highway fund for use 'In road construction and Improvement throughout tho stato generally. , The distribution' of tho registra tions up to Soptembor 15, 1921 shows that In Klamath county thoro were registered 14 motor vehlclo dealers, 195 chautfours, 2,810 motor vohlcle operators, 27 motorcycles, 1,905 pas songer cars, 2 ambulances and hears es, 1 busses and stages, 68 commer cial cars ot loss than ono ton, capac ity, 170 trucks of from ono to five tons capacity and 6 trailers ot from ono to flvo tons capacity, or a total of 2,142 licensed passengor and com mercial motor vohlclcs. INIDANAPOLIS. Oct. 31. An injunction directing tho United Mlno Workora to stop .efforts to unionize tho Williamson coal field in West Virginia, where the mln- era nave oa strike for over a year," was Issued today by Federal Judge ,A. B. Anderson on the ground that tho union .was seeking to restrain trade, . Tho court did not deny tho right of the workers to organize, but held that minors'- courts In West Virginia woro In furtherance of a conspiracy with oporatora In or ganized union fields to shut off the( competition ot non-union mined. coal. J Tho judgo said ho would not en-, Join tho "peaceful efforts" to or-: ganlzo West Virginia. I TIM FO ORDER iNE WORKERS ': ENJOINED FROM ORGANIZATION prick five ami ' m SAYS CITIZENS MUST 1 .. ENFORCEMENT CaiHata-Frank E. JBbbert, repres . stag the Anti-Saloon LeagM America, talked upon the raforetj ment ot the prohibition law at tk Presbyterian church last night. The speaker did not offer criti cism of th-4M(cers of the nattoa. They stated that In their opinio fully 90 per cent of the authorities, were honest In their efforts but badly handicapped by .lack of assist ance from the dltlzenry. He advised the people to make complain to the authorities when they wero reas onably sure that illicit liquor was being made and sold and not to bs afraid of the- consequences' but to -gel squarely behind the taoremeat and assist the officers. "Three me thods are. open," the speaker said. "for violators can be nrosecatesl under the federal, state aid coun ty laws." Enforcement would bo better la all the states, tho speaker said, It the authorities were fully Inform ed on tho prohibition law and Just bow tbey could procoed with tha cases brought boforo them, but of- ' fleers all over the country were .perfectly willing to dot all what was in their power to enforce the. law. W. Ji Herwtg, superintendent ot tho Oregon Antl-Saloen Leaguo heht a dry workers meeting In the' at ternoon at tho Methodist church in which Instructions were given how best to carry ca tho M &l . oanipalgn-.- ginsi ijquor., . K HANG JIN. 13TH ROSEBURO, Oct. 31. Dr. Rich ard Brumfleld was today sentenced to hang Friday, January 13, for the murdor ot Dennis Russell. Brumfleld walked to court with heavy bandages about the wounds on his neck, recently Inflicted In a sui cide attempt 'A big crowd tilled the court room for the final act In Roseburg's sensational drama. -Brumfleld Is' to be taken to Salem this afternoon. Motions to set aside verdict and for retrial were overruled. Brumfleld. stood alone to recelva his sentence Asked It he had any thing to say; he replied: "Only thts, your honor, as bod Is, my Judge, I know nothing ot how Dennis Rua sol .camo to hla death." Ho turned deathly pale when sentence was pronounced. Mrs. Brumfleld slumped down , In her chair, but did not collapse.' Curtis Succeeds Late Senator Knox Rules Committee WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. (Spoc lal correspondence) Senator Charl es Curtis of Kansas who has succeed ed to tho chairmanship of the Rules Commlttco mndo vacantly tho doath of Senator Knox, fills' n placo which. Is rqcognlzod aaono of muihjlmport nnco nnd responsibility, rind carries with It groat Sonatorlal ' "prostlge, Senntor Curtla. has beon thij .Repub lican whip, for a number of .years, and a most valuable aid to themn jorlty In expediting legislation on tho administration's program. His elevation to the' Rules chairmanship, was in recognition of the work he has dono for the country and for the. party. Mr. Curtis. Is also & member of the Committee on Appropriations and Finance, two of the most Import ant commltteest ot the Senate. Hev I will retain his place on both of them. " MARKET REPORT PORTLAND, Oct. 3t.- steady; hogs 26o to 60c -Cattle, lower. prime light' $.0 and flQ; sbeeg steady; eggersad- butter steady, , ilFIELD TO :l 4