The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    . .
Wrdnksday;' October . im
The Evening Herald
Girl Heads Yale Law Clas9 ,
FItKD BOUIiti ...
........ .Kdltor
Oily Kdltor
Publlahod dally oxcopt Sunday, by
tfhe Horald Publishing Company .of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street
Entorod at tho postotflco at Kla
math Fallii Oro.. for transmission
through the malls as second-class
Tho Associated Prosa is exclusively
entitled to Uio use for publication of
all news dispatches credited to It,
or sot othorwlso credited In this
paper, and also the local news pub
lisher heroin.
Recklessness of Americans In re
tard to tholr money is a farorlto
subject tor editors in all foreign
countries. These writers profess the
Utmost amassment, not. only at
what they term our "spendthrift'
ways but also at the slipshod me
thods .of so many Americans lu
keeping money. In various hiding
places, instead, of in banks or goy.
eminent securities.
Judging by tho dally stories of
xaea and women losing their sav
ings through trusting thorn to some
"homo mado bank", it would seem
these forolgn criticism posscbs -con
slderablo merit Wo read of a
laundress who trusted' her savings
of a llfothne to a stocking, in cur
rency, to have It burned In a fire
The other day a man lost his straw
hat and with it, $76 concealed un
der the sweatband. A Greenwich,
Cons., man gavo a pair of ihocs
to a boy to have then stained. He
cot, them back, polished nicely, but
minus the $2000 In currency 'ho
had stuffed In tho toes. Many a
packago of greenbacks havo been
burned when tho first autumn flro
was lighted In an old stovo, whllo
all members of tho second-story ilk
chuckle -with glee over tho ','mat
Iress" and "rug" banks of women.
We must admit that Americnns
can never hopo to bo called thrifty
as a nation until theso unreliable
substitutes for banks nro all dis
carded. Savings' should be olacod
In a bank or investod In a Govern
ment pr other tlmo-approvod sec
urity. There is no reasonable ex
cuse for keeping any sum of money,
beyond enough for immediate ne
cessities, in one's room or home.
Stockings, matresses ,ttn cans, fugs,
sugar bowls and nil other such an
safe keeping places for money must
go :if we are to reach a ,
state of old age indopendenco1 fin
ancially. Sacramento Union.
Snow Drives Deer
From High Levels
Snow was plainly visible on Mt.
Stukel this momingon tho north and
east slopes. Tho fall was light and
of a very wot naturo and did not
remain long. Travellers report that
between Malin and Bonanza, thoro
was a fall of two Inches Mondny.
Hunters returning from noar Cra
ter tako state that tho tops of many
mountains which they saw wero
heavily covered and that the deer
were beginning to sock the lower
regions for feeding purposes. iFreil
Duko roported on a trip Sunday that
he saw many mulo (all deer making
their way across tho Hat country
noar tho California border seeking
refuge in tho lava beds.
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i tho opening ax tho rail term or tho Tale Law School, disclosed tha
'fact that Ulss. Helen Frances Williamson had carried oft the honors of
'last.xear.' ,
Novembor 7, according to Informa
tion' given out today by, T. L. Stan,
ley, vice-president of tho association
Tho mooting will bo two-told In pur
pose, ono to attend the Pacific Inter
national Llvo Stock Exposition from
November .5 to 12 inclusive, the other
to discuss the problomB-which are
constantly confronting, the. commer
clal secretaries.
Tho day will be glvon over entire.
ly to round table" discussion of tho
topics which will bo spoken on for
ten mtnuutos oy sine speakers from
all over .Oregon. ''Membership
Probloms" will bo tho' oponlnc topic
by T. L. Stanley, secretary of tho
Klamath Fails chamber of commerce.
Shoemakers Asked to
Take Stiff Wage Cut
LYNN) Mass., Oct. 28. The Lynn
shoo manufacturers association has
proposed to the unions that a 20
per cent wago cut bo made which
will affect 13,000 shoo workers in
the affiliated factories.
Northwest Farmers
Will Meet, Portland
(WASHINGTON, Oct. 2C A con-
ferenco of representatives of progres
sive farm organizations from the
west and northwost will bo held In
Portland, Ore, Novembor 14 th and
JCth, tho Fnrmors National Council
announced. It will bo In the naturo
of a "council of war on securing leg
islation and measures needed by agriculture."
