The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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1 HfllT
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 16.
Probably. Barer U the history of
tee oaatrV- sad espocialljr- In ths
Northwest has there bees, such
sirkse! Interest la forest preservs
llpi by stata legislators m at the
present .time,' report officers of the
Forest service.. A, new forestry coat-
JsUtee of the Washington SUU De-,
Velopsient'Bureas.' realising tha in
creasing Importance of tha esb-
Jeetf tothe North,' Pacific region
has caUeala forestry co&ferenee for'
October . to held la tha Beat-tie-
Clumber of Commerce,' ihe ob
ject be'la to ley ,the .foundation
for a state forestry policy,
Oregon baa shown greater activi
ty and interest ln forestry than
ever before. No less thanks stAtos
save now prorlded for some sort of
forestry, activities and 26 of. these,
hare in the Federal co-operative
, Sorest protection .fund, allotted to
states maintaining an effectve fire
detection and suppression system.
Two others have also, recently ap
plied for such assistance. Public
Backing of the 'movement to pre
serve the remaining forests from
destruction by tire, and put idle
forest lands to work growing, trees.
Is becoming widespread, and the
effects of popular demand for ac
tion Is clearly slfbwn la the state
,law passed this year. '
Pennsylvania, under Commission
er of Forestry, Glfford Plnchot,
leads all states In forest acttritlos.
Tho biennial appropriation passed
by tho legislature carries 11,870,
00, one million dollars of which
la for fire protection.
' The Minnesota legislature appro
priated a total of 1275,600 for gen
eral forestry work for the next two
Tears, of which $115,000 a year is
for the fire protection, with an ad
ditional 944,000 from the State
Board of Relief, aad 945,000 for
tha equipment of a flying field near
the Twin Cities.
Is California the legislature .vot
ed aw increase for 'the Bute Board
etForestry, for' the biennial por
ted beginning July 1. 975,000 -was
appropriated for the prevention and
suppression ot fires;- $27,000 for
general administration; 910,000 for
s study of watershed areas, and
935,000 for the establishment and
maintenance of state forest nurs
eries. Tho legislature also voted
9300,000 for tbe purchase or red-
"wood timber for park purposes il
ong tbe State.' Highway In Mendo
elno and Humboldt counties; tbe
area to bo administered' by the
state board of forestry.
Mrs. Harding's New Piano
'1 S&I' V f WibaaaiBaaaaaaaaaVMgaaaaaaBS
! SBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBVsaaaaaaaTagaaaaaaaaaaa
. . sgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamgalBwsmigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalgaaaaaaaaawTiV
mmMMmrmmmmmmammmlmmmimmmmi " '1eMW-waswasBwaawBssws)ssajssasesatjsM
Mrs. Hardlnsr intends to practice on hour a day on this' new plane
'he purchased for the-White House. She received her musical educatlot
In Cincinnati.. ' , ' ,
"Working Out
A wage scale "for sbeepherders and
other questions relative to the wool
growing industry will be considered
at a meeting of the Klamath County
Wool Growers association, to bo held
la the city hall here November 18.
This Is according to a notice receiv
ed by members of the association
from tbe secretary, t ,
Scranton, Pa.,, ranks first among
coal mining cities of the world.
Somo little feeling has cropt Into
the coming boxing event which Is
staged to como off at McDonald's
Hall on, November 12, according to
the friends ot the two principals in
tho main event, Billy Huff of Chllo
quin and Bob Ross ot Los Angeles.
Chance remarks which Bupportors ot
the two mpn bavo carried to the re
spective training quarters aud caused
some rather caustic remarks to arise
from! tho principals and it is thought
that posslblya feeling existed which
might make the two men stage a
battle royal.
Friends of Billy Huff say that the
story coming from the 'training quar
ters of Ross that he .will secure a
knockout early is. tbe afent Bounds
like child's talk, for no man, who bad
to use five rounds to dispose of Bob
Allen, need lay claim to getting a
K. O. punch in on the Chlloquln box
er. Huff himself scouts the idea
and stated yesterday that he would
'allow Ross nil tho chances ho wanted
on November 12 to test out his I
Ross supporters Bay that Huff has
been "blown sky high" by local
friends, and, that, the California boy
will surely win tho decision. Huff,
they say, has been a potted Ideal
around Chlloquln so long, and the
matches he has had hore wore with
only small fry In tho boxing world,
that he needs a puncture in that pug
ilistic bonnet which ho wears. Some
neat bets have been wagered by sup
porters of each man and there, seems
to bo an abundance ot, Huff money
show up when bets are posted.
itis&J- sw : BBssasWni ' -
I Fltty-slx carloads ot Bhoop and
four carload's ot cattle woro Bhlppod
from hore to San Francisco today.
