The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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page Fo'tJn
The Evening Herald
B. 9. MURRAY ...
.... ......Hdltor
City Kdltor
Published dally except Sunday, by
Tbe Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at US Eighth. Street.
Enterod at the pos'totflco at Kla
iath Falls, Ore., for transmission
throneh the malls as , second-class
The Associated Press Is exclusively
eniuiea to tue uso for aubllcatloa ol
u news disnatcnea credited to 1
or not otherwise credited In thl
tress r famous from "earliest limes us
n place for retreat nnd 'defense. On
nil such rock fastnesses the primitive
neonlcs who Inhabited their coost-llne
created what aro known as ''cllff-cns-
ties." You see this remarkable place
best fro lis eastern side, and from
the sands below the slaty cliffs. From
this point of view the great gloomy
cavern eaten out by the sen In the
headland, some day completely to Rur
round'It, can be clearly seen. Chris
tian Science Monitor.
Natives of India Distill Valuable Spirit
Pnm Mowra ttTrss sleeds Also
K 'rt'SU SfrVii!
lo flowers of the "mowra" tree,
Mtlte to India, are highly valued for
loofl. Tliey are rich In sugar, and
s&HatoxIcattng drink Is distilled from,
them. A syrup prepared from them" Is
tolled down, yielding a sugar equal .Itj
quality to date sugar. '
In the central provinces of India
soowra flowers are regularly used u
n article of food by at least 1,000,000
popple, each person consuming about
eighty pounds per annum. Through
out that country they are looked upon
as a valuable reserve In famine years.
Their fleshy, Juicy, globe-shaped corol
las are collected when thoy have fall
en, and are spread out to dry on mats
In the sun. A single tre will yield I
200 lo 300 pounds of flowers In a
year. They are eaten cither fresh or
dried, and cooked In many different
wsjs, with rice, shredded coconut or
The bulk of the crop of flowers,
however. Is used for the preparation
of "doru," or mowra spirit. They are
fermented, sometimes wlthc tuolrmes
added, and Ibo liquor Is then distilled
In crude apparatus.1- With jgdod dis
tilling apparatus, 100 pounds of the
flowers will yield Ave nnd oue-half gal
lons of proof spirit.
It Is estimated that In the Hydera
bad state alone there ati enough
mowrn trees to produce 700,000 gal
lons of proof, spirit per nnnura. The
seeds yield nn oil which Is largely
utilised In the manufacture of soap,
candles and Imitation butter.
Spetklna and Listening.
A great deal tins been written on the
art of speaking ; but a treatise on the
art of listening would. be more valu
able. There are plentyof good talkers
sBoYl..v,.er.:Th.c as." es iss & society, but good &? .N K
in... k.,.i. ' Carlvtc's discourses, ' preached In so
Tintagel, on the North Coast of Corn
wall, FlgureJn Tennyson's'
Famous Poem'. ' :-tr
Everyone who has read the legends
of King Arthur, or who' has conned
'.Tennyson's "Idylls of the King," wish
es to see Tlntngel; thut' place In thV
north const of Cornwall to 'decmVlth-
plicated In the Artliurlun legend. The I
legend of Tlntagel Is that Arthur cuuiu
ashore from the sea In storm and
flame, n story excellently well suited
lo the Cornlih lave of marvels.
The place generally known to tour
ists In Cornwall nsTlntngcl Is In fact
the vllhige of Trevvnn. and Tfnlugel
Itself Is the mined cnstlo nnd head
land, solilary, beyond It and 'beyond
the wind-swept church vfhera the gray
greeu llihens grow long on the gran
ite. The headland of Tlntngel, dark nnd
craggy and almost wholly separated
from the mainland, Is said to take Its
name from "Dun-duyel." the "ynfc for-
if in 10
Tnko Bulls to Flush Kidneys
Neutralize Irritating
Kidney and Bladder weakness re
sult from uric acid, says a noted au
thority. The kidneys filter this acid
from the blood and pass it on to the
bladder, where It, ofton remains to Ir-
rltato and luflamo, causing a burn
ing, scalding sensation, or setting up
an irritation at- tbe neck of vtha blad
der, obliging you to seek relief two
or three times during the night. The
sufferer Is In constant dread, the wa
ter passes, with a .'scald
ing sensation and Is very profuse;'
again, there- Is difficulty in avoiding
' "Bladder weakness, most folks call
It, because they can't control urin
ation. While It Is extremely annoy
ing and sometimes very painful, this
Is really ono of tbo most'sinJplo ail
ments' to overcome. Qo about ;four
ounces of Jad Sftlts 'from your phar
macist and take a tnblospoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast, con
tinue this for two or threo days. This
will neutralize the acids In tbe urine
so It no longer Is n source of Irrita
tion to the bladder nnd urinary or
gans which then net normally again
Jad Sails is lnexponslvo, harmless,
and Is made from tho acid of grapes
and lemon Julco, combined with llth
la, and is usod by thousands of folks
who aro subject to urinary disorders
causod by uric acid Irritation. Jad
Salts Is splendid for kidneys and
cause no bad effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant, efferves
cent llthla-wnter drink, which quick
ly relieves bladder trouble. Adr, ,
mnos volumes, with .sad earnestness.