Deer Season Will
Close Next Monday
Five days remain In tho 1921 deer
hunting season In which tho hunter
has ,nn opportunity to bag a buck
and tho lafct shot which can bo legally
fired at any variety of door can bo
shot at 11:5 p. m. Monday October
31. v
Many busters who have waited un
til the close of tho season to go deer
hunting say that a buck killed now
is 'not, likely to spoil very easily.
Many deor killed at tho outset of
tho bunting season wore made up
into Jerky" for tut uro, uso. If tho
meat Is sliced very; thin and thon
boiled for a 'tow moments to take
the saltiness out of it, thou add a
cream gravy Just as It Is done with
chlppqd boef, a very delicious dish,
is .obtained. Information obtained
at the sporting headquarters about
tho city is to tho offoct that many
hunters are loavlng now for tho final
Civic Secretaries
To Meet, Portland
r '
The seml-aunual meeting of tho
Stats Association of Commercial Sec
retaries of the Chamber of Commerce
of .. Oregon will b held ia Portland on
PORTLAND, Oct. 26. Cattle
s toady; hogs stoady, prime light
$10 and $10.50; sheep slow, eggs
and butter steady.
From U S A.
JjF ' f jsT jr " $ Ju' 4&MfissflhliiY
Bargain Hunting
Crowd Flocks to
La Vogue Sale
"Advertising In the dally news
papers pays," remarked a bystand
er yesterday morning watching; tho
mob of 'women who wore lined up
In front ot tho La Voguo store at
Fifth and Main streets at 8:4C
Dy sine o'clock the crowd of
fominlno bargain huntors woro so
numorous that podplo passing by
wore forced to tako to tho streott
When thoN doors oponod, thoro was
a rush for tho articles on sale. Tho
crowd became so great that tho
doors were locked until tho num
bors who were Insldo could bo sorv
od. For a period ot ono hour, .par
chasers were admitted only by
groups, and tho lines outside re
mained until all were admittod.
Face Powders
Lablache .". .' i...;.'.... ,70'
Nylotis . 35 'and .60
Armnnda 160 and 1.00
Pompolan Doauty ..'. 60
Javo Rice 60
DJork!ss. 65 and 1.1C
Throe Flowers 76
Oriana ; 1,00
Mary Onrdea ,... ,1.15
Tooth Pastes
Nyala Tooth Paste .10 ,
roooco ,-. .o
Popsodont - ...1 .60,
Forhans PaBte .J...,, ..' .60'
Kolynos Tcoth pastd ......J0,
Nydonta Tooth pasto .......'. .60"
Liquid Creams
Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream 50
Frostllla -... .Sf
Nylotis Hand Lotion 40
Espoys Creanl ( s ."30
Underwood's Chap Lotion .40
Vanishing Creams
Nyals Face Croam .30, and .60
DJorklss Vanishing Croam ,.60
Ponds. Vanishing Cream.... .35'
Nylotis. Vanishing Croam .35'
Hudnuts Throe Flowers
Croam' 60
Palm Olive Vanishing
Croam . s 50
Colgate Mirage' Croam 50
Pompolan Day Cream 60
Cromo , Klcaya 70
The Trademark
Is the Business
' Thumbprint
ot a
Tho trado mark Is a prlmo el
ement In establishing ropoat
saloa for ,worthy wares. It
stands for tho faith, tho prido
racturor In tho product which
and ropytatlon ot tho manu
ho makes and sells; Wo foa
turo Trade-Marked and
Advertised Goods
because, wo bollovo in giving
. customers Just whnt tboy
In addition to tho tnanufnetur
or'n g.unrnntco wo vouch for
the quality ot everything sold
In our shop.
Our .I.ubi'l, therefore, has be
come a Mort nf tnulc-mark
upon which people- of this
community iniiy depend.
K you kco It advertised, savo
Unto by conrlno; dlrccUy to
our store.
Cold Creams
Daggett and- '
RnmBdolls 60 and 1.00
Nylotis Cold Cream .35 & .60
Ponds Cold Croam .35 and .65
Hudnuts Mnrvolous Croam .50
Palmolivo Cold Croam 60
Nynlg DcdUmo Croam 60
Pompolan Night ,
Cream CO and 1.00
Ingrains Milkweed
Cream 50 and 1.00
Mavis Cold Croam 50
Moot , CO.
