The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The Side-Saddle Coming Back
To mako formor doughboys fool
at homo, unlquo plans woro laid
for tho Nebraska atato convention
f tho Amorlcan Legion at Fro
ssont. Military pollco woro station
ed qbout tho city that the soldlors
sight bavo tho ploaauro of blltholy
Usrogardlng tho red arm band of
spo tlmo authority. Oftlcors In Bam
Brown bolts and shiny puttceg woro
conspicuous, but prlrtM passod
tb,om by, clgarotto la month, with
a; nod of roeognltlon answorlng for
4)0 old snappy salute. Wooden
sJhoos clattered OTor cobble-stones
tq bring back memorlos of French
tillages and t0 strongthon the Il
lusion, small boys la street oornors
yloaded: "Olvo me on ooegarot,
plooat" Signs ob' tnmble-down
fculldlngs advortlsed ;Vln BUno"
and "Vln nougo" and other all bat
forgotton commodities of tho
French countryside.
0. rt. Dalnos, gonoral 'manager of
tho Amorlcan Legion Wookly slnco
February, 1920, has, submitted his
resignation, effective Novombor 12,
to bocomo v.lco president and busi
ness manager of tbo Army and
Navy Journal. Tho business and
editorial pollclos of tho Wookly
wero approved by a aurvoylng com
mit too "which last weak mado a
thorough Investigation of tho or
ganization's national publication.
Daniel F. Stock, national exocatlvo
committeeman of Iowa, was chair
man of tho committor, In face of
tho Industrial depression, It was
shown, tho magdzlno Is making a
profit and has virtually wiped out
a deficit Incurred boforo tho re
organization of tho Loglon publish
ing corporation In February, 1920.
Construction of two national bard
aurfaco highways, ono from tho At
lantic to' tho Pacific and tho other
from tho Quit of Moxlco to Canada,
Is urgod upon tho government In a
plan originating from Donvor, Colo.
Tho national organization bt tho
Amorlcan Loglon has been asked to
endorse and support tho proposi
tion, tho originators pointing out
that It would glvo work to thous
ands of unomployod oz-servlco men.
Marshal Foch has bocn voted a
'morabdr of Oeorgb Washington post,
tho American Loglon, Washington,
D. C., tho first Loglon post In the
world to rccclvo a chartor. Tho
post hold that tho marshal was elig
ible bocauso ho had commanded
American troops In action. A mo
tion to mako tho aonorallsslmo's
duos 5,000 centimes -was voted
down, howovor.
Another local Chamber of Com
morco which will not bo In harmony
with tho national organization's
fight against adjusted compensation
for ox-sorvlco mon Is that of Au
burndalo, a suburb of Toledo, O.
Tho Chamber of Commerce thero
lias Just boon organized by mom
bora of an American Loglon post.
Formation of tho commorclal body
waB undertaken by tho Legion mon,
they said, purely as "part of our
duty to tho community."
For tho burial of ono of tholr
war doad, Amorlcan Legion mon of
Marshflold and North Dond, Oro
post woro required .to travel sovon
miles In an open boat and thon
hlko two miles with tho casket over
a muddy road in drenching rain.
All roads -woro Impassablo for tbo
stago which Is tho solo means of
To honor Marshal Foch and othor
dlstlngutshod visitors, a squadron of
six mall airplanes will fly from
Washington to KUSja City during
tho Amorlcan LogWn national con
vention thoro this month, by order
of Postmaster Gonoral Hays.
Unablo furthor to witness tho suf
fering of hor Invalid husband, an
ex-sorvico man, Mrs. Kadelyn Taylor,
living in tho country near Llttlo Rock
Ark., publlshod in tho newspapers
an offor to sell horsolt Into servitude
to got hospital treatment for him.
Amorlcan Loglon posts of Llttlo Rock
Immediately brought Taylor to a hos
pital and ordered troatmont for him.
Thoy will foot tho hills.
A strong horltago of tho A. E. F.
was responsible for a touching scono
during tho-Oklahoma convention" of
tho Amorlcan Loglon. Pinning a
gold medal .for sorvlco on H. B. Fell,
rotlrlng stato commander, Jomos A.i
Ingraham, Cleveland, heard shouts
of "Kiss him, kiss him" from 1,000
delegates present, (Ho did cm" both)
Woundod In uctlcn and loft por
mnnontly mulm,cd, John Hanson was
only ablo to do a houso-cloanlng
Job found for him by tho American
Loglon employ mon t buroau at St.
I'aul, Minn. rtlut tho buddy bohlnd
htm In lino had boon out of work
flvo weeks longor than ho bad, and
Hanson surrondorod tho position to
iProsldoat Hording was command
ed for calling tho International con
ference' on limitation of armaments
and Amorlcan dologatos to the meet
ing wero urgod to uso overy effort
to mako disarmament a fact In reso
lutions adopted by the Oklahoma do
pnrtmont of tho Amorlcan Legion In
stute convention.