They were Bhlppod to tho following
Twenty carloads ot snoop to Caroy
and l'ylo Packing company. Del-
bert Pylo and R. I. Caroy woro horo
superintending tho shipment.
Ton carloads of sheep to Roth
Blum Packing company. (Robert
Hanson superintended tho shipment
Sixteen carloads of ahoep woro
shipped to Miller A Lux .Packing1
company. Mr. Sailing and Davo
Brlggs from BanFranchjco' aro tho
shippers. They are la Jtldland to
day supervising tbe shipment!
Three carloads of .fine boot cattlo
were shipped, to J. G. Johnson Pack
ing company of Ban Francisco. Olo
Johnson of San Francisco supervised
tho shipment.
Ono carload of fine beef cattle
wero ehlpped ot Grace Owens and
company, Oakland, California.
Dolbort Pylo and II. F. Carey, buy
ers for CaroA Pylo, loavo this coun
try tomorrow for San Francisco,
This Is their last shipment of sheep
from Midland thia season.
' Robert Hanson, buyor for Roth
Plum, leaves this county tomorrow
for Curry, Kansas, as this Is his last
shtpmont of sheep from Midland this
Stockmen pralso tho servlco ro
celvod at Midland this season. Thoy
v ihnt ttin ultimtlon of tho corrals
faro superior to any in this vicinity.
Then, too, traffic does not intorforo
with the driving of tho sbeop or cat
tle as it does In larger places. In
addition to above reasons Midland is
more centrally located than most
nlacas. Thou. too. tho DOODlo Of
Midland do all in their power to
make every convenience to stock
men, buyers and shippers.
The following'' Southern Pacific
trainmen woro in Midland helping
with the shipping:, B. N. Lowtn,
plumber, H. C, Foster, eitra agent,
who bills out tho stock, and Frod
'I V
Meleil Clark Conlrefco, and
Joseph PhlllipS Baritone
Appearance Extraordinary
ThlB concort by thoso groat ar
tists, Is an ovont of unusual inter
est. Miss Clark anil Mr. Phillips
will glvo moro than their rogular
concert "numbers. In a fow soloc
tlons, tho will comparo tholr art
with Its RB-CRKATION by Mr.
Edison's now phonograph, Tho as
sisting artist will bo Thomas
George, pianist.
t ., Hereafter tbe Herald will publish
the mean and maximum tempera
tures and precipitation record as tak
es by the U. S. Reclamation service
station, Publication will cover tho
day previous to the paper's Issue, up
to'S o'clock of 'the day.
' Max, Min. elpltation
Oct. 1 72 41
Oct. 2 77 40
Oct. 3 80 41
Oct. 4 J? 36
Oct. E 82 46
Oct, C 78 43
Oct. 7 77 44
Oct. 8 83 45
Oct. 9 83 39
Oct. 10 82 38
Oct. 11 ,80 47
Oct. 12 74 43 .02
Oct. 13 .66 '41
Oct. 14 62t 45" .03
Oct. 15 ....'....63 '-35
Oct. 16 67 ' 4ff
Oct. 17 60 ' So'
06t. lb :.7.4 38 ' v
Dct. 19 .... 81 45'
Oct. 20 ..' 7l 40 -
Oct. 21 ....-53 2C
Oct. 22 ..., 50 36
Oot. 23 .... 52 24 '
'Oct 24 .... 53 ' 27
Oct. 25 .... 57 12 , .E
Huff to Box Tom
Sharkey, Medford
Billy Huff and a number of Chll
oquln friends left this morning for
Medford where Huff will be staged
as one ot the principals with Tom
Sharkey, a Medford boxer, in a ten
round main event Friday night.
The men will box at catchwelghts.
Sharkey is reported to be some
where in their- neighborhood of
186 poundi. while Huff will tip
the beam at 153 pounds in bis
street clothes. '
Mrs. Evelyn Forty tho. New York
fockty horsewoman, giving "Jim
a workout tn Central Park, in prep
rtlon.forlhe sroual horse ahnt.