on tho text. ''Silence Is tioldeD." have
bornev thus' far but 'little fruit. A
Frenchman pnee said, of a gentleman
in company, in whom h'econld detect
no other quality worthy of a compli
ment, that he bad "a great talent for
silence."'' This apparent equivoque was
Fa, real compliment, for. of alljglfts. one
of the very rarest is tnat seii-coniroi
which enables one to hold his tongue.
Few persons have reflected how diffi
cult It Is to command that attention
sjwTOfn.trtttljDn wl,cn. wn:
stltute n'good listener." It requires not
only high moral, but also .rare Intellec
tual qualifies! It Is not,' as one-Is apt
to suppose, n merely passive state.
William Mathews. JIJ ri iff
The 110.000,000 cards needed to rec
ord tho populutlon of the United
Slates In the new census made a
stnek more thun. ten miles high. With
out machinery It would be, almost Im
possible to uiniiagc a. census nowadays.'
It look seven years to complete aud
publish the census of.JSDO, nnd nlno
'years1 (o complete the 'census of 1SS0.
Hy moons of electrical mechanism
which punrhes something, llke.4,000,000
cards n day, "the carlor'aru now sorted
and tabulated n weeks Instead of
' years. The device. also snves expense
and ellmlnntes erfir.
to come in and
see if ""you require
glassesj or if you
are now wearing
glasses,, to have
them changed if
not correct. Do'
this early 'in the
day 'when con
venient, as the
results are., much
more satis fact
ory before the
eyed have been
much in use. It is
a good plan, if
you can, to make
a n appointment
i n advance b y
phone or other
wise. H. J. WINTERS
Phono 149-W 712-714 Main
vovS5E3izrS5C55ii587 M
- ike Mother
vse make.'
-and py ! how
deictous with
9 Pipjnd hotcvp
of Coffee and
pure cream
.-. T
Proved Yesterday!
'4- m u'
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; Big Audience at thePresbyterian
CMrch Hears
Helen Clark and Joseph Phillips
in EDISON Tone-Test
In a test of. direct comparison, inado yesterday nt
Prosbyterian Church, before ,n largo audience,
tho Now Edison scored a. complete, and convinc
ing triumph.
Helen Clark, the famous contralto, sang
In direct comparison with tho ItE-CRKATION of
her volco by tho Now ICdlson. To every car, thoro
wus n0 dlfforenco between her living voice nnd
her IlE-cnBATED volco. '
This Is tbe most drastic phonograph test
known. No other phonograph has ovor sustained
it. .No other phonograph has oven attempted' It.
Tho Now Edlson'u marvolous performance cf
yesterdny vindicates everything that has been
said or claimed for its perfect realism,
Helen Clark stood on tho platform next to a
shapely Chippendale cabinet. Sbo bogan to sing.
Her golden notes soared over the auditorium,
bringing all under Its magic spoil.
1 Halfway through her song she suddenly
Htopped singing. The New Edison, at her side,
took up her song, and continued it alone.
thus alternated,
Singer nnd phonograph
throughout tho song.
Tho only way the nudienco could bo sure
which was singing, was by watching Miss Clark's
llpn, so excatly llko tho living voice was tho'
Joseph Plhlllpg made tho sarins test of com
parison with tho RE-CREATIONB of his barl
tono selections. Agnln tho same rnsult thoro
was no difference between tbo RE-CREATED
voice and tho living volco.
Proof was piled upon proof! Eyldcnco was
mnsted on ovldcnco! Tho end of tho concort found
tho nudienco absolutely and completely convinced,
through Its own personal experience, that thoro
Is no difference bptwecn nn artist's living per
formance and Its RE-CREATION by tho Now
Edison, that listening to tho New Edison Is, in
literal truth, the sumo as listening to the living
The Phonograph With a Soul
7kke Momefilq
thigh nuts.
Only ono question can still ''bother your mind.
This question wo now answer.
Tbe instrument used' In yesterday's tests
was NOT a special model. It was an Official
Laboratory Model, taken from regular stock. Ev
ery Official Laboratory Model In our stock Is
guaranteed to sustain tbe same test of direct
comparison with living artists. '" 3 i
You can have an. Official Laboratory Modol
in YOUR home,. You can own an Instrument '
Which will do everything done yesterday In tbe i,
test. Come in. Hear the wonderful Official Labor
atory Model for yourself. Learn about our Bud
get Plan, which puts our Official Laboratory
Model into your home tor no more than you
would "pay down" for a talking machine.
Klamath Falls Music House
C: i
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