SACRAMENTO, Oct. 20. ffho opl
domlc of dlphthorla, which according
to a statomont Issued. In San Fran
cisco by Dr. Walter M. Dlcklo, sec
rotary of tbo stato board of health,
Is swooping California, has not reach
ed proportions In Sacramonto suffi
cient to caUHO particular alarm, Dr.
(Icorgo J, Hall, city boalth officer,
8AN DIKfJO, Oct. 20. A consign
ment of 250 high power rifles and
00,000 rounds of ammunition, on
route to Tla Juann, Lower California,
was seized this morning by David
Oorshon, department of Justlco agent.
J. A. Flahlve, G2 Loa Angeles, and
two sonB, Jack, 26, and Frank, 21,
ore In Jail hero for Investigation.
woman bandit, traveling In an auto
mobile, roobed two motor tjpurlst
parties on tho highway nonr Hespor
la according to reports to tho sher
iff's otflca here. "Whllo a man hold
a revolver, tho woman searched occu
pants of two cars.
PLACERVILLE, Oct. 26. Work
Ib progressing rapidly on tho I3rct
Harto hotel at Deer View, ten miles
north of Placervlllo In tho mountain
wilds of tho El Doado national for
This now hostelry will bo open to
guests next season, but liko similar
Institutions In tho White mountains,
In tho Alps and at rortaln seaside
rcsortn, visitors must send In rcserva
lions und references in advance
RED BLUFF. Oct.' 26. Ilenjnmln
Waterfall, field agent for tho Califor
nia Stato 'Llfo Insursnco company,
has established a new world's ecord
In llfo Insnrnnco salesmanship, It la
announced horo nt tho homo offlco
of tho company.
lie has written ulmost a policy n
day for tho last year, for n total fuco
vTilim r.f mnrn thnn It. 000. 000. Tills
business has bcon written In tilonn,
Tehama and Siskiyou counties, and
durlni; Its accomplishment bo hns
spent his week-ends with his family
SSSb-SSSSCZSSSS rssgi g w r
v J yV'ssilsssssssssssssHHskLkWO' -ViasssssssssssssVllH
sr-v.' vm
al. -. AHj mam MaUfv tirfHMsMsVkmttslt& Affi rOvUXH
hi mr mora and mora society hmswisn J?" J
1 It secure iwnaiimi. . nmv mim.
' - T". -7 ..T- 1 .-
on "Forayths" stf ak HMt vn nanus w p;
JbinUr show at TM brx. ItWA.iJ--li
in Borkeloy, where his son Is attend
ing tho Unlvorslty of California.
SACRAMENTO, Oct. 26. Statis
tics compiled by tho stato depart
ment or agriculture show that toon
nro in California moro than 800,000
head of livestock. TIiIb, Is was de
clared, Is times moro than
In any of tho neighboring states, Iri;
eluding Arizona with It3 wide ranges.
Old nowspapcrs fur sulo at Hornid i
office. i
Artists .Rated High
By Music Critics
(jeorge A. Wirtz will prevent Jos
eph Phillips, barltono, Miss Holcti
Clark, contralto, and Thomas II.
(Jeorge, pianist, In a recital at tbo
Presbyterian church Friday evening,
October 28.
Possosslng voices of iitiusunl qual
ity. MIsh Clark and Mr. Pu!lll.nx '
oxtromuly plor.Blng In tholr remarl.'ii
bio duot Ringing us well ns Individual
soto3. Tholr voices nro of a poctil.iiv
quality which scorn, to blend togot'.u
In porfoct accord.
Muslo critics linvo spoken of Mist
Clark's volco as onn of tho mopt
beautiful hoard In years. No less
fluttering reports have been 'loce'V-
od rotative to Mr. Phillips' bcnutl'vl
barltono volrn. Thctuas H (!ov::
-( rrr.vrr77LJ
will be hoard In solo numbers whli'i
are certnln to please.
Tiicro are Indications t-t some
thing out of tho ordinary will ho
, heard nt tht recital ulthough Mr.
Wlitz refuses to divulgo Just what li
. A capacity nudlonu Ij expected,
dmtttanca will bo by cards of In
troduction only which ,may ba iccur-
ei from Klamath Falls Music llauso.