Dorrls, Cal., Oct. 26. Residents
of Dorrls and tributary nolghbor
hoods aro looking forward with an
ticipation to tho coming of tho Ellison-White
winder Festival November
25-30. The cbautauqua was made
possible for Dorrls by a committer
of responsible citltens who guaran
teed it financially;
John Hagolstein, a prominent far
mer of Algoma, spent Monday in
Dorrls visiting with his son William
G. Hagolstein and wlto.
Jl. W. Mitchell has returned from
San Francisco whoro bo has boen for
a few days on business.' Mr. Mitch
ell Is buying cattlo in Butte Valloy
for his fine ranch on WJllow Crook,
Tho Stnr thcatru opened again last
ovonlng aftor bolng dark for u wcok
Presbyterian Church
Friday, October 28th
Tho concort is primarily an In
vitation aftlr. But, u fow reserva
tions aro available for gonoral dis
tribution Music-lovers can obtain
thoso tickets without charge by ap
plying Immediately to this store.
Call, wrlto, or tolophono.
Klamath Falls Music House
Geo. A. Wirtz
122 South Sixth Street
In obsorv&nco ot quarantine Instruc
tions lssuod by Dr. A. A. Atkinson,
health offlcor, on account of several
minor cases of scarlet fever.
Jennie Lang Is advertising an auc
tion sale for the disposal of property
formerly owned by C. A. Bonnlng-
hoff, who has dopartcd for Orland
to bo gone indefinitely. George Otto
ot Dorrls will otflclato as auctioneer.
Charles Norton of Klamath county,
an extensive cattlo buyor, has been
in this vicinity for soveral days mak
ing purchases of boot cattlo from
ranchors. Nearly all avallablo.boot
has been moved out leaving only
fcodors In th"o valley except stock
owned by Kdson-Foulko and otlior
big concerns.
E. A. Blockllngor, ownor of tho
Chlloquln Lumber company and Dor
rls Lu rubor and Box company, has
boon in town for a fow days on bus
iness In connection with local la
torcsts. Ho lives In San Francisco
whoro ho maintains his head office.
Albort Langor, prominent farmer
ot Oklahoma, was among Dorrls vis
itors from tho rural districts yester
day, Mr. Longer distributed some
fine specimens of wild fowl to local
friends. Bolng a good huhtor Mr.
Langor usually keops hlmaolf and
friends well suppllod with geese and
ducks, as wall as otlior gamo, la
season. J I V'j
Mr, and Mrs. John Lundgron are
bolng contmonded upon tho npponr
anco of tholr now restaurant which
thoy havo Just opened on Third St.
noxt door to tho post offlco. Mrs.
Lundgron Intonds to glvo n series ot
dinner dances later In tho fall and
Huff stated that whllo ho had a
hard battlo ahead ot him to secure
a decision, still he feels that, de
spite of tho vastdlfferenco Jn .the
wolgnt, ho still can win. "Shar
key may outweigh mo, but can he
outpoint or out-tight mo? That Is
tbo problem he faces and I Intend
to show that I' can glvo away
weight and still wlnVHuff told
a number of his friends yesterday.
Thero will bo no council mooting
Monday night, Octobor 31, as tho
charter provides only for four meet
ings a month and during October,
thero ore flvo Mondays. Pay day
will bo delayed for tho city omployecs
until after the meeting Monday, No
vember 7, when tho salary bills will
be Introduced by Polico Judgo Leav-ltt.
- - -- ----, -
Twisting the Tiger's Tail
. W-Tf
fjHRfti I
r7?rwrt'K:nrKKVix-n '--v' ,
mmmimt iw i r i,niMi.atntjMfl,
Vitco Albnt I
eoid In toppy ltd
bat . tidy ra tint,
hundacmt pound
and hall pound tin
launldorg and In t hi
pound cry ita! glatt
humidor with
tponga molttonor
V'v I
Scene at tho Princeton-Navy eamo at Annapolis when tho Navy
upset tho dope and beat tho Tigers, 13 to 0. Tho Navy's varied attack
and tho eri. at work ot the backfletd men caused Princeton's defeat.
mSm m
Buy a pipe-
and some P. A.
Get. the-joy that's due you!
"Vye print it right here that if yoji don't know the
"feel" and' the friendship of a joy?us jimmy pipe
GO GET ONE! 'And get some Prince Albert and
bang a howdydo on the big smoke-gong!
For, Prince Albert's quality flavor coolness
fragrance is in a class bf its own ! You never tasted
such tobacco! Why figure out what it alone means
to your tongue and temper when' we tell you that
Prince4 Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive
patented process fixes that !
Prince Albert is a revelation in a makin's cigarette!
My, but how that delightful flavor makes a dent!
And, how it, does answer that hankering! Prince
Albert rolls easy and stays put because it is crimped
cut. And, say oh, go oh and get the papers or a pipe !,
Do it right now!
Conyrlght 1S2I
ey K. J. Reynold
Tobacco Co.
Wtniioo Salem.
Hi M r il
the national joy smoke