Demlrnclo 1.20
Dot .80
Modana 1.20
Zip 5.00
Dolatono 1.20
V llnBl Ah
J V. 1JI.&II1D ........................ .wv
I Pholnctlno 1.20
Packers Tar Soap 30
Cutlcura Soap 30
Woodbury's Facial Soap .25
Palm Ollvo Soap , 10.
Cashmoro Ilouqtiet Soap 30
Roslnol Soap 30
Open until 10:00 P.
M. Every Evening
Nylotis Shampoo 40
Mulslfled Cocoanut Oil 50
Canthrox 60
flrtlilm flllnl QhamttAn l R
5 i.!.. T l.i.i rr.
Shampoo - ,.60
Wnnoua Shnmpoo Uaga 1C
Underwood Pharmacy
State Press Well
Read at U. of O?
gene, Oct. 26. Tho library of the
University of Oregon receives C
daily and weekly nowapapors of
tho state. These aro kept on fiio
In a special room, which is daily
crowded with students Beoklng
"homo town" nows. No works of
fiction,, no magazines, can com
pare In popularity with what Ore
gon editors and roportors wrlto.
at the ond ot each year tho papers
ore bound and xopt permanently on
file in tbo library. In many In
stances scholars engaged in to-
Benrcii nave found theso big gray
volumes ot great valuo.
Icoborgs off tho Atlantic Const nro
more numerous than for many years.
llll I.PURITY. I
Fire Risk Reduced
By Building Sale
Dictated by a desire on tho part
of tho formor ownors to do their
part In reducing tho city's fire risks,
J. T. Ward and John Hrott announco
tho salo of their building on Soventh
street, back ot tho Doughnut Shop,
to Lestor Klrkpatrlck, who will movo
it to Tenth and Jefferson streets.
Tho building, occupied by tho Mar
quis rooming house, was recontly
damagod by flro. Situated so closo
to tho business conter it constituted
a flro hazard and tho owners, in a
spirit ot fairness to their neighbors,
decidqd to sell. Thoy stated that
thoy mado a sacrlflco price to get
rid ot It.
Thn flrnl nnf Innntlll COnerCBB mot
in Philadelphia September C, 1774.
C'tilnu likes Anu-rican customn.
.Even the swing ucluved pr Amer
icas childhood, Aas found Its way
'therti The picture shows two Chi
nes children enjoying an American
wing in the courtyard of their
Peking home.
If the tongues of our shoes could talh-
they would tell a mighty tale
Tho prairies of Argontlne a British
vesaol a factory at Lynn Hot Oils and
suffocating Vats Sharp Knives and
. Sharper Inspectors, each figure in their
successful romance. 4
AlV this to give YOU the 122
s sraartnes, stubborn durability and feet s
forgetftilnesB essential to your pride and
happiness. Evory fact considered the
prices are absurdly low at -
$5.85, $6.85, $7.85
and $10.00
Shoes and Repairing
A Hallowe'en party will bo given
tomorrow ovenlng at tho Methodist
KpUcopnllnn church by tho mem
bers of. tho Kpworth Lcaguo, start
ing at 8 'o'clock, In tho basement
of tho church. A regular old fash
lonod social, with plenty ot nmuso-
mont and a delicious sproacf after
wards, Is plannod. . An invitation
Is extended to nil tbo young poo
plo and friends of tho Epworth
Lcaguo to attend tho affair.
Storm warnings woro again sent
out along tho Pacific coast today,
' ;-"
Its cheaper
v. '.. I
a 1 ; no ,
You eliminate nil waste
of heat when you uso Pearl
Oil in an oil heater. Pearl Oil
makes any good oil" heater
most economical to operate
because it is clean-burning
and every drop delivers real
heat just when and where
. you want it.
And it's most convenient
to buy heat. tho Pearl Oil
way no ashes to jug no
dirt no smoke no odor.
Pearl Oil is refined and re
refined by the special proc
ess developed by the expe- ,
rience and resources of the
Standard Oil Company.
Sold in bulk by dealers
eve ry where. Order by name
Pearl Oil. 1
k itCUfomW
o:oito: ISj ; o;okio;o;xjc
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