I No ono in Klamath Falls who suf
fers backache, headaches, or distress
ing urinary Ills cun airora to rgnore
this Klamath Falls man'o twice-told
, story. U la confirmed testimony that
no Klamnlli runs resiaeni can uouoi
.' II. 0. Wilson, chief of polico, 317
Mnln St., Klamath Falls, says: "My
experience with Doan's Kidney Pills
has proven very satisfactory. I can
recommend Dean's to anyone as they
4 nil thnt Is claimed of thorn. I had
hfiimnflp ttnlni In mv foot nfr times
and this was very painful. Doan's
Ktr.ncy Pills wpro recommended to
ire so I gavo thoin n trial. Five boxes
nttcd mo of tho troublo and slnco
then I havon't had rheumatic pains
or any symptoms of kidney disorder."
(i'.tatcmont given MorcA 11, 1910.)
Iln Mnr.h IB. 1!)50. Mr. WlUnn
jsnid: "I had no sign of kidney
complaint slnco Doan's Kidney Pills
I.IIIVH It tut, uinu;fl; lu Rt.
u gouu woru iur I'uuus,
Price flOc, nt ull dealers. Don't
ui.nply nsk for a kidney romedy get
i.Mr. Wilson had. Fostor-Mllburn Co.,
't-R . iiuunio. IN, X
m.V nM rXlaflVB
$BP $
Droadway at Stark
Portland, Ore.
You're Owning toThe
Pacific International Livestock
November 5th-12th
It ollko Accommodation
Ocmfortablo Spacious Ixbby
'.nd tho' Home of'tlio Pomona
The hippopotamus' is now rivaled
by an amphibious tank that travels
equally. well on land or in water.
A German scion Its t has devised a
pnoccss o'f making' bread directly
from) grain without grinding it into
flour. 'I I 1 1
Bage Ton and Salptinr Turns
Jry, Faded Hair Dork
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com-:
pounded, brings back the natural col
or and lustre to the balr whjn fadod,
streaked or gray. Years ago tbe onl)
way to get, this mltxure was to
make it at' home, which Is muss?
and 'troublesome.
Nowadays wo simply ask at an)
drug storo for "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound." You will get
a largo bottle of this old-tlmo reclpt
Improved by tho addition of otho
ingredients, at very llttlo cost. Ev
erybody uses this preparation now,
becauso no ono can possibly tell that
you darkoncd your hair, as It doe
It so naturally and ovonly. You
dampen a spongo or soft brush with
It and' draw this through your hair
taking ono small strand at a time
by morning the gray hair disappears
and after another application or two
your balr becomese beautlfull)
dark, thick and glossy and you looV
years younger. Adv.
pTo look one's beat and feel one's best
. s to enjor an inside bath each morning
iu uuiu uma too syunn toe prvviuun
dav's waste, sour fermentations and poi
sonous toxins before it is absorbed into
the blood. Just as coal, when it burns,
leaves behind a certain amount of in
combustlblo material in the form of
ashes, so the food and drink taken each
day leave In tho alimentary organs a
certain amount or inuigestibio material,
which lenot eliminated, form toxins and
poisons which are then sucked Into the
' Mood through the very dupts which are
intended to suck in only nourishment to
sustain tbo body.
If you want to see the glow of healthy
bloom iu'your cheeks, to seo your skin
get clearer and clearer, you are told to
drink every morning upon arising, q
glass of hot water with a teaspoonful
of l(mcstone phosphate in It, which is a
bannleea weans of washing the waste
material and toxins from the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans
lag, sweetening and purifying the entire
: s a oo
I Hot Water Each Morning I
j Puts Roses in Your Cheeks J
r &-' j."'' w v v ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIBiliilWBsliitB!r3 &
3 ssiiBslt JHsKt S$ ftJlv 4ssB' "I'VfssiiiiiiiiiiiiBsisHsiKZfflssiiiiiH &
r PPBB.fcjBliijJIw, ,Jr i aJsliMr - i vKi''iisliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBlMrBsliiiiBBKlsiiiiiiiiiiB TiV
rJ 1
' salV'
I I Kf t
tfbrr Wur tyrsl
Ki ".:?..
f ., .!' ' Mwn t ' "
H r ,; .-.x
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alimentary tract, before putting mora
food into the stomach. 1
Girls and women with sallow skins,
liver spots, pimples or pallid complex
ion, aUo those who wake up with a
coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath,
others who are bothered with licadachcs,
bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion should begin this phosplmtcd hot
water drinking and aie assured of very
pronounced one or two weeks.
A quarter pound of llinestono nhos-
Phato costs very little at the drag store
tit is sufficient to demonstrate that lush
as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies
and freshens tho ekin on the. outside, so
hot water and, llntcstono phosphate act
on tho inside orcans. Wo must alwayi
consider that Internal sanitation Is vast-
ly moro important than quUIuo cleanli
ness, because the skin pores do not ab
sorb Impurities Into the bloed, whllo tha
bowel pores do, " '
Women who desire to enhanco tho
beauty of their complexion should Just
try this for a week w aotlcf result.
C SmsSSsJ!i j